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User's Guide
Copyright and Disclaimer
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written
permission of CyberLink Corporation.
To the extent allowed by law, AudioDirector IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT
The terms and conditions here under shall be governed and construed in
accordance with the laws of Taiwan.
AudioDirector is a registered trademark along with other company and product
names mentioned in this publication, used for identification purposes and
remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D
symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential
unpublished works. Copyright 1995-2005 Dolby Laboratories. All rights
International Headquarters
Mailing Address CyberLink Corporation
15F., No. 100, Minquan Rd., Xindian Dist.
New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Web Site http://www.cyberlink.com
Telephone 886-2-8667-1298
Fax 886-2-8667-1385
Copyright © 2013 CyberLink Corporation. All rights reserved.
.................................................................................................1Latest Features
.................................................................................................2Updating AudioDirector
................................................................................................3System Requirements
AudioDirector Workspace
................................................................................................6AudioDirector Rooms
................................................................................................6Media Library
................................................................................................6Adjustments and Effects Panel
................................................................................................7AudioDirector Timeline
.................................................................................................8Audio Channels
.................................................................................................9Range Selection
.................................................................................................10Timeline View
.................................................................................................12Timeline Markers
.................................................................................................12Timeline Zoom
................................................................................................13AudioDirector Quick Bar
................................................................................................15Playback Controls
.................................................................................................16Video File Playback
.................................................................................................17Audio Level Meter
................................................................................................18Expanding the Workspace
................................................................................................20Keyframes Panel
.................................................................................................20Volume Tab
.................................................................................................20Effect Tab
CyberLink AudioDirector
................................................................................................21AudioDirector Preferences
.................................................................................................21General Preferences
.................................................................................................22File Preferences
.................................................................................................22Project Preferences
.................................................................................................23DirectorZone Preferences
.................................................................................................23Audio Setting Preferences
Importing Media
................................................................................................25Importing Audio and Video Files
.................................................................................................25Supported Formats
................................................................................................26Downloading Sound Clips
.................................................................................................26Downloading Sound Clips from DirectorZone
.................................................................................................26Downloaded Sound Clips Library
................................................................................................27Recording Audio
.................................................................................................27Recording Settings
AudioDirector Projects
Editing Audio
................................................................................................31Converting Audio Profiles
................................................................................................32Using the Editing Tools
................................................................................................32Normalizing Audio Channels
................................................................................................33Adjusting Audio
.................................................................................................33Boosting Audio Volume
.................................................................................................34Applying Fades
.................................................................................................36Trimming Audio
.................................................................................................37Adjusting Length
.................................................................................................38Adjusting Pitch
.................................................................................................39Inserting Silence
.................................................................................................39Inserting Noise
.................................................................................................40Reversing Audio
.................................................................................................40Adjusting the Master Volume
.................................................................................................41Panning Audio Left/Right
................................................................................................43Applying Audio Effects
.................................................................................................43Using Dynamic Range Control
.................................................................................................45Using the Equalizer
.................................................................................................45Applying the Radio Effect
.................................................................................................46Applying the Phone Effect
.................................................................................................47Adding Delays
.................................................................................................49Adding Reverb
.................................................................................................50Removing Vocals in Music
.................................................................................................51Applying a Noise Gate
.................................................................................................52Creating a Phase Effect
.................................................................................................53Creating a Flange Effect
.................................................................................................55Adding a Chrous Effect
.................................................................................................56Adding an Echo Effect
.................................................................................................57Applying VST Effects
Restoring Audio
................................................................................................59Using Visual Repair
.................................................................................................59Regional Selection Tools
.................................................................................................70Repairing the Audio
................................................................................................72Using Noise Reduction
.................................................................................................72Auto Denoise
.................................................................................................73Noise Reduction
................................................................................................74Using Clip Restoration
................................................................................................75Using Click Removal
................................................................................................75Using Hum Removal
.................................................................................................76Simple Mode
.................................................................................................77Advanced Mode
Mix Room
................................................................................................80Mixing Audio
.................................................................................................81Configuring Audio Profile Settings
.................................................................................................81Adding Media to Your Mix
.................................................................................................82Normalizing Audio Across Multiple Tracks
CyberLink AudioDirector
.................................................................................................83Using Audio Transitions
.................................................................................................85Using the Mixing Tools
.................................................................................................86Applying Audio Effects in the Mix Room
Producing the Audio
................................................................................................89Supported Formats
................................................................................................89Producing Audio
................................................................................................90Producing Video
Sharing Audio on DirectorZone
Creating CDs
AudioDirector Hotkeys
Licensing and Copyright
Technical Support
................................................................................................101Before Contacting Technical Support
................................................................................................102Web Support
Chapter 1:
This chapter introduces the CyberLink AudioDirector program and includes an
overview of its features. It also outlines the recommended system requirements for
running the program.
Note: this document is for reference and informational use only. Its content and the
corresponding program are subject to change without notice.
Welcome to the CyberLink family of digital software programs. CyberLink
AudioDirector lets you record, trim, cut, restore, and enhance digital audio from
both imported audio files or the audio track in your videos. You can also apply
effects to audio, save audio in different formats, and mix the audio from multiple
sources into one file.
Latest Features
The latest version of CyberLink AudioDirector includes many new features that
make editing audio even easier. This section lists the latest features in the CyberLink
AudioDirector program.
import, edit, and preview the audio for 2K and 4K video files.
normalize audio across all channels in an audio clip, or on the tracks you are
mixing in the Mix room.
convert the audio profiles of your media by adjusting the sample rate, bit
depth, and number of audio channels.
use a noise gate to process only the audio in a clip that is above a specified
threshold or decibel level.
get creative by using the phaser and flanger to create watery or psychedelic
sounding audio.
add a chorus effect to your audio to make it sound richer, or make it stand
out by adding an echo effect .
restore your damaged audio with the enhanced noise reduction feature and
CyberLink AudioDirector
all new hum removal.
utilize the audio transition and Surround Sound Panner in the expanded Mix
room to create that perfect audio mix.
output video with resolution as high as 2K and 4K.
create and burn custom audio CDs once you have edited, repaired, enhanced,
and mixed your audio.
DirectorZone is a web service that lets you download sound clips created by other
users, so you can use them in your audio. You may also share your own custom
sound clips by uploading them to DirectorZone.
To access the benefits of DirectorZone, click the Sign in to DirectorZone link on the
top of the CyberLink AudioDirector window.
Go to http://directorzone.cyberlink.com to view more information on the features
and benefits of the DirectorZone web site.
Updating AudioDirector
Software upgrades and updates (patches) are periodically available from CyberLink.
CyberLink AudioDirector automatically prompts you when either is available.
Note: you must connect to the Internet to use this feature.
To update your software, do this:
1. Open the Upgrade Information window by doing one of the following:
click the button.
click on the AudioDirector logo in the top right corner, and then on the
Upgrade button in the About AudioDirector window.
2. Click the feature you would like to upgrade to, or the patch you want to
update CyberLink AudioDirector with.
3. A web browser window opens, where you can purchase product upgrades or
download the latest patch update.
System Requirements
The system requirements listed below are recommended as minimums for running
CyberLink AudioDirector.
Note: to ensure you can enjoy all the features within CyberLink AudioDirector,
make sure your computer meets or exceeds the minimum system requirements.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows 8/7/Vista/XP (with DirectX 9 or above).
1 GB (2 GB recommended).
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz.
HDD Space
1 GB free space required.
Sound Card
Windows-compatible sound card.
Microphone for recording audio.
1024x768 16 bit color or higher.
CyberLink AudioDirector
AudioDirecto r Workspace
AudioDirector Workspace
Chapter 2:
This chapter provides a complete overview of the CyberLink AudioDirector
workspace. It also takes you through the settings used to customize the program to
your preference.
A - Im port M edia , B - Open Dow nloa ded Sound Clips Libra ry, C - Downloa d Sound Clips, D - Media
Libra ry, E - AudioDirector Room s, F - AudioDirector Preferences, G - Timeline Slider, H - Ra nge
Selection, I - AudioDirector Quick Ba r, J - Audio Cha nnels, K - Cha nnel Selection, L - Toggle Timeline
View, M - Tim eline Zoom Controls, N - Audio Level Meter, O - Keyfra me Pa nel, P - Expa nd Workspa ce,
Q - Record Audio, R - Pla yba ck Controls, S - Adjustments a nd Effects Pa nel
CyberLink AudioDirector
AudioDirector Rooms
CyberLink AudioDirector has the following main rooms: the Edit, Restore, Mix, and
Create CD rooms.
Edit: in this room you can adjust, trim, cut, and enhance digital audio, and
much more. See Editing Audio for more information.
Restore: in this room you can repair audio clips using the Click Removal, Clip
Restoration, and Noise Reduction features, or manually fix audio using the
Visual Repair. See Restoring Audio for more information.
Mix: in this room you can record and mix multiple audio tracks into one
customized audio file. See Mixing Audio for more information.
Create CD: in this room you can use the media in the library to create CDs in
the audio CD format. See Creating CDs for more information.
The workspace within each CyberLink AudioDirector room is different, but do
contain common features and areas. All the rooms have the audio library, as well as
the AudioDirector quick bar you use to edit and add audio as required.
Media Library
When you import media into CyberLink AudioDirector, it is available in the media
library. You can freely edit, restore, and apply effects to all of the media in the
media library, or use the media in the Mix room.
You can import audio and also video files into the media library, as CyberLink
AudioDirector lets you edit and restore the audio track of videos you import.
See Importing Media into the Library for more information on importing audio and
videos files into the media library.
Adjustments and Effects Panel
The adjustments and effects panel is where you set the edits you want to make to
your audio clips and apply effects. The adjustments and effects that are displayed
depends on which room you are in.
AudioDirecto r Workspace
AudioDirector Timeline
The timeline is a visual representation of the digital audio files selected in the media
library. When a media file is selected, CyberLink AudioDirector displays each of its
audio channels separately in the timeline.
Note: the timeline can display up to 8 channels (7.1 channel). See Audio Channels
for more information.
By default, the values along the top represent the playback time, while the values
along the right indicate the audio intensity, or loudness, measured in decibels.
Note: you can switch the view of the timeline by clicking the buttons in the top right
corner of the program. See Timeline View for more information.
The timeline is available in the Edit, Restore, and Mix rooms of CyberLink
AudioDirector, and is where you work on editing, restoring, and mixing your audio
When you click the play button, the timeline slider begins to move, indicating the
current playback position. If required, you can click and drag the timeline slider to
any position if you want to jump forward in the audio.
In the Mix room there are multiple tracks in the timeline. Each file you add, adds
another layer of audio onto the final outputted media represented by the Master
CyberLink AudioDirector
See Mixing Audio for information on mixing audio in CyberLink AudioDirector.
Audio Channels
When a media file is selected in the library, CyberLink AudioDirector displays all of
its audio channels in the timeline. The timeline can display up to eight channels,
and supports the following audio channel configurations:
7.1 surround sound (8 channels).
5.1 surround sound (6 channels).
stereo (2 channels).
mono (1 channel).
