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User's Guide
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of CyberLink
To the extent allowed by law, Power2Go IS PROVIDED “AS IS”,
The terms and conditions here under shall be governed and
construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan.
Power2Go is a registered trademark along with other company
and product names mentioned in this publication, used for
identification purposes and remain the exclusive property of their
respective owners.
International Headquarters
Mailing Address
Web Site
CyberLink Corporation
15F., No. 100, Minquan Rd., Xindian Dist.
New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Copyright © 2011 CyberLink Corporation. All rights reserved.
............................................................................1Lastest Features
............................................................................2Power2Go Versions
................................................................................................3Supported Media
............................................................................3Supported File Types
............................................................................4Supported Disc Types
................................................................................................4System Requirements
....................................................5Power2Go Workspace
................................................................................................6CyberLink Power2Go Modes
............................................................................6Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget Mode
............................................................................9Power2Go Full Program Mode
....................................................15Data Disc
................................................................................................15Creating and Burning Data Discs
................................................................................................16Burning a Secured Data Disc
....................................................19Music Disc
................................................................................................19Burning an Audio CD or MP3/WMA Music Disc
....................................................21Video Disc
................................................................................................21Burning a Video Disc
............................................................................22Creating a Video Disc
............................................................................22Selecting/Editing Disc Menus
CyberLink Power2Go
............................................................................26Editing Disc Preferences
............................................................................26Burning Video to Disc
................................................................................................27Burning a DVD Folder
....................................................29Photo Gallery Disc
................................................................................................29Creating and Burning Photo Gallery Discs
................................................................................................32Viewing Photo Gallery Discs
....................................................33System Recovery
................................................................................................33Burning a System Recovery Disc
................................................................................................34Restoring Your Computer
....................................................35Copy Disc
................................................................................................35Copying Discs
................................................................................................36Saving a Disc Image
................................................................................................37Burning a Disc Image
....................................................39Disc Utilities
................................................................................................39Erasing a Disc
................................................................................................39Ripping Audio
................................................................................................40Converting Audio Files
................................................................................................40Burning Mixed Discs
............................................................................41Burning a CD Extra/Mixed Mode CD
................................................................................................43Power2Go Virtual Drive
............................................................................43Mounting a Disc Image
............................................................................43Disabling a Mounted Disc Image
Additional Burning Notes
and Features
................................................................................................45Using the CyberLink ISO Viewer
................................................................................................46Multisession Discs
....................................................47Power2Go Settings
................................................................................................47Viewing the Info Tab
................................................................................................47Configuring Data Settings
................................................................................................48Configuring Audio CD Settings
................................................................................................48Configuring MP3 Disc Settings
................................................................................................48Configuring WMA Quality Settings
................................................................................................49Configuring Library Settings
................................................................................................49Configuring Video Settings
................................................................................................49Configuring Common Settings
................................................................................................50Configuring Burner Settings
....................................................53Technical Support
................................................................................................53Before Contacting Technical Support
................................................................................................54Web Support
Intro duction
Chapter 1:
This chapter introduces the CyberLink Power2Go program and includes an
overview of its newest features. It also outlines the available Power2Go versions,
lists the supported media types, and reviews the recommended system
Note: this document is for reference and informational use only. Its content and the
corresponding program are subject to change without notice.
Welcome to the CyberLink family of digital media tools. CyberLinkPower2Go is the
all-media burning software that supports all drives and discs, including CD, DVD,
and Blu-ray Disc(TM).
With CyberLink Power2Go you can create and burn data discs, music discs, photo
gallery discs, video discs, and even system recovery discs. You can also use the
handy disc utilities to erase and copy discs, or to mount disc images as a virtual
drive. CyberLink Power2Go is the all-in-one burning software for the PC.
Lastest Features
The latest version of CyberLink Power2Go includes many new features that make
your burning tasks easier. This section describes the latest features in the CyberLink
Power2Go program.
Virtual Drive
Mount a disc image file and access it as if using a real disc drive.
Create System Recovery Disc*
Back up your computer and Windows system files on discs.
System Recovery*
Restore your computer from a system image on system recovery discs.
CyberLink Power2Go
Extended Disc Image Format Support
Support for the RDF disc image format.
Extended Codec Support*
Support for imported videos with the H.264 and AAC codecs.
WaveEditor 2*
Includes the latest version of this audio editing program, which includes
multi-track mixing and CD creation.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Power2Go Versions
The features that are available to you in CyberLink Power2Go are completely
dependent on the version you have installed on your computer.
To determine your version of CyberLink Power2Go, press Ctrl+B on your keyboard
or select Help > About Power2Go.
Corp (Site
Data Disc
Video Disc
Music Disc/
Mixed Disc
Intro duction
Gallery Disc
Updating Power2Go
Software upgrades and updates (patches) are periodically available from CyberLink.
CyberLink Power2Go automatically prompts you when either is available.
To update your software, do this:
1. Click the button to open the Upgrade Information window.
2. Click the feature you would like to upgrade to, or the patch you want to
update CyberLink Power2Go with.
3. A web browser window opens, where you can purchase product upgrades or
download the latest patch update.
Supported Media
The following is a list of the media that is supported in CyberLink Power2Go. Note
that the specific media that is supported by your version of the program is
dependent on the version installed on your computer.
Supported File Types
Except when creating data discs (which can accept any kind of file type), the
following is a list of the file types that you can import when creating music, video,
or photo disc in CyberLink Power2Go.
Audio formats: MP3, M4A, WAV, WMA
Video formats: ASF, AVI, DAT, DVR-MS, M2T, M2TS, MOV, MOD, MP4, MPE, MPEG,
Image formats: BMP, GIF, JPE, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF
CyberLink Power2Go
Supported Disc Types
CyberLink Power2Go supports the burning of the following disc types:
Blu-ray Disc: BDXL, BD-R, BD-R DL, BD-RE, BD-RE DL
System Requirements
The system requirements listed below are recommended as minimums for burning.
You may find that your system, while meeting these recommended minimums,
requires expanded capacity during specific burning tasks.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows 7, Vista, XP
1024 x 768 or higher
128 MB SDRAM for music and data burning
256 MB DDR RAM (512 MB recommended) for video
VCD (MPEG-1) production: Intel Pentium II 450 MHz
DVD (MPEG-2) production: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz, or
AMD Athlon 700 MHz (Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz, or AMD
Athlon 2100+ or above recommended)
1 GB for making VCD videos
5-10 GB for making DVD videos
25 GB for making Blu-ray Discs
Note: the system requirements are subject to change. G o to the CyberLink
Power2G o home page at http://www.cyberlink.com for the most up-to-date system
Power2Go Workspace
Power2Go Workspace
Chapter 2:
This chapter provides a complete overview of CyberLink Power2Go workspace and
the available modes of the program. CyberLink Power2Go has several windows that
vary slightly in appearance. However these windows have several consistent
features that make your burning experience more convenient.
