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USCG Approval Number:
Installation & Operation Manual
Admiral P3
Wheelmark Auto
ilot S
PN 29010075
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Welcome
Document PN 29010075 V3.1 - 1 -
Congratulations on your purchase of ComNav Marine’s Admiral P3, a Wheelmark Autopilot
System! At ComNav, we are proud of our prominence as a leader in the design and
manufacture of marine autopilot systems. Our dedication to performance and reliability will
ensure your satisfaction with the ComNav Admiral P3. Developed as a result of ComNav’s
many years of experience in autopilot design, the Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System
provides better performance and more features than any other autopilot in its class.
ComNav Marine Ltd.
Warranty Notice
Prior to the installation and/or operation of the equipment, ensure that you read, understand,
and accept the conditions of the warranties as detailed in the Warranty Information
document that accompanies this manual.
Operator’s Warning
The Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System will steer your vessel, however it is only an aid
to navigation. Its performance can be affected by many factors including equipment failure,
environmental conditions, and improper handling or use. The system does not reduce your
responsibility for the control of the vessel when underway. You must always be in a position
to monitor the course, supervise the autopilot, and resume manual control if the need to do
so arises.
Whenever underway, your vessel must be under the control of a qualified and alert person.
General Notice
This document, ComNav part number 29010075 Version 3 Revision 1, is the approved
Installation and Operation Manual for use with ComNav’s Admiral P3 Autopilot System.
Where versions of this manual exist in other languages, the English version shall be
considered authoritative.
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Welcome
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Document History
Revision Date By Description
1R1 07 August 2005 DC First Release
1R2 02 October 2006 DC & DTO Updated for new software release
2Rx n/a n/a (version number skipped)
3R0 24 October 2007 DTO - brand name change
- added information on Vector GPS compasses
- updated compass installation & setup procedures
- updated General Specifications
- revised external Jog Lever connection information
- updated information on SPU connectors & wiring
- Head menu figures are now easier-to-read “screen shots”
- Firmware Upgrade information is now in a separate kit
- Warranty is now in a separate document
3R1 30 November 2007 DTO - added Compass Safe Distance information, Table 14
- re-organized “modes & menus” information for easier use
- moved all “using the Head” information into one area
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Table of Contents, Lists of Figures & Tables
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Table of Contents
Document History ......................................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................3
List of Figures.............................................................................................................................................8
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................10
About this Manual ....................................................................................................................................13
Typefaces, Common Phrases & Terms__________________________________________________________ 13
Manual Format ____________________________________________________________________________ 14
How Autopilots Work...............................................................................................................................15
Basic Autopilot System ______________________________________________________________________ 15
Autopilot Operation: Maintaining a Heading ______________________________________________________ 16
Wind and Current Effects ____________________________________________________________________ 17
Autopilot Operation: Following a Track – NAV Mode _______________________________________________ 18
Autopilot Operation: Following a Track – AUTO/ALC Mode __________________________________________ 19
Power Steer_______________________________________________________________________________ 19
System Overview......................................................................................................................................23
Control Head ______________________________________________________________________________ 24
Signal Processor Unit _______________________________________________________________________ 25
Compasses _______________________________________________________________________________ 26
Vector G2 and G2B GPS Compasses_________________________________________________________ 26
Fluxgate Compass________________________________________________________________________ 27
Magnetic Compass Sensor _________________________________________________________________ 27
Magnetic Compasses _____________________________________________________________________ 28
45° Compass Transducer __________________________________________________________________ 28
Heading Rate Stabilizer____________________________________________________________________ 29
Other Compasses ________________________________________________________________________ 29
Rudder Followers __________________________________________________________________________ 30
Standard Rotary Rudder Follower & Rudder Linkage _____________________________________________ 30
Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower__________________________________________________________ 30
Auxiliary Controllers_________________________________________________________________________ 31
CR-203 Remote__________________________________________________________________________ 31
TS-203 Remote __________________________________________________________________________ 32
Other Controls, Indicators & Sensors ___________________________________________________________ 33
Jog Levers______________________________________________________________________________ 33
Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI) – 3” ____________________________________________________________ 33
Rudder Drives and Interfaces _________________________________________________________________ 34
CT7 Thruster Interface ____________________________________________________________________ 34
Other Drive Boxes ________________________________________________________________________ 35
Pumps & Drives__________________________________________________________________________ 36
Other Equipment ___________________________________________________________________________ 36
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Installation ................................................................................................................................................39
Technical Requirements _____________________________________________________________________39
Steering System__________________________________________________________________________39
Power Supply____________________________________________________________________________39
Special Tools ____________________________________________________________________________39
Control Head ______________________________________________________________________________40
Mounting _____________________________________________________________________________40
Electrical Connection ____________________________________________________________________40
Compasses _______________________________________________________________________________41
ComNav Fluxgate Compass ________________________________________________________________41
Mounting _____________________________________________________________________________41
Electrical Connection ____________________________________________________________________41
Heading Rate Stabilizer ____________________________________________________________________42
45° Compass Transducer __________________________________________________________________42
Mounting _____________________________________________________________________________42
Electrical Connection ____________________________________________________________________42
Magnetic Compass and Sensor______________________________________________________________42
Mounting _____________________________________________________________________________43
Electrical Connection ____________________________________________________________________43
Rudder Follower____________________________________________________________________________44
Rotary Rudder Follower____________________________________________________________________44
Mounting _____________________________________________________________________________44
Electrical Connection ____________________________________________________________________45
Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower __________________________________________________________45
Signal Processor Unit _______________________________________________________________________46
Mounting _____________________________________________________________________________46
Wiring the SPU - General ________________________________________________________________46
Connectors on the SPU __________________________________________________________________47
Power Supply____________________________________________________________________________48
Input & Output Connections_________________________________________________________________50
Control Head __________________________________________________________________________50
Auxiliary Controller(s)____________________________________________________________________50
Jog Levers ____________________________________________________________________________51
Four-Way Valves, Used with Jog Levers_____________________________________________________51
Compasses ___________________________________________________________________________52
Rudder Follower________________________________________________________________________53
Rudder Angle Indicators _________________________________________________________________53
Drive Outputs____________________________________________________________________________54
Reversing DC Motor Hydraulic Systems _____________________________________________________54
Linear Actuators or Mechanical Rotary Drives_________________________________________________54
Shunt-Field Reversing Motors _____________________________________________________________55
Standard Four-Way Solenoid-Activated Hydraulic Valves________________________________________55
Two-Speed Solenoid Valves ______________________________________________________________56
A.C. Solenoids _________________________________________________________________________57
Proportional Solenoid Valves______________________________________________________________57
Azimuth Drives, Surface Piercing Drives and Jet Drives _________________________________________58
External Alarm Output _____________________________________________________________________59
NMEA 0183 Input & Output _________________________________________________________________61
PC Input & Output ________________________________________________________________________62
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Other Connections________________________________________________________________________ 63
Miscellaneous I/O ______________________________________________________________________ 63
Thruster Interface ______________________________________________________________________ 63
ComNav Network Connection _____________________________________________________________ 63
Post-Installation Checks _____________________________________________________________________ 64
Electrical Checks_________________________________________________________________________ 64
Hydraulic Checks_________________________________________________________________________ 65
Residual air in the steering system ___________________________________________________________ 65
Leaking fittings or equipment________________________________________________________________ 65
Getting Started .........................................................................................................................................69
Autopilot Operations ________________________________________________________________________ 69
Power On/Off____________________________________________________________________________ 69
Using the Control Head – LCD Screen & Buttons________________________________________________ 70
Operating Modes & Menus ___________________________________________________________________ 72
Alarm Clear _____________________________________________________________________________ 73
Dockside Setup Menu _____________________________________________________________________ 74
Reset ________________________________________________________________________________ 75
Vessel Type___________________________________________________________________________ 75
An. Comp. Type (Analog Compass Type)____________________________________________________ 76
Compass Setup________________________________________________________________________ 77
Drive Setup ___________________________________________________________________________ 77
Exit__________________________________________________________________________________ 77
Alarm O/P (Alarm Output) ________________________________________________________________ 77
Thrust Type ___________________________________________________________________________ 79
Thrust MIN____________________________________________________________________________ 79
Thrust MAX ___________________________________________________________________________ 79
Language_____________________________________________________________________________ 79
Setup Procedures __________________________________________________________________________ 80
Vessel Type_____________________________________________________________________________ 80
Drive Setup _____________________________________________________________________________ 81
Bleeding a Hydraulic Steering System ______________________________________________________ 83
Drive Setup (continued)____________________________________________________________________ 85
Compass Setup – Dockside ________________________________________________________________ 86
Compass Setup – On the Water _____________________________________________________________ 88
Compass Compensation _________________________________________________________________ 88
Magnetic Compass Sensor _____________________________________________________________ 88
Heading Rate Stabilizer________________________________________________________________ 89
Fluxgate Compass____________________________________________________________________ 90
45° Compass Transducer ______________________________________________________________ 91
Compass Calibration ____________________________________________________________________ 92
Sea Trials ________________________________________________________________________________ 93
Adjust Rudder Gain & Counter Rudder for Low Speed____________________________________________ 93
Adjust Seastate for Low Speed ______________________________________________________________ 94
Adjust Turn Rate for Low Speed _____________________________________________________________ 94
Adjust Rudder Gain & Counter Rudder for High Speed ___________________________________________ 94
Adjust Seastate for High Speed _____________________________________________________________ 94
Adjust Turn Rate for High Speed_____________________________________________________________ 94
Adjusting for Sea Conditions __________________________________________________________________ 95
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Basic Operations......................................................................................................................................99
Standby Mode _____________________________________________________________________________99
Standby Menu __________________________________________________________________________100
Station Lock __________________________________________________________________________100
Default Turn __________________________________________________________________________100
Compass Source ______________________________________________________________________100
Compass Cal (Compass Calibration)_______________________________________________________101
Backlight Level________________________________________________________________________101
Display ______________________________________________________________________________101
Watch Alarm _________________________________________________________________________101
Fishzag Time _________________________________________________________________________101
Battery ______________________________________________________________________________101
Power Steer Mode _________________________________________________________________________102
Power Steer Menu _______________________________________________________________________103
Stdby/P.Str Limits (Power Steer Rudder Limits) ______________________________________________103
Auto/Nav Limits _______________________________________________________________________103
RAI Offset ___________________________________________________________________________103
Auto Mode _______________________________________________________________________________104
Auto Menu _____________________________________________________________________________105
Rudder Gain__________________________________________________________________________105
Counter Rudder _______________________________________________________________________106
Turn Rate____________________________________________________________________________106
Parameter Set ________________________________________________________________________107
Speed Trip Pt (Speed Trip Point)__________________________________________________________107
Speed Source ________________________________________________________________________107
Off-Course Limit_______________________________________________________________________107
ALC (Automatic Leeway Correction) _______________________________________________________107
Thruster (Thruster Assist) _______________________________________________________________108
Thruster Gain_________________________________________________________________________108
Helm Delay __________________________________________________________________________108
Counter Helm_________________________________________________________________________108
NAV Mode _______________________________________________________________________________109
Nav Menu______________________________________________________________________________110
Nav Source __________________________________________________________________________110
XTE Limit (Cross-Track Error Limit)________________________________________________________110
WayPt. Arrival (Waypoint Arrival)__________________________________________________________110
Correction ___________________________________________________________________________111
XTE Sense (Cross-Track Error Sense) _____________________________________________________111
Max Correction________________________________________________________________________111
Commanded Heading Displayed ____________________________________________________________112
Correction set to CTS – Steering a Direct Bearing ____________________________________________112
Correction set to XTE – Cross-Track Error Steering___________________________________________113
Correction set to Both – Steering To/Along a Track ___________________________________________115
Alternate NAV Display ____________________________________________________________________117
Jog Levers _______________________________________________________________________________118
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Advanced Operations ............................................................................................................................121
WORK Mode _____________________________________________________________________________ 121
Work Menu ____________________________________________________________________________ 121
Rudder Bias__________________________________________________________________________ 121
Autotrim _____________________________________________________________________________ 121
Work Trip Pt. (Work Trip Point) ___________________________________________________________ 122
Rudder Scale (Rudder Scale Factor) ______________________________________________________ 122
Work Mode State______________________________________________________________________ 122
Automatic WORK Mode ________________________________________________________________ 122
Manual WORK Mode_____________________________________________________________________ 123
Special Turns_____________________________________________________________________________ 124
Dodge ________________________________________________________________________________ 125
Using Jog Levers for Dodging ____________________________________________________________ 125
U-Turn ________________________________________________________________________________ 127
Circle Turn_____________________________________________________________________________ 128
M.O.B. – Man Over-Board_________________________________________________________________ 129
Fishzag _______________________________________________________________________________ 130
Multiple Control Heads & Auxiliary Controllers ___________________________________________________ 131
Station Lock/Unlock______________________________________________________________________ 131
Watch Alarm _____________________________________________________________________________ 132
Entering the Password ___________________________________________________________________ 133
Changing the Password __________________________________________________________________ 134
Care & Maintenance...............................................................................................................................137
Cleaning and Appearance___________________________________________________________________ 137
Protection of Wires and Cabling ______________________________________________________________ 137
Periodic Checks___________________________________________________________________________ 137
Fuse Replacement ________________________________________________________________________ 138
Appendix 1_______________________________________________________________________________ 141
NMEA 0183 Sentences Accepted and Transmitted by the Autopilot ________________________________ 141
Appendix 2_______________________________________________________________________________ 145
Error Messages _________________________________________________________________________ 145
Appendix 3_______________________________________________________________________________ 149
Auxiliary Head / Remote Power On__________________________________________________________ 149
Appendix 4_______________________________________________________________________________ 151
Diagnostic LEDs ________________________________________________________________________ 151
Appendix 5_______________________________________________________________________________ 153
Upgrading Firmware _____________________________________________________________________ 153
Appendix 6_______________________________________________________________________________ 155
General Specifications____________________________________________________________________ 155
Compass Safe Distances _________________________________________________________________ 156
Wheelmark Compliance Certificate ____________________________________________________________ 157
CE Compliance ___________________________________________________________________________ 161
User Notes & Settings............................................................................................................................171
User Settings_____________________________________________________________________________ 171
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Table of Contents, Lists of Figures & Tables
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List of Figures
Figure 1 – Basic Autopilot System...............................................................................................................................15
Figure 2 – Heading Change in AUTO Mode ...............................................................................................................17
Figure 3 – Admiral P3 System Block Diagram ............................................................................................................23
Figure 4 – Control Head ..............................................................................................................................................24
Figure 5 – The Admiral P3 SPU with Wiring & Diagnostic Covers Removed .............................................................25
Figure 6 – Vector G2 GPS Compass ..........................................................................................................................26
Figure 7 – Fluxgate Compass .....................................................................................................................................27
Figure 8 – Magnetic Compass Sensor ........................................................................................................................27
Figure 9 – Externally Gimballed Magnetic Compass with Binnacle ............................................................................28
Figure 10 – 45° Compass Transducer ........................................................................................................................28
Figure 11 – Heading Rate Stabilizer............................................................................................................................29
Figure 12 – Rotary Rudder Follower ...........................................................................................................................30
Figure 13 – Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower........................................................................................................30
Figure 14 – CR-203 Handheld Remote.......................................................................................................................31
Figure 15 – TS-203 Fixed Remote ..............................................................................................................................32
Figure 16 – Jog Lever..................................................................................................................................................33
Figure 17 – External Rudder Angle Indicator - 3" Model.............................................................................................33
Figure 18 – CT7 Interface............................................................................................................................................34
Figure 19 – Drive Boxes to meet all needs .................................................................................................................35
Figure 20 – Hydraulic Pump & Solenoid Value ...........................................................................................................36
Figure 21 – Cable Drives.............................................................................................................................................36
Figure 22 – Rudder Follower Linkage Geometry ........................................................................................................45
Figure 23 – Removal of SPU Wiring & Diagnostic Covers..........................................................................................47
Figure 24 – SPU Connector Wiring Label ...................................................................................................................47
Figure 25 – Typical Battery Connection to SPU..........................................................................................................48
Figure 26 – Typical Battery Connection to Drive Boxes..............................................................................................49
Figure 27 – Reducing Supply Voltage Losses ............................................................................................................49
Figure 28 – Wiring Connections for Control Head, Handheld Remotes, and Fixed Remotes. ...................................50
Figure 29 – Wiring Connections for Jog Levers ..........................................................................................................51
Figure 30 – Wiring Connections for Four-Way Valves with Jog Levers ......................................................................51
Figure 31 – Wiring Connections for Analog Compasses.............................................................................................52
Figure 32 – Wiring Connections for 45° Compass Transducer...................................................................................52
Figure 33 – Wiring Connections for Rudder Followers................................................................................................53
Figure 34 – Wiring Connections for Rudder Angle Indicators .....................................................................................53
Figure 35 – Wiring Connections for Reversing DC Motors .........................................................................................54
Figure 36 – Wiring Connections for Linear Actuators or Mechanical Rotary Drives ...................................................54
Figure 37 – Wiring Connections for Shunt Field Reversing Motors ............................................................................55
Figure 38 – Wiring Connections for Standard Four-Way Solenoid Valves .................................................................55
Figure 39 – Wiring Connections for Constant Running Electric Pump........................................................................56
Figure 40 – Wiring Connections for Two-Speed Solenoid Valves...............................................................................56
Figure 41 – Wiring Connections for A.C. Solenoids....................................................................................................57
Figure 42 – Wiring Connections for Proportional Solenoid Valves..............................................................................57
Figure 43 – Wiring Connections for Isolation Amplifiers..............................................................................................58
Figure 44 – External Alarm, using SW'D B- Output.....................................................................................................59
Figure 45 – External Alarm, using SW'D B+ Output....................................................................................................59
Figure 46 – External Alarm, SW'D B- Output – with Power Fail Option......................................................................60
Figure 47 – External Alarm, SW'D B+ Output – with Power Fail Option .....................................................................60
Figure 48 – Typical NMEA 0183 Connections ............................................................................................................61
Figure 49 – Connection to a PC with a DE-9 Connector.............................................................................................62
Figure 50 – Connection to a PC with a DB-25 Connector...........................................................................................62
Figure 51 – Power Off Sequence ................................................................................................................................69
Figure 52 – Using the Control Head............................................................................................................................70
Figure 53 – A Typical Menu.........................................................................................................................................72
Figure 54 – Entering Dockside Setup..........................................................................................................................74
Figure 55 – Dockside Setup menu, page 1 .................................................................................................................75
Figure 56 – Dockside Setup menu, page 2 .................................................................................................................77
Figure 57 – External Alarm Configuration ...................................................................................................................78
Figure 58 – External Alarm Type Configuration ..........................................................................................................78
Figure 59 – Set Vessel Type .......................................................................................................................................80
Figure 60 – Move Rudder to Starboard.......................................................................................................................81
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Figure 61 – Move Rudder to Port................................................................................................................................ 82
Figure 62 – Center the Rudder ................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 63 – Adding Fluid Capacity.............................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 64 – Bleeding Cylinder, Rod moving left.......................................................................................................... 84
Figure 65 – Bleeding Cylinder, Rod moving right ....................................................................................................... 84
Figure 66 – Drive Test OK .......................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 67 – Set Compass Type .................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 68 – Compass Verification (Mag Sensor shown)............................................................................................. 87
Figure 69 – Compass Verification Failed.................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 70 – Fluxgate Compass Verification & Compensation .................................................................................... 90
Figure 71 – Compensation Failed ... Move Compass................................................................................................. 91
Figure 72 – Typical Standby Mode Screen................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 73 – Standby Menu (pages 1 & 2)................................................................................................................. 100
Figure 74 – Typical Power Steer Mode Screen ........................................................................................................ 102
Figure 75 – Power Steer Menu ................................................................................................................................. 103
Figure 76 – Typical Auto Mode Screen..................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 77 – Auto Menu, pages 1 & 2 ........................................................................................................................ 105
Figure 78 – Guidelines for setting Rudder Gain........................................................................................................ 105
Figure 79 – Guidelines for setting Counter Rudder .................................................................................................. 106
Figure 80 – HI and LO Speed Icons (Left of Rudder Angle Indicator) ..................................................................... 107
Figure 81 – NAV Mode (Normal Display).................................................................................................................. 109
Figure 82 – Nav Menu, pages 1 & 2 ......................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 83 – Autopilot Steering for Correction Set to "CTS" ...................................................................................... 112
Figure 84 – Autopilot Steering for Correction Set to "XTE"....................................................................................... 113
Figure 85 – Response of Vessel to Large Cross-Track Error................................................................................... 114
Figure 86 – Autopilot Steering for Correction Set to "Both" ...................................................................................... 115
Figure 87 – NAV Mode, Alternate Display ................................................................................................................ 117
Figure 88 – Jog Lever Activated Screen................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 89 – WORK Mode Menu................................................................................................................................ 121
Figure 90 – WORK Mode Engaged .......................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 91 – Typical Special Turn Query ................................................................................................................... 124
Figure 92 – Dodge Query.......................................................................................................................................... 125
Figure 93 – Holding at a Heading Part-way Through a Dodge Turn ........................................................................ 126
Figure 94 – A Dodge Manoeuvre in Auto Mode........................................................................................................ 126
Figure 95 – U-Turn Query......................................................................................................................................... 127
Figure 96 – U-Turn Vessel Path................................................................................................................................ 127
Figure 97 – Circle Turn Query................................................................................................................................... 128
Figure 98 – Circle Turn Vessel Path ......................................................................................................................... 128
Figure 99 – M.O.B. Turn Query................................................................................................................................. 129
Figure 100 – M.O.B. Turn Vessel Path..................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 101 – Fishzag Turn Query ............................................................................................................................. 130
Figure 102 – Fishzag Turn........................................................................................................................................ 130
Figure 103 – Station Lock Icons on Main (left) and Aux. Control Head, when In-command (right).......................... 131
Figure 104 – Password Query Pop-Up Window ....................................................................................................... 133
Figure 105 – New Password Pop-Up Window.......................................................................................................... 134
Figure 106 – JP12 & JP13 in Factory Default Position (left) and After Moving Shunts (right).................................. 149
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Table of Contents, Lists of Figures & Tables
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List of Tables
Table 1 – Minimum Recommended Wire Gauges ......................................................................................................46
Table 2 – NMEA Signal Translation Guide..................................................................................................................62
Table 3 – Vessel Types...............................................................................................................................................75
Table 4 – Analog Compass Types ..............................................................................................................................76
Table 5 – NAV Mode Correction................................................................................................................................111
Table 6 – Fuse Replacement Guide..........................................................................................................................138
Table 7 – NMEA 0183 Sentences Accepted by Admiral P3......................................................................................141
Table 8 - NMEA Sentence Priority.............................................................................................................................142
Table 9 – Warning Messages....................................................................................................................................145
Table 10 – Error Messages .......................................................................................................................................146
Table 11 – Critical Error Messages ...........................................................................................................................147
Table 12 – Diagnostic LEDs......................................................................................................................................151
Table 13 – General Specifications.............................................................................................................................155
Table 14 – Compass Safe Distances ........................................................................................................................156
Table 15 – User Settings...........................................................................................................................................173
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation About This Manual
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About this Manual
This manual provides essential information for the safe and reliable operation of the
ComNav Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System. You are urged to read this manual in
its entirety before you use your autopilot for the first time, and to keep it handy until you
become thoroughly familiar with the operation of your autopilot.
Typefaces, Common Phrases & Terms
Throughout this manual, you will see a number of different typefaces used, and several
commonly-used words & phrases with very specific meanings, to describe concepts &
actions that are fundamental to the operation of the autopilot. Please take a moment to
become familiar with the following items:
Modes of Operation
Specific “modes of operation” are placed in bold uppercase lettering.
Example: POWER STEER mode.
Admiral P3 Control Head buttons and controls are placed in uppercase lettering.
Example: the TURN button.
System Component
Specific System Components are capitalized.
Example: The Control Head, or a Fluxgate Compass
LCD Display
Text that appears in the LCD display is in quotation marks.
Example: “Waypoint Arrival”
press or momentary press
Press and release the indicated button.
Press and release the indicated button twice in rapid succession.
Although this sounds a little complicated, it is actually very easy to do. Many users
familiar with desktop computers perform a similar function when they “double-click” their
mouse pointer.
press and hold
Press and hold the indicated button for a minimum of one-half of a second.
This time delay is purposely programmed into the system’s response to some buttons, to
prevent casual or accidental activation of the button function. For example, pressing the
Fn button can, depending on system configuration, drastically alter the steering
performance of the Autopilot.
Hold the indicated button for as long as required to achieve a given result.
