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B24W-5 ECO
Operating Manual
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© Fujitsu Technology Solutions 2009
Published by
Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8
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Technical data subject to modifi cations and delivery subject
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trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer,
the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may
infringe the rights of such owner. For further information see
B22W-5 ECO
Your LCD screen... 1
Important notes
Getting started 7
Notes on ergonomic colour adjustment 21
Explanatory information about standard
ISO 9241-3
Operating Manual
VESA, DDC and DPMS are registered trademarks of the Video Electronics Standards Association.
Copyright © Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 2009
All rights reserved, including rights of tran slation, reproduction by printing, copying
or similar methods, in part or in wh ole.
Offenders will be liable for damages.
All rights reserved, including rights crea ted by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.
Subject to availability and technical modications.
No liability for content or printing errors.
YourLCDscreen... ..................................................................... 1
Targetgroup ............................................................................ 1
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 2
Notational conventions .................................................................. 2
Important notes ........................................................................ 3
Safetyinstructions ...................................................................... 3
Powercable ............................................................................ 4
Transporting the devic
e ..................................................................
Cleaningthedevice ..................................................................... 4
CEmarking ............................................................................ 5
EnergyStar ............................................................................ 5
Disposal and recycli
ng ..................................................................
Getting started ......................................................................... 7
Unpacking and checking the delivery . . ................................................... 7
Settingupthedevice .................................................................... 7
Setting up an ergonomic video workstation ............................................ 8
Adjustingtheheight ................................................................. 9
Adjustingtheinclination .............................................................. 9
Adjustingtherotation ................................................................ 9
Removingmonitor base .............................................................. 10
Connecting the device . .................................................................. 11
Connecting cables to the monitor . . ................................................... 11
Connecting cables to the computer ................................................... 12
Operation .............................................................................. 13
Switching th
edeviceonandoff ..........................................................
Notes on powe
rmanagement ............................................................
Changing th
emonitorsettings ............................................................
Changing th
e monitor settings with the buttons of the control panel . .....................
Changing t
hemonitorsettings usingtheOSDmenu ....................................
Noteson ergonomiccolour adjustment ................................................ 21
hooting .......................................................................
Explanatory information abou t standard ISO 9241-3 .................................... 24
aldata .........................................................................
DC-compatibleVGAinterface ....................................................
operating modes . . . . . . ...........................................................
Most f
requent operating modes .......................................................
port .............................................................................
port ..............................................................................
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Your LCD screen...
Your LCD screen...
has a whole range of useful features and functions, e.g.:
TFT display (Thin Film Transistor; active matrix)
minimal space requirements tha
nks to slim casing
optimum ergon omic characteristics (totally distortion-free, excellent picture
denition and colour purity right into the corners)
high degre e of brightne ss and g
ood contrast
high resolution (1920 x 12 00)
presentation of up to 16.7 milli
on colours (in conjunction with an appropriate display adapter)
automatic scanning of horizontal frequen cies from 31 to 82 kHz and refresh rates
(vertical frequencies) from 56 to 76 Hz (absolutely icker-free)
digital screen controller with m
icroprocessor for storing 28 different display modes
freely adjustable colour alignment for matching the screen colours to the
colours of various input and output devices
convenient operation via integ
rated OSD (On-Screen-disp lay) m enu
VESA-DDC compatibility
VESA-FPMPMI compatibility (Fla
t Panel Monitor Physical Mounting Interface)
Mounting device for swivel arm an
d wall bracket
Plug&Play capability
ECO function
power management for reducing power consumption w hen the computer is not in use
Compliance with the recomm endat
ions accord ing to TCO 5.0
the monitor fullls all GS ("Geprüfte Sicherheit", Ce rtied Security) requirements.
This operating manual contains im
portant information you require to start up and run your LCD monitor.
A graphics card (d isplay adapter) w
ith VGA interface or a digital display ada pter with
DVI interfa ce is required to contr
ol the LCD monitor. The monitor processes the data
supplied to it by th e display ada
pter. The display adapter or the associated driver software
is responsible for setting the m
odes (resolution and ref resh rate).
