Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Introduction ............................................................ 3
Features/Included Items ........................................ 4
Hardware/Software Requirements .................... 5
& iPad
Requirements ........................... 5
Requirements .............................................. 5
Requirements ................................... 5
Disable iPad
Notifications & Alerts ................. 6
Disable Auto-Brightness ....................................... 7
iPB-Nexus Icons ..................................................... 8
Pedalboard Icon .................................................... 8
My Tones Icon ........................................................ 8
Help Icon ................................................................ 8
Tuner Icon .............................................................. 8
Volume Icon ........................................................... 8
Settings Icon ........................................................... 8
Pedalboard Window .............................................. 9
Quick Save Button ................................................ 9
Save New Button .................................................. 9
Edit Button ............................................................. 9
Loaded Tone ........................................................... 10
Banks ....................................................................... 10
Tone Buttons ......................................................... 10
Amplifier ................................................................. 11
Cabinet .................................................................... 11
Assigned Footswitches ........................................ 12
Expansion Bar ........................................................ 12
My Tones Window .................................................. 13
Assigned Tab ........................................................... 13
Factory Tones Tab ................................................. 13
My Library Tab ....................................................... 13
Name/Genre Buttons .......................................... 13
Tone Info & Assignments ..................................... 13
Trash Can Icon ...................................................... 13
Tuner Window ........................................................ 14
Tuner ....................................................................... 14
Accessing the Tuner from the iPB-10 ............... 14
Volume Window ..................................................... 15
Tone Volume ........................................................... 15
Settings Window .................................................... 16
App Version ............................................................ 16
Firmware Version .................................................. 16
Tuner Reference .................................................... 16
Record Out Level ................................................ 16
XLR Mix .................................................................. 16
1/4” Mix .................................................................. 16
Calibrate Expression Pedal ................................ 16
About....................................................................... 16
iPB-10 Top Panel ..................................................... 17
LED Display ............................................................ 17
Bank UP/DOWN Footswitches ........................ 17
1-5 Footswitches .................................................. 17
Stomp Loop ........................................................... 18
A-E Footswitches .................................................. 18
Amp Loop .............................................................. 18
Expression Pedal ................................................... 18
iPB-10 Rear Panel ................................................... 19
Input ......................................................................... 19
Headphone Output .............................................. 19
Power Input............................................................ 19
Power Switch ......................................................... 19
Amp Loop Ground Lift Switch .......................... 20
Amp Loop .............................................................. 20
Stomp Loop ........................................................... 20
Amp/Mixer Switch ................................................ 21
XLR Ground Lift Switch ...................................... 21
1/4” Line Outputs ................................................. 21
XLR Mixer Outputs ............................................. 21
Output Level .......................................................... 21
USB Port ................................................................. 22
Connection Diagrams ........................................... 23
Amp with Stomp Loop ........................................ 23
Amp Loop & Stomp Loop .................................. 24
Mixer ....................................................................... 25
Loading Tones .......................................................... 26
Loading Tones from the iPB-Nexus App .......... 26
Loading Tones from the iPB-10 .......................... 26
Working With Pedals ............................................ 27
Changing Pedal Settings ....................................... 27
Changing Pedals – Performance Mode ............ 28
Changing Pedals – Edit Mode ............................. 29
Adding Pedals ......................................................... 30
Deleting Pedals ..................................................... 31
Reordering Pedals ................................................. 32
Working With Amps .............................................. 33
Adding an Amp to the iPB-10 Signal Path ....... 33
Changing the Amp ................................................ 34
Changing the Cabinet .......................................... 35
Deleting an Amp from the Signal Path ............. 36
Assigning Footswitches ......................................... 37
Assigning Pedals to the A-E Footswitches ....... 37
Configuring the Amp Loop ................................. 38
Configuring the Stomp Loop ............................. 39
Expression Pedal & LFOs ..................................... 40
Assigning the Expression Pedal .......................... 40
Assigning Parameters to an LFO ....................... 41
Saving & Assigning Tones ....................................... 42
Saving Tones with the Quick Save Button ....... 42
Saving Tones with the Save New Button ......... 43
Assigning Tones to the iPB-10 Pedalboard ...... 44
Bypassing Tones ...................................................... 45
How to Bypass Tones ........................................... 45
Amps & Pedals ........................................................ 46
About Amps & Pedals .......................................... 46
Amps/Preamps....................................................... 47
Cabinets .................................................................. 52
Compressors ......................................................... 54
Chorus .................................................................... 55
Delays ...................................................................... 56
Distortions ............................................................. 57
EQ ............................................................................ 60
Flangers ................................................................... 61
Noise Gates ........................................................... 62
Phasers .................................................................... 63
Pitch ......................................................................... 64
Tremolo/Panner .................................................... 65
Envelope/Special .................................................... 66
Reverbs ................................................................... 67
Vibrato/Rotary ...................................................... 68
Wah ......................................................................... 69
Preset List ................................................................ 70
Factory Hard Reset ............................................... 71
Specifications ........................................................... 72
Compliance Information ....................................... 73
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
The iPB-10 Programmable Pedalboard sets a new standard for guitar signal processing. By harnessing the power of the iPad
it combines the simplicity of a pedalboard with the exibility of a mul-eects system. The iPB-10 unleashes the ability to
create and control guitar eects like never before.
Pedalboard Simplicity
The iPB-10 allows you to create your ulmate pedalboard, all on your iPad. Design a pedalboard by simply dragging and
dropping up to 10 dierent pedals, in any order, to each pedalboard. You can even add an amp and cabinet to each setup.
With 87 dierent pedals, 54 amps, and 26 cabinets to choose from, your opons are virtually unlimited. Simply swipe your
nger across the iPad to rearrange your pedals, turn them on and o, or to adjust their knobs.
Multi-Effects Flexibility
Tradional mul-eect devices have given you the exibility to change the enre conguraon of your signal chain with
a single footswitch. The iPB-10 brings the concept of presets to a pedalboard. This allows you to save 100 of your favorite
pedalboards with the touch of your nger, and instantly recall them with the stomp of your foot. You can have a dierent
pedalboard for each gig, set, song, or even switch pedalboards within a song.
Once you experience the exibility of the iPB-10 Programmable Pedalboard, with its drag and drop design, you will change
the way you think about guitar eects forever.
Features/Included ItemsFeatures/Included Items
•Intuitive iPB-Nexus User Interface for iPad
(iPad sold separately)
•Up to 10 Pedals per Pedalboard Setup
•Internal Storage for up to 100 User Pedalboard Setups
(additional setups can be stored in the iPB-Nexus library)
•Includes 87 Stompbox Pedals, 54 Amplifiers, and 26 Cabinets
•Dual 7-Segment Display
(for easy visibility of bank selection)
•Stompbox Loop and Footswitch
(for easy integration & bypassing of external effects)
•Amp/Preamp Loop and Footswitch
(for easy integration & bypassing of external amplifiers or preamps)
•Audio Streaming to and from the iPad
•USB Port
(for recording straight to a computer)
•Balanced Stereo XLR Outputs w/Ground Lift Switch and
Amplifier Emulation
•Stereo 1/4” Outputs with Amp/Mixer Switch
•Rugged Footswitches
(for hands-free operation)
•Assignable Expression Pedal
Included Items
Before you get started, please make sure that these items are
in the box:
iPB-10 Footswitch Pedalboard
•Power Supply
•2 iPad Mounting Inserts
•Safety Information & Quick Start Insert Card
We took a lot of care when we put this product together.
Everything should be included and in perfect working
order. If anythings missing, contact the factory at once @
(801) 566-8800. Help us get to know you by registering online
at www.digitech.com.
& iPad
•iTunes 10.2 or later recommended
(free download from www.itunes.com/download)
•iTunes Store account
•200MB of available disk space
•512MB of RAM
•USB 2.0 Port
•iPad® or iPad2®
•Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5 or G4 processor
•Mac OS X v10.5.8 or later
•QuickTime 7.6 or later
•Safari 4.0.3 or later
•PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor
•Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later, Windows Vista, or
Windows 7
•QuickTime 7.6.6 or later is required with compatible audio
Hardware/Software RequirementsHardware/Software Requirements
To disable applicaon nocaons on your iPad:
1. Go to Sengs.
2. Go to Nocaons.
3. Set Nocaons to “OFF”.
4. Return to the iPB-Nexus applicaon.
To disable system alerts on your iPad:
1. Go to Sengs.
2. Go to General >> Sounds.
3. Slide the volume level to the lowest seng.
4. Set all switches to “OFF”.
Disable iPad
Notifications & Alerts
Ensure nocaons and alerts from other applicaons do not
disrupt your playing by disabling them in your iPad General Sengs.
Disable iPad
Notifications & Alerts
Ensure nocaons and alerts from other applicaons do not
disrupt your playing by disabling them in your iPad General Sengs.
To disable Auto-Brightness on your iPad:
1. Go to Sengs.
2. Go to Brightness & Wallpaper.
3. Set the Auto-Brightness switch to “OFF”.
4. Return to the iPB-Nexus applicaon.
Disable Auto-Brightness
It may be desirable to disable the iPad’s Auto-Brightness feature
for use with the iPB-Nexus applicaon.
Disable Auto-Brightness
It may be desirable to disable the iPad’s Auto-Brightness feature
for use with the iPB-Nexus applicaon.
Opens the My Tones library, where
all factory and user tones reside.
My Tones Icon
Tuner Icon
Volume Icon
Settings Icon
Help Icon
iPB-Nexus IconsiPB-Nexus Icons
Pedalboard Icon
Opens the help le within
the iPB-Nexus app.
