— 22 —
Memory B store ..................................... A J 2
Memory M store .................................... A J 3
• Special
Display/memory swap ........................... A N,
A d
Exponent ............................................... e
Internal rounding ................................... A b
Parentheses .......................................... O, P
Pi (3.1415926536) ................................ A x
Select mode .......................................... F
Sexagesimal ......................................... I, A O
Shifts key functions ............................... A
• Scientific Functions
Arc cosine ............................................. A V
Arc sine ................................................. A j
Arc tangent ............................................ A g
Common antilogarithm .......................... A Q
Common logarithm ................................ R
Convert to degrees ................................ A F 4
Convert to grads .................................... A F 6
Convert to radians ................................. A F 5
Cosine ................................................... W