Downloadable software
Ferguson has taken every effort to provide users with software updates in order to ensure that
the parameters of the tablet are up to date. Ferguson reserves itself the right to amend, change
or modify the software used in the tablet as it shall choose and without prior notification. The
latest version of the software is available on the website
GNU/GPL licensing information
Please consult the legal information available on your tablet under Settings > About tablet >
Legal information (internet connection required) or visit for more information.
User manual
Ferguson has made every effort to provide the most current information about its products.
Ferguson does not grant any guarantee as to the contents of the present instruction manual and
disclaims any implied guarantees concerning market value or suitability for specific purposes.
The information contained herein is an instruction intended to enable the correct usage and
maintenance of the tablet.
Ferguson reserves itself the right to introduce amendments, changes or translations of the
instruction manual without prior notification thereof. For this reason, we recommend you
regularly visit our website in order to obtain the latest