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Operating Manual
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Fujitsu Tec
hnology Solutions 04/2010
Published by
Fujitsu Technology Solutions
der-Rohe-Straße 8
80807 Munich, Germany
All rights reserved, inclu ding intellectual property rights. Subject to technical alterations. Delivery subject to availability.
No warranty is offered or li ab ility accepted in regard of th e completeness, correctness, or current applicability of any
data or
illustrations. Brand names may be protected trademarks of the respective manufac turer a nd/or protected
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rights. Further information can be found at "
http://ts.fu jitsu.com/terms_of_ use.html"
Order No. Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH: A26391-K314-Z320-1-7619, edition 1
Operating Manual
Innovative technology 7
Ports and controls 9
Important notes 14
First-time setup of your device 17
Working with the notebook 20
Security functions 77
Connecting external devices 84
Removing and installing components
during servicing 90
Settings in BIOS Setup U tility 98
Troubleshooting and tips 100
Technical data 108
Manufacturer’s notes 111
Index 118
Microsoft, MS, Windows X P, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are registered
trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Adobe Reade r is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
MultiMediaCard is a reg istered trademark of Inneon Technologies AG
Sony and Memory Stick are registered trademarks of So ny Electronics, Inc.
All other trademarks r eferen ced are trademarks or r egiste red trademarks of their
respective owners, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright © Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 2010
All rights reserved, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying
or similar methods, in part or in wh ole.
In the event of violations, perpetrators will be liable to prosecution for damages.
All rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.
Subject to availability and tech nical m odications.
Innovative technology ................................................................. 7
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 7
Notational conventions .................................................................. 8
Ports andcontrols ..................................................................... 9
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 14
Safetynotes ............................................................................ 14
Energysaving .......................................................................... 14
Energy saving under Windows ....................................................... 14
Travelling withyournotebook ............................................................ 15
Beforeyoutravel ................................................................... 15
Notebook: transporting ............................................................... 15
Cleaningthenotebook .................................................................. 16
First-time setup o
fyour device .........................................................
Unpacking an d chec
king thedevice ......................................................
ion .....................................................................
Mains adap ter con
necting ...............................................................
evice for the rsttime ..................................................
Working with thenotebook ............................................................ 20
Statusindicators ........................................................................ 20
Openingthenotebook ................................................................... 22
Switching on the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 23
Programming theON/OFFswitch ..................................................... 24
Different ways to use your notebook . . . ................................................... 24
From notebook to Tablet PC . . ....................................................... 25
Selectdisplayorientation (portraitorlandscapeorientation) ............................. 28
From Tablet PC to notebook .......................................................... 29
Switching off the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 31
Closing the notebook . . .................................................................. 32
Language selection (Windows XP only, optional) . . ........................................ 32
Selecting the language for menu texts . . . . ............................................ 32
Selecting the language for handwriting recognition and keyboard . . . ..................... 33
Handwriting recognitio n under Window s Vista . ........................................ 33
Handwriting recognition under Windows 7 . ............................................ 33
LCDscreen ............................................................................ 34
AmbientLight Sensor ................................................................ 34
Usingthedevice as aTabletPC .......................................................... 35
Using ngers ....................................................................... 35
Usingthestylus pen ................................................................. 37
Usingthedevice as anotebook .......................................................... 41
Touchpad and touchpadbuttons ...................................................... 41
Keyboard ............................................................................... 42
Virtualnumeric keypad .............................................................. 45
Country and keyboard s ettings ....................................................... 45
Key combinations ................................................................... 46
Tabletbuttons .......................................................................... 48
Key combinations ................................................................... 52
Programming thetablet buttons ...................................................... 53
Webcam ............................................................................... 53
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 3
Rechargeable batt ery . . . ................................................................ 53
Charging, caringforand maintainingthebattery ....................................... 54
Removingandinstalling thebattery ................................................... 55
Batteries w ith a cap acity of 5800 mAh . . . ............................................. 57
Module ................................................................................. 58
Removing a module . ................................................................ 59
Installing a module . . ................................................................ 60
Opticaldrive ............................................................................ 60
Handling data carriers . . . ............................................................ 61
CD/DVDindicator ................................................................... 61
Inserting or removing a data carrier ................................................... 62
Manual removal (emergency removal) . . . ............................................. 62
Removing an d ttingthedustremovalcover (ventilation slot cover) ......................... 63
Using the power-management features . . ................................................. 64
Memory cards .......................................................................... 65
Supported formats .................................................................. 65
Inserting the memorycard ........................................................... 65
Removingthememory card .......................................................... 66
ExpressCards .......................................................................... 66
Inserting the card ................................................................... 67
Removingthecard .................................................................. 68
Loudspeakers and microphones . . ........................................................ 68
SIM card ............................................................................... 69
Inserting the SIMcard ............................................................... 69
RemovingaSIMcard ............................................................... 69
WirelessLAN /Bluetooth/UMTS ........................................................ 70
Switching the wireless components on and off ......................................... 70
SettingupWLANaccess ............................................................ 71
AccessviaUMTS ................................................................... 71
Ethernetand LAN ....................................................................... 71
YourPort Replicator ..................................................................... 72
Ports on thePortReplicator .......................................................... 72
Connecting the notebook to the P ort Replicator . . . . . .................................. 74
Connecting the mains adapter to the Port Replicato r . .................................. 75
Switching on the notebook via the port replicator . . . . . .................................. 75
Switching offnotebookviaPort Replicator ............................................. 75
Disconnecting the notebook from the Port Replicator . .................................. 76
Securityfunctions ..................................................................... 77
Briefoverviewofsecurityfunctions ....................................................... 77
Conguring the ngerprint sensor ........................................................ 78
Use Kensington Lock .................................................................... 78
Conguringpassword protectioninBIOSSetup Utility ...................................... 79
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor and user passwo rd) . .......................... 79
Password protection for booting of the operating system . .............................. 80
Usingthesecurityfunctionofthetabletkeys .............................................. 81
Setting the Supervisor password . . . . ................................................. 81
SettingtheUser password ........................................................... 81
Enteringpasswordsusing thetablet buttons ........................................... 81
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) . . ........................................................ 82
EnablingTPM ....................................................................... 83
Disabling TPM ...................................................................... 83
Connecting externaldevices ........................................................... 84