When putting the monitor into op
eration for the rst time, the screen display should be
optimally adapte d to the d ispla
y adapter used and adjusted in accordance with your
needs (see chapter "
Changing th
e monitor settings", Page 1 5.
Target group
You don’t need to be an "expert" to perform the oper at ions described here. However, please observe
the safety information given in the operating instructions for the computer and in this manual.
In the event of any problems occurring, please contact your sales outlet or our Help Desk.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 1
Your LCD screen...
Further information
Details of how you set the resolution an d refresh rate are provided in the documentation
for your display adapter and the associated driver software.
For ergonomic reasons, a screen resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels is recommended.
Because of the technology used (active matrix) an LCD monitor provides a totally
icker-free picture even with a refresh rate of 60 Hz.
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe
these warnings could pose a risk to h ealth, damage the device or lead
to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes
defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important information for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the command line, e.g. you r password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (start.exe)
This font
indicates information that is displayed o n the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For more
information, go to "
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations of other materials, e.g.:
"CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety" Manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off the device
2 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Important notes
Important notes
In this chapter you will nd information regarding safety which it is essential to
take no te of when working with your device.
Safety instructions
This device complies with the re
levant safe ty regulations for data processing equipment,
including electronic ofce ma
chines for use in an ofce environment. If you have any
questions, contact your sales
outlet or our H elp Desk.
The display surface of the devi
ce is sensitive to pressure and scratches. You should therefore
be careful with the display sur
face in order to avoid lasting damage (scratches).
If the device is brought into the installation site from a co ld environment, condensation
can form. Before op erating the device, wait until it is absolutely dry and has reached
approximately the same temperature as the installation site.
When installing and o peratin
g the device, please o bse rve the notes on environmental
conditions in Chapter "
nical data", Page 25 as well as the instructions in Chap ter
Setting up an ergonomic vid
eo workstation", Page 8.
To ensure sufcient ventilation, the air inlet and outlet openings of the device must be kept clear.
The device automatically set
s itself to the correct voltage within the range from 100 V to 240 V.
Make sure that the local mains
voltage is neither higher nor lower than this range.
Ensure that the power socket on the device and the mains outlet are freely acce ssible.
The ON/OFF switch does not di
sconnect the monitor from the mains voltage. To disconnect
fully from the mains supply,
disconnect the power plug from the socket.
The device is equipped with a power cable that complies with safety standards.
Use the supplied power cable o
Lay the cables in such a way that they do not create a hazard (danger of tripping)
and cann ot be damaged. When connecting the device, observe the relevant
notes in chapter "
Connecting the device", Page 11.
No data transfer cables shou
ld b e connected or disconnected during a thunderstorm.
Make s ure that no objects (e.g. jewellery chains, paper clips, etc.) or liquids get
inside the device (danger of electric shock, short circuit).
The device is not waterproof!
Never immerse the device in water and protect
it from spray wat er (rain, se
a water).
In emergencies (e.g. damaged casing, elements or cables, penetration of
liquids or fo reign matter), switch off the device, disconnect the power plug and
contact your sales outlet or our Help Desk.
Repairs to the device must o
nly be performed by qualie d technicians. Unauthorised opening
and incorrect repair may gr
eatly endanger the user (electric shock, re risk).
Only use the screen resolution settings and refresh rates specied in Chapter
Technical data", Page 25. Otherwise you may damage the device. If you are in
any doubt, contact your sales outlet or our Help Desk.
Use a screen saver with movi
ng images and activate the power management for
your monitor to prevent sti
ll images from "burning in".
If you opera te the device with the swivel arm or wall bracket, it must not be turned by 180°.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 3
Important notes
The device may only be operated in t he wide format (0° landscape mode). The buttons of
the co ntrol panel are loca ted at the bottom in the middle of the monitor.
Store this manual close to the device. If you pass the device on to third
parties, you should pass this manual on with it.