Note: CyberLink AudioDirector supports the import and edit of audio and video
files with 5.1 channel audio. It also supports the import of audio and video files with
7.1 channels, but only for .WAV audio files are all 8 channels displayed in the
program and available for editing. For video files with 7.1 channel audio, two of the
audio channels (BL/BR) are hidden and unavailable for editing.
Multi-Channel Display
When a media file has more than one audio channel, each audio channel is labeled
in the top left corner. The following table defines the terminology for all the
possible audio channel types available in a selected media file and the possible
availability for the various audio channel configurations:
Channel Label
Channel Type
Front left
Front right
Low-frequency effects
Back left
Back right
Front left of center
Front right of center
AudioDirecto r Workspace
Back center
Side left
Side right
Top center
Top front left
Top front center
Top front right
Top back left
Top back center
Top back left
Note: the type of channel that is available in the selected media file is completely
dependent on the audio configuration of the file.
Selecting Channels for Editing
When you are editing and restoring audio in CyberLink AudioDirector, you can
choose to apply the edits, effects, fixes, etc. to all the channels, or just one single
Click if you want to apply the edits to all of the audio channels, or to
make edits on one specific channel only. Once selected, just click the channel you
want to apply the edits to in the timeline.
Range Selection
When editing and restoring audio, drag the timeline slider to a position in the
timeline (or use the playback controls to find the position), and then click and drag
one of the yellow nodes on either side of the timeline slider to select a range of the
audio file.
CyberLink AudioDirector
You can also click and drag on the waveform directly to select a range of the audio.
Note that when you select a range of the audio, the editing tools on the
AudioDirector quick bar become active. See Using the Editing Tools for detailed
information about using each of these tools.
Details about the selected range are indicated in the Start, End, and Length fields
below the timeline. Once you have a range of an audio file's wave form selected,
you can then preview, cut, copy, delete or crop it as required.
Timeline View
When a file is selected in the media library in the Edit or Restore rooms, CyberLink
AudioDirector by default displays the waveform view for each channel in the
There are two available timeline views to choose from: click for the waveform
view, or for spectral frequency view.
Click the buttons in the top right corner of the timeline to switch between the two
available views.
Waveform View
When a file is selected in the media library, CyberLink AudioDirector by default
displays the waveform information for each channel in the timeline. The waveform
view is a visual representation of both the time and the audio intensity (or loudness,
measured in decibels) of the audio in each channel.
AudioDirecto r Workspace
Spectral Frequency View
The spectral frequency view is a graphical representation of the audio in each
channel, and is ideal when using the Visual Repair feature. The colored graph you
see in this view is a three dimensional illustration of the audio attributes in the
selected media file.
The graph shows playback time along the top, and the frequency (relative pitch) of
CyberLink AudioDirector
the audio (measured in hertz) along the right. The colors on the graph indicate the
amplitude or strength of the audio at the point in time. The lighter the color, the
louder the audio is at that frequency and time.
Timeline Markers
When editing, restoring, or mixing audio, click to add a timeline marker at the
current position of the timeline slider. Markers are used to mark the positions in
your audio files where you might want to edit the audio file or start an effect from.
In the Mix room, use markers when adding audio clips as they will snap to the
timeline markers.
Adding Timeline Markers
To add a timeline marker, do this:
1. Use the playback controls to find, or drag the timeline slider to the position
where you want the marker, and then click .
2. Input a Description for the new timeline marker, if required.
3. Click on OK to add the new timeline marker.
Note: you can double click on a time marker to edit its properties, if required.
Timeline Zoom
When editing, restoring, or mixing audio on the timeline, use the controls to zoom
in on the audio timeline to make your editing more precise. There are two types of
zooming available: horizontal zoom and vertical zoom.
Note: when using the zoom controls, you can click the button at any to time to
zoom all the way back out for a full view of the audio waveform.
Horizontal Zoom
The horizontal zoom controls let you increase/decrease the time magnification of
the audio in the timeline.
AudioDirecto r Workspace
Use these zoom controls if you want to, for example, zoom in on a specific two
seconds in an audio clip.
Vertical Zoom
Vertical zoom lets you increase/decrease the intensity magnification of the audio in
the timeline.
Use these zoom controls if you want to, for example, zoom in on a specific noise to
get a closer look at the waveform.
AudioDirector Quick Bar
The AudioDirector quick bar offers you several tools you can access in all the
rooms. Depending on which room you are in, the buttons on the quick bar differ.
The available functions on the AudioDirector quick bar are as follows:
Note: see Creating CDs for a description of the tools on the quick bar in the
Create CD room.
CyberLink AudioDirector
AudioDirecto r Workspace
Playback Controls
Once media is imported into the program, use the available playback controls to
preview it. To preview a file, select it in the media library and then use the controls
as follows:
Playback Controls
Click to play the audio from the current position to the end of the track.
Click to pause playback.
Click to stop playback.
If is displayed, the current audio file plays to the end of the track. If
is displayed, the audio will loop continuously until you click pause or stop.
Click to toggle between the two available audio playback behaviors.
Click to make the timeline slider jump to the beginning of the current
selected audio track or selected range of the audio waveform.
During playback, click and hold this button to rewind through the current
audio track.
During playback, click and hold this button to fast forward through the
current audio track.
Click to make the timeline slider jump to the end of the current selected
audio track or selected range of the audio waveform.
Click to record custom audio in CyberLink AudioDirector. See Recording
Audio for detailed information on recording custom audio in the
CyberLink AudioDirector
Video File Playback
When you import video files into the library, a small video preview displays in the
bottom left corner of the CyberLink AudioDirector window when it is selected.
When you click play, the video plays with the audio for added reference when
editing the video file's audio track.
During playback, you can:
click to minimize the video preview window. Click to restore it.
click to undock the preview window if you would like a larger preview
that you can resize to your preference.
AudioDirecto r Workspace
the video preview window also includes slightly different playback controls,
that include the and buttons you can use to step backwards or
forwards one frame when the video is paused.
click to re-dock the preview window to the bottom left.
Audio Level Meter
Use the audio level meter to view the audio level, or loudness in decibels, of the
current clip at different moments in time during playback. If the audio levels rise to
the red levels, you can adjust the master volume to lower the audio level.
In the Mix room, each mix track has its own audio level meter. Just use the volume
slider to the left of the track to adjust the audio level as necessary.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Expanding the Workspace
You can adjust the CyberLink AudioDirector workspace to fit your editing
requirements. For example, you can expand out the adjustment and effects panel
to get better look at all the available controls, if required.
You can also expand the keyframe panel for a better view when adjusting the
master volume and panning audio left or right. Doing so, reduces the width of the
audio tracks in the timeline.
AudioDirecto r Workspace
If you have lots of media in the library, you can expand it to view all the files.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Keyframes Panel
The keyframes panel provides powerful and precise editing tools in the Edit room.
On the Volume tab you can adjust the master volume of audio, or pan audio to the
left or right channel. On the Effect tab, you can precisely apply multiple effects to a
single audio clip.
Volume Tab
On the Volume tab on the keyframes panel, you can adjust the master volume and
pan audio the left or right.
See Adjusting Master Volume and Panning Audio Left/Right for more detailed
information on the use of these editing features.
Effect Tab
The Effect tab shows you precisely where effects you applied are located in the
audio clip you are editing.
On this tab you can perform the following on the effects:
deselect an effect to disable it and preview the audio without the effect
applied. Reselect it to reapply it.
hover your mouse over the effect on the tab and then click to edit the
AudioDirecto r Workspace
effect in the effects panel.
to remove effects, hover your mouse over the effect on the tab and then click
on the individual effect. Click to the right of the panel to remove all the
similar effects from the entire timeline.
AudioDirector Preferences
Use the CyberLink AudioDirector preferences to select a UI language, set the default
profile settings for audio files, and more.
To configure your preferences in CyberLink AudioDirector, click the button.
General Preferences
In the Preferences window, select the General tab. The available options are as
Automatically check for software updates: select to periodically check for
updates or new versions of AudioDirector automatically.
Use system default language: select this option for the language display to be
the same as the language of your operating system.
User defined: select this option and then select the language from the drop-
down list that you want to use.
Snap to reference: select this option if you want the timeline slider and clips
to snap to reference points during the editing and mixing process. The
reference points include timeline markers and other clips on the timeline.
Click the Reset button to reset the all the "Never ask again" confirmation
dialogs back to the default settings. All of the confirmation dialogs will
display again once selected.
CyberLink AudioDirector
File Preferences
In the Preferences window, select the File tab. The available options are as follows:
File default profile settings:
Sample rate: select the sample rate from the drop-down that CyberLink
AudioDirector will use by default when producing audio.
Bit depth: select the default bit depth from the drop-down that CyberLink
AudioDirector will use when producing audio.
Channels: select the default number of channels you want in the audio files
produced by CyberLink AudioDirector.
Project Preferences
In the Preferences window, select the Project tab. The available options are as
Project default profile settings:
Sample rate: select the default sample rate from the drop-down of the audio
in newly created projects.
Bit depth: select the default bit depth from the drop-down of the audio in
newly created projects.
Channels: select the default number of channels of the audio in newly created
Default project folder:
Project folder: set the folder where CyberLink AudioDirector project files are
saved by default. To change this folder, click and then select a new
Working folder: set the folder that CyberLink AudioDirector uses to store the
working files it creates when editing, mixing, and adding effects to your
audio. To change this folder, click and then select a new folder.
AudioDirecto r Workspace
DirectorZone Preferences
In the Preferences window, select the DirectorZone tab. The available options are
as follows:
Auto sign in:
Auto sign in to DirectorZone when AudioDirector is launched: select this
option and then enter in your e-mail address and password to automatically
sign in to DirectorZone when the program is opened. If you do not have a
DirectorZone account, click on the Get an Account button.
Privacy rules:
Allow DirectorZone to gather editing information: select this option to allow
DirectorZone to collect information about how you edited the sound clips
you are uploading to DirectorZone.
Audio Setting Preferences
In the Preferences window, select the Audio Setting tab. The available options are
as follows:
Audio hardware settings
Default input: from the drop-down select the audio hardware device, such as
a microphone, that you want to use by default when recording audio in
CyberLink AudioDirector.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Importing Media
Importing Media
Chapter 3:
You can import both audio and video files from your hard drive or from a
removable device, into CyberLink AudioDirector. You can also record your own
custom audio, or download sound clips from DirectorZone directly into the library.
Note: when media is imported into the library, CyberLink AudioDirector creates a
temp working file for each file. It uses the file to log the edits and changes you want
to make to the original files. The changes are not applied to the original file, as you
must produce the audio and output it as a new file to apply them.
Importing Audio and Video Files
To import audio or video from your hard drive or a removable device, click ,
browse to its location, and then click on Open. You can import multiple files into
the library at once and then work on them all in CyberLink AudioDirector.
When importing video files you must make sure that Video files is selected from the
format type drop-down so that the files you are trying to import are visible.
Once imported, use the playback controls to preview both the audio and video.
See Playback Controls for more information.
Supported Formats
CyberLink AudioDirector supports the import of audio and video files in the
following formats:
Audio: AIF, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA**.
Note: ** CyberLink AudioDirector does not support the editing of WMA audio files
with DRM file protection.