4 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Connecting an external monitor . . . ....................................................... 85
HDMI port .............................................................................. 86
Connecting USB devices . . . . . ........................................................... 87
How to removeUSBdevicescorrectly ................................................ 87
Connecting FireWire d evices . . ........................................................... 88
Connecting external audio devices ....................................................... 88
Microphone port / Line In . ........................................................... 88
Headphone port . . . .................................................................. 89
Removing and in stallin g components d uring servicing . . . . ............................. 90
Notes on installingandremovingboards andcomponents .................................. 90
Preparing to remove components . ....................................................... 91
Installing and removing memory expansion . . . . ............................................ 91
Removingacover ................................................................... 92
Removingmemory modules .......................................................... 92
Installingamemorymodule .......................................................... 93
Attaching the cover .................................................................. 93
Removingandinstalling theharddisk .................................................... 94
Removingacover ................................................................... 94
Removingaharddisk ............................................................... 95
Installingaharddisk ................................................................. 96
Attaching the cover .................................................................. 97
Finishing component removal . ........................................................... 97
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility . . . ....................................................... 98
Startingthe BIOS SetupUtility ........................................................... 98
OperatingBIOS SetupUtility ............................................................. 98
ExitingBIOS Setup Utility ................................................................ 99
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . ..................... 99
Exit Discarding Changes Discard changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . . .............. 99
Load Setup Defaults Copy Standa rd Entries . ........................................ 99
Discard Changes D isca rd changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . .............. 99
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . . . . . . .............. 99
Save Changes and Power Off ....................................................... 99
Troubleshooting and tips .............................................................. 100
Help ifproblems occur ................................................................... 101
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows . . ........................................ 101
The notebook’s date or time is incorrect ................................................... 102
Battery indicator does not illuminate . . . ................................................... 102
Whencertaincharacters are entered on the keyboard, onlynumerals arewritten ............. 102
The notebook’s LCD screen remains blank . . . . ............................................ 102
The LC D screen is difcult to read ........................................................ 103
The externalmonitorremainsblank ...................................................... 103
The externalmonitorisblank ortheimageis unstable ..................................... 103
The cursor does not correctly follow the pen movements . . . . . . ............................. 104
The not ebook cannot be started . . . ....................................................... 104
The not ebook stops working . . ........................................................... 105
The printer does not print . . . . . ........................................................... 105
The radio connection to a network does not work . . ........................................ 105
The batterydischarges too quickly ........................................................ 106
Acousticwarnings ....................................................................... 106
Errormessages on the screen ........................................................... 106
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 5
Technical data ......................................................................... 108
Notebook . . . . ........................................................................... 108
Port Replicator(optional) ................................................................ 109
Rechargeable batt ery . . . ................................................................ 110
Mains adapter . . . ....................................................................... 110
Manufacturersnotes .................................................................. 111
EnergyStar ............................................................................ 111
Disposalandrecycling .................................................................. 111
DeclarationsofConformity ............................................................... 111
Tested safety (GS, optional) . . ............................................................ 111
CE marking ............................................................................ 112
Regulatory notices ...................................................................... 112
Regulatory information for notebooks without radio device .............................. 112
DOC (Industry CANADA) notices . . . . ................................................. 114
FCC R egulatory information f or notebooks w ith radio device . . .......................... 116
Index .................................................................................. 118
6 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Innovative techn ology
Innovative technology
... and ergonomic design m ake your device a reliable and convenient companion.
The device boots very quickly, is ready for immediate use and offers a particularly
long operating time because of its high capacity battery.
With the user-friendly " BIOS Setup Utility" y ou can control your notebook’s hardware and better
protect your system against unauthorised access by using the pow erful passw ord properties.
Information on the connections and user components of you r n otebook
Ports and cont rols", Page 9.
Further information
The Windows drivers for your device can be found on our Intern et site.
The factory installation of your device does not support any other operating
system. Fujitsu Technology Solutions accepts no liability whatsoever
if any other operating system is used.
Software oriented components of these instructions refer to Microsoft products,
if they come within the scope of the delivery.
If you install oth er softwa re products, pay attention to the operating
instructions of the manufacturer.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 7
Innovative techn olo gy
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe
these wa rnings could pose a risk to h ealth, damage the device or lead
to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes
defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the command line, e .g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (star
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For more
information, go to "http://ts.fujitsu. com"
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or de signations of other materials, e.g.:
"CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Saf ety" Manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emp hasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off the device
8 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Ports and co ntrols
Ports and controls
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. It gives an
overview of the displays and connections of the device. Please familiarise yourself with
these components before you start to work with the device.
1 = Webcam
2 = Tablet buttons
3 = ON/OFF switch
4 = Ambient Light Sensor
5 = Microphones
6 = Status indicators
7 = Keyboard
8 = Touchpad buttons
9 = Memory card slot
10 = ON/OFF switch for wireless components
11 = FireWire port
12 = Earphone and loudspeaker port
13 = Status indicators
14 = Touchpad
15 = Loudspeakers
16 = Fingerprint sensor
17 = LCD screen for u se with the pen a nd
with TouchScreen functionality
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 9
Ports and cont rols
1 = DC input connector (DC IN)
2 = USB port
3 = ExpressCard slot
4 = Eject button for ExpressCard
10 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Ports and co ntrols
1 = Kensington Lock
3 = H DMI port
4 = VGA monitor port
5 = LAN port
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 11
Ports and cont rols
1 2 3
2 = Module bay with optical drive
3 = Unlocking lever for module bay
12 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Ports and co ntrols
1 = Hard disk service compartment
2 = Dust chamber cover
3 = Memory service compartment
4 = Rechargeable battery
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 13
Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essen tial safety information which must be followed
when wo rking with your notebook. Other note s also provide useful information
which will help you with your notebook.
Safety notes
Please note the information provided in the "Safety" m anual and
in the following safety notes.
Please pay special attention to the sections in the m a nual marked
with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconn ecting cables, observe the relevant
notes in this operating manual.
Read the information on the amb ient conditions in the "
Technical da ta",
Page 108 and "First-time setup of your device" , Page 17 before preparing your
notebook for use and switching it on for the rst time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the
section "
Clean ing the notebook", Page 16.
Pay attention t o the additional safety notes for devices with wireless
components provided in the "Safety" manual.
Please refer to the notes in the chapter "
Removing and installing
components during servicing", Page 90.
This notebook
complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing
equipment. I
f y ou have questio ns about using your noteb ook in a particular area,
please conta
ct your sales outlet or our Hotline/Service Desk.
Energy saving
Switch the notebook off w hen it is not in use. Switch off external, connecte d devices if you
are not using them. If y ou use the energy saving functions, the notebook uses less energy.