This is the home screen, where most
programming and operaon is performed.
Set all of the iPB’s global parameters here.
Use this to set the volume for
each tone independently.
Tune your guitar here.
Touching this buon allows you to save a new
user tone or make a copy of an exisng tone. Use
this opon when you don’t want to overwrite
the currently loaded tone.
Save New Button
Quick Save Button
Touching this buon saves the currently loaded
tone. Use this opon for quickly overwring a
tone aer making edits.
Edit Button
Touching this buon toggles between Edit mode
and Performance mode. In Edit mode, the enre
pedalboard chain can be viewed. Pedals can be
added, deleted, and rearranged in any order.
Pedalboard WindowPedalboard Window
Use this slider to select one of the 20 banks, each
containing 5 custom tones, providing 100 tones in all.
Loaded Tone
This display shows the currently loaded tone along
with the bank and footswitch it is assigned to.
Tone Buttons
These buons display the tones in each bank.
If the tone is acve, the red LED will be lit.
This secon displays the currently selected amplier
and allows you to edit the amp’s controls.
This secon displays the
currently selected cabinet.
HINT: Tap once on either the amp or cabinet image to select from
over 50 amps and cabinets to create your own custom sound!
Assigned Footswitches
This secon displays the pedals which are
currently assigned to the A-E footswitches.
Expansion Bar
Touching this bar expands the view, displaying
all eect pedals in the signal chain.
HINT: Double tapping on a pedal will zoom in on the controls to make eding quick and easy. Tap the footswitch to turn
the pedal on and o. A single tap on the pedal will open My Gear allowing you to swap out the pedal for another.
Assigned Tab
Touching this tab displays
all tones assigned to the
iPB-10 Pedalboard.
My Library Tab
Touching this tab displays all
your custom user tones.
My Tones WindowMy Tones Window
Factory Tones Tab
Touching this tab displays all
factory tones.
Trash Can Icon
Touch this icon to delete a selected
user tone from My Library.
Tone Info & Assignments
This window displays each
tone’s informaon such
as tone name, where the
tone is assigned, Genre,
etc.. Tap in these elds to
add or to change the tone
informaon. Tapping the
‘+’ buon will assign tones
to the iPB-10 pedalboard.
Name/Genre Buttons
Touching these buons sorts
the tones by Name or by Genre.
Tuner WindowTuner Window
Accessing the Tuner from the iPB-10
To access the tuner from the iPB-10
footswitches, simply press and hold the
currently acve presets footswitch. The
iPB-10 will enter Bypass mode briey
then enter the Tuner. To exit the Tuner,
press any footswitch.
Tap the Tuner icon to enable the
built-in tuner. Simply play a string
and the note will be displayed. The
LEDs will indicate whether or not
the note is in tune, allowing you to
make the proper adjustments.
Tone Volume
Tap the Volume icon and use the slider
to increase or decrease the level for the
current tone. Volume can be saved with
each tone individually.
Settings WindowSettings Window
App Version
This eld displays the current installed version of the iPB-Nexus applicaon.
Firmware Version
When connected to the iPB-10 Pedalboard, this eld displays the current installed
version of the iPB-10 rmware.
Tuner Reference
This opon allows you to set the tuners reference point.
Record Out Level
When recording to the iPad or via USB to a computer DAW, this opon changes
digital signal level sent from the iPB-10 up to the iPad or computer DAW (the
range is -12 dB - +24 dB).
When recording to the iPad or via USB to a computer DAW and monitoring the mix
from the iPB-10 XLR outputs, this opon allows you to set the mix between the
track your recording (iPB-10) and playback from the iPad or DAW (USB/iPad).
1/4” Mix
When recording to the iPad or via USB to a computer DAW and monitoring the mix
from the iPB-10 1/4” line outputs, this opon allows you to set the mix between
the track your recording (iPB-10) and playback from the iPad or DAW (USB/iPad).
Calibrate Expression Pedal
This opon guides you through the iPB-10 Expression Pedal calibraon procedure.
This opon provides addional details about the iPB-Nexus soware app.
iPB-10 Top PaneliPB-10 Top Panel
LED Display
Displays the currently selected bank in the
iPB-10 Pedalboard (1-20).
Bank UP/DOWN Footswitches
Use these footswitches to select a tone bank.
1-5 Footswitches
Once a bank is selected, use these footswitches
to select one of 5 dierent tones within the
selected bank. When the tone is acve, its
footswitch LED will light.
A-E Footswitches
Use these footswitches to turn the assigned eect pedals on
and o. When a pedal is acve, its footswitch LED will light.
Stomp Loop
This footswitch enables and disables the
mono stompbox eects loop. The LED
lights when the stomp loop is enabled.
Amp Loop
This footswitch enables and disables the
amp loop. The LED lights when the amp
loop is enabled.
Expression Pedal
This pedal provides
real-me control of
Volume, Wah, or any
other assigned eect
parameter. Rock the
pedal forward and
press rmly to toggle
between controlling
the Wah and the other
assigned parameter.
iPB-10 Top PaneliPB-10 Top Panel
NOTE: Status messages will be displayed if the AMP or STOMP footswitches are pressed and the Amp or Stomp Loop
modules are not used in the current preset Tone (unavailable), or if nothing is connected to these jacks (not connected).
NOTE: When using the
Expression Pedal, the Wah
will only be controlled if it
exists in the eects chain.
Headphone Output
Connect headphones here. This output is
opmized for use with headphones having
an impedance of 50 Ohms or greater.
Power Switch
Used to turn the
iPB-10 power
on and o.
Power Input
Connect the included
power adapter here.
This input is a high impedance 1/4”
instrument input for connecng
your guitar.
iPB-10 Rear PaneliPB-10 Rear Panel
Amp Loop
These 1/4” send and return jacks allow you to connect an
external preamp or amplier and use the tone from these
components instead of the internal ampliers of the iPB-10.
iPB-10 Rear PaneliPB-10 Rear Panel
Stomp Loop
These 1/4” send and return jacks
allow you to insert an external
stompbox eect pedal (or chain
of eects) into the iPB-10 signal
Amp Loop Ground Lift Switch
This switch can be enabled to help prevent unwanted
hum or buzz caused by ground loops between the iPB-10
and an externally connected amplier or preamp.
NOTE: Status messages will be displayed if the AMP or STOMP footswitches are pressed and the Amp or Stomp Loop
modules are not used in the current preset Tone (unavailable), or if nothing is connected to these jacks (not connected).
iPB-10 Rear PaneliPB-10 Rear Panel
1/4” Line Outputs
These 1/4” outputs can be plugged
into a guitar amplier or to the inputs
of a mixer or recording device.
Output Level
This knob controls the output
level of the 1/4” outputs.
Amp/Mixer Switch
This switch opmizes the 1/4”
line outputs for connecng to
either a guitar amp or directly
into the inputs of a mixer.
XLR Ground Lift Switch
This switch lis pin 1 of the
XLR mixer outputs from
all ground references. This
may be necessary to help
solve troublesome ground
loops that can cause hum in
the system, especially when
both XLR and 1/4” outputs
are used together.
XLR Mixer Outputs
The XLR outputs are designed for
connecng to a recording device or
mixing console. These outputs always
have speaker compensaon acve as
they are intended to be connected to
a full range audio system.
USB Port
The USB port connects the
iPB-10 to a computer for
recording to your favorite
DAW soware. This port
streams four channels of
audio (2 up/2 back).
iPB-10 Rear PaneliPB-10 Rear Panel
Amp with Stomp Loop
Connection DiagramsConnection Diagrams
Connect your guitar to
the iPB-10 Input.
Connect the iPB-10 Le
(mono) Line Output to
the amp Input.
Connect the stompbox Output to
the iPB-10 Stomp Loop Return.
Connect the iPB-10 Stomp Loop
Send to the stompbox Input.
Set the Amp/Mixer
switch to ‘AMP.
Amp Loop & Stomp Loop
Connection DiagramsConnection Diagrams
Connect your guitar to
the iPB-10 Input.
Set the Amp/Mixer
switch to ‘AMP.
Connect the stompbox Output to
the iPB-10 Stomp Loop Return.
Connect the iPB-10 Stomp Loop
Send to the stompbox Input.
Connect the iPB-10 Le
(Mono) Line Out to the
amp Loop Return.
Connect the iPB-10
Amp Loop Send to
the amp Input.
Connect the amp Loop
Send to the iPB-10 Amp
Loop Return.
Connection DiagramsConnection Diagrams
Connect your guitar to
the iPB-10 Input.
Connect either the iPB-10
Line Outputs or XLR Outputs
to the inputs of the mixer.
To retain the stereo image,
make sure to pan the mixer
channels accordingly.
Set the Amp/Mixer
switch to ‘MIXER’.
Loading Tones from the iPB-Nexus App
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Drag the Bank selector to the desired Bank (you may
not need to perform this step if the desired bank has
already been selected).
3. Tap on pads 1-5 to select the desired Tone.
Loading TonesLoading Tones
Loading Tones from the iPB-10
1. Use the BANK UP or BANK DOWN footswitches to
select a bank (you may not need to perform this step if
the desired bank has already been selected).
2. Press one of the 1-5 footswitches to select the desired
Changing Pedal Settings
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Expansion bar to expand the view and show
all pedals.
3. Place your nger on the knob you want to modify and
drag it up to increase the value or down to decrease
the value. A pop over display will appear providing
instant feedback as the seng is changed. Once the
desired value is reached, li your nger from the
window. The seng will remain changed at this point.
HINT: Tapping twice on any eect pedal will zoom in on the
pedal, making it even easier to adjust the eect parameters.
