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2 - SANGO xxl
© 2017 DIETZ Power BV
All rights reserved.
The information provided may in no way be reproduced and/or published in any
form or by any means (electronically or mechanically) without the express prior
written consent of DIETZ Power BV.
The information provided is based on general data pertaining to constructions
known at the time of issue. DIETZ Power BV pursues a policy of continuous product
development and therefore reserves the right to make changes.
The information provided applies to the standard version of the product.
DIETZ Power BV can therefore not be held liable for any damage resulting from
specications deviating from the standard version of the product.
The information made available has been compiled with the greatest care.
However, DIETZ Power BV cannot be held liable for any errors in the information
or for the consequences thereof. DIETZ Power BV cannot be held liable for any
damage resulting from work carried out on the wheelchair by third parties.
Under legislation relating to the protection of trademarks, those commercial
names, trade names, trademarks, etc. used by DIETZ Power BV may not be
regarded as being free of rights.
SANGO xxl - 3
Table of contents
1 Preface ............................................................................................................ 5
1.1. About this manual 5
1.2. Symbols used in this manual 5
2 Safety ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Temperature 6
2.2. Moving parts 6
2.3. Electromagnetic radiation 7
2.4. Markings on the wheelchair 8
3 General description ....................................................................................... 9
3.1. Congurations 9
3.2. The user 10
3.3. Operating environment 11
4 General procedures ..................................................................................... 12
4.1. Seat cushion 12
4.2. Back cushion 12
4.3. Leg rests 13
4.4. Headrest 13
Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only) .............................................14
5.1. Tools 14
5.2. Centre of gravity 14
5.3. Seat height and seat angle setting 15
5.4. Seat depth setting 15
5.5. Seat width setting 15
5.6. Backrest angle setting 15
5.7. Leg rest settings 16
5.8. Armrest settings 18
5.9. Controller settings 19
5.10. Headrest settings 20
5.11. The positioning belt (option) 20
6 Wheelchair adjustments ............................................................................. 21
6.1. Powered adjustments 21
6.2. Mechanical adjustments 22
4 - SANGO xxl
7 Using the wheelchair .................................................................................. 23
7.1. Checking the wheelchair 23
7.2. Getting into and out of the wheelchair 23
7.3. Driving the wheelchair 24
7.4. Driving on slopes or ramps 25
7.5. Obstacles 26
7.6. Pushing the wheelchair 26
7.7. Storage of the wheelchair after use 27
8 Transport ...................................................................................................... 28
8.1. Transporting the wheelchair in motor vehicles 28
8.2. Special transport 30
9 Wheelchair maintenance ........................................................................... 31
9.1. Cleaning the wheelchair and its upholstery 32
9.2. Batteries 32
9.3. Tyres 33
9.4. Reuse of the wheelchair 33
9.5. Disposing of the wheelchair 34
10 Technical specications ........................................................................... 35
10.1. Standards and requirements 35
10.2. Specications operating force 35
10.3. Specications product 36
10.4. Specications batteries 37
10.5. Electrical diagrams 37
11 Warranty conditions .................................................................................. 38
11.1. Warranty period 38
11.2. Warranty provisions 39
11.3. Warranty procedure 39
1 Preface
1.1. About this manual
The user manual for this powered wheelchair consists of three separate booklets:
The general user manual (this booklet)
The manual for the controller
The manual for the battery charger
Read through these user manuals carefully before using the wheelchair for the
rst time. The information they contain is essential for the safe use and proper
maintenance (cleaning) of the wheelchair. If any of the manuals are missing on
delivery of your wheelchair, please contact your dealer immediately.
A service manual for qualied specialists is also available.
1.2. Symbols used in this manual
Follow the instructions given under warnings! Failure to exercise due care in
following these instructions may result in physical injury, damage to the wheelchair
or damage to the environment. Where possible, the warnings are given in the
section that is most relevant.
Section references
A reference to another chapter or section in this manual is given in parentheses
enclosing the phrase ‘see’. Example (see 2) or (see 2.4).
Cross-reference symbol
Where required, this general manual makes reference to the other manuals. This
is done in the following way:
CONTROLLER Please refer to the user manual for the controller.
CHARGER Please refer to the user manual for the battery charger.
SERVICE Please refer to the service manual of the product (qualied specialists
If you have a visual impairment, you can nd a PDF version of
this user manual at www.DIETZ-Power.com.
You can also request a large-print paper version by contacting
DIETZ Power. Contact information can be found on the back
cover of this user manual.
SANGO xxl - 5
1 Preface
2 Safety
All of the very latest information relating to product safety and any product recalls
can be found on our website at www.DIETZ-Power.com.
Follow the instructions given under warnings! Failure to exercise due care in
following these instructions may result in physical injury, damage to the wheelchair
or damage to the environment.
2.1. Temperature
Avoid any physical contact with the motors of the wheelchair at all times. When
the wheelchair is in use, the motors are in constant motion and can reach high
temperatures. Any physical contact with the motors could result in burns. After
use, the motors cool down slowly.
Ensure that the wheelchair is not exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of
time when not in use. Some parts of the wheelchair (such as the seat, backrest
and armrests) can become hot if exposed to the sun for too long. This may
result in burns or skin sensitisation.
2.2. Moving parts
Wheelchairs contain moving and rotating parts (gure 1). Contact with moving
parts may result in serious physical injury or damage to the wheelchair. You should
avoid any contact with the moving parts of the wheelchair.