You will then be ab le to work for longer before having to recharge the battery.
Energy efciency is increased and the environmental impact is reduced.
You save money while protecting the environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make u
se of the power management features (see ""
Using th e power-management features",
Page 6
14 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Important notes
Travelling with your n otebook
MobileoperationNotesTransp ortati onNotebook
Please observe the points listed below when travelling with your notebook.
Before you travel
Back up important data stored on your hard disk.
Switch off the radio component for data security reasons. With data trafc via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorised third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation
for y our radio component.
If you wish to use your notebook during a ight, rst check with the ight
attendants if it is OK to do so.
When travelling in other countries
If you are travelling abroad, c heck that the mains adapter can be opera ted with the
local mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate mains ada pter for
your notebook. Do not use any other voltage converter!
Check whether the local mains voltage and the power cable are c ompatible. If th is is
not the case, buy a power cable that matches the local conditions.
Enquire with the corresponding government ofce of the c ountry you will be
travelling in as to whether you may operate the radio component integrated in your
notebook there (see also "
CE marking", P age 112).
Notebook: transporting
Protect the noteboo k from severe shocks and extreme temperatures
(e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
If your device has an optical drive, remove all data media (e.g. CD, DVD) from th e drives.
Switch the notebook off.
Unplug the mains adapter and all external devices from the power socket.
Disconnect the mains adapter cable and the data cables for all external devices.
Close the LCD screen.
To protect against damaging jolts and bum ps, use a notebook carrying
case to transport your notebook.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 15
Important notes
Cleaning the notebook
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
Only use cleaning prod ucts designed for computers. Normal ho usehold
cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard and the
device, the paintwork or the notebook itself.
Ensure that no liquid enters the notebook.
The LCD screen very sensitive to scratches. Only clean the display
surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth.
Switch the notebook off
CleaningNotesNotebo okKeyboardTouchpadLCDscreenCrystalView display
In order to prevent accidentially switching the device on, remo ve the power cable from the mains
adaptor and remove the battery (see "
Removing and installing the battery", Page 55).
The surface can b e cleaned with a dry cloth. I f particularly dirty, use a cloth w hich has
been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
To clean the keyboard and the touchpa d, if available, you can use disinfectant wipes.
Ensure that no liquid enters the device.
16 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
First-time setup of your device
First-time setup of your devic
First- timese tupGettingstarted
Please read the chapter "Important notes", Page 14.
If your de vice is equipped with a Windows operating system, the necessary
hardware drivers and supplied software are already pre-installed.
Beforeyouswitchonthedevicefortherst time, connect it to the mains voltage
using the mains adapter, s ee "
Mains adapter conn ecting", Page 18.Themains
adapter mu st be connected d uring the entire installation process.
A system test is performed when your device is rst switched on. Various messages
can appear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may icker.
Please follow the instructions on the screen.
NEVER switch off your device during the rst- time setup process.
On delivery, the battery can be found in the b attery compartment or in the accessories kit.
The battery must be charged if you want to operate your device using the battery.
When used on the move, the built-in battery provides the device with the necessary power. You
can increase the operating time by using the available energy-saving functions.
For instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. m ouse, printer) to your
device, ple ase refer to the operating manual for your device.
Unpacking and
checking the device
Should you discover any damage that occurred during transportation,
notify your local sales outlet immediately!
Unpack all the in dividual parts.
Check your
device for any visible damage which may have occurred during transp ortation.
You may ne
ed the packaging in the future, if you need to transport your device.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 17
First-time s etup of your device
Selecting a location
Select a s uitable location for the device before setting it up. Follow
the instructions below when doing so:
Never place the device or the m ains adapter on a heat-sensitive surface.
The surface could be dama ged as a result.
Never place the device on a soft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholstered furniture,
bed). This can block the air vents and cause overheating and damage.
The underside of the device heats up during no rmal operation. Prolonged contact
with the skin may become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, at, non-slippery surface. Please note that the
rubber feet of the device m a y mark certain types of delicate surfaces.
Keep othe r objects at least 1 00 mm away from the device and its
mains adapter to ensure a dequate ventilation.
Never cover the ventilation slots of the device.
Do not expose the device to extreme environme ntal conditions. Protect
the device from dust, humidity, and heat.
Mains adapter connecting
Preparingforo perationMainsadapter
Observe the safety precautions in the enclosed "Safety" manual.
The supplied power cable conforms to the requirements of the country in
which you purchased your device. Make sure that the power cable is approved
for use in the country in which you intend to use it.
Connect the power cable (1) to the
mains adapter.
Plug th e mains cable (2) into a mains outlet.
Connect the mains adapter cable (3) to
the DC jack (DC IN) of t he de vice.
18 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
First-time setup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
Switchingonfortherst time
On devices with ON/OFF switch for wireless components: Slide t he ON/OFF switch
for wireless components to the ON position before switching on the device.
When you switch on the device for the rst time, the supplied software is
installed and con gured. Because this pro cedure must not be interrupted,
you should se t aside enough time for it to be fully completed and connect
the device to the mains using the mains adapter.
During the installation process, DO NOT restart the device unless
you a re requested to do so!
To make it easier to use y
our device for the rst tim e, the ope rating s ystem
is pre-installed on th
e hard disk.
Slide the ON/OFF switch (1) to the right to switch on the noteboo k.
The ON/OFF switch returns automatically to its original position.
During installation, follow the instructions on screen.
If a Windows operating system is installed on your device, you will nd more
information on the system and drivers, help programmes, updates, manuals etc.
on the device or o n the Internet at "
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 19
Working with the noteboo k
Working with the notebook
Notebook,operat i onNotebook
This chapter describes the basics for operating your n otebook. Please read the chapter
entitled "
Connecting external devices", Page 84 for instructions on how to connect
devices such as a mouse and a printer to the notebook.
Please refer to the notes in "Important notes", Page 14.
Status indicators
The status indicators provide information about the s tatus of the power supply,
the drives and the keybo ard functions etc.
20 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Status disp lays D escription
Power-on indi cato r
Indicator is illuminated: The notebook is switched on.
Indicator ashes: The notebook is in sleep mode (Save-to-RAM).
The indicator is not illuminated: The notebook is switched off or in
Save-to-Disk mode.
Power supply in dica tor
Indicator is illuminated: The mains adap ter is supplying power to the
Drive indicator
Indicator is illuminated: The hard disk drive or the CD/DVD in the o ptical drive
of the notebook is being accessed.
