Using reverb in recorded program material gives the listener a sense that the material is being performed in an actual room or
hall. It is this similarity to actual acousc spaces that makes reverberaon a useful tool in recorded music. The iPB-10 features
genuine Lexicon
reverbs, whose rich, lush eects have been heard in countless songs, soundtracks, and live performances for
decades. The available reverb pedals are:
•240 Plate
(Modeled after EMT
240 Plate Reverb)
The EMT Plate Reverb is the reference reverb to which all studio reverbs
are compared. Using a large sheet of metal, one end of the “plate”
was excited by a transducer and the sound would then travel through
the plate to the other side where the delayed tone was received. The
frequency response and dynamics of the signal would change when
traveling through the plate, creang a reverb eect.
The Lexicon Ambience reverb is full, bright and produces ambience
around or behind your guitar signal.
•Lexicon Hall
The largest of the Lexicon reverbs, the Hall produces lush reverbs with
a swirling decay unlike any other reverbs today.
•Lexicon Room
A great eect for simulang a small room, the Lexicon Room simulates
small isolaon rooms which are found in many recording studios today.
•Lexicon Studio
Larger than the Room reverb, the Studio reverb is the Lexicon studio
standard reverb algorithm.
(Modeled on a Fender
Twin Reverb
The tone and reacon of the Spring reverb is captured! Surf’s up, the
best seng is at maximum - Cowabunga.
Pedals – ReverbsPedals – Reverbs
The DigiTech Vibrato eect modulates the pitch of the incoming signal at an even rate. The Rotary emulates a device that
included a spinning horn and woofer. The rotaon of these two speakers produced an interesng combinaon of the sound
panning from side to side. This produced a slight pitch change due to the speed of the sound coming towards, and then going
away from the listener. The available vibrato/rotary eect pedals are:
•DigiTech Rotary
Rotary is an eect that simulates the Doppler eect and volume
uctuaons of a rotary speaker. The sound is lush and full.
•DigiTech Vibrato
Vibrato produces volume and tone change characteriscs that can be
found on surf and country classics.
•DigiTech Vibro Pan
The Vibro Pan not only changes volume but shis it side to side. This
eect is great for stereo setups.
(Modeled after Unicord
The Uno-Vibe creates a chorus type eect in tandem with vibrato,
producing a lush swirling eect.
Pedals – Vibrato/RotaryPedals – Vibrato/Rotary
Wah is an eect controlled by an Expression Pedal making the guitar sound as if it’s saying “Wah.” The available wah pedals
Full Range Wah
DigiTech’s Full Range Wah sweeps the enre spectrum of audible
frequencies, giving you the most range of tone from the wah pedal.
•Clyde Wah
(Modeled after Vox
Clyde McCoy
This wah pedal was the “original” and was designed to try to emulate
the sound of a muted trumpet. Clyde McCoy was a trumpet player
that had asked Vox for a device that could make an instrument sound
like his muted trumpet. This wah has a “thinner” tone and sweeps
more of the upper end of the audible frequency spectrum.
•Cry Wah
(Modeled after Dunlop
This wah pedal is the more “tradional” sounding wah pedal that you
have heard in the 60’s to the 80’s guitar solos. This wah sweeps the
lower to mid range frequencies.
