Please read this guide before operating this product.
After you fi nish reading this guide, store it in a safe place for future reference.
Guide de démarrage
Veuillez d'abord lire ce guide.
Lisez ce guide avant d'utiliser ce produit.
Après avoir pris connaissance de son contenu, conservez-le dans un endroit sûr pour pouvoir le consulter en cas de besoin.
Guida all’avvio
Leggere questa guida.
Leggere questa guida prima di iniziare ad utilizzare il prodotto.
Terminata la lettura, conservare la guida in un luogo sicuro per eventuali consultazioni.
Handbuch für Starter
Bitte lesen Sie dieses Handbuch zuerst.
Bitte lesen Sie dieses Handbuch, bevor Sie mit dem Produkt arbeiten.
Nachdem Sie das Handbuch gelesen haben, bewahren Sie es zum Nachschlagen an einem sicheren Ort auf.
Guía de inicio
Lea esta guía primero.
Por favor, lea esta guía antes de usar este producto.
Después de leer esta guía, guárdela en un lugar seguro para posteriores consultas.
English FrançaisItaliano Deutsch
EnglishSettings for the Machine and Software InstallationNext, specify the settings for the machine and install software. See the language tab page on the right.
FrançaisParamètres pour l’installation de la machine et du logicielSpécifi ez ensuite les paramètres de la machine et installez le logiciel. Reportez-vous à l’onglet de langue, à droite.
ItalianoImpostazioni della macchina e installazione del softwareSelezionare le impostazioni della macchina e installare il software. Vedere la pagina a destra corrispondente alla scheda della lingua.
DeutschEinstellungen für das Gerät und SoftwareinstallationGeben Sie als nächstes die Einstellungen für das Gerät an, und installieren Sie die Software. Sie fi nden das Sprachenregister auf der rechten Seite.
EspañolConfi guración para la máquina e instalación del softwareA continuación, especifi que la confi guración para la máquina e instale el software. Vea la página de la fi cha de idioma en el lado derecho.
"Festlegen der IPv4-Adresse" oder "Festlegen der IPv6-Adresse".
Conecte el cable de LAN.Esta máquina establece la dirección IP automáticamente. Espere aproximadamente dos minutos.
Si desea establecer la dirección IP manualmente, consulte los puntos siguientes.
e-Manual -> "Confi guración de red" -> "Confi guración de red básica" -> "Confi guración de la dirección IP" ->
"Confi guración de dirección IPv4" o "Confi guración de dirección IPv6".
Collegamento di rete e confi gurazione
Netzwerkverbindung und -konfi guration
Conexión a una LAN cableada
Italiano Deutsch
Installare il driver e il software dall'User Software CD-ROM.
Per i dettagli relativi alle procedure d'installazione, consultare la Guida di Installazione del Driver MF.
Installieren Sie den Treiber und die Software über die User Software CD-ROM.
Nähere Informationen zur Vorgehensweise bei der Installation fi nden Sie im Installationshandbuch zum MF-Treiber.
Instale el controlador y el software utilizando el disco User Software CD-ROM.
Para obtener una información detallada sobre los procedimientos de instalación, consulte la Guía de instalación de controladores MF.
Installazione di driver/software
Installieren des Treibers bzw. der Software
Instalación del controlador/software
Attività utili
La macchina dispone di una serie di funzioni utili. Le funzioni descritte sono una panoramica delle funzioni principali che si possono utilizzare tutti i giorni.
Per i dettagli relativi a ogni funzione, consultare l'e-Manual.
IU Remota
Impostazioni di rete
Fax (solo iR 1133iF)Scansione
Invio di un documento direttamente da un computer
(invio fax da PC)
Oltre all'invio e alla ricezione normali dei fax è possibile
utilizzare il fax da PC.