Tap anywhere, other than on a knob or switch, to exit zoom
HINT: Tapping on the footswitch for each pedal allows you
to bypass and engage the pedal (the LED will light when
the pedal is engaged).
Working With PedalsWorking With Pedals
Changing Pedals – Performance Mode
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Expansion bar to show all pedals.
3. Touch the eect pedal you would like to swap out for
another pedal.
4. A window will appear showing all available pedals for
the selected eect type. Simply touch the eect pedal
you would like to select and it will replace the old
eect pedal.
5. Once the desired selecon has been made, touch the
Done buon.
Working With PedalsWorking With Pedals
Changing Pedals – Edit Mode
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the eect pedal you would like to swap out for
another pedal.
4. A window will appear showing all available pedals for
the selected eect type. Simply touch the eect pedal
you would like to select and it will replace the old
eect pedal.
5. Once the desired selecon has been made, touch the
Done buon.
Working With PedalsWorking With Pedals
Adding Pedals
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the
icon in the empty pedal slot.
4. A window will appear, displaying all available eect
types (i.e. Delay, Mod, Chorus, etc.). Select the desired
eect type then select the desired pedal from the list.
5. Once the desired selecon has been made, touch the
Done buon.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 to add addional pedals to the pedal
Working With PedalsWorking With Pedals
Deleting Pedals
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. If you would like to see the pedals in the order they
are connected, touch the Edit buon (oponal).
3. Touch the eect pedal you would like to delete.
4. A window will appear. Simply touch the Delete buon
to delete the eect pedal from the signal eects chain.
5. Once all edits have been made, touch the Performance
buon to get back to Performance mode (only if step2
was performed).
2. & 5.
HINT: Pedals can be deleted from either Performance mode or Edit mode.
Working With PedalsWorking With Pedals
Reordering Pedals
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, touch
the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Place your nger on the eect pedal you would like to
move and drag it to the posion in the signal chain you
would like to move it to.
4. Repeat step 3 for any other pedals you would like to
5. Once complete, touch the Performance buon to get
back to Performance mode.
Working With PedalsWorking With Pedals
Adding an Amp to the iPB-10 Signal Path
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the
icon located in the amp eld. A window
will appear displaying all the available internal amps.
4. Select the desired amplier from the list. The matching
cabinet will be loaded with the amp.
5. Touch the Done buon.
6. To posion where the amp is located in the signal
path, touch the Amp icon and drag it to the desired
posion (this will also set the signal path locaon of
the Amp Loop, if used).
7. Once complete, touch the Performance buon to get
back to Performance mode.
Working With AmpsWorking With Amps
Changing the Amp
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. From either Performance mode or Edit mode, touch
the amplier.
3. A window will appear displaying all available internal
amps. Select the desired amplier from the list. The
matching cabinet will be loaded with the amp.
4. Touch the Done buon.
5. If you want to change the locaon of the amplier in
the signal chain, touch the Edit buon to display the
Edit screen.
6. Touch the Amp icon and drag it to the desired locaon
within the signal chain.
7. Once complete, touch the Performance buon to get
back to Performance mode.
Working With AmpsWorking With Amps
5. & 7.
Changing the Cabinet
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. From either Performance mode or Edit mode, touch
the Cabinet.
3. A window will appear displaying all available cabinets.
Select the desired cabinet from the list.
4. Touch the Done buon.
Working With AmpsWorking With Amps
Deleting an Amp from the Signal Path
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the amp.
3. A window will appear. Touch the Delete buon to
delete the amplier.
Working With AmpsWorking With Amps
Assigning Pedals to the A-E Footswitches
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the eect pedal you would like to assign to the
footswitch and drag it into the desired footswitch slot.
You will noce that the pedal is now visible in the
assigned slot and an icon has appeared over the pedal
indicang which footswitch the pedal is assigned to.
4. Once all pedal assignments have been made, touch
the Performance buon to get back to Performance
5. From Performance mode you can easily see which
pedals are assigned to each of the A-E footswitches
(see adjacent picture). Pressing any footswitch
will turn its assigned pedal on and o and the A-E
footswitch LEDs will provide status for each pedal.
Assigning FootswitchesAssigning Footswitches
NOTE: To remove a footswitch assignment, simply drag the pedal up out of the assigned slot.
2. & 4.
Configuring the Amp Loop
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. If there is no amplier assigned, touch the
located in the amp eld. If there is already an amp
assigned, jump to step 6.
4. Select an amplier from the list. The matching cabinet
will be loaded with the amp.
5. Touch the Done buon.
6. To posion where the amp is located in the signal
path, touch the Amp icon and drag it to the desired
posion (this will also set the signal path locaon of
the Amp Loop).
7. Once complete, touch the Performance buon to get
back to Performance mode.
8. Press the AMP LOOP footswitch to engage and
disengage the Amp Loop. When this footswitch LED is
on, the Amp Loop is enabled and the connected device
is inserted into the iPB-10 signal path replacing the
internal amp.
NOTE: If enabled, the Amp Loop connecon remains acve when a tone is bypassed.
Assigning FootswitchesAssigning Footswitches
Configuring the Stomp Loop
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the
icon located in the empty pedal slot.
4. Select the OTHER category.
5. Select Stomp Loop.
6. Touch the Done buon.
7. To posion where the Stomp Loop is located in the
signal path, touch the Stomp Loop icon and drag it to
the desired posion.
8. Once complete, touch the Performance buon to get
back to Performance mode.
9. Press the STOMP LOOP footswitch to engage and
disengage the Stomp Loop. When this footswitch’s LED
is on, the Stomp Loop is enabled and the connected
device is inserted into the iPB-10 signal path.
NOTE: If enabled, the Stomp Loop connecon remains acve when a tone is bypassed.
Assigning FootswitchesAssigning Footswitches
Assigning the Expression Pedal
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select it
by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the Expression Assignments icon.
4. In the Expression Assignments window, touch the Pedal
5. Touch the Assigned Parameter selecon.
6. A window will appear displaying all controls available for
assignment. Make your desired selecon.
7. Once your selecon is made, touch the Expression
Assignments buon.
8. Set the Min and Max values for the Expression Pedal. This
allows you to set the permissible range for the assigned
parameters value – the minimum parameter value
allowed (Expression Pedal toe up) and the maximum
parameter value allowed (Expression Pedal toe down).
9. Once all edits have been made, touch the display
anywhere outside of the Expression Assignments window.
10. Touch the Quick Save buon to save your edits to the
current tone.
Expression Pedal & LFOsExpression Pedal & LFOs
Assigning Parameters to an LFO
If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select it by
touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Edit buon to display the Edit screen.
3. Touch the Expression Assignments icon.
4. In the Expression Assignments window, select either LFO 1 or
LFO 2.
5. Touch the Assigned Parameter selecon.
6. A window will appear displaying all parameters and funcons
available for assignment. Make your desired selecon.
7. Once your selecon is made, touch the Expression
Assignments buon.
8. Set the Min and Max values for the parameter controlled via
the LFO. This allows you to set the permissible range for the
assigned parameters value – the minimum parameter value
allowed (when the boom of the assigned LFO waveform is
reached) and the maximum parameter value allowed (when
the top of the assigned LFO waveform is reached). You can
also set the Wave Form (type) and Speed.
9. Once all edits have been made, touch the display anywhere
outside of the Expression Assignments window.
10. Touch the Quick Save buon to save your edits to the current
HINT: Both LFO 1 and LFO 2 can be assigned and used at the same me.
Expression Pedal & LFOsExpression Pedal & LFOs
Saving Tones with the Quick Save Button
At any me aer a User tone has been edited, you can quickly
save changes to memory by touching the Quick Save buon.
Quick Save is a fast method for storing your edits back to the
My Tones library without prompng you to to edit the name,
descripon, or selecng a new memory locaon.
Quick Save is only available when eding User tones that are
in the My Library tab of the My Tones screen.
Saving & Assigning TonesSaving & Assigning Tones
Saving Tones with the Save New Button
If you have modied a tone and want to change the name,
descripon, or the memory locaon where the tone resides,
you can do so with the Save New buon.
1. If the Pedalboard window is not already acve, select
it by touching the Pedalboard icon.
2. Touch the Save New buon.
3. When prompted, enter the tone name and descripon
(oponal) then select desired tone locaon.
4. Touch the Save buon to complete the saving process
(touch anywhere outside of the Preset Summary
window to cancel).
Saving & Assigning TonesSaving & Assigning Tones
Assigning Tones to the iPB-10 Pedalboard
1. Select the My Tones icon.
2. Sort through the library using the Category buons or
by typing a keyword into the Search box.
3. Select the tone you would like to audion or assign.
4. Touch the
5. Select the bank that you would like to assign the tone
6. Select the footswitch that you would like to assign the
tone to.
7. If you receive a prompt, ensure that you want to
overwrite the assignment and then select ‘Assign’.
8. The footswitch assignment will now appear under the
Assignments secon when the tone is selected in the
Saving & Assigning TonesSaving & Assigning Tones
How to Bypass Tones
You can bypass a tone by simply stepping on the currently acve tone’s footswitch.
When bypass is enabled, the internal pedals and amp will be bypassed, leaving just your guitars clean tone.
If you’re using the Amp Loop and/or Stomp Loop when you go into bypass, any devices connected to the Amp Loop and Stomp
Loop are sll acve. So you can use bypass to kill all the eects in the iPB-10 without bypassing any externally connected
eects or an externally connected amplier or preamp.