Example: To dodge an obstacle in the water, press either the PORT ARROW or
STARBOARD ARROW button, and maintain it in that position until the vessel has dodged
clear of the obstacle in its path.
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation About This Manual
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Manual Format
This manual has been formatted to be printed on both sides of the pages of the manual,
and on standard Letter-sized paper (8.5” x 11”). If you have obtained this manual as a
soft-copy, please note that it is in Adobe® Portable Document Format (“pdf”), and so may
be viewed & printed with Adobe Reader®, or compatible pdf-format viewers.
When printing this manual with Reader, you should select “duplex printing” (or the
equivalent term used by your printer’s software driver), in order to print it double-sided on
the paper. If your printer does not have built-in duplexing capability, you can still print this
manual double-sided by following the instructions that came with your printer for doing
“hand duplexing”.
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation How Autopilots Work
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How Autopilots Work
The purpose of this section is to briefly describe what an autopilot does and some of the
things you should expect when using an autopilot with your boat. The information in this
section can be applied in general to any ComNav autopilot, and is not specific to the
Admiral P3 Autopilot.
Basic Autopilot System
Figure 1 is a block diagram of the major components of an autopilot system.
Figure 1 – Basic Autopilot System
The Compass indicates the direction in which the boat is pointed – often referred to as the
Actual Heading. Depending on the type of boat & installed equipment, the Compass may be
a magnetic compass, an electronic fluxgate compass, a gyroscopic compass, or a GPS
Compass. A reliable compass is absolutely vital to the autopilot – because, without a
compass, the autopilot has no way of knowing which way the boat is headed.
The actual heading is fed electronically from the Compass to the Processor (SPU) , which is
the heart of the autopilot. The SPU contains the microprocessor(s) & other electronic
hardware, and the sophisticated control software necessary to steer the boat on any Desired
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The Control Head, normally located in the wheelhouse, is the interface between the user
(that’s you …) and the autopilot. The Control Head displays information about what the
autopilot is doing. It has various controls (buttons &/or knobs) that allow the user to give
commands to the Autopilot.
The final part of the picture is the Steering System. In order for the autopilot to steer the
boat, there must be some a steering system (i.e., actuator) capable of moving the rudder
independently of the ship’s wheel. This might be a hydraulic ram that is connected to the
rudder post or tiller quadrant, or an electric motor connected to the steering cables.
Electronic signals from the SPU signal the steering system to move the rudder. Your
autopilot also will have a Rudder Follower Unit (RFU), a device that tells the SPU what
position the rudder is in at any given time.
Autopilot Operation: Maintaining a Heading
Say, for example, the autopilot was steering your boat Southwest, and you wished to change
direction to Southeast.
That’s easy – if you are using your ComNav Autopilot in AUTO mode.
To initiate the turn, you would turn the knob on the Control Head to set the Desired Heading
(as shown on the Control Head’s display screen) to 135° – i.e., Southeast.
The SPU then would compare this to the boat’s current Actual Heading of 225° (Southwest),
as indicated by the Compass, and determine that the Desired Heading is 90° to Port of the
Actual Heading. This in turn would cause the SPU to send a signal to the steering system to
move the Rudder to Port – so that the boat turns to Port. The SPU verifies that the Rudder
has moved by reading its position from the Rudder Follower Unit.
As the boat turns, the difference between the Desired Heading and the Actual Heading gets
smaller, and as it does, the SPU then starts to ‘back off” the rudder – i.e., move it back to
centre – so that the boat does not overshoot the Desired Heading.
Eventually, the Actual Heading will match the Desired Heading. The SPU will keep steering
the boat on a heading of 135°, until new instructions are received from the Control Head.
Figure 2 shows a vessel making that Southwest-to-Southeast turn in AUTO mode.
ComNav Autopilots provide an important safety feature in AUTO mode: when you first select
the mode, the autopilot will use the current Actual Heading as the Desired Heading. This
feature prevents the autopilot from executing an unexpected turn when you first select AUTO
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation How Autopilots Work
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Autopilot is steering vessel
on a heading of 225° (SW)
Autopilot responds to the
change in desired heading
Operator selects new
desired heading of 135° (SE)
by moving the rudder to
Port -- vessel begins to turn
As the actual heading
approaches the new desired
heading, the Autopilot starts
to move the rudder back
towards mid-ships position
then straighten out
the new heading slightly,
Autopilot to "over-shoot"
Typical response is for the
heading of 135° (SE)
the vessel on the new
Autopilot is now steering
Figure 2 – Heading Change in AUTO Mode
Wind and Current Effects
If your boat encounters a crosswind, and/or a tidal current, at some angle to the Desired
Heading, it will be constantly pushed away from that heading, in the direction of the wind or
current. So the autopilot will constantly be making course corrections.
As that condition persists, the SPU will gradually begin to maintain the rudder a few degrees
to Port or Starboard of the centred position, to counter the effect of wind, and/or current. This
feature, known as trim, will keep your boat pointed in the right direction, despite the wind or
However, one side-effect of trim is that your boat may not follow the Track you want – it will
maintain your Desired Heading, but the track will “slip” sideways in the direction of the
crosswind and/or current. This potential problem can be solved by using another mode that
ComNav Autopilots provide: NAV mode, described next.
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Autopilot Operation: Following a Track – NAV Mode
So far, we have seen how an autopilot operates in AUTO mode: a new desired Heading must
be selected on the Control Head each time you wish to change direction. This is handy for
short trips or when you know the direct course to your objective.
But for longer trips, which might involve a number of legs at different headings, it would be
useful to be able to have your autopilot steer your boat along all the legs, in sequence.
ComNav autopilots allow you to do just that, with NAV mode.
Before using NAV mode:, the autopilot must be connected to an external source of navigation
information (commands & data) – such as a chart plotter, or a Navigation program running on
a PC. A source of position data is required, too; it may be built into the external Navigation
System, or it may be another device or system: a GPS receiver (such as a ComNav Vector
GPS Compass), a LORAN C receiver, etc.1
ComNav Autopilots implement the industry-standard NMEA 0183 protocol for reception &
transmission of navigation information. Fortunately, almost all of today’s Navigation Systems
& Devices do comply with NMEA 0183, so interfacing those systems & devices to a ComNav
autopilot is relatively simple.
A long passage will consist of a series of waypoints, which are specific locations on the
Earth’s surface (hopefully on the water!) defined by their Latitude & Longitude. These
waypoints are entered into the external Navigation System by the user. That system
determines the current location of the boat (from the source of position data), and then
calculates the course that must be steered in order to reach the next waypoint.
When the Autopilot is switched into NAV mode, it begins to look for some specific navigation
information from the Navigation System: the course to steer to the next waypoint, and the
Cross-Track error (which is the distance from the boat to the desired Track from the last
waypoint to the next one). Using these two pieces of information, the autopilot steers the
boat on the shortest possible course to the next waypoint.
Crosswinds and/or currents are compensated for automatically each time the Navigation
System updates the cross-track error. This is why NAV mode is the answer to the “track slip”
problem that can occur in AUTO mode, when a crosswind/current exists.
When a waypoint is reached, the Navigation System sends the SPU the next set of
navigation information – for the next waypoint – and the SPU then turns the boat to head to
that next waypoint.
When the last waypoint is reached, the boat typically (depending on how the Navigation
System is set up) will orbit that waypoint, until the autopilot either is switched out of NAV
mode or is given new navigation information by the user, via the Navigation System.
Because the boat will turn automatically turn – without input from the user – at each waypoint,
when planning the trip it is crucial that the user verify that there will be sufficient room to
execute the turn at each waypoint.
The autopilot can be set to alert he user – by activating an alarm – as the boat nears a
1 … all such external devices are in general referred to in this manual with the generic term Navigation System.
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation How Autopilots Work
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Autopilot Operation: Following a Track – AUTO/ALC Mode
Some ComNav autopilots – including the Admiral P3 – provide another way to keep your boat
on a specific Track: Automatic Leeway Correction. This feature – an element of the P3’s
Intelligent Steering Technology – can be turned on in AUTO mode.
ALC is similar to NAV mode, in that it uses NMEA 0183 Latitude/Longitude data to sense if
the boat is following the desired Track.
Unlike NAV mode, however, the Admiral P3 only needs Latitude/Longitude data in
AUTO/ALC mode. It does not need Cross-Track error data from the external Navigation
System, nor that there be any waypoints set in the system. The P3’s IST feature calculates
the Cross-Track error on its own, using the desired heading active at the point in time when
AUTO/ALC mode is first engaged.
Power Steer
Most ComNav autopilots have a POWER STEER mode, which provides a way for the user to
directly control the rudder. Basically, the autopilot acts as a sort of “electronic steering
wheel”, allowing the operator to steer the vessel manually, in a similar way as when using a
standard manual steering wheel or tiller, but from the autopilot’s Control Head or any remote
controls it is equipped with.
Steering, when using the autopilot in this mode, is done with two buttons and/or a knob on
the Control Head. One button, and/or a clockwise turn of the knob, will move the rudder to
Starboard; the other button, and/or a counter-clockwise turn of the knob, will move the rudder
to Port.
Using the buttons/knob, the rudder can be placed in any desired position where it will remain.
This feature is useful when docking or manoeuvring, because the person steering the vessel
can take their hands off the controls between rudder movements.
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System Overview
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation System Overview
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System Overview
This chapter gives a brief description of the major elements of the Admiral P3 Wheelmark
Autopilot System, their functions, and their relationships to each other.
Below is a block diagram of a typical example of the Admiral P3 system, showing the
interconnections between the elements of the system:
The Signal Processor Unit (SPU)
The Main Control Head
A Compass or other Heading Sensor
Solenoid(s), Reversing Motor, or Cable Drive, which move the Rudder
The Rudder Feedback Unit
Optional Auxiliary Control Head(s) & Remote Controls
Various optional accessories & external equipment
Other Navigation equipment
Figure 3 – Admiral P3 System Block Diagram
Note: all the main elements of the Admiral P3 Autopilot System shown in the block
diagram above are Wheelmark compliant, and passed IMO testing as a part of the
“autopilot system” (see Wheelmark Compliance Certificate on page 157). However,
some of the optional components shown above are not IMO/Wheelmark compliant.
Contact your ComNav Dealer for specific information.
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Control Head
PN 20110005
The Admiral P3 Control Head connects directly to the Signal Processor Unit (SPU), via a
nine-conductor cable that plugs into the rear of the Head. This cable wires onto a connector
supplied with the SPU; that connector in turn can quickly and easily be plugged into the
CONTROL HEAD receptacle on the SPU.
The Admiral P3 Control Head incorporates a state-of-the-art, sunlight-viewable, high
resolution QVGA TFT colour LCD display.
Figure 4 – Control Head
The Control Head, when shipped as part of a complete Admiral P3 system, is a “core”
module, with accessories for three mounting options: a snap-on sleeve for surface mounting,
a separate snap-on sleeve for flush mounting, and a two-piece bracket for bracket mounting.
All required hardware is included, except for two fasteners needed to fasten the bracket to a
mounting surface.
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Signal Processor Unit
PN 20110001
The Signal Processor Unit (SPU), as its name suggests, accepts a number of signals from
the other components of the autopilot system, and processes them as necessary to control
the movement of the vessel’s rudder so as to maintain a given heading. As well as steering
the vessel, the sophisticated software within the SPU continually checks all aspects of the
autopilot’s performance, and will advise the user via the Control Head if any problems are
Figure 5 – The Admiral P3 SPU with Wiring & Diagnostic Covers Removed
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation System Overview
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The Compass is a critical component in the proper operation of the Admiral P3 Autopilot
System. The autopilot system’s ability to steer the vessel to a given Heading desired by the
Operator can only be as accurate as the Compass.
The Admiral P3 system is capable of using a variety of different compasses. These are
discussed below. Various combinations of these compasses, and related accessories, are
often required.
It is always a wise and safe choice to have at least two compasses,
and/or other Heading sensing devices, on board!
Vector G2 and G2B GPS Compasses
PN 11210001 (G2)
PN 11210004 (G2B)
The ComNav Vector GPS Compasses are state-of-the-art devices which provide accurate 2D
Heading & Position data to autopilots, sonar, chartplotters AIS transponders, and other
NMEA 0183 devices.
Figure 6 – Vector G2 GPS Compass
Built-in DGPS processing capability provides sub-meter Position accuracy. DGPS source
options in the G2 & G2B include standard SBAS systems (WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, etc.), and
external RTCM SC-104; the G2B can also use terrestrial DGPS Radiobeacon signals
(IEC 61108-4), via an internal Beacon receiver module.
The Vectors feature fast start up times (< 1 minute), heading updates up to 20 times per
second, and continue to work correctly at sustained turn rates up to 90° per second.
The Vectors come with a choice of mounting styles: a flat-surface base, or a pole-mount
base. The entire unit is fully waterproof. The Vectors provide dual, independently
configurable, NMEA 0183 data outputs, each available at both NMEA 0183 standard output
voltages, and PC-friendly serial “COM port” voltages.
One feature of the Vectors is especially useful in marine applications: Heading is determined
by mathematical computation, directly from the RF signals from the GPS satellites, rather
than sensing the Earth’s magnetic field – and thus there are no local magnetic deviation
effects from metal objects, electrical devices & wiring, and so on.
The Vectors contain a solid-state Gyro sensor, which is used to provide Heading data in
situations where GPS signal reception is subject to transient interference. A Tilt sensor
measures the vessel’s Pitch (or Roll, depending on which way the unit is mounted), and the
data is used to remove any effects of Pitch/Roll on the Heading computation.
The Vector is connected to the Admiral P3 at one of the SPU’s two NMEA Input ports. The
standard cable length is 15 metres (50’); 30 metres (100’) is also available.
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Fluxgate Compass
PN 20320004
Specifically designed for ComNav autopilots, the ComNav Fluxgate Compass directly senses
the Earth’s magnetic field. The unit incorporates a heeling coil for better performance when
the vessel is either rolling or heeled. The Fluxgate Compass is a sealed, waterproof unit
which may be mounted on a deck, shelf, or bulkhead. This compass outputs the traditional
analog compass signals – Sine & Cosine signals. It is supplied with a 12 metre (40’) cable;
an adapter cable (PN311100024) is required to wire it into the Admiral P3’s SPU.
Figure 7 – Fluxgate Compass
Magnetic Compass Sensor
PN 20320002
The ComNav Magnetic Compass Sensor detects the position of the compass card of an
externally gimballed magnetic compass. The sealed unit can be attached to the bottom of
any of ComNav’s Magnetic Compasses, or the bottom or top of many other brands of
externally gimballed magnetic compasses. It is wired directly to the SPU, with the attached
25’ cable.
Figure 8 – Magnetic Compass Sensor
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Magnetic Compasses
ComNav offers several high quality externally gimballed Magnetic Compasses, of either 5” or
6” diameter, which are directly compatible with the ComNav Magnetic Compass Sensor.
These compasses are available in either bracket mount or binnacle mount. Compensating
spheres and arms are also available. Consult your ComNav Dealer for part numbers.
Figure 9 – Externally Gimballed Magnetic Compass with Binnacle
45° Compass Transducer
PN 20640006
The ComNav 45° Compass Transducer contains a fluid-damped fluxgate sensor and works
at heeling angles up to 45°. This compass puts out a proprietary digital Sine/Cosine signal.
It is wired directly to the SPU.
Figure 10 – 45° Compass Transducer
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Heading Rate Stabilizer
PN 20320005
Perhaps the single greatest factor affecting Autopilot performance is the quality of the
compass heading information it receives. Compass error due to pitch and roll, high turn rates
and high-speed turns are common to both fluxgate and magnetic compasses.
Northerly turning error is another phenomenon that affects both types of compasses,
particularly at higher latitudes, due to an increase in the earth’s vertical magnetic field
The sideways acceleration of a vessel in a high speed turn will also affect the accuracy of
ComNav’s Heading Rate Stabilizer minimizes the effect of these factors.
Figure 11 – Heading Rate Stabilizer
The Heading Rate Stabilizer measures the horizontal component of the rate of change in the
vessel’s heading, and adjusts the compass reading to minimize the effects of pitch and roll,
fast turn rates and northerly turning error.
The heading output provided to the Autopilot is dramatically improved in terms of dynamic
responsiveness and stability, enabling the Autopilot to perform more accurately and
The ComNav Heading Rate Stabilizer is designed to work with ComNav’s Fluxgate Compass
(PN 20320004).
Other Compasses
ComNav recommends the use of ComNav’s own compasses for the best performance of the
Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot system – but you certainly may decide to use either a
fluxgate compass or a magnetic compass from another manufacturer. See your ComNav
Dealer or consult the factory for information on interfacing these compasses with the
Admiral P3 system.
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Rudder Followers
Standard Rotary Rudder Follower & Rudder Linkage
PN 20330008 & 20330007
The ComNav Admiral P3 is normally supplied with a ComNav Medium Duty Rotary Rudder
The Rudder Follower is used to transmit the position of the vessel’s rudder to the SPU. It
should be connected to whichever part of the steering system the autopilot controls.
Normally, this is the vessel’s rudder. However, if the vessel has two-stage steering, where
the autopilot drives a control or servo ram, the Rudder Follower should be mounted to the
servo ram rather than the rudder.
Figure 12 – Rotary Rudder Follower
Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower
PN 20330012
A Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower is available for special applications. Check with your
ComNav Dealer to determine whether this product is suitable for your vessel. Separate
installation instructions are provided with this Rudder Follower.
Figure 13 – Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower
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Auxiliary Controllers
Up to two Auxiliary Controllers may be added to the standard Admiral P3 system. These may
be any combination of Admiral Control Heads, CR-203 Handheld Remotes, and TS-203
Fixed Remotes.
CR-203 Remote
PN 20310026 – 12m (40’) cable
PN 20310028 – 18m (60’) cable
The CR-203 Handheld Remote is specifically designed to operate with the Admiral P3
Wheelmark Autopilot System. The CR-203 Remote provides selection of STANDBY,
TILLER, AUTO, and NAV mode. In TILLER mode, the vessel’s rudder position is tied to the
position of the CR-203’s Tiller knob. In STANDBY, AUTO & NAV modes, the CR-203
operates identically to the Admiral P3’s Control Head. The CR-203 Remote supports WORK
mode (Refer to WORK Mode in the Advanced Operations chapter for an explanation of that
Figure 14 – CR-203 Handheld Remote
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TS-203 Remote
PN 20310025 – 12m (40’) cable
PN 20310030 – 18m (60’) cable
PM 30310011 – Ball Knob Kit
The TS-203 Fixed Remote is a heavy duty Full-Follow-Up (FFU) Lever control which allows
the operator to control the tiller steering and autopilot functions from any work station, flying
bridge or remote location on the vessel.
The optional Ball Knob Kit is a replacement for the TS-203’s standard tapered-handle Tiller
lever. It is intended to be used where a “ball handle” is preferable, or in installations where
there is limited space in which to mount the TS-203. The kit’s ball & shaft are the same as
used on ComNav Jog Levers. The total ball-shaft length is 12 cm (5”), as compared to the
TS-203’s standard handle-shaft length of 18 cm (7”).
Figure 15 – TS-203 Fixed Remote
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Other Controls, Indicators & Sensors
Jog Levers
PN 20310002 (1 set of switches)
PN 20310003 (2 sets of switches)
ComNav’s NFU (Non-Follow-Up) Jog Lever is a permanently mounted, watertight, electrical
switch specifically designed for marine use. The spring-centered lever is moved port or
starboard as desired to provide non-follow-up (time dependent) electrical control of the
vessel’s steering system.
Figure 16 – Jog Lever
Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI) – 3”
PN 20360014
The ComNav RAI is a backlit 3” (76 mm) diameter gauge that displays the actual position of
the vessel’s rudder. The RAI is flush mounted, encased in high impact resistant
polycarbonate plastic with a water resistant front face, and requires a lighting voltage supply
of 12, 24 or 32 VDC.
An optional Bezel Kit (Part # 30360004), Wheelhouse Case (PN 20360017) and Watertight
Case (PN 20360016) are available.
Figure 17 – External Rudder Angle Indicator - 3" Model
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Rudder Drives and Interfaces
CT7 Thruster Interface
PN 20350008
The optional CT7 Interface is highly recommended when the Admiral P3 Autopilot System is
being used on a vessel equipped with Bow and/or Stern Thrusters, or when the vessel is
equipped with Azimuth Drives (as known as Z-Drives) of various types.
The CT7 is specifically designed to be directly compatible with, and complementary to, the
Admiral P3 system, in features, operation, and appearance. It connects directly to the
Admiral P3’s SPU with a dedicated cable that carries power and all control/data signals.
The CT7 can operate a number of different solenoid valves, including on/off and proportional
It has standard voltage outputs, current loop outputs and optically-isolated analog outputs.
The CT7 also contains circuitry for interfacing an Electric Wheel to the Admiral P3 system,
and a Rudder Simulator which is used when the CT7 is interfaced to Azimuth Drives.
The Admiral P3’s SPU has built-in setup & operational firmware support for the CT7; the
firmware activates automatically when a CT7 is plugged into the SPU at the J7 - THRUSTER
INTERFACE connector.
See the CT7 Installation & Operation Manual for full details, and setup & operating
Figure 18 – CT7 Interface
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation System Overview
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Other Drive Boxes
The Admiral P3 system is capable of directly operating steering systems utilizing reversing
DC motors or single speed solenoids.
ComNav also manufactures a complete line of Drive Boxes that will interface the steering
outputs from the Admiral P3 system to almost any type of steering system.
Contact your ComNav Dealer for information and specific part numbers.
Figure 19 – Drive Boxes to meet all needs
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation System Overview
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Pumps & Drives
ComNav offers several types of electric-motor Hydraulic Pumps, matching Solenoid Values &
related equipment, as well as a number of high-quality Cable Drives and accessories.
Each drive comes with its own Installation Manual.
Please contact your ComNav Dealer for information and details.
Figure 20 – Hydraulic Pump & Solenoid Value
Figure 21 – Cable Drives
Other Equipment
Besides the optional equipment described above, there is a wide choice of other equipment
available for use with the Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot system.
Contact your ComNav Dealer for information and details.
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Installation
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This chapter describes all the steps you must follow while doing the physical installation of
the Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System on your vessel.
Each of the standard components of a P3 system is described – both physical mounting &
electrical wiring – and then some final checks. Commonly-used accessories are also
described. Many components come with their own specific instructions, and you should pay
attention to those, as well.
Technical Requirements
Please refer to the Warranty Information document that accompanies
this manual before proceeding with installation.
Hazard warning!
Extreme caution is advised when using tools powered by alternating
current (AC) from main AC supply circuits, regardless of whether the
supply circuits are “indoor”, “outdoor”, “marine” or “industrial” rated.
Water, especially sea water, is an EXCELLENT conductor of electricity,
and can complete a path to AC Ground through a person’s body,
causing injury or death, if a tool malfunctions or short-circuits.
Battery powered tools are STRONGLY recommended
If AC tools are used, they MUST be plugged into a circuit that is
adequately protected against Ground Faults and other safety hazards,
in accordance with local electrical codes.
Steering System
To obtain the best performance from your Autopilot, your vessel’s steering system must be in
good working order. The hydraulic system should be bled, and should be operating with
minimal play.
When installing a Reversing Motor Pump, a Constant Running Pump, or an Engine Driven
Pump, it is recommended that you install shutoff valves on all hydraulic lines between the
Pump and the steering system.
Power Supply
For reliable operation of your Autopilot, your vessel’s power supply system must have an
adequately-breakered, or fused, DC (direct current) power supply at a nominal voltage of
either 12 or 24 volts. If the circuits are fused, a switch should also be provided. Ensure that
adequate wire sizes are used to handle the expected maximum currents.
Special Tools
A slot screwdriver with a tip size of ~2.5 mm (0.1”) is required, for tightening the small screws
of the wire clamps in the plugs which mate with the SPU’s pin-receptacle connectors.
Other general-purpose tools such as a portable drill, pliers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, wire,
mounting bolts and wrenches will also be required.
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Control Head
The Control Head is normally mounted in the vessel’s wheelhouse. It can also be mounted in
more exposed locations, such as on a flying bridge, since it is fully waterproof. Note that,
although it is waterproof, it is not submersible, nor should it be exposed to prolonged direct
sunlight. The Control Head comes with a 7.65 metre (25’) cable. The cable has a 9-pin
circular connector on one end and flying leads on the other. These leads are wired into a
push-on connector that mates with the SPU. The cable and Head-end connector are fully
Each Control Head is supplied (when ordered as part of Admiral P3 system kits) with three
mounting kits -- one for bracket mounting (PN 30110006), one for surface mounting (PN
30110004), and one for flush-mounting (PN 30110003). Each one is packaged in a separate
Complete instructions, including drilling/cutting templates for each type of mounting are
contained within the bag for each kit.
