Chapter 2
Setting Up the Host
RS-232 Settings
In order for the host computer to communicate with the
LabelWriter SE300 printer, the communication parameters must
be set as follows:
•= Baud Rate: 9600
•= Data Bits: 8
•= Stop Bits: 1
•= Parity: None
On a computer running DOS, you can use the MODE command
to configure a serial port. To do this, type the following at the
DOS prompt:
MODE COM#: 96,N,8,1,P
where COM# is the serial port you are using. This could be
COM1, COM2, or any valid COM port.
Most compilers provide a command or function to initialize a
serial port. In the BASIC programming language, use the
following command:
OPEN “COM:9600,N,8,1” FOR OUTPUT AS #1
In Microsoft C/C++, use the function:
Other C compilers offer a similar function. Consult your compiler
user guide for the appropriate function to use to configure a serial
If you are using the Unix OS, you’ll need to configure the RS232
port as a dumb printer port, with no special handling, control
characters or form feeds. The LabelWriter will handle these
functions internally.