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Programmable, wireless (radio-frequency) digital
room thermostat
Operating Instructions
type switched-mode room thermostat is suitable
to regulate the overwhelming majority of boilers available in Hungary. It can
easily be connected to any gas boiler or air conditioning device that has a
double wire connector for a room thermostat, regardless of whether it has a 24
V or 230 V control circuit.
The device can be programmed according to customer-specific requirements
so that the heating/cooling system heats/cools your residence or office to the
required temperature at the dates and times specified by you, to reduce energy
costs while maintaining comfort. Separate independent daily temperature
programs can be prepared for each day of the week. Six switching times (which
can be set at 10-minute intervals) can be selected at your discretion every day,
and separate temperatures (which can be adjusted in 0.5°C increments) can be
selected for each switching time.
The device consists of two units. One of them is the portable control unit
(thermostat), while the other unit is the receiver that controls the boiler. Because
there is a wireless (radio-frequency) connection between the two units, no cable
is required between the thermostat and the boiler. The two units have been
tuned in the factory so that they operate at the same frequency.
To increase the lifetime of the batteries, the thermostat will not transmit
signals continuously. It will only send signals to the receiver whenever it
should perform a switch.
The portability of the thermostat offers the following advantages:
no need to lay a cable, which is especially advantageous when old
buildings are being modernized
optimal location of the device can be selected during operation•
it is also advantageous when you intend to locate the thermostat in •
different rooms in the course of the day (e.g. in the living room during the
day but in the bedroom at night)
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~ 230V
50 to 60 Hz
~ 230V
50 to 60 Hz
The effective range of the transmitter incorporated in the thermostat is
approximately 50 m in open terrain. This distance may become considerably
shorter within a building, especially when a metal structure or a reinforced
concrete wall stands in the way of radio waves.
The switching sensitivity of the thermostat can be selected: ±0.2°C
(factory default setting, recommended for radiator-based heating systems) or
+0/-0.2°C (this setting is recommended for underfloor heating). This figure
means the temperature difference between the reference value and the actual
temperature measured during the switching process. For example, if the
factory default setting is 20°C on the thermostat then the device switches on
the boiler at 19.8°C or below this level and switches it off at 20.2°C or above.
(Please refer to Section 2.3 for the modification of the factory default switching
sensitivity of ±0.2°C)
The thermostat is equipped with a pump protection function, which, to
prevent the pump from sticking, switches on the boiler for a one minute period
at 12:00 p.m. every day if the pump has not been switched on in a programmed
manner for more than 24 hours (e.g. outside the heating season). See the
activation of the pump protection function in Section 2.4.
If the power supply to the receiver is interrupted for any reason (e.g. power
outage), the boiler also stops working. Shortly after the power outage the device
resumes its operation according to the program without any intervention.
Set temperature
Timed manual control
Dead battery
Sign of boiler in
The days of the week
Manual control indicator
Programme number
Current temperature of
the room
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The thermostat of the
type device can be freely
moved in your residence. It is reasonable to locate it in a room used regularly
or for many hours per day so that it is in the direction of natural ventilation
in the room but protected from drought or extreme heat (e.g. direct sunlight,
refrigerator, chimney, etc). Its optimal location is 1.5 m above floor level. It can
be placed on its own stand or can be mounted on a wall.
IMPORTANT WARNING! If the radiator valves in your flat are equipped with
a thermostatic head, replace the thermostatic head of the radiator valve with
manual control knob or adjust it to maximum temperature in the room where
the room thermostat is to be located, otherwise the thermostatic head may
disturb the temperature control of the flat.
2.1 Inserting batteries
Pressing the lock on the upper side of the housing of the thermostat,
remove the back cover of the thermostat as shown in the figure below.
