• 100 gr. flour • 1 dl. milk
•4 whole eggs • salt
Put into the blender jar all the ingredients and ope-
rate the appliance at speed 2 (LOW) for approxima-
tely 30 seconds. The batter should be quite creamy.
•4 zucchini • 1 egg
• 120 gr. tuna packed in oil
•1 can of peeled tomatoes
• 100 gr. grated cheese
Cut the zucchini length-wise in half, and with a
spoon, scoop out the pulp, being careful not to
break them. Place this pulp in the blender jar along
with the egg, the tuna, the grated cheese, the salt
and the parsley and operate the appliance at speed
14 (HIGH) until the mixture seems homogeneous. Cut
the zucchini in half cross-wise and stuff them with
the mixture. Place them in a buttered baking dish.
In a bowl combine a few spoonfuls of water, two
spoonfuls of oil and the tomatoes, broken up with
fork and add to the baking dish. Distribute a few
pieces of butter on top of the zucchini and place in a
preheated oven for about 40 minutes. These zuc-
chini are delicious at room temperature.
•1 apple • 1 dl. milk
Cut the apple into small pieces and place in the
blender jar with the milk. Blend it all at speed 13
(HIGH) for about 1 minute. Naturally, any type of
fruit desired may be substituted for the apple.
• 100 gr. lemon sherbet ice cream
• 1/2 glass of sparkling white wine
•1 shot of vodka
Place all the ingredients into the blender jar and
blend at speed 9 (HIGH) for about 1 minute, until the
mixture is homogenous.
• Ice • flavoured syrup
Pour the ice into the blender jar and operate the
PULSE switch at speed 14 (HIGH) until all the ice is
chopped uniformly. Put the ice into a glass and add
the syrup.