Battery charging indicato r
This description applies to bo th batteries.
The b attery charging indicator show s whether a battery is installed and being
Battery indicato r
This description applies to bo th batteries.
The battery indicator shows the s tate of charge of the installed battery.
Indicator is lit green: The battery is between 50 % and 100 % charged.
The indicator is lit orange: The battery is between 13 % and 49 %
The indicator is lit red: T he battery is between 0 % and 12 % c harged.
The indicator ashes orange: The battery state of charge is being
checked (for four seconds after battery installation).
The indicator ashes red: The battery is faulty.
The indicator is not lit: There is no battery installed.
Note: If you use batteries w ith a capacity of 5800 mAh, you can a lso check
the charge condition on the batte ry itself.
Num Lock indicator
Indicator is lit: The
key has been pressed. The virtual n umerical
keypad is activated. You can output the characters indicated on the upper
Caps Loc
k indicator
tor is lit: The Caps Lock key has been pressed. All letters will be ou tput
as uppe
rcase letters. In the case of keys labelled several times, the character
ed on the upper left of the key will appear when that key is pressed.
Scroll Lock indicator
Indicator is lit: The key combination
has been pressed. The effect
that this key has varies between applications.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 21
Working with the noteboo k
Opening the notebook
Press the rel
ease button (1), a nd unfold the LCD screen upwards (2).
22 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Switching on the notebook
Notebook:sw itchingonPower-onindicatorSuspend/Resumebu tton
Slide the ON/OFF switch (1) to the right to switch on the noteboo k.
switch returns au tomatically to its original position.
The power-on i ndicator (2) lights.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 23
Working with the noteboo k
Programming the ON/OFF switch
You can program the ON /OF F switch:
Operating system Menu
Windows XP
Start - (Settings) - Control panel - Performance and
Maintenance - Power options - Advanced
Windows Vista
Start - (Settin gs) - Control pa nel - Mobile PC -
Power options
Windows 7
Start - (Settings) - Control panel - System and
Security - Power opt ions
If you have assigned a password, you must enter this when requested to
do so, in order to start the operating system. Detailed information can be
found in the chapter "
Securit y functions", Page 77.
Different ways to use your notebook
During your daily work, you can use your notebook as a t ablet PC or as a notebook,
just as you wish. The "conversion" is lightning fast and effortless.
Note the direction o f rotation in the following description! No guarantee claims
can be met for damage caused by turning in the w rong direction.
You must note that the display cannot be turned completely on its own axis!
24 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
From notebook to Tablet PC
Press the release button, and unfold the LCD screen upwards slightly.
Rotate the hook from position 1 to position 2.
Raise the screen into a vertical position.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 25
Working with the noteboo k
Hold the screen as low as possible on both sides. Turn the screen to the left or right in the direction
of the arrow. At rst you will fee l some slight resistance, then it will turn easily and without friction.
Rotate the display further until it has turned 180° and the hinge latches in.
26 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Now fold the screen down until the back of the screen is at on top of
the ke ybo ard and the hook latches in.
The screen is now secured in the tablet position.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 27
Working with the noteboo k
Select display orientation (portrait or landscape orientation)
Landscapeorientat ionPortraitorientationDisplayorientation
You can choose wh ether you would like to use the d isplay in portrait or landscape orientation
mode. To switch between o rientation modes, press tablet button
The disp lay switches a utomatically to portrait layout when the device is used as a Tablet
PC and to landscape layout when it is used as a notebook.
Windows XP
You can change these settings in the Fujitsu menu or under S tart -
(Settings -) Control Panel - Tablet and P en Settings.
Windows Vista
You can change these settings in the Fujitsu menu or under Start -(Settings -)
Control Panel - Mobile PC - Tablet PC - Settings.
Windows 7
You can change these settings in the Fujitsu menu or under Start -(Settings -)
Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Display - Setting s .
Proles for operating in different screen orientations are found under Fujitsu
Tablet Control in the Fujitsu menu. These pro les have preset standard
congurations that can be modied as desired.
These settings not only affect the monitor settings on the Tablet PC, but
also any external monitors that may be connected.
28 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
From Tablet PC to notebook
Press the relea
se button (1), and unfold the LCD screen upwards (2).
Open the display until it is in the vert ical position.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 29
Working with the noteboo k
Note the direction o f rotation in the following description! No guarantee claims
can be met for damage caused by turning in the w rong direction.
Hold the display on both sides as far down as possible and then turn the
display. I t turns easily and without resistance.
Turn or move the display further until it has turned 180° and the hinge latches in.
30 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
To be able to shut the notebook again, rota te the hook from position (1) to position (2).
Switching off the notebook
Close all applic
ations and then shut down the operating system (please
see the "Operat
ing S ystem Manual").
Slide the ON/OFF switch towards the right.
The ON/OFF swi
tch returns automatically to its original position.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 31
Working with the noteboo k
Closing the notebook
Fold the LCD screen down onto the lower part of the notebook until you feel it lock into place.
Language se
lection (Windows XP only, optional)
Your notebook is optionally supplied with the W indo ws XP Tablet PC 2005 Edition operating
system as a single or multi-language version (according to your prefe rence).
In the single language version, you are presented with two handwriting recognition input
areas, one for the operating system language and one for English.
In the multi-language version, you have the option of setting the language of the menu
texts and the k eyboard as well as that of the handwriting recognition.
With the m ulti-language models, the def ault language set for the men u texts,
keyboard and hand writing recognition is English.
Selecting the lang uage fo r menu texts
Click on Control Panel Date, Time, Language and Regional Options Language and Regional options.
Select the desired language on the Regional Options tab.
32 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Selecting the lan guage for handwriting recog nition
and keyboard
Click on Control Panel Date, Time, Language and Regional Options Language and Regional options.
Select the Languages tab.
In the Text services and input languages eld, click on the Details button.
In the next dialog window,
select the Settings register card and click the
Add buttonintheInstalle
d Services eld.
In the next dialog window, select the desired Input area schema.
You can now decide w hich f
unctions (keyboard layout, handwriting recognition, etc.)
the selected input area s
Mark the desired functions and then con rm your entries by clicking the OK button.
You will nd further inf
ormation in t he W indows XP Tablet PC 20 05 Edition operating system help.
Handwriting recog nition under Windows Vista
Handwriting recognition under Windows Vista currently supports the following languages:
English, German, French, Italian, Japane se, Korean, Chinese ( traditional and
simplied), D utch , Portuguese and Brazilian.