A. Wheels (turning and pivoting)
B. Swing-away controller arm
C. Powered backrest adjustment
D. Powered tilt adjustment
E. Powered leg rests
6 - SANGO xxl
2 Safety
2.3. Electromagnetic radiation
The standard version of the SANGO xxl has been tested for compliance with the
applicable requirements relating to electromagnetic radiation (EMC requirements).
Despite testing, the following cannot be ruled out:
electromagnetic radiation interfering with the wheelchair. For example mobile
telephones, large medical devices or other sources of electromagnetic radiation
the powered wheelchair interfering with electromagnetic elds. For example
shop doors, burglar alarm systems in shops or garage door openers.
in some congurations equipped with a R-net controller, where it is possible
that extreme electrical discharge situations due to static electricity, may cause
a fault message (‘ISM over-current’) ashing on the screen. If this occurs simply
turn o your wheelchair for a few seconds and back on to clear the fault.
In the unlikely event of such problems arising, please notify your dealer
SANGO xxl - 7
2 Safety
2.4. Markings on the wheelchair
The markings, symbols and instructions on the wheelchair are part of the safety
features. They must not be covered up or removed. They must remain on the
wheelchair and be clearly legible for the whole lifespan of the wheelchair.
Immediately replace or repair any markings, symbols or instructions that
become damaged or illegible. Contact your dealer in such cases.
Symbols used on the wheelchair
Consult the manual before
Identication plate
A. Manufacturer
B. Type / Product name
C. Max. speed
D. Max. safe slope
E. Max. user weight incl. extra load
F. Serial number
G. Global Trade Item Number
H. Customer purchase order number
I. Serial number
J. Manufacturing date YYYY-MM
Freewheel switch
Drive position
Push position
Never set the freewheel
switch to the 'Push'
position when the
wheelchair is on a slope.
Warning (yellow-black)
Pinch point hazard: Keep
hands and ngers away
from moving parts when
adjusting the height
and/or tilt angle of the
Securing point for
transportation inside a
Location identication plate:
on the batterybox at the left side
Battery charging point.
8 - SANGO xxl
2 Safety
3 General
Front wheel drive wheelchairs and their
major components (gures 2)
A. Drive wheels
B. Castor wheels
C. Freewheel switch
D. Controller
E. Battery
F. Seat cushion
G. Backrest
H. Armrest
I. Leg rest
J. Headrest
3.1. Congurations
Broadly speaking, the wheelchair is made up of an undercarriage with the SEGO
seating system on top of it for excellent support for the head, torso, arms and legs.
The wheelchair is available as a 6 km/h front-wheel drive (FWD).
No changes may be made to the technical specications.
Do not make any adjustments to the electrical circuit.
Modication of the wheelchair or its component parts is not permitted.
SANGO xxl - 9
3 General description
3.2. The user
Driving a powered wheelchair requires the user to have cognitive, physical and
visual abilities. The user must be capable of estimating the consequences of any
action taken while driving the wheelchair and of correcting action where required.
The wheelchair must not carry more than one person.
The maximum user weight*
SANGO xxl 250 kg
* unless otherwise stated on the identication plate (see 2.4). Any additional
weight in the form of a bag, accessories or medical equipment must be added to
the user’s weight, with the resulting total weight not exceeding the maximum user
The user must also be aware of the contents of this manual before using the
wheelchair for the rst time. The wheelchair user must also have received
thorough instruction from the dealer before using public roads. A trainer/
consultant must supervise the user's rst experience of driving the wheelchair.
The wheelchair user shall at all times be fully responsible for compliance with
locally applicable safety regulations and guidelines.
You must not drive the wheelchair while under the inuence of any substances
that may aect your driving ability.
Your eyesight must be good enough to allow you to use the wheelchair in any
particular situation safely.
Do not seat more than one person in the wheelchair.
Do not allow children to drive the wheelchair without supervision.
10 - SANGO xxl
3 General description
3.3. Operating environment
This wheelchair has been developed for both indoor and outdoor use (EN 12184
(2014) class B). When outdoors, drive only on paved roads, pavements, footpaths
and cycle paths. Always adjust your speed to your surroundings.
A wheelchair should be regarded as a replacement for the walking function.
Users must therefore travel among pedestrians and not on streets with trac.
The use of the wheelchair on walk ways and roads may be subject to the
applicable legal requirements of National Road Laws or Road Trac Laws.
Drive carefully on roads that are slippery due to rain, ice or snow!
Prevent the wheelchair from coming into contact with seawater, as it is
aggressive and has a corrosive eect.
Prevent the wheelchair from coming into contact with sand. Sand can get into
the moving parts of the wheelchair, causing unnecessarily rapid wear.
When visibility is limited, the use of lights is compulsory.
Exercise additional care when driving at high speeds. Adjust to a lower
maximum speed when driving indoors, on pavements and in pedestrianised
Do not drive o of high obstacles.
Do not use the wheelchair at temperatures below -10˚C or above +50˚C.
Do not attach any weights to the wheelchair without consulting a specialist. You
may otherwise inuence the stability of the product.
Do not use the wheelchair to push and/or pull any objects along.
Do not open doors using the leg rests.
Do not drive through puddles of water.
SANGO xxl - 11
3 General description
4 General
Some parts can be removed without the
use of tools. The wheelchair can easily be
reduced in size. For example to transport
the wheelchair (see 8).
The removal of parts might have adverse
or benecial eects on the wheelchair.
4.1. Seat cushion
(gure 5)
To remove
Pull the seat cushion (A) upwards and
then forwards.
To replace
Place the seat cushion on the chair and
push it backwards and downwards.
The seat is not locked into place until you
hear a click.