Pedals – WahPedals – Wah
1. Recto
2. Cool Chorus
3. Solo Delay
4. Boogie Man
5. Smooth Jazz
6. Plexi-Drive
7. Super Clyde
8. Vox Delay
9. Whammy Lead
10. Acousc
11. PdlBrd1 Overdrive
12. PdlBrd1 ODChorus
13. PdlBrd1 ODPhsDly
14. PdlBrd1 OD Delay
15. PdlBrd1 OD Reverb
16. PdlBrd2 Whammy
17. PdlBrd2 EQ Boost
18. PdlBrd2 Dirty Flanger
19. PdlBrd2 Tape Delay
20. PdlBrd2 Spring
21. Big N Bad
22. Metal Head
23. Metal Clean
24. Moshmellow
25. L O G
26. Solo Dude
27. Black Label
28. Angel Of Death
29. Into The Void
30. Killer
31. Backwards
32. Punkish
33. Funky Clean
34. Rumble
35. Hazy
36. Wahs Up
37. Fazed Out
38. Echo Head
39. Fuzz King
40. Jump Panel
41. Blues
42. Stevie Ray
43. Blues
44. Big ‘n Blue
45. Blues
46. Hair Day
47. Ballad
48. Rock Stack
49. Big Strum
50. Greaser Solo
51. Hot Rod
52. Cool Clean
53. Hot Rhythm
54. Undone
55. Big Room
56. Reced
57. Strange Ways
58. Twang
59. Heavy
60. Rock Lead
61. Rhapsody
62. Gilmour
63. Hendrix
64. Satch
65. DC/AC
66. Sand Man
67. Woman Tone
68. Rockabilly
69. U2 Delay
70. Cli Notes
71. Drivin’
72. Chickn’ Pickn’
73. Crunchy
74. Spankin
75. Cowboy
76. Citrus
77. Legacy
78. Bass Man
79. Brish 45
80. Twin Reverb
81. Smoothy
82. Mr Clean
83. Swell
84. Octaved
85. 5THS
86. Arch Top
87. Fused
88. Chimey
89. Comp Clean
90. Lively
91. Steppin
92. Guitar 2 Bass
93. Der Ya
94. Flangtasc
95. Spacelter
96. Stellar
97. Reversal
98. Analog Boy
99. Stuer
100. Dive Bomb
Preset ListPreset List
If you experience a problem with the iPB-10 hardware, you can try performing the factory hard reset procedure listed below.
iPad Connected
1. Turn o the power to the iPB-10 processor by pressing the Power Switch on the back panel.
2. Press and hold
Footswitch A then power on the iPB-10 – keep Footswitch A held down unl you see ‘Fr’ in the LED
display, then release.
3. Press and hold
Footswitch Aagain unl the display reads ‘rS’, then release.
4. Wait for the processor to go through its sequence. When the reset is complete, the iPad will resync all presets with the
iPB-10 hardware.
5. Once preset sync is complete, the iPB-10 Expression Pedal will need calibraon. Follow the
On-Screen Instrucons
to calibrate the Expression Pedal.
iPad Disconnected
1. Turn o the power to the iPB-10 processor by pressing the Power Switch on the back panel.
2. Press and hold
Footswitch A then power on the iPB-10 – keep Footswitch A held down unl you see ‘Fr’ in the LED
display, then release.
3. Press and hold
Footswitch A again unl the display reads ‘rS’, then release.
4. Aer a few moments, ‘Td’ will appear in the display and the Footswitch 5 LED will begin ashing. Rock the
Expression Pedal completely forward (toe down) then press Footswitch 5.
5. When ‘tU’ appears in the display, rock the
Expression Pedal completely back (toe up) and press Footswitch 5.
6. A numeric value will now appear in the LED display indicang the Expression Pedal V-Switch sensivity. Press rmly on
Expression Pedal Toe. Use the Bank Up and Bank Down Footswitches to ne tune the V-Switch sensivity.
7. Press
Footswitch 5 to complete the procedure.
8. Once the iPad is reconnected, it will sync and reassign all factory tones back to the iPB-10 footswitches.
Factory Hard ResetFactory Hard Reset
WARNING! Performing the factory hard reset procedure will restore the iPB-10 tones to their
factory state. Aer performing a factory hard reset, you can connect the iPad and launch the
iPB-Nexus app to restore your previous sengs.
Analog Input Connections
Guitar Input
Impedance: 1M Ohms
Maximum Input Level: +8 dBu
Stompbox Loop Input
Impedance: 475K Ohms
Maximum Input Level: +8 dBu
Amp Loop Input
Impedance: 16K Ohms
Maximum Input Level: +8 dBu
Analog Output Connections
Line Outputs
Impedance: 1K Ohms unbalanced/2K Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +8 dBu
XLR Mixer Outputs
Impedance: 2k Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +14 dBu
Stompbox Loop Output
Impedance: 600 Ohms unbalanced/1.2K Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +8 dBu
Amp Loop Output
Impedance: 600 Ohms unbalanced/1.2K Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +8 dBu
Headphone Output
Minimum Headphone
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Standard: 2.0 compliant
Audio Streaming: 2 channels to computer, 2 channels from
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Word Length: 24-bit
Simultaneous Pedals: 10
Preset Memory: 100 Tones
Dimensions: 19.5˝ Length x 10.75˝ Width x 3.75˝ Height
Unit Weight: 11.5 lbs
Voltage Rails: +/-15V
Power Requirements: 9 V DC 2.0 A
Power Adapter: PS0920DC-01 (100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz)
Manufacturer’s Name: DigiTech
Manufacturer’s Address: 8760 S. Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah 84070, USA
declares that the product:
Product name: iPB - 10
Product opon: all (requires Class II power adapter that conforms to the
requirements of EN60065, EN60742, or equivalent.)
