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Pagina verder
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
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(including photocopying and recording), without the prior written permission of
CyberLink Corporation.
To the extent allowed by law, POWERDIRECTOR IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT
The terms and conditions here under shall be governed and construed in accordance with
the laws of Taiwan, Republic of China.
PowerDirector is a registered trademark. Other company and product names mentioned in
this publication are used for identification purposes, and shall remain the exclusive
property of their respective owners.
International Headquarters: CyberLink Corporation, 15F, No.100, Min-Chiuan Road, Hsin-
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Copyright © 2002 CyberLink Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Introduction..................................................................... 1
System Requirements ......................................................................... 3
Hardware Requirements............................................................... 3
Supported File Formats ...................................................................... 4
Visual Overview .............................................................. 5
PowerDirector Workspace ................................................................ 6
1. Library............................................................................................... 8
Color Boards Mode ............................................................................. 9
2. Storyboard...................................................................................... 10
3. Preview Window........................................................................... 11
4. Modes Wheel ................................................................................. 12
Capture Mode .................................................................................... 13
DV VCR Capture Mode............................................................... 14
DV Batch Capture Mode ............................................................. 16
Trim Mode.......................................................................................... 18
Speed Mode........................................................................................ 19
Titles Mode......................................................................................... 20
Effects Mode....................................................................................... 21
Picture-in-Picture Mode ................................................................... 22
Master Audio Mode.......................................................................... 23
Audio Mode ....................................................................................... 24
Master Watermark Mode ................................................................. 25
Transitions Mode............................................................................... 26
The Basics..................................................................... 27
Basic Procedures................................................................................ 27
PowerDirector Workspace .......................................................... 27
Working with Project Files.......................................................... 28
Importing Media Files into the Library .................................... 28
Writing Movies to Tape............................................................... 28
Editing in the Storyboard............................................................ 29
Playing Movies ............................................................................. 29
Changing Modes .......................................................................... 29
Help................................................................................................ 29
Importing into the Library ............................................................... 30
Previewing your Library Files......................................................... 32
Previewing in the Video Viewer................................................ 32
Previewing in the Preview Window ......................................... 33
Color Boards ...................................................................................... 34
Detecting Scenes ................................................................................ 35
Storyboard Functions........................................................................ 38
Hotkey List ......................................................................................... 41
Basic Functions ............................................................................. 41
Modes Wheel ................................................................................ 41
Storyboard & Volume.................................................................. 42
Library............................................................................................ 42
Preview Window Controls ......................................................... 43
Other .............................................................................................. 43
Preferences ......................................................................................... 44
General Preferences .................................................................... 44
Edit Preferences ............................................................................ 46
Display Preferences...................................................................... 47
Capture/Export Preferences ...................................................... 48
Preview Preferences..................................................................... 50
Capturing Content ........................................................ 51
Capturing Video and Audio............................................................ 52
Capturing from DV Camcorders .................................................... 57
Capturing from DV Camera Mode............................................ 58
Capturing from DV VCR Mode ................................................. 60
Batch Capturing from DV Camcorders.......................................... 63
Trimming Video ............................................................ 67
Trim Mode.......................................................................................... 67
Splitting the Video File................................................................ 69
Trim Mode for Image Files .............................................................. 70
Altering Speed and Supplying Video Effects............. 71
Altering Speeds.................................................................................. 71
Supplying Video Effects................................................................... 73
Adding Titles and Transitions ..................................... 77
Titles Mode......................................................................................... 77
Transitions Mode............................................................................... 81
Adding Audio and Pictures.......................................... 83
Audio Mode ....................................................................................... 83
Master Audio ..................................................................................... 86
Picture-in-Picture Mode ................................................................... 88
Master Watermark ............................................................................ 91
Applying Image Color Filters.......................................................... 92
Producing Your Movie ................................................. 93
Producing General MPEG-1 Files ................................................... 94
Producing General MPEG-2 Files ................................................... 97
Creating Custom MPEG Profiles ............................................. 100
Producing Windows Media Files.................................................. 102
Producing AVI Files........................................................................ 105
Writing to DV Tape.................................................................... 108
Setting AVI Profiles.................................................................... 110
Producing QuickTime Movie Files ............................................... 112
Creating Custom QuickTime Movie Profiles......................... 114
Producing RealVideo Files............................................................. 116
Creating Custom RealVideo Profiles....................................... 118
Producing Movies on a Disc .......................................................... 119
Creating Your Own Movie Disc ................................. 121
Starting the Disc Wizard ................................................................ 122
Loading an Existing Movie File .................................................... 123
Authoring Your Disc....................................................................... 124
Authoring: Disc Type and Selecting Media Files .................. 124
Authoring: Slideshows and Main Menu Order..................... 126
Authoring: Chapters and Menus ............................................. 128
Authoring: Previewing Content............................................... 132
Burning or Saving Your Movie ..................................................... 134
Burning Your Disc...................................................................... 134
Saving as a Movie File ............................................................... 136
Saving and Opening Disc Wizard Projects.................................. 138
Opening Disc Wizard Projects ................................................. 138
Technical Support ...................................................... 139
Web Support .................................................................................... 139
Fax Support ...................................................................................... 139
Telephone Support.......................................................................... 140
Appendix ..................................................................... 141
What Is MPEG?................................................................................ 141
NTSC and PAL ................................................................................ 142
The Digital Video Universe ........................................................... 143
The DV Format: A Brief History .............................................. 143
FireWire ....................................................................................... 144
Glossary ...................................................................... 145
Index ............................................................................ 151
Ever thought about directing your own movie? How about having all the creative
controls and being in charge of the entire editing and post-production process? Well,
today’s computing technology has made all this possible for anyone who has
recording devices, capture devices, a computer, and of course, the sensational new
software application, PowerDirector.
Admittingly, video editing software is not without its drawbacks. Since the advent of
computers and its incredible growth in usage and processing speed power, video
editing software applications have taken off to astronomical heights. Yet, a great
inherent limitation, such as requiring a huge amount of disk space because of the
raw video data it captures, still remains. This is why many still choose to edit with
analog devices.
What makes PowerDirector the megastar of its industry in one quick flash is its
ability to save precious producing time because of its Smart Video Rendering
Technology (SVRT). No additional compression nor decompression is required
when producing scenes with MPEG or DV AVI formats that do not contain effects,
which saves you huge amounts of time compared to our competitors that compress
and decompress the entire movie regardless!
Chapter 1
PowerDirector offers wonderful features that simply enthrall, amaze and stupefy
altering video speeds
detecting scenes
*capturing directly from DV camcorders in real-time or non real-time
a Disc Wizard that creates and burns movie discs a cinch!
adding titles to clips
adding audio streams to clips
*picture-in-pictures (adding video or images to an existing video clip)
*a huge collection of transitions, video and titles effects
*master audio files
...and there is nothing left to be desired!
Note: Features marked by an asterix (*) may differ in availability or number, depending on
the version of PowerDirector that you have. To get the full version, please visit
System Requirements
Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP
Hardware Requirements
Pentium II 450 or above
Note: For hardware requirements when capturing from your DV camcorder or analog
devices, please refer to the most up-to-date Readme.
200MB of free hard drive disk (HDD) space
Video capture devices (optional)
capture cards (PCI, USB, FireWire or other FireWire formats)
DV camcorder or DV VCR
analog camcorders or VCRs in 8mm, Hi8, VHS, VHS-C or Beta formats
digital camera
PC camera
Internet Streaming: Pentium II 266 with MMX Technology, Microsoft
Windows Media Player 7.0, IE 5.0
Desktop Slide Show: Pentium II 266 with MMX Technology
Chapter 1
Supported File Formats
The following formats are supported by PowerDirector for input and output.
Media Type Input Output
Image BMP
Video Windows AVI
Windows AVI
This section describes the PowerDirector user’s interface, along with its key
elements. The four major elements of the PowerDirector interface include:
the Library
the Storyboard
the Preview Window
the Modes Wheel
In the image of the PowerDirector workspace that follows, these four elements are
indicated by numbers (1-4), which correspond to sections that describe each of these
elements in more detail. Each of these sections, in turn, contains a graphic with
callouts and a table that contains descriptions of each of their elements.
Chapter 2
PowerDirector Workspace
1 2 3 4 A CB
Visual Overview
Button/Icon Description
1 Library Contains raw media files for use in the Storyboard
2 Storyboard Contains finalized media clips, transitions, effects, and
user settings that combine to create a movie
3 Preview Window Allows users to preview media clips, transitions, and
special effects
4 Modes Wheel Switches between editing modes
A i-Power Activates i-Power on the Web for resources
B Minimize Minimizes PowerDirector
C Exit Exits PowerDirector
D Trash Can Deletes media clips in the Library or the Storyboard
E Volume Adjusts volume
Chapter 2
1. Library
Button/Icon Description
A Show All Media Shows all media files in Library
B Show Video Shows all video files in Library
C Show Audio Shows all audio files in Library
D Show Images Shows all image files in Library
E Show Color Boards Shows colored backgrounds in the Library
F Detect Scenes Detects scenes for a selected file in the Library
G Import Media Imports media files
H Import Directory Imports all media files in a directory
I Thumbnails Displays Library media files as thumbnails
J Details Displays Library media files with file details
Visual Overview
Color Boards Mode
Button/Icon Description
A New Color Board Shows the default Color Boards in the Library
B Restore Default Color
Removes customized Color Boards and reverts to
the default Color Boards
Chapter 2
2. Storyboard
Button/Icon Description
A Play Movie Plays your movie (preview before producing)
B Master Watermark Activates Master Watermark mode
C Master Audio Activates Master Audio mode
D Scroll Left Scrolls Storyboard left
E Scroll Right Scrolls Storyboard right
Visual Overview
3. Preview Window
Note: Durations are displayed as HH:MM:SS:FF (i.e. hours:minutes:seconds:frames).
Button/Icon Description
A Stop Stops playing file
B Play/Pause Plays/pauses file
C Start Jumps to start of file
D Apply Applies clip to Storyboard (if applicable)
E End Jumps to end of file
F Previous Frame Moves to previous frame
G Next Frame Moves to next frame
H Record Records file (if applicable depending on mode)
Chapter 2
4. Modes Wheel
Button/Icon Description
A Preview Mode Switches to the default Preview Mode
B Trim Mode Switches to Trim Mode
C Speed Mode Switches to Speed Mode
D Titles Mode Switches to Titles Mode
E Effects Mode Switches to Effects Mode
F PiP Mode Switches to Picture-in-Picture (PiP) Mode
G Audio Mode Switches to Audio Mode
H Transitions Mode Switches to Transitions Mode
I Capture Mode Switches to Capture Mode
J Disc Wizard Switches to Disc Wizard
K Produce Movie Switches to Produce Movie
Visual Overview
Capture Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Audio Capture Captures audio source only
BAnalog Video
Captures analog video and audio source (if applicable)
C DV Capture Captures DV source
D Video Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
E Profile Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
F Audio Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
Chapter 2
DV VCR Capture Mode
Visual Overview
Button/Icon Description
A Stop Stops recording file (may also stop DV tape playback)
B Play Plays file
CCurrent Tape
Denotes current time position of your DV tape
D Total Time Denotes total time captured from DV tape
EPause Pauses file
F Seek Seeks tape’s timecode
G Rewind Rewinds DV tape
H Fast Forward Fast forwards DV tape
I Previous Frame Goes to DV tape’s previous frame
J Shuttle Shuttles DV tape
K Next Frame Goes to DV tape’s next frame
L Record Records/captures DV tape content
MNon Real-time/
Real-time Capture
Captures in non real-time (default) or real-time
N Instant Capture
Switches to Instant Capturing Mode (not pictured)
O Snapshot Takes an instant snapshot
PBatch Capture
Switches to Batch Capturing Mode
Q Video Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
R Profile Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
S Audio Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
Chapter 2
DV Batch Capture Mode
Visual Overview
Button/Icon Description
A Stop Stops batch capturing
B Mark In Marks in for beginning of batch task
CCurrent Tape
Denotes current time position of your DV tape
D Seek Seeks tape’s timecode
E Rewind Rewinds DV tape
F Fast Forward Fast forwards DV tape
G Mark Out Marks out for beginning of batch task
H Shuttle Shuttles DV tape
I Non Real-time/Real-
time Capture
Captures in non real-time (default) or real-time
J Instant Capture Mode Switches to Instant Capturing Mode (not pictured)
K Add Task Adds new batch capturing task
L Remove Task Removes batch capturing task
M Batch Capture Mode Switches to Batch Capturing Mode
N Start Selected Task(s) Starts selected batch capturing task(s)
O Video Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
P Audio Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
Q Profile Setup Setup for audio/video sources and profiles
Chapter 2
Trim Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Mark In Marks in for beginning of trimmed clip
B Time Slider Position Denotes current time slider position
C Mark Out Marks out for end of trimmed clip
D Total Time Total time of trimmed clip
E Split Video Splits current clip into two at the time slider position
F Revert Reverts to clip’s original trim effects
G Snapshot Takes snapshot
H Clear Clears all trim effects
Visual Overview
Speed Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Decrease Speed Decreases speed of video
B Revert Reverts to clip’s original speed effects
C Clear Clears all speed effects
D Increase Speed Increases speed of video
Chapter 2
Titles Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Mark In Marks in for beginning of title effect
B Mark Out Marks out for end of title effect
C TV Safe Zone Displays a dashed outline around the inside of the Preview
D Grid Lines Displays a grid of dashed lines
E Add Title Adds new title to clip
F Remove Title Removes title from clip
G Revert Reverts to clip’s original title effects
H Set Font Sets font options
I Clear Clears all title effects
Visual Overview
Effects Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Link Settings Links two given settings
B Revert Reverts to clip’s original video effects
C Clear Clears all video effects
Chapter 2
Picture-in-Picture Mode
Button/Icon Description
ATV Safe
Displays a dashed outline around the inside of the Preview
B Grid Lines Displays a grid of dashed lines
C Revert Reverts to clip’s original picture effects
D Trim Video Allows you to trim a video file used as the second picture
E Clear Clears all picture effects
F Eyedropper Selects image color to be filtered
Visual Overview
Master Audio Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Volume Mixing Drag slider for mixing volume for user-defined audio
files (0-200%)
B Add Audio Adds new audio file to clip
C Revert Reverts to clip’s original audio effects
D Remove Audio Removes audio file from clip
E Trim Audio Allows you to trim an audio file
F Clear Clears all audio effects
Chapter 2
Audio Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Volume Mixing Drag slider for mixing volume for user-defined audio
files (0-200%)
B Add Audio Adds new audio file to clip
C Revert Reverts to clip’s original audio effects
D Remove Audio Removes audio file from clip
E Trim Audio Trims audio file
F Clear Clears all audio effects
Visual Overview
Master Watermark Mode
Button/Icon Description
A TV Safe Zone Displays a dashed outline around the inside of the
Preview Window
B Grid Lines Displays a grid of dashed lines
C Revert Reverts to clip’s original transition effects
D Clear Clears all transition effects
E Eyedropper Selects image color to be filtered
Chapter 2
Transitions Mode
Button/Icon Description
A Decrease Transition Length Decreases time for the selected transition
B Revert Reverts to clip’s original transition effects
C Clear Clears all transition effects
D Increase Transition Length Increases time for the selected transition
It’s time to get started with the basics before your mesmeric and uninhibited effects
are added. The ensuing sections will outline how to begin by importing your media
files into the PowerDirector Library and previewing these files. You will also learn
how to use Color Boards in the Storyboard and how to detect scenes within a video
file. Later, you will get accustomed to the Storyboard and then wrap things up with
choosing your specific Preferences.
Basic Procedures
Below are brief descriptions of various functions. For more information, please
follow their links.
PowerDirector Workspace
To close PowerDirector, do one of the following:
choose File > Exit
press Ctrl+Q
click the Exit button in the top right-hand corner
Click the Minimize button in the top right-hand corner to minimize the
PowerDirector workspace.
Chapter 3
Working with Project Files
If you want to create a new project, choose New Project.
Choose Open Project... to open an existing project.
Choose Save Project to save your project.
Choose Save Project As... to rename the project.
Choose Project Properties... to add more information about your movie.
You might want to fill out Keyword, which is suitable for database
searches, or any other fields.
Choose Recent Files to select a project you had recently been modifying.
Importing Media Files into the Library
The File > Import command serves the same function as Import Media in importing
media files to your project’s Library.
You may import Media Files..., Media Folder..., or Files from Another Project...
For the latter, select another project and click Open to import another
project’s media files. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on page 30 for
more details.
Writing Movies to Tape
For the File > Write to DV Tape... function, a quick and easy way is to do the
1 Select a DV AVI file directly from the Library and then choose File > Export >
Write to DV Tape... for instant writing. A dialog box appears.
2 Click Show Preview to preview when writing and then click Start.
3 Click Close when complete.
To write multiple files to a DV tape, do the following:
1 Drag the DV AVI files from the Library to the Storyboard. It is imperative that
you do not add any effects and that all Storyboard clips are in DV AVI format.
