SR8B2-E.RTF SIZE : 140x140mm SCALE 2:1
], [SHIFT] [Kb
] Constant (Ka, Kb) Memory Store
Press to enter the displayed value into constant memory Ka or Kb.
], [Kb
] Constant (Ka, Kb) Memory Recall Key
Press to display the contents of a constant memory.
• Constant memories Ka and Kb can have a value of 0.
• If you press [Ka
] or [Kb
] after entering a number or making a
calculation, the displayed value is multiplied by the value in Ka or
Special Keys
[ ( ], [ ) ] Parenthesis Keys
This calculator uses true algebraic logic. It performs calculations using
the following priority:
1) Functions
2) Calculations in parenthesis
3) Power and root calculations
4) Multiplication and division
5) Addition and subtraction
To change this order, enclose the expressions that must be calculated
first within [ ( ] and [ ) ]. In a single expression, you can use a
maximum of 42 nested parentheses at 6 levels (nesting of up to 7
parentheses in one level).
For example, if you press [−] 6 [x
] [=], the calculator gives a result of
−36. This might seem incorrect at first, since the square of a negative
number is always positive. However, if you refer to the above priority
sequence, you see that the power ([x
]) has a higher priority than the
minus ([−]). So the calculator sees the entry as “the negative of six
squared.” To make the calculator perform “negative six, squared”
enter [ ( ] [−] 6 [ ) ] [x
] [=]. This forces the calculator to resolve the [−]
6 and then square the result.
[EXP] Exponent Key
To enter a number in scientific notation, first enter the numbers for the
mantissa, press [EXP], and then enter the numbers for the exponent.
[SHIFT] [ π ] Key
Press [SHIFT] [ π ] to display the value of π, which is the ratio of a
circle’s circumference to its diameter (approximately 3.141592654).
’ ”
], [SHIFT] [
’ ”
Æ] Sexagesimal notation/decimal
notation conversion Keys
To change from sexagesimal (base 60) notation (degree, minute,
second) to decimal notation (degree) press [SHIFT] [
’ ”
Æ]. To change
from decimal notation to sexagesimal notation, enter the number in
decimal form and then press [SHIFT] [Æ
’ ”
] .