In addition, there is a fourth bag containing a number of screws, washers, and nuts
(PN 30110005). The fasteners in this bag are to be used with either the surface mount kit or
the flush-mount kit. They are not used for bracket-mount installations.
Electrical Connection
Route the Control Head Cable from the Control head to the location where the SPU will be
located. Avoid running the cable parallel to antenna cables, AC power, or DC wires/cables
carrying heavy current.
Excess Control head Cable can be coiled up, or the cable can be trimmed to a more
appropriate length.
See Control Head on page 50 for details on connecting the cable to the SPU.
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The ComNav Admiral P3 is usually supplied with either a ComNav’s Fluxgate Compass
(optionally with a Heading Rate Stabilizer), a 45° Compass Transducer, or a Magnetic
Compass Sensor (for use with an externally-gimballed traditional magnetic compass).
System packages with the ComNav Vector G2 (or G2B) GPS Compass are also available.
The choice of compass depends on the type and intended use of the vessel. Refer to the
appropriate section below for installation instructions for your magnetic compass.
If you have a Vector G2 or G2B Compass (or other NMEA Compass),
please refer to the Installation & Operation Manual that came with it.
When first installed, most magnetic compasses will have Deviation. Deviation is the error
between the compass reading and the vessel’s actual Magnetic heading. Deviation is a
result of magnetic fields induced in the vessel’s hull (on steel vessels), and fields from objects
such as engines, davits, galley equipment, etc., and electrical/electronic systems & wiring.
If you have a ComNav Fluxgate Compass (with or without HRS) or a 45° Compass
Transducer, the Admiral P3 can electronically compensate for the Deviation. The
compensation procedure is done during the Sea Trials. If you have a magnetic compass, it
will have to be manually compensated. A professional compass adjuster often does this job.
If you intend to use a fluxgate compass other than a ComNav Fluxgate Compass, or if you
are using a magnetic compass not supplied by ComNav, you should contact the dealer you
purchased it from, or the manufacturer, for instructions on how to install and set up your
Note: Do not permanently install any compasses until sea trials are
complete. Depending on the outcome of the sea trials, it may be
necessary to relocate the compass(es).
ComNav Fluxgate Compass
Choose a location for the Fluxgate Compass. For best performance, the Fluxgate Compass
must be mounted as close as possible to the vessel’s center of pitch and roll. This is typically
low in the vessel, at or about the waterline, and slightly aft of the center of the vessel.
You must keep the compass as far away as possible – at least 2 metres (about 6’) – from
engines, electric motors, and other magnetic objects.
Holes are provided to attach the Fluxgate Compass to either a bulkhead or to a horizontal
shelf or deck. The compass must be mounted parallel to, and as close as possible to the
centerline. The compass must be mounted with the correct side up (that is, with the cable
coming out of the top of the unit). The arrow labelled “BOW” should point forward.
Electrical Connection
Route the Fluxgate Compass cable from the Fluxgate Compass to the location where the
SPU will be. Avoid running the cable parallel to antenna cables, AC power, or DC
wires/cables carrying heavy current.
Excess cable should be coiled up; ComNav recommends that the cable NOT be shortened.
If the cable is too short, plug-in Compass Extension Cables are available in various lengths
from your ComNav Dealer. Cutting and splicing the Fluxgate Compass cable is NOT
See Compasses on page 52 for further details on connecting the Fluxgate Compass cable to
the SPU.
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Heading Rate Stabilizer
The HRS is an optional accessory for the ComNav Fluxgate Compass.
Please refer to the All Models information in the Installation Instructions that come with the
HRS, for mounting & electrical wiring information.
See Compasses on page 52 for further details on connecting the HRS cable to the SPU.
45° Compass Transducer
Choose a location for the Compass Transducer. For best performance, it should be mounted
as close as possible to the vessel’s center of pitch and roll. This is typically low in the vessel,
at or about the waterline, and slightly aft of the center of the vessel.
You must keep the compass as far away as possible, at least 2m (about 6’) away from
engines, electric motors, and other magnetic objects.
Holes are provided to attach the Compass Transducer to a bulkhead. The compass must be
mounted parallel to the centerline. The compass must be mounted with the correct side up
(the label that says “Compass” must be on top), and the arrow should point forward.
Electrical Connection
Route the Compass Transducer cable from the compass to the location where the SPU will
be. Avoid running the cable parallel to antenna cables, AC power, or DC wires/cables
carrying heavy current.
Excess cable should be coiled up. The cable may be shortened if desired to avoid excess
coils. If the cable is too short, additional cable may be ordered from your ComNav Dealer.
See Compasses on page 52 for further details on connecting the cable to the SPU.
Magnetic Compass and Sensor
The ComNav Magnetic Sensor can be mounted to ComNav’s standard Magnetic
Compasses, and also to a wide variety of other brands of externally gimballed compasses.
The advantage of using a Magnetic Compass with a Magnetic Compass Sensor attached to it
is that the Autopilot is sensing the position of the magnets on the compass card rather than
sensing the earth’s magnetic field directly.
Since the card of the compass has physical inertia, it does not react immediately to the
changes in the magnetic field it is immersed in, but only to those changes which persist long
enough to overcome the resistance of the compass card to movement. This means that the
compass is a more stable heading reference than a Fluxgate Compass. The Magnetic
Compass will largely ignore changes in the magnetic field in the plane of the compass card
caused by vessel motion to which the Fluxgate Compass may react.
This is particularly important in high latitudes, (such as Alaska, Labrador or the North Sea),
where the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field (which is the portion that the
compass is trying to detect) is very small relative to the magnetic field of the vessel.
The disadvantage of the Magnetic Compass is that in very rough weather with the vessel
going to windward, it is possible for the vessel motion to upset or “tumble” the compass card,
disabling the Autopilot.
Because of the relative insensitivity of the Magnetic Compass to both the earth’s and the
vessel’s vertical magnetic fields (due to its inertia), it is recommended for use at latitudes
higher than 50° (North or South), and for use on steel vessels when optional quadrantal
spheres are included.
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Locate and mount the compass in a position that minimizes magnetic interference. The
compass should be at least 1 metre [about 3’] away from such equipment as radios, radars,
depth sounders, and engine instruments.
To reduce the possibility of the card ‘tumbling’ in rough weather, mount the compass as close
as practical to the center of pitch and roll. Mounting the compass far forward under a bunk or
similar location is a poor choice for rough weather performance.
Important! It is important to remember that the compass is a vital part of
the autopilot system. Locating it properly, particularly on steel-hulled
vessels, is essential to ensure proper operation of the autopilot. We
strongly recommend that the services of a qualified compass adjuster
be used to select the best installation location and to compensate the
compass properly for deviation, including that caused by heeling error.
Care must be taken not to place compensating magnets too close to the compass, as this will
cause the Compass Sensor, mounted underneath the compass, to read incorrectly. To
correct compass deviation on steel vessels, or on other vessels with magnetic compensating
problems due to interference from adjacent ferrous masses such as an engine block or
winches, the use of a pair of compensating quadrantal spheres is recommended.
Note: the ComNav Magnetic Sensor SHOULD NOT be attached to an internally gimballed
compass (that is, where the compass card is gimballed and the bowl of the compass is not),
as this will result in large errors between the compass and the autopilot. This is because the
compass card does not remain parallel to the sensor when the vessel rolls or pitches.
The Sensor can be mounted to the bottom of the compass using the brass screw supplied, or
it may be bonded directly to the compass bowl using a suitable adhesive. The Nylon Washer
should be placed between the Compass Sensor and the bottom of the compass bowl.
When the Sensor mounts to the bottom of the bowl, the magnetic compass may be used as a
steering compass, if desired.
It is also possible to mount the Sensor above the compass. This reduces the possibility of
interference from the compensating magnets, but also reduces the visibility of the compass.
Optimum positioning of the sensor can only be accomplished once the Autopilot system has
been installed and powered up. See the Getting Started chapter of the manual to perform
this procedure.
Electrical Connection
Route the Magnetic Compass Sensor cable from the Compass to the location where the SPU
will be. Avoid running the cable parallel to antenna cables, AC power, or DC wires/cables
carrying heavy current.
Ensure that there is sufficient slack in the cable to allow the compass bowl to tilt and rotate
freely in all directions.
Excess cable should be coiled up; ComNav recommends that the cable NOT be shortened.
If the cable is too short, plug-in Compass Extension Cables are available in various lengths
from your ComNav Dealer. Cutting and splicing the Magnetic Sensor cable is NOT
See Compasses on page 52 for further details on connecting the cable to the SPU.
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Rudder Follower
The Rudder Follower is used to transmit the position of the rudder back to the Autopilot. It
should be connected to whatever parts of the steering system the Autopilot controls.
Normally, this will be the vessel’s rudder. However, if the vessel has a two-stage steering
system where the Autopilot drives a control or servo ram, the Rudder Follower should be
mounted to the servo ram rather than to the rudder.
Normally the Rudder Follower is mounted in the stern of the vessel, close to the rudder post.
A mounting base may have to be fabricated to position the Rudder Follower properly. Mount
the Rudder Follower in a location where the possibility of damage from any equipment
stowed in the area is minimized.
Note: If you are connecting the Admiral P3 to a mechanical Cable Drive (for vessels that use
cable steering instead of hydraulic steering) the rudder follower is built into the Cable Drive.
Rotary Rudder Follower
Mount the Rudder Post Arm on the rudder post using a stainless steel band clamp (not
supplied). Bolt the ball joint to the hole in the Rudder Post Arm corresponding to the
diameter of the Rudder Post in inches, making sure the ball is facing upwards.
Mount the Rudder Follower so that the Rudder Follower Arm is the same height as the
Rudder Post Arm. The Rudder Follower is centered when the arm is directly above the cable
gland (see Figure 22).
The distance between the centerline of the Rudder Post and the Rudder Follower must not
exceed 24 inches. Make sure that the ball joints on the Rudder Arm and Rudder Follower
arm are facing upwards as shown in Figure 3.
Snap the rod assembly onto the ball joints. Be sure to close the release clamps on each
socket. Refer to Figure 22, and adjust the length of the rod to get the correct geometry with
the rudder dead-ahead.
If the locking screw in the Rudder Follower arm has been loosened, or the arm removed from
the Rudder Follower, re-attach the arm and check the potentiometer center position.
When the rudder is dead-ahead, the electrical resistance between the wires of the black &
green wire pair, and the wires of the white & green wire pair, should be equal (approx. 600
ohms each).
Be careful to check the installation for any mechanical obstructions or binding of the linkage,
and correct it now, before it becomes a problem.
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Figure 22 – Rudder Follower Linkage Geometry
Electrical Connection
The Rudder Follower is normally supplied with approximately 15.5 metres (50’) of cable. Run
the cable from the Rudder Follower towards the SPU, ensuring that a hose or conduit
protects it wherever it passes through bulkheads, holds, or any other area where it could be
If the length of cable supplied is too short to reach all the way to the SPU, obtain a terminal
strip and sufficient additional cable from your ComNav Dealer. Mount the terminal strip in a
convenient DRY location where it will not be subjected to moisture of any kind.
See Rudder Follower on page 53 for further details on connecting the cable to the SPU.
Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower
The ComNav Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower is also compatible with the Admiral P3
Wheelmark Autopilot System. If you have purchased one of these devices, follow the
installation instructions supplied with the unit.
See Rudder Follower on page 53 for further details on connecting the cable to the SPU.
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Signal Processor Unit
The SPU should be mounted in a clean and DRY area, away from heat, moisture, and water
of any kind. The SPU should be centrally located, and mounted far enough away from your
vessel’s compasses so as to minimize any possible electrical interference; a good rule-of-
thumb is at least 1 metre (3’) – but see Compass Safe Distances on page 156 for specific
values, if you do not have that much space.
The SPU can be mounted vertically on a bulkhead or horizontally on a deck or shelf.
If mounted vertically, it should be positioned so that all wires and cables will exit from
the bottom of the SPU (after running sideways, left &/or right as appropriate, from the
SPU connectors under the SPU’s wiring cover).
If mounted horizontally, all wires and cables should have a drip-loop formed in them.
Each SPU is shipped from the factory with a package of four mounting feet and a separate
instruction sheet that includes dimensions for drilling holes to fasten the feet to the vessel.
Wiring the SPU - General
Due to the relatively high current requirements of an autopilot compared to many other types
of electronic equipment, the size of wire used to connect the various components is very
important. Undersized wiring will result in power losses which can affect overall efficiency
and performance. Refer to the table below If in doubt, contact your ComNav Dealer for help.
Function / Use Type / Gauge
SPU Power Supply 2 X 12 AWG
Steering Drive: 12/24/32 VDC Solenoid Valve 3 X 18 AWG
Steering Drive: Reversing Motor 2 X 14 AWG
(refer to the instructions supplied
with the Drive Motor)
Rudder Follower 3 X 18 AWG Shielded cable
GPS, Chartplotter, Navigation Computer 2 X 24 AWG Shielded cable
Rudder Angle Indicator 2 X 24 AWG
Table 1 – Minimum Recommended Wire Gauges
Once the SPU is securely mounted, begin wiring the various components of the system one
at a time.
Start by removing the Wiring Cover from the SPU. It is held in place by two knurled plastic
nuts (see Figure 23).
Also remove the cover over the Diagnostic section of the SPU, so that you can observe the
Diagnostic/Status LEDs during installation.
Set the covers, nuts & screws aside – they will be re-installed once all the wiring of the SPU
is complete.
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Figure 23 – Removal of SPU Wiring & Diagnostic Covers
Connectors on the SPU
With the wiring cover off, all the SPU’s connectors are visible (see Figure 5 & Figure 24).
Each connector is a pin receptacle, with the pins sized according to how much current will be
carried (bigger pins for higher current). Each pin has a signal name, rather than a number, to
make it easier to match wires with pins (see connector label, below).
Each pin receptacle mates with a matching plug, which in turn has screw-clamp terminals,
into which the wires from the external equipment & devices (battery, drive system,
compasses, etc.) are inserted. The plugs allow quick installation & removal of system wiring,
yet are fully secure, once the various cables are strain-relieved and the wiring cover is
The SPU is shipped with all the plugs required, pre-installed on the matching receptacles.
Note that the plug screws must be turned counter-clockwise several turns (using the small
slotted screwdriver mentioned on page 39 – Special Tools) , to open up the plug’s wire
clamp, before a wire is inserted into that clamp; the screw must then be turned clockwise until
the wire is tightly held in the clamp.
All connectors and pins are labelled, as shown in the figure below.
J4 J5
J9J7 J8 J10
NAV I/O ComNav
B V+
J12 J13
1A V+
Figure 24 – SPU Connector Wiring Label
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Power Supply
The ComNav Admiral P3 will operate on any voltage between about 11 VDC and 30 VDC.
This allows operation with vessel battery systems of nominal voltages from 12 to 24 VDC.
Caution: do not power up the SPU until you have completed the installation, and
performed the steps outlined in “Post-Installation Checks”.
Generally, wiring for the positive leg of a DC system will be red or white, while wiring for the
negative leg (usually referred to as Ground) will be black.
Power to supply the autopilot should be taken directly from a breaker or distribution panel.
The autopilot should be wired into its own individual breaker or fuse. Using appropriately
sized wire or cable (see Table 1 – Minimum Recommended Wire Gauges on page 46), wire
the battery connections to the connector plug and receptacle labelled J1 - BATTERY INPUT.
Double-check the wiring polarity before inserting the plug into the receptacle.
CAUTION: the Admiral P3 SPU is NOT reverse-polarity protected.
If you wire the wrong voltage polarity at J1, you WILL damage the SPU and Head!
This will also void the Warranty.
Refer to the following diagram of a typical power supply circuit:
Figure 25 – Typical Battery Connection to SPU
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Note: If your autopilot system utilizes one of ComNav’s CT Drive Boxes, it should be wired
back to the breaker or fuse separately from the rest of the autopilot system. Do not “daisy-
chain” the power wires.
Figure 26 – Typical Battery Connection to Drive Boxes
If the SPU is mounted a long distance from the ship’s breaker panel, it is recommended that
heavy gauge wire be routed between the breaker panel and a terminal block mounted in
close proximity to the SPU. #12 AWG wire can then be used between the terminal block and
the SPU. This minimizes any voltage drop between the breaker panel and the SPU.
Figure 27 – Reducing Supply Voltage Losses
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Input & Output Connections
Control Head
Two types of control cable are used in manufacturing Admiral P3 systems. The only
difference between them is the colour-coding of the wires. Wire the cable from the main
Control Head onto the nine-position plug-in connector according to the following diagram:
Figure 28 – Wiring Connections for Control Head, Handheld Remotes, and Fixed Remotes.
Plug the nine-position plug-in connector into the SPU receptacle labelled
Auxiliary Controller(s)
All Control Heads, Handheld Remotes, and Fixed Remotes designed to work with the
Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot system utilize the same wiring diagram as the Main Control
Head. See Figure 28, above. The only difference is that these devices are plugged into the
receptacles J12 - AUX 1 or J13 - AUX 2 instead of J11 - CONTROL HEAD.
Note: Auxiliary Head Power On/Off
The Admiral P3 SPU is shipped from the factory configured so that
power can only be turned on or off from the Main Control Head. The
Main Control Head is designated as the Head which is plugged into the
SPU receptacle labelled J11 - CONTROL HEAD.
However, the Admiral P3 system can also be configured so that it can be
turned on or off by any Control Head plugged into the receptacles
J12 - AUX 1 or J13 - AUX 2 (note: power cannot be turned on from
CR-203 or TS-203 Remotes). If reconfiguration is desired, follow the
instructions for enabling Auxiliary Head / Remote Power On (see page
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Jog Levers
Any number of Non-Follow-Up (NFU) Jog Levers can be connected to the Admiral P3 SPU.
They are simply wired in parallel to each other. Connect them to the terminal labelled
J3 - JOG LEVER as per the following diagram:
Figure 29 – Wiring Connections for Jog Levers
In order to use the Jog Levers connected in the above manner, the autopilot must be turned
on. The autopilot will then move the rudder either port or starboard for as long as the Jog
Lever is held activated. However, the autopilot will stop the rudder when it gets to the
(user-adjustable) rudder limits programmed into the autopilot. This reduces stress on the
steering system.
Four-Way Valves, Used with Jog Levers
If the Admiral P3 is being used with four-way solenoid-activated valves (see page 55), it is
also possible to wire Jog Levers so that they may be used even when the autopilot is not
powered on.
Caution! This configuration is NOT RECCOMMENDED. It is possible to
damage the drive output circuits in the SPU when this configuration is
used, which may void the warranty on your Admiral P3 system, and/or
the warranty of other equipment.
Also, in this configuration, the Jog Levers will force the rudder hard-over
to the physical stops, and keep pushing for as long as any Jog Lever is
activated. This may cause a hydraulic seal to blow, and/or damage the
rudder mechanism.
Bearing in mind the cautions above, if you wish to be able to use Jog Levers to activate
Four-Way Valves with the autopilot powered off, this is the wiring connection for it:
Figure 30 – Wiring Connections for Four-Way Valves with Jog Levers
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All compasses, other than NMEA 0183 compasses, are connected to the SPU receptacle
labelled J8 – COMPASS (see page 61 for how to connect NMEA compasses).
If you ordered your Admiral P3 system with a ComNav Fluxgate Compass (with or without the
optional Heading Rate Stabilizer), a short Compass Interface Cable (PN 31110024) will have
been supplied with the system. Plug this interface cable onto the cable coming from the
Fluxgate Compass (or the Heading Rate Stabilizer), and then wire the other end into the
eleven-position plug which mates with the J8 receptacle, as per the following diagram.
If you ordered your system with the Magnetic Sensor, and mounted it on the bottom of your
magnetic compass, wire the flying-lead end of the sensor cable as per the following diagram.
If you mounted the sensor of top of the compass, exchange the blue & yellow wires.
Figure 31 – Wiring Connections for Analog Compasses
If you have a 45° Compass Transducer with your Admiral P3 SPU, it is also connected to the
eleven-position plug that fits into the J8 receptacle. Wire as per the following diagram.
Note: more than one wire will fit into the V+ and GND connections, so you can connect
a 45° Compass Transducer and an analog compass at the same time. You may then
select either as the “Compass Source” (see page 100) at any time during operation.
Figure 32 – Wiring Connections for 45° Compass Transducer
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Rudder Follower
The Rudder Follower is connected to the four-position receptacle on the SPU labelled
J4 RUDDER FOLLOWER. Wire the Rudder Follower to the plug-in connector as per the
following diagrams:
Figure 33 – Wiring Connections for Rudder Followers
Rudder Angle Indicators
The Admiral P3 system will drive up to five 500 microampere Rudder Angle Indicator (RAI)
meters – such as those supplied by ComNav (PN 20360014). Mounting instructions are
included with each meter. Wire the meter to the plug for the SPU receptacle labelled
J5 – RAI OUTPUT. If you have more than one RAI meter, they should all be wired in series,
as shown below:
Figure 34 – Wiring Connections for Rudder Angle Indicators
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Drive Outputs
The Admiral P3’s SPU is capable of directly driving a variety of steering systems. Optional
Drive Boxes are available for those systems not handled directly by the Admiral P3. Contact
your ComNav Dealer for more information.
Reversing DC Motor Hydraulic Systems
The Admiral P3 SPU can directly handle reversing DC motor hydraulic2 pumps drawing up to
approximately 20 amps. For larger current requirements, the ComNav CT2 Drive Box should
be used. To connect the pump motor directly to the SPU, use the following diagram. Note
that wire polarity is not important, since the Admiral P3 will automatically make the necessary
adjustments internally when the system is set up.
Figure 35 – Wiring Connections for Reversing DC Motors
Linear Actuators or Mechanical Rotary Drives
Some Linear Actuators incorporate a Bypass Valve. To operate properly, the Bypass Valve
should be activated by the SPU’s SW’D B+ output. Similarly, most mechanical drives
incorporate a solenoid-activated clutch. The clutch solenoid should also be activated by the
SW’D B+ output. Refer to the following diagram:
Figure 36 – Wiring Connections for Linear Actuators or Mechanical Rotary Drives
2 Two very important steps when installing any hydraulic system are to bleed it of any air trapped in the fluid, and to check
for fluid leaks. These will be done later – see Hydraulic Checks on page 65 and Bleeding on page 83.
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Shunt-Field Reversing Motors
For shunt-field reversing motors, connect the shunt field coil positive terminal to SW’D B+
and the coil negative terminal to SW’D GND as per the following diagram:
Figure 37 – Wiring Connections for Shunt Field Reversing Motors
Standard Four-Way Solenoid-Activated Hydraulic Valves
Connection to 12 VDC or 24 VDC solenoids should be made as per the following diagram.
In this configuration, the autopilot supplies the positive voltage (SW’D B+) whenever the
autopilot is in POWER STEER, AUTO, or NAV modes. SW’D B+ is turned off in STANDBY
mode, thus providing an extra measure of safety.
Figure 38 – Wiring Connections for Standard Four-Way Solenoid Valves
Note: wiring of Jog levers directly to standard 4-way valves is possible.
However, doing so is NOT RECCOMMENDED. See the description of
the proper way to wire Jog Levers, on page 51.
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The above diagram assumes that an engine driven pump is used for the
hydraulic system. In the case of an electrically powered constant
running pump, use the following connection:
Figure 39 – Wiring Connections for Constant Running Electric Pump.
Two-Speed Solenoid Valves
ComNav’s CT5 Drive Box (PN 20350004) should be used to interface between the
Admiral P3 SPU and two-speed solenoid systems. Connect the CT5 to the SPU as per the
instructions shipped with the CT5, and the following diagram:
Figure 40 – Wiring Connections for Two-Speed Solenoid Valves
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A.C. Solenoids
ComNav’s CT4 Drive Box (PN 20350003) should be used to interface between the
Admiral P3 SPU and A.C. solenoid systems. Connect the CT4 to the SPU as per the
instructions shipped with the CT4, and the following diagram:
Figure 41 – Wiring Connections for A.C. Solenoids
Proportional Solenoid Valves
ComNav’s CT6 Drive Box (PN 20350005) should be used to interface between the
Admiral P3 SPU and proportional valves. The CT6 is custom configured to match the
requirements of the particular valve it is to be fitted to.
Please note: ComNav’s Production Department requires information about the make and
model of the proportional valves, in order to correctly configure the drive box.
Instructions for connecting the CT6 to proportional valves are shipped with the CT6 unit.