We recommend that you place your de vice on a durable, non-slip surfa ce. In view
of the m a ny different nishes and varnishes used on furniture, it is possible that the
feet of the device may mark th e surface they stand on.
To ensure sufcient ventilation, the air supply and air outlet openings of
the monitor must never be blocked.
Power cable
Use the supplied power cable only.
Use the following guidelines if it is necessary to replace the original cable set.
The female/male receptacles of the cord set must meet IEC 60320/CEE-22 requirement s.
The cable has to be HAR-certi ed or VDE-ce rti ed . The mark HAR or
VDE will appear on th e outer sheath.
For devices which are mounted on a de sk or table, type SVT or SJT cable sets may be
used. For devices which sit on the oor, only SJT type cable sets may be used.
The cable set must be selected according to the rated current for your device.
If necessary, replace the original power cable with a regular ground ed 3-core mains lead.
Transporting the device
Device,Transpo rtatio nRetransportation
Transport all parts separately in their original packaging or in a packaging w hich
protects them from knocks and jolts, to the new site.
Do not unpack them until all transportation manoeuvres are completed.
If the device is brought from a cold environment into the room where it will be used ,
condensation may occur. Before operating the device, wait until it is absolutely dry
and has reached approximately the same temperature as the installation site.
Cleaning the device
Switch off the device and unplug the powe r plug.
Do not clean any interior parts yourself, leave this job to a service technician.
Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrode plastic.
Ensure that no liquid enters the device.
The display surface of the device is sensitive to pressure and scratches. Clean
it only using a soft, slightly moiste ned cloth.
The surface o f the casing can be cleaned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth that
has been moistened in mild domestic deterge nt and then carefully wrung out .
4 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Important notes
CE marking
The shipped version of this device complies with the requirements of EEC
directives 2004/108/EC "Electromagnetic compatibility" and 2006/95/EC
"Low voltage directive".
Energy Star
The Fujitsu LCD c olour monitor is equipped with a power management
system which reduces the power draw in OFF mode to less than 1 W.
As a result, the LCD monitor satises the requirements of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The EPA estimates that c ompu ter equipment uses approximately 5 % of all business
electricity and that this is growing rapidly. If all desktop PCs and peripherals were to enter
a low-power mode when not in use , the overall electricity saving could amount to $ 2 billion
annually. These savings could also prevent the emission of 20 million tons of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere - equivalent to the discharge from 5 million cars.
As an Energy Star Partner, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH has determined that this
product m eet s the Energy Star guidelines for energy efciency.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 5
Important notes
Disposal and recycling
This d evice has been manufacture d as far as possible from materials w hich can be recycled or
disposed of in such a way th at the environment is not damaged. The device may be taken back after
use to be reu sed or recycled, provided that it is returned in a co ndition that bets its intended use.
Any components not reclaimed will be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
The device must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations for disposal of special
waste. The screen background lighting contains mercury. You must observe the applicable
handling and d isposal safety regulations for uorescent tubes.
If you have any questions regarding disposal, please contact your local sales ofce, our Help Desk, or:
Fujitsu Technology
Solutions GmbH
Remarketing and Recycling
D-33106 Pad erborn, Germany
Tel.: + 49 525 1 / 81 80 10
Fax: +49 5251 / 81 80 15
http://ts.fujitsu .com/wvm"
Boulevard Reyers, 80
B-1030 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 / 706 86 16
Fax: +322/7068613
E-mail: info@recupel.be
Wirtschaftsverband der
Informations-, Kommunik
und Organisationstechni
(Swiss Trade Association
for Information,
Communications and
Organisational Technol
For a list of SW ICO
disposal sites, see:
http://www.swico. c
Taiwan: Environmental
Protection Administration
Executive, Yuan, R.O.C.
Fujitsu America Inc.
1250E. Arques Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 9 4085, U.S.A.
Contact: Bernd Henning
Phone No.: (408) 329-6737
Fax No.: (408) 746 -8299
Information on this subject is also available on the Internet at "ht tp://ts.fujitsu.com/recycling".
