572 Crystal Reports User’s Guide
suppressing 201
group selection formulas
creating 178
troubleshooting 178
group sorting 529
group values, sorting summarized 190
grouping 171
and performance 151
data in intervals 180
hierarchically 183
on first letter of name 182
on server 151
original sort direction 171
reports 64
specified sort order 171
with SQL expressions 153
calculating a percentage 196
conditional running totals for 207
custom 173
running totals 206
running totals using formula 210
editing 189
selecting with Select Expert 177
on summarized values 190
records within 175
sorting conditionally 174
subtotaling 194
designing with 246
inserting 247
positioning objects with 249
resizing objects with 249
snapping objects to 248
viewing 247
creating standard group 198
custom group, creating 200
drilling-down 201
live group headers 198
suppressing 201
height, modifying for cells 346
dimension members 378
group headers 201
report objects 240
highlighting exceptions and accessibility 545
Highlighting Expert 275
conditional formatting 276
setting priorities 278
histogram chart 286
horizontal pages
numbering 268
repeating objects 267
HTML Preview Tab 94
hyperlink fields, inserting 103
If-Then-Else with Case Logic 153
adding to repository 123
dynamic 324
inserting 101
from repository 126
inserting in a report 323
importing text-based objects from a file 245
indexed tables 487
linking 498
indexes, for performance 142
information resources 562
inner join 501
Insert menu
OLE object 322
Picture command 322
create installation point 37
Crystal Reports 34, 34
custom installation 38
from a network 37
from a product distribution 35
requirements 34
silent installation 41
upgrading components 43
intervals, grouping data in 180