Using the Online Reference
Follow these ste ps to acce ss the onli ne Reference Guide.
1. Insert the printer software CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Fo r Windo ws, select User’ s Manu al in the Ins taller di alog box and cl ick
. For Macint osh, d ouble -click the Use r’s M anual.
3. To view the gu ide from t he CD , cli ck V iew Re fere nce Gu ide.
To in stall th e guid e, clic k In stall Ref erenc e Guide and fo llow th e
on-scr een instr uctions . When ins tallati on is compl ete, an E S C60 Guide
icon (Wi ndows) or a Vi ew Refere nce Guide icon (Mac intosh) appea rs
in the EP SON folder . Doubl e-clic k the ico n to open th e guide .
Online Problem solving
For Wi ndows users
The Prob lem So lver and E PSON’s Techni cal Suppo rt Web Si te prov ide you
with tips to help solve any pr oblems you may encount er when usi ng your
printe r. Ac cess the Problem So lver or Te chnic al Suppor t in one of follow ing
❏ Fro m the Windo ws St art me nu
Clic k Star t, point to Progra ms and th en to Epso n, th en click ES C 60
Prob lem So lver.
❏ From Sta tus Monit or 3
Clic k Technica l Sup port in t he Statu s Monitor 3 dialog bo x.
❏ From your print er softw are
Clic k Technica l Sup port on the M ain m enu of th e pri nter s oftwa re.
For fur ther i nformat ion on th e custom er support servic es avail able i n your
area, se e the onl ine Reference Guide.
For Macintos h users
EPSO N’s Tec hnica l Supp ort We b Si te
provide s help with pr oblems t hat cannot
be solved usi ng the tr oublesh ooting
info rmatio n in your print er docume ntat ion.
To acces s Technica l Supp ort, inser t th e
CD in the CD-ROM driv e and doubl e-clic k
the Technical Supp ort We b Site ico n in
the I nstal l Softw are folde r. For fu rther informat ion on th e customer sup port
service s avail able in you r area, see the onli ne Re ference Guide.
Accessing the Printer Software
The pri nter s oftware incl udes a pr inte r driv er and utilit ies. T he prin ter dr iver
lets you cho ose from a wide var iety of se ttings t o get the be st resul ts from
your print er. The printer ut iliti es help you check the pr inter and ke ep it in top
operat ing condit ion. Acc ess the pr inter sof tware as exp lain ed in this sec tion .
For Wi ndows users
There ar e three ways to acce ss the pri nter soft ware.
From Wi ndows appli cat ions
1. Fr om the File me nu of y our app licati on, cli ck Print . The Print di alog box
appears .
2. Se lect your pri nter, then click Prop erti es, Prin ter, Setup or Options to
access the pr inter sof twar e. (Depend ing on your applicat ion, you need
to clic k a combinat ion of th ese butto ns.)
Not e:
When yo u acc ess th e p rinte r softw are f rom a Wi ndow s app lica tion, the
settin gs that you make appl y only to th e appli cation yo u are usin g.
From th e Star t menu
1. Cli ck Start, point to Settings, then clic k Printers.
2. S elect you r printer , then cl ick Pro per ties o n t he File menu. If yo u are
Window s 2000 us er, sele ct your pri nter, then cli ck Printing
Prefer ences on th e Fi le menu.
From the taskbar
1. Righ t-clic k the pri nter ico n on the t askba r.
2. S elect Printer Settings .
For Ma cintos h users
You can acc ess the var ious pri nter soft ware dial og boxes as describ ed
Printing on Special Media
You can pr int on a wide variet y of special media– includi ng ink jet paper,
photo qua lity glossy fi lm, photo paper, t ranspar encies, index cards, and
adhesiv e sheet s–and sever al sizes of envel opes.
❏ Read th e instru ctio ns in the medi a packa ge first .
Cleani ng sheets pa ckaged wit h EPSON speci al media shoul d not
be u sed wi th thi s pr inter . The cle aning f unct ion performe d by
these she ets is no t neces sary with this ty pe of pri nter, and the
sheets cou ld jam in the print er.
❏ Load the me dia prin tabl e side up in t he sheet feeder . See the
instr uctions packed wit h the media to det ermine whi ch side is the
print able side .The loa ding ca pacity var ies by model. For mor e detai ls
on using speci al media , see “P aper H andling ” in t he onlin e R eference
❏ Make su re that t he pap er stack fits un der the tabs ins ide t he edge gu ide,
and does not exceed the loadi ng limit indicat ed by the arrow mark on
the lef t edge guid e.
Replacing Ink Cartridges
You can repla ce an ink car tridge b y usin g the S tatus M onitor utili ty inst alled
on your computer , or by using the print er's c ontrol pa nel. To repl ace an i nk
cartr idge or check ink levels usi ng the Status Monit or uti lity, r efer t o “Using
the St atus Moni tor” in the onlin e Referenc e Guide. To re plac e an ink
cartr idge us ing the pri nter' s contr ol panel, foll ow the step s in thi s section .