6 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Getting started
Getting started
Unpacking and checking the delivery
The display surface of the device is sensitive to pressure and scratches.
Always ho ld the device by the casing!
The complete device packag e includes:
one monitor
one data cable (D-SUB)
one data cable ( DVI-D)
one audio cable
one power cable
one C D with software and docum
one Warranty Booklet
one "Safety" manual
Unpack all the individual parts.
Check the contents of the packa
ge for any visible damage caused during transport.
Check whether the delivery conforms to the details in the delivery note.
Should you discover that the del
ivery does not correspond to the delivery
note, notify your local sales ou
tlet immediately.
Do not discard the original p ac
king material of the devices. You may nee d the
packaging in the future if you n
eed to transport your device.
To ensure sufcient ventila
tion, the air inlet and outlet openings of
the device must be ke pt clear
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 7
Getting s tarted
Setting up an ergonomic video w orkstation
Do not position the video w orkstation
opposite a window (1).
Position the mo nitor outside the reach
of a light source (1).
Position the k eyboard where it is
easiest to reach (1).
8 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Getting started
50 cm
Position the monitor so that the eye distance
to the screen (1) is around 50 cm.
Position the monitor for optimum viewing
(1). The monitor should under no
circumstances fall outside the permissible
viewing space (2).
Depending on the situation, it may be a dvisable to use a swivel arm or wall
bracket (VESA FPMPMI), w hich are a vailable from specialist dealers. For
this purpose the monitor base must be r emoved beforehand as described
in Chapter "
Removing monitor base", Pag e 10.
Adjusting the height
The height of th
e monitor can be adjusted by approximately 110 mm.
Grasp the monito
r with both hands on the right and left edge of the casing
and move it upwa
rd or downward.
Adjusting the inclination
The inclination of the monitor can be adjusted by -5° (fo rward) and +20°
(backwards) from its vertical position.
Hold the monitor with both hands on the left and right sides of the casing
and move it to the desired angle.
Adjusting the rotation
Grasp the monitor with bo th hands on the right and left edge of the casing
and turn it to the desired position.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 9
Getting s tarted
Removing monitor base
Before you can use a swivel arm or a wall bracket, you must remove the monitor base.
The display surface is su sceptible to scratching!
Switch off the monitor and pull the power
plug out of the po wer socket.
Lay the monitor on its face on a soft surface.
Remove the cover and disconnect all cables.
Remove the screws ( 1) on the rear
of the monitor.
Yo u can now mount a swivel arm or
a wall bra cket as per VESA FPMPMI
with 10 0 mm hole spacing.
For instructions on how to mount the swivel arm or wall bracket, please s ee
the documentation for the swivel arm or wall bracket.
Assemble wall bracket (optional)
For further information, please see the documentation regarding the VESA FPMPMI wall bracket.
Only use UL-approved fastening brackets with a minimum load bearing capacity of 4.9 kg.
Observe the correct hole spacing (distance between screws) of 100 mm x 100 mm.
Attach the fastening bracket to the wall bracket.
Mount the monitor on the wall in accordan ce with the documentation regarding
the VESA FPMPMI wall bracket.
10 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Getting started
Connecting the d evice
Please observe the safety information in "Important note s", Page 3.
CE conformance and optimum picture quality are guaranteed only if
you use the data cables supplied.
Switch off the monitor and the computer.
Disconnect the power plug from the computer.
Connecting cables to the mon
The data cables supplied have tw o 15-pin D -SUB connectors or two 24-pin DVI
connectors for connection to the monitor and to the computer.
Information on the computer connections and interfaces is c onta ined in the
operating manual for the computer.
1 = Power connector
2 = AUDIO-IN socket
3 = DVI-D connector (DIGITAL)
4 = D-SUB socket (ANALOG)
5 = Security slot for "Kensington Lock"
6 = Holes for xing swivel arm or wall bracket
Select the data cable which is suitable for your computer.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 11
Getting s tarted
Connect one of the connectors of the data cable to the D-SUB socket or DVI-D socket of
the monitor and secure the plug-in connection by tightening the safety screws.
