17.4 Driving with low beam in European countries
17.5 Sleeping in the vehicle away from camping areas
Z In many countries driving with low beam is also required during the day. The
regulations differ depending on the country. Information is available, for
example, from the automobile clubs or the country representatives.
Country Sleeping on
roads and
Sleeping on
owned lands
Yes No Yes No
Belgium X X On highway rest areas
max. 24 hours permitted
Bulgaria X X
Denmark X X On streets and squares only up to
11 hours with a parking disc
Germany X X Staying overnight for one night to
restore driving ability is permit-
ted. There may be regional and lo-
cal limitations
Finland X X Possible with the permission of
the land owner
France X X Permission from the local authori-
ties or the owner of the land is re-
quired. Parking and staying
overnight on free areas is prohib-
Greece X X Staying overnight for one night at
designated areas on the national
route Patras-Athens-Thessaloniki
is permitted
United King-
Ireland X X
Italy X X Staying overnight for one night
on parking areas and rest areas
permitted. Observe the local regu-
lations. Parking and staying over-
night on free areas is prohibited
Croatia X X
Luxembourg X X
Macedonia X X
Netherlands X X Overnight stays on streets and
squares is allowed in some bor-
Norway X X Officially prohibited on rest areas
and cultivated grounds. Travelling
on dirt roads is prohibited