2 Now, with a DV AVI file selected on the Storyboard, choose File > Export >
Write to DV Tape... The Storyboard order will be the sequence in which they
will be written to DV tape.
3 Click Show Preview to preview when writing and then click Start.
4 Click Close when complete. For more information on writing to DV tape when
producing, please refer to "Producing AVI Files" on page 105 for more
The Basics
Editing in the Storyboard
The basic editing commands are if a clip is selected in the Storyboard: Cut, Copy,
Paste or Delete.
You may also set the Mark In/Mark Out positions, and perform other editing
Playing Movies
Use the commands found in the Playback menu for full playback controls,
including: Play/Pause, Stop, Go to Start, Go to End.
Changing Modes
Select a clip and then any one of the Modes under the Go To menu. This has the
same effect as clicking the icons on the Modes Wheel, the Master Audio or Master
Watermark icons on the Storyboard, or the Color Boards icons in the Library. Go to
the individual sections for more details on specific Modes.
Under the Help menu, you will find any help you might need that will include the
PowerDirector Help...
Search for Help Topic...
Help Index...
You may also choose from the following services:
Register PowerDirector...
Download Upgrades...
Online Support Web Site...
i-Power Web Site... for resources
CyberLink Web Site...
Chapter 3
Importing into the Library
The first step in almost all video editing software applications is to import media
files into the software application itself. This area of the software application where
the imported files reside is the Library. When you first start PowerDirector, several
media files appear in the Library by default.
1 After you have started the PowerDirector application, click Import Media
or choose File > Import > Media Files...
Click Import Directory to import all media files in a given directory.
Select the folder and click OK.
2 Select the files to be imported by clicking. To select multiple files, press <Shift>
while clicking to select continuous files or press <Ctrl> while clicking to select
discontinuous files.
3 Click Open. The file(s) will now be imported to PowerDirector’s Library.
To show all media files, all video files, all audio files, or all
image files, click the appropriate icon in the top left
The files will appear in the Library. Click Thumbnails or click Details
to change the view to a text view along with some of its associated file
Note: If you change the view to Details, you can sort media clips by Name, Duration, or
Date (of creation) by clicking the appropriate column heading. Note that still images
do not have an inherent duration.
You may also right-click on a specific file for a menu. Select
one of the options to Preview, Play in Video Viewer, Apply
to Storyboard, Remove from Library, View Scenes or
Detect Scenes. Please refer to the appropriate sections for
more information.
The Basics
Right-click anywhere in the Library area when
no files are selected for another menu. Here,
you may change your view, import files, sort,
Select All, and also choose Up One Level if
you are in a scenes subfolder. Go to "Detecting
Scenes" on page 35 for more information.
To remove files from the Library, select them
and click the Trash Can to delete. (You
may also drag the selected files to the Trash Can, press the <Delete> key on your
keyboard, or right-click on one of the files and select Remove from Library.) A
warning prompt appears, asking if you would like to delete the files from your
hard drive, too. Click Yes to remove the files from both the Library and your hard
drive or No to remove them only from the Library.
Chapter 3
Previewing your Library Files
Previewing Library files simply plays your original files like any other Media Player.
There are two methods for previewing Library files, which are described below.
Previewing in the Video Viewer
1 After you have imported your files into the Library, right-click on the file for a
2 Select Play in Video Viewer. The file will instantly appear in the Video Viewer.
Play controls allow you to navigate forward or backward in the video file.
You can resize the Video Viewer window by dragging any of the borders.
If you want to restore the original dimensions of the window, click the
Restore button .
The Basics
Previewing in the Preview Window
1 After you have imported your files into the Library, begin previewing by
dragging the files into the Preview Window or double-clicking on them. The
mode will instantly switch to Preview.
2 Click Play to begin playing your file if it’s a video or audio clip.
You may also skip directly to the Start of the file or to the End .
Other common commands are Pause, Stop, Next Frame and Previous Frame.
The best way to utilize the Next Frame and Previous Frame commands are
during the Pause and Stop modes. However, you may click them during
playback, which will then switch into Pause mode.
Drag and release the Time Slider to navigate quicker when previewing your
You may also right-click on the Preview Window for a
shortcut menu. Select one of the preview options or
Apply to Storyboard.
3 If you are satisfied with your file and don’t require any
further manipulation, click Apply and the file will be applied to
your Storyboard. Be sure to set your preferences for applying to the
Storyboard. Go to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Chapter 3
Color Boards
Color Boards allow you to insert solid frames of color into the Storyboard or into
other files in Picture-in-Picture or Master Watermark Mode. Color Boards are not
media files as such, and cannot be previewed or sorted. However, they can be
applied directly to the Storyboard, used in the foreground or the background of
image and video files, and added to or deleted from the Library.
1 Click Show Color Boards in the Library. The default Color Boards appear
in the Library.
2 Drag-and-drop a Color Board into the Storyboard or into the frame in Picture-
in-Picture or Master Watermark Mode. (See "Picture-in-Picture Mode" on page
88.) Once applied in the Storyboard, Color Boards behave like any other image
To create a customized Color Board, click New Color Board . A standard
Windows Color dialog box opens, allowing you to select from a palette of basic
colors, or define a customized color. When you click OK, the new Color Board
will appear in the Library.
To remove your customized Color Boards and revert to the default Color
Boards, click Restore Default Color Boards . A prompt will appear to
ask if you want to revert to the default settings. Click Yes and the Color
Boards you have defined will be removed from the Library.
Note: Color Boards only appear in the Library when you click Show Color Boards.
The Basics
Detecting Scenes
Scene detection automatically creates individual files based on the original file’s
scenes allowing users to utilize existing video files to their maximum. Even after you
are finished detecting scenes for a certain file, you can further divide its scenes an
infinite number of times.
1 After you have imported your files into the Library, select a video file and click
Detect Scenes and the Detect Scenes window will appear.
2 Drag the Sensitivity slider or click Increase/Decrease Sensitivity. The more
sensitive the setting, the more scenes it will detect which will generate more
video files.
For previewing functionality, go to "Previewing your Library Files" on page 32
for more information.
Chapter 3
Click Advanced Settings for modification before detecting scenes.
The Detection Method section is for captured video content that has been
imported into the Library. Go to "Capturing from DV Camcorders" on
page 57 for information on capturing content from a DV camcorder. Use
the default unless you have a DV AVI format file that contains multiple
timecodes (i.e. resetting of timecodes are automatically set when you start
and stop recording) and you wish to split up your files in this manner,
select Detect by changing of timecodes.
Note: If you have selected Detect by changing of timecodes, in essence, PowerDirector will
not be performing the scene detection feature, for scenes that are detected will rely
solely on the DV tape’s changing of timecodes, which is ultimately dependent on the
DV tape itself.
To detect more precisely for video content that contains fades (used to
delicately move from scene-to-scene), be sure that Ignore fade ins/outs are
checked. Otherwise, erroneous scenes may be detected that will include
To detect more precisely, be sure that Ignore flashing lights (e.g. camera
flash) is checked. Otherwise, erroneous scenes may be detected that will
include flashing lights. Click OK.
3 Use the navigation buttons or drag the Time Slider to the position where you
would like to begin detecting scenes. (You may, of course, detect scenes from
the start of the clip.)
4 Click Detect . The media clip plays in the Preview Window.
Click the Stop toggle or the <Esc> key to end the scene detection process,
or let the clip play to the end.
After the original scene detection, you may detect again for an infinite
number of times! Simply select a scene, repeat all the steps including
selecting a sensitivity setting, and then click Detect again!
The Basics
To split your own scenes, drag the slider to the desired position and click Split
. The new scene will be compromised of the video content after the split
position. Repeat this procedure to create more scenes. To split from the original
video file again, click outside of the scenes and the Preview Window will display
the original video file.
To remove scenes after detection, select the scene and click Merge With Previous
or Remove All . If you click the Remove All button, a warning
message appears, asking whether you want to remove all of the scenes from the
Library. Click Yes to remove the scenes, or No to cancel the operation.
Note: When removing scenes, content from the removed scene will be merged into the
previous scene automatically, except for the first scene, which will merge with the
following scene.
You may also select a scene and right-click for a menu.
Choose Remove Scene to remove or Detect Again from
this Scene to detect additional scenes from this specific
scene and generate even more files/scenes!
5 After the scenes are created, click OK to return to PowerDirector or click
Cancel .
The new scene files will now be displayed in the Library in a
subfolder. To return to the Library, click Up One Level.
A small folder icon will be displayed for all Library files that have
undergone scene detection and which possess additional scene files.
Simply click on the icon to access the scene’s subfolder for a specific
Library file.
Chapter 3
Storyboard Functions
When you produce, you are producing all the clips on your Storyboard. If you don’t
have any files applied onto the Storyboard, you can’t produce your movie! Thus, the
Storyboard is the most important facet and area of your entire pre-production.
Keep in mind that not all files have to be manipulated, for files may be directly
applied or dragged onto the Storyboard immediately after being imported into the
Library. Go to "Importing into the Library" on page 30 for more information.
1 Now that your files have been imported into the Library and you have
previewed them, you can directly drag the media files into the Storyboard
without further manipulation and produce your own movie. A red line will
appear so as to convey where the dragged file will be placed.
Note: Audio files may not be applied individually onto the Storyboard unless it is for the
Master Audio or as an audio supplement to an existing clip.
2 To move multiple clips on the Storyboard, simply hold down the <Shift> key
while clicking the clips you want to move together. The clips will be
highlighted. Now, drag and release onto the new position.
The Basics
To remove clips from the Storyboard, select them and click Trash Can to
delete. (You may also drag the selected files to the Trash Can, press the <Delete>
key on your keyboard, or right-click on one of the files and select Cut from
Storyboard or Remove from Storyboard.) If you select any of these options
except Cut from Storyboard, a prompt appears, asking if you would like to
remove the file from the Storyboard. Click Yes to remove the file from the
Storyboard, or No to abort the deletion process.
3 To preview or to manipulate a clip from the Storyboard, select it by double-
clicking and it will appear in the Preview window. Refer to "Previewing your
Library Files" on page 32 for more information.
You may also right-click on a specific clip in the Storyboard for a menu. Select
one of the options that will include cutting, copying or pasting clips on the
Click anywhere other than a clip on the Storyboard and a more diverse menu
will be displayed that will include Storyboard display and also Go to options.
Select one.
Chapter 3
4 Click Play Movie to view clips on your Storyboard before producing. You
may select your options in the Preview section under Edit > Preferences... Go
to "Preview Preferences" on page 50 for more information. Or, you may right-
click on the Play Movie icon to call up a shortcut menu that will allow you to
set the window size during your movie playback.
Note: Playing the movie is not the final step in your movie-making process and is only a
preview of you production. Remember to produce your movie!
During the movie playback, press <Esc> on your keyboard to quit or
Two other icons are located on the Storyboard. For more information on Master
Watermark or Master Audio, go to "Master Watermark" on page 91 and "Master
Audio" on page 86 for more information.
5 If you are satisfied with all your clips and your movie, click Produce Movie
on the Modes Wheel. Refer to "Producing Your Movie" on page 93.
The Basics
Hotkey List
The following tables display the hotkey combinations that can be used in
Basic Functions
Modes Wheel
Hotkey Function Hotkey Function
Alt+Space Opens the Minimize menu Ctrl+N New Project
Alt+E Opens the Edit menu Ctrl+O Open Project
Alt+F Opens the File menu Ctrl+Q Exit Program
Alt+G Opens the Go To menu Ctrl+S Save Project
Alt+H Opens the Help menu Ctrl+V Paste
Alt+P Opens the Playback menu Ctrl+X Cut
Alt+T Opens the Capture menu Delete Delete active item
Alt+V Opens the View menu Esc Stops current action
Ctrl+A Select All (Library, Scene
F1 Help
Ctrl+C Copy Shift+Ctrl+S Save Project As
Hotkey Function Hotkey Function
F2 Switches to Capture Mode F8 Switches to Picture-in-Picture
(PiP) Mode
F3 Switches to the default
Preview Mode
F9 Switches to Audio Mode
F4 Switches to Trim Mode F10 Switches to Transitions Mode
F5 Switches to Speed Mode F11 Switches to Produce Movie
F6 Switches to Titles Mode F12 Switches to Disc Wizard
F7 Switches to Effects Mode
Chapter 3
Storyboard & Volume
Hotkey Function Hotkey Function
Ctrl + Increases Volume Ctrl+Backspace Mutes volume
Ctrl - Decreases Volume Shift+End Goes to last clip on the Story-
Alt+F8 Switches to Master
Watermark Mode
Shift+Home Goes to first clip on the Story-
Alt+F9 Switches to Master
Audio Mode
Shift+Page Down Go to next page on the Story-
Ctrl+W Preview Shift+Page Up Go to previous page on the
Hotkey Function Hotkey Function
Alt+C Show Color Boards Ctrl+Tab Switches between Show All
Color Boards
Alt+D Detects scenes in
active clip
Ctrl+Shift+I Import Directory
Alt+Shift+C New Color Board Shift+Space Plays clip in Video Viewer
Ctrl+I Import Media Shift+Tab Switches between Thumbnails/
The Basics
Preview Window Controls
Hotkey Function Hotkey Function
Space Bar Plays/Pauses file Ctrl+R Record (when enabled)
S Stops playing file Ctrl+End To end of file
Step Backward Ctrl+Enter Apply
Step Forward Ctrl+Home To start of file
Ctrl+D Mark In Ctrl+Page
Jump forward
Ctrl+F Mark Out Ctrl+Page Up Jump backward
Hotkey Function Hotkey Function
Ctrl+1 Add Scene (Scene Detection) Ctrl+3 Split video (Scene Detection)
Ctrl+2 Takes snapshot (Trim, Web-
cam, TV Tuner)
Insert Add item (Titles, DV Batch
Capture, Audio, Master
Chapter 3
When using PowerDirector, we give you the luxury of deciding the processes and
routines of how files are applied to the Storyboard, how captured files are stored, the
display of file information, previewing options and a host of others. Preferences are
accessed through Edit > Preferences...
General Preferences
The first option here is for users to select a default media Import Directory and
Export Directory for all their files. Type in the directory path or click Browse and
search for the directory. Click OK after you select the proper directory.
The Basics
You may decide the number of recent files to be displayed under File > Recent
Files in the Recently Used Files section. Click on the drop-down menu and select
the number of recent files to be displayed. Click Clear List to clear all the recent
files. Select Automatically load the most recent project to save time whenever
you start PowerDirector.
The next selection is Capture File Name. Use the Default Name to automatically
name captured media files without your input. If you want to name each
captured file individually, click the Always prompt me to confirm the file name
option and a dialog box will open whenever you capture a media file.
Click OK to exit Preferences.
Chapter 3
Edit Preferences
In the Removing Clip Preferences section, you may specify whether or not you
wish to be prompted to delete from your hard drive the files that you delete from
the Library. Checking this option provides an easy way to remove unused media
files from your hard drive. If you leave this option unchecked, clips are not
deleted from your hard drive, but are removed automatically from the Library.
You may set the default length of image clips and video transitions in the
Storyboard under the Default Durations section.
For the Applying Clip Preferences section, select one of the options. The first
option automatically applies clips after previewing, while the second applies
clips after you make changes to it. Leave these options unchecked if you would
like PowerDirector to remind you if you would like to apply the changes that
you have just made.
Click OK or another tab to set more preferences.
The Basics
Display Preferences
The Library Files Tool Tips Display determines how all your media files’ tool
tips are displayed in the Library. Check and uncheck the selections to show or
hide the desired information.
The Storyboard Display is the next section. Check and uncheck to Show file
name or Show duration. You may not choose both.
The Frame Rate Display option allows you to set the default number of frames
per second for any movie that you produce in PowerDirector. Choose NTSC (30
fps) or PAL (25 fps).
Click OK or another tab to set more preferences.
Chapter 3
Capture/Export Preferences
The first section is the Capture Destination. Check the selections if you would
like to automatically add the recently captured files to the Library, Storyboard, or
For Capture Performance, if you want your VGA card to regulate the video
overlay so less CPU resources are consumed, speed is faster, but less stable than
non-overlay mode in some cases (depending on your VGA card), click Use video
In the Auto Scene Detection in Capture Mode area, you can specify if you
would like to perform automatic scene detection while capturing video. If you
choose to detect scenes, you can select to detect by changing of video frames or to
detect in real-time by changing of time codes (which is only available DV VCR
mode). This latter option splits the detected scenes into individual files.
The Basics
The next selection is for snapshots that you have captured from your video
content in the Capture or Trim Modes.
Snap to Clipboard captures the image onto your Windows' clipboard.
Snap to Wallpaper (Center) will capture the image, place the image
centered on your desktop in its original size, and save it automatically in
your default Windows' System folder.
Snap to Wallpaper (Tile) will capture the image, place the image on your
desktop in its original size following a tile format, and save it
automatically in your default Windows' System folder.