The monitor automatically detects the input when only one signal source is connected.
Insert one plug of the audio
line in the AUDIO IN socket on the m onitor
and make sure it is properly
Plug the po wer cable supplied into the power connector of the monitor.
Secure the cover over the co
A lock (Kensington Lock) c
an be mounted in the security slot to protect the monitor
from theft. A Kensington
Lock is not included with the monitor at delivery.
Connecting cables to the computer
Information on the computer connections and interfaces is contained in the
operating manual for your computer.
Connect the data cable to the (active) monitor port on the computer and secure
the plug-in connection by tightening the safety screws.
Insert the other plug of t he audio cable in the audio output of the computer.
Plug the power connector of the monitor into a properly grounded mains outlet.
Plug the power connector of the computer into a properly grounded mains outlet.
If your computer has two monitor ports ("onboard" screen controller and separate
graphics card), the monitor port for the separate graphics card is active as standard.
12 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Switching the device on and off
1 = Buttons for the OSD menu (On-Screen
2 = Power supp ly in
3 = ON/OFF switch
Press the butto
ns upwards from below.
The colour of th
e LED indicator changes as follows:
LED indicator Status
Monitor and computer are switched on (normal mode).
Monitor and com
puter are switched on (ECO mode).
The monitor is n
ot receiving a video signal or switches into power
saving mode.
does not light u
Monitor is switched off.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 13
Front Rear
1 = power supply indicator
Switch the device on using the ON/OFF s witch.
Only switch on the computer after you ha ve switched on the monitor.
Notes on power management
If your comput er is equipped with po wer management (power-saving mode), the monitor can fu lly
support this function. Here the monitor does not distinguish between the individual energy-saving
modes of the computer (standby mode, sus pend mode and OFF mode), as it is capable of
immediately switching into t he mode with the highest energy-saving effect.
Power saving m od e
Power supply
Lit blue Lit green Unlit
max. brightness
typ. 180 cd/m
Power consumption
<50W <36.8W Reducedto 0.5 W
If your computer dete
cts inactivity (no input) it sends an appropriate signal to the monitor to
reduce the power cons
umption (energy-saving mode). The power indicator of the monitor changes
colour to indicate t
he status change. ECO mod e is the preset factory default.
Once an input is made a
t the computer the screen contents are restored.
For detailed inform
ation on how energy-saving m ode opera tes, please refer to
the operating manu
al or technical manual of the computer.
14 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Changing the monitor settings
When putting the monitor into operation for the rst time, the screen display should
be optimally adapted to the display adapter used.
Changing the monitor settings
with the buttons
of the c ontrol panel
The buttons of the control panel have two functions. With the OSD menu not
activated, you can make the following settings directly:
1 = Buttons for the OSD menu (On-Screen
2 = Power supply indicator
3 = ON/OFF switch
Performing auto-adjustment of the m onitor
Press the
button for about 1 second.
The Auto Processing message appears
Picture quality and position are set to optimum values for your system.
Selecting input signal (D-SUB/DVI-D)
Press the Back /
button to open the Input select setting window.
Press t he Forwards / ECO b utton or the Back /
button to select the
desired monitor connection (VGA or DVI).
This setting window can also be called when the OSD menu is locked.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 15
Activate/deactivate ECO operating mode
The power consumption of the device can be decreased by reducing
the brightness of the picture.
Press the Forwards / ECO button to switch the ECO operating mode on or off.
The message Action was executed appears.
If the ECO operating mode is activated , th e following OSD settings are changed:
After the ECO operating mode is switched off, the brightness previously set by the user is restored.
Locking the OSD menu
The OSD menu can be locked to prevent accidental or unauthorised change s to the monitor settings.
Press and hold the
button for a few seconds while you switch
on the monitor with the ON/OFF switc h.
The Action was executed mess
age appears.
Please proceed in the same
manner to release the locked OS D menu again.
Locking the ON/OFF button
The ON/OFF switch can be locked to prevent accidental or unauthorised
changes to the monitor settings.