The battery compartment is in the inner side of the front panel of the
housing. Insert 2 AA alkaline batteries (LR6 type) in accordance with the
diagram in the battery compartment. After the batteries have been inserted,
the display flashes the day, time and program number as well as reference
and measured temperatures. (If this information fails to appear on the display,
press the „
RESET” button with a wooden or plastic stick. To press the button,
do not use any electrically conductive materials or graphite pencil). After the
batteries have been inserted, press the SETbutton. After the SETbutton
is pressed, the display stops flashing, the thermostat goes to the main screen
and the setting process can be started.
Vertical angle:
30 - 45°
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2.2 Setting current day and hour
Press the “• DAY” button. At this time only the serial number of the day will flash
on the display of the thermostat and the hour and minute values can be seen.
Using the large• ........or........button on the front panel of the device, set the
serial number of the current day (Monday 1; Tuesday 2; Wednesday 3, etc.).
Press the • DAYbutton again. At this time the number indicating the day
stops flashing and becomes visible continuously while the numbers indicating
the hour will flash on the display.
Using the large• ........or........button on the front panel of the device, set the
hour value of the current time.
Press the • DAY” button again. At this time the numbers that indicate the hour
stop flashing and become visible continuously, while the numbers indicating
the minute will begin flashing.
Using the large• ........or........button on the front panel of the device, set the
minute value of the current time.
When you wish to modify settings, please press the • DAYbutton again
to return to the initial settings. If you wish to finish settings, acknowledge
them by pressing the SETbutton. At this point adjusted data are recorded
and the device goes back to the main screen. (After approximately 10
seconds, the settings are automatically acknowledged and the device
goes back to the main screen).
2.3 Setting switching sensitivity
According to factory default settings, the switching sensitivity is ±0.2°C
(the display indicates this setting with symbol S:1”) which can be modified to
+0/-0.2°C (the display indicates this setting with symbol S:2). The required
switching sensitivity can be set by pressing DAY”, COPY” and the large
........or........buttons one after the other, after going back to the main screen by
pressing the SETbutton. Setting S1(±0.2°C switching sensitivity) or S2(+0/-
0.2°C switching sensitivity) is acknowledged by pressing the SET button. (After
approximately 10 seconds settings are automatically acknowledged and the
device goes back to the main screen). Pressing the RESETbutton the switching
sensitivity is reset to factory default setting, i.e. to ±0.2°C level (“S1”).
The ±0.2°C switching sensitivity ensured by factory default settings (the
display shows symbol S:1 for this setting) is primarily recommended for
radiator-based central heating systems (e.g. where plate radiators are
installed) with low thermal inertia, while the +0/-0.2°C switching sensitivity
(the display shows symbol S:2for this setting) is recommended to control
heating systems with high thermal inertia (e.g. underfloor heating).
2.4 Activation of the pump protection function
Under the factory default settings, the pump protection function is inactive.
It can be activated or switched off by pressing DAY”, PROGand the large
........or........buttons one after the other, after going back to the main screen
by pressing the SETbutton. Setting HP:OFF(switched-off) or HP:ON
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(activated) is acknowledged by pressing the SETbutton. (After approximately
10 seconds settings are automatically acknowledged and the device goes
back to the main screen). By pressing the “RESETbutton, the pipe protection
function is reset to factory default setting (“HP:OFF”).
To prevent the pump from sticking, the activated pump protection function
switches on the boiler for a one minute period at 12:00 p.m. every day outside
the heating season. (The pump protection function can accomplish its task
only if the boiler is in working order in the summer, too. It is reasonable to
set a low temperature level on the thermostat for this period, e.g. +10°C, to
prevent the boiler from unnecessary start-ups when the weather turns cold
Programming means the setting of switching times and selection of
accompanying temperature levels. The device can be programmed for a one-
week period. Its operation is automatic, and it will cyclically repeat the programs
that have been keyed in. Six separate switching times can be selected at your
discretion for each day of the week, and a separate temperature can be set
for each switching time. The temperature set for a given switch will remain
valid until the time of the next switch. Accordingly, the thermostat will keep the
temperature set for switching time P1 until switching time P2 is reached. After
switching time P2 the temperature selected to switch P2 will be valid.
