3.6. Saving Photos to a Computer
Photos on a HOT ALBUM disk can be saved to a computer to provide an extra level of security.
Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM is required on the computer in order to do this.
A simple operation lets you install Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM from the HOT ALBUM disk.
The text that appears within the green button on the photo list screen depends on the
configuration of the computer system.
[Install Photos and Application]
If this button appears, it means that the computer does not have Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM
Clicking [Install Photos and Application] will install Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM and save the
photo album to the computer.
For more information, see "2.2.2 Installing from a HOT ALBUM Disk that Contains Images".
[Save Photos]
This button indicates that Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM is already installed on the computer, so
all you need to do is save the photo album.
If the computer has an older version of HOT ALBUM My Box installed, a prompt will appear asking
if you want to upgrade to the latest version. Though operation of the new version is slightly
different from that of the old version, you should upgrade if prompted to. The photos will be saved
to the computer after upgrading is complete.
No Green Button
No green button will appear if the computer is running Windows 98SE or Windows Me.
Installation and image registration are not supported on computers running these operating