4.2. Back cushion
(gure 6)
To remove
1. Loosen the clips (A).
2. Pull the back cushion (B) upwards.
To replace
1. Place the back cushion on the attachment points.
2. Pull the back cushion backwards.
3. Tighten the clips.
12 - SANGO xxl
4 General procedures
4.3. Leg rests
(gure 7)
To remove
1. Press the handle (A) upwards to
release the leg rest.
2. Remove the leg rest (B) by lifting it out
of the bracket.
To replace
Place the leg rest in the bracket.
The leg rest is not locked into place
until you hear a click.
Removing the leg rest may aect the
stability of the wheelchair.
4.4. Headrest
(gure 8)
To remove
1. Loosen the lever (A) by half a turn.
2. Remove the headrest (B).
To replace
1. Place the headrest in the desired
2. Lock the headrest in place by
tightening the lever.
SANGO xxl - 13
4 General procedures
Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
There is no such thing as an average wheelchair user. This is why DIETZ-Power
wheelchairs can be adjusted to a specic user's individual situation.
We make a distinction between user adjustments and permanent settings.
User adjustments can be made by the user himself/herself without the need
for any tools.
Permanent settings must be altered by a dealer, unless expressly stated
A number of permanent settings are described in the following paragraphs. Only
qualied service technicians or dealers may alter these.
SERVICE for more adjustments and replacement information
5.1. Tools
The following tools are needed to do the settings as described in this paragraph:
Spanner, size 13
Allen key, size 4, 5, 6 and 8
5.2. Centre of gravity
When adjusting the seat depth or the seat angle settings, the centre of gravity will
be aected. Moving the centre of gravity;
will have a negative eect on the handling of the wheelchair if not carried out
will have a negative eect on dynamic stability if not carried out correctly;
For FWD do not position the seating frame in the most front position
For RWD + MWD move seating frame in most front position when Seat
depth is maximum.
change should be made by professionals only.
If in any doubt, contact DIETZ-Power technical support department.
14 - SANGO xxl
5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
5.3. Seat height and seat angle
The seat height can be permanently
adjusted according to the user's specic
situation. All of the optional seat heights
fall within the maximum safe slope of
6˚ (10.5%), as set out in EN 12184 (2014)
class B. Lowering the seat height will have
a positive eect on overall and dynamic
1. Loosen the bolts (A gure 10).
2. Position the bolts in the hole (B)
corresponding to the desired position.
3. Tighten the bolts.
By increasing the seat height you also
raise the centre of gravity. This has a
negative eect on overall and dynamic
5.4. Seat depth setting
1. Loosen the allen screws (A) on each
side by one turn (gure 11).
2. Slide the seat frame (B) into the
desired position.
3. Tighten the allen screws.
5.5. Seat width setting
The seat width can be adjusted by
changing the leg rest and/or armrest
width (see 5.8 and 5.9).
5.6. Backrest angle setting
1. Loosen the bolts (gure 12).
2. Adjust the backrest (B) to the desired
3. Tighten the allen screws.
SANGO xxl - 15
5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
5.7. Leg rest settings
Leg rest width (also aects seat width)
1. Remove the seat cushion (A gure 13).
2. Loosen the allen screws (B) by one
3. Slide the leg rest bracket (C) into the
desired position.
4. Tighten the allen screws.
Lower leg length
1. Loosen the allen screw (A gure 14).
2. Slide the footplate (B) into the desired
3. Tighten the allen screw.
Ensure that there is enough space
underneath the footplate for the
wheelchair to drive over obstacles.
Footplate angle
1. Loosen the allen screw (A gure 15).
2. Move the footplate (B) into the desired
3. Tighten the allen screw.
16 - SANGO xxl
5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
Height of the calf support
1. Loosen the two allen screws (A) by a
few turns (gure 16).
2. Slide the calf support (B) into the
desired position.
3. Tighten the allen screws.
Calf support depth (option)
1. Loosen the allen screws (A gure 17).
2. Position the calf support (B) in the
desired position.
3. Tighten the allen screws.
Calf support width (option)
1. Loosen the 4 allen screws (A gure 18).
2. Move the calf support (B) into the
desired position
3. Tighten the allen screws.
SANGO xxl - 17
5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
5.8. Armrest settings
Armrest width (also aects seat width)
1. Loosen the allen screw (B) by two turns
(gure 19).
2. Slide the armrest (A) to the side.
3. Tighten the allen screw.
Armrest height
1. Loosen the bolt (C gure 19) by two
2. Slide the armrest (A) into the desired
3. Tighten the bolt.
Ensure that the arms are well supported,
without the shoulders being pushed upwards.
Armrest pad width and depth
1. Loosen the four allen screws (D gure 19).
2. Adjust the armrest pad (A) depth to the desired position.
3. Tighten the allen screws.
18 - SANGO xxl
5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
5.9. Controller settings
Control system programme
Making incorrect adjustments to the
control system parameters can lead to
extremely dangerous situations. These
adjustments only may be carried out by
qualied specialists.
Controller depth (option)
1. Loosen the allen screws (A gure 23).
2. Slide the controller (B) into the desired
3. Tighten the allen screws.
Controller height (option)
1. Loosen the allen screws (A gure 24).
2. Slide the controller (B) into the desired
3. Tighten the allen screws.
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5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
5.10. Headrest settings
Headrest height and position
1. Loosen the 4 allen screws (A gure 25).
2. Adjust the segments (B) to the right
3. Tighten the allen screws.
5.11. The positioning belt
The wheelchair can be tted with a
positioning belt (contact your dealer). This
provides additional seating stability under
normal use. The belt does not function as
a safety belt for transportation purposes.