È possibile registrare destinazioni di fax nella rubrica. Le
destinazioni possono essere selezionate in vari modi, il
che consente di inviare i documenti in modo più rapido e
▪Ricerca di una destinazione
▪Tasti di selezione veloce
▪Selezione codifi cata
▪Gruppo di destinazione
▪Selezione dalla cronologia degli invii
▪Trasmissione sequenziale
Salvataggio dei documenti utilizzando il pannello di
controllo della macchina
Salvataggio dei documenti con operazioni svolte da
un computer
▪Scansione con MF Toolbox
▪Scansione da un'applicazione
▪Scansione con il driver WIA
(solo Windows XP/Vista/7)
Stampa ingrandita/rimpicciolita
Stampa fronte/retro
Layout ridotto
È possibile rimpicciolire più documenti in modo da poterli
stampare su un unico foglio.
2 in 14 in 1
Stampa opuscolo
Stampa di poster
Stampa di fi ligrane
Visualizzazione di un'anteprima prima della stampa
Selezione di un "profi lo"
La macchina è dotata di un'interfaccia di rete che consente di inserirla in un ambiente di rete con molta facilità. Se si installa
una scheda LAN-C1 wireless opzionale è possibile connettersi alla rete attraverso la rete locale LAN wireless. Inoltre è
possibile stampare un documento, utilizzare il fax da PC e la scansione di rete da qualsiasi computer in grado di connettersi alla
macchina. La macchina ha una maggiore effi cienza di lavoro in quanto progettata per essere una macchina da uffi cio condivisa.
Dai computer presenti in rete è possibile leggere lo stato della macchina.
Attraverso la rete è possibile accedere alla macchina per gestire i lavori e specifi care varie impostazioni.
Copie ingrandite/rimpicciolite
È possibile ingrandire o rimpicciolire i documenti di
formati standard per copiare su carta di formato standard
oppure selezionare le proporzioni in percentuale.
Copia fronte/retro
È possibile copiare documenti di un lato su entrambi i lati
dei fogli di carta.
È possibile ordinare le copie in gruppi sistemati in ordine
di pagina.
Salvataggio in una memoria USB
È possibile salvare i documenti scansionati in un
dispositivo di memoria USB collegato alla macchina.
Invio dei messaggi scansionati per e-mail
(solo iR 1133iF)
È possibile inviare i documenti scansionati all'applicazione
di e-mail installata.
Invio di documenti scansionati a un fi le server
(solo iR 1133iF)
È possibile inviare i documenti scansionati a un fi le
DatiFile server
Layout ridotto
È possibile rimpicciolire più documenti in modo da poterli
copiare su un unico foglio.
2 in 14 in 1
Copia di documenti identità
È possibile fare una copia di un documento fronte/retro
su un unico lato del foglio di carta.
▪Ricezione in memoria
È possibile memorizzare i documenti ricevuti nella
È possibile stampare i documenti memorizzati in
qualsiasi momento e, se non servono, è possibile
▪Ricezione remota
Se è collegato un telefono esterno, è possibile
passare immediatamente alla modalità di ricezione
fax durante una telefonata componendo il numero
identifi cativo per la ricezione fax con i pulsanti di
composizione del telefono.
Italiano Deutsch
Hilfreiche Funktionen
Sie können verschiedene Funktionen dieses Geräts nutzen. Die folgenden Funktionen sind ein Überblick über die Hauptfunktionen, die Sie routinemäßig verwenden können.
Nähere Informationen zu den einzelnen Funktionen fi nden Sie in der e-Anleitung.
Remote UI
Fax (nur iR 1133iF)Scannen
Senden eines Dokuments direkt von einem
Computer (PC-Fax)
Neben dem normalen Senden und Empfangen von
Faxdokumenten können Sie die PC-Faxfunktion verwenden.
Sie können Faxempfänger im Adressbuch speichern.
Sie können die Empfänger mit verschiedenen Methoden
angeben, sodass Sie Dokumente schnell und problemlos
senden können.
▪Kodierte Wahl
▪Angabe aus dem Sendelog
Speichern der Dokumente über das Bedienfeld des
Speichern der Dokumente über einen Computer
▪Scannen mit MF Toolbox
▪Scannen aus einer Anwendung
▪Scannen mit dem WIA-Treiber
(nur Windows XP/Vista/7)
Vergrößerter oder verkleinerter Druck
Doppelseitiger Druck
Verkleinertes Layout
Sie können mehrere Dokumente verkleinern, um sie auf
einem Blatt zu drucken.