When you start a new burning task in Power2Go Full Program mode (except when
creating a video disc or using the disc utilities), the program displays as follows:
A - Search Pa ne, B M edia Pa ne (M edia on Your Computer), C - Sea rch for M edia , D - Upgrade, E -
Select Disc Burner, F - Burn Now Button, G - Disc Content Area (M edia to be Burned), H - Disc
Ca pacity Indicator
CyberLink Power2Go
CyberLink Power2Go Modes
The CyberLink Power2Go program can run in one of two modes:
Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget Mode
Power2Go Full Program Mode
The Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget mode is the simpler of the two modes,
allowing you to burn discs in just two steps. The Power2Go Full Program Mode
provides access to all of the burning features and disc utilities available in the
Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget
The Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget makes burning discs quick and easy. It sits
on your desktop (if enabled) so you can conveniently drag and drop files on to it
while you work. CyberLink Power2Go prepares the media for burning, and provides
instant burning when you are ready.
The Desktop Burning Gadget is available in all versions of Windows, and uses the
following icons:
Gadget Icon
Power2Go Function
The Data Disc gadget. Drag and drop data files on this icon to
burn them to a disc.
Power2Go Workspace
Gadget Icon
Power2Go Function
The Audio CD gadget. Drag and drop music files on this icon
to burn an audio CD to disc that plays on a conventional CD
The Video Disc* gadget. Drag and drop video files on this icon
to burn them to a disc.
The Copy Disc gadget. Click on in this gadget to copy the
contents of one disc on to another. For detailed information
on copying discs, see Copy Disc.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Enabling the Desktop Burning Gadget
When you first install CyberLink Power2Go, the Desktop Burning Gadget is
automatically enabled. When it is running, the icon displays in the Windows
notification area (system tray). Double-click on it to view the gadget, or right click
on it for more options.
If the Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget is not running, you can enable it by
selecting the CyberLink Power2Go 8 > Desktop Burning Gadget option from the
CyberLink Power2Go
Windows start menu.
Burning with the Desktop Burning Gadget
To burn a disc with the Desktop Burning Gadget, do this:
1. Locate the files on your computer that you want to burn.
2. Drag and drop all of the files you want on your disc to the appropriate
Desktop Burning Gadget icon, i.e. music files to the Audio CD gadget, video
files to the Video Disc gadget, etc.
3. Click on in the Power2Go Desktop Burning Gadget to begin the burning
Desktop Burning Gadget Burning Tips
The following are some tips you should be aware of when burning with the
Desktop Burning Gadget:
To switch between functions in the Desktop Burning Gadget, click on the
arrows at the top of the icon .
Click on the icon in the bottom left of the Desktop Burning Gadget to open
a window and view a detailed list of the content to be burned.
All music discs burned with the Desktop Burning Gadget are in the audio CD
If you drag and drop video files onto the Audio Disc icon, CyberLink
Power2Go extracts the audio from the video files for burning.
Configuring the Desktop Burning Gadget
Right-click on the icon in the Windows notification area (system tray) to view a
list of options of configuring the Desktop Burning Gadget.
The list of options include:
Always on Top: select to keep the Desktop Burning Gadget on top of any
other programs you are running.
Power2Go Workspace
Start Program When System Starts: select to auto launch the Desktop Burning
Gadget whenever you turn on your computer.
CyberLink Virtual Drive: click to launch the CyberLink Virtual Drive window
where you can mount image files and more. See Power2Go Virtual Drive for
more information.
Erase Disc: select to erase a re-writable disc that is currently in the disc drive.
About: select to display CyberLink Power2Go version information.
Help: select to open this help file.
Exit: select to close the Desktop Burning Gadget.
Power2Go Full Program Mode
The Power2Go Full Program mode is the main mode of CyberLink Power2Go where
you can access all of its features.
New Task Window
All of these features are accessed in the new task window, which displays
automatically when you launch CyberLink Power2Go.
To begin a burning project, just select a task icon along the top and then the
burning task you want to perform.
Power2Go Tasks
The following is a list of the CyberLink Power2Go features you can access in the
new task window:
Task Icon
Power2Go Function
Use the Data Disc task to burn data files to a CD, DVD, or Blu-ray
Disc. Data files can include any kind of document or digital file.
See Data Disc for more information.
CyberLink Power2Go
The Music Disc task allows you to burn audio files in the MP3*,
WMA, or WAV format to a CD or DVD. You can also extract audio
from video files for burning or create a traditional audio CD. See
Music Disc for more information.
In the Video Disc* task window you can create a professional
looking movie disc on a CD*/DVD that contains your video files.
This feature also allows the burning of DVD folders to a disc. See
Video Disc for more information.
Create a Photo Gallery Disc* with your photos on a CD, DVD, or
Blu-ray Disc in this task window. These discs contain a photo
showcase application that runs on any computer with the
included viewer. See Photo Gallery Disc for more information.
Go to the System Recovery* task window to create a disc that
you can use to restore your computer if it ever crashes and
stops working. See System Recovery for more information.
You can use the Copy Disc task to make an exact copy of a disc
if you have more than one disc drive in your computer. You can
also create or burn a disc image in this task window. See Copy
Disc for more information.
From the Disc Utilities task window you can access a number of
useful features, including the erase disc, rip audio, and audio
converter. This window also provides access to the CyberLink
virtual drive, and is where you can create and burn mixed and
CD extra discs. See Disc Utilities for more information.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Using the Search Pane
The search pane is available in most of the main CyberLink Power2Go windows and
Power2Go Workspace
is a useful tool that can help you find the media you want to burn to a disc quickly.
The search pane may have any of the following three tabs: Browse, Filter, and
Note: you can also enter in keywords in the search media field to search for files in a
specific folder on your computer.
Browse Tab
On the Browse tab you can navigate through the drives and folders on your
computer. It is similar to Windows Explorer, and when you select a folder, the files
(in the supported format for the selected disc type) display in the media pane.
Filter Tab
The Filter tab is available when you are burning data discs. On this tab you can
filter the type of data files you want to include on your disc to simplify the search
Select All files if you want to view all the files in a folder, or select Custom files and
then select the file types from the list you are searching for. Click Edit to customize
the list of file extensions that CyberLink Power2Go uses to filter. You can add or
remove file extensions from the filter list by selecting the Edit button and making
the changes as required.
Media Tab
Use the Media tab when creating music discs to quickly find the music files you are
looking for. CyberLink Power2Go uses the CyberLink Media Library service to
categorize your music by artist, album, genre, year, and recently added.
Note: you can set the folders that are available in the CyberLink M edia Library in
settings. See Configuring Library Settings for more information.
