** QQ :: II aacccciiddeennttaallllyy rraann mmyy mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn wwiitthhoouutt aannyy
ffoooodd iinn iitt.. IIss iitt ddaammaaggeedd??
* A : Running the oven empty for a short time will not
damage the oven. However, it is not
** QQ :: CCaann tthhee oovveenn bbee uusseedd wwiitthh tthhee ggllaassss ttrraayy oorr rroolllleerr
gguuiiddee rreemmoovveedd??
* A : No. Both the glass tray and roller guide must
always be used in the oven before cooking.
** QQ :: CCaann II ooppeenn tthhee ddoooorr wwhheenn tthhee oovveenn iiss ooppeerraattiinngg??
* A : The door can be opened anytime during the
cooking operation. Then microwave energy will be
instantly switched off and the time setting will
maintain until the door is closed.
** QQ :: WWhhyy ddoo II hhaavvee mmooiissttuurree iinn mmyy mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn
aafftteerr ccooookkiinngg??
* A : The moisture on the side of your microwave oven
is normal. It is caused by steam from cooking food
hitting the cool oven surface.
** QQ :: DDooeess mmiiccrroowwaavvee eenneerrggyy ppaassss tthhrroouugghh tthhee vviieewwiinngg
ssccrreeeenn iinn tthhee ddoooorr??
* A : No. The metal screen bounces back the energy to
the oven cavity. The holes are made to allow light
to pass through. They do not let microwave energy
pass through.
** QQ :: WWhhyy ddoo eeggggss ssoommeettiimmeess ppoopp??
* A : When baking or poaching eggs, the yolk may pop
due to steam build-up inside the yolk membrane.
To prevent this, simply pierce the yolk with a
toothpick before cooking. Never cook eggs
without piercing their shells.
** QQ :: WWhhyy iiss ssttaannddiinngg ttiimmee rreeccoommmmeennddeedd aafftteerr tthhee
ccooookkiinngg ooppeerraattiioonn hhaass bbeeeenn ccoommpplleetteedd??
* A : Standing time is very important.
With microwave cooking, the heat is in the food,
not in the oven. Many foods build up enough
internal heat to allow the cooking process to
continue, even after the food is removed from the
oven. Standing time for joints of meat, large
vegetables and cakes is to allow the inside to cook
completely, without overcooking the outside.
** QQ :: WWhhaatt ddooeess ““ssttaannddiinngg ttiimmee”” mmeeaann??
* A : “Standing time” means that food should be
removed from the oven and covered for additional
time to allow it to finish cooking. This frees up the
oven for other cooking.
** QQ :: WWhhyy ddooeess mmyy oovveenn nnoott aallwwaayyss ccooookk aass ffaasstt aass tthhee
mmiiccrroowwaavvee ccooookkiinngg gguuiiddee ssaayyss??
* A : Check your cooking guide again, to make sure
you’ve followed directions exactly ; and to see
what might cause variations in cooking time.
Cooking guide times and heat settings are
suggestions, to help prevent over-cooking... the
most common problem in getting used to a
microwave oven.
Variations in the size, shape and weights and
dimensions could require longer cooking time. Use
your own judgement along with the cooking guide
suggestions to check whether the food has been
properly cooked just as you would do with a
conventional cooker.
** QQ :: WWiillll tthhee mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn bbee ddaammaaggeedd iiff iitt ooppeerraatteess
wwhhiillee eemmppttyy??
* A : Yes. Never run it empty.
** QQ :: CCaann II ooppeerraattee mmyy mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn wwiitthhoouutt tthhee
ttuurrnnttaabbllee oorr ttuurrnn tthhee ttuurrnnttaabbllee oovveerr ttoo hhoolldd aa llaarrggee
* A : No. If you remove or turn over the turntable, you
will get poor cooking results. Dishes used in your
oven must fit on the turntable.
** QQ :: IIss iitt nnoorrmmaall ffoorr tthhee ttuurrnnttaabbllee ttoo ttuurrnn iinn eeiitthheerr
* A : Yes. The turntable rotates clockwise or
counterclockwise, depending on the rotation of the
motor when the cooking cycle begins.
** QQ :: CCaann II ppoopp ppooppccoorrnn iinn mmyy mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn?? HHooww ddoo
II ggeett tthhee bbeesstt rreessuullttss??
* A : Yes. Pop packaged microwave popcorn following
manufacture’s guidelines. Do not use regular paper
bags. Use the “listening test” by stopping the oven
as soon as the popping slows to a “pop” every 1 or 2
seconds. Do not repop unpopped kernels. Do not
pop popcorn in glass cookware.