Handwriting recognition under Windows 7
Handwriting recognition under W indows 7 currently supports the following languages:
English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (traditional an d simplied), Dutch,
Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian, N orwe gian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Swedish, Finnish, Danish,
Polish, Rumanian, Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin script), Catalan, Russian, Czech and Croatian.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 33
Working with the noteboo k
LCD screen
High-quality TFT displays are installed in notebooks from Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH. For
technical reasons, TFT monitors are man ufactured for a specic resolution. An optimal, clear
picture can only be ensured with the correct resolution intended for the relevant TFT monitor. A
monitor resolution which differs from the specication can result in an un clear picture.
The screen resolution of the LCD mon itor of your notebook is optimally set at the factory.
The standard of production techniques today cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen
display. A few isolated constant lit or unlit pixels (picture elements) may be present. The maximum
permitted nu mber of pixels faults is stipulated in the international stan dard ISO 9241-3 (Class II).
A monitor with a resolution of 1280 x 800 has 1280 x 800 = 1024000 pixels. Each pixel consists of
three subpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 3 million subp ixels in total. According to
ISO 9241-3 (class II), a maximum of 2 light and 2 dark pixels and an ad ditional 5 light or 10 dark
subpixels or a corresponding mix may be defective (1 light subpixel counts as 2 dark subpixels).
A pixel consists of 3
subpixels, normally red, green and
blue. A pixel is the s
mallest element that can be generat ed
by complete functi
onality of the display.
A subpixel is a sep
arately addressable internal structure
within a pixel tha
t enhances the pixel function.
Cluster A cluster contains two or more defective pixels or
subpixels in a 5 x 5 pixel block.
Background li
TFT monitors a
re operated with background lighting. The luminosity of the background
lighting can
decrease during the period of use of the notebook. However, you can
set the brigh
tness of your monitor individually.
ing the display on the LCD screen and an externa l monitor
For more in
formation, please refer to the c hapter "
Key combinations", Page 46
under "Dis
play o utput, switch between".
Ambient Light Sensor
If your notebook was shipped with the Windows 7 op erating system, the s creen brightness is
regulated by means of the Ambient Light Sensor and depending on the respective light conditions.
This results in optimum readability and longer battery life a t the same time.
On delivery the Ambient Light Sensor is switched off. You can enable the Ambient Light Sensor
by selecting Start - Control Panel - Location and other Sensors - Light Sensor.
34 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Using the device as a Tablet PC
You c an execute commands as follows:
using the stylus pen (supplied with your device)
using your nger
Using ngers
You can execute certain
commands by using your nger tip on the touchscreen of your de vice.
Everything which you ca
n select or activate using your nger tip c an also
be se lected or activat
ed using the stylus pen.
Calibrate the Dual Digitizer for nger-based operation of the device.
Please see the appropriate supplementary sheet for instructions on how to
calibrate y our device to use Dual Digitizer Technology.
Please note: T here are separate calibration programs available for calibrating
the stylus pen and for calibrating nger-based operation. In each case, use the
calibration tool described in the supplementary sheet. Do not use th e calibration
tool for the stylus pen to calibrate nger-based operation.
Selecting menu options (click with the left mouse button)
Touch the menu
option with your nger tip.
Starting programs (double-click with the left mouse button)
Briey touc
h the program icon twice with your nger tip.
Moving objects/windows (drag while holding the left mouse button pressed)
Place you
r nger tip directly on the object/window, hold it pressed against the
screen an
d move the desired object/window.
Opening a context menu (click with the right mouse button)
To u ch t
he desired item once with your nger tip.
The context menu appears.
g the cursor
Place your nger tip on the screen and move your nger in the direction required.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 35
Working with the noteboo k
Use one nger to quickly stroke across the screen upw ards, downwards, left or right to
navigate through the docu m ent or to qu ickly pa ge through the document.
Place your nger on an item on the screen and then move your nger without
removing it from the display; this will drag the item to another position. You c an
also use this movement to page slowly through documents.
Contracting and extending
Touch the screen at two edges of an area with two ngers spread apart, then slide the ngers
together to make the area smaller. Spread the ngers to make the area larger.
Touch two co
rners of a picture on the screen, then turn the picture clockwise or
lockwise at the corners by using your ngers.
Enlarging a vie w
Put two n
gers on th e touch screen
and mo ve t
hem apart.
36 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Reducing a view
Put two ngers on the touch screen and
move them towards each other.
Using the stylus pen
1 = pen tip
2 = rocker button
3 = eyelet for pen cord
4 = eraser
You can use t
he pen on your notebook as an electronic writing implement to select
items and t
o navigate through menu op tions and programs. Programs that support
ng recognition also allow you to w rite characters directly on the screen with
the pen. Yo
u can also use the pen as a drawing tool.
The noteb
ook pen is retained securely in the p en slot. This ensures that the pen cannot be
lost, re
gardless of whether you use the notebook as a Tablet PC or as a notebook, or transport
it while
travelling. Always replace the pen in its slot when you are not using it.
The note
book is supplied w ith a pe n cord which you can attach to the eyelets
on the p
en and on the noteboo k.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 37
Working with the noteboo k
Only use the pen provided with your noteboo k. Do not use substitute pen tips
that were not specially designed for your notebook. Replace the stylus tip if it
is worn. The warranty does not cover a scratched screen.
While writing, you should take care not to scratch the surface of the
display (e.g. with a w ristwatch or bracelet).
The pen of your notebook is an
electronic instrument which can be damaged
if used incorrectly. Hand
le the pen with care.
The following list contai
ns guidelines fo r proper pen handling:
Do not gesture with the pe
Do not use the pen as a pointer.
Never use the pen on any o
ther surface than the screen of you r notebook.
place the pen in its slot and to take it out of the slot.
Never store the pen w
ith the tip bearing the weight of the pen (e.g. with the tip down
in a pen holder). If t
he pen is stored with the tip pointing down, this may have
an adverse effect on
the pen mechanism (p articu larly under high temperatures).
In this case the pen
tip may react as though it is constantly being pressed down.
To avoid damage , th
e pen should be stored in th e pen slot when not in use.
Thepencanbeinuenced by electromagnetic elds (cursor quivers or
jumps). There may be a few areas on the screen where the cursor quivers
slightly in spite of pressing the pen down rmly.
The screen responds to entries made with the tip of the nger or the pen when the tip
of the nger o r the pen is in direct contact with the screen.
You can use the pen to perform all the functions for which you would otherwise use a mouse.