Power2Go Projects
When creating discs for burning in the CyberLink Power2Go main window, you can
save burning projects in the P2G format so that you can edit and burn them at a
later date.
To do this, select Project > Save or Save As from the menu. To open a project you
created previously, select Project > Open from the menu.
CyberLink Power2Go
Power2Go User Preferences
CyberLink Power2Go offers several preferences to suit the program to your working
methods. To view the program’s preferences, select Project > Preferences from the
General Preferences
On the General tab, set the general preferences as follows:
Temporary directory: allows you to set a working directory that CyberLink
Power2Go uses to save temp files during the burning process.
Reset all "Do not ask me this question next time": if you selected this option in
a window during the disc creation process, this option allows you to reset
them all. Click Reset and these windows will begin to display again.
Capacity Preferences
On the Capacity tab you can set a custom disc size when burning content to CD, if
you are using discs that can hold more than 700 MB. The preferences are as follows:
Auto detection: enables CyberLink Power2Go to automatically detect a disc’s
Customize CD-R/RW capacity: select this option and then enter the new size
(in minutes) in the field provided to manually set a discs capacity.
Database Preferences
On the Database tab, set the Internet connection preferences as follows:
Automatically retrieve album/disc information from the Internet: select this
option to have CyberLink Power2Go automatically retrieve song and album
information when ripping audio files.
Language Preferences
On the Language tab, set your user interface language preferences as follows:
Use system default language: select this option if you want the CyberLink
Power2Go Workspace
Power2Go language display to be the same as the default language of your
operating system.
User defined: select this option and then select the language from the drop-
down list that you want CyberLink Power2Go to use.
Data Disc
Data Disc
Chapter 3:
The Data Disc option allows you to burn data files to a CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc.
Data files can include almost any kind of document or digital file. You can also
create a secured data disc if you are burning content sensitive or import files to a
Creating and Burning Data
To burn a data disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the Data Disc option and then select the type of
disc (CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc) you want to create. The Data Disc window opens.
2. Use the search pane (see Using the Search Pane for more information) to find
to the files you want to include on your disc. Select the files or folders you
want to burn and then drag and drop them in the disc content area.
Note: you can also click the button to add the data files or click the button to
create a folder on the disc.
3. After you have added all of the content that you want to burn, click the Burn
now button.
4. If required, adjust the settings on the Data, Common, or Burner tabs (see the
related sections in Power2Go Settings for more information.)
5. Click Burn when you are ready to burn your disc.
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
6. When the burning is complete, select one of the following options in the
window that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
CyberLink Power2Go
Burning a Secured Data Disc
The secured data disc option allows you to burn password-protected data files to a
CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc.
You can also burn secured data disc with encrypted file names. The encrypted file
names are hidden from users, unless they enter the correct password. You can
choose to secure all or only some of the files on a data disc.
Burning Secured Data Discs
To burn a secured data disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the Data Disc option and then select the type of
disc (CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc) you want to create. The Data Disc window opens.
2. Click the button.
3. Select the level of security for the disc: Secured (128-bit) or Highly secured
4. Enter a Password for your secured data disc. Re-enter the password again in
the Confirm password field and, if required, include a Password reminder,
which can assist you if you ever forget it.
5. Select the Hide the file names on a secured disc checkbox if you want to
encrypt the file names on the disc.
6. Click OK. Note that the disc content area is split into two sections.
7. Use the search pane (see Using the Search Pane for more information) to find
Data Disc
to the files you want to include on your disc. Select the files or folders you
want to burn and then drag and drop them to either the secured data area
(indicated in pink) or the regular non-secured data area (indicated in blue).
Note: you can also click the button to add the data files or click the button to
create a folder in the last disc area you selected.
8. Once you have added all of the content that you want to burn, click the Burn
now button.
9. If required, adjust the settings on the Data, Common, or Burner tabs (see the
related sections in Power2Go Settings for more information.)
10. Click Burn when you are ready to burn your disc.
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
11. When the burning is complete, select one of the following options in the
window box that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Viewing Content on a Secured Data Disc
When you burn data to a secured disc with CyberLink Power2Go, the CyberLink
Secure Browser is included on the disc so that you can view the content on the
1. When you insert a secured data disc into the disc drive, the CyberLink Secure
Browser prompts you for a password.
CyberLink Power2Go
Note: if the CyberLink Secure Browser does not automatically launch when you
insert a secured data disc, try navigating to the disc in W indows Explorer and then
double-click on the disc in the drive to launch it manually.
2. Enter your password and then click OK to display the CyberLink Secure
Browser window.
Note: if you selected to Hide the file names on a se c ured disc when creating
the disc, double-click on the secured folder in the list view to view the files.
3. In the CyberLink Secure Browser, you can perform the following functions:
Click to view a file in its default program.
To extract files from the disc and save them to a computer, select them and
then click .
Note: if your secured data disc has multiple sub folders, click to go up one level
to the previous folder.
Click to search for files. Type part or all of the file name or folder in the
field provided. When searching you can click Size to look for files of a specific
size, or Modified Date to look for files that were created or modified on or
between specific dates.
Note: to change the view of the items in the CyberLink Secure Browser, click .
M usic Disc
Music Disc
Chapter 4:
The Music Disc option allows you to create an MP3 or WMA CD/DVD with your
music files, or create a traditional audio CD that plays back on a regular CD player.
Burning an Audio CD or
MP3/WMA Music Disc
To burn an audio music CD or MP3/WMA music disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the Music Disc option and then select the type
of music disc you want to create (Audio CD, WMA CD, MP3 CD, WMA DVD,
MP3 DVD). The Music Disc window displays.
2. Use the search pane (see Using the Search Pane for more information) to find
to the music you want to include on your disc. Select the files you want to
burn and then drag and drop them in the disc content area.
Note: you can also click the button to add the music files or the other available
buttons to reorder and preview the music on the disc. If you want to extract the audio
from a video clip and include it on your music disc, simply add the video clip to the
3. If you would like to edit or add effects to a music file, select it and then click
the button to edit it in CyberLink WaveEditor*. Please consult the help file in
CyberLink WaveEditor for detailed information on editing audio in that
program. Once you finish editing an audio file, the updated file is placed back
in the disc content area.
4. Once you have added all of the content you want on your disc, click the Burn
now button.
5. If required, adjust the settings on the music (Audio CD, MP3 Disc, WMA
Quality), Common, or Burner tabs (see the related sections in Power2Go
Settings for more information).
6. Click Burn when you are ready to burn your disc.
CyberLink Power2Go
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
7. When the burning is complete, select one of the following options in the
window that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Video Disc
Video Disc
Chapter 5:
The Video Disc* option allows you to burn video files to CD or DVD, along with a
stylish disc menu. You may also burn a DVD folder to a disc.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Burning a Video Disc
When you select the Video CD (VCD) Disc* or DVD-Video Disc* option in the new
task window, the create disc window displays.
