Primo 805 (1011)
V ersion 2.0
Acvat eBluetooth
1. Press
to mak e your device visible to other devices
Note! T o prev ent other devices from nding your device,
. Ev en if you select
, paired devices can s ll
detect your de vice.
My devices
Add new devices or view sa ved.
Search audio device
Search f or available Bluetooth audio devices.
1. Press
Search audio
2. Select a device from the lis t and press
to connect.
3. When connecng to another Bluet ooth device you need
a shared passwor d. Enter the passwor d and press
My name
Here you c an enter the name your phone should appear
with for other Bluet ooth devices.
Here you c an nd further features f or your Bluetooth
Data acc ount
The data sengs ar e used by services that communicates
using Internet. The da ta sengs for most major service
provider s are already included from s tart.
Should you sll ha ve problem, cont act your service
provider f or correct sengs:
1. Press
Data accoun t
2. Select a prole.
3. Press
to enter se ngs for your service
4. Press
, and press
Ye s
to sav e.
5. Select your new pr ole in
This menu may con tain pre-progr ammed services from
your network pr ovider depending on network support and
SIM security
Set you
for y our SIM card protecon
If enabling O-mode and the SIM c ard is lost or stolen, it
is unprotect ed.
Y ou can also change you PIN.
Phone security
The phone lock protects y our phone from unwant ed usage.
If acvat ed, phone is locked aer r estart and the phone
code needs to be ent ered to unlock.
Stopw atch
T ypicalstopw atch
Y ou can select between Split ming or Lap ming.
1. Press
Organiz er
Stopwa tch
Typ ical
stopw atch
2. Press
to st art the clock.
3. Press
for split or lap ming.
4. Press
to pause the clock.
5. When done, press
. Press
Ye s
to sav e and set a
name for the ming.
View recor ds
to see a stor ed ming.
nW ay st opwatch
This fea ture let's you contr ol 4 mings. Use the naviga on
k ey to start the r especve mer . When one mer is started
the others are paused. The t otal me is displayed a t the
1. Press
Organiz er
Stopwa tch
nW ay
2. Press
to st art the clock.
3. Press the navig aon k ey for each individual mer .
4. Press
to pause the curren t mer .
The unit and the accessories can cont ain small parts.
Keep all of the equipment out of the r each of small
The mains adapter is the disconnect device betw een the
product and mains power . The mains socke t outlet must
be close to the equipment and easily accessible.
Network services and costs
Y our device is approved for use on the W CDMA 900/2100 MHz,
GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz networks. T o use the device,
you need a subscripon with a service provider .
Using network services may r esult in trac costs. Some
product f eatures require support fr om the network, and you
may need to subscribe t o them.
Opera ngenvironment
Follow the rules and laws tha t apply wherever you ar e, and
alway s turn o the unit whenever its use is prohibited or can
cause interf erence or hazar ds. Only use the unit in its normal
user posion.
Parts of the unit ar e magnec. The unit can aract met al
objects. Do not keep cr edit cards or other magnec media near
the unit. There is a risk that inf ormaon stored on them c an be
The use of equipment that tr ansmits radio signals, for e xample,
mobile phones, can interf ere with insuciently prot ected
medical equipment. Consult a doctor or the manuf acturer
of the equipment to determine if it has adequa te protecon
against e xternal radio signals, or if you ha ve any quesons. If
noces have been put up a t health care facilies instrucng
you to turn o the unit while you ar e there, you should
comply . Hospitals and other health care facilies somemes use
equipment that can be sensiv e to external radio signals.
Implantedmedic aldevices
T o avoid potenal in terference, manuf acturers of implan ted
medical devices rec ommend a minimum separaon of 15 cm
between a wireless device and the medic al device. Persons who
have such devices should:
• Alway s keep the wireless device mor e than 15 cm from the
medical device.
• Not carry the wireless device in a br east pocket.
• Hold the wireless device to the ear opposit e the medical
If you hav e any reason to suspect that in terference is t aking
place, turn the phone o immediately . If you have an y quesons
about using your wireless device with an implan ted medical
device, consult your health car e provider .
Alway s turn o the unit when you are in an area where ther e is a
risk of explosion. Follow all signs and ins trucons. There is a risk
of explosion in places that include areas wher e you are normally
request ed to turn o your car engine. In these areas, sparks c an
cause explosion or r e which can lead to personal injury or even
T urn o the unit at lling sta ons, and any other place that has
fuel pumps and auto repair f acilies.
