VFX1 HEADGEAR User's Manual
Give Yourself a Break - Virtual reality applications, whether viewed on a
video screen or headset, can potentially have adverse effects on the user including
possible motion sickness, perceptual aftereffects and disorientation, and decreased
postural stability. In rare cases, the onset of these symptoms can be delayed. The
onset and severity of these potential effects is highly dependent on the individual
user, the exposure duration, and the intensity and speed of motions presented in the
specific VR application. A simulated walk in the park may have minimal impact
whereas a virtual high speed chase with crash dives, fast breaking turns, enemy
everywhere and guns blazing, may cause onset. Will you experience some of these
adverse effects? There is no one good answer to this question — it is very
dependent upon yourself and the VR application you run. As a rule, if you feel any
discomfort or adverse effects, you should stop and take a break immediately. In all
cases, it is important and recommended that you take breaks every 15 minutes
during play. After play, wait until you are completely reoriented to the real world
and not experiencing any of the effects indicated above before commencing other
activities. During this recovery period you should NOT engage in any potentially
dangerous activities such as operating equipment or driving a car.
You may find that with repeated exposure to VR applications, any adverse effects
that you experience diminish with time. There can be no assurance this will be the
case, but this adaptation is common for users of virtual environments.