2 auf 14 auf 1
Anzeigen einer Vorschau vor dem Druck
Auswählen eines Profi ls
Dieses Gerät wird mit einer Netzwerkschnittstelle geliefert, mit der Sie problemlos eine Netzwerkumgebung einrichten können. Wenn
Sie eine optionale Wireless LAN-Karte-C1 installieren, können Sie über das Wireless LAN eine Verbindung zum Netzwerk herstellen.
Zudem können Sie von allen mit dem Gerät verbundenen Computern Dokumente drucken, die PC-Faxfunktion verwenden und über
das Netzwerk scannen. Das Gerät erhöht als gemeinsam genutztes Gerät am Arbeitsplatz die Leistungsfähigkeit.
Sie können den Zustand des Geräts von den Computern im Netzwerk ersehen.
Sie können über das Netzwerk auf das Gerät zugreifen und Aufträge verwalten oder verschiedene Einstellungen angeben.
Vergrößerte oder verkleinerte Kopien
Sie können Dokumente mit Standardformat für die
Kopie auf Papier mit Standardformat vergrößern oder
verkleinern oder den Zoomfaktor in Prozent angeben.
Doppelseitiges Kopieren
Sie können einseitige Dokumente auf beide Seiten des
Papiers kopieren.
Sie können Kopien in nach Seitenreihenfolge geordnete
Gruppen sortieren.
Speichern in einem USB-Speicher
Sie können gescannte Dokumente in einem USB-
Speicher speichern, der an das Gerät angeschlossen ist.
Senden gescannter Dokumente per E-Mail
(nur iR 1133iF)
Sie können gescannte Dokumente an Ihre E-Mail-
Anwendung senden.
Senden gescannter Dokumente an einen
Dateiserver (nur iR 1133iF)
Sie können gescannte Dokumente an einen Dateiserver
Verkleinertes Layout
Sie können mehrere Dokumente verkleinern, um sie auf
ein Blatt zu kopieren.
2 auf 14 auf 1
Kopieren von ID-Karten
Sie können eine doppelseitige Karte auf eine Papierseite
▪Empfang im Speicher
Sie können die empfangenen Dokumente im Speicher
Sie können die gespeicherten Dokumente jederzeit
drucken oder, falls Sie sie nicht benötigen, löschen.
▪Remote Empfang
Wenn ein externes Telefon angeschlossen ist,
können Sie während des Telefonanrufs sofort in den
Faxempfangsmodus wechseln, indem Sie die ID-
Nummer für den Faxempfang über die Wähltasten
des Telefons wählen.
Realización de tareas útiles
Podrá utilizar diversas funciones en esta máquina. Las siguientes funciones constituyen una visión general de las principales funciones que puede utilizar de forma rutinaria.
Para obtener una información detallada acerca de cada función, consulte el e-Manual.
IU remota
Confi guración de red
Fax (sólo iR 1133iF)Lectura
Envío de un documento directamente desde un
ordenador (PC Fax)
Además del envío y la recepción normal de faxes, podrá
utilizar PC Fax.
Podrá registrar destinos de fax en la libreta de
direcciones. Podrá especifi car los destinos utilizando
diversos métodos, lo que le permitirá enviar documentos
de forma rápida y sencilla.
▪Búsqueda de destinos
▪Teclas de marcación abreviada
▪Marcación codifi cada
▪Grupo de destinos
▪Especifi cación desde el historial de envío
▪Difusión secuencial
Impresión ampliada/reducida
Impresión a doble cara
Formato reducido
Podrá reducir varios documentos para imprimirlos en una
sola hoja.
2 en 14 en 1
Impresión en cuadernillo
Impresión en póster
Impresión de marcas sobreimpresas
Visualización de una vista preliminar antes de
Selección de un "Perfi l"
Esta máquina viene equipada con una interfaz de red con la que podrá construir fácilmente un entorno de red. Si instala
una tarjeta de LAN inalámbrica opcional C1, podrá conectar a la red usando la LAN inalámbrica. También podrá imprimir
un documento, utilizar PC Fax y emplear la lectura de red desde todos los ordenadores que se encuentren conectados a
la máquina. La máquina incrementa la efi ciencia en el trabajo cuando se utiliza como máquina compartida en la ofi cina.