Connection between the CT6 and the Admiral P3 SPU should be made as per the following
Figure 42 – Wiring Connections for Proportional Solenoid Valves
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Azimuth Drives, Surface Piercing Drives and Jet Drives
Newer models of these types of drives are often supplied with an electronic Autopilot
Interface, to which the Admiral P3 SPU can directly connect.
Older versions of these drives, however, may require the fitting of ComNav’s one or
two-channel Isolation Amplifier (PN 20350006 and 20350007, respectively). Instructions for
connecting the Isolation Amplifier to the steering system are shipped with the Amplifier.
Connection between the Isolation Amplifier and the Admiral P3 SPU should be made as per
the following diagram.
Figure 43 – Wiring Connections for Isolation Amplifiers
The ComNav CT7 Thruster Interface can also be used with some of these types of drives;
see page 34. See the CT7’s Installation & Operation Manual for wiring instructions..
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External Alarm Output
An external alarm can be connected to the Admiral P3 SPU. The autopilot can be configured
to activate the external alarm whenever an alarm or error message appears on the Control
Head. You can modify the configuration to activate the external alarm only if the Watch
Alarm is not answered (as opposed to activating it for all alarms). See the description of the
Alarm O/P (Alarm Output) parameter on page 76 for information on how to choose these
One of two outputs can be used for the external alarm. Typically, you would choose to
connect the external alarm between Battery Positive (PWR OUT) and the Switched B- (SW’D
B-) outputs on J2, as in the following diagram:
Figure 44 – External Alarm, using SW'D B- Output
Alternatively, you may choose to use the SW’D B+ and GND outputs as shown here:
Figure 45 – External Alarm, using SW'D B+ Output
Note: when using the External Alarm configuration shown in Figure 44,
there is a small current which will be flowing constantly between the pins,
even when the alarm is OFF. This will not be a problem with many types
of alarms; however, with certain types of sensitive Piezo-electric audible
alarms, the leak current can cause a constant low-level tone from the
piezo device.
An Application Note is available which describes this potential problem in
detail, with suggested remedies. The Note also lists a number of Piezo
alarms which are known to work well with Admiral P3 system.
Please ask your ComNav Dealer (or go to ComNav’s web site) for
Application Note 2007-01.
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Some installations require separate monitoring for power failures. This can be accomplished
with the following circuit, which utilizes two relays. The coil voltage of the relays should
match the supply voltage for the autopilot. The Alarm Supply, which must be a separate,
dedicated supply from the autopilot supply, should match the voltage of the alarm.
Figure 46 – External Alarm, SW'D B- Output – with Power Fail Option
The alternative circuit, using Switched B+ as the alarm output:
Figure 47 – External Alarm, SW'D B+ Output – with Power Fail Option
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NMEA 0183 Input & Output
The Admiral P3 has ability to accept digital information formatted according to the
NMEA 0183 standard. Many marine electronics devices – such as digital compasses, GPS
receivers, chartplotters, and electronic charting systems, to name a few – have outputs
complying with NMEA 0183.
Two such devices can be connected directly to the Admiral P3 SPU, by wiring them into the
plug mated to the receptacle labelled J9 NAV I/O.
The Admiral P3 SPU also has an NMEA output, to allow the autopilot’s real-time Heading
data to be sent to devices such as radar, a chart plotter or a navigation program on a PC.
The diagram below shows typical wiring for the J9 connector.
Figure 48 – Typical NMEA 0183 Connections
When the autopilot is turned on, the Status LED labelled NMEA 0183 IN #1 in the SPU’s
Diagnostic section will be lit whenever the autopilot is receiving data on the NAV1 input. Note
that this indicator only shows that data was received. It does not mean that the data received
is valid.
Typically, this LED will flash at a rate of about once per second for regular data from a GPS
or Chartplotter. It will typically flash at a rate of about ten times per second when connected
to a heading source such as the Vector G2 GPS Compass. If the LED does not flash, and
you are sure the sending device is in fact sending data, try reversing the wires connected to
NAV1 - IN.
Similarly, the LED labelled NMEA 0183 IN #2 will be lit whenever the autopilot is receiving
data on the NAV2 input. If the LED does not flash and you are sure the sending device is
sending data, try reversing the two wires connected to NAV2 - IN.
Refer to Appendix 1 for more information on the NMEA 0183 sentences accepted and sent
by the Admiral P3 system.
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Other manufacturers may have used different names, for the NMEA 0183 serial data lines,
than those used by ComNav. Refer to the following table for some typical equivalents:
ComNav Name J9 Connector
Label Function Alternative
‘A’ signal 1A IN or 2A IN
Negative voltage
with respect to ‘B’
should produce a
logical 1 (mark)
+ or NMEA +
POS or +VE
‘B’ signal 1B IN or 2B IN
Negative voltage
with respect to ‘A’
should produce a
logical 0 (space)
- or NMEA -
NEG or -VE
Table 2 – NMEA Signal Translation Guide
PC Input & Output
The Admiral P3 system can be connected to a desktop or laptop Personal Computer which is
running navigation software. The following diagrams show how to do this:
Figure 49 – Connection to a PC with a DE-9 Connector
Figure 50 – Connection to a PC with a DB-25 Connector
Note: this method mixes the RS-232 electrical levels of a PC’s COM port with the RS-422
levels of the SPU’s NMEA 0183 NAV ports. Nonetheless, this method usually works fine.
However, should you encounter any problems, RS-232
RS-422 Convertors are available.
Contact your ComNav Dealer for details.
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Other Connections
Miscellaneous I/O
The J6 MISCELLANEOUS 3 connector is reserved for possible future use. The receptacle is
supplied with a 10-pin mating plug.
Thruster Interface
The J7 THRUSTER I’ FACE connector is used with the CT7 Thruster Interface. The
receptacle is not supplied with a mating plug, since the required plug is supplied with the
ComNav Network Connection
The J10 COMNAV NETWORK connector is reserved for possible future use. The receptacle
is not supplied with a mating plug.
3 This connector was labelled J6- ENGINE I’ FACE in earlier Admiral P3 SPUs.
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Post-Installation Checks
Be sure to perform all of the Electrical and Hydraulic checks listed below before using the
Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System for the first time.
Electrical Checks
Once you have completed the wiring of the Autopilot System, perform the following checks to
ensure that the installation is complete and that the autopilot has been installed in a safe and
secure manner.
1) Check the power supply wiring (from the battery/breaker). Verify that the polarity
and voltage are correct (use an accurate voltmeter for this). Also check for
correct wire size, tightness of all connections, fusing, and proper operation of the
battery power switch. Only after all checks are passed should you plug the
power plug into the JI BATTERY INPUT receptacle on the Signal Processor Unit.
2) Check the connections from the compass to the SPU.
3) Check the connections from the Rudder Follower to the SPU.
4) Check that when the rudder is manually moved from full Starboard to full Port,
and vice-versa, the Rudder Follower has fully free movement and is not being
restricted in any way.
5) Check the connection from the Control Head(s) to the SPU.
6) Check the connections to the drive equipment from the SPU.
7) Check that the cables are neatly placed and secured.
8) Ensure that extraneous materials (wire strands, etc) have been removed.
Route all the wires and cables sideways out from the SPU (to the left &/or right, as
appropriate); use external tie-downs or cable grips to keep the wires & cables secure, with no
excess strain on them or on the plugs that are mated to the SPU’s receptacles.
Carefully re-install the Wiring cover on the SPU. Be sure not to pinch any of the wires or
cables between the Wiring Cover and any other part of the SPU. Secure the Wiring Cover
with the two knurled thumb-nuts
You may wish to leave the Diagnostic section cover off until you have completed the Setup
Procedures (see page 80) and (page 118), so that you can observe the Diagnostic &
Status LEDs (see page 151) during setup.
The cover must remain installed during normal operations, however. Use the 10 screws you
put aside at the start of installation.
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Hydraulic Checks
1) After installing the autopilot system, check to ensure that your manual steering system is still
fully functional. Be sure to individually check each steering station on the vessel.
2) Check that when turning the steering wheel to starboard, the rudder actually moves so as to
turn the vessel to starboard.
3) Check that when the steering wheel is turned to port, the rudder moves so as to turn the
vessel to port.
4) If you have installed a ComNav Marine Reversing Motor Pump, a Constant Running Pump or
an Engine Driven Pump:
During the first few weeks of usage, check for residual air and leaking fittings in order to
prevent poor or dangerous steering performance.
Residual air in the steering system
Following the initial installation and bleeding of any hydraulic pump, some residual air may
remain suspended in the hydraulic oil. During the first few weeks, this air will gradually bleed
out through the header tank or the highest helm pump and the oil level may go down. Check
the fluid level several times during this period, and add more oil as required.
Leaking fittings or equipment
Following the initial installation and bleeding of a hydraulic pump, continuously monitor the oil
level at the reservoir, or the highest helm pump in your steering system, and add oil if
required. If you find that you are often adding oil, it may be an indication of leakage in your
steering system. Check all hydraulic steering fittings and equipment for leakage.
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Getting Started
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Getting Started
This chapter describes all the basic concepts you need to be familiar with when using your
Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System, and the steps needed to prepare it for use.
Autopilot Operations
After it is installed, almost all of your interaction with your autopilot system will be done by
means of the Control Head:
selecting an operating mode
setting up the parameters you each mode to use
monitoring your vessel’s Heading
setting a desired Heading to be followed
making Special Turns
monitoring the various system status items
and so on
Power On/Off
The first step in using your Admiral P3 system is to turn it on
To turn on the Admiral P3 system, press & hold the Control Head’s red STANDBY/ON/OFF
button, until the introductory display (see Figure 52) appears, then release the button.
The initial introductory display remains for a few seconds. Then, the software versions of
both the Control Head and the SPU are listed on the display, below the Admiral P3 line on
the screen. You may find it helpful to record those version numbers, to refer to should your
Admiral P3 System ever require servicing.
To turn off the Admiral P3 (at any time), press and hold the red STANDBY/ON/OFF button.
The autopilot will switch first to STANDBY mode, if it was not already there.
But then, if you keep pressing the button, the autopilot will start a 3-second power-down
sequence. Once the countdown has expired, the display will prompt you to release the
STANDBY/ON/OFF button … and once you do, the whole autopilot system will immediately
shut off.
Figure 51 – Power Off Sequence
If you release the STANDBY/ON/OFF button before the 3-second countdown has completed,
the autopilot will abort the countdown, and remain in STANDBY mode.
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Using the Control Head – LCD Screen & Buttons
Figure 52 – Using the Control Head
The elements of the Control Head (with reference to the identifiers above) are:
1) LCD Screen. As long as the Admiral P3 system is powered on, the LCD screen
normally displays the compass heading, rudder angle, and mode of operation; it
can also be displaying desired heading, system status, other information, and
various menus. The overall set of items being displayed changes in response to
the various command buttons listed below (the screen shown above is the initial
screen, which appears for a few seconds after Power-On).
2) STANDBY/ON/OFF button. To power on the system, press and hold this button
until the LCD screen lights up (with the introductory display shown above), and
then release the button. The autopilot always powers up in STANDBY mode.
STANDBY mode can always be accessed, regardless of what the autopilot is
doing, by pressing and holding this button for approximately ½ second. While in
STANDBY mode, the autopilot will not exert any control over your vessel. This
button will also turn off the autopilot when pressed and held for approximately 2
seconds. During regular operation, double-pressing this button brings up (or
cancels) the Standby menu.
3) PORT ARROW button. Pressing and holding this button while in POWER
STEER mode moves the rudder to port for as long as the button is held.
Pressing this button while doing a Dodge Special Turn in AUTO or NAV modes
allows you to avoid obstacles in the vessel’s path by turning to port. Releasing
the button automatically recovers your original heading or track.
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4) TURN button. Pressing this button once while in AUTO mode queues the default
pre-programmed turn. Subsequent presses of the TURN button scroll through all
of the available turn-types. The pre-programmed turn sequence is then initiated
by pressing either the PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button to indicate the
direction in which the turn will be executed. See Default Turn on page 100 for
more details on setting the default turn from the Special Turns available.
5) STARBOARD ARROW button. Pressing and holding this button while in
POWER STEER mode moves the rudder to starboard for as long as the button is
held. Pressing this button while doing a Dodge Special Turn in AUTO or NAV
modes allows you to avoid obstacles in the vessel’s path by turning to starboard.
Releasing the button automatically recovers your original Heading or Track.
6) FUNCTION (Fn) button. This is a multi-function button:
The Fn button invokes WORK mode while in AUTO or NAV modes.
Double-pressing the button will bring up the WORK mode menu.
Pressing this button when an alarm condition occurs in the autopilot
suppresses the alarm.
This button is also used during SETUP to initiate the automatic learning
features of the autopilot.
In POWER STEER mode, one ‘click’ changes the rudder angle by
approximately ¾ of a degree. A quick spin moves the rudder
approximately 7 degrees.
In AUTO mode, turning the knob one ‘click’ will change the commanded
course by 1 degree. A quick spin of the knob changes the course by 10
The COURSE CHANGE knob is also used to change parameters in the
various menus.
8) POWER STEER button. Pressing & holding this button places the autopilot in
POWER STEER mode. This mode allows you to steer the vessel by using the
COURSE CHANGE knob or by pressing and holding the PORT or STARBOARD
ARROW buttons. A double-press of this button brings up (or cancels) the Power
Steer mode menu.
9) AUTO button. Pressing & holding this button places your vessel’s steering
system under the control of the Admiral P3. You can control the vessel’s
heading by using the COURSE CHANGE knob. Obstacles can be avoided by
using the PORT and/or STARBOARD ARROW buttons. A double-press of this
button brings up (or cancels) the AUTO mode menu.
10) NAV button. If your vessel is equipped with a GPS or Chartplotter, or another
Navigation System, pressing & holding this button enables the autopilot to steer
your vessel from NMEA 0183 data provided by that system. A double-press of
this button brings up (or cancels) the NAV mode menu.
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Operating Modes & Menus
Your ComNav Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System has four basic operating modes,
known as STANDBY, POWER STEER, AUTO, and NAV; a fifth operating mode, known as
WORK, is a sub-mode of AUTO & NAV modes.
Each of these modes has its own set of parameters that you can adjust, to configure and
fine-tune how your Admiral P3 system behaves in the respective mode. These parameters
are stored in the system’s non-volatile memory; you can view & change them with the Control
Head, via sets of menus that appear on the LCD screen.
There is one more menu, called Dockside Setup, which is used for setting up a number of the
parameters that are common to all the operating modes.
In total, there are six different menus. The menus of the four basic operating modes
(STANDBY, POWER STEER, AUTO, and NAV) are accessed by using the respective mode
buttons: the STANDBY/ON/OFF button, the POWER STEER button, the AUTO button, and
the NAV button. The Fn button is used to access the WORK mode’s menu.
To access a particular operating mode menu, double-press the button associated with
that menu (e.g., the NAV button for the NAV mode’s menu).
To quit viewing a particular operating mode menu, double-press the associated button
again, or wait about 10 seconds. The display will then revert to the active display of
whatever mode the Admiral P3 is operating in.
Using the operating mode menus is fully described in the related sections, later in this
manual; see the Basic Operations chapter for Standby Mode, Power Steer Mode, Auto
Mode , & NAV Mode (pages 99, 102, 104 & 109respectively), and the Advanced
Operations chapter for WORK Mode (page 121).
Accessing & using the Dockside Setup Menu is described in the next section.
Figure 53 – A Typical Menu
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All menus are arranged with parameter names on the left side of the screen, and the current
value for each parameter on the right side.
Note that in each menu, one item is always highlighted – it indicates which parameter is
currently selected (for example, see the “Default Turn Fishzag” line in the figure above).
You can move the highlight to other items on the menu by pressing the PORT ARROW
button (moves the highlight up) or STARBOARD Arrow button (moves the highlight down).
Some menus have more items than can be shown on a single screen. In this case, when the
highlight has been moved to the last item on a screen, each subsequent press of the
STARBOARD button will cause the menu will scroll up by one item, revealing a new high-lit
item. Similarly, when the highlight has been moved to the first item on a screen, each
subsequent press of the PORT button will scroll the menu down one item. These long menus
are arranged in a circular fashion, so that the scrolling action can be carried on indefinitely.
Use the COURSE CHANGE knob to change the value of the currently high-lit parameter. For
parameters with numbered values, a clockwise turn of the knob will increase the value;
counter-clockwise movements will decrease the value. Non-numerical values are generally
arranged in a circular list for ease of use.
Note that every time a menu is accessed, there is a little icon at the top of the display that
looks like the COURSE CHANGE knob, but with a line drawn through it. This is a reminder
that the COURSE CHANGE knob is not available for its normal function of changing the
vessel’s course – because the knob is now being used to change parameter values.
All menus – except Dockside Setup – have a time-out feature that triggers after about
10 seconds, if no button presses, or movements of the COURSE CHANGE knob, are
detected during that time-out interval.
When a menu times out, the display reverts to the previously active display, just as though
you had double-pressed the menu button again.
Alarm Clear
Whenever an alarm or error message occurs on the Admiral P3, an audible alarm will sound,
both at the SPU & at the Control Head, and a message will be displayed on the LCD.
The alarm will remain activated until the condition that caused it is remedied, or the alarm is
cleared manually by you.
To clear the alarm manually, press the Fn button once. If the condition that caused the
alarm remains, the alarm will reappear after approximately 20 seconds.
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Dockside Setup Menu
Accessing the Dockside Setup menu is always necessary during the initial setup of the
autopilot. Typically, it is used only infrequently after initial setup.
A special button sequence must be used to access the Dockside Setup menu:
1) Start with the Admiral P3 system powered off.
2) Press and hold the Fn button and the TURN button. Then press & hold the
STANDBY/ON/OFF button. Power will turn on.
3) Hold all three buttons activated until the software version numbers are displayed,
then release the buttons.
Figure 54 – Entering Dockside Setup
4) After a second or two, the display will show the Dockside Setup menu. Note that
a large D (which is the indicator that the system is in Dockside Setup) appears in
the upper left portion of the display.
The Dockside Setup menu is unlike other menus:
there is no time-out feature associated with it.
when you exit it, the P3 system performs a full Power-On sequence, which ends up in
Many of the items listed in the Dockside Setup menu are not simple parameters, but instead
are automated scripts (sequences of pre-defined steps) that perform a variety of functions
and system tests. The letters Fn on the right hand side of the display identify the items that
are scripts. To activate the associated script, press the Fn button.
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Figure 55 – Dockside Setup menu, page 1
Caution: pressing the Fn button when this item is highlighted will reset ALL parameters
in the entire autopilot system back to the factory default settings. This means any
configurations or adjustments you have already made WILL BE LOST. Use this feature
only on the advice of an authorized ComNav service representative.
Vessel Type
Set this to most closely match the type of vessel that the autopilot is installed on. The system
then automatically uses a set of steering parameters that have been found to work
reasonably well with typical vessels of the chosen type.
Setting Vessel Type Comments
Displ Full Displacement
Choose this setting for full displacement vessels
that do not plane or rise out of the water at cruising
Semi Semi-Displacement
Choose this if your vessel rises partially out of the
water at cruising speed.
Plane Planing Hulls
Choose this for vessels that are mostly out of the
water at cruising speed.
Stern Stern-drive
Choose this for planing-hull vessels with outboards
or stern-drive legs. If you are using a reversing
motor pump, the pump will operate at a slower
speed when the autopilot is using the Hi steering
parameters. This will result in smoother steering
and rudder movements.
Large Large, with a slow
Helm response
For large vessels that are slow on the Helm,
typically over 125’ LOA &/or 100 GRT (e.g.,
freighters, tankers, dredgers, car/truck ferries, fish
processors, etc.).
Table 3 – Vessel Types
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An. Comp. Type (Analog Compass Type)
The Admiral P3 can work with a variety of different compasses. Many of these are Analog
Compasses that output DC sine and cosine signals. The An. Comp. Type parameter tells the
Admiral P3 what specific type of analog compass is connected to the SPU (or if none is).
Analog compasses are always connected to J8 on the SPU. Refer to the following table for
help in identifying and selecting the correct type for the compass in your system.
Setting Compass Type Comments
Choose this setting if your Admiral P3
system is utilizing a ComNav 45° Compass
Transducer, or any type of NMEA 0183
Compass (such as the ComNav Vector G2
or G2B GPS Compasses).
Choose this setting if you have an
externally gimballed magnetic compass
fitted with a ComNav Magnetic Sensor,
such as the one shown to the left.
Choose this if you have a ComNav
Fluxgate Compass like the one shown to
the left.
If you have a ComNav Heading Rate
Stabilizer connected in series with the
Fluxgate Compass, you must use the HRS
setting (below).
Fixed ----------
Float ----------
The Admiral P3 can accept a variety of
Analog compasses. Consult the
manufacturer’s documentation, or contact
the manufacturer, to determine whether
the reference signal is fixed or floating, and
set the An. Compass Type to match.
Choose this setting if you are using a
ComNav Heading Rate Stabilizer like the
one shown at the left.
Table 4 – Analog Compass Types
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Compass Setup
Pressing the Fn button when this item is highlighted tells the Admiral P3 to verify the Analog
Compass connections. If the connections are found to be correct, the autopilot will then
query whether you want it to do an automatic compensation of the compass for Magnetic
Deviation. See the Setup Procedures on page 80, and the Compass Compensation
procedures on page 88 for full details.
Drive Setup
Pressing the Fn button when this item is highlighted starts a script in which the Admiral P3
automatically determines the orientation of the rudder follower, measures the physical rudder
limits, figures out what kind of steering system (i.e. reversing motor, solenoid, etc) is installed,
and then tests all these to make sure everything is operating properly. This is explained
more fully under Setup Procedures on page 80.
Press the Fn button to exit the Dockside Setup menu and restart the autopilot in STANDBY
mode. Alternately, you can press and hold the red STANDBY/ON/OFF button to shut off the
Figure 56 – Dockside Setup menu, page 2
Alarm O/P (Alarm Output)
This parameter controls the functioning of the External Alarm Output. The value shown
indicates which output will be used to activate the external alarm.
When set to “None”, the external Alarm Output is deactivated.
When Set to “SW’D B-“, the Switched B- output (J2-pin 4) will be used to activate the External
Alarm, which should be wired as per Figure 44 or Figure 46 in the Installation chapter.
When Set to “SW’D B+“, the Switched B+ output (J2-pin 3) will be used to activate the
External Alarm, which should be wired as per Figure 45 or Figure 47 in the Installation
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To configure the External Alarm Output, follow these steps:
1) Highlight “Alarm O/P” on the screen.
2) Use the COURSE CHANGE knob to select the Alarm O/P that you want to use.
Figure 57 – External Alarm Configuration
3) Press the Fn button. A new screen will appear. This is where you choose
whether you want to activate the External Alarm Output for all alarms and error
messages, or just when the Watch Alarm has not been answered. Note: The
autopilot will not allow you to change the Alarm O/P without choosing either “All”
or “Watch”. If necessary, it will bring up the option screen before it allows you to
move the highlight off of “Alarm O/P”.
Figure 58 – External Alarm Type Configuration
4) Press the Fn button to get back to the Dockside Setup menu. You can now
move the highlight to a different parameter.
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Thrust Type
Thrust MIN
Thrust MAX
If the optional CT7 Thruster Interface is installed with your Admiral P3 system, you will need
to make adjustments to these settings. Complete instructions are included with the CT7
Thruster Interface.
This parameter allows you to set the language used for almost all menus & messages that
appear on the Control Head.
Note that a few items remain in English at all times, typically where there is no simple
translation for that item. Also, the word “Language” on the menu is always shown in English.
Choices are as follows:
Note: other languages may be added in future Firmware Upgrades (see
Appendix 5 on page 153).
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Setup Procedures
Once your Admiral P3 autopilot system is installed, you must set it up, before you can use it.
First, you must tell the P3 what type of vessel you have, and then have the P3 determine
the characteristics of the Rudder Drive mechanism on the vessel.
Then, you must tell the P3 what type of Compasses it will be using, and have it verify that
it can use those compass(es). Then you must compensate & calibrate all your
Vessel Type
1) Access the Dockside Setup menu
First, ensure that the Admiral P3 system s turned off.
Press and hold the Fn button and the TURN button. Then turn the power on by
pressing the STANDBY/ON/OFF button.
Hold all three buttons activated until the software version numbers (see page 69) are
displayed, then release them.
After a second or two, the display will show a large “D” in the upper left portion of the
display, and the Dockside Setup menu will be shown on the screen.
2) Set the Vessel Type according to the chart given in the Vessel Type table (page 75).
Figure 59 – Set Vessel Type
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Drive Setup
3) Begin the Drive Setup function
In the first part of this automated script, the Admiral P3 determines the orientation of the
rudder follower, and where the physical limits of the rudder travel are.
