Extreme temperatures will affect battery life, especially during charging. Avoid charging in direct sunlight
or in very hot or cold temperatures. This will reduce the life of the battery considerably. We recommend
charging the battery at temperatures around 20 °C (room temperature). The battery should be warmed to
room temperature before it is charged, particularly when it was exposed to cold temperatures during a ride.
The battery can be charged when mounted on the bicycle or removed from the battery docking station.
A Lithium Manganese battery does not have a memory effect, which means that the battery’s maximum
energy capacity is not affected if it is repeatedly recharged after only being partially discharged. The battery
does not need to be completely drained before charging. We recommend charging the battery after every
ride, preferrably when the battery state of charge display shows less than 50%. We recommend that you
fully charge the battery when it will not be used for a longer period of time, for example, before
storing it for the winter, and then recharge the battery at minimum every three months. When the
battery is depleted to the level where there is risk it could fall into deep discharge, the battery will signal that
a recharge is needed by beeping.
Power Supply
The delivered power supply is suitable for the voltage ranges
110-115V or 220-230V. There is no need to manually set the
voltage range.
Charging procedure
•Connect power supply and battery by inserting the charge connector into the touch port – the system
can be turned on or off
•Connect the plug of the power supply with the power outlet
•The battery touch port (LED ring around the charging connector) lights up according to the actual state
of charge of the battery and then turns to AMBER during the charging process
•After a complete charge the colour of the LED ring changes to GREEN. The battery is then fully charged
and the charging process is complete
•Following this procedure the charging connector should be disconnected
•During the charging process you can check the battery state of charge through the console if the
battery is connected to the system - system can be switched on while it is charged
The battery is fully charged after about 3 to 4 hours. Make sure that a completely charged battery is no
longer connected to the charger after the charging procedure is completed.
LED-Ring green = chargedLED-Ring amber = charging