In addition, you can conveniently delete hand-written pen entries using the pen.
Handling Mouse Pen
Selecting menu entries Click with the left-hand mouse
Touch the me nu entry with the
pen tip.
Starting programs Double click with the left-hand
mouse button.
Briey touch the program icon
twice with the pen tip.
Moving objects/windows Drag with the left-hand mouse
button held pressed.
Place the pen tip directly on
the o bject/window. Hold the
pen tip p resse d against the
screen. Move the desired
Opening a context menu Click with the right-hand mouse
Touch the desired element with
the pen and leave the pen on
the element for a moment.
Moving the cursor
Place the pen tip directly on the
38 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Setting the pen
Operating system Menu
Windows X P
You can access the various pen settings (for instance the pressure
sensitivity) under Fu jitsu Pen Settin g s or Tablet and Pen Settings in the
Control Panel.
Windows Vista
You can access th e various pen settings under Start - (Settings) Control Panel
Mobile P C Pen and Input Device or Ta blet PC S e ttings in the Con trol Panel.
Windows 7
Under Hardware and Sound Pen and Input Devices in the Con trol Panel
you can change various settings for the pen (assignment and function
of the rocker button).
Calibrating the pen
Before using the pen for the rst time, you should calibrate it so that the curso r follows the
movements of the pen as accurately as possible. You should also always repeat the calibration
if the co-ordination between the pen and cursor movement deteriorates.
Please note: T here are separate calibration programs available for calibrating
the stylus pen and for calibrating nger-based operation. In each case, use the
calibration tool described in the supplementary sheet. Do not use th e calibration
tool for the stylus pen to calibrate nger-based operation.
Operating system Menu
Windows X P
To calibrate, run the Tablet and Pen Settings function in the Control Panel.
You need to calibrate both portrait and landscape formats.
Windows Vista
To calibrate, run the Tablet PC Settings function in the Control P anel. You
need to calibrate both portrait and landscape fo rmats.
Windows 7
To calibrate, run the Hardware and Sound / Tablet PC Settings function in the
Control P anel. You need to calibrate both portrait and landscape formats.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 39
Working with the noteboo k
Replacing the pen tip
With use, th e pen tip may b ecome worn or may pick up foreign particles that can scratch the screen.
A damaged or worn tip may not move freely, causing unpredictable results when using the pen.
If problems like these occur with your pen, you should replace the pen tip. To do
this, use the pen tip removal tool included with your pen.
Position the tip in the gap bet ween the two
ends of the tool to remove the tip.
Pinch the two ends of the tip changer
together so that the tip is rmly clasped (1),
then pull it from the barrel.
Use one of the new tips that were supplied
with your pen to replace the tip. Insert
the at end of the tip into the barrel and
push it in rmly until it is in place.
Do not continue to use a tip wh ich is worn or damaged.
Installing a pen cord
You should a ttach the pen with a pen cord to prevent accidentally dropping or losing it.
Attach the e n d o f the pen cord with the smaller loop to your pen .
Attach the end of the pen cord with the larg er loop to your no tebook.
40 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Using the device as a notebook
Touchpad and touchpad buttons
Keep the touchpad clean. Protect it from dirt, liq uids and grease.
Do not use the touchpad if you r ngers are dirty.
Do not rest heavy objects (e.g. books) on the touchpad or the touchpad buttons.
1 = Touchpad
2 = Touchpad button s
The touchpad enables you to move the mouse pointer on the screen.
The touchpad buttons allow you to select and execute commands. They correspond
to the button s on a conventional mouse.
You can use a key combination to disable the touchpad, to avoid accidentally moving
the pointer o n the screen (see also "
Key combinations", Page 46).
Moving the pointer
Move your nge
r on the touchpad.
The pointer will move.
Selecting a
Move the pointer to the item you wish to select.
Tap the touc
hpad once o r press the left button once.
The item is selected.
g commands
Mov e the poin ter to the eld you wish to select.
Tou ch
Ta p t h e t
ouchpad twice or press the left button twice.
The command is executed.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 41
Working with the noteboo k
Dragging items
Select the desired item.
Press and hold the left button and drag the item to the desired position
with the nger on the touchpad.
The item will be moved.
Switching the Touchpad on and off
You can switch the Touchpad on and off using a key combination,
see "
Key combinations", Page 46.
KeyboardNumerickeypadNumeric keypadButtons
The k eyboard of your notebook is subject to continuous wear through normal
use. The key markings are especially prone to wear. Th e key markings are
liable to wear away over the life of the notebook.
The ke ybo ard has been designed to provide all the functions of an enhanced keyboard.
Some enhanced keyboard functions are mapped with key combinations.
The following description of keys refers to Windows. Additional functions supported by the keys
are described in the relevant manuals su pplied with y our applicat ion programs.
The gure below sho ws how to access the different characters on keys with overlaid functions.
The example applies w hen the Caps Lock key has not been activated.
The illustrations shown below may differ from your actual device.
42 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Alt Gr
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 43
Working with the noteboo k
Key Description
Backspace key
The Backspace k ey deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Tab key
The Tab key moves the cursor to
the next tab stop.
Enter key (return)
The Enter key terminates
a command line. The command you have entered
is executed when you pres
s this key.
Caps Lock key
The Caps Lock key activates the Caps Lock mode, a nd the corresponding
icon is displayed in the Windows information area. In Caps Lock mode, all
of the characters you type appear in upper case. In the case of overlay
keys, the character printed on the upper left of the key will appear when
that key is pressed. To cancel the Ca ps Lock function, simply press the
Caps Lock key again.
ShiftkeyCap sLock
Shift key
The Shift key ca
uses uppercase characters to appear. In the case of overlay
keys, the chara
cter printed on the upper left of the key appears w hen that
Fn bu tt on
key enabl
es the special functions indicated on overlay keys (see
Key com bina
tions", Pa ge 46).
Cursor keys
The cursor
keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrow, i.e. up, down,
left, or ri
Start key
The Start
key opens the Windows Start menu.
Menu key
The Menu key invokes the menu for the marked item.
44 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Virtual numeric keypad
NumerickeypadVirtual numericke ypadNumLock
To provide the convenience of a numeric keypad, your keyboard is equipped with a virtual
numeric keypad. The special keys of the virtual numeric keypad are recognisable by the numbers
and symbols printed in the upper right corner of each key. If you have switched on the virtual
numeric keypad, you can output the characters shown on the upper right of the keys.