If you are not still in the Dockside Setup menu, enter it.
Move the menu highlight to “Drive Setup”, and then press the Fn button, to start
automated script.
Begin by manually moving the rudder all the way to starboard when prompted. Do
not be concerned if the rudder angle indicator shown on the display appears to go in
the opposite direction. The Admiral P3 will sort that out shortly.
Figure 60 – Move Rudder to Starboard
Be sure to move the rudder all the way to the physical stops.
The speed at which you move the rudder does not matter, nor does it matter if you
move the rudder back and forth a bit when it reaches the physical stops, so as to be
sure it has reached those stops.
The autopilot will record the “all the way” position – as measured by the Rudder
Follower – and will ensure, in normal operation, that the rudder is always stopped a
couple of degrees shy of this position, to avoid pounding against the stops.
4) Once the rudder is hard-over, press the STARBOARD ARROW button.
Next, the Admiral P3 will prompt you to move the rudder all the way over to the port side.
Do so – again, all the way to the physical stops, at any speed you like – then press
the PORT ARROW button.
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Figure 61 – Move Rudder to Port
The Admiral P3 will quickly measure the rudder position again, and then prompt you
to move the rudder to the centre position.
Do so - again, the speed at which you move the rudder does not matter, nor does
some back & forth movement at the centre position. Be sure the rudder is at the
centre position, this time.
Figure 62 – Center the Rudder
Note: these tests also tell Admiral P3 how you have wired the Rudder Follower
input, so that the rudder angle indicator on the screen will display correctly
port-wise & starboard-wise movements & positions of the Rudder.
5) Now press the Fn button on the Control Head, to go to the next phase of the Drive Setup
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Bleeding a Hydraulic Steering System
The Admiral P3 will pause the Drive Setup process at this point, and prompt you to bleed
your hydraulic steering system.
Note: If you do not have a hydraulic system, just press the Fn button on
the Control Head, to carry on with the Drive Setup, and go to Drive Setup
step 6) on page 85.
Whether you have installed an entirely new hydraulic system, or added a hydraulic pump
controlled by the Admiral P3 onto an existing mechanical or hydraulic system, the ENTIRE
hydraulic system must be bled of any air trapped in the hydraulic oil, otherwise the steering
system will not perform properly.
Bleeding a typical system using a P3-controlled Reversing Motor hydraulic pump added onto
an existing manual steering system is done in the following steps; other systems will be
1. First, bleed the manual portion of the steering system (Helm pump, lines & steering
cylinder), according to the manufacturer's instructions. When you have completed
bleeding the manual system, leave the equipment that you used (funnels, catch cans,
etc.) attached to the hydraulic system.
2. Check that the highest hydraulic reservoir in the system is completely filled; top it up,
if necessary. If possible, use a bottle of your system’s hydraulic oil & a piece of
plastic tubing to add extra capacity to the highest reservoir (see the figure below). If
you have a helper, have them watch the oil level in the highest reservoir, and refill it
when necessary.
Figure 63 – Adding Fluid Capacity
3. Turn the steering wheel hard against the stop, to press as much oil as possible into
the system. The hydraulic cylinder rod should now be fully extended in one direction.
4. To bleed the Reversing Pump, you will need to extend – using the autopilot – the
cylinder rod in the other direction, and back again, repeatedly, until all air is removed.
Open one bleed screw (or nipple) on the hydraulic cylinder and close the other.
Normally, you close the bleed screw closest to the end of the rod that is now
retracted, and open the bleed screw closest to the rod end now extended (see
Figure 64). Be sure to position the catch can under the open bleed screw, first.
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5. Position yourself so that you can see the hydraulic cylinder while operating the
Admiral P3 Control Head. You can move the steering cylinder rod with the P3’s Drive
outputs, by pressing either the PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button on the
Control Head.
6. Using Control Head, extend the rod as far as it will travel in the other direction. The
Autopilot should stop driving the cylinder shortly after the rod fully extends.
7. Check the steering system’s highest reservoir; re-fill, if necessary.
8. Close the opened bleed screw, re-position the catch can, and open the other screw,
so that the cylinder will be bled when the rod is extended in the original direction.
9. Use the Control Head to fully extend the cylinder rod to the other side.
10. Check/re-fill the highest reservoir.
11. Repeat steps 6 through 10 at least ten times, until all air has been removed from the
cylinder and lines – that is, no air bubbles appear along with the oil coming out of the
opened bleed screw, or trapped in the oil.
12. Close all bleed screws. Clean up any spills of oil and wipe fittings clean. Move your
funnels, catch cans, etc. away from the steering system.
13. Use the Control Head to extend the rod fully in one direction and then the other.
14. Check for leaks by looking for spilled hydraulic fluid near, or on, fittings and cylinders.
Figure 64 – Bleeding Cylinder, Rod moving left
Figure 65 – Bleeding Cylinder, Rod moving right
When all Bleeding is done, press the Fn button on the Control Head, to carry on with the
Drive Setup.
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Drive Setup (continued)
6) When you press the Fn button (when the “Bleed?” screen was displayed, after bleeding
the hydraulic system, or if you skipped that step), the Admiral P3 will fully test the drive
system. This involves the autopilot automatically running the rudder from hard-over to
hard-over a number of times, and possibly making some speed adjustments to the
reversing motor pump-set (if one is installed on your system). The autopilot will also
make a series of short starts and stops of the rudder (pump, motor, etc.) in order to
determine a base reference for how the steering system responds.
Note: if your steering system is very slow – with a Hard-Over to Hard-Over
time greater than about 22 seconds – the Drive Setup procedure will give you
a warning message, but it will still be completed. You may wish to consider
upgrading your steering system in this case, so that the
heading/course/track-keeping performance of the autopilot is not degraded
by the slowness of the steering system.
If the HO-HO time is greater than ~32 seconds, the Drive Setup procedure
will fail. In this case, you will definitely have to improve your steering
systems’ performance.
When the HO-HO time is too slow, it is usually an indication (on hydraulic
systems) that the hydraulic pump is too small, the cylinder is too large, or that
there may be a faulty valve in the system.
On the other hand, if your steering system is extremely quick – with an HO-
HO time of less than ~5 seconds – the autopilot will deliberately slow it down,
by using Pulse Width Modulation of the Drive output voltages, during
autopilot-controlled Rudder movement. PWM in effect lowers the voltage
“seen” by your Rudder Drive motor(s), and thus slows down the resulting
Rudder HO-HO time.
When the HO-HO time is too fast, it is usually an indication that the hydraulic
pump is oversized.
7) Once the Admiral P3 has finished measuring the drive, it will display the following
Figure 66 – Drive Test OK
8) Press the STARBOARD ARROW button to return to the Dockside Setup menu.
9) Exit the Dockside Setup menu.
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Compass Setup – Dockside
The first steps in setting up your compasses are to select which type (or types) you have, and
to verify that they are properly wired to the SPU.
These steps should be done while tied up to the dock, in case any re-wiring needs to be
done, or if it turns out that some elements of the P3 system need to be moved.
Note: if you are using only an NMEA compass (such as a Vector G2 GPS
Compass), you should select “None” in step 1), and then skip the rest of these
steps (both the at-the-dock steps here, and the on-the-water steps in the next
section) entirely.
Instead, you should follow the Compass Setup instructions that were supplied
with the NMEA compass.
Note: during these steps, the autopilot may issue an INVALID HEADING alarm
(see page 146). These alarms can be ignored, or cancelled by hitting the Fn
Once a compass is found in this procedure, the alarms should cease.
1) If you are not already in the Dockside Setup menu, enter it.
Select the compass type(s):
Move the highlight to “An. Compass Type”, and set the type according to your system
configuration (see Table 4 on page 76).
Figure 67 – Set Compass Type
2) Verify that the selected compass type is properly connected, and can be read.
Select “Compass Setup” on the menu, then press Fn. A “Wait …” screen will be
displayed on the screen for a few seconds, and then the results of the “search” will be
displayed, along with an option to “compensate now …” or “set North now …” (the type of
compass shown & the “compensate” option will depend on what you entered for “An.
Comp. Type”).
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Figure 68 – Compass Verification (Mag Sensor shown)
If the Admiral P3 system could not find a compass that matches with the type you
have selected in step 1), it will give the following error message at this point (the type
of compass shown will depend on what you entered for “An. Comp. Type”):
Check your installation to be sure that the compass is wired correctly. Fix any
problems, and re-start at step 1).
Figure 69 – Compass Verification Failed
If the Admiral P3 system still cannot find any installed analog compasses, contact
your ComNav Dealer for help.
3) Press the PORT ARROW button, to skip the compass compensation & calibration
process (this can not be done while still tied up at the dock).
4) If you have installed more than one type of Analog Compass, and/or a 45° Compass
Transducer, repeat steps 1) through 3) for all such compasses.
5) Exit the Dockside Setup menu.
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Compass Setup – On the Water
The final part of compass setup is normally performed after all other installation and setup
procedures for the Admiral P3 system are completed, so that all net electrical and magnetic
effects of the installation on the compass(es) are taken into account.
Note: some of the steps performed here require that you be familiar with
the STANDBY mode & menu of the Admiral P3 system (see page 99).
This part of compass setup requires taking your vessel away from the dock, and out onto a
body of open water (the sea, a lake, a river, etc.), and should be done in relatively calm
It is important that there be sufficient sea room to put the boat through a series of fairly slow
& wide circle turns, and to run the boat for several minutes in a straight line at various
headings, without encountering obstacles, other marine traffic, etc. You should also avoid
areas around bridges, underwater power lines, and pipelines, as these can affect your
CAUTION! Be sure to keep a proper lookout for other vessels, and any hazards,
while doing any of the circle turns & other manoeuvres described below.
Compass Compensation
The specific procedure you will follow depends on the type(s) of compasses you have
installed. Each is described below.
Note: during all these procedures, the INVALID HEADING alarm may
occur. You can cancel any such alarm, or leave it active.
Magnetic Compass Sensor
If you have a magnetic compass with a ComNav Magnetic Sensor attached, the compass
must be properly compensated for deviation. It is recommended that a professional compass
adjuster do this.
Once the compensation is completed, follow the instructions below to synchronize the
Magnetic Sensor with the Earth’s Magnetic North direction:
1) Power up the autopilot. Double-press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to bring up the
Standby menu. Select “Compass Source”, and make sure it is set to “Analog”.
2) Shut off the autopilot, then power it up in the Dockside Setup menu.
3) Ensure that the “An. Compass Type” is set to “Mag”.
4) Select Compass Setup & press the Fn button.
5) After the Admiral P3 has auto-detected the compass, it will ask you if you want to
SET NORTH NOW? (see Figure 68). Press the STARBOARD ARROW button.
Manually steer the vessel so that it is pointing to Magnetic North. Hold it on that
heading and push the Fn button. The Admiral P3 will store the current heading and
reference it as 000° Magnetic. When this is done, the Admiral P3 will automatically
return to the Dockside Setup menu.
6) Highlight “Exit” and then press the Fn button. After a brief pause the autopilot will
restart and automatically go into STANDBY mode.
7) Now do the Compass Calibration procedure, on page 92.
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Heading Rate Stabilizer
If you have a ComNav Heading Rate Stabilizer with your Fluxgate compass, you must first
compensate the HRS, and then compensate the compass.
If you do not have an HRS with your Fluxgate Compass, skip to the Fluxgate Compass
procedure, on the next page.
1) Power up the autopilot. Double-press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to bring up the
Standby menu. Select “Compass Source”, and make sure it is set to “Analog”.
2) Shut off the Autopilot system.
3) Loosen the white plastic screw on the top of the Heading Rate Stabilizer, by
approximately 3 turns. This tells the HRS, the next time it is powered up, that you
want it to perform its own internal auto-compensation procedure.
4) Power up the autopilot, in the Dockside Setup menu.
5) Ensure that the “An. Compass Type” parameter is set to “HRS”.
6) Select Compass Setup & press the Fn button.
7) You will see the words Reading Compass on the display, and then CAN NOT READ
8) Manually steer the vessel in a circle. You will need to do at least 2 full circles.
You may choose to steer either to port or to starboard. It doesn't matter which way,
as long as you do not reverse direction during the procedure.
Boat speed does not matter either – instead, the speed should be high enough to
hold a constant rate of turn of about 2 to 3 degrees per second, meaning that the full
circle should take between 2 & 3 minutes.
9) After 2 or more full circles, press the PORT ARROW key, to end the HRS
compensation procedure, and go back to the Dockside Setup menu.
10) Screw the plastic screw on the top of the HRS all the way in again. Be cautious not
to over-tighten it.
11) Proceed on to step 4) of the Fluxgate Compass compensation procedure (see the
next page).
If, during the Fluxgate procedure, a CAN NOT READ HRS message appears, then the
HRS did not successfully auto-compensate.
You should first try repeating the procedure above, but go through more turns then you
did on the first try. You may also have to relocate the compass and/or HRS, and then
repeat the steps above.
If you continue to encounter difficulties, please contact your ComNav Dealer for
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Fluxgate Compass
1) Power up the autopilot. Double-press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to bring up the
Standby menu. Select “Compass Source”, and make sure it is set to “Analog”.
2) Shut off the autopilot, then power it up in the Dockside Setup menu.
3) Ensure that the “An. Compass Type” is set correctly for the type of Fluxgate
Compass that you are using.
If you have a Heading Rate Stabilizer, the parameter should always be “HRS”, no
matter which type of Fluxgate you have.
4) Select Compass Setup & press the Fn button.
5) After the Admiral P3 has auto-detected the compass (or HRS), it will prompt you
whether or not you want to compensate it. Press the STARBOARD ARROW button.
Figure 70 – Fluxgate Compass Verification & Compensation
6) Manually steer the vessel in a circle.
You may choose to steer either to port or to starboard. It doesn't matter which way,
as long as you do not reverse direction during the procedure.
Boat speed does not matter either – instead, the speed should be high enough to
hold a constant rate of turn of about 2 to 3 degrees per second, meaning that the full
circle should take between 2 & 3 minutes.
Keep turning until the display reads COMPENSATION OK, as shown above.
7) Press the PORT ARROW to go back to the Dockside Setup menu. Highlight “Exit”
and then press the Fn button. After a brief pause the autopilot will restart and
automatically go into STANDBY mode.
8) Now do the Compass Calibration procedure, on page 92.
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If after several turns, the display does not say “Compensation OK”, or if the following
message is displayed, relocate the compass and begin the procedure over.
If you continue to encounter difficulties, please contact your ComNav Dealer for
Figure 71 – Compensation Failed ... Move Compass
45° Compass Transducer
1) Enter the Dockside Setup menu.
2) Ensure that the “An. Compass Type” is set to “None”.
3) Select Compass Setup & press the Fn button.
4) After the Admiral P3 has auto-detected the Compass Transducer (shown as NX2
COMPASS FOUND), it will prompt you whether or not you want to compensate it.
Press the STARBOARD ARROW button.
5) Manually steer the vessel in a circle.
You may choose to steer either to port or to starboard. It doesn't matter which way,
as long as you do not reverse direction during the procedure.
Boat speed does not matter either – instead, the speed should be high enough to
hold a constant rate of turn of about 2 to 3 degrees per second, meaning that the full
circle should take between 2 & 3 minutes.
Keep turning until the display reads COMPENSATION OK.
6) Press the PORT ARROW to go back to the Dockside Setup menu. Highlight “Exit”
and then press the Fn button. After a brief pause the autopilot will restart and
automatically go into STANDBY mode.
7) Now do the Compass Calibration procedure, on page 92.
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Compass Calibration
Although your compass(es) are now compensated for Deviation, they may not be giving a
correct reading just yet. Any or all of your compasses may still have an individual fixed offset,
so you must tell the Admiral P3 SPU what each one’s calibration value is.
Calibration is a simple matter of synchronizing each compass’s directional readings, as seen
by the SPU, to the actual Magnetic direction values of the Earth’s magnetic field.
Note: NMEA compasses (e.g., the ComNav Vector G2/G2B GPS
Compass) typically do not require on-the-boat calibration. You should
refer to the Installation & Operation manual that came with your NMEA
compass to verify this, however.
Even if yours does, the calibration value will not be set or stored in the
Admiral P3, but rather in the compass itself, so you should skip the steps
below, and follow the instructions that came with the NMEA compass.
To do calibration:
1) Bring the vessel onto a known bearing and maintain it there by steering manually.
The autopilot should be in STANDBY mode.
2) Double-press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to bring up the Standby menu. Select
“Compass Source”, and set it to the correct value for the first of your compasses:
ANALOG for Magnetic Sensor
FLUX for Fluxgate Compass (with or without HRS)
DIGITAL for a 45° Compass Transducer
3) Move the highlight down one position to “Compass Cal”. Using the COURSE
CHANGE knob, adjust the reading so that it agrees with the known bearing that the
vessel is on.
4) Repeat steps 2) & 3) for all your compasses.
5) Double-press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to exit the Standby menu.
6) Verify that the compass heading shown agrees with the actual heading of the vessel,
and stays steady, by holding a number of constant-heading courses for a few
minutes each.
At this point, the entire Compass Setup procedure is complete.
All compass settings will be retained, when the autopilot is turned off. You should not need to
re-compensate any of your compasses again, unless the electrical/magnetic environment on
your vessel changes substantially.
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Sea Trials
Sea Trials allow you to test out the basic functions of the autopilot under way, and to
fine-tune the steering parameters for best performance. The goal is to achieve accurate
course keeping, and smooth, timely changes of heading without excessive movements of the
Every vessel has unique design dynamics. These change depending on speed, loading, and
sea conditions. The Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System uses advanced steering control
software – ComNav’s unique & powerful Intelligent Steering Technology, or IST – which
has a number of parameters that can be tailored to suit different vessels. Collectively, these
are often referred to as “the steering parameters”.
There are two parameter groups, one group for “Lo” vessel speeds and one group for “Hi”
vessel speeds. These group labels are chosen because speed is often the single biggest
factor in vessel dynamics.
The Admiral P3 has been tested on a wide variety of vessels of different types and sizes.
The default settings for the steering parameters – for each Vessel Type listed in the Dockside
Setup menu – are average values derived from testing, and provide a good starting place for
most boats of the same type.
During Sea Trials you will make adjustments to some of these parameters to suit your
particular vessel.
Initial Sea Trials should be done in relatively calm conditions.
Note: most of the steps performed here require that you be familiar with
basic operation of the Admiral P3 system (see page 99).
Familiarize yourself with the typical response of an autopilot to a heading change, as shown
in Figure 2 on page 17. Then follow the steps below to begin tuning your autopilot.
Note: All of the parameters that are adjusted below are found in the Auto menu
(see page 105).
Once the Admiral P3 is steering satisfactorily, make a note of the steering parameters in use
and record them at the back of this book in the User Notes & Settings chapter.
Adjust Rudder Gain & Counter Rudder for Low Speed
1) Adjust vessel speed appropriately for low speed running.
2) Bring up the Auto menu, highlight “Parameter Set” and select “Lo”.
3) Highlight “Seastate” and set it to “1”.
4) Highlight “Turn Rate”. Select a setting that is approximately 3/4 of your vessel’s
‘comfortable capability’. You may have to time a complete circle while the vessel is
turning at a comfortable rate. This turn should occur at the vessel speed most
appropriate for low speed operation. Then calculate ‘comfortable capability’ as 360
degrees divided by number of seconds it took to complete the turn.
5) If “ALC” is set to “On”, highlight it and set it to “Off”.
6) Exit the Auto menu.
7) Switch to AUTO mode. The Admiral P3 will automatically take the current vessel
heading and use that as the course to steer.
8) Run for about 5 minutes. If the vessel “esses” back and forth more than about 3
degrees, bring up the Auto menu and reduce the “Rudder Gain” setting by 1 step and
test again.
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9) Make a 40° course change.
If the vessel stops turning before the new heading is reached and then
approaches it slowly, either
increase Rudder Gain by 1 level
decrease the Counter Rudder setting by 1 level
If the vessel overshoots the new heading, and then makes several turns across
the new heading before settling down, either
decrease the Rudder Gain by 1 level
increase the Counter Rudder setting by 1 level
If the vessel approaches the new heading, shies away, then approaches & shies
away again
decrease the Counter Rudder by 1 level.
10) Continue making 40° course changes and adjusting Rudder Gain and Counter
Rudder until the vessel settles smoothly onto the new course without excessive
11) Repeat the above adjustments on several different headings until you get consistent
Adjust Seastate for Low Speed
Change the Lo speed Seastate setting to your desired setting. See the description of the
Seastate parameter on page 106 for details of the effects of this parameter.
Adjust Turn Rate for Low Speed
Adjust the Lo speed Turn Rate setting (see page 106) to suit. Make a few course changes of
20° or more to ensure that the rate of turn is comfortable.
Adjust Rudder Gain & Counter Rudder for High Speed
1) Adjust vessel speed appropriately for high speed running.
2) Bring up the Auto menu, highlight “Parameter Set” and select “Hi”.
3) Repeat steps 3) though 11) in the Lo speed Rudder adjustment process above (but
at the Hi speed you have chosen).
Adjust Seastate for High Speed
Change the Hi speed Seastate setting to your desired setting.
Adjust Turn Rate for High Speed
Adjust the Hi speed Turn Rate setting to suit. Make a few course changes of 20° or more to
ensure that the rate of turn is comfortable.
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Adjusting for Sea Conditions
Adjusting the steering parameters in calm conditions – as you do during the initial part of the
Sea Trials – gives a base reference for all other conditions.
As you get the overall setup of the Admiral P3’s operating parameters closer to being
perfect, you can then venture into rougher conditions.
Take all the time necessary to ensure that you are getting the best performance from your
Admiral P3!
Some suggestions:
Observe the wake of the boat while maintaining a straight course in AUTO mode. This is
one of the best indications of how well the autopilot is steering.
The vessel should come on to course smoothly after course changes are made. Any
undershoot or overshoot can usually be observed in the wake.
Once the Admiral P3 system is performing well in calm conditions, you will find that you
will only need to make small changes to the steering parameters to handle a wide variety
of sea conditions.
Generally speaking, Rudder Gain and Counter Rudder settings for High speed will be
less than those for Low speed.
As the seas get rougher, you will probably need to increase the Rudder Gain one or two
In very rough conditions, you may want to reduce the Counter Rudder setting as well as
increasing the Rudder Gain.
In quartering seas, you may wish to increase Rudder Gain and the Seastate setting. This
will allow the boat to yaw a bit more as it comes off of the waves, but typically the vessel
will come back onto course with minimal rudder movement. Increasing the Seastate
setting can reduce wear on the steering system, because it will not be working so hard.
Change Turn Rate as required to maintain safe turning rates for given sea conditions.
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Basic Operations
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Basic Operations
This chapter describes the basic modes of operation of the Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot
system, and shows you how to use them.
Standby Mode
The autopilot always turns on in STANDBY mode. In this mode, the autopilot displays the
vessel’s heading and the rudder angle, but has no control over the steering of the boat.
Beside the heading value is an indicator as to whether the directional value is in Degrees
Magnetic or Degrees True. This is determined automatically by the Admiral P3, based on the
type of Compass Source – all analog compasses are in Magnetic, while NMEA compasses
may be in Magnetic or True, depending on how they are configured (see page 142 for more
This indicator appears in all operating modes.
Figure 72 – Typical Standby Mode Screen
The large “S” in the upper left corner of the display indicates that the system is in STANDBY
To switch to STANDBY mode from any other mode, press the red STANDBY/ON/OFF button
for approximately ½ second. As soon as the large “S” appears, the vessel will be under
manual control.
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Standby Menu
The Standby menu consists of a number of items that have a general bearing on how the
autopilot operates. To access the Standby menu, double-press the red STANDBY/ON/OFF
Figure 73 – Standby Menu (pages 1 & 2)
Station Lock
The Admiral P3 system can accommodate up to three Control Stations – one main Control
Head, and any combination of Control Heads & Remotes on the two AUX ports.
One of these Control Stations is always in control, and the others are simply repeater
stations. You can take command with any of the repeater stations by simultaneously
pressing the PORT and STARBOARD ARROW buttons on the repeater.
However, to prevent unauthorized personnel from doing this, the main Control Head can lock
out all of the others. Station Lock must be changed to Unlock before the repeater stations
can take command.
For more detail, refer to Station Lock/Unlock in the Advanced Operations chapter of this
Default Turn
The Admiral P3 System has a number of Special Turns pre-programmed into it. The variety
of turns available depends somewhat on the system configuration and what mode you are
operating in.
Set the Default Turn parameter to the type that you are likely to use most often. Then, when
you press the TURN button to initiate a Special Turn, the default turn will be the first one
offered. See Special Turns in the Advanced Operations chapter for more details.