Video: 3GPP2, AVI, DivX (on Windows 7), DV-AVI, DVR-MS, HD MPEG-2, M2T, MKV
(H.264), MOD, MOV, MOV (H.264), MP4, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC (H.264), TOD,
Note: CyberLink AudioDirector supports the import and edit of audio and video
files with 5.1 channel audio. It also supports the import of audio and video files with
7.1 channels, but only for .WAV audio files are all 8 channels displayed in the
program and available for editing. For video files with 7.1 channel audio, two of the
audio channels (BL/BR) are hidden and unavailable for editing.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Downloading Sound Clips
You can download sound clips from DirectorZone. The sound clips are stored in the
Downloaded Sound Clips Library of CyberLink AudioDirector.
Downloading Sound Clips from
You can download sound clips from DirectorZone that was shared by other
CyberLink AudioDirector users.
To download sound clips from DirectorZone, do this:
1. Click on . CyberLink AudioDirector launches DirectorZone in your default
web browser.
2. You must first sign in to DirectorZone to download content. If you don't have
an account, click the Sign up link at the top of the page to get one for free.
3. Select the AudioDirector tab to display all the available sound clips you can
4. Find a sound clip that you want to download, and then click the Download
Now button underneath it.
5. Click Download again.
6. Save the sound clip to your computer. Find the location on your computer
where you saved it, and then double-click on it to install it in the Downloaded
Sound Clips Library.
Downloaded Sound Clips Library
Click the button to open the Downloaded Sound Clips Library of CyberLink
AudioDirector. In the Downloaded Sound Clips Library you can manage and
organize the clips you downloaded from DirectorZone.
In the Downloaded Sound Clips Library you can:
view sound clips by category.
preview the sound clips in the library.
Importing Media
import the selected sound clips into your current project.
Recording Audio
In CyberLink AudioDirector you can record your own custom audio in the WAV
format, which is added directly into the timeline. The audio that is recorded is
placed onto any existing audio in the timeline.
To record audio, do this:
1. If required, click on to open and configure the recording settings. See
Recording Settings for detailed information.
2. To begin recording audio, click .
3. Click again to stop recording and save/import the recorded file into the
CyberLink AudioDirector library.
Recording Settings
Set your recording settings as follows:
Input source: select the import source, or audio device, you want to use to
record audio with.
Monitor input: set this option to On if you want to hear the import source
during the recording. If set to Off, you cannot hear the input source during
Countdown timer: select this option to enable a countdown before CyberLink
AudioDirector begins recording audio. Set the length of the countdown
(maximum 30 seconds) in the field provided.
Click OK to save any changes you make to the recording settings.
CyberLink AudioDirector
AudioDirecto r Pro jects
AudioDirector Projects
Chapter 4:
When editing, restoring, and mixing audio in CyberLink AudioDirector, click the
button to save your work as a project in the .ads file format, which is used
exclusively by CyberLink AudioDirector.
Note: a CyberLink AudioDirector project (.ads) file essentially contains a list of
the audio and video files in the library, and that you are editing or mixing. The
project file maintains a log of all the edits and effects you want to apply to audio,
as well as a list of the audio for mixing and other use preferences (volume levels,
timeline markers, etc.). Project files do not include the audio and video clips in
Use the options in the File menu to save, create new, or open existing projects in
CyberLink AudioDirector.
Note: when you create a new project, CyberLink AudioDirector resets your
CyberLink AudioDirector
Editing Audio
Editing Audio
Chapter 5:
Once you import media into the library, you can start editing its audio in the Edit
room. In the Edit room you can use the editing tools to crop and trim the audio, or
use the adjustment options to change audio length, pitch, apply fades, and much
more. You can also apply rich audio effects to audio to enhance it, or to achieve a
desired result.
If required, click the Edit button to begin editing, adjusting, and applying effects to
Note: the changes to the audio are not applied to the original file, as you must
produce it as a new file in the Produce window. See Producing the Audio for more
Converting Audio Profiles
CyberLink AudioDirector lets you convert the audio profile of a media (audio or
video) file by adjusting its sample rate, bit depth, and the number of audio
channels it contains.
To covert the audio profile of a media file, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to convert.
2. Click the button.
3. As required, change the following audio profile settings:
Sample rate: select the new sample rate you want the media file to have. A
higher sample rate increases audio quality and file size.
Bit depth: select the new bit depth you want the media file to have. A higher
bit depth also increases the audio quality and file size.
Channels: set the number of channels you want the media file to have. Note
that added channels are left empty, allowing you to further edit them in
CyberLink AudioDirector later.
CyberLink TrueTheater Surround: if you want to increase the number of
channels in the audio, select this option to use CyberLink TrueTheater
Surround to enhance the quality of the expanded audio. You can choose
CyberLink AudioDirector
from Living Room, Theater, or Stadium.
4. Click OK to apply the changes.
Using the Editing Tools
Use the editing tools on the AudioDirector quick bar to crop, trim, and even add
portions (using the paste function) to your audio.
To edit an audio file, do this:
1. Click the Edit button to open the edit audio room.
2. Select the media file in the library that you want to edit.
3. Decide whether you want to perform the edits on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want to edit. See
Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an audio file.
5. Use the editing tools to perform edits on your audio files as follows:
Editing Tools
Click to cut the selected portion out of the audio file, and place it on your
clipboard for pasting.
Click to make a copy of the selected portion on your clipboard for
Click to paste the audio wave form you cut or copied to the right of the
timeline slider's current position.
Click to delete the selected portion of the audio file.
Click to crop out the selected portion of the audio file, removing the
parts of the audio file that are not selected.
Normalizing Audio Channels
If you find that audio on some channels is much louder than on other channels
when editing or restoring it, you can normalize the volume across all channels.
Editing Audio
Normalizing is the process of applying a constant amount of gain to your audio file
to bring the average or peak amplitude (volume levels) to a same level.
To normalize the audio channels for a media file, do this:
Note: this section is for normalizing the audio across all channels in the Edit and
Restore rooms. For information on normalizing the audio in the Mix room see
Normalizing Audio Across Multiple Tracks.
1. Select the media file in the library that has the audio channels you want to
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of the audio file you want
to normalize the audio for. See Range Selection for more information on
selecting a range of an audio file.
Note: be sure to select the entire audio file's waveform if you want to normalize the
audio in the entire track.
3. Click the button to normalize the volume of the selected audio
Adjusting Audio
Once you have imported media into the library, you can start using the features in
the adjustments and effects panel to modify the audio to fit your requirements. To
begin, select the media you want to adjust and then click Adjust Audio to display
all the available adjustment options.
Note: when you make adjustments to audio, they are not applied to the original file
until you produce it in the Produce window. See Producing the Audio for more
Boosting Audio Volume
Use the Boost feature to increase the volume of audio. You can boost the volume
by up to 12 decibels.
To boost audio volume, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to adjust.
2. Click Boost under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to boost the audio's volume on all the available
channels, or just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more
CyberLink AudioDirector
information on selecting channels.
4. Use range selection to select the portion of the audio file you want to boost.
See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an audio
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
5. Drag the Volume slider, boosting the selected range of audio the
desired decibels.
6. If required, you can preview how the adjusted audio will sound by selecting
Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the playback controls.
Select Original audio if you want to play the original audio.
7. Click Apply to apply the boost.
Applying Fades
Use the Fades feature to apply fades to audio. You can make the audio fade in or
out in a variety of ways.
To apply a fade to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to adjust.
2. Click Fades under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the fade on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. To fade the audio in from the beginning of the clip, select the Fade in option
and then set the following:
select from one of the three fade in types: - a gradual fade in that
increases the volume proportionately during the length of the fade; -
fades audio in dramatically at first, and then tapers off towards the end of the
fade; - exponentially increases the audio as it progresses through the
length of the fade.
Initial volume: set the level of the audio's volume at the beginning of the fade
Editing Audio
by default the fade in duration is 5 seconds. To change the duration, click and
drag the grey square to the desired time you want the fade to end, i.e the
audio to be at full volume.
5. To fade the audio out at the end of the clip, select the Fade out option and
then set the following:
select from one of the three fade out types: - a gradual fade out that
decreases the volume proportionately during the length of the fade; -
fades audio out dramatically at first, and then tapers off towards the end of
the fade; - exponentially decreases the audio as it progresses through the
length of the fade.
End volume: set the level of the audio's volume at the end of the fade out.
by default the fade out duration is 5 seconds. To change the duration, click
and drag the grey square to the desired time you want the audio to begin
fading out.
CyberLink AudioDirector
6. If required, you can preview how the adjusted audio will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
7. Click Apply to apply the fade.
Trimming Audio
Use the Trim Audio feature to trim out unwanted portions from your media clip's
To trim audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to trim.
2. Click Trim Audio under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to perform the trim on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want to trim.
See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an audio
Editing Audio
5. Select the Mode of trimming you want to perform as follows:
Remove selected part: select if you want to trim out the part you selected in
the previous step.
Keep selected part: select if you want to keep the part you selected in the
previous step, removing the portions on either side.
Note: if required, click to use the Mark in and Mark out previews to listen to
the audio a few seconds before and after the trim points to ensure you are trimming
the audio you want.
6. Click Apply to trim the audio.
Adjusting Length
Use the Adjust Length feature to change the length of audio by speeding it up, or
by slowing it down.
To adjust the length of audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to adjust.
2. Click Adjust Length under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to perform the adjustment on all the available
channels, or just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more
information on selecting channels.
4. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to adjust the length of. If you don't select a range, the adjustment is applied
to the entire audio file. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
5. To adjust the length of the audio, do one of the following:
Manually enter the New audio length in the field provided. Use this feature if
you want the audio to be an exact specified length.
Use the Stretch ratio slider to set the increase/decrease amount you want to
Note: if required, you can use both the New audio length and Stretch ratio
features together to adjust the length of the audio.
CyberLink AudioDirector
6. Select the Keep pitch option to have CyberLink AudioDirector
maintain the pitch of the original audio, so that the adjusted result does
not sound sped up or slowed down.
Note: Keep pitch is only available if the change to the audio's length is between
0.5X and 2X.
7. If required, you can preview the adjusted audio by selecting Adjusted
result and then clicking the play button on the playback controls.
Select Original audio if you want to play the audio at its original
8. Click Apply to adjust the length of the audio.
Adjusting Pitch
Use the Adjust Pitch feature to change the pitch of the audio. The resulting effect is
audio that sounds like it is sped up or slowed down, without changing the length
of the audio.
To adjust the pitch of audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to adjust.
2. Click Adjust Pitch under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to perform the adjustment on all the available
channels, or just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more
information on selecting channels.
4. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to adjust the pitch in. If you don't select a range, the adjustment is applied to
the entire audio file. See Range Selection for more information on selecting a
range of an audio file.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
5. Drag the Semitones slider to adjust the pitch up or down as required.
Note: increasing/decreasing by one semitone is equivalent to changing the overall
the pitch up/down one musical note in a 12-tone scale. For example, C to C#
(sharp) or C to Cb (flat).
6. If required, you can preview how the adjusted audio will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the audio
at its original pitch.
