Erasing My Word List
1. From My Word List, select Erase the List.
2. Press Y to erase the list or press N to cancel.
Note: When you erase one list, the other list is not erased.
Playing The Games
You have seven fun games to choose from.
Changing Game Settings
Before you play, you can choose the source of the words, the skill level, the language,
and whether or not graphics will be used.
1. Press MENU, highlight and press ENTER.
2. Hold down CAP and press to highlight Game Settings and press ENTER.
3. Use or to move to Words or Skill.
Words chooses the source of the words: All of them, the TOEFL
Test List, My
Word List, or Enter your own.
Skill determines how easy or difficult a game is.
4. Use or to change the setting(s) you want.
5. Press ENTER when done.