A - Disc Content Ta b, B - M enu Preferences Ta b, C- Disc Preferences Ta b, D - Disc Menu Font
CyberLink Power2Go
Properties, E - Disc Menu Preview Window , F - Burn to Disc, G - Preview Disc Menu, H - Disc M enu
Properties, I - M enu Na vigation Controls, J - Toggle Ca pa city Displa y, K - Disc Content
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
The steps to create and burn a video disc may vary depending on your
requirements. The following sections outline all of the features you can perform in
the create disc window, so consult the sections that apply to the disc you want to
Creating a Video Disc
To create a video disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the Video Disc option. Select either the Video
CD (VCD) Disc or DVD-Video Disc option to open the create disc window.
2. Click the button and then browse to and select the video file that
you want to include on the disc.
3. Click on to preview the imported video, if required.
4. Click the button to import additional video files if required. Each
video you import becomes another title or scene on your final disc.
5. Proceed to complete the disc creation process as required. See Selecting/
Editing Disc Menus for more information.
Selecting/Editing Disc Menus
Once you have added all of the content that you want on your disc, click on the
Menu Preferences tab to edit the existing disc menu or select another disc menu
All the disc menu templates in CyberLink Power2Go are multi-layered, and consist
of the following pages:
a main menu home (root) page.
a scenes page that lets you select the individual titles (videos) on your disc.
Video Disc
Selecting Disc Menu Templates
CyberLink Power2Go provides you with several stylish pre-designed menu
templates that you can choose from. These menus are already customized for you
and may include such features as motion and menu music.
Note: if you do not want to include a menu on your final disc, select the No M enu
template on the Me nu Prefe renc e s tab.
Select a menu template to preview it. Select Apply to apply the highlighted menu
page style to the specified menu page. Select Apply to All Pages if you want to use
the same style on every page (home and scenes page).
Note: if required, you can click on to go to DirectorZone, where you can
download and import additional disc menu templates.
Editing Disc Menu Properties
CyberLink Power2Go lets you edit some of the disc menu’s properties. Use the
menu navigation controls to preview the design and behavior of the current disc
If you want to view the scenes on your disc, use the button and the other
menu navigation controls to navigate through the disc menu. Or click the Preview
button at the bottom of the window to view what your disc will look like when
played on a disc player after burning.
Editing Disc Menu Text
To edit the text that appears on the menu page, including clickable button text,
double-click on it, and then enter the new text. You can modify menu text style,
size, and alignment using the disc menu font properties options located at the top
of the disc menu window.
To change the position of any text on your menu, just click and drag it to the new
Setting Disc Menu Background Music
Some of the pre-designed disc menu templates contain menu music. In the disc
menu properties are you can:
CyberLink Power2Go
click on to edit or replace the menu’s background music.
click to remove the current background music from the menu.
Adding/Editing Disc Menu Music
If you are using background music in your disc menu, click the button to
perform the following functions:
Note: the final duration of your disc menus background music is dependent on the
time entered in the Duration field in the Playback M ode Settings window, not the
length of music file used. See Setting Disc Playback M ode for more information on
setting your menu’s duration.
click the button to add/replace the menu background music.
trim the audio file using the playback controls and then move the sliders on
the trim bar to the desired start and end points.
select to have the menu music gradually Fade-in or Fade-out.
if the length of your menu music file is not as long as the specified duration,
select the Auto repeat option to loop it.
click Apply to All Pages to set the music for all of the disc menu pages, or
click Apply to set it for the current disc menu page you are editing.
Adding a First Play Video
Use this option to add a video as a first play video to your created disc. The first
play video plays automatically when the disc is inserted into a disc player, before
the disc menu loads. No navigation buttons are available during the first play, and
viewers cannot fast forward past this segment. In a professional production, this is
usually a copyright notice or warning. However, you may prefer to use a personal
introduction or other video clip instead.
To set a clip as first play, do this:
click and select the video that you want.
click to remove the video set as the first play video.
Video Disc
click to preview the first play video.
Setting Disc Playback Mode
Click the button to set how the disc plays back in a disc player. Select from one
of the available playback modes in the list.
In the Playback Mode Settings window you can set the following:
choose from one of the three available playback modes based on the
available descriptions. Your disc will follow the selected behavior when
inserted or play is pressed on your disc player.
if you want the disc content to play automatically, select the Auto menu time
out option. When selected, your disc content plays automatically after
displaying the disc menu for the specified duration. If you do not select this
option, your menu loops endlessly until you press the play button on your
disc player.
in the Duration field, enter in the length in seconds for the disc menu. The
minimum duration allowed is 10 seconds, while your disc menu can be up to
99 seconds long before it loops back to the beginning.
Note: the duration you enter is also the length of your menus background music,
even if the selected music file’s length is longer than the duration specified.
Specifying Buttons Per Page
When creating a disc with multiple titles /scenes, you can select the number of
thumbnail buttons that display on the scenes menu page. Use the Buttons per page
drop-down at the bottom of the Menu Preferences tab, to select the number you
want on these pages.
Note: the number of thumbnail buttons that can display on each menu page is
dependent on the design of the menu template.
Select Add thumbnail index to add numbering of your thumbnails to your menu
CyberLink Power2Go
Editing Disc Preferences
Before you burn a disc you should configure your disc preferences, including disc
and video file format, audio format, etc. Click on the Disc Preferences tab to
configure your discs preferences.
The following preferences are available on the Disc Preferences tab:
Disc Format
the format of your disc was determined by the option you selected on the
new task page (Video CD (VCD) Disc/DVD-Video Disc). Depending on the disc
format that you selected, there may be a drop-down option to select the
capacity of the disc.
Video and Audio Settings
Select the video recording format: if available for your selected disc format,
select the recording format of the video on your disc and its aspect ratio.
Select the video encoding format and quality: if available for your selected
disc format, select an encoding format and video quality for your disc. The
Smart Fit option automatically adjusts the bit rate to the best quality video
file that fits exactly to the capacity of the disc you are using.
Select the audio encoding format and channels: select an audio format for
your disc, and the number of channels it is capable of outputting to.
Note: the video quality and audio type options that are available depend on the disc
format that you have selected.
TV Format: select the TV format (NTSC or PAL) for your video. This format
should correspond to the region in which you plan to play your video disc.
Burning Video to Disc
Burning the disc is the final stage of the create disc process. Once your disc is
burned, you are able to play it on a disc player. Click on the Burn button and then
on Start Burning to begin the burning process.
Note: the burning process may take at least a few minutes, depending on the length
and quality of your video, and your computer’s processing power. Be prepared for a
short wait while CyberLink Power2G o renders your video disc.