NOTE! The software of the thermostat will only enable increasing consecutive
times to be set, in accordance with the serial number (P1; P2; etc.) of the
With factory default settings the device will perform the following switches
each day of the week:
P1 7:00 20°C P4 15:00 19°C
P2 9:00 17°C P5 17:30 22°C
P3 12:30 20°C P6 23:00 17°C
The following diagram shows the temperature pattern according to factory
default settings for 24 hours a day:
The temperature pattern, of course, can be freely modified so that a
temperature curve is available for each day of the week to meet your needs
in the best possible way.
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3.1 Programming steps:
Press the “• SET” button to go back to the main screen.
Press the • SET button again and hold it down and press the PROG
button, too. At this point the device gets into programming mode and the
numbers indicating the days of the week (1 2 3 4 5 6 7) are flashing on
the display.
Select the day to be programmed or all days of the week by pressing, •
or pressing repeatedly, the large........or........button on the front panel
of the device. If you wish to write the same program for each day of
the week, it is reasonable to choose all days of the week (1 2 3 4 5
6 7) simultaneously, this way there is no need to perform separate
programming of the days. If you wish to write a different program for
each day, programming should be performed separately for each day of
the week, selecting the days one by one. (If there are days for which you
intend to create the same program, it is sufficient to create the program
only once, because it can easily be applied to any other day with the help
of the “COPY” button as described in Section 3.2).
Press the • PROG button again. At that point the next programming step
should be done, i.e. the starting time of switch P1 should be set, which is
indicated on the display of the device by flashing the time value to be set.
Set the starting time of switch P1 by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, •
the large........or........button on the front panel of the device. (The time
can be set at 10-minute intervals).
Press the • PROGbutton again. At this point the next programming step
should be performed, i.e. the temperature of switch P1 should be set,
which is indicated on the display of the device by flashing the temperature
value to be set.
Set the temperature level of switch P1 by pressing, or pressing •
repeatedly, the large........or........button on the front panel of the device.
(The temperature can be set in 0.5°C increments).
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7:00 9:00
12:30 15:00 17:30
Press the • PROGbutton again. At this point the next programming step
should be performed, i.e. the starting time of switch P2 should be set. As
in the previous steps, the time value to be set will flash on the display.
If you do not need all the six switches every day, then you can omit the •
switch adjustment by pressing the DAY” button while the temperature or
time of the unnecessary switch is being set. The display shows this process
by means of lines (- - - -), which appear on the time and temperature
segments. The omitted switch can be restored or activated at any time by
repeating the steps described above. (ATTENTION! After reactivating a
switch that has been omitted before, inspect and correct, if required, the
device so that the times of switches are consecutive, in accordance with
the serial numbers of the switches!)
Similarly to the previous steps, with the help of “• PROG” button and
the large........and/or........buttons perform settings until the time and
temperature of switch P6 is set.
After the temperature of switch P6 has been set, by repeated pressing •
of the PROGbutton the set values can be inspected and data can be
modified by repeating the steps described above.
After you have set all values, press the • SETbutton to acknowledge set
values and to go back to the main screen. (After approximately 10 seconds
the set values will be automatically acknowledged and the device will go
back to the main screen).
Set values can be freely modified at any time by repeating the programming •
3.2 Copying a program with the help of the “COPY” button
Press the “• SET” button to go back to the main screen.
Press the • COPYbutton for approximately 5 seconds to activate the COPY
function. The notice COPY” appearing in place of the hour characters and
the flashing serial number 1 indicating Monday shows that conditions are
ready for copying a program.
Select the day (e.g. 2) whose program you wish to copy to another day •
or other days by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the large........or........
button on the front panel of the device.
Press the • COPYbutton to copy the program of the selected day. After
copying has been finished, the flashing of the number indicating the day
that has been copied stops and will become visible continuously, while the
notice “COPY” can also be seen.