Editing Audio
7. Click Apply to adjust the pitch of the audio.
Inserting Silence
Use the Insert Silence feature to add a specified amount of silence into audio clips.
To insert silence into audio, do this:
Note: you can also silence a range of audio by selecting it, right clicking on the
selection, and then selecting Silence Selected. This does not insert a range of
silence, but rather silences the selected audio.
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to add silence to.
2. Click Insert Silence under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to perform insert the silence on all the available
channels, or just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more
information on selecting channels.
4. Drag the timeline slider to the position in the audio clip where you want to
insert the silence.
5. Enter the duration, in seconds, of the silence to be inserted in the field
6. Click Apply to insert the silence.
Inserting Noise
Use the Insert Noise feature to add a specified amount of generated noise, or static,
into audio clips.
To insert noise into audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to add noise to.
2. Click Insert Noise under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to perform insert the noise on all the available
channels, or just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more
information on selecting channels.
4. Drag the timeline slider to the position in the audio clip where you want to
insert the noise.
5. Select one of the following types of noise from the Noise type drop-down:
CyberLink AudioDirector
Normal: common white noise, or static, which can be quite loud to the
Pink: static like noise that sounds softer and quieter than normal white noise.
Brown: a lower frequency static like noise, which is quite quiet compared to
the others.
6. Enter the duration, in seconds, of the noise to be inserted in the field
7. Click Apply to insert the noise.
Reversing Audio
Use the Reverse feature to make a selected audio clip play in reverse.
To reverse audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to reverse.
2. Click Reverse under the Adjust Audio section.
3. Decide whether you want to perform reverse the audio on all the available
channels, or just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more
information on selecting channels.
4. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to reverse. If you don't select a range, the adjustment is applied to the entire
audio file. See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of
an audio file.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
5. If required, you can preview how the reversed audio will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
6. Click Apply to reverse the audio in the selected clip.
Adjusting the Master Volume
CyberLink AudioDirector lets you adjust the volume of an audio file at any point in
the timeline. You can make it louder at a certain moment, and then quieter at
Editing Audio
another, as required.
To adjust the master volume of an audio file, do this:
1. Use the playback controls or drag the timeline slider to the position where
you want the audio to reach its loudest/quietest point.
2. Click on the Volume tab in the keyframe panel, and then click on the line in
the Volume area and drag the volume key to desired volume level.
3. Use the playback controls or drag the timeline slider to locate the position
where you want the change in audio level to begin.
4. Click on the line in the master volume area and drag the volume key back to
the original volume level.
Note: this last step is just a recommendation, and is not necessary if you want the
audio to fade up or down from the very beginning to the desired level.
5. Continue adjusting the volume keys as required to achieve the desired audio
levels throughout the audio file.
6. Preview your edited audio and once you are satisfied with the result, you are
ready to save/produce it as a new audio file. See Producing Audio for more
Panning Audio Left/Right
CyberLink AudioDirector lets you adjust the balance of audio by panning it to the
left or right channel, reducing the volume of the audio in the respective channel.
CyberLink AudioDirector
To pan the audio, do this:
Note: when panning 5.1 or 7.1 audio, the center channels are not affected.
1. Use the playback controls or drag the timeline slider to the position where
you want to start panning the audio.
2. Click on the Volume tab in the keyframe panel, and then click on the line in
the L-R pan area and drag the pan key to the desired pan level.
4. Use the playback controls or drag the timeline slider to locate the position
where you want the change in pan level to begin.
5. Click on the line in the L-R pan area and drag the pan key back to the original
pan level.
Note: this last step is just a recommendation, and is not necessary if you want the
audio to pan left or right from the very beginning to the desired level.
6. Continue adjusting the pan keys as required to achieve the desired pan levels
in each channel throughout the audio file.
7. Preview your edited audio and once you are satisfied with the result, you are
ready to save/produce it as a new audio file. See Producing Audio for more
Editing Audio
Applying Audio Effects
In CyberLink AudioDirector you can choose from a number of default effects and
apply them to your audio files. You can also import custom VST plugin effects that
you downloaded and apply them to your audio.
Note: when you apply effects to audio, they are not applied to the original file, as
you must produce it as a new file in the Produce window. See Producing the Audio
for more information.
Using Dynamic Range Control
Use Dynamic Range Control to adjust the shaping of the dynamics in your audio.
To use dynamic range compression on audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to use dynamic range
compression on.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Dynamic Range Control under the Apply Effect section.
5. Use the control sliders as follows:
Note: see Common Dynamic Range Controls below of a description of what each
available slider does in the Dynamic Range Control window.
Limiter: adjust these sliders to aggressively limit high level signals. You can
use the limiter to prevent clipping or distortion.
Compressor: use these sliders to apply more gentle dynamic control to
medium level signals and peaks.
Gate/Expander: use these sliders to boost (expand) the level of soft signals.
Note that the expander can have a ratio greater or less than 1.0. When the
CyberLink AudioDirector
ratio is greater than 1, it is operating as a gate and any signals below the
threshold will be decreased in volume.
6. Use the Output Gain slider to adjust the output gain for the processed
file to make up for a decrease in the audio's volume.
7. The meter in the top right of the Dynamic Range Control window is a level
histogram, or a level meter that keeps track of its history. This allows you to
visualize the overall "level content" of the audio by providing a running
display of levels over a period of time. By moving the red bar in this display
with your mouse, you can adjust the limiter threshold. The center meter is a
reduction meter. It shows (in dB) the amount of reduction the compressor/
limiter and/or gate is providing. The right meter is a traditional dynamics
curve, where the x or horizontal axis is the signal going into the dynamics
module, and the y or vertical axis is the signal coming out. As a curve
becomes more horizontal, it means the signal is being flattened (compressed)
more. You can use your mouse to adjust threshold and ratio controls by
clicking on parts of this curve.
8. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the Preview button.
Select Original audio if you want to preview the original audio.
9. Click Apply to apply the dynamic range control.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Common Dynamic Range Controls
When using the Dynamic Range Control sliders, adjusting these common control
sliders will have the resulting effects:
Threshold: use to set the point where the dynamics processing takes place.
Ratio: use to set the ratio for its respective dynamics section. Higher ratios will
result in more extreme compression, limiting or expansion.
Attack: use to set how quickly the compressor, limiter or expander/gate reacts
(in milliseconds) to an incoming signal when the signal passes the specified
Release: use to set how quickly the module stops applying compression,
limiting or expansion/gating when the signal falls below the threshold.
Editing Audio
Using the Equalizer
Select Equalizer effect to apply preset equalizer filters on your audio. You can also
fully customize the overall sound of your audio using the available sliders.
To use the equalizer on audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to use the equalizer on.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Equalizer under the Apply Effect section to open the Equalizer window.
5. If required, select an equalizer preset from the Presets drop down.
Equalizer presets can enhance audio, and the preset you should select
depends on the type of audio or genre of music you are editing.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
drag the equalizer sliders to customize the audio effect applied.
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the Preview button.
Select Original audio if you want to play the original audio.
8. Click Apply to apply the equalizer effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Applying the Radio Effect
Use the Radio effect to apply a filter to your audio that mimics the sound of a radio.
To apply the radio effect to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the radio effect to.
CyberLink AudioDirector
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Radio under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select the Radio type from the drop down. Each type provides a slightly
different effect to your audio.
6. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
7. Click Apply to apply the radio effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Applying the Phone Effect
Use the Phone effect to apply a filter to your audio that mimics the sound over a
To apply the phone effect to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the phone effect to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
Editing Audio
selecting channels.
4. Click Phone under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select the Phone type from the drop down. Each type provides a slightly
different effect to your audio.
6. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
7. Click Apply to apply the phone effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Adding Delays
Use the Delay effect to add analog and tape-style echoes to your tracks. This
vintage gear-inspired delay unit has unique features, including a delay meter that
lets you see and adjust the level and spacing of each echo generated.
To add a delay to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to add the delay to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Delay under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select a delay preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that best
suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
Select the delay mode you want to use:
CyberLink AudioDirector
Tape: simulates vintage tape echo effects, including saturation and wow/
flutter characteristics.
Tape/Tube: another tape delay emulation, featuring additional tube
saturation simulating the warmth of old tube-based analog circuitry.
Analog: a lo-fi analog delay effect with smearing and analog degradation,
similar to analog guitar stomp boxes.
Use the available control sliders to customize the delay as follows:
Dry Out: sets the output gain of the dry signal without delay added to the
Wet Out: sets the output gain of the wet/delayed signal.
Feedback: sets the gain of the delay feedback. Higher values will result in
longer audible feedback times, i.e. more repeats.
Trash: sets the amount of degradation for the delay. For example, higher
Trash values for tape delays results in more saturation. Higher Trash values
for lo-fi digital delays results in more bit truncation and aliasing.
Spread: for stereo tracks only. Sets the stereo spread of the signal, from
mono (0%) to extra wide (200%).
Delay: sets the delay time in milliseconds by default. If required, select the
Sync To Host to lock the delay time of the effect to the tempo set in the
host program, perfect for creating echoes that are in sync with your
project’s rhythm. Use the Tempo to set the delay time when selected.
Tap: another method for setting the speed of echoes. Click the Tap button
in rhythm to sync the delay manually to a tempo.
7. The meter at the bottom of the Delay window shows a series of bars
that represent the level of the echoes created by the effect. You can
also use this display to control delay parameters as follows:
drag the first bar up and down to control Dry Out level.
drag the second bar up and down to control Wet Out level.
drag the third bar up and down to control Feedback (number of repeats).
drag the second bar right and left to shorten or lengthen the Delay time.
Editing Audio
click on the meter and move your mouse wheel to adjust the zoom of the
8. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the Preview button on
the playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
9. Click Apply to add the delay to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Adding Reverb
Use Reverb to apply an effect that reverberates the original audio, i.e. applies an
echo-like effect to it.
To add reverb to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the reverb effect to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Reverb under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select a reverb preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that best
suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
use the Sparkle slider to add a grainy sound to the audio. The more sparkle
applied, the grainier it will sound.
use the Room width slider to widen a stereo audio signal without
disturbing the low frequencies. This allows you to control the perceived
location of the sound, ranging from a more centered source to one that
CyberLink AudioDirector
is wider left and right.
use the Room size slider to add reverberation to the audio signal,
simulating it being played in a room. Larger values will simulate a
larger room.
use the Dry-Wet mix slider to set the ratio between the dry (original direct
sound) and wet (reflected sound) audio. Adjusting the mix can help change
the perceived distance of the audio from the listener, giving the audio spatial
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
8. Click Apply to add the reverb effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Removing Vocals in Music
Use the Vocal Removal in Music effect to create a karaoke or instrumental version
of your stereo music files.
Note: this effect can only be applied to stereo (two channel) audio files, and best
works on files where the vocals are evenly distributed on both channels, i.e.
panned to the center.
To remove vocals in music, do this:
1. Select the music file in the library that you want to remove the vocals from.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Click Vocal Removal in Music under the Apply Effect section.
4. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
Editing Audio
5. Click Apply to remove the vocals from the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Applying a Noise Gate
Apply the noise gate if you want to control the volume of a media file's audio
signal by blocking audio that falls below a specified threshold or decibel level. The
resulting audio can then be processed differently from the original audio.