Ensure that the positioning belt is
adjusted to the wheelchair user. The
components of the wheelchair must
not interfere with the belt, which
should t snugly across the upper legs.
Ensure that the positioning belt is
always clean and that its locking
mechanism works properly. The belt and the locking mechanism can be
cleaned using a damp cloth.
If the positioning belt is placed above hip level (over the soft part of the belly)
this may lead to an incorrect sitting posture and the user slumping in the chair.
Never use the positioning belt as a safety belt during transportation.
Mounting the positioning belt
1. Tighten the bolts (A gure 26) with the belt bracket (B).
20 - SANGO xxl
5 Wheelchair settings (qualied specialists only)
6 Wheelchair adjustments
Wheelchair adjustments are those components that the user can adjust without
the use of tools. The wheelchair may be tted with powered and/or mechanical
adjustment options.
The centre of gravity is aected when adjustments are made. Adjustments
should therefore only be made when the wheelchair is on a at surface.
Driving stability may be aected when adjustments are operated. Take extra
Powered adjustments involve parts of the wheelchair moving and/or rotating.
Contact with such moving parts may result in serious physical injury or damage
to the wheelchair. You should avoid any contact with the moving parts of the
When adjustments are made, the standard size of the wheelchair increases.
Make sure that the wheelchair does not block any escape routes.
6.1. Powered adjustments
CONTROLLER how to operate the powered adjustments by use of the controller.
The following powered adjustments are possible:
Adjustment Neutral
Adjustment Neutral
Adjustable seat tilt Adjustable footrest extended
Entire seat
will tilt
Upright The legrest
length will
Close to
the feet
Adjustable backrest recline Adjustable footrest lift
will tilt
Upright The legrest
angle will
Footrest length compensating
The legrest
length and
angle will
SANGO xxl - 21
6 Wheelchair adjustments
6.2. Mechanical adjustments
The following mechanical adjustments are
Comfort leg rest knee angle
The angles of the comfort leg rests can be
adjusted independently of each other.
1. Push the lever (A) forwards (gure 27).
2. Raise your leg up or push your leg
3. Release the lever when in the required
Swing-away controller arm
Push the controller arm to the desired
Back frame (option)
(gure 28)
To fold down
1. Remove the quick-release shafts (A).
2. Fold down the backrest (B).
Upright position
1. Open out the backrest to an upright
2. Replace the quick-release shafts.
22 - SANGO xxl
6 Wheelchair adjustments
7 Using the wheelchair
7.1. Checking the wheelchair
Carry out the following checks before using the wheelchair:
The wheelchair should be adjusted / set to the intended user (see 5).
CONTROLLER check whether the batteries are suciently charged: if they
are, the green lights on the battery indicator will be on.
CONTROLLER check whether the lights and the indicators are working.
Check whether the tyres are suciently inated (see 9.3).
Ensure that the freewheel switch is in the 'drive' position (see 7.6).
When using the wheelchair:
Take the length of your clothing into account. Before using the wheelchair,
check to see whether any garments or accessories could come into contact with
the wheels or any other moving and/or rotating parts and become entangled in
Battery capacity is reduced in winter. When there is a light frost, capacity
is around 75% of normal capacity. At temperatures below -5˚C, capacity is
reduced by approximately 50%. This reduces the operating range.
7.2. Getting into and out of the wheelchair
Getting into and out of a wheelchair is also described as making a transfer.
Do not stand on the footplates when making a transfer. They are not designed to
carry a person’s full weight. Standing on them may also cause the wheelchair to tip
over. Before making a transfer, ensure that:
The controller is turned o
The freewheel switch is in the 'drive'
position (see 7.6)
Forward transfer
1. Flip up the footrests (A gure 31) and
swing-away the calf supports (B) (if
2. If possible, swing-away the leg rests (C)
or remove them from the bracket.
3. Sit down in the wheelchair
SANGO xxl - 23
7 Using the wheelchair
Side transfer
1. Loosen A (gure 32) by a few turns.
2. Remove the armrest (B).
3. Squeez the handle (C) to remove the
legrest from the bracket or swing-away
the leg rest (D).
4. Sit down in the wheelchair
7.3. Driving the wheelchair
CONTROLLER A controller is used for driving a powered wheelchair. There
is a separate manual for the controller and this is supplied with the wheelchair.
Read through all the user manuals carefully before using the wheelchair for the
rst time. The information they contain is essential for the safe use and proper
maintenance (cleaning). If any of the manuals are missing on delivery of your
wheelchair, please contact your dealer immediately.
As a wheelchair user, you are vulnerable when on the road. Remember that
other road users may not always notice you.
Observe trac regulations.
Avoid taking any deserted routes so that help is always on hand in any
emergency situation.
Adjust your speed and driving style to the conditions.
To stop or to make an emergency stop, move the joystick to the neutral
position or let go of it. The wheelchair will then brake automatically.
Never take corners at full speed. Reduce your speed when cornering.
Use the indicators when changing direction.
When driving:
Do not press the on/o button.
Do not suddenly start driving in the opposite direction.
If you do, the wheelchair will stop abruptly and jolt. Not only is this unpleasant,
it can also lead to the wheelchair tipping over.
Take extra care when powered adjustments (lift, tilt, backrest recline) are
24 - SANGO xxl
7 Using the wheelchair
7.4. Driving on slopes or ramps
With all settings in the neutral position
(see 6.1), slopes/ramps of ≤6˚ (10.5%) are
deemed to be part of the standard user
environment for the FWD without stability
being aected (gure 33).