Podrá conocer el estado de la máquina desde los ordenadores de la red.
Podrá acceder a la máquina y administrar trabajos o especifi car diversas opciones a través de la red.
Copias ampliadas/reducidas
Podrá ampliar o reducir los documentos de tamaño
estándar para copiar en papel de tamaño estándar o
especifi car la escala de copia como un porcentaje.
Copia a doble cara
Podrá copiar documentos de una cara en las dos caras
del papel.
Podrá clasifi car las copias en juegos ordenados por
Formato reducido
Podrá reducir varios documentos para copiarlos en una
sola hoja.
2 en 14 en 1
Copia de carné
Podrá realizar una copia de una tarjeta de dos caras en
una cara del papel.
▪Recepción en la memoria
Podrá almacenar los documentos recibidos en la
Podrá imprimir los documentos almacenados en
cualquier momento o, si no los necesita, podrá
▪Recepción remota
Si se conecta un teléfono externo, podrá cambiar al
modo de recepción de fax inmediatamente marcando
el número de ID para la recepción de fax utilizando
los botones de marcación del teléfono durante una
llamada telefónica.
Guardado de documentos utilizando el panel de
control de la máquina
Guardado de documentos utilizando operaciones
desde un ordenador
▪Lectura con MF Toolbox
▪Lectura desde una aplicación
▪Lectura con el controlador WIA
(sólo Windows XP/Vista/7)
Guardado en una memoria USB
Podrá guardar documentos escaneados en una memoria
USB conectada a la máquina.
Envío por correo electrónico de documentos
escaneados (sólo iR 1133iF)
Podrá enviar documentos escaneados a su aplicación de
correo electrónico.
DatosCorreo electrónico
Envío de documentos escaneados a un servidor de
archivos (sólo iR 1133iF)
Podrá enviar documentos escaneados a un servidor de
DatosServidor de archivos
EnglishBefore Using the MachineRead the following descriptions thoroughly before using the machine. P.2
FrançaisAvant d’utiliser la machineLisez attentivement les descriptions suivantes avant d’utiliser la machine.
Prima di utilizzare la macchina
Leggere per intero le descrizioni seguenti prima di utilizzare la macchina. Pag.14
Vor Inbetriebnahme des Geräts
Lesen Sie die folgenden Informationen aufmerksam durch, bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen. S.20
EspañolAntes de utilizar la máquinaLea atentamente las siguientes descripciones antes de utilizar la máquina. Pág.26
Symbols Used in This Manual
Indicates a warning concerning operations that may lead to death or injury to persons if not performed correctly.
To use the machine safely, always pay attention to these warnings.
Indicates a caution concerning operations that may lead to injury to persons if not performed correctly. To use
the machine safely, always pay attention to these cautions.
Indicates operational requirements and restrictions. Be sure to read these items carefully to operate the machine
correctly, and avoid damage to the machine or property.
Indicates an operation that must not be performed. Read these items carefully, and make sure not to perform the
described operations.
Keys and Buttons Used in This Manual
The following symbols and key names are a few examples of how keys to be pressed are expressed in this
▪Operation panel keys: [Key icon] + (Key name)
Example: [
] (Stop)
▪Display: <Specify destination.>
▪Buttons and items on the computer display: [Preferences]
Illustrations and Displays Used in This Manual
Illustrations and displays used in this manual are which of MF5980dw unless specifi ed.
Important Safety Instructions
Please read these "Important Safety Instructions" thoroughly before operating the machine.
As these instructions are intended to prevent injury to the user and other persons or to prevent destruction of
property, always pay attention to these instructions and operational requirements.
Also, as it may result in unexpected accidents or injuries, do not perform any operation unless otherwise
specifi ed in the manual.