Press the F orwards / ECO butto n and the Back /
button at the same
time and keep them pressed for a few seconds.
The message Action was exe
cuted appea rs.
Please proceed in the sam
e manner to release the locked ON/OFF switch again.
Changing the monitor settings using the OSD menu
With the buttons on the control panel, you can call up and use the integrated
OSD (On-Screen Display) menu.
16 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
The OSD menu is available in various langu ages. The English menu names are
used in the following description (default setting). You can select another language
using the O SD Language function in the OSD Setup menu.
Press the
button to
activate the OSD menu.
The main menu appears, with icons
for the setting functions.
The rst icon, (Brightness/Contrast), is
highlighted and the associated functions a re
visible in the right-hand menu eld.
Press the Forwards / ECO button or
the Back /
button to highlight
another icon (e.g. Image adjust).
Press the
button to
select the highlighted icon.
The Image adjust setup window will
be displayed.
Press the Forwards / ECO button or
the Back /
button to highlight
another function.
Press the
button to
select the highlighted function.
Press the Forwards / ECO button or
the Back /
button to highlight
another function.
Press the
button to
exit the function.
Press the Forwards / ECO button or the
Back /
button to highlight another
function or press the
to return to the main menu.
All changes are stored automatically.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 17
If you wish to cha nge other settings, select the corresponding function from the OSD
main menu. All possible adjustments of the main menu are described below.
OSD menu functions
The OSD menu for analogue monitor operation is described below. During
digital operation some functions are not available, they are not needed be cau se
of the digital transmission technology being used.
Adjusting the brightness and contrast
Call up the Brightness/Contrast setting window
Set the brightness of th e dis
With this function you can cha
nge the brightness of the background lighting.
Yo u can see whether the ECO ope
rating mode is active under the bar for
displaying the brightness se
Set the contrast of the d isplay
With this function you can modify the contra st of pale colours.
Black level
Set the brightness of th e display
With this function you modify the contrast of dark colours.
Auto level *
Adjust the signal level
With this function you can automatically set the contrast.
The function is executed w ith the
* function n ot available in DV
I mode
If the contrast is set too hi
gh, bright surfaces can no longer be d istinguished from very
bright surfaces. If the con
trast is set too low, the maximum brightness will not be achieved.
18 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Adjusting the screen size and position
Calling the Image adjust setting window
H-position *
Adjustment of the picture horizontal position
With this functio n you can move the picture to the left or to the right.
V-position *
Adjusting the pict ure vertical position
With this function you can move the picture up or down.
Clock *
Adjusting the synchronisation settings
This function is used to adjust th e picture width, to eliminate vertical picture
Phase *
Eliminating picture interference
With this func tion you ne-tune your monitor to eliminate picture interference.
Setting the picture sharpness
This function is used to adjust the picture sharpness.
* function not available in DVI mode
Adjust ing the volume
Call the Audio setting window
Vol u m e
Set the volume for playback with the integrated loudspeakers
Switch the loudspeakers off or on
Setting the colour temperat
ure and colours
Call the Colour setting window
Select the colour temperature
The "warmth" of the screen colours is set using the colour temperature. The
colour temperature is measured in Kelvin (K). You can choose between
sRGB, 6500 K, 7500 K, 9300 K, Native and Custom Colour.
In the user- de ned setting you can change the colour ratios of the basic
colours (red, green, blue) as required.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 19
Adjusting the display of the OSD menu
Calling the OSD Setup adjustment window
Selecting the language for the OSD menu
With this function you choose between English (default setting ), French,
German, Italian and Spanish as the language for the OSD menu.
OSDH p o s ition
Setting the horizontal position of the OSD menu
With this function you can move the OSD menu to the left or to the right.
OSDV position
Setting the vertical position of the OSD menu
With this function you can move the OSD menu up or down.
Setting the display duration of the OSD men u
With this function you can select a value from 10 to 120 seconds.
If the set time expires without a setting being made , th e OSD menu is
automatically hidden.