Select the day (e.g. 3) to which you wish to copy the program of the •
day copied beforehand (e.g. 2) by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the
large........or........button on the front panel of the device. After selecting
the number that indicates the day, press the COPY button to copy the
program to the selected day.
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Following this, by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the large• ........or........
button on the front panel of the device, you can choose further days of the
week and can copy the program of the day selected beforehand (e.g. 2)
by pressing the “COPY” button to these days too.
After you have finished copying the program, press the • SETbutton to
go back to the main screen. (After approximately 10 seconds program
copying that has been finished will be automatically acknowledged and
the device will go back to the main screen).
After going back to the main screen by pressing the “• SET button, the
program of another day(s) can be freely copied by repeating the above steps.
3.3 Program inspection
Press the • PROGbutton. The serial number indicating the day (days),
the symbol of switch P1 and the time and temperature level set for switch
P1 will appear on the display. (None of the values is flashing). Repeatedly
press the “PROG” button to check the switching values of P2, P3, etc.
The switching values set for various days can be displayed by pressing •
buttons........or........and the “PROG” button.
After checking the program, you can go back to the main screen by •
pressing the SETbutton. (After approximately 10 seconds, the device
will automatically go back to the main screen).
3.4 Program deletion
Press the RESETbutton to delete all programs. Press the RESETbutton
to reset the device to factory default settings.
To simplify manual temperature modifications, with factory
default settings temperatures of 18°C and 22°C are assigned to
the large........button and........button, respectively. When modifying
the temperature manually by pressing the........or........button once,
the temperature will immediately jump to the factory value of the
button. For example, if the current switch P3 ensures a temperature
of 19°C, it can be modified to a standard temperature that ensures
22°C when needed by pressing the + button only once, without
having to press the........button several times in increments of 0.5°C.
Following this, by repeated pressing of button........or........, the temperature
can be further increased or decreased to or from the standard room-
temperature value of 22°C set in the factory in increments of 0.5°C, in
accordance with current requirements.
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The cost-effective and standard temperature values assigned to buttons
........and........in the factory can be freely modified as follows:
To set a cost-effective temperature,
• press the “SET” button and keep it
depressed then press the........button once and, following this, with the help
of the........and/or........, set the cost-effective temperature selected by you.
After the temperature has been set, press the “SETbutton again to fix the set
temperature value and to go back to the main screen. (After approximately
10 seconds the adjustment that has been finished will be automatically
acknowledged and the thermostat will go back to the main screen).
To set a standard room-temperature,
• press the SETbutton and keep it
depressed then press the........button once and, following this, with the help
of the........and/or........set the standard temperature selected by you. After
the temperature has been set, press the “SET” button again to fix the set
temperature value and to go back to the main screen. (After approximately
10 seconds the adjustment that has been finished will be automatically
acknowledged and the thermostat will go back to the main screen.)
If you wish to operate your device in a way that differs temporarily from the
program that has been set (e.g. on holidays or the winter holidays), you can
choose among the following options:
4.1 Temperature modification until the next program switch
Set the required temperature by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the
large........or........button on the front panel of the device. The device will control
the boiler according to the set value until the time of the next switch specified
in the program is reached. The........icon appears on the display, indicating
that the thermostat is operated with manual control.
The segments indicating the hour on the display alternately show the exact
time and the time remaining in manual control (e.g. 1H02, that is, 1 hour 2
minutes). After this time has elapsed, the........icon disappears and the device
returns to the program that has been set. If you wish to return to the set prog-
ram before the time of the next switch is reached, please press the SET
4.2 Temperature modification for 1-9 hours (party program)
Set the required temperature by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the
large........or........button on the front panel of the device, and then press the
DAY button. On the display the........icon appears, along with number 1,
which indicates the duration of modification (in hours) instead of the number
that indicates the programs (e.g. P3).