Video Disc
Configuring Burn Settings
Before you burn to a disc for the first time, it is advised that you click on to
set your burning settings. After you configure these settings, CyberLink Power2Go
uses the same settings each time you burn until you change them.
Erasing Discs
If you are using a rewritable disc, you can erase content that has data previously
recorded on it. This allows you to reuse the same discs over and over without the
need to continually buy new discs. Click on the button to begin erasing a
When erasing a disc, select:
the Quick erase option to erase the disc index contained on the disc.
the Full erase option to erase all of the content the disc contains.
Burning a DVD Folder
A DVD folder is a directory folder specifically created to store media content of a
DVD, like a backup. Using the Burn DVD Folder* utility you can burn a DVD folder
to a DVD disc.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
To burn a DVD folder, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the Video Disc option. Select the Burn DVD
Folder option to open the Burn DVD Folder window.
2. Click and then select the DVD folder on your computer that you want to
burn to a disc.
3. Enter a Disc name in the field provided.
4. Insert your disc and then select your drive in the drop-down list.
5. If required, set the Write speed and the Number of copies you want to burn.
CyberLink Power2Go
6. Select Perform write simulation if you want CyberLink Power2Go to simulate
the burning process first to ensure the burn will finish successfully.
7. Click Burn to start the burning process.
8. When burning is complete, select an option in the window that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Photo Gallery Disc
Photo Gallery Disc
Chapter 6:
With the Photo Gallery Disc* option you can use your photos to create a dynamic
slideshow that is burned as a stand-alone photo showcase application on a CD,
DVD, or Blu-ray Disc. The photo gallery runs on any computer with the included
viewer, and can include photo descriptions and an external URL on the disc.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Creating and Burning Photo
Gallery Discs
When you create a photo gallery disc, you are essentially creating a photo album
on a disc. You can create more than one album on a single photo gallery disc.
To create and burn a photo gallery disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the Photo Gallery Disc option and then select
the type of disc (CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc) you want to create. The Photo Gallery
Disc window opens.
2. In the Disc Compilation pane, if required, enter a custom name for the photo
album that will appear on the disc.
3. Use the search pane (see Using the Search Pane for more information) to find
the photos you want to include on your disc. Select the photos you want to
burn and then drag and drop them in the disc content area (Click the
button to switch to the thumbnail view to make it easier to find the exact
photos you are looking for).
Note: you can also click the button to add the photos. Ensure that you have the
album you want to add the photos to selected in the Disc Compilation pane before
adding your photos.
4. Repeat the last two steps to add more photos to an album as required. You
can also click the button to create a new album on the disc.
5. After you have added all of the photos you want on your disc, click the Burn
now button.
CyberLink Power2Go
6. Click on the Gallery tab and then configure the photo gallery disc settings as
Gallery title: enter in a title for your photo gallery. The title displays on your
disc after it is burned.
Custom Logo: click on the Custom Logo button to customize the logo used in
your photo gallery, as follows:
Don't include logo in photo gallery: select this option if you don’t want to
include a logo in your created photo gallery.
Include logo in photo gallery: select this option if you want to include a
logo in your created photo gallery. Click the button to select an
image to use as the logo, replacing the default CyberLink logo.
Include URL link on logo: select this option if you want to include a URL
link on the logo. Once selected, enter the URL address in the field provided
(http://). When users click on the logo in the created photo gallery, they are
taken to the specified URL.
Click OK to save your changes.
Slideshow speed: enter the duration, in seconds, you want each photo or slide
to display when your photo gallery is played as a slideshow.
Background image: click the Change button to set the image that is used as
the background in the photo gallery. If none of the default images suit your
gallery disc, click the Browse button to use your own custom image.
Display EXIF information: if the images were taken with a digital camera that
supports EXIF, select this option if you want the image details displayed in
your photo gallery disc.
Add background music: if you want music to play in the background as users
browse through your photo gallery disc, select this option and then click
Browse to select the music file you want to use.
Include editor’s note: if you want to include a note or description about your
photo gallery, select this option, click Edit, and then enter the Title and
Content (note/description) in the fields provided.
Photo Gallery Disc
Include external URL: if you want to include a web site link on the photo
gallery disc, select this option, click Edit, and then enter the web site Name
and URL (http://) in the fields provided.
Click the Preview button if you want to view what your photo gallery disc will
look like once it is burned to a disc. Click Export to create the stand-alone
photo gallery application in a folder on your hard drive.
7. If required, adjust the settings on the Common and Burner tabs (see the
related sections in Power2Go Settings for more information).
8. Click Burn when you are ready to burn your disc.
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
9. When the burning is complete, select one of the following options in the
window box that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window and then exit.
CyberLink Power2Go
Viewing Photo Gallery Discs
Once you create a photo gallery disc, to view it all you need to do is insert the disc
into a computer’s disc drive. The photo gallery viewer will play the disc
If your disc does not play automatically or you exported the application to your
drive, just browse to the CL_Gallery.exe on the disc/hard drive and double click it to
view the photo gallery.
System Recovery
System Recovery
Chapter 7:
The System Recovery* feature in CyberLink Power2Go is a computer system
backup and recovery solution that helps protect your computer, and its data,
against unforeseen events, such as virus attacks, system crashes, and hard disk
CyberLink Power2Go helps you create and burn a system recovery disc that
includes the Windows operation system programs and a backup of all the data files
that are currently on your computer.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Burning a System Recovery Disc
To back up your computer and burn a system recovery disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, click the System Recovery option and then select
Burn Recovery Disc. The first Burn Recovery Disc wizard window opens.
2. Click the Next button to proceed to the next wizard window.
3. If required, select your burning drive from the first drop down.
4. Select the Disc type you want to back up the Windows files and data on from
the drop-down.
Note: the disc type you select should be based on the burning drive you have
installed in your computer and the type of optical discs you have on hand.
5. Enter any Backup notes that you may want to include on the recovery discs,
such as the computer name or the date the backup was performed.
6. Click the Start Backup button to begin backing up your computer and
burning the system recovery discs. If more than one disc is required to create
the system recovery discs, you will be prompted to insert the next disc to
7. Continue to follow the steps in the wizard windows to finish the backup
process. Click Done once finished.
CyberLink Power2Go
Restoring Your Computer
To restore your computer from a system recovery disc, do this:
1. Insert the first system recovery disc created previously into your computer's
disc drive.
2. Restart your computer.
3. The System Recovery Restore wizard will display once your computer has
4. Click the Next button to proceed, and then Start to begin the restoration
5. Follow all the steps in the wizard to restore your computer.
6. Once the restore is complete, click Shut Down to turn off your computer or
Reboot to log back into Windows.
Note: if you want to reboot your computer, make sure you remove the system
recovery disc from the disc drive.