Snap to File will capture the image directly into a folder you have
selected. For this selection, you may input the file name and select a file
format form the drop-down box.
Click DV Parameters to set up the buffer parameters for your DV camcorder.
All DV camcorders’ mechanisms and the time it takes for the tape to start
rolling differ in seconds. Thus, if there is no buffer time, batch capturing
will begin too early. Enter the time you would like to buffer your DV tape
so that batch capturing will coincide with it. The tape will begin playing
during this buffer time and after it has elapsed, capturing takes place.
When writing to tape, all DV camcorders’ mechanisms and the time it
takes for the tape to start rolling differ in seconds. Setting an adequate
buffer time for sending video stream to your tape eliminates these
differences so that when the tape begins writing, it coincides with the
beginning of the video stream feed. Click OK.
Click OK or another tab to set more preferences.
Chapter 3
Preview Preferences
To set the Window Size for your Preview Window, click on the drop-down menu
and select.
When you are editing clips from the Storyboard, you may decide to reserve
system resources by ignoring video effects or audio tracks during previewing or
in when modifying in any of the Modes. In the Previewing Clips area, simply
click to select which option you want to ignore. Be sure to check out "System
Requirements" on page 3.
Whenever you click Play Movie on the Storyboard, you may wish to Play from
selected clip or Play from first clip. Select one.
During the actual production process, you may choose which type of display is
utilized. The Don’t display preview selection saves the most system resources.
For the Display a quick video preview, not every frame will be displayed. Check
Display the full video preview in real-time if you want to watch the entire
movie’s preview.
Note: There is no audio during the Production Process.
Click OK or another tab to set more preferences.
PowerDirector allows you to capture almost anything under the sun provided that
you have a capture card or other assortment of adapter cards in transferring data
into your hard drive. Listed below are video capture devices that may assist you in
making the best possible movie out there:
capture card (PCI, USB, FireWire or other FireWire formats)
DV camcorder or DV VCR
analog camcorder or VCR in 8mm, Hi8, VHS, VHS-C, Beta format
digital camera
PC camera
Just make sure you have all the proper hardware and drivers installed before you
Chapter 4
Capturing Video and Audio
Now you are ready to capture video or audio footage from practically anything
digital or analog stored in your library and transforming it into digital footage with
special effects directly authored from PowerDirector.
This section will cover video capture devices that are input through your adapter
cards via video ports such as Composite video, S-Video or Tuner and also audio
capture devices through ports such as Audio In or from your audio CD. However,
this section won’t include capturing from a DV camcorder. Please refer to "Capturing
from DV Camcorders" on page 57 for more information.
Make sure your devices are installed properly with the proper drivers. Refer to their
respective user's guide for more information.
1 Start PowerDirector. Click the Capture Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Depending on the content you would like to capture (audio or video), click the
appropriate Capture icon, either Analog Video Capture or Audio
Capture .
Capturing Content
If you clicked Analog Video Capture , click Video Setup to modify. The
default tab will be Video Setup.
Click on the Capture Device drop-down menu to select the appropriate
video capture device installed on your system.
Select the correct Capture Source. Usually, all the sources will have ports
located on the capture card. Make sure the connections are secure.
If you selected Video Tuner, you may then select either CATV (if you have
a cable connected) or Antenna installed. Select a channel and click OK. To
set up your TV, click on the TV Setup tab. Find your location. For non-
tuner sources (e.g. S-Video or Video In sources), select the television signal
format. Click OK.
Chapter 4
If you would like to adjust your video while in the Video Setup, click the Video
Adjustment tab.
Adjust Brightness, Hue, Saturation, Contrast, and Sharpness levels by
dragging the sliders. Click OK when you are done.
While in the Video Capture mode, select a Profile Setup by clicking on it.
When the dialog box appears, select which purpose this video is for. If it’s for
Video for General Purposes, click it and then select a MPEG or AVI video format
from the drop-down menu. Then, select a profile group depending on the format
you chose. Finally, select the profile located in the drop-down menu located on
its right. For the MPEG profiles, select High Speed, High Quality, Custom or All.
For the AVI formats, refer to #4 in "Producing AVI Files".
If you selected a MPEG profile, you may create a custom MPEG profile by
clicking New... Refer to "Creating Custom MPEG Profiles" on page 100 for
more information. If you selected a AVI profile and want to change its
settings, click Settings... and then refer to "Setting AVI Profiles" on page
110 for more information.
Capturing Content
If you selected Video for Movie Disc Production, select the Type of Disc, High
Speed or High Quality, and then the video format of the disc.
After selecting a profile, you may click Comments... or Details... to find
out more information about the profile and CPU recommendation.
Click OK when you are finished with the Video Setup.
Note: If the video display is blank after you have selected to capture video, be sure your
video device is functioning properly. Other possibilities may be that the connections
aren't set up properly or you selected the wrong input settings.
Now, modify the Audio Setup if you are capturing audio by clicking on it
either in Video or Audio Capture. A dialog box will appear.
Click on the Audio Device drop-down menu to select the appropriate
audio capture device installed on your system.
For the Audio Input, select the right input source (selections here will
depend on your sound card manufacturer). Click OK.
If you have an audio CD, select the Audio CD selection for the Audio
Input and an additional drop-down menu will appear to select the audio
track that you would like to capture/rip.
You may select Rip selected CD track at highest speed in order to rip the
selected track into your HDD into WAV format. Click OK.
Chapter 4
To alter the audio capture profile, switch to the Audio Capture mode and
then click Profile Setup . A dialog box will appear.
Click a Name (i.e. profile) or change your Attributes by clicking on the
drop-down menu and choosing another one.
Click Save As to save the new profile. Name the new profile and click OK.
To remove, select a profile and click Remove. After you are done, click
Click the Time Limit box to set it and then input the maximum recording time in
minutes and seconds.
Click the Size Limit box to set it and then input the maximum recording size in
If you are in the Video Capture mode, you may click Snapshot to capture
still images from your video content. To set your preferences, go to "Capture/
Export Preferences" on page 48 for more information.
3 Depending on your device, turn it on, press Play or activate any other function
so that your external capture device will begin capturing or playing content
that PowerDirector is able to record. When ready, click PowerDirector’s Record
Note: For example, a PC camera would not have to be activated after its power is turned on,
for it will begin capturing content automatically.
Note: An audio CD, on the other hand, does not need to be played. Just click Record and
PowerDirector will begin playing and recording it.
4 Click PowerDirector’s Stop function after finishing your capture. The file
will now be saved automatically, or appear in your Library or Storyboard. (You
can also select to begin detecting scenes automatically after the capture is
completed.) Go to "Capture/Export Preferences" on page 48 for more
Capturing Content
Capturing from DV Camcorders
Whether your DV is playing video or filming special moments, PowerDirector
captures it all in non real-time or in real-time.
Info: Unlike real-time capture, non real-time capture will utilize a buffer and is
recommended for users who desire high quality but do not possess adequate
computing power. Thus, non real-time capture will take longer to process the
encoding of captured content when utilizing a buffer. A display of the time remaining
for capturing will be located at the bottom right corner below the Preview Window.
With real-time capture, the actual content being encoded will coincide with the
content that is being played in the Preview Window and consume more CPU
resources. This will not hold true for non real-time capture.
And, with the astounding FireWire transfer protocol, you will capture crystal clear
digital video and audio from your DV camcorder and transfer data without any
quality loss whatsoever.
Capturing from a DV camcorder differs in two respects. As you might well be aware
of, DV camcorders come with two main modes. The first mode is to record live
content and is referred to as the Camera mode for most brands. The alternative
mode is the VCR mode (for most brands) where you may play back your previously
recorded content and navigate through the DV tape. The degree of controlling your
DV camcorder with PowerDirector differ in these two DV modes.
Note: Before starting PowerDirector, make sure all devices are installed properly with the
proper drivers, your DV camcorder is turned on, is in the correct mode, and the
FireWire cables are hooked up properly. Refer to the respective user's guide for more
Chapter 4
Capturing from DV Camera Mode
When your DV camcorder is in the Camera mode, PowerDirector may only Record
into your hard drive, for it will simply capture what your DV camcorder is aimed at
or what it is recording. For other commands in the Camera mode, you will have to
rely on your DV camcorder’s controls.
1 Start PowerDirector. Click the Capture Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Click the DV Capture icon. If you’re DV camcorder is hooked up
properly along with the FireWire cables, turned on, and in the Camera mode
(this will depend on your DV camcorder’s designation), a live shot from your
DV camcorder should be displayed in PowerDirector’s Preview Window.
Tips: The bottom left corner will display the amount of free drive space along with the size
of the captured content. This drive may be set in the General tab under Edit >
Preferences... in the Capture File Name section.
3 Now, decide if you would like to capture in Non Real-time (default) or
Real-time (switch on).
4 Select a Profile Setup by clicking on it. When the dialog box appears,
select which purpose this video is for. If it’s for Video for General
Purposes, click it and then select a MPEG or AVI video format from the drop-
down menu. Then, select a profile group depending on the format you chose.
Capturing Content
Finally, select the profile located in the drop-down menu located on its right.
For the MPEG profiles, select High Speed, High Quality, Custom or All. For the
AVI formats and the differences between the Windows and DV groups, refer to
#4 in "Producing AVI Files".
If you selected a MPEG profile, you may create a custom MPEG profile by
clicking New... Refer to "Creating Custom MPEG Profiles" on page 100 for
more information. The DV AVI profiles may not be modified.
If you selected Video for Movie Disc Production, select the Type of Disc, High
Speed or High Quality, and then the video format of the disc.
After selecting a profile, you may click Comments... or Details... to find
out more information about the profile and CPU recommendation.
5 Click OK.
Caution: If you have selected the DV AVI profile, you will be unable to capture in non real-
Click the Time Limit box to set it and then input the maximum recording time in
minutes and seconds.
Click the Size Limit box to set it and then input the maximum recording size in
6 To begin capturing, click PowerDirector’s Record button.
7 Click Stop after finishing your capture. The file will now be automatically
added to the Library or Storyboard according to your preferences. (You can also
select to begin detecting scenes automatically after the capture is completed.) To
set your preferences, go to "Capture/Export Preferences" on page 48.
Note: If you have chosen to capture in non real-time, after you have clicked Stop, a message
will be displayed in the Preview Window notifying you that the encoding of the
content in the buffer is still ongoing and that it will be completed shortly in the time
Chapter 4
Capturing from DV VCR Mode
When your DV camcorder is in VCR mode, PowerDirector has a high degree of
control. All navigational functionality may be controlled by PowerDirector
including playing, seeking, pausing, stopping and of course, recording content
directly from the DV tape. After capturing content from your DV tape with
PowerDirector, you may apply all the special effects you wish, which have made
PowerDirector a powerhouse in the arena of video editing. Finally, when it is time to
produce, PowerDirector provides the luxury of writing your new movie directly
onto your DV tape! Please refer to "Producing Your Movie" on page 93 for more
information on producing.
1 Start PowerDirector. Click the Capture Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Click the DV Capture icon. Make sure you’re DV camcorder is hooked up
properly along with the FireWire cables, is turned on, and in the VCR mode
(this will depend on your DV camcorder’s designation). The display you are
viewing in PowerDirector’s Preview Window should be exactly as your DV
camcorder screen.
Tips: The bottom left corner will display the amount of free drive space along with the size
of the captured content. This drive may be set in the General tab under Edit >
Preferences... in the Capture File Name section.
Capturing Content
3 Now, decide if you would like to capture in Non Real-time (switch up) or
Real-time (switch down).
4 Select a Profile Setup by clicking on it. When the dialog box appears,
select which purpose this video is for. If it’s for Video for General
Purposes, click it and then select a MPEG or AVI video format from the drop-
down menu. Then, select a profile group depending on the format you chose.
Finally, select the profile located in the drop-down menu located on its right.
For the MPEG profiles, select High Speed, High Quality, Custom or All. For the
AVI formats and the differences between the Windows and DV groups, refer to
#4 in "Producing AVI Files".
If you selected a MPEG profile, you may create a custom MPEG profile by
clicking New... Refer to "Creating Custom MPEG Profiles" on page 100 for
more information. The DV AVI profiles may not be modified.
If you selected Video for Movie Disc Production, select the Type of Disc, High
Speed or High Quality, and then the video format of the disc.
After selecting a profile, you may click Comments... or Details... to find
out more information about the profile and CPU recommendation.
5 Click OK.
Caution: If have selected the DV AVI profile, you will be unable to capture in non real-time.
6 To seek to the proper time, drag and release the Shuttle icon. Located to
its immediate left is the timecode area for the DV tape.
Note: If the DV tape’s timecode is incorrect, then click Seek Tape to verify the timecode.
You may also navigate with the Play, Next and Previous Frame, Start, End,
Pause, and Stop buttons. Refer to #2 in "Previewing your Library Files" on page
32 for more information on the aforementioned commands.
Click the Time Limit box to set it and then input the maximum recording time in
minutes and seconds.
Chapter 4
Click the Size Limit box to set it and then input the maximum recording size in
7 To begin real-time capture, click Play on your camcorder and
then click PowerDirector’s Record button when you’re
ready. The total recording time will be displayed above the
DV tape’s timecode area.
Note: When capturing in non real-time, if your HDD is almost out of space (if less than
150 MB of free space, all capturing will be disabled), a warning message will appear
in the Preview Window notifying that a portion of the transcoding process will be
paused and resume later only after all the content in the buffer has been encoded by
your HDD.
8 Click Stop after finishing your capture. The captured file may appear
directly in your Library or Storyboard depending on preferences. (You can also
select to begin detecting scenes automatically after the capture is completed.)
Go to "Capture/Export Preferences" on page 48 for more information.
Note: If you have chosen to capture in non real-time, after you have clicked Stop, a message
will be displayed in the Preview Window notifying you that the encoding of the
content in the buffer is still ongoing and that it will be completed shortly in the time
Capturing Content
Batch Capturing from DV Camcorders
When you are in the DV VCR mode, you may select precise scenes you want to
convert. After selecting a few scenes, you may convert them with one click as part of
a whole batch of files. Batch capturing is efficient and saves huge amounts of time
when capturing numerous scenes.
Tips: Be sure that your DV tape’s timecodes are linear. If not, you might have to capture a
scene at a time in the DV VCR mode.
1 Start PowerDirector. Click the Capture Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Click the DV Capture icon. Make sure your DV camcorder is hooked up
properly along with the FireWire cables, is turned on, and in the VCR mode
(this will depend on your DV camcorder’s designation). The display you are
viewing in PowerDirector’s Preview Window should be exactly identical to
your DV camcorder screen.
3 Click Batch Capturing.
Tips: The bottom left corner will display the amount of free drive space along with the size
of the captured content. This drive may be set in the General tab under Edit >
Preferences... in the Capture File Name section.
Chapter 4
4 Now, decide if you would like to capture in Non Real-time (default) or
Real-time (switch on).
5 Select a Profile Setup by clicking on it. When the dialog box appears,
select which purpose this video is for. If it’s for Video for General
Purposes, click it and then select a MPEG or AVI video format from the drop-
down menu. Then, select a profile group depending on the format you chose.
Finally, select the profile located in the drop-down menu located on its right.
For the MPEG profiles, select High Speed, High Quality, Custom or All. For the
AVI formats and the differences between the Windows and DV groups, refer to
#4 in "Producing AVI Files".
If you selected a MPEG profile, you may create a custom MPEG profile by
clicking New... Refer to "Creating Custom MPEG Profiles" on page 100 for
more information. The DV AVI profiles may not be modified.
If you selected Video for Movie Disc Production, select the Type of Disc, High
Speed or High Quality, and then the video format of the disc.
After selecting a profile, you may click Comments... or Details... to find
out more information about the profile and CPU recommendation.
6 Click OK.
Caution: If have selected the DV AVI profile, you will be unable to capture in non real-time.
To shuttle (fast forward/rewind) to the proper time, drag and release the Shuttle
icon .
Click Seek Tape to locate the exact timecode position of the DV tape.
Capturing Content
Note: Depending on the specific DV tape, there may be identical timecodes for many
different scenes on a DV tape (e.g. 00:01:20). This is attributed to the resetting of
timecodes performed by the author. When seeking tape with PowerDirector, it will
only seek to the first timecode. If your DV tape has been reset numerous times, it is
advised for you to capture in DV VCR mode, for capturing in batch mode highly
relies on linear timecodes.
You may also navigate with the Play, Next and Previous Frame, Rewind, Fast
Forward, Pause, and Stop functions of PowerDirector. Refer to "Previewing your
Library Files" on page 32 or use your DV camcorder’s navigational buttons.
7 To begin adding tasks, go to the correct time position where you would like to
begin batch capturing and click the Add New Task icon. A new batch task
will appear in the batch box.
Note: The Mark Out position (“Stop Time”) will automatically be set 5 seconds ahead of
the Mark In position (“Start Time”). Be sure to set the correct Mark Out position.
8 Navigate to the end of the segment you would like to convert and click Mark
Out .