Adjust this time to the desired length (between 1 and 9) by repeatedly
pressing the “DAY” button.
Following this, the device will keep the modified temperature (e.g. 24°C)
for a period of time that has been set (e.g. for 3 hours) then the........icon
disappears after the set time has elapsed, and the device will continue to work
according to the program that has been set. Press the SET” button before the
- 10 -
time set for temperature modification has expired to interrupt the temperature
modification and return the device to operating according the program.
4.3 Temperature modification for 1-99 days (holiday program)
Set the required temperature by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the large
........or........button on the front panel of the device. The manual control is
indicated by the........icon. Press the HOLD” button and keep it depressed for
at least 2 seconds. On the display the........icon appears, along with d:01 that
is the number of days in place of the hour. The flashing number 01 indicates
that the number of days involved in temperature modification can be set. With
the help of the button........or........set the number of days required (e.g.10). The
display will show alternately the exact time and the number of days remaining
in manual control. The........icon disappears after the set time has expired, and
the device will continue to work according to the program that has been set.
Pressing the SET button before the time set for temperature modification
has expired, the temperature modification will be interrupted and the device
will return to operate according the program.
4.4 Temperature modification until the next manual interference
Set the required temperature by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the
large........or........button on the front panel of the device. The manual control is
indicated by the........icon. Press the HOLD button. In addition to displaying
the temperature, the........icon appears while the............icon disappears. The
set temperature value can be arbitrarily changed with the button........or........
at any time without discontinuing manual control.
Pressing the SETbutton stops temperature modification and the device
will return to operate according the program.
When you press the ”LIGHT button, the background light of the display
will turn on for 10 seconds. When you press another button while the display
is illuminated, the background light will turn off only after 10 seconds have
elapsed since the last button had been pushed.
The average lifetime of the batteries is 1 year, but frequent use of the
background light may shorten this time considerably. If the......icon indicating
low supply voltage appears on the display, the batteries should be replaced
(see Section 2). The exact time should be set again after the batteries have
been replaced, but the device saves the program that have been loaded
even without batteries therefore there is no need to reprogram them. On the
other hand, pressing the RESETbutton deletes the program loaded and
makes the device restore factory default settings.
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7.1 Installation and connection of the receiver unit
The receiver unit should be mounted on the wall in a place protected against
moisture in the vicinity of the boiler. ATTENTION: Do not install the receiver
unit under the housing of the boiler because it may shield radio signals and
compromise wireless (radio-frequency) connection. To avoid electric shock,
entrust a specialist with connecting the receiver unit to the boiler.
Unscrew the two screws at the bottom of the receiver unit without removing
them. Following this, remove the front panel of the receiver unit then fix the
back panel to the wall in the vicinity of the boiler with the screws provided.
Remove the protective carton from the contacts to ensure perfect contact.
The marks of the connections are pressed into plastic above the sensors: N,
L, 1, 2 and 3.
230 V mains voltage should be supplied to the receiver unit. We recommend
using a fixed cable instead of a fork type connection for mains connection to
avoid any unintentional de-energization of the device. We propose to connect
the neutral wire of the network to point N, while the phase conductor to point
L. We propose to interpose a switch so that the receiver unit can be de-
energized if required.
The receiver unit controls the boiler through a potential-free alternating relay
whose connection points are: 1 (NO); 2 (COM); 3 (NC). The connection wires
of the boiler should be connected to terminals 1 (NO) and 2 (COM) to control a
heating equipment, while the connection wires of the cooling equipment should
be connected to terminals 2 (COM) and 3 (NC) to control a cooling unit.
ATTENTION! The instructions of the manufacturer of the heating
(cooling) equipment should always be followed!
The voltage appearing on terminals 1, 2 or 3 depends only on the system
to be controlled, therefore the dimension of the wire to be used is determined
by the type of the device to be controlled.