The keyboard layout sho wn below may differ from your actual device.
1 = Valid characters when the
key is not activated
2 = Valid characters w hen the
is activated
r information about the status indicators c an be found in chapter "
Status indicators", Page 20.
Country and keyboard settings
If you want to change the country and keyboard settings, proceed as follows:
Enter the se ttings by clicking Start (Settings) Control Panel Time, Regional and Language Options.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 45
Working with the noteboo k
Key combinations
The key combinations described below apply when using Microsoft Window s
operating systems. Some of the following key combinations may not function in
other operating systems or with certain de vice drivers.
Key combinations are entered as follows:
Press the rst key in the com bination and keep it pressed.
While holding th e rst key down, press the other key or keys in the combination.
Combination Description
Switching the loudsp eakers on/off
This key combination switches the integrated loudsp eakers on and
Enable/disable touchpad
This key combination enables and disables the to uchpad.
Decrease screen b ri
This key combinati
on decreases the brightness of the screen.
Increase screen b
This key combina
tion increases the brightness of the screen.
Decrease volum
This key combi
nation reduces the volume of the internal
Increase vol
This key com
bination increases the volume of the internal
46 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Combinatio n Description
Togg le output screen
Fn+F10Toggleoutputs creen
Use this key combination to select which screen(s) is/are used for
display if an external monitor is connected.
Screen output is possible:
only on the notebook’s LCD screen
only on the external monitor
on the notebook’s LCD screen and the external monitor at the
same time .
Press the key combination several times to switch through all
possible s ettings.
If you have connected two external monitors to the port replicator,
the following display output s are possible:
only on the notebook’s LCD screen
only on the external monitor (analogue)
at the same time on the LCD screen (digital)
at the same time on the notebook’s LCD screen and on the
external monitor (analogue)
You cannot use the key combination to switch output at the same
time to both external monitors on the Port Replicator.
Halt current operation
This key combination can be used to halt an op eration instantly
without clearing the keyboard buffer.
Back tab
This key combination moves the cursor back to the previous tab
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 47
Working with the noteboo k
Tablet buttons
Your notebook has ve multifunction tablet buttons. You can navigate on the screen with a
simple press of a button, ca ll preset applications or ones that you have set yourself.
The tablet but
tons have different uses in different modes.
You can also p
rogram each of th em individually, see "
the tablet b u
ttons", Page 53.
48 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Basic functions when the device has booted
Button Basic function
Scroll down
Yo u scroll down in your document with this key.
Scroll up
You scroll up in your document with this key.
Change screen orientati
When you press the Orien
tation button, the orientation of the scre en display
changes from portrait (
vertical) to landscape (horizontal) or vice versa.
When you would like to
use the Tablet PC as an eBook, for example, you would
use the portrait orie
When accessing spre
adsheets, you would more typically use a landscap e
Open Fujitsu menu
Pressing this tablet button twice in quick succession will bring up the Fujitsu menu
on your screen. The Fu jitsu menu is used to change certain system settings.
tem or open the Window s Task Manager
tablet button dow n for two seconds, you can log back on to the
system again:
after system s
after a system lock
when returni
ng from power man agement
After log-on, pressing the tablet button for two seconds launches the W in dows Task
Manager or in the network opens the security window.
Functions when t he s ecurity system is active
If yo u have assigned a supervisor password and/or user passw ord, you can enter
this via the tablet buttons when starting your device.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 49
Working with the noteboo k
Button Security f unctions
Security button 1 to enter the pa
Security button 2 to enter the passwo rd.
Security button 3 to enter the passwo rd.
Security button 4 to enter the passwo rd.
Security button 1 to conrm the entered p assword.
Detailed information on how to use the security functions is contained in Section
Using the security function of the tablet keys", Page 81.
Functions during Windows log-on
When the Windows log-on dialog is displayed, the tab let bu ttons p rovide special functions:
50 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Button Function
Ta b k e y.
Enter key.
Change screen orientati
When you press the Orient
ation button, the orientation of the scre en display
changes from portrait (
vertical) to landscape (horizontal) or vice versa.
When you would like to us
e the Tablet PC as an eBoo k, for example, you wou ld
use the portrait orie
When accessing sprea
dsheets, you w o uld more typically use a landscape
key, see "Key com bi
nations", Page 52.
Log on to the syste
m or open the Windows Task Manager
tablet button dow n for two seconds, you can log back on to the
system again:
after system s
after a system lock
when returni
ng from power man agement
After log-on, pressing the tablet button for two seconds launches the W in dows Task
Manager or in the network opens the security window.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 51
Working with the noteboo k
Key combinations
Key combinations cannot be changed.
You can nd information on pro gramming the tablet buttons in "
the tablet b uttons", Page 53.
Shortcut Meaning
Starting predened application A
This button allows you to start a previously dened application.
By default, the button is precongured to start the Launch Center a pplication.
Starting predened application B
This button allows you to start a previously dened application.
By default, the bu tton is precongured to start the Windows Journal
Toggle output screen
Use this key combination to select which screen(s) is/are used for display if
an external monitor is connected.
Screen output is possible:
only on the notebook’s LCD screen
only on the external monitor
both the LCD screen and the externa l monitor.
Press the key combination several t imes to switch through all possible
If you have connected two external monitors to the port replicator, the
following display outputs are possible:
only on the notebook’s LCD screen
just the external monitor (analogue)
simultaneously on the LCD screen (digital)
both the LCD screen of the note book and the external monitor (analogue)
You cannot switch output to both external monitors on the Port Replicator
via the key combination.
The table
t button
has a practical delay function: T his allows you to press
the two b
uttons for a shortcut one after the other i nste ad of needing to press
them both at the same time. After pressing the
tablet button, you have a
short time ( 2 to 3 seconds) to press the second button.
52 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Programming the tablet buttons
You can program the tablet buttons to open a specic ap plication or execute
a specic function when pressed.
Proceed as follows:
In Control Panel, select the option to manage the settings for the tablet buttons and pen.
Follow the instructions on the scree n and program the ta blet buttons as you require.
Depending on the device version, your device may have an integral
Webcam with microphone.
Depending on the software used, you can u se your Webcam to take pictures,
record video clips or take part in web chats.
The picture quality depends on the lighting conditions and the software being used.
You can only operate the web cam with a particular application (e.g. an Internet telepho ny
program or a video conferencing program which supports a webcam).
When using the webcam the notebook support must not wobble.
The webcam automatically adjusts itself to the current light level. For this reason
the LCD screen may icker while the light level is adjusted.