Follow the res tricons that apply to the use of radio equipment
near places where fuel is st ored and sold, chemical factories and
places where blasng is in pr ogress. Areas with risk for e xplosion
are oen – but not alw ays – clearly mark ed. This also applies
to below decks on ships; the tr ansport or storag e of chemicals;
vehicles that use liquid fuel (such as propane or but ane); areas
where the air cont ains chemicals or parcles, such as grain, dust
or metal powder .
This product cont ains a Li-ion baery . There is a risk of re and
burns if the baery pack is handled improperly .
Danger of explosion if ba ery is incorrectly replaced. T o
reduce risk of re or burns, do not disassemble, crush,
puncture, short ext ernal contacts, expose t o temperatur e
above 60° C (140° F), or dispose of in re or w ater .
Recy cle or dispose of used baeries according to the
local regulaons or r efer ence guide supplied with your
Protect y our hearing
Excessiv e exposure to loud sounds can
cause hearing damage.
Exposure to loud sounds while driving
may distr act your aen on and cause an
Listen to a headse t at a moderat e level, and do not hold
the device near your ear when the loudspeak er is in use.
Mobile phones use radio signals, the mobile phone
network, the terr estrial network and user -programmed
funcons. This means that connecon cannot be
guarant eed in all circumstances. Ther efore, ne ver rely
only on a mobile phone for very import ant calls such as
medical emerg encies.
V ehicles
Radio signals can a ect electronic sys tems in motor vehicles
(for e xample, electronic fuel injecon, ABS brak es, automac
cruise contr ol, air bag systems) tha t have been incorrectly
installed or ar e inadequately protect ed. Contact the manufac-
turer or its repr esentave f or more informa on about your
vehicle or any addional equipmen t.
Do not keep or tr ansport ammable liquids, gases or explosiv es
together with the unit or its accessories.
For vehicles equipped with air bags: R emember that air bags ll
with air with considerable f orce. Do not place objects, including
xed or port able radio equipment in the area abov e the airbag
or the area where it migh t expand. Serious injuries may be
caused if the mobile phone equipment is incorr ectly installed
and the airbag lls with air .
It is prohibited t o use the unit in ight. T urn o the unit before
you board a plane. Using wir eless telecom units inside a plane
can pose risks to air saf ety and interf ere with telecommunic a-
ons. It may also be illeg al.
Y our unit is a t echnically advanced pr oduct and should be treated
with the gr eatest car e. Negligence may void the warr anty .
• Protect the unit fr om moisture. Rain, snow , humidity , and
all types of liquids can contain sub stances that corr ode
the electronic circuits. If the unit g ets wet, you should
immediately power o the phone, r emove the baery and
allow the unit to dry completely be fore you r eplace it.
• Do not use or keep the unit in dus ty , dirty environmen ts.
The unit ’ s moving parts and electronic components can be
• Do not keep the unit in w arm places. High temperatur es
can reduce the lif espan for electronic equipment, damag e
baeries and dist ort or melt certain plascs.
• Do not keep the unit in c old places. When the unit warms up
to normal temper ature, condensaon can f orm on the inside
and can damage the electronic cir cuits.
• Do not try to open the unit in any other wa y than that which
is indicated her e.
• Do not drop or shak e the unit. If it is treated r oughly the
circuits and precision mechanics can be br oken.
• Do not use strong chemicals t o clean the unit.
• Do not disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, punctur e
or shred.
• Do not modify or remanufactur e, aempt to insert f oreign
objects into the ba ery , immerse or expose t o water or
other liquids, expose to r e, explosion or other hazard.
• Only use the baery f or the system f or which it is specied.
• Only use the baery with a charging s ystem that has been
qualied with the sys tem per IEEE-Std-1725. Use of an
unqualied baery or charg er may present a risk of r e,
explosion, leakag e, or other hazard.
• Do not short circuit a baery or allow me tallic conducve
objects to cont act baery terminals.
• Replace the ba ery only with another baery that has been
qualied with the sys tem per this standard, IEEE -Std-1725.
Use of an unqualied baery may pr esent a risk of re,
explosion, leakag e or other hazard.
• Promptly dispose of used ba eries in accordance with local
• Baery usage by childr en should be supervised.