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Rear panel of
the receiver unit
~ 230V
50 to 60 Hz
L (phase)
Heating unit
~ 230V
50 to 60 Hz
The length of the wire is of no significance, the receiver unit may be installed
either near the boiler or far away from it.
If the distance between the transmitter and receiver units is too large due
to local circumstances and it makes the wireless (radio-frequency) connection
unreliable, install the receiver unit nearer to the place of thermostat.
7.2 Putting the receiver unit into operation
Turn on the power supply to the receiver unit. After a few seconds have
elapsed, the wireless (radio-frequency) system (thermostat and receiver
unit) tunes itself to the specified frequency. On trial press the........button of
the thermostat several times, until the set temperature is 2-3°C higher than
the temperature of the room. Following this, the........icon indicating that the
heating is turned on should appear on the display of the thermostat within a
few seconds.
At the same time, the red LED light on the receiver unit should switch on
to indicate that the receiver unit has received the command of the transmitter
If it does not happen, the system should be retuned. For this purpose press
the “M/A” button of the receiver unit and keep it depressed (for approximately
10 seconds) until the green LED starts flashing. First press the SETbutton
of the thermostat and keep it depressed then press the DAYbutton of the
thermostat and keep it depressed (for approximately 10 seconds) until the
green LED stops flashing and goes out, so that the receiver unit “learns” the
safety code of the transmitter (thermostat).
The safety code will not be lost even during a power outage, the system
memorizes it automatically.
ATTENTION: Pressing the SET and DAY buttons simultaneously for
10 seconds generates a new safety code for the thermostat, and the receiver
will recognize it only after a repeated tuning. With this in mind, do not keep the
SETand DAYbuttons of the thermostat depressed simultaneously or the
M/Abutton of the receiver unit depressed without any reason after the two
units have been tuned successfully.
7.3 Transmission distance inspection
With the help of the TEST button you can check whether the two
units are within the transmission distance of the wireless (radio-frequency)
connection. To perform the test, press the TEST button for approximately
2 seconds. Following this, the thermostat will send, alternating every 5
seconds, switch-on and switch-off control signals to the receiver for 2
minutes (the........signal appears and disappears alternately on the display).
The receipt of the signal is indicated by the red LED that lights up and goes
out on the receiver unit. If the receiver unit fails to sense the signals sent
by the thermostat, then the two units are outside the effective range of the
wireless (radio-frequency) transmitter, therefore the two units should be
located closer to each other.
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7.4 Manual control of the receiver unit
Pressing the MANUAL button separates the thermostat from the
receiver unit, and the boiler connected to the receiver unit can only be turned
on and off manually, without any temperature inspection. The continuously
illuminated green LED indicates MANUAL” mode. Pressing the M/A
button turns on or off the boiler. (The red LED is illuminated when the boiler
is turned on). By pressing the MANUAL” button again, the thermostat
resumes normal (automatic) operation (the green LED goes out).
7.5 Avoiding external impacts
Virtually no external devices (a radio, cell phone, etc.) will exert any
influence on the operation of the device. Should you experience any operating
trouble, please retune the system as described in Section 7.2.
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
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Technical data of the thermostat (transmitter):
— temperature measurement range: 0 to 35°C (in 0.1°C increments)
— adjustable temperature range: 7 to 35°C (in 0.5°C increments)
— temperature measurement accuracy: ±0.5°C
— selectable switching sensitivity: ±0.2°C (for radiator-based heating systems)
+0/-0.2°C (for underfloor heating)
— storage temperature: -10°C to +60°C
— power supply voltage: 2x1.5V AA alkaline batteries (LR6 type)
— power consumption: 1.3mW
— battery lifetime: approx. 1 year
— operating frequency: 868.35MHz
— dimensions: 130 x 80 x 35mm (without holder)
— weight: 154 g
— temperature sensor type: NTC 10Kohm ±1% at 25°C
Technical data of the receiver unit:
— power consumption: 6W
— power supply voltage: 230V AC, 50Hz
— switchable voltage: 24V AC / DC,…… 250V AC; 50Hz
— switchable current : 6A (2A inductive load)
— transmission distance: approx. 50 m in open terrain
— weight: 150 g
Total weight of the device: approx. 500 g
Q7 RF type thermostat complies with the
requirements of standards EU EMC89/336/EEC; LVD 73/23/EEC;
93/68/EEC and R&TTE 1999/5/EC.