conforms to the following Product Specicaons:
Safety: IEC 60065 -01+Amd 1
EMC: EN 55022:2006
EN 55024:1998
FCC Part 15
Supplementary Informaon:
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the:
Low Voltage Direcve 2006/95/EC
EMC Direcve 2004/108/EC.
RoHS Direcve 2002/95/EC
WEEE Direcve 2002/96/EC
EC Regulaon 278/2009
With regard to Direcve 2005/32/EC and EC Regulaon 1275/2008 of 17 December
2008, this product is designed, produced, and classied as Professional Audio
Equipment and thus is exempt from this Direcve.
Roger Johnsen
Director, Engineering
Signal Processing
8760 S. Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah 84070, USA
Date: June 30, 2011
European Contact: Your local DigiTech Sales and Service Oce or
Harman Signal Processing
8760 South Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah
84070 USA
Ph: (801) 566-8800
Fax: (801) 568-7583
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and the
Product Specicaons noted on the DeclaraonofConformity.
Operaon is subject to the following two condions:
• this device may not cause harmful
interference, and
• this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may
cause undesired operaon.
Operaon of this unit within signicant
electromagnec elds should be avoided.
• use only shielded interconnecng cables.
If you want todispose this product, do notmix it with general household waste. There is a
separatecollection system for used electronicproducts in accordancewith legislation that
requires proper treatment, recovery and recycling.
Private household in the 25 member states of the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return their used
electronic products free of charge to designated collection facilities or to a retailer (if you purchase a similar
new one).
For Countries not mentioned above, please contact your local authorities for a correct method of disposal.
By doing so you will ensure that your disposed product undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and
recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health.
Compliance InformationCompliance Information
Disclaimer: DigiTech, Production Modeling, Grunge, Death Metal, Jimi Hendrix
Artist Series Pedal, DOD, Gonkulator, DigiTech Whammy, Multi Chorus, Auto Ya, YaYa, Synth
Talk, Lexicon, Johnson Amplification and AudioDNA are trademarks of Harman. *Other product names modeled in this product are trademarks of their respective companies
that do not endorse and are not associated or affiliated with DigiTech or Harman. ADA Flanger, Arbiter Fuzz Face, Boss CE-2 Chorus, Boss CS-2, Boss DM-2, Boss DS-1,
Boss Metal Zone, Boss OC-2 Octaver, Boss OD-1, Boss SD-1, Celestion, Carvin Legacy, Demeter Fuzzulator, Dunlop Cry Baby, EH Big Muff ?, EH Electric Mistress, EH Small
Matchless, Matchless Chieftain, Mesa/Boogie, .22 Caliber, Mark II, Mark IV, Dual Rectifier, Triple Rectifier, MXR, MXR Distortion +, MXR DynaComp, MXR Flanger, MXR
Phase 100, Orange OR120, Peavey 5150, ProCo Rat, Randall HT-100, Roger Mayer Octavia, Roland JC-120, Soldano, Sunn 100S, TC Electronic Chorus, Unicord Uni-Vibe,
VHT Amplification, Voodoo Labs Analog Chorus, Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive, Vox, Vox Bias Tremolo, Vox Clyde McCoy Wah, and Vox Top Boost are trademarks or trade
names of other manufacturers and were used merely to identify products whose sounds were reviewed in the creation of this product. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective holders. Copyright - Harman. All rights reserved.
8760 South Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah 84070
PH (801) 566-8800
FAX (801) 566-7005
is a registered trademark
of Harman
Copyright - Harman
iPB-10 Owner’s Manual v0.5
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