❏ You canno t contin ue print ing wit h one ink car trid ge empty, ev en if the
other cartri dge stil l contai ns ink. Bef ore pr inting, replac e the emp ty
cartr idge .
❏ In addit ion to th e ink use d during document pri ntin g, ink is con sumed
durin g the pr int head clean ing oper ation , durin g the sel f-cle aning cycle
which i s perfor med when t he pri nter i s turned on , and du ring ink
chargi ng when th e ink cart ridge i s install ed in t he printer .
1. Mak e sur e that t he pri nter i s on, but no t prin ting. Then o pen the p rin ter
2. P ress the e ink cart ridge replace ment b utton. The pr int head moves t o
the ink r eplaceme nt positi on.
Do not mov e the pri nt head by hand, as this ma y damage the
print er. Alwa ys press th e e ink cartr idge re place ment bu tton to
move it.
3. I nstall the n ew ink car tridges (Blac k: T02 8, Col or: T029) as ex plained
on the re verse sid e of thi s sheet in the “3. I nstall t he ink ca rtridge s”
section .
Dispos e of the used ca rtri dge prop erly. D o not t ake it ap art or try t o refil l it.
Panel Operation
See t he online Reference Guide for detai ls.
Error Indicators
You can identit y many common problem s using lights on the pri nter’s con trol
panel. Use the f ollo wing tab le of panel ligh t patter ns to dia gnose t he
probl em, then f ollow the recomme nded corre ctive measures.
= on,
= off,
= flashing
* EPSON Status Monitor 3 is for Windows; EPSON S tatusMonitor is fo r Macintosh.
Safety Instructions
Read al l of the i nstruct ions in th is sect ion when setting up and usi ng your
printer .
When choosing a place for the printer
❏ Avoid places su bject to rapid chan ges in temp eratur e and humid ity.
Also, keep th e printe r away fro m dire ct sunlig ht, strong li ght, or heat
source s.
❏ Avoid pl ace s subje ct to dus t, sho cks, an d vibrat ions .
❏ Leav e enough r oom aro und the p rin ter to allow f or suf ficient vent ilati on.
❏ Place the print er ne ar a wall out let wh ere the pl ug can be easily
unplug ged.
❏ Place the pr inte r on a flat, stable surfac e tha t exten ds beyond the printe r
base in all di rectio ns. The p rinter w ill not operat e properl y if i t is til ted at
an angle .
When choosing a power source
❏ Use onl y the ty pe of powe r source indicat ed on the printe r’s labe l.
❏ Do not use a damaged or frayed power cord .
❏ If yo u us e an e xtens ion c ord wit h th e print er, m ake s ure th at th e tota l
ampere rati ng of t he devi ces pl ugged i nto t he exte nsion cord do es not
exceed the cord’s ampere rating . Also, mak e sure that t he total ampe re
ratin g of all dev ices pl ugged int o the wal l outlet does not exce ed the
wall outl et’s ampe re ra ting .
❏ If you pla n to us e th e prin ter i n German y, the buil ding i nstal latio n must
be prote cted by a 10 or 16 amp circ uit br eaker t o provide adequa te
short- circui t pr otecti on an d over -curr ent pr otec tion f or t his p rinte r.
When handling ink cartridges
❏ Do not o pen the i nk car tridg e packages until just be fore you instal l the m.
❏ Keep ink ca rtri dges out of the re ach of chil dren. D o not all ow child ren
to drin k from o r otherw ise handl e the car trid ges.
❏ Be care ful whe n you ha ndle used i nk car tridg es, as there ma y be some
ink re maining around the ink supp ly po rt. I f ink gets on your skin, wash
the area thoroug hly wit h soap and wate r. If in k gets in to your ey es, flush
them immed iately w ith water . If di scomfort or visio n proble ms remain
after a tho rough flus hing, see a doctor immedi atel y.
❏ Do not sha ke the ink ca rtri dges; thi s can caus e leakage.
❏ You mus t remove the ye llow ta pe seal s from the cartri dges befo re
instal ling the m; othe rwise, t he cartri dges wil l become unus able.
❏ Do not remov e the bl ue porti on of t he tape sea l from the top of the
cartri dges.
❏ Do not remov e the ta pe seal s from the bottom of the cart ridges.
❏ Do not touch the green IC chip on the sid e of the c artri dge. this may
affect norm al ope ratio n and prin ting .
❏ The IC ch ip on th is ink cart ridge retains a vari ety of car tridg e
relat ed-inf ormati on, such as t he amoun t of ink re maini ng, so tha t a
cartri dge m ay be remove d an d rein serted freely . Howev er, each time
the cart ridge is insert ed, some in k is consu med becaus e the print er
automat icall y perfo rms a reli abil ity check.
