System Requirements:
- 802.11b or 802.11g Wireless Networ k
- Certified 802.11b/g Wireless AP / Router / PCI N etwor k Adapter
with a Removabl e Antenna.
A networ king standar d usi ng cables (Categor y 5) to create a
networ k.
Network Adapter - Also known as a NIC (Network Interfac e Card).
Used t o provi de PC’s or laptops with an Ethernet port or wireless
access to the network.
Broadband Modem - A device that allows broadband connection
to t he internet. Broadband connections include speeds fast er than
56k (dial up modem s peed). The two most common t ypes of
Broadband connecti ons are DSL and C able. Cable modem relies
on the bandwidt h of c able television lines while DSL modems rel y
on the telephone lines operating at DSL speeds.
Router - A device us ed to s hare i nter net access from one user to
multiple users. By taking one IP address (Address es us ed by
ISP’s t o assign broadband ser vices to your computer) the R outer
distributes the ser vices of your broadband acc ess among multiple
users and IP’s.
W ireless Device – Any Wi-Fi device (802.11b/g) that
communicat es wirelessly using the IEEE802.11 wireless s tandar d.
These devices can range from wireless acc ess points to wireless
routers to wireless PCI client cards.
IEEE 802.11 – Wireless Network Specifications