Tips on Removing Air from a Bag
Avoid wrinkles when inserting the bag into the
Vacuum Channel (E).
Wrin kles i n seal ma y caus e l eaka ge and al low ai r to
return into bag. To eliminate any wrinkles while
inse rtin g bag int o the va cuum ch anne l (E), ho ld bag
with t wo han ds gent ly str etchi ng bag fl at unt il vacu um
pump b egin s. If you f ind wri nkle s afte r s eali ng bag,
simply cut bag open and vacuum seal again.
If motor runs for more than 30 seconds without
stopping, consider the following:
If you a re vacu um sea ling wi th a bag , m ake su re the
bag is p rope rly sea led (S ee “How t o Make a Ba g From
a Roll ”). Ch eck foa m gask et arou nd Drip T ray to m ake
sure it is free from food material and is properly insert-
ed into gasket channel.
If vac uum se aling w ith an ac cess ory, ch eck Ac cess ory
Hose connections to ensure a tight fit.
Tips on Using the Intergrated Bag Opener
The Ba g O pene r i s a h andy an d conve nient w ay to open
sealed bags.
To Use:
1. Press Bag Opener to extend (press again to retract Bag
Opener for storage).
2. Fold end of bag to create a loop (as shown in Fig.5)
with the sealed bag so the Heat Sealed area is above
the cutter.
3. Hold bag tau gh t wi th t wo h and s an d pu ll bag thr oug h th e
cutter (See Fig. 6).
Note: Bags that previously contained fruits, vegetable and
dry go ods can be r eseal ed. Bag s t hat con tain ed raw mea ts,
fish eggs or unpasteurized cheese should be discarded
after use becase they may contain invisible bacteria that
will remain after washing.
Tips on Sealing a Bag
When making a bag from a roll:
Press the Seal Button (C) before placing bag material into
the Vacuum Channel (E). Once bag in inserted the Seal
process will begin immediately.
Note: If you forget to press the Seal Button (C) before
inserting the bag into the Vacuum Channel (E), the vacuum
pump will turn on, this is not a problem, simply press the
Seal Button to prevent the pump from running continuously,
and the sealing process will begin.
How to Prevent moisture or liquid from being pulled into the
Drip Tray (O) or getting trapped in the seal:
Eith er pre- freez e moist f ood suc h a s raw mea t f or 1-2 ho urs
before vacuum sealing, or place a folded paper towel
betw een foo d and end of ba g to abso rb exce ss liqu ids. Be
sure to leave at least 3 in ches bet ween pa per tow el and en d
of bag so t hat bag se als pro perly w ith pap er towe l i nside
and is not positioned in between the seal area.
Make sure appliance has time to cool down.
Wait a t l east 20 s econd s b etwe en seal s. Unde r v ery hea vy
usage, appliance will stop operating to prevent overheating.
If it does, wait 20 minutes to allow appliance to cool off.
General Tips
Tips for Successful Vacuum Sealing
1. Vacuu m sea ling is NOT a sub sti tute for the heat pr oces s of
canning. Perishables still need to be refrigerated or frozen.
2. For best results, use FoodSaver
brand Bags, Canisters
and Accessories.
3. Durin g the vacuu m seal ing pr oces s, sma ll amo unts of
liqu ids, crumb s or foo d part icl es can be inad vert entl y
pulled into Drip Tray (O), clogging the pump and
damaging your appliance.
To prevent this, follow these tips:
a. For moist and juicy foods: Freeze first and avoid
overfilling bags. You can also place a folded paper
towel inside top of bag, and below seal area, before
vacuum sealing.
b. For sou ps, sa uces and liq uids : Free ze fi rst an d avoi d
overfilling bags. Or, use a canister in refrigerator.
c. For pow dery or fine -gra ine d food s: Avo id ove rfil ling bags
or use a canis ter. You can also pl ace a co ffee filte r or
paper towel inside before vacuum packaging.
d. Empty drip tray (O) after each use.
4. To avoid overfilling, always leave at least 3 inches of bag
mate rial betwe en ba g cont ents and top of bag. Then le ave
at least one additional inch of bag material for each time
you plan to reuse bag.
5. Do not create your own side seams for a FoodSaver
Bag. Our bag s are ma nufa ctur ed wi th a spec ial side se am,
which is sealed all the way to the outer edge.
6. To prevent wrinkles in a seal when vacuum sealing bulky
items, gently stretch bag flat while inserting into the
vacuum channel and hold until pump begins.
7. If you ar e unsu re you r bag wa s seal ed pro perl y, si mply
reseal bag.
8. When you are vacuum sealing items with sharp edges
(dry spagh ett i, sil verw are, etc.) , prot ect bag from punct ure s
by wrapping item in soft cushioning material, such as a
pape r towe l. You may wan t to use a canis ter or Mason jar
instead of a bag.