To exit bypass and get back to the tone you were in, just step on the same footswitch again. To exit bypass and acvate another
tone, step on one of the other 1-5 footswitches; or you can change the bank using the Bank footswitches, and then select a
tone within a dierent bank!
Bypassing TonesBypassing Tones
About Amps & Pedals
The iPB-10 oers a dream collecon of vintage and modern pedals, ampliers, and cabinets all in a single, programmable,
portable package. With pedals, the order in which they are connected aects the overall sound. The iPB-Nexus app allows
you to quickly reorder the pedals, so you have complete control over shaping your sound. Each amp and pedal within the iPB-
10 can be programmed to suit your personal taste and applicaon. The following secon lists the iPB-10 amps, cabinets, and
pedals and provides a descripon of each.
This screenshot shows an example custom pedalboard.
Amps & PedalsAmps & Pedals
The amplies in the iPB-10 are an assortment of popular vintage and modern amp tones. The ampliers also include two
acousc guitar simulators. The available amps and preamps are:
•45 JTM
(Modeled after ‘65 Marshall
Perhaps the turning point for blues and rock and roll, this amp set
the course for the future of Marshall
amps. It started the crunch”
revoluon, turning up on classic songs from AC/DC and most notably
the Bluesbreakers “Beano” album featuring Eric Clapton.
•68 Plexi
(Modeled after ‘68 Marshall 100 Watt Super Lead (plexi))
This is undoubtedly the amp that changed rock and roll. It is a
benchmark for many of the greatest guitar sounds ever heard. From
Hendrix to Van Halen, this amp is the real deal.
•800 JCM
(Modeled after ‘83 Marshall JCM800)
The amp that dened many of the metal sounds of the 80’s is sll one
of the most highly respected Marshall
amps ever made.
•900 JCM
(Modeled after ‘93 Marshall JCM900)
Incorporang a diode clipping stage, this amp gives you more gain
than you can shake a sck at.
•2000 JCM
(Modeled after ‘01 Marshall JCM2000 (Solo Channel))
The TSL100 is a superb tone with tons of sustain for grinding ris or
singing solos.
•Bass Man
(Modeled after ‘59 Fender
Tweed Bassman
This classic really roars with lots of boom end. Great for blues ris
but equally great for driving rock and roll rhythm guitar parts.
•Brown Bass Man
(Modeled after ‘62 Fender Brownface Bassman
From the era of the rst tolex covered Fender
amps, this parcular
amp was used on the classic Hendrix song “Voodoo Child”.
•British 15
(Modeled after ‘62 Vox
The rst great Vox
amp. A single 12” version of its more famous 30
Wa big brother, this amp has much of the same character to oer.
•British 30
(Modeled after ‘63 Vox AC30 Top Boost)
The quintessenal amp that dened both Brian Mays and Edge’s
sound. Just crank this amp up and get some of the most awesome
growl you will ever hear from an amp.
•Caliber 22
(Modeled after ’86 Mesa Boogie
.22 Caliber)
A monster lile combo with the classic Boogie Mark tone.
(Modeled after ‘57 Fender Tweed Champ
The Tweed Champ is a straight ahead, growly amp which is best suited
for blues and garage music. The tone is nasely, distorts easy due to the
low waage, but cuts through!
(Modeled after ’95 Matchless
A beaufully full amp tone with plenty of character. The Chief is a really
great amp to use for pung a slightly dierent color in your musical
•Citrus 120
(Modeled after ’74 Orange
OR 120)
This oen overlooked amp from a great Brish amp company was used
by greats like Jimmy and Frank Zappa. No wonder the great Orange is
making a comeback.
(Modeled after ’65 Blackface preamp w/Bassman poweramp)
What happens when you combine the cleaner input stage of Blackface
and connect it to the griy poweramp of a Bassman? You get an
experimental amp that works perfect for blues, rock-a-billy, country
and rock. You’ll want to drive this hard.
•DigiTech Blues
A perfect combinaon of clarity and grit. The Blues amp cuts through
but doesn’t get too muddy as the gain is turned up.
•DigiTech Bright
A perfect clean combo amp structure, the amp is bright yet cleaner
than most. Great for jazz, surf, country, clean rock and metal.
•DigiTech Brown
(Modeled after hot-rodded 80’s stack tone)
The Brownsound is a hot-rodded Marshall® tone of the early ‘80s made
famous by a wild, nger-tapping guitarist.
•DigiTech Chunk
Thicker than a Marshall®, the Chuck gives you lots of gain with plenty
of low end that doesn’t get in your way.
•DigiTech Clean
The Clean amp provides a very clean tube combo tone with just the
right amount of 2nd harmonics.
•DigiTech Crunch
The Crunch is just that, a tube head that crunches more than the rest.
The Crunch has extra gain and cuts through. Perfect for both rhythms
and solos.
•DigiTech Dark
Producing a ght, focused tone, the Dark amp has high gain, yet does
not muddy up your guitars tone – perfect if you play intricate metal.
•DigiTech Fuzz
The DigiTech Fuzz tone is based o of the fuzz tone of the late 60’s
English bands with our own twist with zz. Thus making the DigiTech
Fuzz ideal for 90’s grunge to todays mix of music.
•DigiTech GSP2101
The GSP2101 has become an iconic preamp processor for many
players over the years. Aer years of requests from players, we have
brought the sounds back from their glory days. The GSP2101 Clean
Tube captures the warmth and brightness while being able to drive it
hard to produce a nice warm clean sound with grit.
•DigiTech GSP2101 Saturated
The sound of the GSP2101 preamp provides a mild to over the top gain
without geng a muddy sound. A perfect tone seng for all types of
•DigiTech High Gain
For the rock or hard rock player who requires a lot of distoron as a
starng point, this eect provides a very punchy tone for both rhythm
and lead work reminiscent of a well polished producon album.
•DigiTech Metal
A true metal tone for both classic or modern style metal with a chunky
boom end. This eect is able to achieve a variety of metal tones with
the use of the EQ and gain controls.
•DigiTech Monster
The DigiTech Monster was created on an operang table in a European
castle with one thing in mind – full-on, dimed out, molten metal gain.
This is the perfect seng for death metal or the Norwegian Sound.
•DigiTech Mosh
This sound was created aer the mid 80’s NYC and Bay Area tones.
You will feel like you’re in the pit while taken a “thrashing.Big metal
sound with a bit of sizzle
•DigiTech Solo
Dialed in tone ideal for laying down solos for country, rock, jazz, blues
and even metal. Add a bit of delay and reverb and you have the perfect
sound for any lick you can come up with.
•DigiTech Spank
A bright and punchy clean sound that can be driven for a bit of edge.
At home with funk or any tone that needs some spanking.
•DigiTech Stone Rock
The Stone Rock amp produces tones made famous by So-Cal and
dessert bands. The Stone Rock’s huge, ubby low end and warm high
end make you want to use your bridge pickup, turn your guitars tone
knob down and play Godzilla all night…….
•DigiTech Transistor
The Transistor eect emulates the grainy, narrow EQ band sound of a
solid state transistor lo- amplier. Great for use as an eect or to set
the mood.
•DigiTech Tweed
(Modeled after Tweed preamp w/Blackface poweramp)
Imagine combining two of the greatest Fender
amps into a single
beast. Thats what we have done with the Tweedface. Take the preamp
of the classic Tweed Deluxe
and combine it with the output stage of
the Blackface Twin Reverb
and here is the monster you get.
•Dreadnaught Acoustic
Awesome dreadnaught acousc simulaon with an arculate top end.
Best suited for middle and neck pickups.
(Modeled after ‘57 Fender Tweed Deluxe
One of the most sought aer amps ever made, this is a tone you can’t
get enough of. This baby shows o its glory when pushed to the limits.
•Dual Rectified
(Modeled after ‘01 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier)
The new benchmark for metal guitar, this Recer series unleashed a
new era of high gain amp mayhem.
•Fraternal Verb
(Modeled after ‘65 Fender Blackface Twin Reverb
The benchmark for twin speaker combos. This great amp is one of the
most recognizable clean tones on recordings from the last 4 decades.
(Modeled after ‘99 Carvin
Legacy VL-100)
Steve Vai’s signature amp that he has been using since 1999. Custom
tweaked tone to Steve’s specicaons featuring an EL-34 tube output
stage. Very smooth for soloing.
•Hi Wattage
(Modeled after ‘69 Hiwatt
Custom 100 DR103)
This superb rock and roll amp was the staple of Pete Townshend’s tone
in the early ‘70s. A monster that has loads of headroom, this is at its
best when cranked up all the way and paired with the Fane 4x12 cab.
•Jazz 120
(Modeled after ’84 Roland
This solid state combo was synonymous with the sparkling clean
sounds of the 80’s.
•Jumbo Acoustic
When compared to the dreadnaught acousc eect, this eect
provides a warmer acousc model with more midrange.
•Jump Panel
(Modeled after ‘68 Marshall Jump Panel)
This eect is based on the method used to get the most saturaon
from the classic plexi – by jumping channel 1 into channel 2, you get a
bit more push over the top.
•Les 40
(Modeled after ’59 Gibson
A very cool blues/rock amp in the ranks with the Deluxes but with a
personality all its own.
•Lux Verb
(Modeled after ‘65 Fender Blackface Deluxe Reverb
The single speaker version of its bigger brother, this amp is equally at
home for blues, country and rock players.
•Master Volume
(Modeled after ‘77 Marshall Master Volume)
This amp was king of rock and roll in the 70’s and one of our favorites.
This JMP 100W amp featured four 6550 output tube making it hot and
punchy for rock and punk music alike.
•Match 30
(Modeled after ‘96 Matchless HC30)
The perfect Class A crunch tone with ght responsive low end. This is
right at home with country, blues, and rock.