• Improper ba ery use may result in a re, e xplosion or other
For devices that uliz e a USB port as a charging source, the
device’ s user manual shall include a sta tement that the device
shall only be connected to CTIA cered adapt ers, products
that bear the USB-IF logo or products tha t have completed the
USB-IF compliance progr am.
The advice applies to the unit, baery , power adapter and
other accessories. If the phone is not working as it should,
please contact the place of pur chase for service. Don’t forg et
the receipt or a copy of the in voice.
This product is guar anteed for a period of 24 months fr om
the date of pur chase. In the unlikely event of a f ault occurring
during this period, please contact the place of pur chase. Proof
of purchase is requir ed for any service or support needed
during the guarant ee period.
This guarant ee will not apply to a fault caused by an accident
or a similar incident or damage, liquid ingress, neglig ence,
abnormal usage, non-maintenance or an y other circumstances
on the user ’ s part. Furthermore, this guarantee will not apply
to any f ault caused by a thunderst orm or any other voltage
uctuaons. As a maer of pr ecauon, we recommend discon-
necng the charger during a thunder storm.
Baeries ar e consumables and are not included in any
guarant ee. This guarantee does not apply if ba eries other
than DORO original baeries ar e used.
© 2016 Doro AB. All rights r eserved.
Bluetooth® is a regis tered trademark of Bluet ooth SIG, inc.
eZiT ype™ is a trademark of Zi Corpora on.
vCard is a tr ademark of the Internet Mail Consorum.
microSD is a tr ademark of SD Card Associaon.
The conten ts of this document are provided “ as is” . Except as
required by applic able law , no warranes of any kind, either
express or implied, including, but not limited to , the implied
warran es of merchantability and tness f or a parcular
purpose, are made in rela on to the accuracy , reliability or
conten ts of this document. Doro reserves the right t o revise this
document or withdra w it at any me without prior noce.
Other product and compan y names menoned herein may be
the trademarks of their r especve owners.
Any rights not e xpressly grant ed herein are reserved. All other
trademarks ar e property of their respecve owner s.
T o the maximum extent permi ed by applicable law , under no
circumst ances shall Doro or any of its licensors be r esponsible for
any loss of dat a or income or any special, incidental, c onsequen-
al or indirect damages howsoe ver caused.
Doro does not pro vide a warranty f or or take an y responsi-
bility for the funconality , content, or end-user support of
third-party apps pro vided with your device. By using an app, you
acknowledge that the app is pr ovided as is. Doro does not make
any repr esentaons, pr ovide a warranty , or tak e any respon-
sibility for the funconality , content, or end-user support of
third-party apps pro vided with your device.
Conten t copyright
The unauthorised copying of copyright ed materials is contr ary
to the provisions of the Copyrigh t Laws of the United Stat es and
other countries. This device is int ended solely for copying non-
copyrighted ma terials, materials in which you own the c opyright,
or materials which you ar e authorised or legally permied to
copy . If you are uncertain about your right t o copy any mat erial,
please contact y our legal advisor .
Network: WCDMA 900/2100 MHz
GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Dimensions: 107 mm x 53 mm x 18 mm
W eight: 103 g (including baery)
Baery: 3.7 V / 800 mAh Li-ion baery
Operangambien t
tempera ture:
Min: 0°C (32°F) Max: 40°C (104°F)
Charging ambient
tempera ture:
Min: 0°C (32°F) Max: 40°C (104°F)
Storag e
tempera ture:
Min: -20°C (-4°F) Max: 60°C (140°F)
SpecicAbsorponRat e(SAR)
This device meets applicable int ernaonal safety r equire-
ments for e xposure to radio w aves. Y our mobile device is a
radio tr ansmier and receiver . It is designed not to exceed the
limits for e xposure to radio wa ves (radio fr equency electromag-
nec elds) recommended by in ternaonal guidelines from
the independent scienc org anizaon ICNIRP (Int ernaonal
Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiaon Protecon).
The radio wa ve exposure guidelines use a unit of measur ement
known as the Specic Absorpon Rate, or S AR. The SAR limit
for mobile devices is 2 W/kg a veraged ov er 10 grams of ssue
and include a substan al safety margin designed t o assure the
safe ty of all persons, regar dless of age and health.