9. When us ing acces sori es, re memb er to le ave on e inch of
space at top of canister or container.
10. Pre- fre eze fr uits and bla nch ve geta ble s befo re vac uum
sealing for best results. See FoodSaver
Refer ence Guide
included with your appliance for more information.
(continued on next page)
Marinating with your FoodSaver
1. O pen app lian ce door a nd plac e roll i nto Rol l Stor age
Comp artm ent (H) . For Be st resu lts, i nsert r oll wi th
material flap down. Note: Ba gs can be s ealed w ith
appliance door either open or closed.
2. L ift up Ba g Cutte r Bar (i ) a nd pla ce bag ma teri al
beneath the cutter bar (See Fig.1 ).
3. P ull out e nough b ag mat erial t o hold it em bei ng
vacu um pac ked, pl us 4 inc hes. Lo wer the C utte r Bar
and slide Bag Cutter (i) across the Cutter Bar
(See Fig.2).
4. Press Seal Button (C). Red seal light will illuminate.
5. U sing tw o hands , inse rt open e nd of bag i nto
Vacu um Cha nnel (E ) unti l clamp m otor st arts . Bag
must be centered between arrows.
6. When red seal light 10 turn s off, se alin g i s
comp lete . You may r emov e bag fro m the
Vacuum Channel (E).
7. You now have one sealed end.
8. Now yo u are rea dy to va cuum se al with y our ne w bag
(See below).
How to Make a Bag from a FoodSaver
Vacuum Sealing Roll
Your FoodSaver
Vacuum Sealing System has a special
Quick Marinate Cycle which will last about ten minutes.
The vacuum motor will “hold” the vacuum for several
minutes then release the vacuum allowing the food to
“rest” for 30 seconds. This process will then repeat
two more times. This “Pulsing” action of “vacuuming
and re stin g” will a llow f or quic ker mar inat ing. W hen the
Quic k Mari nate Cy cle is c omple ted th e a ppli ance w ill
beep to signal marinating is complete.
The FoodSaver
Quick M arin ator Ca nist er is the p erfec t
Acces sory f or mari nati ng food s. Foo ds will
marinate in minutes when vacuum sealed because
the va cuum p roces s open s the por es of the f ood an d
abso rbs th e marin ade mo re quic kly.
Important Note: Use the FoodSaver
Quick Marinating
Canister with clear lid and large white knob. During the
Quic k Mari nate Cycle, make sure knob on acce ssor y lid
is set to OPEN. Do not set knob to Vacuum. The
Vacuum position on the knob will allow the Quick
Marinating Canister to be used for extending
vacuum storage.
1. Pre pare e nough o f your fa vori te mari nade t o fully
cove r food i nside a m arin ating c anis ter.
Always leave at least one inch of space between
contents and top of rim.
2. Mak e sure ru bber g aske t u nder neat h l ids as w ell as
rim of marinating canister is free from food materials.
3. Mak e sure Ac cess ory Ho se is sec urely i nser ted int o
port on the FoodSaver
Quick Marinator lid.
4. Make sure knob on accessory lid is set to OPEN.
5. Make sure lid is firmly attached to marinator base.
6. Press Marinate button 3 on the control panel.
7. Your FoodSaver
Vacuu m Seal ing Sys tem wi ll now
begi n the Qu ick Mar inat e Cycle . The Mar inat e
Indi cato r Light w ill fl ash to in dica te the ma rina ting
process has begun.
8. Dur ing th e i niti al vac uum cyc le the Ma rina te Mode
Indi cato r will il lumi nate . W hile M arina ting , the
Vacu um Pro gress D ispl ay will b link d uring t he
Vacuum Hold or Rest Cycle.
9. To pr eser ve food s afel y, afte r compl etin g the
mari nati ng cycl e, the a pplia nce wi ll sign al wit h
shor t beep s to indi cate y our Qui ck Mari nate C ycle is
comp lete d. Pres s any bu tton to s ilen ce the si gnal .
You ma y now coo k or ref riger ate yo ur mari nate d food.
1. Begin with a FoodSaver
Vacuu m Seal ing Sys tem Ba g
(or cr eate a ba g as des cribe d in the “H ow to Ma ke a
Bag from a Roll” section above).
2. Plac e item (s) in ba g, all owing a t least 3 i nche s of
space between bag contents and top of bag.
3. U sing tw o hands , inse rt open e nd of bag i nto Va cuum
Channel (E) until clamp motor starts (See Fig.3 ) . T he
vacuum progress lights will illuminate.
4. C ontin ue to hol d bag un til vac uum pu mp star ts. Yo u
may now release bag. Note: To p reve nt crus hing
deli cate i tems, y ou may p ress Se al Butt on (C) a t any
time to begin automatic sealing process.
