Time display, ascending between 00:00 - 99:59 or
descending between 00:00 - 99:00. Setting in 1
minute increments
Speed Speed display in km/h
RPM (cadence; revolutions
per minute)
Display of the step rate with a bar chart
Distance display between 00:00 - 99.99 km;
setting in 0.1 km intervals
Display of calories from 0 - 9999 calories
Note on calorie measurement: The calculation
of calories burned is based on a general formula.
It is not possible to exactly determine individual
calories burned, because diverse personal data is
required for this.
Watt Watt display from 0 - 999 watts
Pulse (heart rate;
heartbeats per minute)
Display of heart rate with bar chart. The user
can dene a target heart rate. As soon as the
entered target heart rate is exceeded, an alarm
will sound.
Level Display of the resistance level with bar chart