To reset the Start Time, navigate to the beginning of the segment and click
Mark In .
9 To begin conversion, be sure the specific task(s) is checked first. Click Start
Selected Task(s) to begin capturing your batch.
Note: When capturing in non real-time, if your HDD is almost out of space (if less than
150 MB of free space, all capturing will be disabled), a warning message will appear
in the Preview Window notifying that a portion of the transcoding process will be
paused and resume later only after all the content in the buffer has been encoded by
your HDD.
Chapter 4
10 Click Stop to abort batch capturing.
Note: If you have chosen to capture in non real-time, after you have clicked Stop, a message
will be displayed in the Preview Window notifying you that the encoding of the
content in the buffer is still ongoing and that it will be completed shortly in the time
Repeat the above steps to add more tasks.
To remove tasks, select one and click Remove Task .
After it is completed, the batch captured files may appear directly in your Library or
Storyboard depending on preferences. (You can also select to begin detecting scenes
automatically after the capture is completed.) Go to "Capture/Export Preferences"
on page 48 for more information.
Trim Mode
Generally, after your media files are imported into your library, the next step is to
trim your video clips or set the time limit for image files. Before production, this step
is very important in eliminating unwanted portions of your video clip and to place
more focus on the essential plot of your movie.
Note: After you have modified your file in this mode, a red line will be displayed in the
Modes Wheel to indicate this.
Note: Your original media files will not be manipulated in any way when trimming files
that have been imported into the Library or after it is applied to the Storyboard.
1 Select a media file and click the Trim Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
Chapter 5
Note: Whenever the mode switches from Preview to another mode for the first time, a dialog
box may appear to notify you that the file will be added to the Storyboard
automatically depending on your Preferences. Refer to "Edit Preferences" on page 46
for more information.
2 Before setting your trim positions, you may play your file. Go to "Previewing
your Library Files" on page 32 for more information on navigation during
Drag and release the Time Slider to find the exact time positions and quicken
your search. You may also Play, Rewind, Fast Forward, Pause, jump to the Start
or End of the file, and go to the Next or Previous Frame.
To capture the frame as a new image file, click Snapshot . Go to "Capture/
Export Preferences" on page 48 for more information.
3 Click on the Mark In and Mark Out icons to set your trimming
positions at the Time Slider position or set them during playback. Or, you
may also utilize the Time Slider and directly drag the Mark In and Mark
Out sliders to the position where you would like to begin your trim.
Both trim position borders can be dragged on the Time Slider bar. Use this
feature to quickly change the Mark In and Mark Out positions.
After your Mark In and Mark Out positions have been set, their times will
be displayed to the right of each respective icon along with the time length
for this new clip in the bottom right area. The other time slot on the bottom
left indicates the current position of the Time Slider.
Note: Durations are displayed as HH:MM:SS:FF (i.e. hours:minutes:seconds:frames).
To Resize your view, select one of the options from the drop-down menu. (A
sample thumbnail of each option appears under the drop-down menu,
providing an instant preview of each option. The effect is likewise applied to
your file in the Preview Window.)
Trimming Video
Stretch: This option will stretch your media file to fill out the
screen but will not keep the aspect ratio.
Letterbox: This option will fit your media file into the Preview
Window but (unlike Fit to output size) will keep the aspect
ratio of the media file and won’t crop the image.
Crop: This option will fill out the Preview Window with the
original size but will crop the image.
Note: The Resize function will not alter your original file but will affect your Storyboard
Click Revert to return to the original trim (if the clip had already been
trimmed) or click Clear to start from scratch.
4 When you are satisfied with your trim, click Apply and your trim will be
applied to your Storyboard. Be sure to set your preferences for applying to the
Storyboard. Go to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Splitting the Video File
To save precious editing time, the Split Video function automatically splits an
original video file into two separate clips with one swift click and eliminates the
need to drag the same file onto the Storyboard twice and trimming both separately.
Just keep in mind this function is only intended for Library files that do not have
effects applied from other modes. Apply effects only after you split the video.
1 Select a media file from the Library by double-clicking on the selected file or
dragging it into the Preview Window. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on
page 30 for more information on importing.
2 To split video files that have already been applied to the Storyboard, simply
select the particular clip by double-clicking and it will be displayed in the
Preview Window.
Note: If the Storyboard clip has been previously modified or contain effects, this clip may
not be split.
3 Click the Trim Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
4 Drag the Time Slider to the scene where you would like to split this video or
through any other navigational method.
5 Click Split Video . The file will be split into two clips on the Storyboard.
If you would like to further trim either clip, refer to "Trim Mode" on page 67.
Chapter 5
Trim Mode for Image Files
Naturally, image files don’t need to be trimmed. The time duration of the
appearance of the image file may be set along with the image’s resize if desired.
1 Once your image files have been imported into the Library, double-click on an
image file or drag it in order to display it in the Preview Window. Refer to
"Importing into the Library" on page 30 for more information on importing.
2 To modify files that have already been applied to the Storyboard, simply select
the particular clip by double-clicking and it will be displayed in the Preview
3 Click on the Tri m Mo de from the Modes Wheel.
To Resize, select one of the options from the drop-down menu.
Stretch: This option will stretch your media file to fill out the
screen but will not keep the aspect ratio.
Letterbox: This option will fit your media file into the Preview
Window but (unlike Fit to output size) will keep the aspect
ratio of the media file and won’t crop the image.
Crop: This option will fill out the Preview Window with the
original size but will crop the image.
Enter the time for the image to appear in the Duration box by using
the arrows or inputting a numeral.
Click Revert to revert to the original trim.
Or click Clear to start over.
4 Click Apply when complete. Be sure to set your preferences for applying to the
Storyboard. Go to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Altering Speeds
To invigorate your audience and enliven your movies with a different pace or
tempo, or to emphasize certain elements of meaningful clips, PowerDirector allows
you to go slo-mo or accelerate clips to previously unforeseen speeds! Any clip could
be slowed down to a crawl or sped up to the speed of light. As a director, utilize both
these mind-altering speed effects to throw your audience for a loop, because as any
sane person or scientist will protest to, time is relative to the observer except in the
warped parallel universe of PowerDirector.
1 Select a video clip from the Library by double-clicking on the selected file or
dragging it into the Preview Window. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on
page 30 for more information on importing.
2 To add effects to files that have already been applied to the Storyboard, simply
select the particular clip by double-clicking and it will be displayed in the
Preview Window.
3 Click Speed Mode on the Modes Wheel.
4 Drag the slider in order to slow or quicken up the video speed. You may also
click Increase Speed or Decrease Speed with the range being 1/4X - 8X.
Chapter 6
5 Now, you must decide how your video file’s audio will be played. Click on the
Audio Setting drop-down menu and select one.
The Synchronize with video selection will synchronize the video speed
with the audio speed.
Note: If the video speed is faster or slower than 1X, the synchronized audio may be
Select Preserve original speed if you prefer the audio speed to be at its
original recognizable speed independent of the video speed.
Select Mute to mute this video file’s audio. This is great for dubbing over
original audio content with another audio file or background music.
Click Revert to return to the previous state or click Clear to start from
6 After you are satisfied with your alteration, click Apply to apply it to the
Storyboard. Be sure to set your preferences for applying to the Storyboard. Go
to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Altering Speed and Supplying Video Effects
Supplying Video Effects
Supplying video effects is for the music video director in you! For normal movies,
transition effects are sufficient, but for those who wish to cast a spell and enrapture
the audience with a video effect that takes hold throughout the length of one clip,
this is your epiphanous calling.
Let’s first enjoy a graphical display of all the effects:
Chapter 6
Below is a table that summarizes the settings available for each video effect.
Video Effects Settings Available
Color Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Sharpness
Blur Degree
Color Focus Depth of Gradient Border, Width of Color Area, Height of Color
Delay Regularity
Edge Degree, Background Color, Foreground Color
Emboss Direction
Focus Depth of Gradient Border, Width of Original Image, Height
Information Display
Grid Depth of Grid Line, Width, Height, Background Color
Mosaic Width of Blocks, Height of Blocks, Effect Length
Noise Intensity, Size, Background Color
Ripple Wave Length, Speed, Effect Length
Skip Frequency
Spotlight Brightness, Depth of Gradient Border, Width, Height, Informa-
tion DisplayBackground Color
Swing Left Angle, Background Color, Effect Length
Swing Down Angle, Background Color, Effect Length
Swing Right Angle, Background Color, Effect Length
Swing Up Angle, Background Color, Effect Length
TV Wall Horizontal Number, Vertical Number, Effect Length
X-Ray Degree
Zoom In Size, Effect Length
Zoom Out Width, Height, Background Color, Effect Length
Altering Speed and Supplying Video Effects
1 Select a video clip from the Library by double-clicking on the selected file or
dragging it into the Preview Window. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on
page 30 for more information on importing.
2 To add effects to files that have already been applied to the Storyboard, simply
select the particular clip by double-clicking and it will be displayed in the
Preview Window.
3 Click Effects Mode on the Modes Wheel.
4 Drag an effect from the Library over to the Preview Window or double-click the
effect. Depending on the effect, settings will vary.
Chapter 6
For most effects settings, simply drag the slider and then preview it in the
Preview Window before applying. Refer to "Previewing your Library
Files" on page 32 for more information.
For some effects settings, you can set the duration of the effect by clicking
and dragging the Mark In and Mark Out sliders to a new position.
You can also position the Time Slider and then click Mark In or
Mark Out at the new Time Slider location. You can drag any of the
four Mark In, Mark Out, and Hold Time borders to quickly change their
positions on the Time Slider bar.
The entire video effect setting (including the Mark In and Mark Out times
and the Hold Time) can likewise be dragged on the Time Slider bar. Use
this feature to quickly change the point in the video clip at which the video
effect appears and disappears.
For some effects settings, you will notice a Link Settings function that
links two given settings and constrains the proportion of a video effect
such as for the Grid and TV Wall effects. To unlink these settings, click on
For some effects settings, you may choose a Foreground or Background
Color . Click on either and then select the color. Click OK.
Click Revert to return to the previous state or click Clear to start from
5 After you are satisfied with your effects, click Apply to apply it to the
Storyboard. Be sure to set your preferences for applying to the Storyboard. Go
to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Titles Mode
Generally, at the beginning of every movie or show, text is involved to convey the
title, starring and supporting actors, and other information for all those involved
and whom made the movie possible. When a movie or show wraps up, the full spate
of credits will be rolled out too.
For smaller movie productions, you may want to inform viewers with textual effects
instead of just visual effects. So, get ready to begin communicating literally like you
never have before.
Note: After you have modified your file in this mode, a red line will be displayed in the
Modes Wheel to indicate this.
1 Select a video clip from the Library by double-clicking on the selected file or
dragging it into the Preview Window. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on
page 30 for more information on importing.
2 To add titles to files that have already been applied to the Storyboard, simply
select the particular clip by double-clicking and it will be displayed in the
Preview Window.
3 Click Titles Mode on the Modes Wheel.
Note: Whenever the mode switches from Preview to another mode for the first time, a dialog
box may appear to notify you that the file will be added to the Storyboard
automatically depending on your Preferences. Refer to "Edit Preferences" on page
46 for more information.
Chapter 7
4 Click on the Add Title icon. A cursor will appear in the Preview Widow
for you to begin typing. Press <Enter> to skip to the next line if you wish.
5 After inputting your text, click outside of the box. The title will be displayed in
the Titles box along with the Preview Window.
To edit the text you have entered, double-click on the title in the Preview
Widow. A cursor appears inside the text, allowing you to edit it.
Click the Fonts icon to set your font format. There are a host of
options here including Spacing, Color, Font Style, and Alignment. After
you are finished, click OK.
Adding Titles and Transitions
6 To select a suitable Title Effect, select a title first and then click on the effect
thumbnail in the Library to select. An instant preview will be shown in the
Preview Window.
Drag the Hold Time slider to determine the length
of static time for the effect. You can also set the
duration of the effect (in seconds) by using the up
and down arrows or by entering a value up to two
decimal places using your keyboard. By increasing
the Hold Time (represented by the blue bar), the static time for your title’s
effect (i.e. only the text without effects) will be increased and vice-versa.
Note: Each chosen title effect vary in terms of duration length.
To minimize the duration of an entire title effect (i.e. you don’t want the
title effect to last the entire duration of the clip), click and drag the Mark
In and Mark Out sliders to the desired position. Or, position the
Time Slider at a designated point and then click Mark In or Mark
Out below the Preview Window. You can also drag any of the four
Mark In, Mark Out, and Hold Time borders to quickly change their
positions on the Time Slider bar. Use this feature to quickly change the
duration of the effect as well as when the effect appears and vanishes.
The entire title effect setting (including the Mark In and Mark Out times
and the Hold Time) can likewise be dragged on the Time Slider bar. Use
this feature to quickly change the point in the video clip at which the title
effect appears and disappears.
Chapter 7
7 To place a title at a certain area of the screen, simply click on it in the Preview
Window and drag.
Click TV Safe Zone to display a dashed outline around the inside of the
Preview Window. This zone represents the area in which content is sure to be
displayed on TV screens, which have a smaller display area than computer
monitors. (The TV Safe Zone outline will not appear when your movie is
previewed or produced.)
Click the Grid Line to display a grid of dashed lines that can aid in
positioning your text more precisely. (Grid lines will not appear when your
movie is previewed or produced.)
Click Revert to return to the original titles and their associated effects or
click Clear to start from scratch.
Repeat the above steps to add more titles.
To edit or remove titles, click on a title in the Titles box.
To edit, click twice and a cursor will appear in the box.
Begin editing.
To remove, select an existing title and then click
Remove Title .
You may hide titles by unchecking Show All Titles or
checking to show all.
8 After you are satisfied with all your titles, click Apply
to apply it to the Storyboard. Be sure to set your
preferences for applying to the Storyboard. Go to
"Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Adding Titles and Transitions
Transitions Mode
Usually invisible to the naked eye, transitions are a great mood enhancer in movies
or full-length feature shows and videos. Generally, scene-from-scene, simple fades
or a direct cut to the next scene is used. To further enhance your video, you may
want to try one of the many transitional effects PowerDirector has provided.
Before you begin, be sure that there are at least two video clips or images that have
been applied in the Storyboard.
Note: After you have modified your file in this mode, a red line will be displayed in the
Modes Wheel to indicate this.
1 Click a transition icon located anywhere between two clips from the
2 Or, you may select a clip from the Storyboard and then click Transitions Mode
on the Modes Wheel.
Note: Transitions may not be applied to the last clip on the Storyboard.
To preview a transitional effect before you apply, place your cursor above a
given transition in the Library.
3 Select a transition by clicking on it or dragging to the appropriate point
between the selected clip and the clip immediately proceeding it on the
Storyboard. You may also drag the transition from the Library to the Modes
Panel. The chosen transition will now appear in the Modes Panel.
Chapter 7
4 Input the Transition Length located in the Modes Panel numerically or drag
the slider to increase and decrease. The length will vary depending on your
clips’ duration.
Note: Keep in mind that the length you set will be equally divided amongst the two slides. If
you set ten seconds, five seconds of the transitional effect will be allotted to the end of
the first media file while five seconds will be allotted to the beginning of the
succeeding media file.
Tips: Don’t forget that many of the transitional effects are so radical, that they will literally
“swallow” up some of your clip’s content. Consequently, be sure that your clips have
ample time in the beginning and in the end so as not to interfere with your clip’s
content and that the transition length is not set too long.
Click Revert to revert to the original transition effect or click Clear to
clear all transitions.
5 When you are finished with your selection, click Apply to apply it to the
Storyboard. Be sure to set your preferences for applying to the Storyboard. Go
to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
Right-click on any transition for a shortcut menu that
provides an efficient way to manage the transition effects in
the Storyboard. Select one of the options to Cut, Copy,
Paste, Remove, Apply to All, or Clear All Transitions.
Audio Mode
As all amateur or seasoned video professionals know, the soundtrack of your movie
is incredibly important to set the mood and atmosphere of your movie. For exciting
scenes, a musical score with a fast beat will serve to outline the hastiness and
recklessness of the occasion. For tender moments, a beautifully scored song touching
on romance and playing with your emotions like a concert violinist will go a long
way in making your post-production a worthy undertaking.
Note: After you have modified your file in this mode, a red line will be displayed in the
Modes Wheel to indicate this.
1 Select a file from the Library by double-clicking on the selected file or dragging
it into the Preview Window. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on page 30 for
more information on importing.
2 To add audio to clips that have already been applied to the Storyboard, simply
select the particular clip by double-clicking and it will be displayed in the
Preview Window.
3 Click Audio Mode on the Modes Wheel.
Note: Whenever the mode switches from Preview to another mode for the first time, a dialog
box may appear to notify you that the file will be added to the Storyboard
automatically depending on your Preferences. Refer to "Edit Preferences" on page
46 for more information.