Setting functions in the Adva
nced menu
Call up the Advance d setting window
Input select
Selecting the input signal
This function allows you to switch the monitor from analogue to digital mode
and vice versa, when two signal sources are connected .
This requires that the graphic card used supports this function.
Activation/deactivation of the DDC-CI
On = The DDC-CI function is enabled (standard setting)
Off = The DDC-CI function is disabled
Factory Recall
Activating the factory se ttings
With this function all settings are reset to the factory settings without
prompting for conrm ation.
Press the
button to activate the function. The Auto
Processing message is d isplaye d.
Displaying information
Call the Information setting window
With this function the model designation, serial number, resolution, H/V
frequency, input signal and polarity of the synchron isation signal are
20 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Notes on ergonomic c olo ur ad just men
Notes on ergonomic colour adju
If you select colours for the monitor in your a pplication programmes,
take note of the information below.
The primary colours blue and red on a dark background do not produce the minimum
required contrast of 3:1 and are therefore not suitable for continuous text and data e ntry.
When using several colours for characters and background and giving the primary colours full
modulation, you can obta in very suitable colour combinations (see the following table):
black white purple blue
cyan green
yellow red
+ Colour combination very suita ble
- Colour combination not suitable because colour h ues are too close together, thin characters
are not identiable or rigorous focusing is demanded of the human eye.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 21
Should an error occur, rst check the following points. If the distortion is still not eliminated,
the monitor should, if possible, be checked on another compute r.
If you are unable to solve the problem, please inform our help desk.
Having this problem? Check the following points:
No screen display
Check whether the ON/OF F switch on the
monitor is switched on.
Check whether the power cable
on the
monitor is connected correct
Check whether the computer is switched on.
No screen display
Power indicator is lit
Check whether the computer is switched on.
Check whether the data cable for the
monitor is correctly attached to the m onitor
port on the computer.
Press any key on the computer keyboard.
The computer may be in p ower saving
Alter the brightness and/or contrast until you
get a picture.
Message: No Signal
Check whether the data cable for the
monitor is correctly attached to the m onitor
port on the computer.
Check whether the computer is switched on.
Message: Frequency out of range:## kHz
/ ## HzPlease change the display mode
to 1920 x 1200 with 60 Hz
The input signal (horizontal frequency and
refresh rate) at the displayed input does not
correspond to the technical data for the monitor.
Adjust the video frequency range using the
computer software (see d ocumentation for
the computer or display adapter).
Set a different screen re
solution using the
computer software (see d
ocumentation for
the computer or display
Picture position not cor
The monitor recognises an undened mode (see
chapter "
Technical data", Page 25).
Press the
button to perform
auto-adjustment of the screen.
Picture is shaking
Check whether the data cable for the
monitor is correctly attached to the m onitor
port on the computer.
Press the
button to perform
auto-adjustment of the screen.
Picture is wrongly adjusted Press the
button to
activate the Factory Recall function.
The Auto Processing message appears.
22 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Having this problem? Check the following points:
Picture disturbances (vertical
Press the
button to perform
auto-adjustment of the screen.
Picture disturbances (horizontal lines, picture
Press the
button to perform
auto-adjustment of the screen.
The screen becomes darker
The background lighting has a limited lifetime.
If your monitor disp lay should become too dark,
the background lighting will ha ve to be replaced.
Please contact our help desk.
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 23
Explanatory information about stan
dard ISO 9241-3
Explanatory information abou
standard ISO 9241-3
Lit or unlit pixels
Today’s production techniques cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen display. A
few isolated pixels may be constantly lit or unlit. The maximum permitted number of faulty
pixels is stipulated in the international stan dard ISO 9241-3 (Class I).
A24"at-screen monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1200 has 1920 x 1200 = 2 ,304,000 pixels. Each
pixel consists of thre e subpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 6.9 million subpixels in
total. According to ISO 9241-3 (Class I), a maximum of 2 lit and 2 un lit pixels plus 6 lit or 12 unlit
subpixels, or a corresponding combination, may be faulty (1 lit subpixels counts as 2 unlit sub pixels).