•MK 4
(Modeled after ‘94 Mesa Boogie Mark IV)
If high gain is your bag, this is up your alley. This amp is sll as inuenal
today as it was when introduced over a decade ago.
•MK 2B
(Modeled after ‘81 Mesa Boogie
Mark II C)
Originally based o of hot-rodded Fender
amps, this classic has some
of the best rhythm and lead tones ever. This amp was the peak for
Mesa Boogie during their custom built-to-order days.
•PV 120
(Modeled after ’99 Peavey
Designed in conjuncon with Eddie Van Halen by Peavey
, this amp
oers gain for days.
•RG 100
(Modeled after ’88 Randall
A vintage solid state amp that ushered in a new metal generaon. This
was the amp Dimebag used in the earlier Pantera days.
•Solar 100
(Modeled after ’67 Sunn
Used by Pete Townshend in the late ‘60s US tour, these amps oered
tons of headroom which certainly delivered the SPLs The Who loved.
•Solo 100
(Modeled after ‘88 Soldano
Considered one of the rst “bouque” amp companies, the SLO 100 is
a pure gain head’s dream. Smooth distoron with incredible sustain,
this amp is amazing.
•Super Group
(Modeled after ’69 Laney
The Supergroup was used most notably by Tony Iommi and was key to
the sound of early Black Sabbath records.
•Tri Rectified
(Modeled after ‘04 Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier)
The latest from the guys in Petaluma, this bigger brother of the dual
recer packs an addional 50 Was of power.
The cabinets in the iPB-10 are an assortment of popular vintage and modern cabinet tones. Note that when you select an amp,
the default cabinet is automacally loaded. You can, however, change the cabinet aer selecng an amp to achieve dierent
tones. The available cabinets are:
•American 1x12
(Modeled after 1x12 ‘59 Gibson GA-40)
Similar to the Deluxe cabs with emphasized top end for more bite.
•Blonde 2x12
(Modeled after 2x12 ‘57 Fender Blonde Bassman
Warm dual speaker combo. Great for driving rhythm playing or clean
chord comps.
•Boutique 4x12
(Modeled after 4x12 ‘96 VHT
Slant w/Celestion
Vintage 30’s)
A rare matchup from the guys at VHT. Great bite that really cuts
•British 1x12
(Modeled after 1x12 ‘62 Vox AC15)
A great lile cab perfect for rock and blues.
•British 2x12
(Modeled after 2x12 ‘63 Vox AC30 Top Boost w/Jensen
Blue Backs)
Amazing low end. These were our favorite speakers of the early Vox/
Jensen era.
•Classic 4x12
(Modeled after 4x12 Marshall
1969 Straight w/Celestion
Great power handling speakers give you the classic Marshall® bite and
chunk. It takes a lot of power to break these up.
•DigiTech 2101 Speaker Filter
This speaker compensaon is from the GSP2101, which has become a
standard in direct micing for music of all types.
•DigiTech Alternative 4x12
The DigiTech Alternave cabinet model is a direr cabinet with more
sizzle than a standard 4x12 cabinet. Use if you want to drive your tone
over the edge.
•DigiTech Bright 2x12
A parcularly bright but full sounding combo cabinet. Great for clean.
•DigiTech Chunk 4x12
The Chunk is a thicker cabinet that lends itself to hard rock and solos.
This will help any amp cut through the mix.
•DigiTech Metal 4x12
The Metal cabinet provides a deeper but ght low end response. Great
with any amp that needs a lile focus.
•DigiTech Rock 4x12
Take a standard 4x12 and add just a lile more 600Hz to cut through
the mix, the Rock cabinet not only sounds good for rock but excels at
hard rock and gives distorted combos new life.
•DigiTech Solo 4x12
Solos need to cut through the mix without squashing the sound.
The Solo cabinet is phrased to provide a clear tone with maximum
distoron to help the guitar cut through.
•DigiTech Spank 4x12
Need a jangley, funk high end? The Spank is perfect for funk.
•DigiTech Vintage 4x12
A vintage speaker cabinet with that “broken in” warm tone.
•D-Luxe 1x12
(Modeled after 1x12 ‘65 Fender Blackface Deluxe Reverb
Provides solid tone which can be combined with any amp for a great
rhythm tone.
•Fane 4x12
(Modeled after 4x12 Hiwatt Custom w/Fane Speakers)
Unique warm tone was the perfect balance for the head it is originally
paired with.
•Green 4x12
(Modeled after 4x12 Marshall 1969 Slant w/Celestion
25W Green backs)
This super speaker design provides a voice that is as disncve as its
name. Great match for the Plexi.
•Jazz 2x12
(Modeled after 2x12 ‘84 Roland JC-120)
Awesome for spankin’ clean tones with emphasized top end.
•JBL 2x15
(Modeled after 2x15 ’68 Sunn 200S w/JBL
Powerful boom end from a landmark speaker designer. Classic tones
from the late ‘60s.
•Rectified 4x12
(Modeled after 4x12 ‘07 Mesa/Boogie Rectifier w/Celestion Vintage 30’s)
The ulmate 4x12 for the heaviest tone. Massive boom end and
punchy midrange.
•Twin 2x12
(Modeled after 2x12 ‘65 Fender Blackface Twin Reverb
The benchmark that many others have tried to imitate. The classic
clean tone at its best.
•Tweed 1x8
(Modeled after 1x8 ‘57 Fender Tweed Champ
A small speaker but a great way to cut through the mix.
•Tweed 1x12
(Modeled after 1x12 ‘57 Fender Tweed Deluxe
A bluesman’s delight. Wonderful response with a classic tone when
matched with its namesake amp model.
•Tweed 4x10
(Modeled after 4x10 ‘59 Fender Tweed Bassman
Powerful, throaty, and just plain cool. This cabinet mixed with its
matching amp gives you tones as cool as they come.
•Vintage 4x12
(Modeled after 4x12 Johnson
Straight w/Celestion Vintage 30’s)
This tone is great when used for rock, hard rock and metal. The low
end compresses just the right amount due to the combinaon of the
Celeson Vintage 30’s and cabinet volume.
A compressor is used to increase sustain, ghten up guitars, and prevent the signal from clipping the input of other eects. It
sets a maximum boundary for the strength of a signal. The available compressor pedals are:
•Blue Compressor
(Modeled after Boss
CS-2 Compressor/Sustainer)
The CS-2 compresses high-input signals while boosng low-input
signals, giving you smooth and long sustain without degrading the
quality of the original sound.
•DigiTech Compressor
The DigiTech Compressor compresses high-input signals while boosng
low-input signals, giving you smooth and long sustain without degrading
the quality of the original sound and also allows you to adjust the tone
of the compression.
•Red Compressor
(Modeled after MXR
Dyna Comp
Dyna Comp
will compress the high-input signals and boost
the low-input signals while adding its unique voicing that has become
popular with many players for leads, clean chicken picking, and simple
Pedals – CompressorsPedals – Compressors
Chorus adds a short delay to your signal. The delayed signal is modulated in and out of tune and then mixed back with the
original signal to create a thicker sound. The available chorus pedals are:
•Clone Chorus
(Modeled after Electro Harmonix
Small Clone)
A very lush, watery chorus which can be heard on hits by bands including
Nirvana. This chorus has a very earthy” tone to it and denitely takes
your chorus tone to a dierent place.
•Dutch Chorus
(Modeled after TC Electronics
A chorus pedal that was made for guitar but also used by bass and
keyboard players as well. Many keyboardists use it to enhance their
electric piano “Rhoads” sound. The speed knob controls the speed
of the chorus or anger sweeps. The width knob controls how much
frequency change the eect spans. The intensity controls how much
of the eect is used.
•DigiTech Dual Chorus:
A warm dual voice chorus that allows you to adjust the speed, depth,
level, and wave form.
•DigiTech Glisten Chorus:
A more simplisc chorus giving you a warm chorus tone like the CE-2 ,
but adding a 3rd knob allowing you to adjust the overall level as well.
•DigiTech Multi Chorus
DigiTech’s famous mul-chorus allows you to get an incredibly warm
chorus tone using 16 voices that interact with each other in Stereo
mode, giving you the most incredible and unique chorus tone you can
•Lite Chorus
(Modeled after Boss
CE-2 Chorus)
A very simple but popular chorus pedal. Its simplisc two knob design
makes it easy to use.
•Who Do Chorus
(Modeled after Voodoo Lab
Analog Chorus)
A strikingly vocal chorus pedal with disnct organic tone. It is capable
of a wide range of sounds from a thick analog doubling, to an ultra-
lush chorus, and even a Leslie rotang speaker.
Pedals – ChorusPedals – Chorus
Delay is an eect that records a poron of the incoming signal, and then plays it back a short me later. The recording can
repeat just once or several mes. The available delay pedals are:
(Modeled after Boss
DM-2 Analog Delay)
The DM-2 is a classic and standard BBD analog delay that used 4,096
stages of delay. The frequency response and noise depended upon
the delay me. The signal increasingly deteriorates with each repeat,
so as the repeats are turned up, the signal becomes less and less
recognizable and actually becomes more of an “eect” than a delay.
•DigiTech 2-Tap Delay
While most delays are derived from a signal delay with one end tap,
the 2-Tap Delay uses a single delay line, but with two endpoints that
are spaced about at dierent raos. Use this eect to add more of a
rhythmic quality to your delays.
•DigiTech Analog Delay
The analog delay produces delays that were derived from ”BBD” analog
delay chips. The BBD chips were the rst ways to produce delay aside
from the costly tape delays. The delay sound was not HiFi but was
reminiscent of the original signal and quickly became a cornerstone to
modern guitar sounds due to their warm qualies.