Slopes or ramps outside the standard
user environment
Driving on slopes/ramps that are steeper
than the maximum safe slope may lead
to safety risks in terms of stability. Driving
on such slopes/ramps requires the user
to practise extreme caution and full
control. Always drive carefully and never
experiment! Follow the instructions given
under warnings!
The stability and performance of the wheelchair depend on many variables.
Wheelchairs are adapted to individual users. For this reason these variables will be
dierent from one wheelchair to another. You should therefore ensure that your
dealer provides you with sucient information about how to use the wheelchair
and that the dealer informs you whether the specic adjustments or adaptations
for your situation will aect the handling of the wheelchair.
Always drive up and down slopes/ramps slowly, concentrating on what you are
Avoid any sudden, jolting movements.
Avoid making an emergency stop on a slope/ramp.
The braking distance on a slope can be considerably greater than on a at
When on slopes/ramp, try to avoid changing direction as much as possible.
Do not turn on a slope.
Drive on slopes/ramps only when all adjustments (lift, tilt, recline) are in the
neutral position.
Never drive up or down a slope/ramp backwards.
Do not drive on slopes/ramp with loose gravel or a sandy surface, as one of the
drive wheels may slip or spin.
Driving up or down a slope for long periods of time may result in the motor
We always recommend an anti-tip device for driving down slopes in a FWD
If you notice that your speed is being greatly reduced when driving up a slope,
select a route that is less steep.
Prevent the wheelchair from reaching high speeds when driving down slopes.
SANGO xxl - 25
7 Using the wheelchair
7.5. Obstacles
Never descend steps/a ight of stairs
in a wheelchair.
Do not drive o of obstacles higher
than 60 mm.
Always drive onto or o an obstacle in
forward direction.
Drive on slopes/ramps only when all
adjustments (lift, tilt, recline) are in the
neutral position.
Mounting pavements
Select the lowest section of the kerb.
Position the wheelchair so it is facing
the kerb, 50 cm in front of it. (gure
Move the joystick forwards. Drive onto the pavement without changing
Once the front wheels have mounted the pavement, you will need to maintain
speed to get all of the wheels up onto it. If you are not able to mount the
pavement, select a section where the kerb is lower.
Dismounting pavements
Select the lowest section of the kerb. If in any doubt, do not take any risks and
choose a dierent route.
Position the front wheels so that they are facing the kerb.
Slowly move the joystick forwards. Drive o of the pavement as carefully and as
slowly as possible without changing direction.
7.6. Pushing the wheelchair
The wheelchair can also be moved by pushing it. The motors need to be
disengaged in order to make this possible.
This is done using a freewheel switch, one
for the left and one for the right motor
(gure 35).
A. ‘Drive’ position. The wheelchair can
be moved by use of the controller, it
cannot be pushed.
B. 'Push' position. The wheelchair can be
pushed, the controller cannot be used
to drive the wheelchair.
The freewheel lever was developed for
the attendants of wheelchair users.
The freewheel lever must never be
operated by the user himself/herself. It
should be used only by an attendant.
26 - SANGO xxl
7 Using the wheelchair
The automatic parking brake works only in the 'Drive' position.
The freewheel lever must be set to the 'Push' position only if the wheelchair
is to be actually pushed. Set the freewheel switch to the 'Drive' position
immediately after pushing is nished.
Never use the 'Push' position on a slope! When the freewheel lever is in the
'Push' position, the automatic parking brake is turned o. This could then result
in the wheelchair rolling downhill accidentally.
7.7. Storage of the wheelchair after use
When the wheelchair is not in use:
It must be stored in a dry place where it will not be aected by the weather.
Do not position the wheelchair in direct sunlight. Parts of the wheelchair could
then become so hot that they could burn you.
The ambient temperature for storage should be no lower than -20˚C and no
higher than +65˚C.
Disconnect batteries in case of longer storage without usage.
If you start using the wheelchair again after it has been in storage for a while, you
must check it again (see 7.1).
SANGO xxl - 27
7 Using the wheelchair
8 Transport
8.1. Transporting the
wheelchair in motor
The following products are crash
tested according to ISO 7176-19 (2008)
considering the mentioned maximum
passenger weight in the table.
SANGO xxl 160 kg 136 kg
Always take the following into account:
Powered wheelchairs are too heavy to
lift. Use suitable ramps for getting the
wheelchair into a vehicle.
Position the wheelchair in a forward-
facing direction inside the vehicle.
Any components that can easily be
detached from the wheelchair must be
removed (see 4). Store away any such
components properly.
The wheelchair should be secured
only by using the particular provided
securing points on the frame (gure
No changes or replacements must
be made to the anchorage points on
the wheelchair, or to constructional
elements or parts of the frame without consulting DIETZ-Power.
Use a 4-point strap tiedown system approved to ISO10542 standards and
suitable for the total weight of the wheelchair. The weight of the wheelchair
will depend on its composition. A list of some of the options and how much
they contribute to the total weight of the wheelchair can be found in the
specication table (see 9). Always take the total weight of the wheelchair into
account in order to ensure that the tiedown system is the correct one.
The tiedown straps should be attached as close as possible to the wheelchair
at an angle of 45 degrees (gure 37) and tightened securely in accordance with
the instructions of the manufacturer of the tiedown system.
The wheelchair should be inspected by a DIETZ-Power authorised dealer before
re-use following involvement in any type of vehicle impact.