A pixel consists of 3 subpixels, normally red, green and blue. A pixel is
the smallest element that can be generated by complete functionality of
the display.
A subpixel is a separately addressable internal structure within a pixel that
enhances the pixel function.
24 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Technical data
Technical data
Condensation i s not permitted, neither in the rated range of operation
nor in the limit range of operation.
B24W-5 ECO
Dimensions and weight
Visible diagonals 61 cm
Dot pitch 0.27 mm
Width 518.4 mmImage size
Height 320.4 mm
Maximum resolution 1920 x 1200
Width 558 mm
Height 414 mm - 523 mm
Dimensions incl. monitor base
Depth 212 mm
Weight (without packaging)
approx. 7.9 kg
Storable display mod es
Pixel error classes according to
ISO 9241-3
Electrical data
Positive, 0.7 V
Digital DVI-D
Synchronisation Separate sync. TTL, positive or negative
Horizontal frequency 31 kHz .... 82 kHz (multi-scanning )
Refresh rate
56 Hz .... 76 Hz
Maximum pixel rate 195 MHz analogue, 165 MH z digital
Power supply
Switches automatically
100 V 240 V, 50 Hz 60 Hz
ECO operating
< 36.8 W
Overall power draw (without
Power saving
Sound output 1.0 W left; 1.0 W right
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 25
Technical d a ta
Ambient conditions
Environment class 3K2, DIN IEC 721
Rated range of operation
15 .... 35
20 % .... 85 %
Limit range o f operation
5 °C .... 35 °C
20 % .... 85 %
VESA-DDC-compatible VGA interface
Your monitor is equipped with a VESA-D DC-comp atible VGA interface. VESA-DDC (Video
Electronics Standard Association, Display Data Channel) is used as the communications
interface between the monitor and t he computer. I f the computer is equipped with a
VESA-DDC-compatible VGA interface, it can automatically read the data for ensuring
optimum operation from the monitor and select the appropriate settings.
Preset operating modes
The picture position and s
ize have been optimised at the factory for the operating
modes listed above. D epen
ding on the graphics card use d, it may be necessary
to adjust the display posi
tion or size. In this ca se you can change and save the
settings (see ch apter "
Changing the monit or settings", Page 15).
For ergonomic reasons,
a screen resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels is recommended.
Due to th e technology us
ed (active m atrix) an LCD mon itor provides a totally
icker-free picture ev
en with a refresh rate of 60 H z.
Most frequent operating modes
Horizontal frequency Refresh rate Screen resolution
31.5 kHz 70 Hz 720 x 400
31.5 kHz 60 Hz 640 x 480
37.5 kHz 75 Hz 640 x 480
37.9 kHz 60 Hz 800 x 600
46.9 kHz 75 Hz 800 x 600
48.4 kHz 60 Hz 1024 x 768
60.0 kHz 75 Hz 1024 x 768
65.0 kHz 60 Hz 1680 x 1050
74.0 kHz 60 Hz 1920 x 1200
26 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Technical data
D-SUB port
Pin Meaning
1 Video input red
2 Video input green
3 Video input blue
6 Video ground red
Video ground green
8 Video ground blue
+5 V ( DDC)
Sync. ground
DDC Data
13 H. sync
14 V. sync
DDC Clock
A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 27
Technical d a ta
DVI-D port
Pin Meaning
TMDS Data2–
TMDS Data2+
TMDS Data 2/4 Shield
4 not connected
not connected
DDC Clock
DDC Data
Analog Vertical Sync
TMDS Data1–
TMDS Data1+
TMDS Data 1/3 Shield
12 not connected
13 not connected
14 +5V Power
15 Earth
16 Hot Plug Detect
TMDS Data0–
TMDS Data0+
TMDS Data 0/5 Shield
20 not connected
21 not connected
TMDS Clock Shield
TMDS Clock+
TMDS Clock–
28 A26361-K1334-Z220-1-7619, edition 1

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Fujitsu B24W-5 ECO Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

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