Copy Disc
Copy Disc
Chapter 8:
The Copy Disc function allows you to make an exact copy of a disc. However, you
must copy the disc contents onto a blank disc of the same disc type. (You cannot,
for example, copy content from a CD onto a DVD.) The Copy Disc function also
allows you to save or burn disc images.
Note: some discs may not be copied if they are copy-protected or contain errors.
Copying Discs
With CyberLink Power2Go you can copy and burn the entire contents of a disc onto
another disc. You can perform this function in both Power2Go Full Program mode
and using the Desktop Burning Gadget. Only the first step for opening the Copy
Disc window is slightly different.
To copy a disc, do this:
1. Open the Copy Disc window by:
selecting the Copy Disc option, and then Copy Disc in the new task window
when in Power2Go Full Program mode.
selecting the button on the Desktop Burning Gadget until the Copy Disc
gadget displays, and then clicking on to open the Copy Disc window.
2. Select your source and target drives using the From and To drop-downs.
3. Select a Read speed and Write speed for each disc. The speeds you should
select will depend on the burning drives you are using and the quality of the
4. Select Ignore reading error if you want CyberLink Power2Go to copy the disc
even if errors are encountered.
5. Select the Copy to hard disk option, if available, to also save a copy of the disc
to your computer’s hard drive.
6. Select Copy whole disc if you want to copy the entire contents of the disc
onto the destination disc.
CyberLink Power2Go
7. Enter the Number of copies you want to burn.
8. If available, you can use the following options to assist with the burning
select Perform write simulation if you want CyberLink Power2Go to simulate
the burning process first to ensure the burn will finish successfully.
if available, select Verify recorded data if you want CyberLink Power2Go to
verify that the content was successfully burned to the disc.
if available, select Enable defect management to have CyberLink Power2Go try
to fix any defects on a disc so that content burns correctly.
9. Click Copy to begin the copy and burn process.
10. When burning is complete, select an option in the window that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Saving a Disc Image
Saving a disc image is useful if you want to back up your discs on your computer’s
hard drive.
To save a disc image, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Copy Disc option and then Save Disc
2. Insert a disc into the disc drive and then, if necessary, select your source drive
in the From drop-down.
3. Select Ignore reading error if you want CyberLink Power2Go to copy the disc
even if errors are encountered.
4. Select Copy whole disc if you want to save the entire contents of the disc in
the image file.
5. Click to set the folder where you want to save the image, and then enter
Copy Disc
in an image file name if required.
6. Choose the file format for the image file (P2I or ISO) from the Save as type
7. Click Save to save the disc image.
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
8. When saving is complete, select an option in the window that opens:
Click View Log to view the log. The log opens in your default TXT editor,
where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Burning a Disc Image
A disc image is a file on your computer that is the duplicate of the contents and file
structure of a disc. CyberLink Power2Go lets you burn a disc image to a disc.
Note: you can view the contents of an image file using the CyberLink ISO Viewer.
See Using the CyberLink ISO Viewer for more information on this feature.
To burn a disc image, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Copy Disc option and then Burn Disc
2. Click to select the disc image you want to burn to a disc.
3. Insert your disc and select your drive in the drop-down in the To section.
4. Select a Write speed for burning the disc. The speed you should select will
depend on the burning drive you are using and the quality of the disc.
5. Enter the Number of copies you want to burn.
6. If available, you can use the following options to assist with the burning
select Perform write simulation if you want CyberLink Power2Go to simulate
the burning process first to ensure the burn will finish successfully.
CyberLink Power2Go
select Verify recorded data if you want CyberLink Power2Go to verify that the
content was successfully burned to the disc.
select Enable defect management to have CyberLink Power2Go try to fix any
defects on a disc so that content burns correctly.
7. Click Burn to start the burning process.
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
8. When burning is complete, select an option in the window that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Disc Utilities
Disc Utilities
Chapter 9:
In addition to the wide range of disc burning functions, CyberLink Power2Go offers
some handy utilities for managing your discs, including erasing re-writable discs,
ripping audio from music CDs, and converting audio files to other formats. The
Disc Utilities window also provides access to creating mixed discs, and the
CyberLink Power2Go Virtual Drive.
Erasing a Disc
If you are using a re-writable disc, you can erase content that was previously
recorded onto it. This allows you to reuse the same discs over and over without the
need to continually buy new discs.
To erase a disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Disc Utilities option and then Erase Disc.
2. Insert your disc and select your Burner from the drop-down.
3. Select one of the following erase methods:
Quick erase: erases the disc index contained on the disc.
Full erase: erases all of the content the disc contains.
4. Click Erase to start the erase process.
Ripping Audio
The Rip Audio function copies audio tracks from an audio CD to your hard drive in
MP3, WAV, or WMA format.
To rip audio files to your hard drive, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Disc Utilities option and then Rip Audio.
2. Insert your disc and then select your drive from the Source drop-down.
CyberLink Power2Go
Note: if you insert a new disc or select a different drive, click to refresh and
ensure the most updated information displays.
3. Select the audio tracks that you want to copy to your hard drive.
4. Click the button and locate the folder that you want to copy the audio
tracks to.
5. In the Settings section, set the Format and Quality of the outputted audio
6. Click Go to copy the files to your computer.
Converting Audio Files
Use the Audio Converter utility to convert audio files to different audio formats.
You can also output audio files with a different quality or extract audio from video
To convert audio files, do this:
1. In the new task window, select Disc Utilities option and then Audio Converter.
2. Click and then select the files you want to convert. Click Open to add
them into the Audio Converter window.
3. Click the button and then select the location where you want to save
the converted audio files.
4. In the Settings section, set the Format and Quality of the converted files from
the drop-downs.
5. Click Go to convert the audio files and save the files to your computer.
Burning Mixed Discs
In the Disc Utilities window you can also create and burn mixed discs (CD Extra and
Mixed Mode CD). Mixed discs allow you to burn different types of media content
(data files and audio CD) to the same disc.
With the CD Extra feature you can create an audio CD that also contains your data
Disc Utilities
files. The Mixed Mode CD allows you to create a data CD that also contains audio
files the in audio CD format. These discs allow you to play the music on your
computer with the proper playback software, and also view the data files like a
normal data disc.
Burning a CD Extra/Mixed Mode CD
To burn a CD Extra or Mixed Mode CD disc, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Disc Utilities option and then CD Extra or
Mixed Mode CD. The CD Extra/Mixed Mode CD window opens.
2. If you’re creating a CD Extra disc, do this:
Drag and drop audio files to the middle pane. (Dragging a folder to the pane
adds the files it contains, but does not create a folder on the disc.)
Drag and drop data files and folders to the bottom pane. (Dragging a folder to
the pane creates a folder on the disc.)
Note: if you add music files to the data pane, you cannot play them on a CD player,
as they are read as data files.