28 - SANGO xxl
30° 40°
Wheelchairs are not designed to function
as seats inside a vehicle and do not
provide the same level of safety as a
normal seat, irrespective of how well they
are secured inside the vehicle. DIETZ-
Power recommends that wheelchair users
transfer to a standard seat whenever
possible. If this is not possible, then the
following should be taken into account:
Ask the vehicle operator whether
the vehicle is suitable, insured and
equipped for the transportation of a
user seated in a wheelchair.
Set all adjustments of the wheelchair
in the neutral position (see 6.1).
Ensure that the controller is turned o.
A headrest must be tted and used during transportation.
Any belt attached to the wheelchair will be purely for positioning purposes and
should not be used or relied on for occupant restraint in a moving vehicle.
It is vital that you are secured with a three-point seat belt attached to the oor
and the wall of the vehicle during transportation.
The pelvis part of the three-point seat belt must be adjusted as tightly as
possible consistent with user comfort, at an angle between 30° and 75° and
should not be held away from the body by wheelchair components (gure 38).
Both the pelvic and chest belts should be used to reduce the risk of head and
chest injuries in the event of colliding with parts in the car.
SANGO xxl - 29
15° 15°
8.2. Special transport
In addition to being transported by road,
the wheelchair can also be transported
by rail, sea or air. Its batteries may be
transported in accordance with IATA
Before travelling, contact the
organisation providing transport. Your
tour operator will be able to provide
you with information about any special
Take all the user manuals delivered
with your wheelchair with you. For
more information about
reducing the wheelchair in size (see 4).
driving or pushing the wheelchair (see 7.6).
the batteries in your wheelchair (see 9.2).
the dimensions and weight of the wheelchair (see 10).
CONTROLLER for locking the controller (see 4).
Ensure that all detachable components are mounted on your wheelchair
properly or that they are packed separately and labelled so that they do not get
lost during loading and unloading.
In some cases the power cable of the controller needs to be disconnected (see
gure 39):
1. Loosen the two knobs of the cover between the wheels.
2. Remove the fuse cover.
3. Remove the fuse cable.
30 - SANGO xxl
9 Wheelchair maintenance
Contact your dealer for information regarding specic adjustments, maintenance
and repairs. Always state the wheelchair type, year of construction and
identication number. These can be found on the identication plate (see 2.4).
For the proper maintenance of your wheelchair, adhere to the following schedule:
Daily Charge batteries after each use (see 9.2)
Weekly Check tyre pressure and inate tyres if necessary (see 9.3)
Monthly Clean the wheelchair and its upholstery (see 9.1)
Annually Have your wheelchair checked by your dealer once a year or, if
under intensive use, once every six months. Take this manual
with you and have the dealer ll in details on the schedule below.
Use only original DIETZ-Power parts for maintenance and repairs.
Model Sango XXL FWD
Serial number
Year 1 2 3 4 5 Year 1 2 3 4 5
Date Date
Operation Chassis
Horn Parts tightened
On/o switch Condition
Output plug Controls
Joystick Upholstery
Brakes Seating system
Batteries Electronics
Level Cable condition
Connectors Connectors
Discharge level Driving
Wheels Forwards
Wear Reverse
Pressure Emergency stop
Bearings Turning
Wheel nuts Uphill/downhill
Motors Obstacles
Wiring Parking brake
SANGO xxl - 31
9 Wheelchair maintenance
9.1. Cleaning the wheelchair and its upholstery
When cleaning the wheelchair, ensure that the controller is turned o. If the
joystick is accidently touched, this may cause the wheelchair to start moving or
the powered options to be operated.
Take care when using water because of the system being electronic.
Clean the upholstery and the dirty parts of the wheelchair using a damp cloth
and household soap. Then rub dry using a soft, dry cloth.
Never use abrasive or aggressive detergents, as these may scratch surfaces.
Do not use any organic solvents, such as thinner, benzine or white spirit.
Do not chemically clean the upholstery.
Do not iron or spin-dry the upholstery.
9.2. Batteries
The wheelchair is tted with 'dry' gel batteries. The batteries are fully sealed and
require no maintenance.
The use of ‘wet’ batteries is not permitted.
Battery capacity is reduced in winter. When there is a light frost, capacity
is around 75% of normal capacity. At temperatures below -5˚C, capacity is
reduced by approximately 50%. This reduces the operating range.
Ensure that the batteries are always well charged. Long-term non-usage of the
batteries can damage them.
Do not use the wheelchair if the batteries are almost at and never drive until
the batteries are completely at. Doing so can seriously damage them and you
would also mean running the risk of coming to a standstill.
The batteries contain gel. Damaged batteries pose a serious threat to health.
Always follow the instructions on the batteries.
Technical specications (see 10).
CHARGER to check if the charger is suitable for use with the wheelchair
batteries and for instructions on how to activate the battery charger.
CONTROLLER for the right connection for the charger plug.
The contents of the manuals are vital in terms of the safe use of the wheelchair. If
any of the manuals are missing on delivery of your wheelchair, please contact your
dealer immediately.
Under normal use, the batteries will need to be charged every night. The battery
charger indicates when the batteries are fully charged. Depending on how at the
batteries are, it can take up to 12 hours to fully charge them.
If the battery capacity is steadily decreasing and the wheelchair can only be used
for very short trips, this means that the batteries have reached the end of their
lifespan. They then need to be replaced. Consult your dealer.
32 - SANGO xxl
9 Wheelchair maintenance
9.3. Tyres
In order to ensure optimum performance of your wheelchair, it is very important
to keep its tyres at the right pressure. The correct pressure can also be found on
the side of the tyres.
