Switching on the recorder: There are three ways to power up the recorder:
Press Power button (10) to turn on the power (internal battery must be at least partly charged.
Note: A long press to turn off.
Connect the car charger into the (micro USB sized) socket (9) and plug into the car’s 12V outlet.
On most cars, this outlet will be ‘live’ when the ignition is turned on.
Connect to a computer, via a USB lead to socket (9).
Note: In both ‘b’ and ‘c’, the recorder will start recording when it turns on.
To stop recording, briefly press the ‘OK’ button.
Initial Set Up and Familiarisation
Before installation into the vehicle, it would be advisable to connect it up so that it is powered from a
computer in order to make it easier to carry out initial settings and to familiarise yourself with the
recorder operation.
To do this, insert the recorder into the mounting bracket/GPS module (1). Then, take the supplied USB
lead and plug the small one into the mounting bracket/GPS module (9) and the large one into the
Assuming the computer is on, the recorder will boot up and start recording.
Press ‘OK’ (5) to stop it recording and you can now carry out some basic settings via the Menu, such as
Date and Time, Card Format, etc:
Select ‘Menu’ by holding down the▲ (4) button and then press the ▲ and ▼ (6) buttons to select the
function required and press ‘OK’ button to confirm any setting:
Setting Time and Date
From ‘Menu’ select ‘Time Setup’, then press ▲▼buttons to set the date and time and press ‘OK’
button after each step. Note: The first two digits are the GPS offset, only applicable if the GPS module is
fitted and ‘on’ (UK setting is ‘+01’).
Auto Power Off: When the recorder is switched on in battery mode, this can be set to switch it off after a
set period to save power. Options are: 1 (default), 3, 5 minutes, or Never. Set this to ‘Never’
Power Off Screen: This can turn the screen off after the car has been started (to avoid distraction at night
time). Options are: 1 (default), 3, 5 minutes, or Never. Set this to ‘Never’
Format: A new Micro SD card should be formatted in the recorder before use, not on a PC (this also
loads the basic player software on to the card, which can then be transferred to a computer).
Other Menu Settings
Video resolution: 1296P30, 1080P30 (default), 720P30 (best is 1296P30, but see ‘Take a Still Photo’).
Quality: S-Fine (default), Fine, Normal (suggest Fine for best results)
AF Meter Mode: Centre (default) or Spot
WDR: Wide Dynamic Range
(default ‘On’ is best).