Figure 8: SysEx Librarian waiting for SysEx messages from an external device.
Figure 9: SysEx Librarian waiting for SysEx messages from an external device.
After clicking “Done” on the message window, a new file called “Untitled” will appear in the main
application window showing Fender as the manufacturer containing 3 messages and 62 bytes as shown in
figure 10. If you would like to rename the file, click on the “Show File” button in the lower right corner of
the main application window. This should locate the file in Finder. Simply rename the file as you would
any file in Finder. When you return to the SysEx Librarian application, the new name of the file should
appear in the listing (as shown in figure 11). You have now successfully dumped a preset to the Macintosh.
If you want to email your preset to a friend, simply attach the SysEx file you just renamed as a normal
email attachment. If you want dump all of your presets to the Macintosh, simply repeat the above
procedure. Only this time, hit the Utility button on the G-DEC four times so that the “DUMP ALL” menu
item is highlighted. The resulting SysEx file size will be considerably larger.