Note: in NAV mode, only “Dodge” will be shown when a Special Turn is started,
no matter what the Default Turn parameter is set to.
Compass Source
There are a number of separate inputs for different types of compasses that may be used
with the Admiral P3 system. You may elect to have more than one type connected at the
same time. This menu item allows you to switch from one to the other at any time.
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Compass Cal (Compass Calibration)
This item allows you to synchronize the compass on the autopilot with an external source.
Simply turn the COURSE CHANGE knob until the Compass Cal value reads the same as
your reference source.
Note: for safety reasons, Compass Cal may not be adjusted in AUTO or NAV
modes; thus, it does not appear in the Standby menu, if you enter the menu from
either of those modes.
Compass Cal may be safely adjusted in STANDBY or POWER STEER modes.
Backlight Level
There are 9 levels of backlighting available, numbered 0 through 8.
Level 8 offers the brightest possible backlight. Each level below 8 offers a correspondingly
lower level of backlight.
Level 0 is completely off (no backlighting). To change from Level 0 to any other level,
double-press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to bring up the Standby menu. The screen will
temporarily light up with level “3” brightness, so that you can see the menu.
The screen automatically changes to a “night” colour scheme (see scheme “C” below),
whenever the backlight level is set to “1”, “2”, or “3”. These backlight levels should be used at
night-time, to avoid impairing the vessel operator’s night vision.
There are three built-in colour schemes for the colour LCD panel in the Admiral P3’s Control
The standard is scheme is “A” – a white background with most text in black, and various red,
green & blue colours to emphasize important elements of the various displays.
Colour scheme “B” is an alternate that you may prefer – a light blue (cyan) background, with
suitably-contrasting colours for text & the various display elements & information.
Colour scheme “C” utilizes red colours on a black background, and was developed for best
night-time vision.
Watch Alarm
The Admiral P3 has a built-in Watch Alarm. This menu item allows you to turn on the Watch
Alarm and set how much time is allowed to elapse before the alarm goes off. This menu item
is “password protected” to prevent unauthorized personnel from changing the Watch Alarm
parameters. See Watch Alarm in the Advanced Operations chapter of this manual for
complete details on setting the Watch Alarm, and the password.
Fishzag Time
This sets the time interval between course changes while executing the special Fishzag turn.
The units are seconds, and each click of the COURSE CHANGE knob will change the
interval by thirty seconds. See Special Turns in the Advanced Operations chapter.
This is a read-only display that cannot be changed. The number shown is the battery voltage
as measured at the Signal Processor Unit.
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Power Steer Mode
To enter POWER STEER mode, press and hold the P.STR button for about a half-second,
until the large “P” mode indicator appears in the upper left corner of the display.
In this mode, the display shows the actual compass heading and the rudder angle. The
PORT and STARBOARD ARROW buttons are used to control the rudder. Press one or the
other to move the rudder in that direction. The rudder will keep moving for as long as the
button is pressed until it gets to the physical rudder limits.
You can limit the maximum amount of rudder travel in POWER STEER mode by turning on
the Power Steer limits. Turning on these limits, and adjusting them to suit, is done in the
Power Steer menu (see below).
Figure 74 – Typical Power Steer Mode Screen
The COURSE CHANGE knob can also be used to move the rudder in POWER STEER
mode. Each “click” of the knob will move the rudder a finite amount.
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Power Steer Menu
The Power Steer menu contains the “mechanical” steering parameters (which are common to
all modes). To access the Power Steer menu, double-press the P.STR button.
Figure 75 – Power Steer Menu
Stdby/P.Str Limits (Power Steer Rudder Limits)
When you set up the Admiral P3 system (see Setup Procedures on page 80), you will move
the rudder from hard over port to hard over starboard so that the autopilot can measure these
positions. These hard over positions are known as the “physical limits”, beyond which the
rudder simply cannot be turned. However, you can artificially limit the rudder travel through
the autopilot software.
Set the Power Steer 4 Limits to the number of degrees port and starboard that you would like
to limit the rudder movement to. These rudder limits will be in effect whenever the autopilot is
in POWER STEER mode. The minimum setting is 5°; the maximum is the same as the
physical limits measured in Dockside Setup. Setting the limits to “Off” means that the full
range – up to the physical limits – will be allowed. The limits selected will be shown on the
bottom bar of the Rudder Angle Indicator display during normal operation, in red and green.
Auto/Nav Limits
The Auto/Nav Limits are essentially the same as the Power Steer Limits detailed above, but
they are in effect only when the autopilot is in AUTO or NAV modes.
RAI Offset
The RAI (Rudder Angle Indicator) display at the bottom of the autopilot display may require a
slight offset adjustment in order to read zero degrees when the vessel is moving in a straight
line. This is a fairly common scenario and may be due to vessel loading or design, rudder
design or function, or the installation of the Rudder Feedback Unit. For example, if the vessel
is traveling in a straight line, but the RAI reads 2° to starboard, adjust the RAI Offset to port
so that the RAI display reads zero.
4 SPU firmware versions before 3.05 allowed the Rudder to be moved in Standby mode, with a Jog Lever, but this feature
was disabled in that version & onwards, for safety reasons. The parameter name was not changed, however.
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Auto Mode
In AUTO mode, the Admiral P3 will steer the vessel on your commanded heading.
To enter AUTO mode, press and hold the AUTO button for about a half- second, until a large
letter “A” is shown in the upper left portion of the display. At this point the Admiral P3 will
steer the vessel to the heading that the vessel was on at the moment the autopilot entered
AUTO mode.
Figure 76 – Typical Auto Mode Screen
When in AUTO mode, the vessel’s actual heading is still shown in large letters in the middle
of the LCD screen, but now there is also another heading display in smaller digits shown in
the top-center portion. This is the “commanded” course.
To change the commanded course, use the COURSE CHANGE knob. A clockwise turn will
result in an increase of your heading, and a counter-clockwise turn will decrease the vessel’s
heading. The Admiral P3 will bring the vessel around to the new commanded course at the
rate of turn specified for Turn Rate in the Auto menu.
Each click of the knob will change the commanded course by one degree. Rapidly spinning
the knob will result in 10-degree jumps in the commanded course.
In AUTO mode, you can “dodge” quickly around obstacles and automatically return to your
original course. See Dodge, on page 125, for more information.
You can limit the maximum amount of rudder travel in AUTO mode by turning on the
Auto/Nav rudder limits. Turning them on, and adjusting them to suit, is done in the Power
Steer menu (see page 103).
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Auto Menu
The Auto menu contains the main “autopilot-control” steering parameters. To access the
Auto menu, double-press the AUTO button.
Figure 77 – Auto Menu, pages 1 & 2
Rudder Gain
Rudder Gain is a measure of the amount of corrective rudder that will be applied for a given
course error. The Admiral P3 is able to accommodate a wide range of rudder gains, but
restricts the user to a certain portion of this range, depending on the type of vessel the
autopilot is installed on.
Note that there are two numbers shown for Rudder Gain. The number on the left is the value
used when the autopilot is operating in LO speed. The number to the right is the value used
when the autopilot is operating in HI speed.
Note that if the autopilot is in LO speed, only the low speed rudder gain will change when you
rotate the COURSE CHANGE knob; the high speed rudder gain value will be shown in a grey
tone. Similarly, if the autopilot is operating in HI speed, the COURSE CHANGE knob will
only affect the high speed rudder gain value, and the low speed value will be shown in grey.
The parameter values do not have any units.
The following diagram provides a general guide to setting Rudder Gain:
Figure 78 – Guidelines for setting Rudder Gain
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Counter Rudder
Counter Rudder is a measure of how much rudder is applied for a given rate of change in
course error. If the course error is increasing, the counter rudder adds to the rudder
correction, and if the course is decreasing the counter rudder subtracts from the rudder
correction applied.
Like Rudder Gain described above, there are two numbers shown; one for LO speed, and
one for HI speed.
The parameter values do not have any units.
The following diagram provides a general guide to setting Counter Rudder:
Figure 79 – Guidelines for setting Counter Rudder
The Seastate control tells the autopilot how much deviation from the set course to allow
before taking corrective action.
Seastate should be set according to sea conditions. As conditions worsen, the Seastate
setting can be increased. This may result in slightly worse steering performance, but will
reduce the amount of rudder movement and strain on the steering system.
This parameter’s units are in total degrees on either side of the set course, so a value of 1 will
allow the vessel to change up to 0.5° of heading on either side of the set course before
bringing it back on course. The maximum value is 10°.
There is also an Automatic Seastate Control feature that will monitor and adjust the Seastate
setting for you. To activate this, highlight “Seastate” in the menu and turn the COURSE
CHANGE knob counter-clockwise until the value reads “A”.
There are two Seastate settings; one is for LO speed operations and one is for HI speed
Turn Rate
Varying the Turn Rate parameter controls the maximum rate at which the vessel may make a
course change (in AUTO or NAV modes), return to its original heading after a dodge
manoeuvre, or execute a Special Turn. Factors such as speed, load, hull characteristics and
weather conditions may limit the maximum achievable turn rate.
This parameter’s units are in degrees per second. Up to 1.5 °/sec, the value increments by
0.1° per click of the COURSE CHANGE knob; between 2.0 °/sec to the maximum of
20.0 °/sec, it changes by 1° per click.
There are two Turn Rate settings; one is for LO speed operations and one is for HI speed
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Parameter Set
The Admiral P3 gives you the ability to store two sets of steering parameters, labelled “Hi”
(high) and “Lo” (low). This allows for best performance under varying vessel speeds and/or
loading conditions.
The autopilot can be set manually to use either the Lo or the Hi settings. There is also a
selection for “Auto”. If “Auto” is chosen, the autopilot will automatically switch from Hi to Lo,
or vice-versa, depending on the vessel’s speed. For “Auto” to work, the autopilot must be
connected to an NMEA 0183 Navigation System that outputs speed information. The Speed
Trip Point, described below, governs the point at which the switch is made.
When the Admiral P3 is in AUTO or NAV mode, it always indicates which steering parameter
set is in effect. This is shown just to the left of the Rudder Angle Indicator, and consists of a
small box shape with either H for Hi or L for Lo in it. If the parameter set is set to Auto, then
the word “AUTO” also appears in the box.
Figure 80 – HI and LO Speed Icons (Left of Rudder Angle Indicator)
Speed Trip Pt (Speed Trip Point)
The Speed Trip Point governs the point at which the autopilot automatically transitions from
the Lo steering parameters to Hi. For automatic transition to take place, the “Parameter Set”
must be set to “Auto”.
Speed Source
The Admiral P3 can obtain information about the vessel’s speed from a variety of sources
that provide NMEA 0183 data outputs, at either the NAV1 or NAV2 inputs on connector J9.
This menu item is used to select which of the two inputs the autopilot will use.
Off-Course Limit
The Admiral P3 has an Off-Course Alarm that will be activated should the vessel fall off
course by more than the limit set here. The range of settings is 5° to 20°. There is a
32 second delay on this alarm.
ALC (Automatic Leeway Correction)
The P3’s ALC function is turned on or off with this parameter. It is active only in AUTO mode.
See the description of ALC on page 19 for details of what it does.
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Thruster (Thruster Assist)
Thruster Gain
If the optional CT7 Thruster Interface is installed with your Admiral P3 system, you will need
to make adjustments to these settings. Complete instructions are included with the CT7
Thruster Interface.
Helm Delay
This parameter is only available when the Vessel Type is set to “Large”.
When a Large vessel is slow on the Helm, this parameter can be used to “slow down” the
Admiral P3’s IST steering processing responses to match. The range of values is 2 to 60.
The correct value of this parameter depends on the vessel’s Helm characteristics, and also
on the type of Heading sensor in use, and must be determined by careful testing during Sea
For the standard ComNav magnetic compasses & sensors used with the Admiral P3 system
(see pages 27 to 29), a good rule of thumb for finding the correct value is to start by setting it
to 10 times the number of seconds of Helm delay (i.e., the time span from initial movement of
the Rudder until the vessel’s Heading starts to change) the vessel exhibits: for example, if the
Helm delay is 2 seconds, set it to 20.
For NMEA 0183 compasses, the correct value depends on what Heading update rate the
compass is set to; for example, with a Vector G2/G2B GPS Compass set to a Heading
update rate of 5 Hz, a value of 10 would be a good value to start with.
After the initial value is entered, adjust it in small steps until satisfactory steering performance
is obtained.
Counter Helm
This parameter is only available when the Vessel Type is set to “Large”.
When a Large vessel is very slow on the Helm, it can often exhibit a tendency to overshoot
the target Heading – whether being steered manually or by an autopilot – when there is a
large change of Heading involved.
An experienced Pilot on such a vessel, when steering manually, will typically set a Heading
that is a few degrees less that the desired Heading, knowing that the vessel’s inherent
overshoot will result in the vessel ending up on the actual desired Heading.
When the Admiral P3 is steering the vessel, it will always bring the vessel onto the desired
Heading. But there may be some “essing” of the Heading – and that may not be acceptable.
In most situations, it is better to come directly, even if gradually, onto the target Heading.
And so, this parameter can be used to set the Admiral P3 to act in much the same way as an
experienced Pilot. This parameter sets the amount of “undershoot” that is automatically
applied to the P3’s target Heading value, when a large change of Heading is required. The
range of values is 0 to 80, and is in degrees.
The correct value of this parameter depends on the vessel’s Helm characteristics, and must
be determined by careful testing during Sea Trials. A good rule of thumb for finding the
correct value is to start by setting it to 0, and then make a large change of Heading in AUTO
mode. Note the amount of overshoot that occurs during the initial turn, and then set the
Counter Helm parameter to one-half that overshoot. Repeat the test, adjusting in small steps
until satisfactory steering performance is obtained.
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NAV Mode
The Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot system has the capability to use steering information
from an external NMEA 0183 Navigation System .
NAV mode allows the autopilot to steer to a waypoint destination or along a route of
waypoints. In NAV mode the Admiral P3 uses its own compass (which may also be the
Navigation System) as its primary source of heading for course keeping, while the steering
data received from the Navigation System is used to calculate the commanded heading to
the destination waypoint.
To activate NAV mode:
Turn on your Navigation System and activate a waypoint.
Press the NAV button on the Control Head until the letter “N” appears in the upper
left portion of the display, indicating NAV mode (shown below is the Normal NAV
mode display – see page 117 for the Alternate display).
Figure 81 – NAV Mode (Normal Display)
The Waypoint ID, Range, Bearing, and cross-track error (XTE), as provided by the
Navigation System will be shown on the Control Head display.
Note: some Navigation Systems do not provide all of this information. If such
cases, the display will show dashes ( - - - ) or “NONE” in place of any missing
In NAV mode, you can “dodge” quickly around obstacles and automatically return to your
original track. See Dodge, on page 125, for more information.
You can limit the maximum amount of rudder travel in NAV mode by turning on the Auto/Nav
rudder limits. Turning them on, and adjusting them to suit, is done in the Power Steer menu
(see page 103).
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Nav Menu
The Nav menu contains a number of parameters used when operating the autopilot in NAV
mode. To access the Nav menu, double-press the NAV button.
Figure 82 – Nav Menu, pages 1 & 2
Nav Source
Set Nav Source to the SPU’s input connection (NAV1 or NAV2) that the external Navigation
System is connected to. The autopilot will then look at that input when in NAV mode to
obtain the bearing and course-to-steer information.
XTE Limit (Cross-Track Error Limit)
The autopilot can be set to raise an alarm while in NAV mode if the vessel’s cross-track error
exceeds the limit set here.
WayPt. Arrival (Waypoint Arrival)
When the autopilot arrives at a waypoint or end of a route, a special message is sent to the
autopilot from the Navigation System. This menu item tells the Admiral P3 how you want to
deal with the arrival message.
Manual (manual sequencing):
display “Waypoint Arrival” on the Control Head screen, accompanied by an audible
alarm. The autopilot will maintain its present course and NOT automatically turn the
vessel to the next waypoint in a route until the alarm has been acknowledged by
pressing the Fn button.
Auto (automatic sequencing):
display Waypoint Arrival on the Control Head screen, accompanied by an audible
alarm. However, the autopilot will automatically turn the vessel to the next waypoint
in a route even if the alarm is not acknowledged by pressing the Fn button.
Silent (silent sequencing):
automatically turn the vessel to the next waypoint in a route. Caution! No waypoint
arrival alarm will be displayed. Choose this option if your Navigation System has
its own waypoint arrival alarm that cannot be turned off, and you do not wish to
acknowledge the same alarm on multiple devices.
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If the vessel is not directly on track when in NAV mode, there are three ways it can arrive at
the waypoint:
Setting Description Comments
CTS Course-To-Steer
The autopilot picks out the Course-To-Steer
information from the Navigation System.
This results in a straight-line course to the
destination waypoint. Cross-track error,
while displayed, is not used by the autopilot.
XTE Cross-Track Error
The autopilot steers from its current
heading so as to minimize Cross-Track
Error. No Course-To-Steer information
from the Navigation System is used.
Both Course-To-Steer
Cross-Track Error
The autopilot steers a modified course
taken from the Navigation System’s
Course-To-Steer. The amount of
modification is proportional to the amount of
Cross-Track Error. This method is
generally best for normal usage.
Table 5 – NAV Mode Correction
XTE Sense (Cross-Track Error Sense)
Cross track error (XTE) contains two pieces of information. First, it contains the amount of
the error. Secondly, it gives information about the ‘sense’ of the error (i.e. whether the vessel
is to the left or the right of the line between the beginning and ending waypoints).
The NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) has specified how the cross track error
should be identified; a (L)eft indicator in the data sentence means the vessel should steer to
the left and a (R)ight indicator meaning the opposite.
However, some manufacturers of GPS, chartplotters, etc. have used the (L)eft indicator to
mean that the vessel is to the left of the line, so the vessel should steer to the right, and the
(R)ight indicator to mean the opposite.
Because of this confusion, the Admiral P3’s handling of XTE can be switched from “Norm”
(normal) to “Rev” (reverse). In “Norm”, the autopilot will respond normally to the sense of the
cross-track error. In “Rev”, the autopilot will respond in the opposite way in response to the
same information.
Max Correction
When activating pre-stored routes with a large amount of initial cross track error, the autopilot
will steer the boat at almost 90° to the track, in order to get back on track as fast as possible.
In certain circumstances, this can appear as though the vessel is moving away from the
desired waypoint. Setting Max Correction to something less than 90° can minimize this
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Commanded Heading Displayed
The commanded heading shown on the display in NAV mode may not be the same as the
bearing given by the Navigation System. This is because there are three different methods
that the Admiral P3 can use to process and react to the navigation data from the Navigation
System. You select which method you want the Admiral P3 to use by specifying “XTE”,
“CTS”, or “Both” for the “Correction” parameter in the Nav menu.
Correction set to CTS – Steering a Direct Bearing
In this method, Cross-Track Error is not factored into the calculation that the Admiral P3 uses
to determine the heading to steer. The autopilot therefore steers directly to the destination
waypoint, as depicted in the following diagram:
Figure 83 – Autopilot Steering for Correction Set to "CTS"
Test this out so as to be familiar with it by performing the following steps:
1) Change “Correction” in the Nav menu to “CTS”
2) Make sure the Navigation System is turned on and that a waypoint is programmed in.
3) Switch the autopilot to STANDBY mode and manually steer the vessel away from the
waypoint track by a few hundred meters or more.
4) Place the Admiral P3 into NAV mode by pressing and holding the NAV button until
the unit beeps and the letter “N” appears in the upper left portion of the display.
5) Observe the commanded heading on the Admiral P3 display. It should match the
bearing reported by the Navigation System.
Caution! Be sure to maintain a sharp lookout to ensure that
there are no obstacles between the vessel and the destination
waypoint when steering directly to a waypoint.
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Correction set to XTE – Cross-Track Error Steering
Cross-track error is the perpendicular distance from the track to the vessel’s position.
When using Cross-Track Error Steering, the autopilot initially steers on its present heading,
and monitors the Cross-Track Error reported by the Navigation System. The autopilot
changes the heading so as to minimize the cross-track error.
If the initial cross-track error is large, the autopilot will steer a course almost perpendicular to
the original track, so as to get back on the track as quickly as possible.
Figure 84 – Autopilot Steering for Correction Set to "XTE"
Test this out so as to be familiar with it by performing the following steps:
1) Change “Correction” in the Nav menu to “XTE”
2) Make sure the Navigation System is turned on and that a waypoint is programmed in.
3) Switch the autopilot to STANDBY mode and manually steer the vessel onto the track.
4) Place the Admiral P3 into NAV mode by pressing and holding the NAV button until
the unit beeps and the letter “N” appears in the upper left portion of the display.
5) Observe the vessel’s heading and the cross-track error. The autopilot should be
steering so as to minimize cross-track error.
If the vessel seems to be continually falling off course away from the track, you
need to change “XTE Sense” (cross-track error sense) in the Nav menu from
“Norm” (normal) to “Rev” (reverse).
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The course steered when Correction is set to “XTE” may not be the most efficient in terms of
overall distance traveled.
If there is a large cross-track error, the autopilot may overshoot the intended track. This is a
function of turn rate, vessel speed, and position updates received from the Navigation
System. For best performance, it is always best to minimize any cross-track error before
putting the autopilot into NAV mode.
Figure 85 – Response of Vessel to Large Cross-Track Error
The total number of degrees that the autopilot will correct the heading received from the
Navigation System as it tries to bring the vessel back on track is limited to the value set for
“XTE Limit” in the Nav menu.
Caution! Be sure to maintain a sharp lookout to ensure that there are
no obstacles between the vessel and the original track.
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Correction set to Both – Steering To/Along a Track
In this method, the Admiral P3 will bring the vessel onto the track as smoothly and efficiently
as possible. It does this by combining aspects of steering, using cross-track error, bearing
from original to destination, and bearing directly to the waypoint.
Figure 86 – Autopilot Steering for Correction Set to "Both"
When steering along a track, the Admiral P3 tries to minimize cross-track error by steering to
a heading that lies between the perpendicular to the track and the destination waypoint. The
farther you are off track, the closer to the perpendicular the heading will be. As you come
closer to the track, the heading of the vessel will change closer to the heading of the track.
When you are on-track, the vessel’s heading and the track heading will be identical.
The total number of degrees that the autopilot will correct the heading received from the
Navigation System as it tries to bring the vessel back on track is limited to the value set for
“Max Correction” in the Nav menu.
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You can test out how well the Admiral P3 steers along a track by following these steps:
1) Make sure the Navigation System is turned on and that a waypoint is programmed in.
Usually this means selecting a waypoint from a list and pressing the ”GOTO” button.
2) Steer the boat close to the waypoint track.
3) Put the Admiral P3 in NAV mode by pressing and holding the NAV button until the
unit beeps, and the letter “N” appears in the upper left portion of the display.
4) Observe the vessel’s response for several minutes.
If the vessel seems to be continually falling off course away from the track, you
need to change “XTE Sense” (cross-track error sense) in the Nav menu from
“NORM” (normal) to “REV” (reverse).
5) Verify correct operation by steering back to the original track and then putting the
autopilot into NAV mode again.
6) Observe the vessel’s response as before. If the vessel is wandering back and forth
but there are no alarms on the autopilot or Navigation System, the most common
cause is poor signal quality in the sensor or antenna wiring of the Navigation System.
This may be due to:
Improper grounding
Electrical noise generated in the vessel (alternators, power packs, etc.)
Poor antenna location
Refer to the Navigation System’s manual for signal quality measurements, and ideas
on making improvements.
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Alternate NAV Display
An alternative display is available for NAV mode. To access this display, enter NAV mode by
pressing the NAV button until the letter “N” appears in the upper left portion of the display.
Release the button, and then press the NAV button again. The display will change to a
“highway” representation as shown below:
Figure 87 – NAV Mode, Alternate Display
To change back to the normal display (see page 109), press the NAV button again.
In the Alternate NAV display, cross-track error is shown graphically by the boat icon being
located to the left or right of the centerline. The position is proportional to the amount of
cross-track error. Note the small numbers in the lower corners of the highway display.
These indicate the scale of the display. There are four scales that can be shown on the
highway display: 0.2, 0.5, 1.5, and 3.0 nautical miles. The scale changes automatically to
give the best resolution.
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Jog Levers
If a Jog Lever or Levers are connected to the SPU terminal block J3, the autopilot will move
the rudder either to Port or Starboard – up to the user-set Rudder Limits – for as long as any
Jog Lever is held activated. This will occur when the Admiral P3 is in POWER STEER mode,
in AUTO mode, or in NAV mode.
The jog Levers are ignored when the autopilot is in STANDBY mode, or in DOCKSIDE
SETUP mode.
