FailSafe (F/S ): sets servo positions when interference is encountered or signal is lost. Available only in PCM
transmission mode. Also includes Battery FailSafe settings. . . . . . . . . . ...................................41
Flap-to-aileron mix: (ACRO )used to create full span flap reaction in flight. Not a preprogrammed mix. See
Programmable mix. .
Flap-to-elevator mix: (ACRO ) used to counteract unwanted changes in pitch when flaps are deployed.
FLAPERON: one servo on each aileron, plugged into channels 1 and 6, which operate both as ailerons and as flaps.
. .43
FLAP-TRIM: Adjustment of central position of flaperons, default assigned to C
HANNEL 6KNOB.Mayalso be used as
primary or only control of flaperons acting as flaps, or other mixes may be set up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Frequency: channel on which radio transmits. ......................................................17
Frequency band: In the entire spectrum, transmissions are designated in terms of "frequency bands" which exhibit similar
properties. In the US, specific frequencies within the 72MHz band are regulated by the FCC to be used solely for remote
control aircraft. 50MHz band is available for model use by those holding a HAM amateur radio operatorís license. 75MHz
is solely for remote control ground models. 27MHz is legal for air or ground use.
Function (F) mode of TRAINER,allows student radio to use the computer programming for that channel in the master radio.
Ex: allows a student with a 4-channel transmitter to fly an 8-servo aerobatic plane or a 5-servo helicopter. See TRAINER.
Gain: the responsiveness or amount of control given the gyro. On a high gain, the gyro is very active and overrides
nearly all other actions. Too high a gain may result in ìwaggingî at the surface as the gyro over-corrects repeatedly in
each direction. See GYRO SENS.
Gear doors: covers for retractable landing gear, may be operated separately from landing gear on some models. . . . .56