5. When red Seal Light 10 tur ns off, r emov e bag.
Refrigerate or freeze if needed. (See FoodSaver
Reference Guide for food safety tips.) Note: Wait at
leas t 20 sec onds be twee n seals t o allow a ppli ance
to properly cool.
Pre-cut bag storage*
(See Fig. 4)
Some models include a storage tray for precut bags.
Attach the precut storage tray to the back of the housing
by aligning the four tabs into the corresponding slots of
the ba ck of the ap plian ce hous ing. On ce alig ned, gen tly
pres s stora ge tray do wnwa rd unti l t he stor age tra y c lick s
into place.
For in forma tion on ho w to purc hase th e p re-c ut bag sto rage,
please visit our website at
How to Vacuum Seal with FoodSaver
Vacuum Sealing Bags
Tips for Successful Vacuum Sealing (continued)
Tips on Vacuum Sealing with Accessories
11. If appliance does not function, or Seal button (C) flashes to
signal ERROR:
a. Check powe r cord to see if it is firm ly plu gged into an
electrical outlet.
b. Examine power cord for any damages.
c. See if el ectr ica l outl et is wo rkin g by plu ggin g in
another appliance.
d. Check to be certain the Upper Bag Detection Tray (P)
is properly inserted.
e. Make su re bag is plac ed cor rec tly in side Vacuu m
Channel (E). (See How to Vacuum Seal with FoodSaver
Vacuum Sealing Bags)
f. Check to ensure Release Buttons (K) are
properly latched.
g. Check Foam Gaske t (M) aro und Drip Tr ay to mak e sur e
it is fr ee fro m food mater ial an d is pro perl y inse rte d
into gasket channel.
h. Check Upper Gasket (Q) around Upper Bag Detection
Tray (P) to be sure it is free from food material.
i. If overheated, allow appliance to cool for 20 minutes.
j. For mor e usag e tips and saf ety infor mati on, pl ease
refer to the FoodSaver
Refer ence Guide or visi t our
website at
How to prepare FoodSaver
Accessories for
Vacuum packaging
Accessories include FoodSavor Vacuum Packaging Canisters,
containers, Universal Lids, Jar Sealers and Bottle Stoppers.
1. Al ways le ave at lea st one in ch of spac e betwe en cont ents
and rim.
2. Wi pe rim of ca niste r, cont aine r o r bottl e to ensur e it is
clean and dry.
3. Place lid on canister or container, or place stopper in
4. For accessories with a large knob on lid, turn knob to
Vaccum. Vacu um pack age usin g instr ucti ons belo w. When
vacuum process is complete, turn knob to Closed befo re
removing Accessory Hose.
5. For Accessories without a large knob on lid, vacuum
package using insttuctions below.
Tips for Successful Vacuum Sealing
How to Open FoodSaver
Vacuum Sealing
Accessories after Vacuum Sealing
Vacuum Sealing Canisters
(without large knob on lid)
To release vacuum and open, push gray rubber button on lid.
Quick Marinators (with large knob on lid) and Universal Lids
To rel ease va cuum and o pen, tu rn knob co unte rcloc kwise o n
lid to open.
Jar Sealer with Mason Jars
For use with Ball
and Kerr
brand Mason jars.
o rele ase vac uum and op en, wed ge spoo n b etwe en Mason
jar li d a nd high est par t o f threa ded rim . Twist s poon ge ntly
to release vacuum.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT use screw bands when vacuum sealing jars.
Lunch and Leftover and Sandwich and
Snack Containers
Atta ch the supp lied ad apter to th e a ccess ory hose a nd place
the ada pter ove r the vacu um valve of th e Conta iner lid . W hile
appl ying dow nward pr essur e to the adap tor, pre ss the Can ister
Butt on. Once th e air has bee n r emove d f rom the Co ntain er, the
Sealer will automatically turn off.
Bottle Stoppers
To release vacuum and open, simply pull up on Bottle Stopper.
Always unplug appliance before cleaning.
How to use Accessory Hose
1. Pr epar e c ontai ner acc ordi ng to Food Saver (R) Acc esso ry
Guidelines .
2. Wi th appl iance d oor (D) cl osed , i nser t o ne end of
Acce ssory H ose int o P ort (F) o n a ppli ance. I nsert ot her
end into port on accessory. Twist gray tab whileinserting
to ensure a tight fit.
3. Push the Canister Vacuum Button (4). Motor will run until
vacuum process is complete.
4. When motor turns off, gently twist and remove Accessory
Hose from accessory and appliance.
5. To test vacuum, simply tug on accessory lid. It should not
Note: For important tips on using accessories with different
foods, please refer to the FoodSaver Reference Guide.)
Vacuum Sealing Accessories*
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Lift Roll Cutter
Slide Cutter
Insert Bag
Optional Bag Storage
Fold Bag
Pull Through Cutter
* not available on all models
* not available on all models
5 6