To apply a noise gate to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the noise gate to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Noise Gate under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select a noise gate preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that
best suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
Threshold: use this slider to determine the minimum input audio level
required to make the noise gate open and pass the audio signal through.
Attack time: use this slider to set the duration that the noise gate
takes to change from closed to open. Attack time is similar to a fade-
Release time: use this slider to set the duration it takes for the noise
gate to change from fully open to closed. Release time is similar to a
Hold time: use this slider to set the duration the noise gate stays open after
CyberLink AudioDirector
the signal has fallen below the defined threshold.
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
8. Click Apply to add the noise gate to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Creating a Phase Effect
Use the Phaser to create a phase effect, which is produced by splitting an audio
signal and then filtering it by shifting the signal's phase to and from the audio's
frequency. This modified (wet) audio signal is then mixed back together with the
original (dry) audio, giving the audio a watery or sweeping sound.
To add a phase effect to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the phase effect to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Phaser under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select a phaser preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that best
suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
Stage count: from the drop-down, select the number of stages, or phase
shifting filters, that are applied to the audio signal. The more stages you
select, the more dense sounding the phase effect will be.
Delay depth: use the slider to set how much the filters sweep below the
Editing Audio
source frequency. The larger the delay depth, the more of a trembling effect it
will have on the audio.
Modulation rate: use the slider to control how quickly (measured in hertz, or
cycles per second) the filters sweep to and from the source frequency of the
Feedback: use the slider to set the percentage of the phaser output that is fed
back in to the original audio. A negative value will invert the phase waveform
before feeding the audio back, reducing the loudness of the audio.
Dry-Wet mix: use the slider to set the ratio between the dry (original audio)
and wet (modified/filtered sound) audio. Dragging the slider to the left
provides more of the original audio in the mix, while to the right adds more
of the modified audio.
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
8. Click Apply to add the phase effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Creating a Flange Effect
The flange effect is a time delay effect that is created by mixing two audio channels
together, after performing a phase shift on one of the channels and then slightly
delaying its signal. This produces a subtle swirling or psychedelic sound effect in
the audio.
To add a flange effect to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the flange effect to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
CyberLink AudioDirector
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Flanger under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select a flanger preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that best
suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
Initial delay time: use this slider to set how far behind, in milliseconds, the
audio with the flange effect applied will start behind the original audio signal.
Delay depth: use this slider to control the depth of the pitch that is applied to
the effect.
Phase diff: use this slider to set the phase difference between the two
channels (0~360 deg).
Feedback: use the slider to set the percentage of the delayed output that is
fed back in to the original audio. Adjusting this option can greatly intensify
the effect.
Modulation rate: use the slider to control how quickly (measured in hertz, or
cycles per second) the filters sweep to and from the source frequency of the
Shape: select the shape of the transition from the initial delay time to final
delay, and then back again. Sine makes the transition follow a sine wave,
while Triangle makes it follow a triangle wave.
Dry-Wet mix: use the slider to set the ratio between the dry (original audio)
and wet (delayed flanged audio signal) audio. Dragging the slider to the left
provides more of the original audio in the mix, while to the right adds more
of the modified audio.
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
8. Click Apply to add the flange effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Editing Audio
Adding a Chrous Effect
In CyberLink AudioDirector you can make your audio sound richer by adding a
chorus effect to it. This is done by adding some delays and feedback, so it sounds
as if multiple audio sources, voices, or instruments are playing together.
To add a chorus effect to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the chorus effect to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Chorus under the Apply Effect section.
5. Select a chorus preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that best
suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
Voices count: use this slider if you want to increase the perceived number of
voices in the audio. As you drag the slider right, the number of voices heard
in the audio increases.
Initial delay time: use this slider to set how far behind, in milliseconds, the
audio with the chorus effect applied will start behind the original audio signal.
Delay depth: use this slider to control the range of sweeping in each
modulation period.
Modulation rate: use the slider to control how quickly (measured in hertz, or
cycles per second) the filters sweep to and from the source frequency of the
Decay: use the slider to set the amount of decay on the effect, or the relative
strength/amplitude (to the original) of the copied effect. Adjusting this option
can greatly intensify the effect.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Dry: use this slider to set the amount of original audio that will be in the
adjusted audio.
Wet: use the slider to set the amount of wet (audio with chorus effect applied)
audio that will be in the adjusted audio.
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by
selecting Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the
playback controls. Select Original audio if you want to play the
original audio.
8. Click Apply to add the chorus effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Adding an Echo Effect
In CyberLink AudioDirector you can add an echo to your audio, by adding a series
of delayed and decaying sources of the original audio to it.
To add a chorus effect to audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to apply the phase effect to.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to apply the effect to. See Range Selection for more information on selecting
a range of an audio file. If you don't select a range, the effect is applied to the
entire audio clip.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to apply the effect on all the available channels, or
just one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
4. Click Echo under the Apply Effect section.
5. In the window that displays, select the echo preset from the Presets drop-
down. Select the preset that best suits the sound you want to achieve.
6. If required, click to modify the advanced settings as follows:
Initial delay time: use this slider to set how far behind, in milliseconds, the
audio with the echo effect applied will start behind the original audio signal.
Editing Audio
Feedback: use this slider to set the ratio that determines how long the echoed
sound will last. Dragging the slider left produces less of an echo, while
dragging it right can produce an echo that never seems to fade out.
Equalizer: use these sliders to adjust the room characteristics where the audio
is being reflected to create the echo. More reflective surfaces create a brighter
sound, while a room with absorbent walls creates an echo that is a lot darker.
7. If required, you can preview how the applied effect will sound by selecting
Adjusted result and then clicking the play button on the playback controls.
Select Original audio if you want to play the original audio.
8. Click Apply to add the echo effect to the audio.
Note: if required, click on the Effect tab to see the applied effect in the edit panel.
See Effect Tab for more information.
Applying VST Effects
VST plug-in effects are the industry standard for audio processing software. You
can purchase, download and then import VST effects into CyberLink AudioDirector
for use.
Note: check the associated documentation for each VST plugin effect for detailed
information on using these effects.
Importing VST Effects
With VST plug-in effects you can find and add the desired custom effect you want
on your audio. VST plug-in effects are widely available for download from the
Internet, and can easily be imported into CyberLink AudioDirector.
Note: CyberLink does not guarantee the usability of downloaded VST plug-in
effects, nor the quality of the VST modules.
If you have downloaded a VST plug-in effect, do this to import it into CyberLink
1. From the menu select File > Import VST Plug-in Effects.
2. Browse to the location where the downloaded VST plugin effect is located.
Note: CyberLink AudioDirector imports VST plug-in effects that are in the DLL
format. If the downloaded effect is in the ZIP format, you must first unzip it before
trying to import it into the program.
3. Select the VST plugin effect and then click Open to import the effect into the
CyberLink AudioDirector
VST section of CyberLink AudioDirector.
Note: Once imported, VST effects are always available in the program every time it
is launched. Right-click on imported VST effects and then select Remove to
remove them from the CyberLink AudioDirector.
Restoring Audio
Restoring Audio
Chapter 6:
Click on the Restore button to repair audio clips using the Click Removal, Clip
Restoration, Noise Reduction, and Hum Removal features. You can also do more
precise and powerful fixing using Visual Repair.
Note: when you are repairing audio, the fixes are not applied to the original file, as
you must produce it as a new file in the Produce window. See Producing the Audio
for more information.
Using Visual Repair
If any of your audio clips have unwanted background sounds, such as sirens, car
alarms, etc., you can use the visual repair feature to remove them. CyberLink
AudioDirector provides several selection tools for you to manually find and select
the unwanted sound using the spectral frequency view. The visual repair feature
also has three different ways to repair audio - auto attenuate, manual attenuate,
and volume adjustment to remove specific unwanted sound.
To access Visual Repair, click the Visual Repair option under the Adjustment
Regional Selection Tools
CyberLink AudioDirector supplies you with five different selection tools that help
you to choose the regions of an audio clip you want to repair. Once selected, use
the visual repair tools to fix the audio.
Note: these regional selection tools are only available when in the spectral
frequency view. See Spectral Frequency View for more information on selecting
this view.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Time Selection
The time selection tool lets you select a vertical area of the audio clip based on
playback time. This selection tool is similar to the range selection.
To use the time selection tool, do this:
1. In the Visual Repair section, click on the button.
2. Click and drag on the region of the audio clip you want to repair.
CyberLink AudioDirector vertically selects the all of the content in the region
for fixing.
Restoring Audio
3. Click the button to preview only the selected content to ensure it is what
you need to fix.
4. Use the visual repair functions to repair the audio as required. See Repairing
the Audio for more information.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Time Frequency Selection
Use the time frequency selection tool to choose a more precise area of the audio,
by selecting a rectangular region for fixing.
To use the time frequency selection tool, do this:
1. In the Visual Repair section, click on the button.
2. Click and drag on the region of the audio clip you want to repair.
CyberLink AudioDirector highlights the content in a rectangle for fixing.
Restoring Audio
3. Click the button to preview only the selected content to ensure it is what
you need to fix.
4. Use the visual repair functions to repair the audio as required. See Repairing
the Audio for more information.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Frequency Selection
The frequency selection tool lets you select a horizontal area of the audio clip based
on its frequency.
To use the frequency selection tool, do this:
1. In the Visual Repair section, click on the button.
2. Click and drag on the region of the audio clip you want to repair.
CyberLink AudioDirector horizontally selects the all of the content in the
region for fixing
Restoring Audio
3. Click the button to preview only the selected content to ensure it is what
you need to fix.
4. Use the visual repair functions to repair the audio as required. See
Repairing the Audio for more information.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Magic Wand Selection
The magic wand selection tool helps you to auto select similar attributes (frequency
or amplitude) in the audio clip that may be the area that requires fixing.
To use the magic wand selection tool, do this:
1. In the Visual Repair section, click on the button.
2. Click on the regions of the audio clip you want to repair.
CyberLink AudioDirector auto selects the similar attributes (frequency or
amplitude) for fixing.
Restoring Audio
3. If required, you can select the Harmonic finder option to have CyberLink
AudioDirector auto select the attributes that have similar harmonic qualities.
CyberLink AudioDirector
4. Click the button to preview only the selected content to ensure it is what
you need to fix.
5. Use the visual repair functions to repair the audio as required. See
Repairing the Audio for more information.
Restoring Audio
Brush Selection
You can use the brush selection tool to select, or brush, just the parts of the audio
clip you want to repair.
To use the brush selection tool, do this:
1. In the Visual Repair section, click on the button.
2. Use the Size slider to set the width of the area selected by the brush.
3. Click, hold down the mouse button, and then drag the mouse over the all
regions of the audio clip you want to repair.
Let go of the mouse button to finalize the selected area.
CyberLink AudioDirector
4. Use the visual repair functions to repair the audio as required. See Repairing
the Audio for more information.
Repairing the Audio
Once you have selected the portion of the audio that you want to repair, use one of
the following functions to fix it as required.