•DigiTech Digital Delay
A digital delay can be called a perfect representaon of your guitars
signal. Desired for their brilliant qualies, digital delays have virtually
no noise and a full frequency response.
•DigiTech Lo Fi Delay
The Lo Fi delay is an analog delay with a severely limited frequency
response, producing an even grungier delay eect.
•DigiTech Modulated Delay
A modulated delay is a digital delay with chorus added to the delays to
produce a wider sounding stereo delay.
•DigiTech Pong Delay
A pong delays repeats jump from side to side and requires a stereo
setup to fully hear the eect.
•DigiTech Reverse Delay
The Reverse Delay samples the guitars signal then plays the delayed
signal backwards. Reverse delay used to be a studio trick, but now
with modern technology it exists in a stompbox!
•DigiTech Tape Delay
The tape delay eect produces a warm tone by liming the frequency
response and adding the distoron that exists in a tape delay.
•Echo Flex
(Modeled after Maestro EP-2 Tube Echoplex)
The Echoplex is the standard to which all analog delays are judged.
The Echoplex was the rst widely used tape delay and had a tone all
its own. The Echoplex can be heard on many rockabilly, surf, country
and rock tracks.
Pedals – DelaysPedals – Delays
Distoron and overdrive pedals were designed to give your guitar tone gain before it reaches your amp. Many heavily distorted
pedals such as the DigiTech Grunge
were designed to provide most or all of the gain and run through a cleaner amp. Overdrives
are great for boosng the gain of your guitar sound and driving an already distorted amp, giving your total tone more gain and
a heavier feel. Overdrives on their own and ran into clean amps provide a bluesy tone. The available distoron pedals are:
(Modeled after Roger Mayer Octavia
Designed in 1967, the Octavia was featured on “Purple Haze” and
“Fire” by Jimi.
•Anxiety Disorder
(Modeled after Fulltone
OCD Overdrive)
Straddling the border of overdrive and distoron, the OCD produces
amazing harmonics and drives any amp into oblivion. The overdrive is
thicker than most, yet clear, leng every string and note come through.
•Big Pi
(Modeled after Electro-Harmonix
Big Muff Pi
A requirement for any alternave player, the Big Mu Pi’s thick fuzz is
unmistakable in grunge, new wave and many punk hits.
Amp Driver
The Amp Driver distoron is designed to turn a regular distorted amp
into a monster. The Amp Driver not only distorts the guitars signal, but
also boosts frequencies around 600Hz. By emphasizing the frequencies
around 600Hz, amps can be driven harder and take on more of a metal
tone. A ‘mean sound’ is not only determined by how much gain you
put in front of your amp, but also by how hard you drive the amp and
with what frequencies the amp is driven with.
•DigiTech Death Metal
Designed in 1992 to provide death metal musicians with a wall of
sound, the Death Metal
pedal does just that. Whether you play early
‘90s grindcore or modern death metal, the Death Metal’s tone controls
give you a multude of sonic opons.
•DigiTech Grunge
In late 1991 as Grunge hit the radio, this pedal was designed as the
DOD FX69 Grunge. The pedal was designed by a young engineer who
played “punk” and was released as an experiment to see what this
“new type” of music was all about. Now a decade later, the Grunge is
sll a top-seller. The Grunge produces tones from early famous Seale
sounds to borderline metal. Don’t forget your annel….
•DigiTech Redline Modified Overdrive
Not your standard overdrive, the Redline takes overdrive to a place
that never existed. The Redline’s circuit overdrives the guitars signal
in a way that is not evenly clipped like the way a tube amp distorts.
Add extra gain and a thicker low end and the Redline was born.
(Modeled after MXR
Distortion +)
A classic pedal due to its simplicity just plug in and go. The Distoron
+ produces good honest distoron, perfect for driving a distorted amp.
Pedals – DistortionsPedals – Distortions
•DOD 250 Overdrive/Preamp
250 is another classic overdrive. With no tone control to get
in the way, the 250’s beauty is just its pure overdrive.
•DOD Classic Fuzz
A part of the original DOD FX family, the Classic Fuzz gained a following
for its clearer voicing as compared to many fuzz pedals.
•DOD Gonkulator Ring Modulator
Engineered to meet the needs of many experimental guitarists, the
Gonkulator was a silent hit. The Gonkulator is a combinaon of a
Grunge pedal and a ring modulator that produces distoron and mixes
in a bell-like ringing. The rst pedal with a “suck” knob.
•Driven Over
(Modeled after Guyatone
Overdrive OD-2)
The OD-2 is yet a dierent avor of overdrive. The OD-2 is transparent
and does not get in the way when playing single notes or chords.
•Eight Oh Eight
(Modeled after Ibanez
TS-808 Tube Screamer
The predecessor to the famed TS-9, the TS-808 has spawned a whole
bouque market around modicaons to this classis design. If you
want one of the standards in overdrive, this is it.
•Face Fuzz
(Modeled after Arbiter
Fuzz Face
The Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face surfaced in 1966 and used germanium
transistors to get its unique fuzzy sound and inspired many other fuzz
pedals to follow. The Fuzz Face produces a thick wall of edgy distoron
and a very full low end. Perfect for creang ‘60s or modern stonerrock
•Heavy Metal
(Modeled after Boss
MT-2 Metal Zone
The Metal Zone will produce nearly any metal tone needed from ght,
percussive, Bay area thrash to deep, detuned grind core.
•Later Fuzz
(Modeled after Demeter
Enhancing the proper frequencies with a pre-emphasis tone circuit,
the Fuzzulator produces distoron that is unique and does not get
muddy when the Fuzz is turned up.
•Mod Screamer
(Modeled after Ibanez
TS-9 Tube Screamer
Take a TS-9, add more gain and modify the low end to produce a thicker,
bluesier overdrive.
•Orange Distortion
(Modeled after Boss
A truly classic distoron. A nice, common distoron that ranges in tone
from rock to mild metal. Use it to drive a distorted amp!
•Over Overdrive
(Modeled after Boss
OD-1 Overdrive)
The OD-1 is perfect for just adding a lile gain to your tone no maer
what type of amp you use. To produce a bluesy tone, use it with a
clean combo. To drive your stack, crank the gain and level.
(Modeled after Pro Co
Want gain? Want more gain? The Rat was one of the rst pedals to
take the gain to another dimension. The lter control gives the Rat its
unique tones and exibility. It is rumored that early Bay area thrash
bands used it in conjuncon with a Marshall® JCM800 to achieve their
heavy tones.
Pedals – DistortionsPedals – Distortions
(Modeled after Ibanez
TS-9 Tube Screamer
One of the most famous pedals ever created, the TS-9 has stood the
test of me and can be found on nearly every pedal board.
•Supreme Overdrive
(Modeled after Boss
SD-1 Overdrive)
With a lile more gain than the OD-1, the SD-1 will drive any amp into
another realm. If you’re just looking for a good classic rock tone, this
is it.
•Who Do Drive
(Modeled after Voodoo Lab
Sparkle Drive
The Sparkle Drive mixes an 808 tone with a boosted clean tone to
form a perfect device to drive amps.
Pedals – DistortionsPedals – Distortions
The iPB-10 is equipped with a 3 band semi-parametric EQ which helps shape your tone with Low, Mid, and High controls.
•3 Band Semi-Parametric EQ
This EQ provides Low, Mid, and high tone shaping with adjustable
frequency and lter width. Use this EQ to ne tune your tone.
Pedals – EQPedals – EQ
A anger uses the same principle as a chorus but uses a shorter delay me and adds regeneraon (or repeats) to the modulang
delay. This results in an exaggerated up and down sweeping moon to the eect. The available anger pedals are:
•AD Flanger
(Modeled after A/DA
A super quiet anger with plenty of headroom. Made popular by its
ability to get thick and juicy tones from using not only the standard
knobs, found on most angers, but also the Harmonic knob which oers
the user a slightly dierent mbre going from even to odd harmonics.
Filter Flanger
The DigiTech team expanded on the tradional anger by adding a
band pass lter in the feedback path of the eect. Because of this lter,
the Filter Flangers feedback aects only a set amount of frequencies,
thereby generang a dierent sounding anger eect.
•DigiTech Flanger
DigiTech’s own anger model! This pedal gives you the anger eect
and allows you to control the standard Speed, Depth, Regeneraon,
and Level of the anger eect.
•DigiTech Triggered Flanger
By seng the threshold sensivity, you control when the anger starts
sweeping, and by seng the LFO Start knob, you control WHERE in
the sweep it starts! Next you can adjust the speed that it sweeps and
the overall level of the anger eect!
(Modeled after MXR
M-117 Flanger)
A big, rich and organic anger tone made popular by such people as
Eddie Van Halen. The MXR® anger creates a variety of wild sounds,
from a dynamic jet plane or cool space eects, to short delay, chorus
and vibrato.
•Flanger Affair
(Modeled after Electro Harmonix
Electric Mistress
This anger has a unique tone, giving it a sort of chorus/anger mixed
tone, making it not as dry as some of the other angers (but with a
more pronounced sweep). Its easy to use with only 3 knobs (Color,
Range, and Rate), which also makes it a lile easier to dial in your tone.
Pedals – FlangersPedals – Flangers
Noise Gates
A noise gate is used to control the volume of an audio signal. In its most simple form, a noise gate allows a signal to pass
through only when it is above a set threshold. When this happens, the gate is open’. If the signal falls below the threshold no
signal is allowed to pass (or the signal is substanally aenuated) and the gate is ‘closed’. The available noise gate pedals are:
•DigiTech Auto Swell Gate
This noise gate will also let you set the threshold of the noise oor,
but instead of a strict feel of opening and closingthe gate, you get
more of an auto volume swell eect making it a smoother transion
between the open and closed posions.