3. If you’re creating a Mixed Mode CD, do this:
Drag and drop data files and folders to the middle pane. (Dragging a folder to
the pane creates a folder on the disc.)
Drag and drop audio files to the bottom pane. (Dragging a folder to the pane
adds the files it contains, but does not create a folder on the disc.)
Note: you can also click the button to add the files or the other available buttons
to reorder and preview the music on the disc.
4. If you would like to edit or add effects to an audio file, select it and then click
the button to edit it in CyberLink WaveEditor*. Please consult the help file in
CyberLink WaveEditor for detailed information on editing audio in that
program. Once you finish editing an audio file, the updated file is placed back
in the disc content area.
5. Once you have added all of the content you want on your disc, click the Burn
now button.
6. If required, adjust the settings on the Data, Audio CD, Common and Burner
tabs (See Power2Go Settings for more information.)
CyberLink Power2Go
7. Click Burn when you are ready to burn your disc.
Note: select the Auto shut dow n afte r burning option if you want CyberLink
Power2G o to automatically shut down your computer once it has successfully burned
your disc.
8. When burning is complete, select an option in the window that opens:
Click View Log to view the burning log. The log opens in your default TXT
editor, where you can view and save it.
Click OK to close the window.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Disc Utilities
Power2Go Virtual Drive
The Power2Go Virtual Drive lets you mount a disc image file and access it as if it is a
real disc drive on your computer.
Mounting a Disc Image
To mount a disc image using the Power2Go Virtual Drive, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Disc Utilities option and then Virtual Drive.
The Power2Go Virtual Drive window displays.
2. Select the Enable virtual drive option.
3. In the Image location field, click and select the location of the image
you want to mount. CyberLink Power2Go supports the mounting of images in
the ISO, P2I (Power2Go image) or RDF formats.
4. Assign a Drive letter for the mounted disc image, by selecting it from the
drop-down. The drive letter you assign will be how you identify the mounted
drive in Windows Explorer.
5. Click on OK to mount the drive. The disc image will be available like any other
disc drive in Windows Explorer.
Note: the disc image stays mounted as a drive until you disable it, even if you reboot
your computer.
Disabling a Mounted Disc Image
To disabled a mounted disc image, do this:
1. In the new task window, select the Disc Utilities option and then Virtual Drive.
The Power2Go Virtual Drive window displays.
2. Select the Disable virtual drive option.
3. Click on OK.
Additional Burning Notes and Features
Additional Burning Notes
and Features
Chapter 10:
The following are some additional burning notes and features for CyberLink
Power2Go that you may find extremely useful when burning discs.
Using the CyberLink ISO Viewer
With CyberLink Power2Go you can use the CyberLink ISO Viewer to view disc
images in the ISO, P2I (Power2Go image) or RDF format on your computer’s hard
drive. This convenient tool lets you view the contents of an image file, and quickly
extract files or burn the image to a disc.
You can launch the CyberLink ISO Viewer by selecting CyberLink Power2Go > ISO
Viewer option from the Windows start menu, or right-clicking on an image file on
your hard drive and then selecting ISO Viewer.
When in the CyberLink ISO Viewer, you can perform the following functions:
click the button to browse to and open an image file (in the ISO, P2I or
RDF format) on your computer. When opened, you can see all the files
contained within the image.
CyberLink Power2Go
Note: to change the view of the files in the CyberLink ISO Viewer, click .
click on a file in the CyberLink ISO Viewer and then click to view it in its
default program.
to extract files from the image and save them to your computer, select them
and then click .
if you want to burn the image you are viewing to a disc, click the button.
See Burning a Disc Image for more detailed information about burning disc
if you want to mount the image as a drive on your computer, click the
button. See Mounting a Disc Image for more detailed information about
mounting disc images.
Multisession Discs
When you burn a data disc in CyberLink Power2Go, you can create a multisession
disc that lets you burn additional content to a disc that is not full. CyberLink
Power2Go creates a multisession disc whenever you burn a CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc
and choose not to close the disc.
With multisession discs you can continue to add content it until the disc is full or
closed, at which point you can no longer add any further data.
Power2Go Settings
Power2Go Settings
Chapter 11:
This chapter outlines the steps for configuring the settings used to burn discs in
CyberLink Power2Go. To open the Settings/Information window, click the button
in the new task window, select Burning > Settings when creating a disc, or press
Ctrl+I on your keyboard.
Note: only the Info tab displays if you have not selected a burning task. The tabs that
display and the available options they contain depend on the burning task you select.
Viewing the Info Tab
The Info tab displays the details and specification of the selected disc drive, the disc
in the drive, as well as the current project. Click the + next to an item to view more
detailed information.
If you insert a new disc or select a different drive, click to refresh and ensure
that the most updated information is displayed.
Configuring Data Settings
The Data settings tab displays before burning a Data or Mixed Disc. On this tab,
configure the settings as follows:
Make auto-run disc: select this option to create a data disc that opens a data
file (that you added during creation) when the disc is inserted into a drive.
Click Browse to select the file you want to open when the disc is inserted. The
file can be an EXE, HTML or TXT file, and opens automatically when the
burned disc is inserted.
Change disc icon: you can change the icon that appears when this disc is
viewed in Windows Explorer. Click Browse and then select the image in the
ICO file format that you want to use.
File system: set the file system (ISO9660/Joliet, UDF 1.5, UDF 2.0, UDF 2.5, or
UDF 2.6) you want the disc to have.
Auto-split content by disc capacity: select this option to automatically divide
the files you are burning into volumes (portions) according to the size of the
CyberLink Power2Go
destination disc.
Configuring Audio CD Settings
The Audio CD settings tab displays before burning an audio CD to a disc. On this
tab, configure the settings as follows:
Enable CD text: select this option if you want to add information about the
music disc you are creating. Enter the desired information in the fields
Normalize volume in all tracks of the CD: select this option to set the volume
of all of the audio tracks on the CD to the same level.
Auto-split content by disc capacity: select this option to automatically divide
the files you are burning into volumes (portions) according to the size of the
destination disc.
Insert audio gap between tracks: enter the duration, or silence, between each
track in seconds in the field provided.
Configuring MP3 Disc Settings
The MP3 Disc settings tab displays before burning an MP3 disc. On this tab,
configure the settings as follows:
Quality: select the sound quality of the MP3 files that are burned to the disc
from the drop-down.
Auto-generate playlist: select this option if you want CyberLink Power2Go to
create a playlist with the songs that will be on your disc.
Configuring WMA Quality
The WMA Quality settings tab displays before burning a WMA music disc. On this
tab, configure the settings as follows:
Quality: select the sound quality of the WMA files that are burned to the disc
from the drop-down.
Power2Go Settings
Auto-generate playlist: select this option if you want CyberLink Power2Go to
create a playlist with the songs that will be on your disc.