Auto Attenuate
The auto attenuate function automatically levels off the selected audio so that it
has the same attributes as the surrounding audio.
To apply auto attenuate, do this:
1. Select the Auto attenuate function.
Restoring Audio
2. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the play button. Select Original audio if you want
to play the original audio.
3. Click Apply to repair the selected audio.
Manual Attenuate
The manual attenuate function lets you manually level off the selected audio so
that it has the same attributes as the surrounding audio.
To apply manual attenuate, do this:
1. Select the Manual attenuate function.
2. Use the Strength slider to set the amount of attenuation you want to apply on
the selected area.
3. In the Direction drop-down, select whether you want to level off (attenuate)
the selected area to match the attributes horizontally (above and below) or
vertically (left and right) around it.
4. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored result
and then clicking the play button. Select Original audio if you want to play
the original audio.
5. Click Apply to repair the selected audio.
Volume Adjustment
Use this function to manually repair the selected audio by adjusting the volume, or
To repair with volume adjustment, do this:
1. Select the Volume adjustment function.
2. Use the Volume slider to adjust the volume of the selected area.
3. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored result
and then clicking the play button. Select Original audio if you want to play
the original audio.
4. Click Apply to repair the selected audio.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Using Noise Reduction
Use the Noise Reduction feature if your audio contains unwanted static, or other
background noise. There are two types of noise reduction available: Auto Denoise
and Noise Reduction.
To remove unwanted noise in your audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to remove audio from.
2. Decide whether you want to remove it from all the available channels, or just
one channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on
selecting channels.
3. Click Noise Reduction to open the Noise Reduction window.
4. Select one of the following options:
Auto Denoise: select this option to use audio denoise on audio that was
recorded outdoors, in a room with poor acoustics, in a car, or other noisy
locations. The audio denoise tool uses CLNR (CyberLink Noise Reduction)
technology to automatically improve your audio's quality and reduce
background noise. Also use it if you have trouble finding an audio sample in
the Noise Reduction feature. See Auto Denoise for more information.
Noise Reduction: select this option to use CyberLink's Noise Reduction
technology to reduce broadband and tonal noise for more natural-sounding
results. CyberLink AudioDirector asks you to manually select an area that
contains the noise, then through analysis helps you remove it from your
audio. See Noise Reduction for more information.
5. Click Next to proceed.
Auto Denoise
To use the Audio Denoise on audio, do this:
1. Use the Sensitivity slider to adjust the degree of denoise applied to the audio.
2. Use the Dry-Wet mix slider to set the ratio between the dry (original audio
that includes the unwanted noise) and wet (audio with denoise applied) audio.
Adjusting the mix can balance the original audio and the audio with the
denoise applied, reducing a loss of quality on the audio portion you want to
Restoring Audio
3. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the Preview button. Select Original audio if
you want to play the original audio.
4. Click Apply to repair the audio.
Noise Reduction
To use the Noise Reduction on audio, do this:
1. In step 1, select a range of the audio that only contains the noise you
want to remove, i.e. devoid of the audio you want to keep in the file.
See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an audio
2. Next, click the Analyze button to analyze the range of audio. Doing
this creates a noise profile that CyberLink AudioDirector uses to reduce
the audio noise. If required, click the Preview Noise button to listen
to the noise.
3. Click the Next button to go to step 2.
4. Select which range of audio you want to apply the noise reduction to by
selecting one of the following:
Analyzed range only: select this option to only apply the noise reduction to
the range of audio you selected and analyzed in step 1.
Entire audio content: select this option if you want to apply the noise
reduction to the entire audio clip.
Select a different range: select this option to select a new range of audio
where you want the noise reduction applied. This range can contain both the
noise and the audio content you want to keep.
5. Use the Sensitivity and Noise reduction level sliders to adjust the
amount of reduction applied to the selected range. If required, click
the Preview Noise button again to listen to the noise that will be
Note: when previewing the noise, if you hear portions of the audio you want to keep,
it is recommended that you reduce the Sensitivity and/or the Noise reduction
level until you don't hear it anymore, for the best results on the repaired audio.
6. Use the Dry-Wet mix slider to set the ratio between the dry (original audio
that includes the unwanted noise) and wet (audio with noise reduction
CyberLink AudioDirector
applied) audio. Adjusting the mix can balance the original audio and the
audio with the noise reduction applied, reducing a loss of quality on the
audio portion you want to keep.
7. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the Preview button. Select Original audio if
you want to play the original audio.
8. Click Apply to repair the audio.
Using Clip Restoration
Use Clip Restoration feature if parts of your audio's waveform is clipped off at the
top or bottom, causing distortions or loss in audio quality. This feature can restore
the waveform through attenuation, resulting in audio that is less intense, but
without distorted or lost audio parts.
To use the Clip Restoration on audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to repair.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to repair. See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an
audio file. If you don't select a range, the entire audio clip is repaired.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to repair all the available channels, or just one
channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on selecting
4. Click Clip Restoration to open the Clip Restoration window
5. Select the Quality amount of the clip restoration. The higher the
quality selected, the more attenuation that is applied to the audio, and
the lower its resulting intensity or loudness.
6. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the play button. Select Original audio if you
want to play the original audio.
7. Click Apply to repair the audio.
Restoring Audio
Using Click Removal
Use the Click Removal feature if your audio clips contain unwanted clicking or
related sounds in them.
To use the Click Removal on audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to repair.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to repair. See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an
audio file. If you don't select a range, the entire audio clip is repaired.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to repair all the available channels, or just one
channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on selecting
4. Click Click Removal to open the Click Removal window.
5. If required, select a preset from the Presets drop down. These
presets can auto repair your audio for you.
6. Use the Sensitivity slider to adjust the amount of Click Removal
applied to the selected audio clip.
7. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the play button. Select Original audio if you
want to play the original audio.
8. Click Apply to repair the audio.
Using Hum Removal
The Hum Removal feature removes hum noise and its harmonics from audio clips.
Hum noise is usually caused by electronics (faulty microphone, electrical
interference with recording device, etc.) during the original recording.
To use Hum Removal on audio, do this:
1. Select the media file in the library that you want to repair.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of an audio file you want
to repair. See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an
CyberLink AudioDirector
audio file. If you don't select a range, the entire audio clip is repaired.
Note: the entire audio file's waveform is selected by default when this feature is
opened. If you want to apply this feature to the entire audio file, you do not need to
use range selection when the entire waveform is selected.
3. Decide whether you want to repair all the available channels, or just one
channel. See Selecting Channels for Editing for more information on selecting
4. Click Hum Removal to open the Hum Removal window.
5. Select one of the following options:
Simple Mode: select this option if you want CyberLink AudioDirector to
remove the hum using a selected frequency range band. See Simple Mode for
more information.
Advanced Mode: select this option to use the more advanced controls.
CyberLink AudioDirector asks you to manually select an area that contains the
hum, then through analysis helps you remove it from your audio. See
Advanced Mode for more information.
6. Click Next to proceed.
Simple Mode
Because most hum noise is in the 50Hz to 60Hz frequency range band, sometimes
the simple mode of selecting a specific frequency range band is all that is required
to remove the hum noise.
In Simple Mode, do this:
1. Select a frequency band from the list as follows:
Remove 50Hz: select this option to remove all audio that is in the 50Hz
frequency range band.
Remove 50Hz and the harmonics: select this option to remove all audio that
is in the 50Hz frequency range band. This option will also remove any
corresponding harmonics.
Remove 60Hz: select this option to remove all audio that is in the 60Hz
frequency range band.
Remove 60Hz and the harmonics: select this option to remove all audio that
is in the 60Hz frequency range band. This option will also remove any
Restoring Audio
corresponding harmonics.
2. Use the Reduction level slider to set the amount of attenuation applied on the
hum noise.
3. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the Preview button. Select Original audio if
you want to play the original audio.
4. Click Apply to repair the audio.
Advanced Mode
For hum noise that is harder to remove, the advanced mode lets you select a region
of the audio that contains the hum so CyberLink AudioDirector can detect it. Once
detected, you can then customize the its removal use a series of parameters.
In Advance Mode, do this:
1. In step 1, select a range of the audio that only contains the hum you
want to remove, i.e. devoid of the audio you want to keep in the file.
See Range Selection for more information on selecting a range of an audio
2. Next, click the Analyze button to analyze the range of audio. Doing
this creates a noise profile that CyberLink AudioDirector uses to
remove the hum. If required, click the Preview Hum button to listen
to the noise.
3. Select a preset from the Presets drop-down. Select the preset that best fits the
frequency of the hum you are trying to remove.
4. Click the Next button to go to step 2.
5. Select which range of audio you want to apply the hum removal to by
selecting one of the following:
Analyzed range only: select this option to only apply the hum removal to the
range of audio you selected and analyzed in step 1.
Entire audio content: select this option if you want to apply the hum removal
to the entire audio clip.
Select a different range: select this option to select a new range of audio
where you want the hum removal applied. This range can contain both the
hum and the audio content you want to keep.
CyberLink AudioDirector
6. If required, use the following sliders to further remove the hum from the
Base frequency: use this slider to manually specify the root note of the hum
noise, if the detected hum is incorrect.
Reduction level: use this slider to set the amount of attenuation applied on
the hum noise.
Number of harmonics: select the number of harmonics the hum noise
appears to have.
Filter bandwidth: use this slider determine the width of the root frequency
and its harmonics. Dragging the slider left affects a wider range of
frequencies, while dragging it right will affect a narrower range.
Harmonic slope: use this slider to set the ratio of attenuation applied to the
7. If required, you can preview the repaired audio by selecting Restored
result and then clicking the Preview button. Select Original audio if
you want to play the original audio.
8. Click Apply to repair the audio.
M ix Room
Mix Room
Chapter 7:
In the Mix room you can mix audio together to create customized audio files. You
can also create soundtracks for videos, by mixing audio with videos added to the
video track.
Click the Mix button to open the mix audio room. The Mix room displays as
A - Configure Audio Profile Settings for M ix Room, B - Add Track, C - M ixing Tools, D - Split Audio, E -
Norma lize Audio Across M ultiple Tra cks, F - Video Tra ck a nd its Corresponding Audio, G - M a ster
Track, H - Audio on Other Tra cks, I - Audio Tra nsition, J - M ix Room Effects (Including Noise Ga te a nd
the Surround Sound Pa nner)
CyberLink AudioDirector
Mixing Audio
To mix audio files, do this:
1. Before getting started, click the button to configure your audio mix's
profile settings. See Configuring Audio Profile Settings for a description of
each of the available profile settings.
2. Add the audio files that you want to include in the mix to the Mix room
timeline. See Adding Media to Your Mix for more detailed information. For
detailed information about the timeline in the Mix room, see Mix Room
3. Position each added audio file to start precisely when you want it by dragging
it to the desired starting position. You can use timeline markers to make this
task easier. See Timeline Markers for more information.
4. If required, use the buttons to cut, copy, paste, or
delete the audio on the tracks. You can also select an audio file on a track and
click to split it into two separate parts that can be moved separately
among tracks.
Note: if required, you can click an audio clip on the timeline and drag the
beginning or end to quickly trim the audio file length.
