The following shows how to set camera mode to Video, provided that the previous
option is Photo:
a) Press MENU to display the setting menu.
b) Press DOWN to select Mode.
c) Press ok the select switch to save the current setting.
Press MENU to cancel setting and return to info display.
4.1.7 Format SD-Card
The system will delete all images or videos stored in the SD-card after formatting,
make sure that you have made a backup of important data.
a) Press MENU to display the setting menu.
b) Press DOWN to select Format.
c) Press OK to start formatting the SD-card. During formatting, the display screen
will show a message “Please Wait” as below.
Press MENU to cancel setting and return to info display.
4.1.8 Set Photo Size
This parameter has three values:10MP, 8MP and 5MP. The default one is 8mega
pixels. The following shows how to set pixel size as 8M Pixel:
a) Press MENU to display the setting menu.
b) Press DOWN to select Resolution.
c) Press OK to select Pixel.
d) Press down the select 8MP, press OK to save the current setting, then press
menu to return to info display.
4.1.9 Set Video Size
This parameter also has four values: 1080P, 720P, VGA.
The default value is 1080P, the following shows how to set 720P video size as
provided that the previous option is at VGA:
a) Press MENU to display video setting.
b) Press DOWN to select Resolution.
c) Press OK, then UP to select VGA.
d) Press OK to save the current setting, then press menu to return to info display.
4.1.10 Set Date and Time
You can change the date and time of the device when necessary, e.g., after every
battery change. The date format is day /month/year, the time format is hour:
minute: second. The valid value for year is between 2000 and 2050.
Provided that the date and time are needed to be set to November 15th, 2011 and
half past ten, the steps are as following:
a) Press MENU to display the setting menu.
b) Press DOWN till to select Date/Time.
c) Press OK to Display Date/Time Interface, Press UP and DOWN to change the
digit. Press LEFT and RIGHT to slide to next item