704 | Corel DESIGNER X7 User Guide
The area in a drawing where you can experiment and create objects for future use. This area is outside the borders of the drawing page. You
can drag objects from the desktop area to the drawing page when you decide to use them.
A type of color space and device color model. This color space is multi-component, allowing color to be defined by other than the standard
set of three (RGB) and four (CMYK) color components.
diacritical mark
An accent mark above, below, or through a written character; for example, the acute (é) and cedilla (ç) accents.
dimension line
A line that displays the size of objects or the distance or angle between objects.
A process used to simulate a greater number of colors when only a limited number of colors are available.
document grid
A series of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines that are used to help draw and arrange objects.
document navigator
The area at the bottom-left of the application window that contains controls for moving between pages and adding pages. The document
navigator also displays the page number of the active page and the total number of pages in a drawing.
dpi (dots per inch)
A measure of a printer’s resolution in dots per inch. Typical desktop laser printers print at 600 dpi. Imagesetters print at 1270 or 2540 dpi.
Printers with higher dpi capabilities produce smoother and cleaner output. The term dpi is also used to measure scanning resolution and to
indicate bitmap resolution.
A document you create in Corel DESIGNER.
drawing page
The portion of a drawing window enclosed by a rectangle with a shadow effect.
drawing plane
The area bounded by two axes in the drawing profile. The top drawing plane is bounded by the x and z axes. The front drawing plane is
bounded by the x and y axes. The right drawing plane is bounded by the y and z axes.
drawing profile
A group of settings that determines how three-dimensional objects are represented in two dimensions.
drawing window
The portion of the application window on which you can create, add, and edit objects.
drop shadow
A three-dimensional shadow effect that gives objects a realistic appearance.
An image in the duotone color mode is an 8-bit grayscale image that has been enhanced with one to four additional colors.
dynamic guides
Temporary guidelines that appear from the following snap points in objects — center, node, quadrant, and text baseline.