5. If required, right click on an audio clip and then select Edit Clip in Edit Room
to edit it in the Edit room. See Editing Audio for detailed information on
editing audio clips.
6. If required, right click on an audio clip on a track and then select Edit Clip in
Restore Room to fix in the Restore room. See Restoring Audio for detailed
information on editing audio clips.
7. Select a track and then use the mixing tools to set the audio levels, record
new audio, and more. See Using the Mixing Tools for more information.
8. If required, select an audio clip on a track and go to the Adjustment panel to
apply an effect. See Applying Audio Effects in the Mix Room for more
M ix Room
9. Preview your audio mix and once you are satisfied with the result, you are
ready to mix it down and produce it as a new audio file. See Producing Audio
for more information.
Configuring Audio Profile Settings
Before creating your mix, click the button to configure the audio profile, or the
quality and number of channels, of the audio you are mixing in the Mix room. The
available options are as follows:
Sample rate: select the sample rate from the drop-down that CyberLink
AudioDirector will use by default when previewing audio in the mix room.
Bit depth: select the bit depth from the drop-down that CyberLink
AudioDirector will use when previewing audio in the mix room.
Channels: select the number of channels you want in the audio preview.
Adding Media to Your Mix
Add media to your mix by dragging audio files that are in the library to any of the
tracks in the Mix room timeline, and at any position. If the audio that you want to
include in the mix is not in library, see Importing Media into the Library for
information on importing it.
You can also add a video file to your mix. When added, CyberLink AudioDirector
displays a video track in the timeline and shows the corresponding audio track.
Note: you can only have one video track in the timeline, but you can place more
than one video file on this track.
When adding media to the Mix room timeline, if you drop it on to an existing clip
on the timeline, you are asked if you want to split the clip and Insert the new clip
between the two portions, or Overwrite the existing clip. The other options include
using a transition between the clip you are adding and the existing clip on the
timeline. See Using Audio Transitions for more information.
Mix Room Timeline
The following is some information that you may find helpful about the Mix room
by default, the Mix room timeline includes four tracks, one of which is the
CyberLink AudioDirector
Master Track. To hide the Master Track, just right click on it and then select
Hide Master Track.
you cannot add audio to the Master Track directly, as it works as a guide for
your audio mix project. It is visual representation for all the audio that is in
your mix.
if you want to apply audio effects to your entire mix, you can do so by
selecting the Master Track. You can also use range selection to apply the
effects to just a selected range. See Range Selection for more information on
selecting a range of audio.
you can add up to 100 audio tracks in the Mix room timeline. To add a new
track, click the button.
once a video file is added to your mix, you can right-click on the video track
and select Remove Video Track if you just want the video's audio in the mix.
if you don't want to include a video file's audio in your mix, you can just
remove it from the corresponding audio track.
Normalizing Audio Across Multiple
If you find that some of the audio in your mix is much louder than the audio on the
other tracks, you can normalize the volume across multiple tracks. Normalizing is
the process of applying a constant amount of gain to your mix to bring the average
or peak amplitude (volume levels) to a same level.
To normalize the audio across multiple tracks, do this:
Note: this section is for normalizing the audio across multiple tracks in the Mix
room. For information on normalizing the audio in the Edit and Restore rooms see
Normalizing Audio Channels.
1. Select the all of the tracks in the mix that you want to normalize.
2. If required, use range selection to select the portion of the audio file you want
to normalize the audio for. See Range Selection for more information on
selecting a range of an audio file.
Note: be sure to select the entire audio file's waveform if you want to normalize the
audio in the entire track.
3. Click the button to normalize the volume of the selected audio tracks.
M ix Room
Using Audio Transitions
When adding more than one audio clip onto a timeline track, you can use a
transition to mix the two clips together.
To use an audio transition, do this:
1. Drag an audio clip to a timeline track, and then drag and drop a second clip
to the position on the first clip where you want the transition to begin, i.e. the
duration you want the two audio clips to overlap. You can also drag an
existing clip on the timeline and drop it on the audio clip you want to
transition it with.
Note: make sure you drag and drop the second clip to the exact time position
where you want the transition between the two clips to begin. You can use timeline
markers to make this task easier. See Timeline Markers for more information.
2. In the pop-up that displays, select one of the following transition options:
Note: if you don't want to use a transition, select Insert to split the clip and insert
the new clip between the two portions, or Overwrite to place it over the existing
Crossfade: select this option if you want the first audio clip to gradually fade
into the second clip. Once selected, choose the fade type from the available
options. Use the Preview button to help you pick the fade type that best suits
your requirements.
Note: select the Always use selected type check box to set the selected fade
type as the default. Once selected, CyberLink AudioDirector will use this fade type
automatically the next time you use a crossfade transition. To change the
transition type, just right click on the transition and select Edit Crossfade
Smart Transition: select this option to use a more customized transition.
Select from the available transition effects and then adjust its properties. See
Adjusting Smart Transition Properties for a detailed description of the
available properties.
Note: the maximum length of a smart audio transition is 30 seconds. If the duration
of the overlap between the first and second audio clip is more than 30 seconds,
then the Smart Transition option is not available.
3. Click OK to apply the audio transition between the two clips.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Note: you can change the length of the audio transition by dragging the second
clip and moving it to a new position. When using a crossfade, double click on the
transition area to edit the transition's properties. For smart transitions, just click
, , or (depending on the transition type) to edit the properties.
Adjusting Smart Transition Properties
When you use a smart transition you can choose one of the following transition
effects between the two clips: Tempo Transition, DJ Scratch, or Smart Repeat.
Note: click the Preview button while adjusting the transition properties to preview
the results and help you fine tune them to fit your requirements. If required, click
the Reset to Defaults button at any time to reset the edited properties back to the
original settings.
Tempo Transition
Creates a smooth transition between the audio clips based on the tempo of each.
Once selected, edit the properties as follows:
Tempo adjustment:
First clip's estimated tempo: if required, use to adjust the tempo of the first
clip. You can speed up or slow down the tempo, depending on the tempo of
the second clip. Use 2X to double the clip's tempo, or 0.5X to halve it.
Second clip's estimated tempo: if required, use to adjust the tempo of the
second clip. You can speed up or slow down the tempo, depending on the
tempo of the second clip. Use 2X to double the clip's tempo, or 0.5X to halve
DJ Scratch
Creates a transition using the scratching of a record and the tempo of each audio
clip. Once selected, edit the properties as follows:
Scratch strength ratio: use the slider to set the strength of the record scratch
during the transition.
M ix Room
Tempo adjustment:
First clip's estimated tempo: if required, use to adjust the tempo of the first
clip. You can speed up or slow down the tempo, depending on the tempo of
the second clip. Use 2X to double the clip's tempo, or 0.5X to halve it.
Second clip's estimated tempo: if required, use to adjust the tempo of the
second clip. You can speed up or slow down the tempo, depending on the
tempo of the second clip. Use 2X to double the clip's tempo, or 0.5X to halve
Smart Repeat
Creates a transition that repeats the last portion of the original clip a set amount
times, giving the transition a skipping effect. Once selected, edit the properties as
Number of repeats: select the number of times you want the end of the first
clip to repeat.
Tempo adjustment:
First clip's estimated tempo: if required, use to adjust the tempo of the first
clip. You can speed up or slow down the tempo, depending on the tempo of
the second clip. Use 2X to double the clip's tempo, or 0.5X to halve it.
Second clip's estimated tempo: if required, use to adjust the tempo of the
second clip. You can speed up or slow down the tempo, depending on the
tempo of the second clip. Use 2X to double the clip's tempo, or 0.5X to halve
Using the Mixing Tools
The mixing tools are available for each of the tracks in the mix room timeline,
except the video and master track. The tools that are available are outline in the
below table.
Mixing Tools
If required, click this button and select a label for the track. Select an
icon that closely matches the type of audio in the track.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Click to enable this track for recording. Click the button at the
bottom of the CyberLink AudioDirector window when you are ready to
begin recording. You can enable multiple tracks at once. All their
inputs will be recorded and added to the corresponding track,
simultaneously. Click to configure the recording settings by
selecting the import source for the recorded audio, and whether you
want to monitor the input.
Click this button to mute the corresponding audio track.
Select this button if you only want to hear the audio in the
corresponding track when previewing the audio mix. You can enable
as many tracks as you want. All the tracks where is not selected
are muted during the preview.
Click to modify the master volume for the audio file on the selected
track using volume keys at specific points. See Adjusting the Master
Volume for detailed information on modifying master volume keys.
Click to modify the balance of the audio file on the selected track by
panning the audio left or right. See Panning Audio L/R for detailed
information on panning audio.
Use the slider to the right of this icon to set the audio input level for
the entire duration of the track.
Applying Audio Effects in the Mix Room
While mixing audio in the Mix room you can apply any of the effects in the
Adjustment panel to your audio. Click Apply Effect for a list of the available effects
in the Mix room, and see Applying Audio Effects for a detailed description of these
Note: in the Mix room, audio effects can only be applied to one audio clip on a
track at a time, or to all the audio in the mix by selecting the Master Track. If you
select more than one audio clip, the effects are not available.
For information on the use of the Surround Sound Panner, see Using the Surround
Sound Panner section below.
Note: once an effect is applied to an audio clip, click on to view the Effect List
for the click. In the Effect List you can deselect or click to remove the effect
from the clip.
M ix Room
Using the Surround Sound Panner
You can use the Surround Sound Panner to pan the audio of a selected audio clip
to any or all of the available channels. You can do this manually, or select from one
of the panning templates.
Note: if you haven't configured the audio profile settings yet, it is recommended
that you set the desired number of channels in your mix before using the Surround
Sound Panner. See Configuring Audio Profile Settings for more information.
To use the Surround Sound Panner on an audio clip in your mix, do this:
1. Select the audio clip in the Mix room timeline to use, or select the Master
Track if want to pan all of the audio in the mix.
2. Click Surround Sound Panner under the Apply Effect section.
3. If you selected the Master Track you can use range selection to select the
portion of the audio mix you want to apply the effect to. See Range Selection
for more information on selecting a range of an audio file. If you don't select
a range, the effect is applied to the entire audio mix.
4. Select one of the following panner options:
Manually set channel output: select this option if you want the selected audio
to be panned to a specific channel, and not move. Once selected, click and
drag to the channel you want the audio to be panned to.
Use panning template: select this option if you want the selected audio clip to
pan across multiple channels. Select from one of the available templates. If
the panning template contains the icon, you can click and drag its path to
achieve the pan you require.
5. If required, click the Preview button to listen to how the applied effect
will sound.
6. Click Apply to apply the pan effect to the audio.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Producing the Audio
Producing the Audio
Chapter 8:
The last step when editing, restoring, and mixing audio files is to save or produce it
to a new file. CyberLink AudioDirector uses the original media and then applies all
the specified changes to it, creating a new file, either in the same format, or in a
new file format if you prefer.
Note: if you have CyberLink PowerDirector 11 or 12 installed on your computer,
you can also select an edited file in the library and then File > Export Audio to
PowerDirector from the menu to quickly produce and export just the audio to
Supported Formats
CyberLink AudioDirector supports the production and export of audio files into the
following formats:
Audio: MP3, WAV, WMA, M4A.
