Vigor2952 Series User’s Guide
NAT, 138
NAT Sessions Table, 595
NetBios Name Service, 577
Netbios Naming Packet, 266, 305
Network Configuration, 122
Network Interface, 194
Network Mode, 42, 74
nline Status, 28
Notification Object, 566
NS Detect, 82
NTP, 399
Objects Settings, 541
Obtain an IP address automatically, 67, 70
Online User Status, 310
Open Ports, 146
Operation Mode, 235
Option, 216
Option Number, 60
Others, 540
Outbound Bandwidth, 420
Outbound TCP ACK Prioritize, 420
Packet-OVERDRIVE, 236
PAP, 261
Password, 33, 61, 69, 79, 252, 256, 436, 578
Password Strength, 227, 387
PD Class, 137
Peer GRE IP, 275
Peer ID, 252, 257
Per Station Limit, 243
Physical Connection, 28
Physical Members, 90
Physical Mode, 52, 53
Physical Type, 53, 55
PIN Code, 266, 305
PinCode, 231
Ping Detect, 62, 65, 73
Ping Diagnosis, 597
Ping Gateway IP, 62, 65
Ping Interval, 62, 65, 73
PING Interval, 65
Ping IP/Hostname, 85
Ping Retry, 62, 65, 73
PING to the IP, 65, 270
PoE, 4, 135
PoE- General Setup, 135
PoE-Status, 137
Policy, 437
Polling Interval, 485
Port Priority, 137
Port Redirection, 139
Port Triggering, 148, 150
Port-based Bridge, 87
Port-Based VLAN, 125
Power Cycle, 137
Power Limit, 135, 137
PPA, 215
PPE, 215
PPP Authentication, 63
PPP Detect, 62, 73
PPP General Setup, 260
PPP Password, 73
PPP Username, 73
PPP/MP Setup, 63
PPPoE, 32
PPPoE Login Setting, 439
PPPoE Pass-through, 61
PPPoE User Online Status, 443
PPTP, 266, 274, 305
Prefix Len, 196
Prefix Length, 82, 117, 550
Pre-Shared Key, 257, 271
Primary DNS, 37, 134
Primary IP Address, 115
Primary/Secondary Ping IP, 62, 65
Printer Server, 577
Priority, 53, 55, 88, 126, 356
Priority ID, 182
Privacy Algorithm, 400
Privacy Password, 400
Private IP, 141, 147