Configuring Library Settings
The Library settings tab is available in the settings window when creating a music
disc. On this tab, you can set the monitored folders used in the CyberLink Media
Library. When you add a folder, CyberLink Power2Go organizes the music in the
folder (and any music added later) by artist, album, genre, year, and recently added
so it is easier to find when creating a music disc.
To add a folder to the CyberLink Media Library, select Burning > Settings from the
menu while creating a music disc. Next, select the Library tab and then click Add.
Select the folder you want monitored in the CyberLink Media Library and then click
Configuring Video Settings
The Video* settings tab displays if you select Burning > Settings, or Ctrl+I on your
keyboard, when in the Create Disc window. On this tab, configure the settings as
follows when burning a VCD or DVD to disc:
GPU acceleration preferences
Enable hardware video decoding* (if available): if your computer supports
Intel Core i7, NVIDIA CUDA, or AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, select this
option to use hardware acceleration to decode video to speed up the creation
of video discs.
Enable hardware video encoding* (if available): if your computer supports
Intel Core i7, NVIDIA CUDA, or AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, select this
option to use hardware acceleration to encode video to speed up the creation
of video discs.
Note: * optional feature in CyberLink Power2G o. Check the version table for
detailed versioning information.
Configuring Common Settings
The Common settings tab displays before burning most of the disc types. On this
tab, configure the settings as follows:
CyberLink Power2Go
Disc name: enter a name for the disc. The disc name appears on a disc player
during playback.
Use the original date and time: select this option to use each files original date
and time for the date info used for the files burned on the disc.
Use the current date and time: select this option to use the current date and
time for the date info used for the files burned on the disc.
Use this date and time: select this option to manually enter a specific date and
time in the fields provided for the date info used for the files burned on the
Configuring Burner Settings
The Burner settings tab displays before burning most of the disc types. On this tab,
configure the settings as follows:
Burner: displays the burner that CyberLink Power2Go will use to burn the
Write speed: select a write speed from the drop-down list. The speeds that are
available is dependent on the drive installed in your computer.
Copies: enter the number of copies of the disc you want to burn.
Enable buffer underrun protection: select this option to ensure that data is
written to disc without interruption. (An interruption in data can result in an
unusable disc.)
Write simulation before burning: select this option to perform a write
simulation first to verify that your burner can burn to the disc at the selected
speed without encountering any errors.
Note: if you have enabled buffer underrun protection or have previously burned
discs using the current settings, you do not need to run a simulation.
Close disc: select this option to write-protect a disc. Once burned, no further
data can be added to the disc. If you do not select this option, you can create
a multisession disc. See Multisession Discs for more information.
Verify recorded data: select this option if you want CyberLink Power2Go to
verify that the content was successfully burned to the disc. Select Quick
verification to have CyberLink Power2Go quickly verify the correctness of the
Power2Go Settings
data, or Complete verification to check all of the data individually. The latter
requires more time to complete the verification.
Enable defect management: select this option to have CyberLink Power2Go
try to fix any defects on a disc so that content burns correctly.
Technical Support
Technical Support
Chapter 12:
This chapter contains technical support information. It includes all the information
to find the answers you need to assist you. You may also find answers quickly by
contacting your local distributor/dealer.
Before Contacting Technical
Please take advantage of one of CyberLink’s free technical support options:
consult the user’s guide or the online help installed with your program.
refer to the Knowledge Base in the Support section of the CyberLink web site.
The FAQs may have information and helpful hints that are more current than the
User Guide and online help.
When contacting technical support by email or phone, please have the following
information ready:
registered serial number (Your serial number can be found on the CD cover,
the box cover, or in the email received after you purchased CyberLink
products on the CyberLink store).
the product name, version and build number, which generally can be found
by clicking on the product name image on the user interface.
the version of Windows installed on your system.
hardware devices on your system (capture card, sound card, VGA card) and
their specifications.
the wording of any warning messages that were displayed (You may want to
write this down or take a screen capture).
a detailed description of the problem and under what circumstances it
CyberLink Power2Go
Web Support
Solutions to your problems are available 24 hours a day at no cost on the CyberLink
web sites:
Note: you must first register as a member before using CyberLink web support.
CyberLink provides a wide range of web support options, including FAQs, in the
following languages:
Web Support URL
Traditional Chinese
Note: CyberLink’s user community forum is only available in English and German.
Always on top 8
Audio 48
extracting 19
gap between tracks 48
normalizing volume 48
supported formats 3
Audio CD
burning 19
settings 48
Back up 33
Buffer underrun protection 50
Burn 19
audio CD 19
copies 50
data discs 15
discs images 37
DVD folder 27
mixed discs 40
multisession discs 46
music disc 19
photo disc 29
secured data disc 16
settings 50
simulation 50
video disc 21
writing speed 50
customize 12
Common settings 49
Copy disc
overview 10
backing up 33
Data discs
burning 15
overview 9
secured 16
settings 47
DirectorZone 23
Disc menus
adding music 23
buttons per page 25
customize 23
duration 24
first play video 24
modifying text 23
music duration 24
preview 23
Disc utilities
overview 10
using 39
auto-run 47
CyberLink Power2Go
auto-split 47
burning images 37
capacity 12
change icon 47
closing 50
date and time 50
defect management 51
erasing 39
multisession 46
naming 50
photo gallery 29
ripping audio 39
supported formats 3
supported types 4
disc menus 24
Erase discs 27, 39
audio 19
file from image 46
First play video 24
burning tips 8
burning with 8
enabling 6, 7
preferences 8
Gallery disc
burning 31
Hardware acceleration 49
burning 37
disabling mounted 43
mounting 43
saving 36
supported formats 3
viewing contents 45
format 37
viewer 45
UI 12
Library settings 49
searching for 10
Mixed disc 40
Mixed mode CD 41
gadget 6
overview 6
Power2Go 9
Mount image 43
MP3 disc settings 48
Multisession discs 46
gap between tracks 48
library 49
retrieving song info 12
ripping to hard drive 39
Music disc
burning 19
overview 10
New features 1
PAL 26
Photo disc 29
Photo gallery disc 29
burning 29
overview 10
viewing 32
MP3 disc 48
WMA quality 48
Preferences 12
Preview disc menus 23
saving 11
Restore 34
Save disc project 11
library settings 49
Search pane 10
Secure browser 17
Settings 49
audio CD 48
burner 50
common 49
data discs 47
library 49
MP3 disc 48
video disc 49
WMA quality 48
System recovery 33
System requirements 4
Temporary directory 12
TV format 26
CyberLink Power2Go
UI language 12
User preferences 12
overview 10
using 39
Video disc
burning 21
overview 10
settings 49
extracting audio 19
supported formats 3
Virtual drive 43
normalizing 48
WaveEditor 19, 41
WMA quality
settings 48
simulation 50
speed 50

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