Glossary | 759
A horizontal or vertical bar marked off in units and used to determine the size and position of objects. By default, the rulers appear on the
left side and along the top of the application window, but they can be hidden or moved.
The purity or vividness of a color, expressed as the absence of white. A color that has 100 percent saturation contains no white. A color with
0 percent saturation is a shade of gray.
To change an object’s horizontal and vertical dimensions proportionally by a specified percentage. For example, scaling a rectangle that is 1
inch high and 2 inches wide by 150 percent results in a rectangle that is 1.5 inches high and 3 inches wide. The aspect ratio of 1:2 (height
to width) is maintained.
The line or curve between nodes in a curve object.
selection box
An invisible rectangle with eight visible handles that appears around any object you select using the Pick tool.
shape recognition
The ability to recognize and convert hand-drawn shapes into perfect forms. To take advantage of shape recognition, you must use the Smart
drawing tool. For example, you can draw four pen strokes to sketch a rectangle, and the application will convert your hand-drawn lines into
a perfect rectangle.
simple wireframe view
An outline view of a drawing that hides fills, extrusions, contours, and intermediate blend shapes. Bitmaps are displayed in monochrome.
See also wireframe view.
To change an object’s horizontal and vertical dimensions proportionally by changing one of the dimensions. For example, a rectangle with a
height of 1inch and a width of 2inches can be sized by changing the value of the height to 1.5inches. A width of 3inches automatically
results from the new height value. The aspect ratio of 1:2 (height to width) is maintained.
To slant an object vertically, horizontally, or both.
To force an object that is being drawn or moved to align automatically to a point on the grid, a guideline, or another object.
source object
The object you use to perform a shaping action on another object, such as welding, trimming, or intersecting. The source object receives the
fill and outline attributes of the target object.
See also target object.
splash screen
The screen that appears when CorelDRAW starts. It monitors the progress of the startup process and provides information about copyright
and registration.
split blend
A single blend that is broken into two or more components to create a compound blend. The object where the blend is split becomes the
end object for one component of the blend and start object for the other.
spot color
In commercial printing, a solid ink color that prints individually, one plate per spot color.