Chapter 8
4 If your original file or clip contains audio, it will
be displayed in the uppermost line. Three user-
defined audio files are allowed, which will be
displayed below the original file. All of these
files can be independently manipulated by
clicking them and changing their individual
5 To add more audio files to a certain clip, drag
them from the Library into the User-Defined
box or onto the Preview Window, or you may
click the Add Audio icon, which opens a
browser window. A flashing message will
appear in the Preview Window to show you
where you should drag the audio file to. (This
message disappears after the first audio file is
When all three tracks in the User-Defined box are
full, you can no longer add new audio files. Click
the Remove Audio icon to remove a file, then
add another audio file.
6 To trim the audio, select a particular file and click Tri m Au dio .
Note: You are not allowed to trim the audio portion of the original video file.
Adding Audio and Pictures
7 Trimming controls are very similar to trimming other media files. Please refer
to #3 in "Trim Mode" on page 67 for more information. Click Apply and then
OK when you are finished trimming your audio clip.
If you would like to repeat any of the audio files that appear under the User-
Defined heading, click the file to select it, then drag the Time Slider in the
Preview Window to the point at which you would like the file to end. The audio
track will repeat from the start of the video file to the point you set.
The entire audio setting (including the Mark In and Mark Out times) can
likewise be dragged on the Time Slider bar. Use this feature to quickly
change the point in the video clip at which the audio file starts and stops
If you want the audio clip to Fade In or Fade Out, click the corresponding option
and set the duration of the fade (in seconds) by using the up and down arrows or
by entering a value up to two decimal places using your keyboard.
Adjust the volume by dragging on the Volume Mixing to increase or decrease
after you have selected the audio file. Drag to the farthest left to mute it. Keep in
mind that this volume will be combined with the original clip’s audio volume (if
Click Revert to return to the original clip’s audio effects (if the clip had
employed audio clips previously) or click Clear to start from scratch.
8 Click Apply when you are finished to apply it to the Storyboard. Be sure to set
your preferences for applying to the Storyboard. Go to "Edit Preferences" on
page 46 for more information.
Note: If two adjacent image or video files in the Storyboard contain audio clips, the audio
portions of these files will cross fade to allow for a smoother transition.
Chapter 8
Master Audio
To further accentuate the audio aspect of your movie production, you may wish to
apply a musical score that will act as the background audio for your entire movie.
The controls and options for the master audio file is very similar to the normal
Audio Mode where you add files to various clips.
Caution: If you utilize Master Audio in your movie, SVRT will be disabled when producing.
1 Click Master Audio located on the Storyboard’s farthest left.
2 The Master Audio controls will be displayed below the Modes Wheel in the
Modes Panel. Drag an audio file from the Library into the Preview Window, or
you may click the Add Audio icon, which opens a browser window. A
flashing message will appear in the Preview Window to show you where you
should drag the audio file to.
Adding Audio and Pictures
Note: If you already have an audio file in Master Audio, a dialog box will appear to ask you
in replacing your original file after you have dragged the new file to the Preview
Window. Click OK.
3 Click Tr im A udi o to begin trimming your Master Audio file. Trimming
controls are very similar to trimming other media files. Please refer to #3 in
Trim Mode for more information. Click Apply and then OK when you are
finished trimming your audio clip.
If you want the audio clip to Fade In or Fade Out, click the corresponding option
and set the duration of the fade (in seconds) by using the up and down arrows or
by entering a value using your keyboard.
Adjust the volume by dragging on the Volume Mixing to increase or decrease
after you have selected the audio file. You may adjust the volume from 0-200% of
the original level.
To Repeat Master Audio, click to check the box so that it will repeat until the end
of the entire movie.
Click Revert to return to the original Master Audio file or click Clear
to start from scratch.
4 You do not need to click Apply in this mode. Just switch out of the mode and
your Master Audio will be set and save your project.
Chapter 8
Picture-in-Picture Mode
For any of your existing video clips or image clips on the Storyboard, you may add a
still image or video to the background. Set the transparency level depending on your
Note: After you have modified your file in this mode, a red line will be displayed in the
Modes Wheel to indicate this.
1 First, select the default picture or video clip from the Library by double-clicking
on the selected file or dragging it into the Preview Window. The file will be
displayed. Refer to "Importing into the Library" on page 30 for more
information on importing.
2 Or, you may select a clip that has already been applied to the Storyboard by
simply selecting the particular clip and it will be displayed in the Preview
3 Click the Picture-in-Picture (PiP) Mode located on the Modes Wheel.
Note: Whenever the mode switches from Preview to another mode for the first time, a dialog
box may appear to notify you that the file will be added to the Storyboard
automatically depending on your Preferences. Refer to "Preferences" on page 44 for
more information.
4 A message will flash in the Preview Window. Select the second “picture” from
the Library in the form of an image, video file, or scene detected from a video
file by dragging it there.
Adding Audio and Pictures
Note: If you already have a PiP file applied to the original clip, a dialog box will appear to
ask you in replacing your original file after you have dragged the new file to the
Preview Window. Click OK.
Click and drag the points located on the edge of the file to enlarge or decrease its
size. Keep in mind that the Keep Aspect Ratio is checked as the default. If you
do not want to retain its width-to-length size ratio intact, uncheck it.
Click the TV Safe Zone toggle button to display a dashed outline around the
inside of the Preview Window. This zone represents the area in which content is
sure to be displayed on TV screens, which have a smaller display area than
computer monitors. (The TV Safe Zone outline will not appear when your movie
is previewed or produced.)
Click the Grid Lines toggle button to display a grid of lines that can aid in
positioning the second picture more precisely. (Grid lines will not appear when
your movie is previewed or produced.)
To Apply Color Filter, go to "Applying Image Color Filters" on page 92 for more
Drag the Transparency slider to make the picture more or less transparent.
Click Revert to return to the original clip’s PiP file and its associated
modifications or click Clear or press <Delete> on your keyboard to start
from scratch.
Chapter 8
5 To minimize the duration of the second picture (i.e. you don’t want the second
picture to last the entire duration of the clip), if it is an image file, go to #3 under
"Trim Mode" on page 67 and follow the same directions as for trimming video
files. If your second picture is a video file, click Tri m Video , and go to
"Trim Mode" on page 67.
The entire PiP effect setting (including the Mark In and Mark Out times) can be
dragged on the Time Slider bar. Use this feature to quickly change the point in
the video clip at which the PiP effect appears and disappears.
6 Click Apply when you are finished to apply it to the Storyboard. Be sure to set
your preferences for applying to the Storyboard. Go to "Edit Preferences" on
page 46 for more information.
Adding Audio and Pictures
Master Watermark
There are times when you wish to add an image that will serve as a visual
background throughout the movie, which will usually represent the party that has
created the movie or owns the rights to it. This is a watermark. It may also be a TV
station logo or the movie title.
Caution: If you utilize Master Watermark in your movie, SVRT will be disabled when
1 Click Master Watermark located on the Storyboard’s left side.
2 The steps here are extremely similar to the PiP Mode except that only an image
file may be used. Go to #4 in "Picture-in-Picture Mode" on page 88 for the rest of
the steps.
3 You do not need to click Apply in this mode. Just switch out of the mode and
your Master Watermark will be set and save your project.
To Apply Color Filter, go to "Applying Image Color Filters" on page 92 for more
Chapter 8
Applying Image Color Filters
You may want to apply a color filter so that a specific color of the image file will
blend the background of the image with the foreground of the original file. This
option is available in the Picture-in-Picture and Master Watermark Modes.
1 With the file selected in the PiP Mode, click Eyedropper to apply the color
2 A dialog box will appear. Now, position the Eyedropper tool over the color you
want to filter out and then click once to select it. The color box on top displays
the current color the Eyedropper is positioned over. The lower box displays the
color that was last filtered.
To select a color more accurately, you can Zoom In or Zoom Out
on the picture. You may also select a magnification level from the
drop-down menu.
3 Click OK.
4 Now, check Apply Color Filter by clicking in the box. To disable this function,
uncheck by clicking it again.
Drag the Tolerance Level slider to extend the range of colors from the one
you have selected for the Color Filter option.
5 Click Apply when you are finished. Be sure to set your preferences for applying
to the Storyboard. Go to "Edit Preferences" on page 46 for more information.
The time has finally arrived for you to produce your own movie. After all your hard
work of importing media files into your Library, previewing them, manipulating
them, and applying them to the Storyboard, the production of your grand
masterpiece is imminent. This chapter will cover MPEG-1, MPEG-2, Windows
Media and AVI formatted video types.
Editing and producing MPEG and DV AVI files and clips is what makes
PowerDirector a powerhouse in video editing software applications.
Info: MPEG is an acronym short for the Moving Picture Experts Group which belongs to
the family of ISO/IEC standards (International Organization for Standardization
and International Electrotechnical Commission). It is a compression technology for
digital video and audio signals intended for consumer distribution. Please refer to
"What Is MPEG?" on page 141 for more information.
Many video editing software applications waste valuable time when decompressing
MPEG and DV AVI files into uncompressed AVI format before the editing process.
During editing, this process places unnecessary burden on your hard disk by
requiring a huge amount of disk space when working with uncompressed AVI
format. After it’s all said and done, when you are ready to produce into MPEG or
DV AVI format, valuable time is wasted again in compressing your movie!
Not so with PowerDirector’s proprietary technology, SVRT (Smart Video Rendering
Technology). If your files are originally in MPEG or DV AVI format, editing will be
in the same format and when producing, invaluable time and hard disk space is
preciously saved when only the edited video portions need to be rendered. This is
“smart video rendering”.
Chapter 9
Producing General MPEG-1 Files
As mentioned in the previous section, MPEG is the standard format this generation
for compressed multimedia files with high quality. After you are satisfied with your
all special effects, trims, audio, etc., and wish to produce a file in compressed MPEG
format, you are ready for the final stage of your post-production process. Refer to
"What Is MPEG?" on page 141 for more information.
1 Clips should be applied to the Storyboard.
2 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
3 Select MPEG-1 from the Video for General Purposes drop-down menu. Click
Producing Your Movie
4 We recommend that you select the default Smart Video Rendering
Technology (SVRT) selection to save time. Refer to "Glossary" on page 145 for
more information on this selection’s properties.
Note: If the SVRT is grayed out, it might be that your movie is utilizing Master Audio or
Master Watermark or does not possess any MPEG files. SVRT is used optimally
with MPEG formatted files.
5 If you are an advanced user, you may click the second selection MPEG-1 Video
(Constant Bitrate).
If you picked the second selection, click on the left drop-down menu and
choose the group of profiles you want to display, which will include
Default, Custom, or All.
6 After selecting a group, select the specific profile. Profile properties will be
displayed immediately below the chosen profile including the recommended
processing speeds of your system. If you want better resolution or quality but
at the expense of hard disk consumed, choose the higher quality or higher
bitrate profiles.
Tips: If you will be making your own VCDs (burning at a later time), choose a VCD
profile. For more information on television standards such as NTSC and PAL, refer
to "NTSC and PAL" on page 142.
Chapter 9
Click Details for more specific information concerning a profile.
To create your own profile, go to "Creating Custom MPEG Profiles" on page 100.
7 Click Next.
8 For the last step, choose a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
If you would like to view your movie as soon as the production process is
complete, click Preview movie after production. After your movie is produced,
it will appear in a preview window with standard play controls, giving you full
playback options.
9 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
During the production, there are viewing options you may set. Go to "Preview
Preferences" on page 50 for more information. You may also click Abort during
Save you project if you haven’t already by choosing File > Save Project. Enter
the file name and click Save.
Producing Your Movie
Producing General MPEG-2 Files
As mentioned in the previous section, MPEG is the standard format this generation
for compressed multimedia files with high quality. After you are satisfied with your
all special effects, trims, audio, etc., and wish to produce a file in compressed MPEG
format, you are ready for the final stage of your post-production process. Refer to
"What Is MPEG?" on page 141 for more information.
1 Clips should be applied to the Storyboard.
2 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
3 Select MPEG-2 from the Video for General Purposes drop-down menu. Click
4 We recommend that you select the default SVRT selection to save time. Refer
to "Glossary" on page 145 for more information on this selection’s properties.
Note: If the SVRT is grayed out, it might be that your movie is utilizing Master Audio or
Master Watermark or does not possess any MPEG files. SVRT is used optimally
with MPEG formatted files.
Chapter 9
5 If you are an advanced user, you may click the second selection MPEG-2 Video
(Constant Bitrate).
If you picked the second selection, click on the left drop-down menu and
choose the group of profiles you want to display, which will include
Default, Custom, or All.
6 After selecting a group, select the specific profile. Profile properties will be
displayed immediately below the chosen profile including the recommended
processing speeds of your system. If you want better resolution or quality but
at the expense of hard disk consumed, choose the higher quality or higher
bitrate profiles.
Note: If you will be making your own DVDs (burning at a later time), choose a DVD
Click Details for more specific information concerning a profile.
Producing Your Movie
To create your own profile, go to "Creating Custom MPEG Profiles" on page 100.
7 Click Next.
If you would like to view your movie as soon as the production process is
complete, click Preview movie after production. After your movie is produced,
it will appear in a preview window with standard play controls, giving you full
playback options.
8 For the last step, choose a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
9 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
During the production, there are viewing options you may set. Go to "Preview
Preferences" on page 50 for more information. You may also click Abort during
Save your project if you haven’t already by choosing File > Save Project. Enter
the file name and click Save.
Chapter 9
Creating Custom MPEG Profiles
1 Either if you were in the Producing Movie
process after you have chosen MPEG as
your video type and selected MPEG-1/2
Video (Constant Bitrate), or in the Capture
Mode and in the process of selecting a
profile, to create a custom profile you must
first select an existing MPEG profile that is
closely associated with your new profile.
2 Then, click New... in order to create a new
MPEG profile. A dialog box appears.
3 Type in a profile name and edit the
description. For information on the Profile
Properties, refer to "Glossary" on page 145
for more information.
4 Click on the Video tab.
Select a Video Size by clicking on the drop-
down menu.
5 Drag the slider to set your Video
Compression Rate. The higher the kbps, the
less the compression with better quality, but
more disk space will be consumed.
6 Some Advanced Settings may be checked as
default depending on the profile you are
copying from:
Smoothing: Check for a smoother
image if you find video content is too
fine and on the grainy side.
Noise Removal: This removes video
artifacts such as white noise from video
Deinterlacing: Combines two
interlaced fields into a single frame and render them at 30 frames per
second (fps). Deinterlacing is done to remove artifacts and improve the
quality of encoded video.
7 Drag the Speed Quality Indicator to the left for higher speed but which will
sacrifice quality or to the right for better quality but at a slower speed.
Producing Your Movie
8 Click on the Audio tab.
9 The default MPEG Audio Compression
setting will be Layer II stereo. For the Audio
Compression Rate, like its Video
counterpart, the higher the kbps, the less the
compression with better quality, but more
disk space will be consumed.
10 Click OK to return to the production/
capture process.
To select your new profile, select Custom
from the profile group menu and then select
the profile.
To edit existing profiles, select the right
custom profile and click Edit. Click Delete
after you have selected the custom profile you
wish to delete.
Chapter 9
Producing Windows Media Files
Streaming technology has grown by leaps and bounds since its increasing usage
from the last decade by providing a medium that is controlled by the content
provider and therefore is free of copyright issues. And it’s only getting started.
Info: Streaming utilizes video scaling, compression techniques, and network protocols in
order to transmit files from a Web server (where the streaming file is stored) to the
client (your hard drive). The concept of streaming is relatively easy: the file is broken
up into data packets, compressed, and sent over the Internet in a stream, or a series of
related packets, along with the audio data if applicable. The client must have a player
in order to decompress the packets, display the video data, and send audio data to the
speakers via the sound card. The player will first buffer the packets, meaning the
packets are downloaded and stored in a buffer before playback begins. This ensures
smooth playback in case of breaks or interference due to instable Internet connections.
Thus, the client and its player does not have to wait for the entire file to download in
order to begin playing the individual data packets.
Windows Media is a proprietary streaming audio/video format typically used to
download and play files or to stream content. It is the main streaming format used
for Microsoft's Windows Media Player.
The Windows Media profiles are best for streaming content across bandwidths
where you, the presenter, would like as many flexible selections as possible. Profiles
range from the more basic Internet connection speeds to full-fledged broadband,
audio only, and profiles containing single to multiple video streams.
After you are satisfied with your all special effects, trims, audio, etc., and wish to
produce a file in compressed streaming Windows Media format, you are ready for
the final stage of your post-production process.
1 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
Producing Your Movie
2 Select Windows Media from the Video for General Purposes drop-down menu
and click Next.
3 Now select a profile depending on what type of connection speed you will be
utilizing when streaming your file to your audience. Click on the drop-down
menu and select a profile. Profile descriptions and properties will be displayed
immediately below the chosen profile. Refer to "Glossary" on page 145 for more
details. Click Next.
Chapter 9
4 For the last step, choose a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
5 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
6 Save you project if you haven’t already by choosing File > Save Project. Enter
the file name and click Save.