Further information on use of the webcam a nd additional settings can be found
in the help function of the program which uses the webcam.
If you wish to carry o ut a function test with your webcam, you can use the
corresponding test software available at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support/".
Rechargeable battery
When not plu
gged into a mains socket, the notebook runs on its built-in battery. You
can increa
se the life of the battery by caring fo r the battery properly. Th e average
battery li
fe is around 500 charge/discharge cycles.
You can ex
tend the battery life by taking advantage of the available energy saving functions.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 53
Working with the noteboo k
Charging, caring for and maintaining the battery
The notebook battery can only be charged, when the ambient temperature
is between 5°C and max. 35°C.
You can charge the battery by connecting the n otebook to the m ains adapter
(see "
Mains adapter connecting", Page 18).
Once the battery is running low, you will hear a warning alarm. If you do not
connect the mains adapter within ve minutes of the warning alarm described above
sounding, your notebook will automatically switch off.
monitoring the battery charging level
Windows also has a "Battery status meter" in the taskbar for monitoring the battery capacity. When
you place the mouse pointer on the battery symbol, the system displays the battery status.
The battery capacity c an be monitored using an indicator which shows the current st ate
of charge. Use the following menu to enable this feature:
Operating system Menu
Windows XP
Start (Settings) Control panel–Power options
Windows Vista
Start - (Settings) - Control panel - Hardware and
Sound - Power options
Windows 7
Start (Settings) Control panel Mobile PC
Power options
The indicator is then displayed in the task bar as a battery symbol. When you place the
mouse pointer on the battery symbol, the system displays the battery state of charge. Please
refer to the Help facility of the operating system for more information.
Battery storage
BatteryBatterySelf-discharge,batteryChargingcapacity,ba ttery
Keep the battery pack between 0°C and +3 0°C. The lower th e temperature at which
the batteries are stored, the lower the rate of self-discharge.
If you will be storing batteries for a longer period (longer than two mon ths),
the battery charge level should be appro x. 30 %. To prevent exhaustive
discharge which would pe rmanen tly damage the battery, check the level
of charge of the battery at regular intervals.
To be able to make use of the optimal charging capacity of the batteries, the battery
should be completely discharged and then fully recharged.
If you do not use the batteries for long periods, remove them from the
notebook. N ever store the batteries in the device.
54 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Removing and installing the battery
Only use rechargeable batteries approved by Fujitsu Technology
Solutions for your notebook.
Never use force when tting or removing a battery.
Make sure that no foreign bo dies get into the battery connections.
Never store a battery for longe r periods in the d ischarged stat e. This
can m ake it impossible to recharge.
Removing a battery
Press in the two catches (1), keep them pressed and lift the battery out
of the battery compartment (2).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 55
Working with the noteboo k
Installing a battery
Position the batte ry at the edge of the casing (1).
Push the battery into the battery compartment until it locks into position (2).
56 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Batteries with a capacity of 5800 mAh
With these batteries you can check the state of charge directly on the battery itself.
Remov e the batte ry (see "
Removing and installing the battery", Page 55).
Press the key ( 1).
The LED (a) li
ghts up in one of the following colours:
LED indicato
State of charge
Green The battery is between 50 % and 100 % charged.
Orange The battery
is between 13 % and 49 % charged.
The battery is charged somewhere betwee n 1 % and 12 %.
LED not lit
The battery is fully discharged.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 57
Working with the noteboo k
The design of your notebook enables the exible use of notebook batteries and drives. The
following modules can be operated in the module bay of your notebook:
Second battery
Second hard disk drive
Optical drive
Empty plug-in unit (save weight)
Only use modules designed for your notebook.
Do not use force when in stalling or removing the module.
Make sure that no foreign objects enter the module bay.
You can swap modules during operation. This means you do not
need to switch off the notebook.
To re place a module, simply click on the corresponding icon in the
task bar and then on Exit or Select - Exit.
The module can now be removed without any further a ctions being necessary.
58 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Removing a module
ModuleDriveWeight Save
Press the unlocking lever in the direction of the arrow (1).
Now pu ll the module out of the module bay.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 59
Working with the noteboo k
Installing a module
Place the modu le into the m odule bay so that the contacts enter rst.
Push the module into the modu le bay until you feel it locking into place.
Optical drive
This pro duct contains a light emitting diode, classied in accordance with IEC
8251:1993: LASER CLASS 1, and must therefore not be opened.
60 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Memory cards
Your notebook is equipped with an integrated memory card reader.
Observe the manufacturer’s instructions when handling the memory cards.
Supported formats
It supports the following formats:
Secure Digital (SD
SDXC (Windows 7 and Windows Vista only)
Memory Stick
Memory Stick Pro
Inserting the memory card
Carefully slide the memory card into the
slot. T he label should be facing upward. Do
not apply excessive force, as otherwise the
delicate contact surfaces could be damaged.
Depending on the particular type
used, the memory card may protrude
slightly from the slo t.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 65
Working with the noteboo k
Removing the memory card
In order t o protect your data, always follow the correct procedure
for removing the card outlined below.
You can stop the memory card via the corresponding icon in the ta sk bar:
Left-click on the icon.
Select the card you want to stop and rem ove.
Press the Enter key.
Wait for the dialogue box w hich tells you that it is now safe to remove the m emory card.
On devices with card locking: Press
on the storage card (1).
The storage card is released and
can now be removed.
Pull the storage card out of the slot (2).
An ExpressCard s lot enables operation of an ExpressCard/34 or ExpressCard/54.
Consult the documentation supplied by the ExpressCard’s manufacturer
and fo llow the instructions provided.
Never use force when installing or removing an ExpressCard.
Make sure that no foreign objects enter the ExpressCard slot.
66 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Inserting the card
Keep the placeholder for the slot in a safe place. When you remove the card again y ou
must reinstall the placeholder. This prevents foreign bodies fro m getting into the slot.
If the eject button (1) is recessed, press it
once so that it disengages. Now press the
eject button ag ain so that the placeholder
protrudes slightly from the notebook.
Pull the card placeholder out of the slot (2).
Insert the card into the slot guide with
the connection contacts rst.
Gently push th e card into the slot either
until it will go no further or you fe el it
engage. Do not use excessive force.
Depending on the type, the card may
protrude slightly from the slot.
Please see the documentation relating to the card for driver installation instructions.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 67

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T730

Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T730 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 130 pagina's

Fujitsu LIFEBOOK T730 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 131 pagina's

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