Ferm 29
3. Readout the value in Volt.
Input resistance is 10 MΩ
Overload security: DC or AC peak value is 1000V.(except the
200mV range which has a max. value of 250V rms)
1. In case you do not know the voltage range, set the
FUNCTION-switch to the highest range and turn
it down gradually, if necessary.
2. Set the FUNCTION-switch to a higher range,
when only the figure “1” is displayed. In this case,
the value is out of range.
3. The maximal input voltage is 1000 V. Higher volta-
ges cannot be measured.
4. Take the utmost care, when measuring high voltages.
11.2 Measuring alternating voltage (VAC)
1. Put the BLACK cord to the “COM”-connector
and the RED one to the “V/Ω”-connector.
2. Adjust the FUNCTION-knob to the desired
“V~” position and connect the cords to the sour-
ce or charge to be measured. The polarity of the
measuring pins is insignificant.
3. Readout the value in Volt.
Input resistance: 10 MΩ
Frequency range for 700V range: 40 .... 200 Hz; for 200V or below:
40...400Hz. Overload security: AC 700 rms or DC 1000V
peak.(Continuous on all ranges, except for 200 mV range with
250V rms) Indication: Average value (rms of sine shape)
1. In case the voltage range is unknown, set the
FUNCTION-switch to the highest range and turn
it down gradually, if necessary.
2. Set the FUNCTION-switch to a higher range,
when only the figure “1” is shown on the display. In
this case, the value is out of range.
3. The maximum input range amounts 700 V. Higher
voltages cannot be measured.
4. Take the utmost care, when measuring high voltages.
11.3 Measuring direct current (ADC)
1. Connect the BLACK cord to the “COM”-con-
nector. Connect the RED cord to the “mA”
connector, for measuring upto 2A. Connect the
RED cord to the “20A max” point, for measu-
ring within a higher current range, upto 20A.
2. Set the FUNCTION-switch to the desired “A ”
position and connect the cords in series to the
respective charge. Mind the correct polarity (red is +
and black is -), otherwise the display will add a minus-
sign to the value. The polarity of the RED cord will be
shown, simultaneously with the value of the current.
3. Readout the value in (milli) Ampere.
Overload protection: 2A/250V fuse, 20A range is not fused.
Max. input current: 20A, 15 seconds.
Max. voltage drop: 200 mV.
1. In case you do not know the current range, set the
FUNCTION-switch to the highest range and
lower it gradually, if necessary.
2. Set the FUNCTION-switch to a higher range,
when only the figure “1” is displayed. In this case,
the value is out of range.
3. The 20A range is not protected with a fuse.
Never measure for more than 15 seconds.
11.4 Measuring alternating current (AAC)
1. Put the BLACK cord to the “COM”-connector and
the RED cord to the “mA” connector, for measu-
ring upto 2A. Connect the RED cord to the “A”
point, for measuring a higher current range, upto 20A.
2. Set the FUNCTION-switch to the desired “A~”
position and connect the cords in series to the
respective source or charge. Mind the right polari-
ty (red is + and black is -), otherwise the display will
add a minus-sign to the value. The polarity of the
RED cord will be shown, simultaneously with the
value of the current.