Wheel Maximum tyre pressure
9” castor wheel 3,5 bar
14” drive wheel 3,5 bar
Never exceed the maximum tyre pressure.
If tyres are too soft, the handling of the wheelchair will be reduced. Driving the
wheelchair will also require more energy, resulting in a greater drain on the
batteries. Driving with soft tyres also unnecessarily increases tyre wear.
SERVICE for comprehensive details relating to tyre repairs (qualied specialists
only). Before starting any repair work on the tyres, rst fully deate them.
9.4. Reuse of the wheelchair
The powered wheelchair is suitable for reuse.
The number of times it can be reused depends on the material wear conditions
and the functional capabilities of the respective product.
If the wheelchair is passed on to a new user or specialist dealer for reuse, please
remember to hand over all technical documents that are necessary for safe usage.
The wheelchair must be cleaned and disinfected, and must be checked for damage
and approved by a specialist. To do so, please check all the inspection points listed
in the maintenance schedule (see 9).
When reusing a wheelchair, spray or wipe all parts with an alcohol-baced surface
disinfectant for medical devices (max. 70% propyl alcohol).
Observe the use and processing instructions issued by the disinfectant
Safe disinfection cannot be guaranteed on upholstery parts featuring seams and
textiles. In this case we recommend to replace these parts (e.g. back- and seat
SANGO xxl - 33
9 Wheelchair maintenance
9.5. Disposing of the wheelchair
The technical lifetime of the wheelchair is inuenced by the extent to which it
is used. Under normal use and with the prescribed maintenance, the expected
technical lifetime of the wheelchair is approximately seven years. In order to derive
maximum benet from the lifetime of the wheelchair, ensure that it undergoes
regular maintenance (see 9).
If your wheelchair is no longer required or needs to be replaced, it will
usually be possible to arrange for your dealer to take it back. If this
should not be possible, consult with your local authority to nd out if
it can be recycled or if the materials used in it can be processed in an
environmentally friendly way.
Various plastics and metals were used in the manufacture of the wheelchair. It
also contains electronic components that should be disposed of appropriately. The
batteries constitute chemical waste.
34 - SANGO xxl
9 Wheelchair maintenance
10 Technical specications
10.1. Standards and requirements
This product complies with the provisions of the Medical Devices
Directive and therefore carries the CE mark.
The wheelchair conforms to the following standards and requirements. This has
been veried by independent test institutes.
Standard Description Weight
of test
NEN-EN 12182
Assistive products for persons with disability -
General requirements and test methods
250 kg
NEN-EN 12184
(2014) Class B
Electrically powered wheelchairs, scooters and
their chargers – Requirements and test methods
250 kg
ISO 7176-19
Wheeled mobility devices for use as seats in
motor vehicles with 4-point strap
102 kg
Standard Description
EU directive 93/42/EEC Applicable requirements as stated in Annex 2
ISO 7176-8 Requirements and test methods for static, impact and
fatigue strengths
ISO 7176-9 Climatic tests for powered wheelchairs
ISO 7176-14 Power and control systems for electric wheelchairs -
Requirements and test methods
EN1021-2 Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture
10.2. Specications operating force
Min. Max. Unit
Joystick 2,5 3,5 N
Swinging away the controller 20 50 N
Electronic switches 2,1 3,5 N
Parking brake 34,8 44,3 N
Attaching the charger plug 7,8 13,9 N
SANGO xxl - 35
10 Technical specications
10.3. Specications product
Manufacturer DIETZ Power B.V. - Vlamovenweg 12 - 5708 JV Helmond
User weight max. 250 kg
Class B
Model / type SANGO xxl FWD
Specications*1 min. max. Unit
Overall length incl. leg rest*2985 1680 mm
Overall width*2695 700 mm
Overall height excl. headrest 1155 mm
Transport length incl. leg rest 985 mm
Transport width 695 mm
Transport height 650 mm
Total mass incl. batteries*3163,5 kg
Mass of the heaviest part 120 kg
Static stability downhill*410 / 17,5 ° / %
Static stability uphill*410 / 17,5 ° / %
Static stability sideways*410 / 17,5 ° / %
Theoretical distance range*530 km
Dynamic stability uphill 6 / 10,5 ° / %
Obstacle climbing*660 mm
Forward speed 6 km/h
Braking distance at maximum speed 1 2,9 m
Seat plane angle 0 / 4 / 8 °
Eective seat depth 480 550 mm
Eective seat width 540 650 mm
Seat surface height at front 455 515 mm
Backrest angle 90 120 °
Backrest height 520 570 mm
Footrest to seat distance 380 550 mm
Leg rest to seat surface angle 10 75 °
Armrest to seat distance 180 280 mm
Turning radius*7650 mm
Safe slope 6 / 10,5 ° / %
Ground clearance*660 mm
Seat cushion weight 3,8 4,7 kg
Backrest cushion weight 4,6 5,7 kg
Leg rest weight 2 4,2 kg
Headrest weight 2,5 2,8 kg
Measured sound level 63,2 dB
36 - SANGO xxl
10 Technical specications
*1Specications were measured with 9» and 14» wheels, powered legrests and in most extreme
positions (for min. most stripped version and max. most extended version)
*2Concerning access to emergency escape routes; the wheelchair max. overall length / width can
exceed the values as recommended in the standards.
*3Measured with powered legrest, lift/tilt module and powered backrest.
*4Measured with the powered adjustments in the neutral position. With the powered
adjustments in the most extreme positions the specications will be 9° / 15.8%.