Producing Your Movie
Producing AVI Files
PowerDirector has the robust feature of writing directly to your DV tape in AVI
format when producing. This will include all your manipulation, modifications and
special effects and is just another way of making your production more mobile and
timeless. You may also produce in uncompressed AVI format to your hard drive.
1 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Select AV I from the Video for General Purposes drop-down menu and click
Chapter 9
3 We recommend that you select the default SVRT selection to save precious
time and render like never before!
Note: If the SVRT is grayed out, it might be that your movie is utilizing Master Audio or
Master Watermark or does not possess any DV AVI files. SVRT is used optimally
with DV AVI formatted files.
4 For the Profile field, click on the left drop-down menu to display the profile
group. The DV group consists of DV format profiles while the Windows group
is the uncompressed AVI format that will take up a large amount of hard disk
but is used for editing by some video editing software applications and also
writing to VHS tapes or for TV broadcast.
For information on television standards such as NTSC and PAL, refer to
"NTSC and PAL" on page 142.
5 After selecting the profile group, select the specific profile with the right drop-
down menu. Profile properties will be displayed immediately below the chosen
profile. Click Details for more information on a specific profile. Click Next.
To adjust and modify a Windows AVI profile, go to "Setting AVI Profiles" on page
If your FireWire connection is ready, your DV camcorder is on, and your DV
tape is in place, check Write to DV Tape to directly write your entire production
onto your camcorder’s tape. Click Next.
Note: The Write to DV Tape step will appear after your production is complete.
Producing Your Movie
6 For the last step, enter a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
7 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
If you decided to Write to DV Tape, after your movie is produced (hard disk
version), the Write to DV Tape dialog box will be displayed. (See "Writing to DV
Tape" on page 108.) Click Show Preview to preview when writing and then click
Start. Click Close after it is complete.
8 Save your project if you haven’t already by choosing File > Save Project. Enter
the file name and click Save.
Chapter 9
Writing to DV Tape
For the Write to DV Tape function, a quick and easy way is to select a DV AVI file
directly from the Library and then choose File > Export > Write to DV Tape for
instant writing. You may also choose this option when you are producing AVI
movies. A dialog box appears.
1 You can preview your DV tape using the play controls, or shuttle forward and
backward to find the exact location where you want to write the new files to
The files you have set to write to tape appear in the upper left corner of the
dialog box.
2 To add a file, click the Add icon, which opens a browser window. To
remove a file, select the file and click the Remove icon.
Note: You are only allowed to write .AVI files to DV tape.
Producing Your Movie
To change the order in which the files will be written to tape, select a file
and click the Up or Down arrows.
The Total Files and Total Duration that you have selected to write to tape
appear in the lower left of the dialog box.
A smaller preview window in the lower left corner allows you to preview
the files that you have selected to write to tape in the exact order you have
3 After you are satisfied with the order of the files you have selected, click the
Write to DV Tape button . While files are writing to tape, the button
becomes the Stop Writing to Tape button , allowing you to stop the
writing to tape procedure.
The files will begin to write to tape in the exact order you have set in this
dialog box, are a preview appears in the larger preview window.
4 When the write to tape procedure is finished, click the Cancel button to
close the dialog box.
Chapter 9
Setting AVI Profiles
You may set the parameters of DV and Windows AVI profiles. For more information
on the individual settings, refer to "Glossary" on page 145 for more information.
DV AVI Profiles
1 While in the Producing Movie process, after you have chosen AV I as your
video type, select DV from the AV I Vid e o drop-down menu and select NTSC
or PAL from the drop-down menu to the right.
2 Click Settings...
3 The Type tab is the default. Select DV
AVI Ty pe I or DV AVI Type II,
depending on your preference. Refer to
"Type I" and "Type II" on page 149 for
more information.
4 Click on the Audio Quality tab.
5 Select Medium audio quality or High
audio quality, depending on your
6 Click OK to return to the production
Windows AVI Profiles
1 While in the Producing Movie process, after you have chosen AV I as your
video type, select Windows from the AV I Vi de o drop-down menu and select
the quality from the drop-down menu to the right.
2 Click Settings...
3 The Compression tab is the default.
Select a Compression Codec by clicking
on the drop-down menu. Refer to
"codec" on page 145 for more
4 The Key Frame is unavailable to be set.
It is defined as a frame in a video
sequence that does not require
information from a previous frame for
decompression. The more the key
frames, the better the quality but at the
expense of disk space.
Producing Your Movie
5 Click on the Data Rate drop-down menu and select one. The higher kbps, the
better quality but at the expense of hard disk consumed.
6 Select the Composition if you only prefer video or audio.
7 Drag the slider to set your Quality.
8 Click on the Video/Audio Settings tab.
Refer to "Glossary" on page 145 for more
information on specific terms.
9 Select a Frames x per second by clicking
on the drop-down menu. The more
motion you have in your video content,
the higher the frame rate setting should
be. The standard TV frame rate (e.g.
NTSC) is 30.
10 Select a Video Size by clicking on the
drop-down menu.
11 Select a Color by clicking on the drop-
down menu.
12 For the Audio Setting, click on the drop-down menu for Format and Attributes
and select for each one. PCM is the default. Refer to "PCM" on page 148 for
more information. For the attributes, the higher the Hz, the better quality but at
the expense of hard disk space.
13 Click OK to return to the production process.
Chapter 9
Producing QuickTime Movie Files
1 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Select QuickTime Movie from the Video for General Purposes drop-down
menu and click Next.
3 Select the specific profile from the Default, Custom, or All options. Profile
properties will be displayed immediately below the chosen profile. If you want
Producing Your Movie
better resolution or quality but at the expense of hard disk consumed, choose
the higher quality profiles.
Click Details for more specific information concerning a profile.
To create your own profile, go to "Creating Custom QuickTime Movie Profiles"
on page 114.
4 Click Next.
5 For the last step, enter a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
6 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
Chapter 9
Creating Custom QuickTime Movie Profiles
1 Either if you were in the Producing Movie process after you have chosen
QuickTime Movie as your video type, or in the Capture Mode and in the
process of selecting a profile, to create a custom profile you must first select an
existing QuickTime Movie profile that is closely associated with your new
2 Click New... in order to create a new QuickTime profile. A dialog box appears.
3 Type in a profile name and edit the description. For information on the Profile
Properties, refer to "Glossary" on page 145 for more information.
Producing Your Movie
4 Click on the Compressor/Video tab.
Select a compression scheme that best suits your needs for this movie (i.e. higher
Fidelity, Speed, or Compression).
Select a Video Size, Video Type, and Video Quality by clicking on the drop-
down menus. Set the Video Key Frame Rate using the arrows.
5 Click OK to return to the production/capture process.
To select your new profile, select Custom from the profile group menu and then
select the profile.
To edit existing profiles, select the right custom profile and click Edit. Click
Delete after you have selected the custom profile you wish to delete.
Chapter 9
Producing RealVideo Files
1 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Select RealVideo from the Video for General Purposes drop-down menu and
click Next.
3 Select the specific profile from the Default, Custom, or All options. Profile
properties will be displayed immediately below the chosen profile. (Editable
fields appear in the Properties box.) If you want better resolution or quality but
at the expense of hard disk consumed, choose the higher quality profiles.
Producing Your Movie
Click Details for more specific information concerning a profile.
To create your own profile, go to "Creating Custom RealVideo Profiles" on page
4 Click Next.
5 For the last step, enter a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
6 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
Chapter 9
Creating Custom RealVideo Profiles
1 Either if you were in the Producing Movie process after you have chosen
RealVideo as your video type, or in the Capture Mode and in the process of
selecting a profile, to create a custom profile you must first select an existing
RealVideo profile that is closely associated with your new profile.
2 Click New... in order to create a new RealVideo profile. A dialog box appears.
3 Type in a profile name and edit the description. For information on the Profile
Properties, refer to "Glossary" on page 145 for more information.
4 Click on the Settings tab.
Select a Video Size, Audio Setting, and
Target Audience by clicking on the drop-
down menus.
5 Click OK to return to the production/
capture process.
To select your new profile, select Custom
from the profile group menu and then select
the profile.
To edit existing profiles, select the right
custom profile and click Edit. Click Delete
after you have selected the custom profile
you wish to delete.
Producing Your Movie
Producing Movies on a Disc
1 Click Produce Movie located on the Modes Wheel.
2 Select Video for Movie Disc Production.
3 Select a Type of Disc from the drop-down menu and then a video format from
the Country/Video Format of Disc menu.
4 If you have the PowerDirector Pro version, you will have the option of selecting
Continue authoring and burning steps after movie is produced. The Disc
Wizard will guide you through the remaining steps after you are finished with
the basic producing steps.
5 Click Next.
Chapter 9
6 For the last step, enter a file name or click Browse to look for the correct
directory. After finding the directory and typing in the new file name, click
7 Check your File Details. Click Finish.
8 After production is completed, Pro’s Disc Wizard will automatically appear to
allow you to select more video files for your movie disc along with the file you
just produced. Go to "Authoring: Disc Type and Selecting Media Files" and #3
on page 125 to continue.
After you have completed your movie and have produced it into a file, you are
ready to author and burn it on a disc for mass distribution. Just be sure your CD or
DVD burner is working properly and you have a supply of format-compatible blank
discs to get started. PowerDirector Pro’s Disc Wizard makes authoring and burning
an effortless and fun process, which can also be saved for later use. Let’s get started
Chapter 10
Starting the Disc Wizard
Tips: Click on the helpful questions located on every page of the Disc Wizard for a quick
and convenient answer.
1 Click Disc Wizard . After reading the Welcome message, click Next.
2 To open an existing project, refer to "Opening Disc Wizard Projects" on page 138
for more information.
3 If you already have a disc image, select Load an existing movie file and go to
"Loading an Existing Movie File" on page 123. If not, the default Create new
movie will be selected. Go to "Authoring Your Disc" on page 124. Click Next.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
Loading an Existing Movie File
1 Select either Load a disc image file or Load a DVD folder. The latter choice is
for users who have previously saved a movie file as a DVD folder.
Click Browse to find the appropriate disc image and then click
2 Click Next. Go to "Burning Your Disc" on page 134 and #3.
Chapter 10
Authoring Your Disc
This process allows you to create personalized menus, slideshows, chapters, and
much more for your movie discs regardless of the type of disc you have chosen. The
steps below will be divided into authoring sections.
If you have run out of time before completing this movie file, you may save this
wizard project. Refer to "Saving and Opening Disc Wizard Projects" on page 138 for
more information.
Tips: Click on the helpful questions located on every page of the Disc Wizard for a quick
and convenient answer.
Authoring: Disc Type and Selecting Media Files
1 After you are finished with the Disc Wizard’s welcome section, you are ready
to select the type of disc you would like to create. Select from DVD, VCD,
SVCD, and MiniDVD.
2 Click on the drop-down menu of Video Format and select the proper format
for viewing (NTSC or PAL) depending on the country it will be played in. Refer
to "NTSC and PAL" on page 142 for more information. Click Next.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
3 Select your video files for your movie disc. To begin, click Import media from
PowerDirector projects to import all media files from a specific
PowerDirector project. Find and select the project and click Open. All of this
project’s Library files will be listed for selection.
Or, you may click on From Local Disks to use video files from your local
hard disk drive. Click on the drop-down menu to select a drive and its folders
will be listed below. Find the right folder and the files.
4 After the media files are listed, select a file and click Add .
Tips: If you would like the create a DVD/MiniDVD movie with chapters just like a
professional DVD Video disc, you must only use one video file. If your movie disc
consists of multiple video files or slideshows, continuous playback between these
items will not be available. During disc playback, after each file’s or slideshow’s
conclusion, the disc will return to the main menu. For VCD/SVCD discs, jumping
between chapters during playback, regardless if they are originally set from a single
video file or not, are not available.
To remove, first select a file that you have already added to the right
window and then click Remove .
5 Click Next.
Chapter 10
Authoring: Slideshows and Main Menu Order
1 The next step is if you would like to include your own personal photos and
images as a slideshow. Select No, I do not want to include slideshows in this
movie disc to skip this step and go to #6. Otherwise, click Next.
2 Disc Wizard allows you to create a maximum of 100 slideshows and 256 images
per slideshow. First, click Add Slideshow and a dialog box will appear
for you to select images. After selecting the images, click Open. A slideshow
folder icon, which represents one slideshow, will also be created along with a
display of its contents.
To remove a slideshow folder and all its images, select the folder and click
Remove Slideshow .
3 To add additional images to a slideshow, click a slideshow folder icon and then
click on Add Image located below the slideshows section. A dialog box
will appear. Find and select images you would like to include and then click
Open. The images will appear in the Images pane.
After selecting an image, you may wish to click Remove Image to remove.
Depending on your audience's screen size and your image's size, you may click
Stretch to Fit . When checked, during your movie disc playback, if your
image is smaller than the display window, it will be stretched to fit the window
size disproportionate to the original size aspect ratio. If it is not checked, the
original aspect ratio will remain intact when it is enlarged.
Note: If your image is larger than the display window, it may also be Stretched to Fit or if
not checked, it will be shrunk in proportion to the original size aspect ratio.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
After selecting an image, click Rotate Counterclockwise or Rotate
Clockwise to modify your images.
After selecting an image, click Move Forward and Move Backward
to rearrange the order of your slideshow.
4 The last slideshow step is to specify the time for each individual slide. Enter the
number of seconds in the Time Duration for Each Slide field.
To add music for a slideshow, select a slideshow and then click Slideshow
Music . Select the audio file and click Open.
To remove the Slideshow Music file, click Remove Music .
5 Click Next.
6 To adjust the main menu order, select a video file/slideshow and click Move
Forward or Move Backward . Click Next.
Note: If your movie disc consists of multiple video files or slideshows, continuous playback
between these items will not be available. During disc playback, after each file’s or
slideshow’s conclusion, the disc will return to the main menu.
Chapter 10
Authoring: Chapters and Menus
1 In order to make it easier for your audience to navigate within your movie
discs, you could divide your a video file into chapters. Click Next if you would
like to set chapters. Select No, I do not want to chapters on this movie disc and
then click Next. Go to #5.
The first current file will be displayed in the Preview Window. To preview, refer
to "Previewing your Library Files" on page 32 for more information.
Caution: If you are burning a VCD/SVCD disc and want to set chapters, jumping between
chapters during playback, regardless if they are originally set from a single video file or not,
are not available.
2 Click Add Chapter at the scene where you would like to divide this file
into separate chapters. The first scene of this newly created chapter will appear
below in the pane when a chapter has been set.
To remove a chapter, select its thumbnail in the chapters’ window and
click Remove Chapter .
Click Next Chapter and Previous Chapter to navigate among the
different files and its chapters or you may click on the chapter thumbnail
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
3 You may also detect scenes from your file with the Disc Wizard. Simply, click
Detect Next Scene . The first frame of the next scene will be displayed. If
you want to set a chapter here, click Add Chapter . If not, continue
detecting to other scenes. (Refer to "Detecting Scenes" on page 35 for more
information on this great new feature for PowerDirector 2.0)
To modify the sensitivity of your scene detections, click Detect Scenes
Options . Drag the Sensitivity slider or click Increase/Decrease
Sensitivity. The more sensitive the setting, the more scenes it will detect
which will generate more video files.
The Detection Method section is for captured video content that has been
imported into the Library. Use the default unless you have a DV AVI
format file that contains multiple timecodes (i.e. resetting of timecodes are
automatically set when you start and stop recording) and you wish to split
up your files in this manner, select Detect by changing of timecodes.
Note: If you have selected Detect by changing of timecodes, in essence, PowerDirector will
not be performing the scene detection feature, for scenes that are detected will rely
solely on the DV tape’s changing of timecodes, which is ultimately dependent on the
DV tape itself.
4 Click Next when you are done.
5 You may wish to include menus in your movie disc for that professional look
and to provide your audience with an organized and flexible palette to work
from. Select DVD/VCD/SVCD with Menus. If you do not wish to include
menus, click Next and go to "Authoring: Previewing Content" on page 132.
Chapter 10
6 Click on the drop-down menu in order to select a proper theme for your menu.
Menu templates will be displayed according to the theme you selected. Click
Next after selecting one.
Note: If you previously had selected another template, a dialog box will appear to verify that
you want to apply the new template you have selected. Click Yes to apply or No to
revert to the existing template.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
7 The next step allows you to modify all the menu options imaginable. Notice the
right window and the icons that are aligned on its right in a vertical fashion.
The default is Buttons Per Page . Select the number of buttons per page.
Note: If your movie disc consists of multiple video files or slideshows, and you have set
chapters for your video files, these chapters will be combined with other files’ chapters
and slideshows in the menus. Even though they are combined together in the main
menu, continuous playback between video files and slideshows will not be available.
For VCD/SVCD discs, jumping between chapters during playback, regardless if they
are originally set from a single video file or not, are not available.