•DigiTech Silencer Noise Gate
This noise gate allows you to reduce line noise when the signal level
falls below the set threshold.
Pedals – Noise GatesPedals – Noise Gates
A phaser splits the incoming signal, and then changes the phasing of the signal. This signal is then taken in and out of phase
and mixed back in with the original signal. As the phasing changes, dierent frequencies get canceled resulng in a warm sort
of twisng sound. The available phaser pedals are:
•A Phase
(Modeled after MXR
Phase 100)
Another industry standard in phase pedals with its own unique tones.
It has a simplisc 2 knob control panel (Intensity and Speed). Along
with the speed control that controls the speed of the Phase sweep,
the Intensity knob selects four dierent intensies, dened as preset
waveform paerns. Between the intensity and speed sengs, you’ll
nd quite a supply of excellent sounds!
•DigiTech Phaser
This phaser will give you the standard phaser tone and opons for
controlling it via the Speed, Depth, Regeneraon, and Level sengs.
•DigiTech Triggered Phaser
Like the Triggered Chorus, you can set the threshold of the sensivity
knob to dictate how loud the guitar signal must be before the phaser
will be triggered. Then using the LFO Start knob, you can set where in
the range of the phaser you would like it to start from.
•Stone Phase
(Modeled after Electro-Harmonix
Small Stone
The Small Stone’s full-bodied, 3-dimensional phasing adds a special
swirl to every musical style. Blues players dig its rapidly rotang speaker
eect while Country players use it to add seasoning to their chicken’
pickin’. Metal-heads and Industrialists dig the Stone’s jet plane woosh.
Its simplisc 2 knob control panel (Rate and Color) make it easier to
dial in a quick phaser tone that will be just right for you!
Pedals – PhasersPedals – Phasers
The iPB-10 comes equipped with eects to manipulate your pitch and do incredible things with it like harmonize both intelligently
and by using standard semitones, detune, and do cool eects by raising and/or lowering your original notes from 2 octaves
down to 2 octaves up! The available pitch eect pedals are:
•DigiTech Detune
A Detuner makes a copy of your incoming signal, makes the copied
signal slightly out of tune from the original, then mixes the two signals
together. The result is a doubling type of eect as if two guitars were
playing the same part together.
•DigiTech Harmony
Harmony Pitch Shiing makes a copy of the incoming signal, and then
changes the pitch of the copied note to a diatonically correct interval
specied by the Amount parameter. A Harmony Pitch Shier sharpens
or aens the shied pitch in order to keep the specied interval
within the selected key and scale creang a true harmony.
•DigiTech Pitch Shift
A pitch shier copies the incoming signal, then shis the pitch of the
copy to a dierent note. The shied note is then mixed back with the
original signal, sounding as if two guitars were playing dierent notes.
•DigiTech Whammy
The DigiTech Whammy is an eect that uses an Expression Pedal to
bend the pitch of the incoming signal, or add a bendable harmony
with the original signal. As the Pedal is moved, the note bends either
up or down.
(Modeled after Boss
OC-2 Octaver)
Based on the Boss® OC-2 Octaver, this pedal adds two signals to your
original guitar signal. The rst is one octave below your guitar, and the
second is two octaves below your guitar. Each addional signal has its
own volume control.
Pedals – PitchPedals – Pitch
A tremolo eect modulates the volume of the signal at an even rate. The available tremolo pedals are:
•Bias Tremolo
(Modeled after Vox
Bias Tremolo)
Another way to achieve a tremolo eect is to alter the bias of the
poweramp tubes. This Vox
Bias Tremolo produces the volume and
tone eects to create a tone heard on many famous Brish tunes.
•DigiTech Panner
This pedal pans the sound from side to side. The speed controls how
fast the panning occurs and the depth controls how much of the signal
is panned.
•DigiTech Scatter Tremolo
The Scaer Tremolo combines two tremolos that are out of sync”,
producing an unpredictably scaered tremolo sound.
•DigiTech Tremolo
This tremolo is a volume changing eect that can be heard on surf and
country classics.
•Opto Tremolo
(Modeled after Fender
Opto Tremolo)
The sound of the Fender® Opto Tremolo is as classic as their amps.
Both tone shi and volume eects are produced to create this unique
Pedals – Tremolo/PannerPedals – Tremolo/Panner
The DigiTech® Envelope Filter is a dynamic wah eect that alters your sound based upon how hard you play. The available
envelope/special eect pedals are:
•DigiTech Auto Yah
An Auto Ya
combines the characteriscs of a wah and a anger,
creang an almost human vowel characterisc as if the guitar were
saying “Yah.The Auto Ya automacally provides this animaon to the
sound at an even rate.
•DigiTech Envelope Filter
An envelope lter is also called an auto-wah” for its wah eect. The
amount of wah is dependent upon the output volume of your guitar
the harder you play, the more wah you get. A denite B-Movie
soundtrack tone.
•DigiTech Sample/Hold
Using a changing lter, the Sample/Hold produces skipping tones
that can be heard in experimental and alternave music (it creates
an electronic” or “roboc” type sound). Best used with distoron in
front of the eect.
•DigiTech Step Filter
The Step Filter changes frequency in related paerns much like a
sample and hold eect. Its like an automac “random wah” with a
square waveform.
•DigiTech Synth Talk
Another DigiTech rst, the Synth Talk
makes your guitar appear to
speak (creang vowel like qualies) based upon the dynamics of your
playing style.
•DigiTech Ya Ya
The Ya Ya
is another eect exclusive to DigiTech products. Like the
Auto Ya, it combines the characteriscs of a wah and a anger, providing
a unique talk box type of eect, but is controlled by the Expression
FX25 Envelope Filter
FX25 is a classic analog envelope lter that can be found
on many funk and alternave tracks. Used by both guitar and bass
players. Try this one clean for a really funky sound.
Pedals – Envelope/SpecialPedals – Envelope/Special
Using reverb in recorded program material gives the listener a sense that the material is being performed in an actual room or
hall. It is this similarity to actual acousc spaces that makes reverberaon a useful tool in recorded music. The iPB-10 features
genuine Lexicon
reverbs, whose rich, lush eects have been heard in countless songs, soundtracks, and live performances for
decades. The available reverb pedals are:
•240 Plate
(Modeled after EMT
240 Plate Reverb)
The EMT Plate Reverb is the reference reverb to which all studio reverbs
are compared. Using a large sheet of metal, one end of the “plate”
was excited by a transducer and the sound would then travel through
the plate to the other side where the delayed tone was received. The
frequency response and dynamics of the signal would change when
traveling through the plate, creang a reverb eect.
The Lexicon Ambience reverb is full, bright and produces ambience
around or behind your guitar signal.
•Lexicon Hall
The largest of the Lexicon reverbs, the Hall produces lush reverbs with
a swirling decay unlike any other reverbs today.
•Lexicon Room
A great eect for simulang a small room, the Lexicon Room simulates
small isolaon rooms which are found in many recording studios today.
•Lexicon Studio
Larger than the Room reverb, the Studio reverb is the Lexicon studio
standard reverb algorithm.
(Modeled on a Fender
Twin Reverb
The tone and reacon of the Spring reverb is captured! Surfs up, the
best seng is at maximum - Cowabunga.
The DigiTech Vibrato eect modulates the pitch of the incoming signal at an even rate. The Rotary emulates a device that
included a spinning horn and woofer. The rotaon of these two speakers produced an interesng combinaon of the sound
panning from side to side. This produced a slight pitch change due to the speed of the sound coming towards, and then going
away from the listener. The available vibrato/rotary eect pedals are:
•DigiTech Rotary
Rotary is an eect that simulates the Doppler eect and volume
uctuaons of a rotary speaker. The sound is lush and full.
•DigiTech Vibrato
Vibrato produces volume and tone change characteriscs that can be
found on surf and country classics.
•DigiTech Vibro Pan
The Vibro Pan not only changes volume but shis it side to side. This
eect is great for stereo setups.
(Modeled after Unicord
The Uno-Vibe creates a chorus type eect in tandem with vibrato,
producing a lush swirling eect.
Pedals – Vibrato/RotaryPedals – Vibrato/Rotary
Wah is an eect controlled by an Expression Pedal making the guitar sound as if its saying Wah.The available wah pedals
Full Range Wah
DigiTech’s Full Range Wah sweeps the enre spectrum of audible
frequencies, giving you the most range of tone from the wah pedal.
•Clyde Wah
(Modeled after Vox
Clyde McCoy
This wah pedal was the “original” and was designed to try to emulate
the sound of a muted trumpet. Clyde McCoy was a trumpet player
that had asked Vox for a device that could make an instrument sound
like his muted trumpet. This wah has a “thinner tone and sweeps
more of the upper end of the audible frequency spectrum.
•Cry Wah
(Modeled after Dunlop
This wah pedal is the more “tradional” sounding wah pedal that you
have heard in the 60’s to the 80’s guitar solos. This wah sweeps the
lower to mid range frequencies.