When using the printer
❏ Do not p ut your hand insi de the printer or touc h the ink cartr idges during
print ing.
❏ Do not bl ock or cover t he opening s in the printer’ s cabinet .
❏ Do not at tempt to servic e the pri nter you rself.
❏ Unplug the prin ter an d refer ser vici ng to qual ifie d service perso nnel
under th e follow ing cond itio ns:
The p ower cor d or pl ug is d amaged ; liqu id has entere d the print er; t he
print er has bee n droppe d or the cabinet damaged ; the pr inter does not
operat e normall y or exhib its a di stinct change in per forma nce.
❏ Do not in sert object s throu gh the slot s in th e printe r’s cabi net.
❏ Take care no t to spill li quid on the pr inter.
Information fo r United Kin gdom Users
Use of options
EPSON (U K) Limit ed shall no t be li able agai nst any damages or problems
arisin g from th e use of a ny option s or con sumable pr oducts ot her t han those
desig nated as Origina l EPSON Product s or EP SON Appro ved Pro ducts by
EPSON (UK) Limited .
Safety information
Warni ng:
This ap pliance must be ea rthed. Refer to the rati ng plat e for th e
voltage and check t hat the ap pliance vol tage co rre sponds t o t he
supp ly v oltag e.
Impo rtant: Th e wires in the ma ins l ead fitte d to this appl iance are
coloure d in accor dance with t he follo wing code :
Green and ye llow — Ear th
Blue — Ne utral
Brow n — Live
If you h ave to fi t a pl ug:
As the c olours of t he mains lead of thi s appl iance may not match the
colour ed markin gs used to ident ify the ter minals in a plug , please observe
the foll owing :
❏ The gr een an d yello w wire must b e connect ed t o the t ermina l in th e plu g
which is marked with th e letter E or the ea rth symbo l (G).
❏ The blu e wir e must be conne cted to the termin al in t he pl ug mark ed wit h
the le tter N.
❏ The brow n wire must be conne cted to the ter minal in the plug marked
with th e lett er L.
❏ If the pl ug is dam aged, re place the cord set or consul t a qualif ied
electr ician.
❏ Replac e fuses only with fu ses of the cor rect si ze and rat ing.
Dialog Box How to Access
Print Click Pr int on the F ile menu of your application or click Options in the Page
Setup dialog box.
Page Setup Click Page Se tup on the File menu of your application.
Layout Click the Layout icon button in the Print dialog box.
Utility Click the Utility icon button in the Print or Page Setup dialog box.
Button Function
Turns the printer on and off.
Clears the printer’s memory if pressed twice while the power is on.
Loads or ejects paper if pressed and released within t hree seconds.
Resumes printing if pressed and released after a paper out error.
Performs print head cleaning if pressed for three seconds when the
light is off .
Moves the print head to the ink cartridge replacement position and charges
ink to the printer when ink i s out.
ink cartridge
Moves the print head to the ink cartridge replacement position and charges
ink to the printer.
Light s Proble m and S olution
O b
Paper ou t No paper is loaded in the printer.
Check EPSON Status Monitor 3* or EPSO N StatusMonitor*. Load paper in the
sheet feeder, then press the
maintenance button. The printer resumes printing
and the light goes out.
O b
Paper jam Paper has jam med in the print er.
Check EPSON Status Monitor 3* or EPSO N StatusMonitor*. P ress the
maintenance button to eject the jammed paper. If the error does not clear, open
the printer cover and remov e all of the paper inside, including any torn pieces.Then
reload the paper in t he sheet feeder and press the
maintenance button to
resume printing.
F b
Ink lo w The black or color ink cart ridge is nearly em pty.
Obtain a replacement black or color ink cartridge. To deter mine which cartridge is
nearly empty, check the ink level using EPSON Status Monitor 3* or EPSON
O b
Ink ou t The black or color ink cart ridge is empty or is not
Replace the black or color ink cartridge with a new one.
Wrong ca rtridge The installed black or color ink cartridge cannot be
used by this printer.
Use the appropriate black or color ink cartridge.
O b
Carriage error The print head ca rriage is obstruct ed by jammed
paper or other foreign m aterial and cannot return t o
the home position.
Turn off the printer. Open the printer cover and remove any paper from the paper
path by hand.Then, turn the printer back on. If the error does not clear, contact your
F b
Unknown pri nter erro r An unknown printer error has occurred.
Turn off the printer and contact your dealer.
Quick Guide
Kee p thi s s hee t han dy for qui ck re fere nce .
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Singapore (; Hong Kong (www.ep; Malaysia ( .my); India (;
Philippines (Phone: (632) 813-6552)
Color Ink Jet Printer
Copyright© 2001 by SEIKO EPS ON CORPORAT ION, Nagano, Japan. Pr int ed in XX XX