*5The following will have a negative impact on the operating range: obstacles, rugged terrain,
driving up or down slopes, temperatures below freezing point and frequent use of powered
*6Specications mentioned are measured with the max user weight (250 kg).
*7Measured without legrest.
10.4. Specications batteries
Battery capacity 78 Ah 100 Ah Unit
Battery dimensions (w x d x h) 258 x 168 x 210 260 x 168 x 215 mm
Battery weight, set 48,4 54,2 kg
Maximum charging current 12 12 A
Maximum charging voltage 24 24 VDC
Connector type CONTROLLER
Insulation Class 2 double insulated
10.5. Electrical diagrams
CONTROLLER for the battery diagram
SERVICE for the electrical wiring diagram (see 5).
SANGO xxl - 37
10 Technical specications
11 Warranty conditions
Dealers and/or users have statutory (legal) rights in relation to the purchase of
consumer products. The warranty conditions applying to products/parts sold by
DIETZ Power B.V. are set out below. The warranty applies to any product/part
that becomes defective or needs to be repaired or replaced as the result of a
manufacturing fault or material defect within the stated warranty period.
Term Denition
Manufacturer The warranty provider:
DIETZ Power B.V.
Vlamovenweg 12
5708 JV Helmond
The Netherlands
Dealer the other party with which DIETZ Power B.V. enters into
a Contract for the (re)sale of Products, on the basis of a
distribution agreement or otherwise
User the party by whom the Products are intended to be used;
Warranty period Duration of the warranty
Product/part The product or part supplied by DIETZ Power B.V.
Option/accessory Part supplied along with the original product as an add-on to
the standard model.
Spare part Durable part bought after the original product was
Wear part Part subject to natural wear under normal usage.
11.1. Warranty period
The warranty period starts on the date the manufacturer supplies the product/part
to the dealer. The warranty period shall not be extended following repair.
Product/part Warranty period
Frame/assembly, including supplied options and
accessories 2 years
Drive system 1 year
Electronics, such as the controller and electronic
components 1 year
Spare parts 1 year from invoice date
Wear parts, including upholstery 40 days from invoice date
Batteries BATTERY
Tyres no warranty
38 - SANGO xxl
11 Warranty conditions
11.2. Warranty provisions
The manufacturer shall not provide any warranty if:
the product has been passed on to a dierent owner. The warranty applies
only to the rst owner to whom the manufacturer supplied the product/parts.
The warranty is not transferable and applies only to those models bought from
the manufacturer;
the product/part is damaged as a result of carelessness, an accident or
improper use;
the product/part has not been maintained in accordance with the maintenance
instructions stated in the user manual;
non-original parts have been used;
the original type plate is no longer attached to the product;
external/internal changes have been made to the product features. If a dealer
wants to modify a product/part contrary to the instructions given in the user
manual, the dealer must rst consult with the manufacturer;
force majeure, such as ooding or re, is involved.
If the provisions stated provide no resolution, the manufacturer's decision shall be
11.3. Warranty procedure
If a defect is identied in a product or part and it needs to be sent to the
manufacturer, the dealer must ll in the returns form in full. The returns form will
be used as the guiding document for the whole warranty procedure.
Procedure for making claims under the warranty:
If a product/part becomes defective or needs to be repaired or replaced, the
user should contact his/her local dealer. The dealer can then make a claim
under the warranty if required.
On identifying the defect, the dealer informs the manufacturer immediately,
providing full information relating to the nature of the defect aecting the
product/part supplied by the manufacturer;
If it is possible for the warranty claim to be dealt with by telephone or e-mail
and the manufacturer deems the warranty claim to be legitimate, the dealer
and the manufacturer consult with each other to determine whether the
manufacturer will send a replacement product or part to the dealer free of
charge. In such cases, the dealer must
destroy the defective product/part on the instructions of the manufacturer.
Alternatively, the defective product/part must be returned to the
manufacturer. In the case of a return, the manufacturer shall be responsible
for arranging and paying for transport;
If it is not possible to deal with a warranty claim by telephone or e-mail, the
dealer and the manufacturer consult with each other to determine:
whether the dealer should send the defective product/part back to the
manufacturer. The manufacturer then assesses the product/part in
question. If the manufacturer deems the claim to be justied, the product
or part is repaired and/or replaced. The costs for returning the product/part
to the dealer are to be borne by the dealer;
SANGO xxl - 39
11 Warranty conditions
whether the dealer should order a new product/part from the
manufacturer. The dealer then receives an invoice detailing the shipping
costs involved. The dealer arranges and pays for the defective product/
part to be sent to the manufacturer. Once the manufacturer has received
the defective product/part, it is assessed. If the manufacturer deems the
warranty claim to be justied, the dealer receives a credit note for the new
product/part ordered and the shipping costs involved.
If the warranty claim is deemed to be unjustied, the dealer is informed and the
manufacturer makes an oer for the costs of replacement parts and/or provides
an indication of the cost of repair. Once the dealer agrees to this, the product/part
is repaired and/or replaced at the dealer's expense and returned at the dealer's
expense. The dealer can also opt to have the product/part returned without repair
at the dealer's own expense.
40 - SANGO xxl
11 Warranty conditions
SANGO xxl - 41
42 - SANGO xxl
SANGO xxl - 43
If you have any questions, please contact your local dealer:
SANGO xxl is a product manufactured by:
DIETZ-Power B.V.
Vlamovenweg 12
5708 JV Helmond
The Netherlands
+31 492 792 196
If there is no authorised dealer near you, please contact DIETZ-Power.
6000319 / Version 2 - 202003

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