3.6 Condensation
When the swimming pool water is being heated by the heat pump, the incoming air is cooled down quite a
bit, which can cause condensation on the fins of the evaporator. Condensed volumes can attain several
liters per hour under high atmospheric humidity. Sometimes, this is wrongfully interpreted as a water leak.
4. Guidelines
4.1 Water chemistry
Special attention should be paid to the chemical balance of the pool water. The pool water values should
always stay within the following limits:
Important: failure to comply with these limits will void the warranty.
Note: Exceeding one or several limits can damage the heat pump beyond repair. Always install water
treatment equipment past the heat pump’s water outlet, especially if the chemicals are automatically added
to the water. A check valve should also be installed between the outlet of the heat pump and this
equipment, in order to prevent products from flowing back into the heat pump if the filter pump stops.
4.2 Winterizing
Important: failure to winterize could damage the heat pump and will void the warranty
The heat pump, filter pump, filter and pipes must be protected in areas where the temperature can drop
below the freezing point. Evacuate all water from the heat pump as follows:
1. Turn off the electrical power supply to the heat pump.
2. Close the water supply to the heat pump: completely close valves 2 and 3 of the by-pass.
3. Disconnect the water inlet and outlet coupler fittings of the heat pump and let the water drain out of
the unit.