A termosztát (adó) mûszaki adatai:
hõmérséklet mérési tartomány 0 – 35°C (0,1°C-os lépésekben)
beállítható hõmérsékleti tartomány 7 – 35°C (0,5°C-os lépésekben)
hõmérséklet mérési pontosság ±0,5°C
választható kapcsolási érzékenyzség: ±0,2°C (radiátoros fûtéshez)
+0/-0,2°C (padlófûtéshez)
tárolási hõmérséklet -10°C +60°C
tápfeszültség 2 x 1,5V alkáli elem (LR6 tip.AA méret)
teljesítményfelvétel 1,3mW
elem élettertam kb 1 év
mûködési frekvencia 868,35MHz
méretek (mm) 130 x 80 x 35 (tarnélkül)
tömeg 154g
Hõérzékelõ típusa NTC 10k±1% 25°C-on
A vevõegység
mûszaki adatai:
tápfeszültség 230V AC, 50Hz
teljesítményfelvétel 6W
kapcsolható feszültség 24V AC/DC;.....250V AC;50Hz
kapcsolható áramerõsség 6A (2A induktiv terhelés)
hatótávolság kb 50m nyilt terepen
tömeg 150g
A készülék teljes tömege kb.500g. (teromsztát+vevõ+tartó)
Programozás röviden
Nap-óra beállítása: DAY és a vagy gombokkal
Programozás:SETgomb megnyomása és nyomvatartása, közben a "PROG"
gomb megnyomása, majd az értékek beállítása a "PROG" és vagy gom-
bokkal, ill.az ismétlõdõ programok másolása "COPY" gomb használatával.
Programellenõrzés: a "PROG" és vagy gombokkal.
Újrahangolás: az "M/A", "SET" és "DAY" gombokkal (lásd 7.2-es fejezet.)
Hatótávolságellenõrzés: "TEST" gomb megnyomása több mint 2 másod-
A program szerinti hõmérséklet idõleges módosítása
- a követkzõ programkapcsolásig: vagy gombokkal
- 1-9 óra idõtartamig: vagy gomb és a "DAY" gomb megnyomása
- 1-99 nap idõtartamig: vagy gomb és a "HOLD" gomb megnyomása 2
- a következõ beavatkozásig: vagy gomb és a "HOLD" gomb meg-
Importálja:QUANTRAX Kft.
6726 Szeged, Fülemüle u. 34.
Tel: 62/424-133 www.quantrax.hu
Fax: 62/424-672 www.computherm-hungary.hu
A COMPUTHERM Q7RF típ.termosztát az EU EMC89/336/EEC;
LVD 73/23/EEC; 93/68/EEC,
valamint R&TTE 1999/5/EC szabványoknak megfelel.
Setting the date and time: with the “DAY” and or buttons
Programming: press and hold down the “SET”, while pressing the “PROG
button, then adjust values with the “PROG” and or buttons; use the
COPY” button to copy repeated programmes.
Program control: with the “PROG” and or buttons.
Retuning: with the “M/A”, “SET”, and “DAY” buttons (see Section 7.2).
Transmission distance control: press the “TEST” button for more than 2
Temporary modification of the temperature set in the program
until the next switch in the program: with the or buttons•
for a period ranging from 1 to 9 hours: with the or and “•
for a period ranging from 1 to 99 days: with the or buttons, then •
holding down the “
HOLD” button for 2 seconds
until the next interference: with the or and “•
HOLD” buttons

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