T ests for SAR ar e conducted using standar d operang posions
with the device transming a t its highest cered power level
in all tested fr equency bands. The highest SAR values under the
ICNIRP guidelines for this device model ar e:
Head SAR: 0.128 W/kg
Body SAR: 1.661 W/kg
During normal use, the SAR values f or this device are usually
well below the values s tated above. This is because, f or
purposes of sys tem eciency and to minimize in terfer ence
on the network, the output power of y our mobile device is
automacally decr eased when full power is not needed for the
call. The lower the power output of the de vice, the lower its
SAR value.
This device meets RF exposur e guidelines when used against
the head or when posioned at least 0.5 cm aw ay from the
body . When a carry case, belt clip or other f orm of device
holder is used for body -worn operaon, it should not con tain
metal and should pro vide at least the above st ated separaon
distance fr om the body .
The W orld Health Organiza on (WHO) has stated tha t current
scienc inf ormaon does not indicate the need for an y special
precauons when using mobile devices. If y ou are interes ted
in reducing your e xposure, they recommend y ou reduce your
usage or use a hands-free accessory t o keep the device aw ay
from your head and body .
(W aste Electrical & Electronic E quipment)
(Applicable in countries with separ ate collecon sy stems)
This marking on the product, accessories or manual indicat es
that the product and its electr onic accessories (e.g. charger ,
headset, USB cable) should not be disposed of with other
household waste. T o prevent possible harm to the en vironment
or human health from uncontr olled waste disposal, please
separat e these items from other types of was te and recycle
them responsibly to pr omote the sustainable reuse of ma terial
Household users should cont act either the retailer where the y
purchased this product, or their loc al government oce, for
details of where and how the y can tak e these items for envi-
ronment ally safe recy cling. Business users should contact their
supplier and check the terms and condions of the purchase
contr act. This product and its electronic accessories should
not be mixed with other commer cial wastes f or disposal. This
product is R oHS compliant.
Correctdisposalofba eriesinthisproduct
(Applicable in countries with separ ate collecon
sys tems)
The marking on the baery , manual or packaging indicates tha t
the baery in this pr oduct should not be disposed of with other
household waste. Wher e marked, the chemical s ymbols Hg,
Cd or Pb indicate tha t the baery contains mer cury , cadmium
or lead above the re ference lev els in EC Direcve 2006/66. If
baeries ar e not properly disposed of , these substances can
cause harm to human health or the envir onment. T o protect
natural r esources and to promot e material reuse, please
separat e baeries from other types of was te and recycle them
through your loc al, free baery return s ystem.
Declara onofConformity
Doro hereb y declares that
Primo 805
conf orms to the essenal
requiremen ts and other relevant r egulaons contained in the
Direcves 1999/5/E C (R&T TE) and 2011/65/EU (R oHS).
A copy of the Declar aon of Conformity is av ailable at
www c.
Note! Y ou need to enter the curr ent phone code. Default
phone code is 1234 .
Y ou can also change you passwor d.
Res toref actorysengs
Rest orefactorysengs
to delete phone sengs and
conten t such as contacts, number lists and messages (SIM
memory is not aect ed).
Note! Y ou need to enter the curr ent phone code. Default
phone code is 1234 .
Manage the cont ents and properes of les. Y ou can open,
delete, mov e, copy and rename les.
Here you c an create and view scheduled ev ents and
appointments. Y ou can also set alarms for c alendar entries.
Addancalendareven t
1. Press
Organiz er
Add event
2. Enter the ev ent details.
3. When done, press
to sav e.
4. Press
for the a vailable opons.
The Calculator can perf orm basic mathemacal oper aons
as: addion, subtracon, mulplica on and division.
1. Press
Organiz er
2. Enter digits using the k eypad.
3. Use the navig aon key g et wanted oper aon.
4. Press twice on the navig aon k ey to reach:
Current v alue added to saved number .
Current v alue subtracted to the sa ved number .
Recall the sa ved number .
Clear the saved number .
5. Press
to calculat e the result
1. Press
Organiz er
â Select wanted
entry and press
2. Enter the alarm det ails.
3. When done, press
4. When the alarm goes o a signal will sound. Press
to turn o the alarm or press
to repea t the
alarm aer the set snoo ze me.
Note! The alarm will work ev en when the phone is s witched
o . Do not po wer on if wireless phone use is prohibited or
when it may c ause interf erence or danger . Please also note,
that if the FM radio is used as the alarm signal you must
connect a compable headset which acts as an antenna.
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