ICM, 11, 40
Incorrect characters, 42
Incorrect colors, 40
Incorrect margins, 42
Ink cartridge
cartridge life, 49
level of ink in, 11, 18, 25 to 26
ordering, 25 to 26, 50
print capacity, 49
replacing, 25 to 26
safety instructions, 26
specifications, 49
Ink Jet Transparencies, 22, 50
Ink level, checking
Macintosh, 18, 25
Windows, 11, 25
Ink setting, 14, 18
Installation problems, 36 to 37
Inverted image, 42
Jams, paper, 41
Layout settings, Macintosh, 15, 18
Letterhead, 8
Lights, 33 to 34
printing with OS 8.5.1 to 9.x, 17 to 19
printing with OS X, 12 to 16
reinstalling software, 43 to 44
system requirements, 47
Maintaining printer, 23 to 30
Margins, incorrect, 42
Matte Paper - Heavyweight, 22, 50
Media Type setting, Macintosh, 14, 18, 22
Mirror images, 42
Monitoring ink level
Macintosh, 18, 25
Windows, 11, 25
Moving printer, 31
Noise, printer, 38
Nozzle Check, 24 to 25
Page Setup, Macintosh, 13, 17
EPSON, 22, 50
feeding problems, 41
loading, 8
ordering, 50
Paper Type setting, Windows, 10, 22
Photo Enhance setting, 11, 18, 40
Photo Paper, 22, 50
Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper, 22, 50
Photo setting, 10
Photo Stickers, 8, 22, 50
Preferences window, 10
Premium Bright White Paper, 22, 50
Preprinted paper, 8
Previewing printout, 11, 18, 21
Print dialog box, Macintosh, 13, 18
Print head
aligning, 29 to 30
cleaning, 23 to 25
Print quality problems, 38 to 40
Print Settings dialog box, Macintosh, 14
cable, 46, 47
check, 35
cleaning, 30
maintaining, 23 to 30
noise, 38
parts, 33
problems, 34, 37 to 38
transporting, 31