8 Click on the other tabs located beside the right window after you have selected
the Buttons Per Page. Select an option for each tab and repeat this procedure for
all the following tabs:
Buttons Per Page determines the number of maximum buttons found
on one menu page and determines the selections found in the Style tab.
Style determines the style you would like to adopt for this particular
menu page. This will depend on the Buttons Per Page selection.
Background allows you to customize background images for this menu
page. Click Add Personal Photo as Background and you will be
allowed to select your own personal background image from your HDD.
Find and select the file. Then click Open. To delete a customized
background image (default images may not be deleted), click the
Background tab first and then select a background image that you
previously added. Finally, click Delete Custom Background .
Chapter 10
Note: The size of this image file will be resized during playback (stretched to fit) depending
on the disc type you chose. Refer to the table at "NTSC and PAL" on page 142 for
more information.
Frames selections are for the visual representations of the individual
chapters or slideshows.
Navigational Buttons will include Home, Next and Previous if your
disc possesses multiple menu pages.
Graphic Buttons are for chapter selections that may be represented by
static images instead of the chapter’s thumbnails.
To edit text, click in the text boxes twice and a cursor will flash. Begin typing. To
set its format, select the text and click on Set Text Format to format your
menu’s text. Click OK.
Click Next Page and Previous Page to set other menu pages (if
applicable). For example, if you have 30 chapters and 3 slideshows, the total
number of buttons will be 33. If the maximum number of buttons for every menu
page is 10, you will have a total of 4 menu pages (10 per page with 3 remaining
on the 4th page).
Click on Background Music to select an audio file to be played in the
background for your menus. Select the audio file and then click Open.
To remove an audio file, click Remove Music .
9 Click Next after you are finished.
Authoring: Previewing Content
1 To preview your content before you burn it or save it as a movie file (disc
image), click Next. If you would like to burn right now, select No, burn disc
now, click Next and go to "Burning Your Disc" on page 134.
2 Now, put the remote control to its full use during the
preview. Click Toggle View to switch to a full screen
preview window. This is where you may click and drag the
remote control to any position on the display window.
Click Toggle View again to minimize the screen.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
3 Use the remote control’s menu arrows in order to select the proper file, chapter,
or slideshow and click Enter to begin previewing. You may also click the
each individual selection directly to begin playback without using the remote
To return to the menu, click Menu .
Utilize the navigational functions such as Play, Pause and Stop during the
Click Next Chapter and Previous Chapter to navigate faster and
jump to other chapters.
4 After you are satisfied with the preview, click Next to continue to the final
Note: The disc preview is only a simulation of the actual content that will be burned/
produced. The video size and any other effects may be slightly dissimilar.
Chapter 10
Burning or Saving Your Movie
You have reached the final stage of distributing your masterpiece for public
consumption. You may either burn to your disc or save it as a movie file (disc
Caution: If you are using CD-R discs (even multi-session discs), they must be completely
new and blank.
Burning Your Disc
1 The first step of the final stage is if you would like to burn it on your disc or to
save this as an image file onto your hard disk drive. Select Burn disc now. To
Save to hard disk drive, select it and refer to "Saving as a Movie File" on page
2 Check Include PowerDVD runtime on disc if you would like to make the
autoplay feature available for your movie disc so that it will play automatically
on any computer even without a DVD playback software. Click Next.
3 Select the proper Recording drive by clicking on the drop-down menu.
4 Enter a label for this movie disc in the Volu me La bel field.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
5 Enter the number of copies you would like to make. During the burning
process, after one movie disc has been completed, the Disc Wizard will notify
you for the next burning session so prepare all your discs beforehand!
6 Select the Recording speed by clicking on the drop-down menu.
7 Checked as default are two options listed below:
Enable disc burning simulation is a pseudo-burning session that
undergoes the burning process through simulation for testing.
Include buffer under-run protection is to create a buffer for the burning
process that maximizes system stability during the burning process and
allows users to multitask. Without the buffer under-run protection,
stability is minimized and multitasking would prove difficult.
To erase all the content on your rewritable disc before burning, click Erase Disc
Content .
Note: If you are using a CD-RW disc, you will be prompted to erase all data on your disc
before proceeding. Click Yes.
To check details of your drive, click Drive Info .
8 Click Burn it to begin writing to your disc.
9 To start another job after this one is complete, click Return to Start. Otherwise,
click Finish.
Chapter 10
Saving as a Movie File
1 The first step of the final stage is if you would like to burn it on your disc or to
save this as an image file onto your hard disk drive. Select Save to hard disk
drive and click Next if you have not already done so.
2 Depending on your disc type, only Save as a disc image file will be available if
you are burning a VCD or SVCD in the future. For DVD types, select the above
or Save as a DVD folder.
Creating Your Own Movie Disc
Enter the Volume Label if you wish.
Note: When saving as a disc image, it will be in a proprietary format only the Disc Wizard
may read and write to disk (i.e. burn) in the future. When saving as a DVD folder, all
files will be in a standard format that any disk writer software application may read
and write to disk (i.e. burn) in the future.
3 Enter the directory path and a new file name for this disc image. Or click
Browse to find the proper directory and then click Save. Click Next.
Click Abort to abort the process.
4 To start another job after this one is complete, click Return to Start. Otherwise,
click Finish.
Chapter 10
Saving and Opening Disc Wizard
If you are the perfectionist that people have claimed you to be, and you want to
create a spellbinding movie file (disc image), you may save your Disc Wizard project
(.CTR) for later use or reference.
1 At any step in the Disc Wizard, simply place your cursor on the
Show Menu tab (icons will vary depending on the last
performed action). The menu will be displayed.
2 Select Save As... A dialog box will appear. Find the folder and
then name your wizard project and then click Save.
Opening Disc Wizard Projects
To open a project, place your cursor on the Show Menu tab and select Open. Find
and select the CTR project file. Then click Open and you will be at the exact step
where you saved the project the last time.
Before asking CyberLink Corp. for technical support, please refer to this user's guide
or online help for more information. You may also contact your local distributor/
dealer. If your problem is still not resolved, the following sections provide ways to
obtain technical support.
Web Support
Solutions to your problem are available 24 hours a day at our Web sites in Taiwan,
USA, or Japan:
You may also find solutions in the FAQ section or at our Web sites. In addition to
frequently asked questions, we also provide troubleshooting techniques, the latest in
product news, and other relevant information.
Fax Support
In order to answer your technical questions as quickly as possible, you may fax us at:
(886) 2-8667-1467.
Note: Technical support is only offered to registered users, so please make sure to jot down
your CD-Key located on your CD case when visiting our Web sites or faxing.
Chapter 11
Telephone Support
You are welcome to call the CyberLink's Technical Support Hotline at:
(886) 2-8667-1298
Phone support hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (GMT+8:00) Taiwan
local time excluding holidays. When calling for support, please have your computer
ready and provide us with the following information:
your registered CD-Key
the product version
Windows' OS version
hardware types (capture card, sound card, VGA card) and their specifications
warning messages displayed
detailed problem description and when it occurred
Note: Technical support is only offered to registered users, so please make sure your CD-
Key is ready when calling.
What Is MPEG?
MPEG, simply, is an acronym short for the Moving Picture Experts Group which
belongs to the family of ISO/IEC standards (International Organization for
Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission). It is a compression
technology for digital video and audio signals intended for consumer distribution.
Included in the MPEG family are:
MPEG-1 (Audio/Video)
MP3 or MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (Audio)
MPEG-2 (Audio/Video)
MPEG-4 (Interactive Multimedia System)
MPEG-7 (Multimedia Database & Retrieval)
MPEG technology is defined as a bit-stream representation for synchronized digital
audio and digital non-interlaced or interlaced (MPEG-2 includes both) video
compressed to fit into a certain bandwidth:
MPEG-1 -- 1.5-4-0 Mbps (megabits per second)
MPEG-2 -- 4.0-10.0 Mbps
MPEG is responsible for multiplexing and synchronizing one video stream with a
single or multiple audio streams. MPEG-1 was designed to reproduce VHS/VCR
quality in a digital format, while the MPEG-2 concept, similar to MPEG-1, is
intended to cover a wider range of applications including DVD quality and its
primary goal of an all-digital transmission of broadcast TV at coded bitrates between
4 and 9 Mbps.
The NTSC (National Television Systems Committee) and PAL (Phase Alternating
Line) are television standards used for commercial television broadcasting around
the world. Both NTSC and PAL use interlaced content at 30 frames per second (i.e.
60 fields) and 25 frames per second (i.e. 50 fields) respectively.
Because fields in interlaced signals are independent of other fields within a given
frame, problems arise when two fields containing different imagery data are
interleaved for display on non-interlaced computer monitors. When video imagery
with superfluous movement is displayed, it usually causes motion artifacts (visual
imperfections) and is why deinterlacing in bob mode with PowerDVD XP is needed.
DVD titles whose content originates directly from films produced from Hollywood
studios (24 frames/second) won't possess motion artifacts.
The Digital Video Universe
Profit outlooks and shrinking demand in the technology industry not-withstanding,
the digital video revolution is well underway. There are still home videos to be
edited, videos to be distributed, and full length movies to be produced. In previous
generations, video editing and recording was accomplished through analog means
by video professionals who had access to high-priced machinery and video
equipment. Thus, many of those who wished to edit home footage or videos, if they
were lucky enough to have it recorded in the first place, never had the chance to
display their creative prowess when it came to video editing unless it involved
enrolling in film schools and obtaining access to production studios.
When the computer descended upon our lives and immersed itself in our world, it
was only a matter of time until processing speeds were incredibly fast and disk
space was vast enough to begin editing video at home with software applications
that didn’t require expensive video specialists, equipment or any other gadgets.
And coinciding with the computer industry’s major influence was the birth of the
DV (digital video) format, an international standard intended for consumer use,
back in 1995.
The DV Format: A Brief History
Like a seamless emergence and natural coalescence with desktop video editing, the
advent and proliferation of DV camcorders were sure to spark continued interest in
the infinite possibilities of digital video. What began back in 1995 and a DV format
agreement reached by a consortium of companies that included Hitachi, Ltd., Sony
Corp, Sharp Corporation, Thompson Multimedia, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation,
Victor Corporation of Japan (JVC), Matsushita Electric Industrial Corp. (Panasonic),
Philips Electronics, Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd., and Toshiba Corporation, is still being
ironed out until this day in terms of a consensual format.
The frontrunners at the time and still are until this day, are Sony and Matsushita
(Panasonic), which beat out the competition with their consumer releases hitting the
market first. Soon after though, the format wars began with professional DV
variants such as DVCAM (Sony) and DVCPRO (JVC) despite the DV format
agreement. Luckily, the basic DV format is still intact, but other factors were altered
(i.e. tape type, track pitch and width) so we are still left with backward-compatible
formats or incompatible formats between models from differing companies.
Hopefully, this won’t impact or trickle down to the consumer segment anytime soon.
What exactly is the DV format then? To start with, it has a 5:1 compression ratio and
its compression technology is quite similar to MPEG (e.g. DVD Video format).
Tips: For more information on MPEG, refer to "What Is MPEG?" on page 141.
The difference is that it relies more on intraframe compression where each
compressed frame will depend entirely on itself and not on data from preceding or
following frames like MPEG. However, the DV format does incorporate the use of
adaptive interfield compression where two extremely similar interlaced fields of a
frame will be compressed together to save space.
The analog generation is slowly witnessing its demise. There is still room left for
analog technology, but as the DV format perfects its compression technology and
enhances their non-linear editing (NLE) friendliness, the analog generation will soon
be outdated, fainting memories from a bygone era. Add to this the continued
popularity of video editing software and the uncompromising blazing speed of
computer processing power, and the perfect union between DV recording and
editing couldn’t be any more natural or fitting.
In the early courting stages of video editing software and DV format recording, there
had to be an intermediary between the two technologies to make it a success,
because as you know from analog transference, there is always data lost from the
original source. FireWire, or IEEE-1394, is this unerring technology when it comes to
data loss, as in “lossless” transfer. A serial data transfer protocol and interconnection
(bi-directional) system, FireWire transmits digital video (DV) offering a higher
transfer rate and incorporating the use of hot-plugging technology (i.e. connecting
and disconnecting without shutting down the host computer).
ASF Short for Advanced Streaming Format, a streaming multimedia
file format developed by Microsoft for Windows 98. Term is
currently used interchangeably with WMA and WMV.
bitrate Bitrate denotes the average number of bits that one second of
video/audio data will consume.
CD-R & CD-
CD-R stands for "CD-Recordable". Recordable CDs are WORM
(Write Once, Read Multiple) media that work just like standard
CDs but may only be written to once unlike CD-Rewritable (CD-
RW) discs, which may be reused. However, its main disadvantage
is that it doesn't work in all players. CD-Rewritable drives are able
to write both CD-R and CD-RW discs and all CD recorders can
read CDs and CD-ROMs. Volume, of 650 MB, is just like any other
CD-ROM disc.
chapter For DVDs, chapters make up one title. There are roughly 20+
chapters for the entire length of one DVD movie.
codec Short for video COmpression and DECompression. Each codec
uses a different algorithm to compress and decompress video
data. Without codecs, storing and playing back digital video
would be impractical. Common codecs include Indeo, Cinepak,
RLE, MS Video 1, and MPEG.
deinterlace Deinterlaces interlaced video content, especially from TV signals
and is mainly used to display interlaced video programs on non-
interlaced computer monitors (see "interlaced video content" on
page 147 for more information).
DivX A digital video codec that uses MPEG-4 technology. This file
format compresses high-quality video to a small enough size that
makes sending video over the Internet a realistic option for many
DV Digital Video. Refers to the capturing, manipulation and
storage of video in digital formats. The DV format is an
international standard intended for consumer use created back
in 1995 by a consortium of companies.
DVD Digital Versatile Disc. DVD is a high capacity CD-size disc for
video, multimedia, games and audio applications.
DVD-ROM A read-only format, it is similar to the CD-ROM format for
compact discs but holds up to 4.7 GB for single-side and single-
layered discs. More common today is the single-sided and
dual-layered 8.5 GB discs. Further down the scale is double-
sided and single-layered 9.4 GB discs and double-sided and
dual-layered 17 GB discs.
DVD-RW DVD-RW (formerly DVD-R/W and also briefly known as
DVD-ER) is a phase-change erasable format. Developed by
Pioneer and based on DVD-R, it uses similar track pitch, mark
length, and rotation control. DVD-RW is playable in most DVD
drives and players. Capacity is 4.7 billion bytes and can be
rewritten about 1,000 times.
DVD+RW DVD+RW, supported by Philips, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, etc.,
is an erasable format based on CD-RW technology. It is not
supported by the DVD Forum (even though the DVD+RW
companies are members), but the Forum has no power to set
standards. DVD+RW drives will read DVD-ROMs, CDs, DVD-
Rs and probably DVD-RWs, but will not read or write DVD-
RAM discs. The drives can also write CD-Rs and CD-RWs.
DVD+RW discs, which hold 4.7 billion bytes per side, should
be readable in most existing DVD Video players and DVD-
ROM drives. It can be rewritten about 1,000 times (down from
100,000 times in the original version).
flip video This option is for certain video formats (such as YUY2)
provided by some hardware capture devices which will might
be displayed as upside-down during recording.
fps Frames Per Second. A measure of how much information is
used to store and display motion video. The term applies
equally to film video and digital video. Each frame is a still
image; displaying frames in quick succession creates the
illusion of motion. The more frames per second (fps), the
smoother the motion appears. In general, the minimum fps
needed to avoid jerky motion is about 30. Some computer
video formats, such as AVI, provide only 15 frames per second.
frame rate For video content, the frame rate measures how many still
frames per second. The higher the better when capturing video
content with motion.
GOP Group of Pictures. A MPEG compression technology, the GOP
concept reduces the temporal redundancy across frames (from
frame to frame) for video content and consists of I, B, P frames.
hue Is an attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red,
yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any
contiguous pair of these colors.
I-frame A.k.a. intra pictures, I-frame is typically the first frame of each
GOP (apart of video compression technology used by MPEG),
is moderately compressed, and serves as the reference points
for random access and can be likened to images.
interlaced video
Describes video content within a given frame where there are 2
imagery data fields, even and odd, that is scanned separately
(e.g. NTSC and PAL television signals). This usually poses a
problem when interlaced content meets non-interlaced
mediums like computer monitors, which only displays non-
interlaced content.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network. Provides a user up to 56
kbps of data bandwidth on a phone line that is also used for
voice, or up to 128 kbps if the line is only used for data.
kbps Kilobits per second. See bitrate.
kHz Kilohertz. Hertz (Hz) is a unit of frequency equal to one cycle
per second. One kHz is 1000 complete cycles per second.
LAN Local Area Network. A computer network that spans a
relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single
building or group of buildings and mainly connect
workstations and personal computers.
MiniDVD MiniDVD is a variation of DVD Video, where a true DVD
(including menus and high-resolution MPEG-2 video) is
placed on CD-R media.