Video: H.264, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV.
Producing Audio
When you are finished performing edits, adding effects, or restoring an audio file in
the library, you can save the changes and produce it as a new file. This produce
feature is also used when mixing down all the tracks in the Mix room, combining
them into a single audio file.
Note: you can also convert audio files in the library into other formats using this
To produce your audio file as a new file, do this:
1. Select the audio file in the library you want to save/produce, and then click
Produce in the AudioDirector quick bar above the timeline. The Produce
Audio window opens.
Note: if there is a video file in the Mix room, or it is an edited video file's audio that
you want to produce only, select Produce Audio after clicking the Produce
2. Set the File information as follows:
CyberLink AudioDirector
File name: enter in a new file name for the file.
Location: click on to set the location of the folder where the produced
audio is saved.
3. Use the Audio profile settings to set the quality of the produce file as follows:
Format: select the format you want for the newly produced audio file from
the drop-down. See Supported Formats for information on the supported
audio file formats.
Bitrate: if required, set the bitrate for the produced file by selecting it from the
Sample rate: set the sample rate of the produced file by selecting it from the
Bit depth: set the bit depth of the produce file by selecting it from the drop-
Channels: set the number of channels the produced file will have. If you are
producing it as a WAV file, you can produce it with 5.1 or 7.1 channels, if
CyberLink TrueTheater Surround: if increasing the number of channels in the
audio, select this option to use CyberLink TrueTheater Surround to enhance
the quality of the expanded audio. Choose from Living Room, Theater, or
4. Click on Produce. The file is saved to the folder location specified.
Note: the new file is also added to the library and is available for use in other
projects in CyberLink AudioDirector.
Producing Video
After you have edited the audio tracks of an imported video file, use the produce
video function to re-render the video with the updated audio applied. This produce
feature is also used when mixing down all the tracks in the Mix room, including a
video track, and then combining them into a single video file with the mixed audio.
To produce a video file, do this:
1. Select the video file in the library you want to produce, click Produce in the
AudioDirector quick bar above the timeline, and then select Produce Video.
The Produce Video window opens.
Producing the Audio
2. Set the File information as follows:
File name: enter in a new file name for the file.
Location: click on to set the location of the folder where the produced
video is saved.
3. Use the Video profile settings to set the quality of the produce file as follows:
Video format: select the format you want for the newly produced video file
from the drop-down. See Supported Formats for information on the
supported video file formats.
Video profile: select the video profile, or video quality, of the produced file
from the drop-down.
Note: when outputting video in the H.264 and MPEG-4 formats, video profiles with
resolutions as high as 2K and 4K are available if the original video file is
4. Use the Audio profile settings to set the quality of the produce file as follows:
Audio codec: select the audio used on the audio portion of the file from the
Bitrate: if required, set the bitrate for the video's audio by selecting it from the
Sample rate: set the sample rate of the video's audio by selecting it from the
Bit depth: set the bit depth of the video's audio by selecting it from the drop-
Channels: set the number of channels the video's audio will have. Depending
on the video file format and audio codec specified, you can produce it with
up to 5.1 channels, if required.
5. Click on Produce. The file is saved to the folder location specified.
Note: the new file is also saved and available in the audio library of CyberLink
CyberLink AudioDirector
Sharing Audio on Directo rZone
Sharing Audio on
Chapter 9:
You can share the sound clips you create with other users by uploading them to
DirectorZone. The sound clips are first converted to 44100Hz, 16bit .MP3 stereo
audio files before they are uploaded. Once shared, other users can download and
use them in their own audio creations.
Note: the maximum length allowed of sound clips shared on DirectorZone is 30
To share a sound clip, select it in the library and then click and then click Upload in
the CyberLink AudioDirector quick bar above the timeline. Follow the detailed steps
in the Upload to DirectorZone wizard to share your audio.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Creating CDs
Creating CDs
Chapter 10:
Once you are done editing, restoring, and mixing your media files, you can use
them to create CDs that are burned in the audio CD format.
Note: you can add both audio and video files to the CD, however just the video
file's audio is burned to the disc.
To create a CD, do this:
1. Click the Create CD button to open the Create CD room.
2. Add tracks to the CD by dragging media from the media library to the CD
track list view window. You can preview them in the media library before
adding them by clicking beside the file.
Note: if you added a media file by mistake, click to remove it. Click if you
want to remove all the media files on the CD.
3. Use the and buttons to order the tracks on the CD to your preference.
4. If required, click on to edit the track information for each added media file.
When editing the CD-Text, you can add the song title, artist, album, and writer
information, and more. If adding the Album title and the Artist name, and
they are the same for each track, select the Apply album information to all
tracks and Apply artist information to all tracks options so you don't need to
add them for each track.
Note: this track information will only be visible on disc players that support CD-
Text reading.
5. Before burning the CD, click on to edit the CD properties as follows:
Normalize volume in all tracks on the CD: select this option to set the volume
of all of the audio tracks on the CD to the same level.
Insert audio gap between tracks: select this option if you want to include gaps
of silence between each track on the CD. You can specify the length of the
gap in the field provided.
6. If required, use the playback controls at the bottom of the window to preview
the entire CD before burning it to a disc.
7. When you are ready, put a blank CD in your burning drive, and then click the
CyberLink AudioDirector
Burn Now button.
8. In the Burn Settings window, set the following options:
Recording drive: select the burning drive CyberLink AudioDirector will use to
burn the tracks to the CD.
Recording speed: set the recording speed used when burning the CD. If you
encounter errors during the burning process, try lowering the burning speed.
Number of copies: in the field provided, enter the number of CDs you want
CyberLink AudioDirector to burn for you in succession.
Note: if the disc you want to use is not blank and is rewritable, click the Erase
Disc option to erase it To erase a disc, select the Quick erase option to erase the
disc index contained on the disc, or the Full erase option to erase all of the
content the disc contains. Next, click Erase to erase the disc.
9. Click Burn to finish creating your CD and burn it to a disc.
AudioDirecto r Hotkeys
AudioDirector Hotkeys
Chapter 11:
The following is a list of the hotkeys available in CyberLink AudioDirector for your
New project
Open project
Save project
Save project as
Import media
Open AudioDirector preferences
Open help
Exit countdown timer
Close AudioDirector
CyberLink AudioDirector
Licensing and Copyright Informatio n
Licensing and Copyright
Chapter 12:
This section contains the AudioDirector licensing and copyright information.
iZotope Software
Intellectual Property Notices and Legends:
iZotope Noise Reduction, iZotope Delay, and iZotope Dynamics, iZotope®; © 2011
iZotope, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dolby Laboratories
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D
symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished
works. Copyright 2003-2005 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.
CyberLink AudioDirector
Technical Suppo rt
Technical Support
Chapter 13:
This chapter contains technical support information. It includes all the information
to find the answers you need to assist you. You may also find answers quickly by
contacting your local distributor/dealer.
Before Contacting Technical
Please take advantage of one of CyberLink’s free technical support options:
consult the user’s guide or the online help installed with your program.
refer to the Knowledge Base in the Support section of the CyberLink web site.
The FAQs may have information and helpful hints that are more current than the
User Guide and online help.
When contacting technical support by email or phone, please have the following
information ready:
registered product key (your product key can be found on the software disc
envelope, the box cover, or in the e-mail received after you purchased
CyberLink products on the CyberLink store).
the product name, version and build number, which generally can be found
by clicking on the product name image on the user interface.
the version of Windows installed on your system.
hardware devices on your system (capture card, sound card, VGA card) and
their specifications.
the wording of any warning messages that were displayed (You may want to
write this down or take a screen capture).
a detailed description of the problem and under what circumstances it
CyberLink AudioDirector
Web Support
Solutions to your problems are available 24 hours a day at no cost on the CyberLink
web sites:
Note: you must first register as a member before using CyberLink web support.
CyberLink provides a wide range of web support options, including FAQs, in the
following languages:
Web Support URL
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Note: CyberLinks user community forum is only available in English and German.
5.1 8, 25
7.1 8, 25
Attenuate 70
adding markers 12
attenuate 70
boosting 33
converting 89
converting profile 31
downloading 26
editing 31
effects 43
exporting 89
fading 34
importing 25
inserting noise 39
inserting silence 39
length 37
level meter 17
master track 81
mixing 80
mixing down 89
noise reduction 72
normalizing 32, 82
panning 41
pitch 38
playback controls 15
producing 89
recording 27
removing clicks 75
removing vocals 50
repairing 59
restoring 59
reversing 40
saving 89
sharing 93
speed 37
supported formats, export 89
supported formats, import 25
trimming 36
TrueTheater Surround 31
Boost 33
creating 95
Change speed 37
Channels 8, 25
editing 9
normalizing 32
Chorus 55
CyberLink AudioDirector
removing 75
Clip restoration 74
zoom 12
Convert 89
audio profile 31
CDs 95
discs 6
range 9
Crossfade 83
Delays 47
DirectorZone 23, 26, 93
overview 2
creating 95
DJ scratch 84
Dry 49
Dynamic range control 43
Echo 49, 56
audio 6, 31
tools 32
Effects 20
applying 43
chorus 55
echo 56
flanger 53
importing 57
noise gate 51
phaser 52
VST 57
Equalizer 45
Export 89
Fades 34
Flanger 53
Hotkeys 97
Import 25
effects 57
Insert 80
changing 21
Levels 17
Library 6
timeline 12
Master track 81
Master volume 40
editing 31
importing 25
playback controls 15
Meter 17
Mix 80
audio 6
master track 81
timeline 7
Mix down 89
Mono 8
New features 1
inserting 39
reducing 72
Noise gate 51
across tracks 82
audio channels 32
Normalize volume 95
Overwrite 80
Pan 41
Phaser 52
Phone 46
Pitch 38
Playback 15
Plug-ins 57
PowerDirector 89
technical support 101
Preferences 21
Produce 89
audio 89
video 90
Projects 29
Quick bar 13
Radio 45
Range selection 9
Record 27
Restoration 74
Reverb 49
CyberLink AudioDirector
Reverse 40
projects 29
Share 93
Silence 39
Slider 7
Smart repeat 84
Smart transition 83
Sound clips library 26
Sparkle 49
Spectral frequency view 11
Speed 37
Split 80
Stereo 8
Surround sound panner 86
System requirements 3
Technical support 101
Tempo transition 84
adding tracks 81
markers 12
master track 81
mix audio 7
overview 7
slider 7
normalizing 82
Tracks adding 81
Transitions 83
Trim 36
range 9
TrueTheater Surround 31
UI language 21
editing audio 31
importing 25
playback controls 16
producing 90
spectral frequency 11
waveform 10
Visual repair 59
Vocals 50
Volume 20, 40
normalizing 95
VST effects 57
Waveform view 10
Web support 102
Wet 49
Zoom 12

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Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

U heeft geen emailadres opgegeven

Als u de handleiding per email wilt ontvangen, vul dan een geldig emailadres in.

Uw vraag is op deze pagina toegevoegd

Wilt u een email ontvangen bij een antwoord en/of nieuwe vragen? Vul dan hier uw emailadres in.
