Chapter 4: Settings
If your notebook/laptop is running on a battery, use the Battery option
to set the amount of battery power level at which CyberLink PowerDVD
will stop playback at.
• Use the slider to set the percentage (3%-100%).
Power scheme
In the Power scheme section you can select a setting to control power
usage and playback performance.
• Maximum battery life: select this option to allow for longer play
with a slight loss of performance.
• Balanced: select this option for an even compromise between
quality and performance.
• Maximum performance: select this option for the best possible
playback, but with a slightly shorter battery life.
LCD brightness
Configure your LCD brightness when playing content on a notebook/
laptop that is running on a battery.
Note: This feature is only available under Windows Vista.
• Adjust LCD brightness when using battery: select this option
to save battery power by lowering the brightness of your
notebook’s/laptop’s LCD display.
• Enhance video to compensate for brightness when using
battery: select this option to enhance the video’s brightness to
compensate for lowered LCD brightness when trying to save
battery power.