MBR Multibitrate codecs allow several streams of different bitrates
to be bundled into one file. The streaming server then
communicates with the end user's media player to determine
the optimum speed for delivery.
mono Mono is a single audio channel for lowest bitrate consumption.
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group. A family of international
standards used for coding audio/video information into
digital format. Currently, MPEG-2 is the standard for digital
video formats and MP3 for strictly digital audio formats.
video content
Describes video content within a given frame that does not
consist of distinct imagery data fields. (e.g. computer
noise removal Removes video artifacts such as white noise from video
NTSC National Television Systems Committee. Is a standard format
adopted by the FCC for television broadcasts in the United
States, Japan, Canada, and Mexico. Specifications: 525 lines of
resolution per frame at 30 fps.; 60 Hz field frequency; requires
a 6 MHz analog channel for transmission.
PAL Phase Alteration Line. Is the standard format for television
broadcasts in Germany, Great Britain, South America,
Australia, and most of Western European and Asian countries.
PCM Pulse Code Modulation. Is a sampling technique for digitizing
analog signals, especially audio signals. PCM samples the
signal 8000 times a second; each sample is represented by 8 bits
for a total of 64 kbps. There are two standards for coding the
sample level. The Mu-Law standard is used in North America
and Japan while the A-Law standard is use in most other
resolution A synonym for sharpness in regards to imagery detail, it is
measured in lines or pixels.
sampling rate Sampling rate determines the sound frequency range
(corresponding to pitch), which can be represented in digital
waveform. The range of frequencies represented in a
waveform is often called its bandwidth.
saturation Is chromatic purity: freedom from dilution with white.
smoothing Smooths out image if you find video content is too fine and on
the grainy side.
stereo Short for stereophonic and developed in the 1950’s, it
constitutes sound reproduction using two independent audio
SVCD Conceived of in China, this format’s quality falls in between
that of VCD 2.0 and DVD.
SVRT Smart Video Rendering Technology. A proprietary CyberLink
technology, SVRT saves vast amounts of time when producing
movies that contain compressed MPEG files because it only
renders edited portions. This preserves the quality of
unrendered video portions of the original MPEG files.
title DVDs consist a maximum of 99 titles for every DVD Video.
Titles will consist of chapters.
Type I Method of storing DV data in AVI format that was defined by
Microsoft. This format stores data (i.e. video and audio) as a
single AVI stream. It offers better compression, but is newer,
and therefore compatible with fewer systems than Type II.
Type II Method of storing DV data in AVI format that was defined by
Microsoft. This format stores data (i.e. video and audio) as a
single video stream and 1-4 audio streams to store DV data. It
offers wider compatibility, but uses an older compression than
Type I. This format requires slightly more processing time to
split the video/audio stream while capturing.
VCD Video Compact Disc. Generally for video applications
employing MPEG-1 technology, video quality is not as
detailed as DVD and has similar technology to that of audio
video overlay Video overlay is the ability to superimpose computer graphics
over a live or recorded video signal and store the resulting
video image on hard disk.
Windows Media
This format is optimized for streaming and playing back
audio, video, and script data and is primarily used in
streaming presentations over the Internet. The main format
used is .WMV in combination with Microsoft's Windows
Media Player.
Windows Media
Services Server
The Windows Media Services server offers the ability to
provide multimedia content to a large number of clients using
.WMV, .ASF, .WMA, .MP3 and .WAV formats. It is for the
expanded use of streaming media such as live broadcasting
and intelligent streaming and is, by default, the best way to
stream media since it was designed especially for streaming. It
also provides sufficient tools and support for traffic
management and broadcasting streaming services. This differs
from HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) streaming, which is
directly streamed from Web servers.
WMA Windows Media Audio. A Windows Media proprietary
streaming audio format typically used to download and play
files or to stream content.
WMV Windows Media Video. A Windows Media proprietary
streaming audio/video format typically used to download and
play files or to stream content and is the main streaming
format used for Microsoft's Windows Media Player.
xDSL Refers collectively to all types of Digital Subscriber Lines, the
two main categories being ADSL and SDSL. Two other types
of xDSL technologies are High-data-rate DSL (HDSL) and
Symmetric DSL (SDSL). DSL technologies use sophisticated
modulation schemes to pack data onto copper wires. They are
sometimes referred to as last-mile technologies because they
are used only for connections from a telephone switching
station to a home or office, not between switching stations.
advanced settings 100
altering speeds. See Speed Mode
camcorders 3, 51
devices 1
generation 144
signals 148
video capture
See Capture Mode, analog video
antenna 53
image color filters 92
eyedropper tool 92
in modes. See specific mode for
to Storyboard 11, 30, 33
ASF format 145
audio capture. See Capture Mode, au-
dio capture
audio clips, adding to Storyboard 83
audio compression rate 101
Audio Mode
adding audio files 23, 24, 84, 86
applying 85
clearing effects 23, 24, 85
Master Audio. See Master Audio
removing audio files 23, 24
reverting 23, 24, 85
trimming audio files 24
applying 85
visual overview 12, 24
volume mixing 23, 24, 85
audio streams 141
AVI format 93, 147
movies.See producing, AVI movies
profiles 106
DV group 106
video for general purposes 105
Windows group 106
setting profiles of 110
audio setting 111
color 111
composition 111
compression 110
compression codec 110
data rate 111
frames per second 111
key frame 110
quality 111
video size 111
writing in 105
background color 76
bandwidth 148
basic procedures 27
batch capturing 63
See also Capture Mode, DV capture
bitrate 145
buffer 49, 102
burning your disc 134
DV 3, 51, 57
advent of 143
batch capturing from.See batch
Camera mode 57, 58
VCR mode 57, 60, 63
Camera mode 58
capture cards 3, 51
selecting source of 53
capture destination.See preferences,
capture destination
capture file name 45
Capture Mode
analog video capture 13
audio capture 13, 55
audio CD source 55
device setup 55
input setup 55
profile setup 56
setup 55
capturing selection 53
capturing video and audio 52
DV capture 13, 57
adding batch task 17, 65
batch capturing 15, 17, 63
Camera mode 58
current time 15
instant capturing 15, 17
marking in 17, 65
marking out 17, 65
profiles 54, 58, 61, 64
removing batch task 17, 66
seek tape 15, 17, 61, 64
shuttling 15, 17, 61, 64
starting batch task 17, 65
total time 15, 62
using non real-time 15, 17, 57, 58,
61, 64
using real-time 15, 17, 57, 58, 61,
VCR mode 60
visual overview 14, 16
recording 56, 59, 62
size limit 56, 59, 62
time limit 56, 59, 61
video capture
analog video 53
antenna 53
device setup 53
setup 53
snapshot 56
tuner source 53
visual overview 12, 13
capture performance 48
capture/export preferences. See pref-
erences, capture/export
capturing files
scenes detection 48
CD-R 145
CD-RW 145
clearing. See specific mode for details
closing PowerDirector 27
codec 145, 147
compression 110
Color Boards 34
new 34
restoring default in the Library 9, 34
showing in Library 9, 34
composition 111
compression 101, 145
audio rate 101
codec 110
setting 110
techniques of 102
technology of 93, 147
video rate 100
country of disc 119
crop resize option 69, 70
custom MPEG profiles. See MPEG,
custom profiles of
data packets 102
data rate 111
deinterlacing 100, 145
clips from Storyboard 39
files from Library 31
MPEG profiles 101
QuickTime profiles 115
RealVideo profiles 118
detected scenes
merging 37
removing 37
detecting scenes 8, 30, 35
advanced settings in 36
by changing timecodes 36
ignoring fade ins 36
ignoring flashing lights 36
in capture mode 48
setting sensitivity 35, 129
through changing of timecodes 129
digital camera 3, 51
disc wizard
adding slideshows 126
adjusting main menu order 127
buffer under-run protection,
including of 135
burning your disc 134
creating new movie 122
detecting scenes in 129
disc image file, loading of 123
discs with menus 129
DVD folder, loading of 123
enabling disc burning simulation
importing from projects 125
loading existing movie file 122, 123
menu options 131
menu templates 130
opening projects 138
PowerDVD runtime, including of
previewing content 132
saving as movie file 136
saving projects 138
selecting disc type 124
selecting media files 125
setting chapters 128
starting 122
video formats 124
visual overview 12
display preferences. See preferences,
DSL 145
DV 144, 146
camcorders 3
buffer time 49
Camera mode.See camcorders,
capturing from 57
DVCAM format 143
DVCPRO format 143
VCR mode.See camcorders, DV
See also camcorders, DV
Capture Mode of
visual overview 14, 16
See also Capture Mode, DV cap-
capturing source of 13
format of 143
parameters setup 49
profiles 106
previewing when writing 28
timecode 15, 17, 61, 64
writing multiples files to 28
writing to 28, 105, 106, 108
universe of 143
detecting scenes with 36, 129
introduction of 93
profiles of 59
used optimally with SVRT 106
writing to tape 28, 108
DVD 146
DVD+RW 146
DVD-RW 146
edit preferences. See preferences, edit
editing MPEG profiles 101
editing QuickTime profiles 115
editing RealVideo profiles 118
Effects Mode
applying 76
background color setting 76
clearing effects 21, 76
effects settings table 74
foreground color setting 76
linked settings for 76
marking in 76
marking out 76
reverting 21, 76
supplying video effects 73
visual overview 12, 21
end of file 11, 33, 68
exiting PowerDirector 7, 27
file formats, supported 4
importing into Library 30
FireWire 3, 51, 144
flip video 146
foreground color 76
frame rate
display preferences 47
See frames per second.
frames per second 100, 146
general preferences.See preferences,
GOP 147
grid lines 89
hardware requirements. See system re-
quirements, hardware
Help 29
hold time 79
hotkey list 41
hue 147
I-frame 147
image color filters. See applying, image
color filters
importing files. See Library, importing
input file formats 4
intelligent streaming 150
interlaced video content 141, 142, 147
See also non-interlaced video
i-Power 7, 29
ISDN 147
kbps 147
key frame 110
kHz 147
LAN 147
letterbox resize option 69, 70
deleting files from 31
displaying as file details 8
displaying as large icons 8
importing directory 8, 30
importing files into 30
importing media 8, 28, 30
new Color Boards in 34
previewing files in 32
removing from 30
restoring default Color Boards in 34
Show Audio icon 8
showing all audio files 8, 30
showing all image files 8, 30
showing all media files 8, 30
showing all video files 8, 30
showing Color Boards 34
visual overview 8
marking in
See Capture Mode, DV capture
See Effects Mode, marking in
See Titles Mode, marking in
marking out
See Capture Mode, DV capture
See Effects Mode, marking out
See Titles Mode, marking out
Master Audio 10
clearing effects 87
fade in 85, 87
fade out 85, 87
repeating 87
reverting 87
trimming in 87
applying 87
volume mixing 87
Master Watermark 10, 91
applying color filter in 91
MBR 147
merging detected scenes 37
minimizing PowerDirector 7, 27
Modes Wheel
visual overview 12
Modes.See specific mode
mono 148
movie files
See also disc wizard, loading
existing movie file
MPEG 93, 141, 147, 148
audio compression setting of 101
compared to DV format 143
profiles 95, 96, 98
custom 100
video for general purposes 94, 97
used optimally with SVRT 95
MPEG-1 149
producing movies of.See
producing, MPEG-1 movies
MPEG-2 148
producing movies of.See
producing, MPEG-2 movies
ISDN 147
local area 147
protocols 102
new project 28
next frame 11, 33
noise removal 100, 148
non-interlaced video content 141, 142,
non-linear editing 144
NTSC 142, 148
PowerDirector projects 28
wizard projects 138
output file formats 4
overlay.See video overlay
PAL 142, 148
parameters setup.See DV, parameters
pausing 11, 15, 33, 68
PC camera 3, 51, 56
capture cards 3, 51
PCM 148
Picture-in-Picture Mode
applying image color filter 22, 25, 92
clearing effects 22, 89
editing video in 90
keeping aspect ratio 89
reverting 22, 89
selecting 88
transparency setting 89
visual overview 12, 22
playing files 11, 15, 33
playing movie 10, 40, 50
ports 53
PowerDirector overview 6
preferences 44
destination of 48
DV parameters setup 49
Library files tool tips 47
applying clip preferences 46
default durations 46
removing clips 46
file directory and name
default export directory 44
default import directory 44
frame rate 47
capture file name 45
clip 50
window size 50
scene detection in capture mode 48
Preview Mode 12
preview preferences. See preferences,
Preview Window 11
during production 10, 40, 50
in Preview Window 33
in Video Viewer 32
Library files 32
preferences. See preferences,
the Storyboard 30
title effects 79
transitions 81
when writing to DV tape 28, 107
previous frame 11, 33, 68
AVI movies 105
from Storyboard clips 38
movies on a disc 119
MPEG-1 movies 94
MPEG-2 movies 97
preferences 50
profiles.See profiles
visual overview 12
Windows Media movies 102
AVI.See AVI format, setting profiles
MPEG.See MPEG, profiles
video for general purposes 54, 58,
61, 64
video for movie disc production 55,
59, 61, 64
Windows Media.See Windows
Media, profiles
properties of project 28
profiles 113
custom 114
QuickTime format
video for general purposes 112
profiles 117
custom 118
RealVideo format
video for general purposes 116
recent files 28
recently used files 45
recording 11, 15
audio CD 56
Capture Mode.See Capture Mode,
upside-down 146
audio files. See Audio Mode,
removing audio files
batch task. See Capture Mode, DV
detected scenes 37
titles. See Titles Mode, removing
images. See Trim Mode, for image
video. See Trim Mode
resolution 148
reverting. See specific mode for details
sampling rate 148
saturation 148
PowerDirector projects 28
wizard projects 138
detecting by changing timecodes 36
See also detecting scenes
seek tape.See Capture Mode, DV cap-
See Capture Mode, audio capture
See Capture Mode, profile setup
See Capture Mode, video capture
shuttling 15, 17, 61
size limit.See Capture Mode, size limit
slow motion. See Speed Mode
Smart Video Rendering Technology 1,
93, 95, 97, 106
smoothing 100, 148
snapshot 15, 18
preferences 49
to clipboard 49
to file 49
to wallpaper 49
sound cards 102
speakers 102
Speed Mode
applying 72
audio settings of 72
clearing effects 19, 72
decreasing speed 19, 71
increasing speed 19, 71
preserving original audio speed 72
reverting 19, 72
synchronizing audio with video 72
visual overview 12, 19
speed quality indicator 100
splitting video
in Trim Mode 69
while detecting scenes 37
start of file 11, 33, 68
stereo 149
stopping 11, 15, 17, 33
activating Master Audio 10
activating Master Watermark 10
applying audio files to 38
applying to. See applying, to
copying from 29, 39
cutting from 29, 39
deleting from 29
display preferences 47
functions of 38
moving clips 38
removing clips 39
going to 39
pasting on 29, 39
playing movie 10, 40
preferences 50
scrolling left 10
scrolling right 10
visual overview 10
ASF format 145
format of 150
intelligent streaming. See intelligent
requirements for 3
server 147
technology 102
stretch resize option 69, 70
supported file formats 4
system requirements 3
technical support 139
time limit.See Capture Mode, time lim-
time slider 18, 33, 68
timecode.See DV, tape
Titles Mode
adding titles 20, 78
applying 80
clearing effects 20, 80
marking in 20, 79
marking out 20, 79
removing titles 20, 80
reverting 20, 80
selecting title effects 79
hold time 79
previewing 79
setting fonts 20, 78
showing all titles 80
visual overview 12, 20
Transitions Mode
applying 82
clearing effects 25, 26, 82
previewing 81
reverting 25, 26, 82
selecting of 81
transition length 82
visual overview 12, 26
Trash Can
using in Library 31
Trim Mode
applying 69
clearing effects 18, 69
for image files 70
clearing effects 70
duration setting 70
resizing 70
reverting 70
marking in 18, 68
marking out 18, 68
resizing video 68
reverting 18, 69
snapshot 15, 18
splitting video 69
total trim time 18
visual overview 12, 18
audio files. See Audio Mode,
trimming audio files
files. See Trim Mode
antenna 53
broadcast 141
producing for 106
capturing from 53
frame rate 111
station logos 91
TV Safe Zone 89
type of disc 119
USB 3, 51
VCD 149
video capture devices
optional list 3
selecting of 53
video compression rate.See compres-
sion, video rate
video editing
in previous generations 143
software 1, 93, 144
video effects. See Effects Mode
video format of disc 119, 124
video overlay 48, 149
video scaling 102
video size 100, 111, 115, 118
Video Viewer 32
viewing scenes 30
watermark. See Master Watermark
Web server 102, 150
Windows Media 102, 149
Audio (WMA) 150
Player 102, 149, 150
profiles 102, 103
video for general purposes 103
Services server 149
Video (WMV) 150
Windows OS
system requirements. See system
WMA 150
WMV 150
multiple files to DV tape 28
to DV tape.
See DV, tape
to tape
previewing 28
xDSL 150

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