A large “J” is displayed in the upper left corner of the Control Head display whenever a Jog
Lever is activated.
Figure 88 – Jog Lever Activated Screen
When you are using a Jog Lever:
If the autopilot is in POWER STEER mode and the Power Steer rudder limits are set,
then the autopilot will stop the rudder when it gets to these limits.
If the autopilot is in AUTO or NAV mode and the Auto/Nav rudder limits are set, then the
autopilot will stop the rudder when it gets to these limits.
If neither of the above applies, the autopilot will stop the rudder when it gets within a few
degrees of the physical limits of rudder travel.
Important Using a Jog Lever temporarily over-rides AUTO or NAV
mode, but when the Jog Lever is released, the autopilot will return to the
previously commanded course (in AUTO mode) or track (in NAV mode).
You should be prepared for a change in the vessel’s direction when you
release the Lever.
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Advanced Operations
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Advanced Operations
WORK mode is special feature used under conditions that are different from normal autopilot
operation. Prime examples are dragging, trawling, and pair trawling. It is also useful for
towing or when traveling at very slow speeds. WORK mode can be activated in either AUTO
or NAV mode. You can even switch from AUTO to NAV mode or vice-versa, while WORK
mode is active.
Initial set up of WORK mode is easily accomplished. Only two parameters need to be set up:
a Work Trip Point and the Rudder Scaling Factor.
Work Menu
The Work menu has all of the adjustable parameters that are involved with WORK mode. To
access the Work menu, double-press the Fn button.
Figure 89 – WORK Mode Menu
Rudder Bias
This menu item only appears when WORK mode is active. It shows the current rudder bias,
which can be adjusted if desired.
The Admiral P3’s WORK mode can be configured to use manual or automatic rudder bias
when in WORK mode (the default is to use automatic rudder bias).
Manual rudder bias is fixed by the position of the rudder when the autopilot first enters
WORK mode, but can be adjusted by the user if desired (see Rudder Bias, above).
Automatic rudder bias is initially set to the position of the rudder when the autopilot first
enters WORK mode, but is automatically adjusted on a continual basis thereafter to ensure
that the vessel remains on course.
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Work Trip Pt. (Work Trip Point)
This is the speed below which WORK mode can be engaged, and above which WORK mode
will be disengaged automatically.
Rudder Scale (Rudder Scale Factor)
When WORK mode is engaged, the “Rudder Scale Factor” will multiply the “Rudder Gain”
setting in the Auto menu. Normally the rudder is moved an amount proportional to the course
error detected (i.e., the error times the Rudder Gain), but in WORK mode that calculation will
also be multiplied by the Scale Factor, resulting in larger rudder movements for a given
course error.
Work Mode State
This parameter shows the current status of WORK mode. It is also a means to force WORK
mode to be active or not. Normally, WORK mode is engaged or disengaged depending on
the speed of the vessel as given by a Navigation System. In cases where this information is
not available, WORK mode can still be made to function by forcing it on.
The states shown are “Off”, “A_On” and “A_Rdy” for “Automatic On” and “Automatic Ready”,
or “M_On” and “M_Rdy” for “Manual On” and “Manual Ready”.
Automatic WORK Mode
Although WORK mode can be used manually, it works best if a valid NMEA source of the
vessel's speed is also interfaced to the autopilot. The speed source must also be properly
configured in the Auto menu. With a valid NMEA speed source, WORK mode can be
engaged automatically when the vessel’s speed falls below the Work Trip Point, and
disengaged when the vessel’s speed increases beyond the Work Trip Point.
To use Automatic WORK mode, first go into either AUTO or NAV mode. Then press and
hold the Fn button for approximately 3 seconds, until a confirming beep is heard. The letter
“W” will appear in the upper left portion of the LCD screen to indicate that the WORK mode
feature is enabled.
If the vessel’s speed is above the Work Trip Point, the “W” will flash slowly, about once per
second, indicating that WORK mode is enabled – but not yet engaged. If the “W” appears
continuously (not flashing), the vessel speed is below the Work Trip Point, and WORK mode
is actually engaged.
Figure 90 – WORK Mode Engaged
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To disable WORK mode, again press the Fn button for approximately 3 seconds until a
confirming beep is heard and the letter “W” disappears from the upper left portion of the
display. WORK mode can also be cancelled by switching to either STANDBY or POWER
STEER mode.
When WORK mode is engaged, the Rudder Scale Factor will multiply the Rudder Gain
setting. Normally the rudder is moved an amount proportional to the course error detected
(i.e., the error times the Rudder Gain); in WORK mode, that calculation will also be multiplied
by the Scale Factor, resulting in larger rudder movements for a given course error. The
Rudder Scale Factor is entered on the Work menu (see page 122).
Other effects take place in WORK mode too.
Counter Rudder is reduced to a minimum, enhancing the effect of the Rudder Gain
and Rudder Scale Factor.
Turn Rate is not governed while WORK is active.
Particularly useful for pair trawling, the autopilot also disables the automatic course
trim unless Autotrim (in the Work menu) is specifically turned on.
Finally, the built-in course alarm will be disabled the entire time WORK mode is
If the user is not satisfied with the fixed helm bias determined by the Autopilot at the onset of
WORK mode, manual adjustments can be made “on-the-fly” while WORK mode is engaged.
A double-press of the Fn button will bring up the regular Work menu, but with an additional
item. Rudder Bias will be the first item on the list, and will show the current helm bias. You
can change this value to suit using the COURSE CHANGE knob. This feature is useful in
order to accommodate changing load or sea conditions.
As mentioned earlier, WORK mode will automatically be disengaged if the vessel’s speed
rises above the Work Trip Point set by the user. While it is disengaged, all normal features
such as automatic trim and course alarm will be operational.
Manual WORK Mode
Caution! When Manual WORK mode is engaged, large rudder
movements may occur. If your vessel is traveling too fast, these rudder
movements may affect the stability of the vessel. Do not engage Manual
WORK mode without first ensuring that it is safe to do so and that the
vessel speed is appropriate for using WORK mode.
Even if no NMEA source of speed data is available, WORK mode can still be used. To do
so, switch to AUTO or NAV mode and press the Fn button for approximately 3 seconds until
the letter “W” appears in the upper left portion of the display. Then, double-press the Fn
button to bring up the Work menu. Highlight “Work Mode State”. Then use the COURSE
CHANGE knob to change the selection to “M_On” (Manual On). WORK mode is now
To disengage WORK mode, again select “Work Mode State” in the Work menu and change it
to “A_Rdy” (Automatic Ready). To cancel WORK mode completely, press and hold the Fn
button for 3 seconds, or switch to STANDBY or POWER STEER mode.
You can also manually disengage WORK mode, if it has been engaged in the automatic
mode. Double-press the Fn button to bring up the Work menu. If WORK mode is engaged,
the “Work Mode State” will show “A_On” beside it. Highlight “Work Mode State”, then use the
COURSE CHANGE knob to change it to “M_Rdy” (Manual Ready).
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Special Turns
There are a number of Special Turns pre-programmed into the Admiral P3 system.
Special Turns can be executed only in AUTO and WORK mode; one Special Turn (Dodge)
can also be executed in NAV mode.
To execute a Special Turn (with the autopilot in the appropriate mode):
1) Press the TURN button. The default special turn will be displayed, along with a
query for a direction.
Figure 91 – Typical Special Turn Query
2) If a different special turn other than the default shown is desired, press the TURN
button again. The next special turn in the available list will be shown (in NAV
mode, the only choice shown will be Dodge). Press the TURN button again and
again until the desired special turn is shown.
3) Press either the PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button to select the direction in
which to execute the Special Turn. For the Dodge turn, it is necessary to hold
the PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button for as long as it is desired to turn
(see next page).
The default Special Turn can be changed as desired by adjusting the “Default Turn” in the
Special Turns can be aborted by pressing the TURN button once more while the Special Turn
is executing, or by changing modes.
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When in AUTO or NAV modes, you can use the Dodge Special Turn to avoid (“dodge
around”) an obstacle in the water.
After initiating a Special Turn (and selecting Dodge if necessary), pressing & maintaining
either the PORT ARROW button or STARBOARD ARROW button will cause the Admiral P3
to turn the vessel in that direction.
Figure 92 – Dodge Query
Important: during a Dodge turn (i.e., while one of the ARROW buttons is
maintained), the autopilot will not limit the rate of turn of the vessel, and
the Rudder will eventually move all the way to its maximum limit.
Once an ARROW button is released, the autopilot will begin turn the
vessel back to the commanded Heading or Track, but this time the turn
will occur at no greater than the maximum turn rate that is set in the
Steering Parameters.
Using Jog Levers for Dodging
A Jog Lever provides another, quicker way to do a Dodge turn.
Unlike a Special Turn, it is only necessary to activate the Jog Lever; there is no need to press
the TURN button first. The rudder will move immediately in the requested direction, and
continue moving for as long as the Lever is held activated, up to the Auto/Nav Rudder Limit,
or to within a few degrees of the physical rudder travel limits (see page 109).
When you release the Jog Lever, the autopilot will return the vessel to the current Heading, if
in AUTO mode, or the current track to the next waypoint, if in NAV mode. You must be
prepared for the Heading change, before you release the Lever.
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To hold at a specific Heading part-way through a Dodge:
Once the Heading is reached, press the other ARROW button (PORT if you are
dodging to Starboard, and vice-versa), without releasing the button already being
Maintain both the ARROW buttons simultaneously for as long as the specific Heading is
Figure 93 – Holding at a Heading Part-way Through a Dodge Turn
Important: if you dodge the vessel in AUTO mode, then when you
release the PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button, the vessel will
return to the same Heading – but not the same Track. The new Track
will be offset from the original Track by the distance traveled during the
Dodge manoeuvre. This is illustrated below:
Figure 94 – A Dodge Manoeuvre in Auto Mode
In contrast, when you execute a Dodge in NAV mode, the autopilot will
return the vessel to the original Track, once you release the PORT
and/or STARBOARD buttons.
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Figure 95 – U-Turn Query
Figure 96 – U-Turn Vessel Path
The autopilot calculates a reciprocal course to the vessel’s heading and turns to it in the
appropriate direction once the PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button is pressed.
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Circle Turn
Figure 97 – Circle Turn Query
Figure 98 – Circle Turn Vessel Path
The autopilot steers a never-ending circle in the appropriate direction once the PORT or
STARBOARD ARROW button is pressed. The Turn Rate setting in the Auto menu governs
the rate of turn. To stop the circle, press the TURN button again, or switch modes.
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M.O.B. – Man Over-Board
Figure 99 – M.O.B. Turn Query
Figure 100 – M.O.B. Turn Vessel Path
The autopilot will perform a Williamson Man Overboard turn, sometimes known as an
Emergency or E-turn. This will bring the vessel onto a reciprocal heading; typically right
down the vessel’s own wake. The PORT or STARBOARD ARROW buttons are used to
determine the initial turning direction.
For best accuracy, do not adjust vessel speed once this turn has been initiated.
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Figure 101 – Fishzag Turn Query
Figure 102 – Fishzag Turn
As its name implies, the Fishzag turn was developed specifically for fishing. When this
Special Turn is executed, the autopilot maintains the present course for the time interval
specified by the Fishzag Timer in the Standby menu. Once the timer has expired, the
autopilot will make a 60° course change in the direction specified when you pressed the
PORT or STARBOARD ARROW button. After 30 seconds, the autopilot will return to the
original course, and start the timer over again. This time, when the timer goes off, the
autopilot will make a 60° course change in the opposite direction. Again, after 30 seconds,
the autopilot will return to the original course where the cycle repeats itself.
The Fishzag turn has the effect of dropping the fishing gear behind one side of the boat, and
raising the gear slightly on the other side while the boat is turning. This has been shown to
be an effective means of further luring fishing to strike.
To cancel the Fishzag turn, press the TURN button again, or switch modes.
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Multiple Control Heads & Auxiliary Controllers
Two additional Control Heads or Auxiliary Controllers may be added to the standard
Admiral P3 system. These may be any combination Admiral Control Heads, CR-203
Handheld Remotes, or TS-203 Fixed Remotes.
Only one Control Head or Auxiliary Controller may be In-command at any given time. When
the autopilot system is first powered on, the main Control Head, connected to J11 of the SPU
will always be In-command.
The other Control Heads and/or Auxiliary Controllers are said to be Repeaters. As a
Repeater, the unit simply repeats the display information from the In-command unit, but does
not affect the operation of the autopilot. You can always tell whether a particular controller is
a Repeater because it will display a large letter “R” in the upper right corner of the display.
Command can be transferred from an In-command controller to a Repeater. To do so, press
and hold the PORT and STARBOARD ARROW buttons on the repeater until the audible
alarm beeps and the letter R disappears. The Repeater now becomes the In-command
controller, while the previous controller becomes a Repeater.
Station Lock/Unlock
Setting the Station Lock parameter in the Standby menu to Lock prevents the Repeaters from
being able to take command. When station lock is set to Lock, the image of a key will be
shown in the upper right corner of the display, next to the repeater R.
The key image will either be outlined or filled-in, depending on whether the station lock is for
the main Control Head or an Auxiliary.
Figure 103 – Station Lock Icons on Main (left) and Aux. Control Head, when In-command (right)
The “outline” key icon because you can always take command back with the main Control
head. This unconditional return of command is an important safety feature.
The controller In-command shows a solid key icon. The solid key signifies that all stations,
except for the main Control Head and the controller which is currently In-command, are
locked out.
Controllers that are Repeaters, except for the main Control head, will show the solid key icon,
indicating that they are locked out and cannot take command.
Important! If your Admiral P3 system is equipped with Jog Levers, be
aware that they can be activated any time the autopilot is turned on.
They can not be locked out. Ensure that appropriate measures are
taken to ensure that they cannot be activated by unauthorized persons.
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Watch Alarm
The Watch Alarm is a special timer that is built into the Admiral P3 autopilot. It measures
how long it has been since any of the buttons on the Control Head have been pressed. If the
time exceeds the amount set for the Watch Alarm parameter in the Standby menu, an alarm
is set off to alert the helmsman.
There are two ways that the Watch Alarm feature can be configured:
1) The Watch Alarm can be set to bring up an alarm message and sound the audible
alarm on the Control Head. At the same time, the audible alarm on the SPU will
sound. Once the alarm is set off it can only be reset by pressing the Fn button.
2) The Watch Alarm can be set up to operate exactly in the same manner as above, but
in addition, if the alarm is not reset (by pressing the Fn button) within 30 seconds, an
external alarm connected to the SPU will be activated. The external alarm can be
used to alert ship’s personnel that the helm may be unattended.
To use the Watch Alarm as per option 1) above, the Alarm O/P parameter in the Dockside
Setup menu must be set to “none”, Sw’d B+ and “all”, or Sw’d B- and “all”.
To use the Watch Alarm as per option 2) above, the Alarm O/P parameter (see page 77) in
the Dockside Setup menu must be set to Sw’d B+ and “watch”, or Sw’d B- and “watch”. You
must also have a compatible external alarm connected. See External Alarm Output on
page 59 for more details.
The Watch Alarm timer is controlled by the Watch Alarm parameter in the Standby menu.
The value may be adjusted from “OFF” (Watch Alarm completely inactive) to 30 minutes in
1-minute increments.
The Watch Alarm parameter is password protected. The autopilot will not allow you to
change the Watch Alarm timer without first correctly entering a password.
There are a few key points to remember about passwords:
1) For safety reasons, only authorized personnel should be allowed to know or change
the Watch Alarm password.
2) The password consists of a button sequence entered on the Control Head, of from 0
to 10 button presses. For best security, we recommend choosing a password with at
least a 5-button sequence.
3) All of the buttons, except the STANDBY/ON/OFF button, may be used for the
password sequence, and a button may be used more than once in the sequence.
4) The STANDBY/ON/OFF button is reserved to signify the end of the sequence (like
the ENTER key on a computer).
5) The Admiral P3 autopilot is shipped from the factory with a null password – just press
the STANDBY/ON/OFF button when prompted for the password.
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Entering the Password
When you attempt to change the Watch Alarm timer, (highlight “Watch Alarm” in the Standby
menu, then turn the COURSE KNOB in either direction), the Control Head responds by
showing a special pop-up box on the LCD screen with the query “Password?”
Figure 104 – Password Query Pop-Up Window
Now enter the password by pressing each button in the sequence. An asterisk (*) will appear
on the screen as each button is pressed.
Complete the sequence by pressing the STANDBY/ON/OFF button.
If the sequence is correctly entered, the pop-up window will disappear, and you will be able to
use the COURSE KNOB to change the value of the Watch Alarm timer.
If the sequence was not correctly entered, “Password Error” is displayed. Try the password
sequence again.
The pop-up window will remain until the correct password sequence is entered, the Standby
menu times out, or you press and hold the STANDBY/ON/OFF button to shut the autopilot
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Changing the Password
As mentioned above, the autopilot is shipped from the factory with a null password, which
means that the password sequence consists of simply pushing the STANDBY/ON/OFF
button when prompted by the “Password?” query in the pop-up window. To prevent
unauthorized personnel from tampering with the Watch Alarm, it is recommended that you
change the password sequence from the default null password.
You may also wish to change the password on a regular basis, for security reasons.
To change the password, enter the old password when prompted, but instead of pressing the
STANDBY/ON/OFF button to enter/confirm the password, press the Fn button at the same
time as you press the STANDBY/ON/OFF button. The autopilot will respond with a “New
Password?” prompt:
Figure 105 – New Password Pop-Up Window
Now enter a new button sequence, finishing with the STANDBY/ON/OFF button. Once the
STANDBY/ON/OFF button has been pushed, the autopilot will store the new password
sequence in its memory and the pop-up window will disappear.
Important! Be sure to record the new password sequence in a secure
place in case it is forgotten!
The password can be changed as often as desired.
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Care & Maintenance
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Care & Maintenance
The Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System has been designed to provide many years of
reliable service. The following periodic care and maintenance tips will help to ensure the
longevity of your autopilot.
Cleaning and Appearance
Both the Control Head and SPU should be carefully cleaned with a damp cloth and mild
soap. This is particularly important for the LCD screen overlay.
Do not use abrasive cleaners or chemicals.
The Control Head is designed to be weatherproof and splash resistant, but it should not be
immersed in water for a prolonged period of time.
Environments exceeding a maximum temperature of 140° F (60° C) or below a minimum
temperature of 5° F (-15° C) MUST BE AVOIDED.
Exposure to prolonged direct sunlight should be avoided in order to prevent damage to the
electronics and housing, and UV-induced fading of the LCD.
Protection of Wires and Cabling
After installation, ensure that the system components are securely mounted and will not
shake loose due to the vibrations that can be expected in a marine vessel.
Ensure that the cabling and wiring to all system components, ESPECIALLY REMOTE
CONTROLS, are well secured with clamps or alternative fasteners.
Many potential problems can be avoided by ensuring that cabling and wiring do not cause
strain on the connectors.
Periodic Checks
After the first six months of operation a thorough examination of the entire Autopilot system
MUST BE UNDERTAKEN. All electrical connections, cables, clamps, mounting brackets, and
mechanical connections (i.e. RUDDER FOLLOWER) must be secure. All hydraulic pumps
and lines must be inspected for leakage and loose mounting.
An ANNUAL inspection should be undertaken thereafter.
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Fuse Replacement
There are two fuses used on the SPU.
Replace fuses only with the same type and rating, as per the table below.
Should a fuse blow, determine the cause before replacing.
To inspect &/or replace a fuse, the cover over the SPU’s Diagnostic section must be
removed; be careful not to lose any of the cover screws. After the fuse(s) are replaced, the
cover must be re-installed, and remain in place during normal operation.
Designator ComNav Part Number Generic Description
Manufacturer(s) & Part Number(s)
F1 60810012
3.15 A Medium Time Delay, 125V or
better, 5 x 20mm (DIN 41571, IEC 127))
Bussman GMC 3.15A
F2 60810009
20A, Non-Time Delay, 125V, ¼”x 1-¼”
Bussman ABC-20
Table 6 – Fuse Replacement Guide
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Appendix 1
NMEA 0183 Sentences Accepted and Transmitted by the Autopilot
The Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot system receives and transmits serial data in
NMEA 0183 format.
Messages Accepted
The Admiral P3 accepts the following NMEA 0183 sentences (the ‘*’ in front of the sentences
indicates that the TALKER Identifier is ignored, in all cases):
Sentence Description Data Used
*APA Autopilot Sentence “A” Cross-Track Error, Arrival Status, Bearing from
Origin to Destination, Waypoint ID
*APB Autopilot Sentence “B” Cross-Track Error, Bearing from Origin to
Destination, Waypoint ID, Course to Steer
*BOD Bearing – Origin to Destination Bearing from Origin to Destination, Waypoint
*BWC Bearing & Distance to Waypoint Range to Destination
*GLL Geographic Position
(Latitude & Longitude) Latitude, Longitude
*HDG Heading, Deviation & Variation Magnetic Heading, Magnetic Variation
*HDM Heading, Magnetic Magnetic Heading
*HDT Heading, True True Heading
*HSC Heading Steering Command Course to Steer
*RMA Recommended Minimum Specific
Loran-C Data Speed
*RMB Recommended Minimum
Navigation Information
Cross-Track Error, Waypoint ID, Range to
Destination, Bearing from Origin to Destination,
Arrival Status
*RMC Recommended Minimum Specific
GNSS Data Speed, Magnetic Variation
*VBW Dual Ground / Water Speed Speed
*VHW Water Speed & Heading Speed
*VTG Course Over Ground
& Ground Speed Speed
*XTE Cross-Track Error Cross-Track Error
Table 7 – NMEA 0183 Sentences Accepted by Admiral P3
All sentences received must have valid checksums. Sentences which do not have any
checksums, or have invalid checksums, will be ignored. In some cases, if the missing/invalid
condition persists long enough, an INVALID CRS DATA, SPEED DATA, &/or HEADING error
will occur (see page 146).
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A number of the various data values used by the autopilot can be received in one or more
different sentences (for example, Speed can be received in VTG, VHW, VBW, RMA or RMC).
If a particular data value is received in more than one sentence, then the value in the
highest-priority sentence – per the table below –will be the one used by the autopilot.
Note: the Heading value used by the Admiral P3 may be in Degrees Magnetic or
True, depending on which sentences are received (assuming all sentences have
valid data):
If all of HDM, HDT & HDG are being received, or just HDT & HDG, or just
HDM & HDG, then the autopilot will use Magnetic Heading (indicated on
the display by an ‘M’ beside the Heading value – see page 99), and will
use the data value in the HDG sentence.
If only HDM & HDT are received, or just HDT, then the autopilot will use
True Heading (indicated by a ‘T’), from the HDT sentence.
If only HDM is received, then the autopilot will use Magnetic Heading
(indicated by an ‘M’), from that sentence.
Data Used Sentence Sentence Priority
(larger number is
higher priority)
Magnetic heading *HDM 1
True heading *HDT 2
Magnetic heading,
Magnetic variation *HDG 3
Range to waypoint *BWC 4
Vessel speed *VTG 5
Vessel speed *VHW 6
Vessel speed *VBW 7
Bearing origin to destination magnetic and true,
Waypoint ID *BOD 8
Cross track error *XTE 9
Cross track error,
Arrival circle entered
Bearing origin to destination magnetic or true,
Waypoint ID
*APA 10
Course to steer magnetic and true *HSC 11
Cross track error,
Waypoint ID,
Bearing present to destination true,
Arrival circle entered
*RMB 12
Cross track error,
Arrival circle entered,
Bearing origin to destination magnetic or true,
Waypoint ID,
Bearing present to destination magnetic or true,
Course to steer magnetic or true
*APB 13
Vessel speed *RMA 14
Vessel speed,
Magnetic variation *RMC 15
Latitude and longitude *GLL 16
Table 8 - NMEA Sentence Priority
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Messages Transmitted
The Admiral P3 outputs NMEA 0183 compliant data (at 4800 Baud, on the OUT A/B pins of
the J9 NAV I/O connector), which may be used by NMEA 0183 compliant LISTENERS, or
may be used to observe &/or record various Admiral P3 parameters, for diagnostic purposes,
while the system is running.
The Admiral P3 outputs 3 sentences:
*HDG Heading, Deviation & Variation
*HDT Heading, True
*HTD Heading/Track Control Data
HDG & HDT are output at 9 times per second. HTD is output once per second. The
TALKER Identifier is AP, in all cases. All messages have checksums.
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Appendix 2
Error Messages
There are a number of different error messages in the Admiral P3 autopilot system. These
messages are displayed on the Control Head screen, and are usually accompanied by an
audible alarm.