Pedals – WahPedals – Wah
1. Recto
2. Cool Chorus
3. Solo Delay
4. Boogie Man
5. Smooth Jazz
6. Plexi-Drive
7. Super Clyde
8. Vox Delay
9. Whammy Lead
10. Acousc
11. PdlBrd1 Overdrive
12. PdlBrd1 ODChorus
13. PdlBrd1 ODPhsDly
14. PdlBrd1 OD Delay
15. PdlBrd1 OD Reverb
16. PdlBrd2 Whammy
17. PdlBrd2 EQ Boost
18. PdlBrd2 Dirty Flanger
19. PdlBrd2 Tape Delay
20. PdlBrd2 Spring
21. Big N Bad
22. Metal Head
23. Metal Clean
24. Moshmellow
25. L O G
26. Solo Dude
27. Black Label
28. Angel Of Death
29. Into The Void
30. Killer
31. Backwards
32. Punkish
33. Funky Clean
34. Rumble
35. Hazy
36. Wahs Up
37. Fazed Out
38. Echo Head
39. Fuzz King
40. Jump Panel
41. Blues
42. Stevie Ray
43. Blues
44. Big ‘n Blue
45. Blues
46. Hair Day
47. Ballad
48. Rock Stack
49. Big Strum
50. Greaser Solo
51. Hot Rod
52. Cool Clean
53. Hot Rhythm
54. Undone
55. Big Room
56. Reced
57. Strange Ways
58. Twang
59. Heavy
60. Rock Lead
61. Rhapsody
62. Gilmour
63. Hendrix
64. Satch
65. DC/AC
66. Sand Man
67. Woman Tone
68. Rockabilly
69. U2 Delay
70. Cli Notes
71. Drivin’
72. Chickn’ Pickn’
73. Crunchy
74. Spankin
75. Cowboy
76. Citrus
77. Legacy
78. Bass Man
79. Brish 45
80. Twin Reverb
81. Smoothy
82. Mr Clean
83. Swell
84. Octaved
85. 5THS
86. Arch Top
87. Fused
88. Chimey
89. Comp Clean
90. Lively
91. Steppin
92. Guitar 2 Bass
93. Der Ya
94. Flangtasc
95. Spacelter
96. Stellar
97. Reversal
98. Analog Boy
99. Stuer
100. Dive Bomb
Preset ListPreset List
If you experience a problem with the iPB-10 hardware, you can try performing the factory hard reset procedure listed below.
iPad Connected
1. Turn o the power to the iPB-10 processor by pressing the Power Switch on the back panel.
2. Press and hold
Footswitch A then power on the iPB-10 – keep Footswitch A held down unl you see ‘Fr’ in the LED
display, then release.
3. Press and hold
Footswitch A again unl the display reads ‘rS, then release.
4. Wait for the processor to go through its sequence. When the reset is complete, the iPad will resync all presets with the
iPB-10 hardware.
5. Once preset sync is complete, the iPB-10 Expression Pedal will need calibraon. Follow the
On-Screen Instrucons
to calibrate the Expression Pedal.
iPad Disconnected
1. Turn o the power to the iPB-10 processor by pressing the Power Switch on the back panel.
2. Press and hold
Footswitch A then power on the iPB-10 – keep Footswitch A held down unl you see ‘Fr’ in the LED
display, then release.
3. Press and hold
Footswitch A again unl the display reads ‘rS, then release.
4. Aer a few moments, ‘Td’ will appear in the display and the Footswitch 5 LED will begin ashing. Rock the
Expression Pedal completely forward (toe down) then press Footswitch 5.
5. When ‘tU’ appears in the display, rock the
Expression Pedal completely back (toe up) and press Footswitch 5.
6. A numeric value will now appear in the LED display indicang the Expression Pedal V-Switch sensivity. Press rmly on
Expression Pedal Toe. Use the Bank Up and Bank Down Footswitches to ne tune the V-Switch sensivity.
7. Press
Footswitch 5 to complete the procedure.
8. Once the iPad is reconnected, it will sync and reassign all factory tones back to the iPB-10 footswitches.
Factory Hard ResetFactory Hard Reset
WARNING! Performing the factory hard reset procedure will restore the iPB-10 tones to their
factory state. Aer performing a factory hard reset, you can connect the iPad and launch the
iPB-Nexus app to restore your previous sengs.
Analog Input Connections
Guitar Input
Impedance: 1M Ohms
Maximum Input Level: +8 dBu
Stompbox Loop Input
Impedance: 475K Ohms
Maximum Input Level: +8 dBu
Amp Loop Input
Impedance: 16K Ohms
Maximum Input Level: +8 dBu
Analog Output Connections
Line Outputs
Impedance: 1K Ohms unbalanced/2K Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +8 dBu
XLR Mixer Outputs
Impedance: 2k Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +14 dBu
Stompbox Loop Output
Impedance: 600 Ohms unbalanced/1.2K Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +8 dBu
Amp Loop Output
Impedance: 600 Ohms unbalanced/1.2K Ohms balanced
Maximum Output Level: +8 dBu
Headphone Output
Minimum Headphone
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Standard: 2.0 compliant
Audio Streaming: 2 channels to computer, 2 channels from
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Word Length: 24-bit
Simultaneous Pedals: 10
Preset Memory: 100 Tones
Dimensions: 19.5˝ Length x 10.75˝ Width x 3.75˝ Height
Unit Weight: 11.5 lbs
Voltage Rails: +/-15V
Power Requirements: 9 V DC 2.0 A
Power Adapter: PS0920DC-01 (100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz)
Manufacturers Name: DigiTech
Manufacturers Address: 8760 S. Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah 84070, USA
declares that the product:
Product name: iPB - 10
Product opon: all (requires Class II power adapter that conforms to the
requirements of EN60065, EN60742, or equivalent.)
conforms to the following Product Specicaons:
Safety: IEC 60065 -01+Amd 1
EMC: EN 55022:2006
EN 55024:1998
FCC Part 15
Supplementary Informaon:
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the:
Low Voltage Direcve 2006/95/EC
EMC Direcve 2004/108/EC.
RoHS Direcve 2002/95/EC
WEEE Direcve 2002/96/EC
EC Regulaon 278/2009
With regard to Direcve 2005/32/EC and EC Regulaon 1275/2008 of 17 December
2008, this product is designed, produced, and classied as Professional Audio
Equipment and thus is exempt from this Direcve.
Roger Johnsen
Director, Engineering
Signal Processing
8760 S. Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah 84070, USA
Date: June 30, 2011
European Contact: Your local DigiTech Sales and Service Oce or
Harman Signal Processing
8760 South Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah
84070 USA
Ph: (801) 566-8800
Fax: (801) 568-7583
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and the
Product Specicaons noted on the DeclaraonofConformity.
Operaon is subject to the following two condions:
this device may not cause harmful
interference, and
this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may
cause undesired operaon.
Operaon of this unit within signicant
electromagnec elds should be avoided.
use only shielded interconnecng cables.
If you want to dispose this product, do not mix it with general household waste. There is a
separate collection system for used electronic products in accordance with legislation that
requires proper treatment, recovery and recycling.
Private household in the 25 member states of the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return their used
electronic products free of charge to designated collection facilities or to a retailer (if you purchase a similar
new one).
For Countries not mentioned above, please contact your local authorities for a correct method of disposal.
By doing so you will ensure that your disposed product undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and
recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health.
Compliance InformationCompliance Information
Disclaimer: DigiTech, Production Modeling, Grunge, Death Metal, Jimi Hendrix
Artist Series Pedal, DOD, Gonkulator, DigiTech Whammy, Multi Chorus, Auto Ya, YaYa, Synth
Talk, Lexicon, Johnson Amplification and AudioDNA are trademarks of Harman. *Other product names modeled in this product are trademarks of their respective companies
that do not endorse and are not associated or affiliated with DigiTech or Harman. ADA Flanger, Arbiter Fuzz Face, Boss CE-2 Chorus, Boss CS-2, Boss DM-2, Boss DS-1,
Boss Metal Zone, Boss OC-2 Octaver, Boss OD-1, Boss SD-1, Celestion, Carvin Legacy, Demeter Fuzzulator, Dunlop Cry Baby, EH Big Muff ?, EH Electric Mistress, EH Small
Clone, EH SmallStone, EMT 240 Plate, Fender Blackface Deluxe Reverb, Fender Blackface Twin Reverb, Fender Blonde Bassman, Fender Brownface Bassman, Fender Opto
Tremolo, Fender Tweed Bassman, Fender Tweed Champ, Fender Tweed Deluxe, Fender Twin Reverb, Fulltone OCD Overdrive, Gibson GA-40, Guyatone Overdrive, Hiwatt,
Ibanez Tube Screamer, Jensen Blue Backs, Laney Supergroup, Maestro EP-2, Marshall, Marshall JTM-45, Marshall JumpPanel, Marshall Master Volume, Marshall SuperLead,
Matchless, Matchless Chieftain, Mesa/Boogie, .22 Caliber, Mark II, Mark IV, Dual Rectifier, Triple Rectifier, MXR, MXR Distortion +, MXR DynaComp, MXR Flanger, MXR
Phase 100, Orange OR120, Peavey 5150, ProCo Rat, Randall HT-100, Roger Mayer Octavia, Roland JC-120, Soldano, Sunn 100S, TC Electronic Chorus, Unicord Uni-Vibe,
VHT Amplification, Voodoo Labs Analog Chorus, Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive, Vox, Vox Bias Tremolo, Vox Clyde McCoy Wah, and Vox Top Boost are trademarks or trade
names of other manufacturers and were used merely to identify products whose sounds were reviewed in the creation of this product. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective holders. Copyright - Harman. All rights reserved.
8760 South Sandy Parkway
Sandy, Utah 84070
PH (801) 566-8800
FAX (801) 566-7005
is a registered trademark
of Harman
Copyright - Harman
iPB-10 Owner’s Manual v0.5
iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries.

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