The following errors are classified as warnings. Operation of the autopilot continues
normally. The error messages may be temporarily suppressed by pressing the Fn button.
They are automatically cancelled should the condition that caused them be removed.
Message Description
COURSE ERROR The vessel is off the commanded course by more than the
Off Course Limit (see page 107) for more than 32 seconds.
Adjust steering parameters to prevent this.
EEPROM ERROR The system has detected a non-fatal error in one of the
memory devices on the SPU. Contact your ComNav Dealer
for repair service at your earliest convenience.
The system previously detected an auxiliary Control Head
connected to J12- AUX 1 (or J13- AUX 2), but cannot detect
it now. Check all wiring.
TURN RATE HIGH The measured rate of turn of the vessel has exceeded the
Turn Rate set in the Auto menu.
TURN RATE LOW The measured rate of turn of the vessel is much lower than
the Turn Rate set in the Auto menu.
WAYPOINT ARRIVED The Navigation System used in NAV mode has sent a
message to the Admiral P3 indicating that the vessel has
entered the arrival circle around the active waypoint.
XTE OVER LIMIT The Cross-Track Error limit set in the Nav menu has been
exceeded. Adjust steering parameters to prevent this. Also,
ensure “XTE Sense” in the Nav menu is set correctly.
Table 9 – Warning Messages
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The following messages are classified are “severe” errors. Typically, these messages
describe a condition that prevents normal operation in the current mode (STANDBY,
POWER STEER, AUTO, or NAV) but operation in other modes may still be possible. The
error messages may be temporarily suppressed by pressing the Fn button. They are
automatically cancelled should the condition that caused them be removed.
Message Description
COMPASS ERROR The Admiral P3 cannot read the Analog compass specified in the
Standby menu under Compass Source. Check compass wiring.
The Admiral P3 SPU has detected a problem in communicating
with the Control Head connected to J12 AUX1 (or J13 AUX 2).
Check all wiring.
The SPU circuitry has heated up due to excessive current
demands. Check all wiring and verify that all output loads
(solenoids, pump motors, etc) are within the specifications given
for the SPU. Also ensure that the SPU has adequate ventilation.
INVALID CRS DATA Valid NMEA 0183 Course data has not been received at NAV1 or
NAV2 for ~28 seconds.
INVALID SPEED DATA Valid NMEA 0183 Speed data has not been received at NAV1 or
NAV2 for ~28 seconds.
Check that the Navigation System sending the data is turned on
and functioning properly. Check the wiring between the system
and the SPU.
If an Analog Compass is selected as the Compass Source in the
Standby menu, this message indicates that the signals from the
compass are faulty.
Check the wiring between the Compass and the SPU.
INVALID HEADING If an NMEA 0183 Compass or other source of Heading data
(NAV1 or NAV2 in the Standby menu) is selected as the
Compass Source, this message indicates that no valid Heading
sentences have been received for ~28 seconds.
Check that the device is turned on and functioning properly.
Check the wiring between the device and the SPU.
NO NAV DATA The SPU has not been able to detect, for ~32 seconds, at the Nav
Source specified in the Nav menu, the NMEA 0183 navigation
information it needs to operate in NAV mode.
NO SPEED DATA The SPU has not been able to detect, for ~32 seconds, at the
Speed Source specified in the Auto menu, the NMEA 0183 Speed
data it needs to operate in AUTO or WORK mode .
Check that the device sending the data is turned on and
functioning properly. Check the wiring between the device and
the SPU.
WATCH ALARM The watch alarm timer has timed out. Press the Fn button to
reset the timer.
Table 10 – Error Messages
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The following messages indicate a serious problem. Operation of the autopilot cannot
continue until the problem is resolved.
Message Description
One or more of the auxiliary Control Heads or
Handheld Remotes connected to the SPU are not
compatible with the autopilot system. Typically, this is
caused by using Heads or Remotes with firmware
versions that incompatible with that of the SPU.
Contact your ComNav Dealer for a Firmware Upgrade.
BATTERY TOO HIGH Battery voltage has risen above ~40 VDC. Check all
wiring and charger systems.
FAULTY HEAD The main Control Head is not responding to the SPU.
Check all wiring.
Fuse F2 on the SPU has blown. This fuse supplies
current to the drive outputs.
Check all wiring and verify that all output loads
(solenoids, pump motors, etc) are within the
specifications given for the SPU. Replace fuse with
the same type only.
The Admiral P3 has detected that the battery supply
voltage is less than ~10 VDC, which is too low to
continue safe operation.
Check all wiring and the battery(ies).
ROM ERROR The Admiral P3 has detected a problem in its program
Return the unit to your ComNav Dealer for repair.
The Admiral P3 cannot detect the presence of a
Rudder Follower Unit.
Check all RFU wiring. If no faults are found, the RFU
may be defective. Contact your ComNav Dealer for
repair advice or replacement.
Table 11 – Critical Error Messages
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Appendix 3
Auxiliary Head / Remote Power On
The Admiral P3 SPU is shipped from the factory configured so that power can only be turned
on or off from the main Control Head. The main Control Head is designated as that which is
plugged into the SPU receptacle labelled "J11 - Control Head”. However, the SPU can also
be configured so that it can be turned on or off by a full-function controller plugged into the
receptacles “Aux 1 – J12” or Aux 2 – J13”. The following instructions detail how this is
1) Remove the wiring cover from the SPU and unplug all wiring connectors.
2) Remove ten sheet metal screws around the edges of the SPU. These screws secure the
top portion of the SPU enclosure.
3) Lift the top portion of the SPU enclosure off and set it aside. The top of the printed circuit
assembly will be visible.
4) On the lower right side of the printed circuit assembly are two right-angle pin headers.
They are labelled JP1 and JP2. On each header is a shorting shunt.
5) Change the position of the shunts as shown in the pictures below. JP1 determines
whether power can be turned on from the Controller attached to J13 – Aux 2, while JP2
determines whether power can be turned on from the Controller attached to J12 – Aux 1.
Figure 106 – JP12 & JP13 in Factory Default Position (left) and After Moving Shunts (right)
6) Replace the SPU enclosure top and secure it with ten sheet metal screws.
7) Replace all wiring plugs and the wiring cover.
You will now be able to turn on power from the auxiliary heads simply by pressing the
STANDBY ON/OFF button. Note that the Admiral P3 always powers on in STANDBY mode
with the main Control Head in command, regardless of which station was used to turn the
power on. If power was turned on from one of the auxiliary stations, then to use that station,
you must first take command by pressing the PORT and STARBOARD ARROW buttons.
Note: Power cannot be turned on from a CR-203 or TS-203 Remote.
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Appendix 4
Diagnostic LEDs
The Signal Processor Unit is equipped with a number of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lamps
that can assist in trouble-shooting should a problem arise with the autopilot system. To
observe the LEDs, remove the metal cover on the Diagnostic section.
LED Description
ALARM On whenever there is an alarm condition on the SPU. Lights in conjunction
with the audible alarm.
BATT PWR A general indication of the Battery Power supplied to the SPU. Should be
on whenever the autopilot is turned on.
DRV PWR An indication of the power available for the output Drive. Drive Power
should be brightly lit whenever the autopilot is on. If it is off, check fuse F2.
VCC VCC is the voltage supplying the logic circuits on the SPU. The voltage is
nominally 5.25 VDC, and can be measured at testpoint TP3 with respect to
ground (GND).
SW’D B+ This indicator will be on whenever the Switched B+ output is turned on.
SW’D GND This indicator will be on whenever the Switched Ground output is turned on.
For systems that utilize Solenoid steering valves, this LED will be lit
whenever the solenoid is activated. For Reversing Motor systems, this
LED will be shut off whenever the motor is activated in one direction (which
direction depends on how the reversing motor was plumbed in and wired.
For systems that utilize Solenoid steering valves, this LED will be lit
whenever the solenoid is activated. For Reversing Motor systems, this
LED will be shut off whenever the motor is activated in the opposite
direction to the M1 output.
NMEA 0183 IN #1
This LED will be lit whenever the autopilot receives serial data on the NAV1
input. Note that this indicator only shows that data was received. It does
not mean that the data received is valid. Typically, this LED will flash at a
rate of about once per second for regular data from a GPS or Chartplotter;
it will flash at a rate of about 10 times per second when connected to a
heading source such as an NMEA compass. If the LED does not flash and
you are sure the sending device is sending data, try reversing the wires
from the device connected to J9 NAV I/O.
NMEA 0183 IN #2 This LED operates identically to the NMEA 0183 IN #1, but shows the
reception of data for the NAV2 input.
NMEA 0183 OUT This LED flashes whenever NMEA 0183 serial data is sent out of the SPU.
During normal operation, this LED will flash at a rate of about ten times per
ComNav Network RX This LED is reserved for possible future use.
ComNav Network TX This LED is reserved for possible future use.
Table 12 – Diagnostic LEDs
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Appendix 5
Upgrading Firmware
The Admiral P3 Wheelmark Autopilot System is the result of extensive development and
testing programs.
ComNav is constantly doing research and development related to our Autopilot Systems.
From time to time, this can result in new features and benefits that can be incorporated into
an existing system installation, in the field – by a ComNav Dealer, or even by the vessel
For the Admiral P3 system, this is done with a Firmware Upgrade Kit (PN 30110011). The kit
contains the required cable, instructions and a CD with the latest firmware & an easy-to-use
program to install the Upgrade. Contact your ComNav Dealer for more information.
Important! Caution! Be sure to read all of the documentation
accompanying the Firmware Upgrade Kit, so that you understand all of
the operational and performance changes that may occur as a result of
the Upgrade.
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Appendix 6
General Specifications
Parameter Specification
SPU 257 x 184 x 78 mm (10.1 x 7.3 x 3.1”)
Bracket Mount Head 157 x 118 x 73 mm (6.2 x 4.6 x 2.9”) @ 20° max tilt
– add 28 mm (1.1”) in width for bracket knobs
Surface Mount Head 156 x 113 x 24 mm (6.1 x 4.4 x 0.9”)
– add 11 mm (.43”) for Control Knob & 29 mm (1.1”) behind
surface to clear rear of Head (not incl. cable)
Flush-Mount Head 165 x 122 x 12 mm (6.5 x 4.8 x .47”)
– add 11 mm (.43”) for Control Knob & 41 mm (1.6”) behind
surface to clear rear of Head (not incl. cable)
Control Head LCD Display Sunlight viewable high resolution QVGA (320x240) TFT panel
with cold-cathode fluorescent backlight (400 Cd/m2 typ.)
Operating Voltage 11 to 30 VDC
Power Consumption
SPU 200 mADC (all outputs off)
Control Head 350 mADC (max)
Drive Output 20 Amps (max)
Navigational Interface
NAV1 input NMEA 0183 compliant, optically isolated, 4800 Baud
NAV2 input NMEA 0183 compliant, optically isolated, auto-baud detecting
(4800, 9600, 19.2K and 38.4K Baud)
NMEA 0183 output Heading (10x per second) & Autopilot status (1x per second),
NMEA 0183 compliant, RS-422 compliant, RS-485 compliant,
4800 Baud, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit
Course Detection 0.1°
Course Resolution
AUTO mode
NAV mode 0.1°
External Rudder Angle
Indicator Supports up to five 500µA instruments
Jog Lever Input Yes
Rudder Follower Input 1.0 – 4.0 VDC centered at 2.5 VDC.
Control Head cable length 7.6 metres (25’) standard
Custom lengths up to 30 metres (100’) available
Table 13 – General Specifications
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation
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Compass Safe Distances
The following Compass Safe Distances were determined using a UKAS calibrated 23 Axis
Magnetometer, for both standard compasses and steering/emergency compasses.
ComNav PN Description
20110001 Signal Processing Unit (SPU) 28 cm 16.5 cm
20110005 Control Head 32 cm 21 cm
20310025 TS-203 Fixed Remote 31 cm 18 cm
20310003 Jog Lever c/w 2 sets of switches 13 cm 8 cm
20330008 Medium Duty Rotary Rudder
Follower 20 cm 8 cm
20330012 Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder
Follower 62 cm 40 cm
H = horizontal flux density in µT
Table 14 – Compass Safe Distances
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Wheelmark Compliance Statement
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Wheelmark Compliance Certificate
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Wheelmark Compliance Statement
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation CE Compliance Statement
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CE Compliance
This product has been tested and is in compliance with the Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
(EMC) standards of the European Community, and bears the CE label. It has been tested
according to the applicable sections outlined under:
Technical standard #IEC945/EN60945,
Marine Navigation Equipment,
General Requirements
Applicable sections for methods of testing and required test results are:
Section 4.5.4: Radiated Interference
Section 4.5.4: Immunity to Electro-Magnetic Environment
Annex A, Section A.3: Immunity to Conducted Audio Frequencies
Annex A, Section A.4: Immunity to Earth Lead Coupling
Annex A, Section A.6: Immunity to Radiated Interference
Test results and a declaration of conformity are on file at the ComNav Head Office.
ComNav Marine Ltd.
#15 - 13511 Crestwood Place
Richmond, BC V6V 2G1
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Index
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– 4 –
45° Compass Transducer.......................... 28, 42, 52, 91
– A –
A.C. Solenoids..............................................................57
Adjust Rudder Gain................................................93, 94
Adjust Seastate ............................................................94
Adjust Turn Rate ..........................................................94
Adjusting for Sea Conditions........................................95
Advanced Operations.................................................121
Alarm ............................................................................73
Alarm Clear...................................................................73
Alarm Output ..........................................................59, 77
ALC (Automatic Leeway Correction)....................19, 107
Alternate NAV display ................................................117
Analog Compass Type.................................................76
AUTO button ................................................................71
Auto menu ..................................................................105
AUTO mode.. 16, 17, 18, 71, 93, 95, 104, 107, 109, 118,
122, 123, 124, 126
Auto/Nav Limits ..........................................................103
Automatic sequencing................................................110
Automatic trim ............................................................123
Automatic WORK mode .............................................122
Autotrim ..............................................................121, 123
Aux/Remote Power On...............................................149
Auxiliary Controllers ...................................... 31, 50, 131
Auxiliary Head ......................................................50, 149
Azimuth, Surface Piercing & Jet Drives........................58
– B –
Backlight Level ...........................................................101
Basic Operation............................................................99
Battery ..................................... 47, 59, 64, 101, 147, 151
Battery Connections.....................................................48
– C –
Care & Maintenance...................................................137
CE Compliance ..........................................................161
Checks – Electrical.......................................................64
Checks – Hydraulic ......................................................65
Checks – Leaking fittings .............................................65
Checks – Periodic ......................................................137
Checks – Post-Installation............................................64
Checks – Residual air ..................................................65
Circle Turn..................................................................128
Command Transfer ....................................................131
Compass Calibration......................... 88, 90, 91, 92, 101
Compass Compensation ......... 41, 43, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92
Compass Connection .................................................. 52
Compass Safe Distance...................................... 46, 156
Compass Setup............................................... 77, 86, 88
Compass Source....................................................... 100
Connection to Two-Speed Solenoid Valves................ 56
Control Head ............................................. 23, 24, 40, 70
Control Head Connection ............................................ 50
Correction .......................................... 111, 112, 113, 115
Counter Helm ............................................................ 108
Counter Rudder............................... 93, 94, 95, 106, 123
Course alarm............................................................. 123
COURSE CHANGE knob............................................ 71
Course trim ................................................................ 123
CR-203 Remote................................................... 31, 149
Cross-Track Error Limit ............................................. 110
Cross-Track Error Sense........................................... 111
Cross-Track Error Steering........................................ 113
CT7................................................................ 34, 79, 108
CTS............................................................................ 112
– D –
Default Turn............................................................... 100
Diagnostic LEDs........................................................ 151
Direct Bearing............................................................ 112
Display....................................................................... 101
Dockside Setup menu ................... 74, 77, 88, 89, 90, 91
Dodge ........................................................................ 125
Double press ............................................................... 13
Drive Boxes ................................................................. 35
Drive Output Connections ........................................... 54
Drive Setup.................................................................. 77
Drive system................................................................ 85
– E –
Error messages ................................................... 73, 145
Exit............................................................................... 77
External Alarm....................................................... 59, 77
– F –
Fishzag ...................................................................... 130
Fishzag Time............................................................. 101
Fixed Remotes .......................................................... 131
Fluxgate Compass........................................... 27, 41, 90
Four-Way Hydraulic Valves......................................... 55
Four-Way Valves, Used with Jog Levers .................... 51
FUNCTION (Fn) button ............................................... 71
Fuse Replacement .................................................... 138
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Index
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– G –
General Specifications............................................... 155
Getting Started....................................................... 43, 69
– H –
Handheld Remotes.................................................... 131
Heading Rate Stabilizer................................... 29, 42, 89
Heavy Duty Rotary Rudder Follower..................... 30, 45
Helm Delay ................................................................ 108
Highway display......................................................... 117
– I –
In-command............................................................... 131
Installation.................................................................... 39
– J –
Jog Lever....................................... 33, 51, 118, 131, 155
– L –
Language..................................................................... 79
LCD Screen ................................................................. 70
LEDs, Diagnostic ....................................................... 151
Linear Actuators or Mechanical Rotary Drives ............ 54
– M –
M.O.B. Turn ............................................................... 129
Magnetic Compass................................................ 28, 42
Magnetic Compass Sensor ............................. 27, 42, 88
Man Overboard Turn ................................................. 129
Manual sequencing ................................................... 110
Manual WORK mode................................................. 123
Max Correction .......................................................... 111
Minimum Recommended Wire Gauges................. 46, 48
Momentary Press......................................................... 13
Multiple Control Heads .............................................. 131
– N –
NAV button .................................................................. 71
NAV Input & Output ..................................................... 61
Nav menu .................................................................. 110
NAV mode ..18, 107, 109, 110, 111, 117, 118, 121, 122,
123, 145, 146
Nav Source................................................................ 110
Navigation System..................................................... 109
NMEA 0183 18, 26, 52, 61, 71, 107, 109, 141, 143, 146,
151, 155
– O –
Off Course Alarm ....................................................... 107
Off Course Limit.................................................107, 145
Operating Modes & Menus.......................................... 72
Other Compasses........................................................ 29
– P –
Parameter Set...................................................... 93, 107
PORT ARROW button................................................. 70
Power On/Off ............................................................... 69
POWER STEER button ............................................... 71
Power Steer menu..................................................... 103
POWER STEER mode ....19, 70, 71, 102, 103, 118, 123
Power Steer Rudder Limits........................................ 103
Power Supply............................................................... 39
Press and Hold ............................................................ 13
Press and Maintain...................................................... 13
Press, double............................................................... 13
Press, momentary........................................................ 13
Proportional Solenoid Valves....................................... 57
Pump & Drives............................................................. 36
– R –
RAI............................................................................... 33
RAI Offset ..................................................................103
Remote Power On ..................................................... 149
Repeaters .................................................................. 131
Reset............................................................................ 75
Reversing DC Motor Hydraulic Systems ..................... 54
Rotary Rudder Follower......................................... 30, 44
RS-232......................................................................... 62
RS-422.................................................................62, 155
RS-485....................................................................... 155
Rudder Angle Indicator................................................ 33
Rudder Angle Indicator Connection............................. 53
Rudder Bias ............................................................... 121
Rudder Follower .................................................... 30, 44
Rudder Follower Connection ....................................... 53
Rudder Gain...........................................93, 94, 105, 123
Rudder Limits....................................................... 77, 103
Rudder Scale Factor.......................................... 122, 123
– S –
Scale.......................................................................... 117
Sea Conditions ............................................................ 95
Sea Trials......................................................... 41, 80, 93
Seastate.........................................................93, 94, 106
Shunt-Field Reversing Motors ..................................... 55
Signal Processor Unit ................................ 15, 23, 25, 46
Silent sequencing ...................................................... 110
Special Tools ......................................................... 39, 47
Special Turns....................................................... 31, 124
Specifications............................................................. 155
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation Index
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Speed Source.............................................................107
Speed Trip Point.........................................................107
SPU ........................................................... 15, 23, 25, 46
Standby Menu ............................................................100
STANDBY mode . 55, 69, 70, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 99, 149
STANDBY/ON/OFF button...........................................70
STARBOARD ARROW button .....................................71
Station Lock/Unlock............................................100, 131
Steering System...........................................................39
Steering To/Along a Track..........................................115
– T –
Technical Requirements...............................................39
Thruster Assist ...........................................................108
Thruster Gain .............................................................108
Thruster MAX ...............................................................79
Thruster MIN.................................................................79
Thruster Type ...............................................................79
Track.................................. 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 126
Trim ............................................................................123
TS-203 Remote....................................................32, 149
TURN button ................................................................71
Turn Rate............................................... 93, 94, 106, 123
– U –
Upgrading Firmware...................................................153
User Notes..................................................................174
User Settings..............................................................171
U-Turn........................................................................ 127
– V –
Vector G2 & G2B GPS Compasses ............................ 26
Vessel Type................................................................. 75
– W –
Warranty .................................................................. 1, 39
Watch Alarm...................................................... 101, 132
Watch Alarm Password ............................................. 132
WayPoint Arrival........................................................ 110
Wheelmark Compliance ............................................ 157
Wire Gauges................................................................ 46
Wiring the SPU............................................................ 46
Work menu ........................................................ 121, 123
WORK mode ............................... 71, 121, 122, 123, 124
Work Mode State............................................... 122, 123
Work Trip Point.......................................................... 123
– X –
XTE............................................................................ 113
XTE Limit ................................................................... 110
XTE Sense ................................................................ 111
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User Notes & Settings
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ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation User Notes & Settings
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User Notes & Settings
User Settings
Once your Admiral P3 system has been installed and set up correctly, make a record of all
the settings for future reference, in the table below.
Parameter Range Default Value User Settings 1 User Settings 2
Dockside Setup menu
Reset press Fn button to do n/a
Vessel type Displ, Semi, Plane, Stern, Large Displ
An. Compass type None, Mag, Flux, Fixed, Float,
HRS None
Compass setup press Fn button to do n/a
Drive setup press Fn button to do n/a
Exit press Fn button to do n/a
Alarm O/P None, SW’D B-, SW’D B+ None
External Alarm
Type All, Watch All
Thrust Type (CT7) None, On/Off, Prop. None
Thrust MIN (CT7) 0 – 70% 0
Thrust MAX (CT7) Thrust min to 100% 0
Language English, Français, Español,
Íslenska, Italiano
Standby Menu
Station Lock Lock, Unlock Unlock
Default Turn Dodge, U-Turn, Circle, M.O.B.,
Fishzag U-Turn
Compass Source Analog, NAV1,NAV2 NAV1
Compass Cal 0 – 359° Set at Runtime
Backlight Level 0 – 8 4
Display A, B, C A
Watch Alarm Off, 1 – 30 Off
Fishzag time 30 – 300 60
Battery Read only value n/a
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Parameter Range Default Value User Settings 1 User Settings 2
Power Steer Menu
Stdby/P.Str Rudder
Limits Off, or 5° up to physical limits
from Dockside setup Off
Auto/Nav Rudder
Limits Off, or 5° up to physical limits
from Dockside setup Off
RAI Offset 0° – 15° 0
Auto Menu
Rudder Gain 1 – 10 8, 5
Counter Rudder 0 – 10 3, 3
Seastate Auto,1 – 10 A, A
Turn Rate 0.1 – 20 8, 5
Parameter Set Lo, Hi, Auto Auto
Speed Trip Pt. 1 – 20 10
Speed Source NAV1, NAV2 NAV1
Off-Course Alarm 5° – 20° 20°
ALC On, Off Off
Thruster Assist
(only if Thrust Type
is not None)
Off, or
1 – 7 in 0.5 steps Off
Thruster Gain
(only if Thrust Type
is not None) Low, Med. High Low
Helm Delay
(Large boat only) 2 – 60 2
Counter Helm
(Large boat only) 0° – 80° 0
Nav Menu
Nav Source NAV1, NAV2 NAV1
XTE Limit 0.01 – 3.0,step 0.01 0.25
Waypoint Arrival Silent, Manual, Auto Auto
Correction XTE, CTS, Both Both
XTE Sense Norm, Rev Norm
Max Correction 30° – 90° 60°
ComNav Admiral P3 Installation & Operation User Notes & Settings
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Parameter Range Default Value User Settings 1 User Settings 2
ork Menu
Rudder Bias Auto/Nav rudder limit or physical
limit Set at Runtime
Autotrim Off, On Off
Work Trip Pt. 1 – 10 2
Rudder Scale 0.25 – 3.00, step 0.25 1.00
Work Mode State A_Rdy, A_On, M_Rdy, M_On Set at Runtime
Table 15 – User Settings
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User Notes

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