▪Do not install the machine in a location near alcohol, paint thinner, or other fl ammable substances. If
fl ammable substances come into contact with electrical parts inside the machine, this may result in a fi re or
electrical shock.
▪Do not place the following items on the machine.
-Necklaces and other metal objects
-Cups, vases, fl owerpots, and other containers fi lled with water or liquids
If these items come into contact with a high-voltage area inside the machine, this may result in a fi re or
electrical shock. If these items are dropped or spilled inside the machine, immediately turn off the power
switches of the machine and computer (1) and disconnect the interface cable if it is connected (2). Then,
unplug the power plug from the AC power outlet (3) and contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
▪Do not use this product near any medical electric equipments. Radiowave emitted from this product may
infl uence those medical electric equipments. This may result in accidents caused by malfunction.
▪Do not install the machine in unstable locations, such as on unsteady platforms or inclined fl oors, or in
locations subject to excessive vibrations, as this may cause the machine to fall or tip over, resulting in
personal injury.
▪The ventilation slots are provided for proper ventilation of working parts inside the machine. Never place
the machine on a soft surface, such as a bed, sofa, or rug. Blocking the slots can cause the machine to
overheat, resulting in a fi re.
▪Do not install the machine in the following locations, as this may result in a fi re or electrical shock.
-A damp or dusty location
-A location exposed to smoke and steam, such as near a cookery or humidifi er
-A location exposed to rain or snow
-A location near a water faucet or water
-A location exposed to direct sunlight
-A location subject to high temperatures
-A location near open fl ames
▪When installing the machine, gently lower the machine to the installation site so as not to catch your hands
between the machine and the fl oor or between the machine and other equipment, as this may result in
personal injury.
▪When connecting the interface cable, connect it properly by following the instructions in this manual. If not
connected properly, this may result in malfunction or electrical shock.
▪When moving the machine, follow the instructions in this manual to hold it correctly. Failure to do so may
cause you to drop the machine, resulting in personal injury.
e-Manual -> "Maintenance" -> "Relocating the Machine."
Power Supply
▪Do not damage or modify the power cord. Also, do not place heavy objects on the power cord or pull on or
excessively bend it. This can cause electrical damage, resulting in fi re or electrical shock.
▪Keep the power cord away from all heat sources. Failure to do so can cause the power cord insulation to
melt, resulting in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪The power cord should not be taut, as this may lead to a loose connection and cause overheating, which
could result in a fi re.
▪The power cord may become damaged if it is stepped on, fi xed with staples, or if heavy objects are placed
on it.
▪Continued use of a damaged power cord can lead to an accident, such as a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Do not plug or unplug the power plug with wet hands, as this can result in electrical shock.
▪Do not plug the power cord into a multiplug power strip, as this can result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Do not bundle up or tie up the power cord in a knot, as this can result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Insert the power plug completely into the AC power outlet. Failure to do so can result in a fi re or electrical
▪If excessive stress is applied to the connection part of the power cord, it may damage the power cord or the
wires inside the machine may disconnect. This could result in a fi re. Avoid the following situations:
-Connecting and disconnecting the power cord frequently.
-Tripping over the power cord.
-The power cord is bent near the connection part, and continuous stress is being applied to the power
outlet or the connection part.
-Applying a shock to the power connector.
▪Do not use power cords other than the one provided, as this can result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪As a general rule, do not use extension cords. Using an extension cord may result in a fi re or electrical
▪Remove the power plug from the AC power outlet and refrain from using the machine during a thunder
storm. Lightning can result in a fi re, electrical shock or malfunction.
▪Do not use a power supply voltage other than that listed herein, as this may result in a fi re or electrical
▪Always grasp the power plug when unplugging the power plug. Do not pull on the power cord, as this may
expose the core wire of the power cord or damage the cord insulation, causing electricity to leak, resulting in
a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Leave suffi cient space around the power plug so that it can be unplugged easily. If objects are placed
around the power plug, you may be unable to unplug it in an emergency.
▪Do not disassemble or modify the machine. There are high-temperature and high-voltage components inside
the machine which may result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Electrical equipment can be hazardous if not used properly. Do not allow children to touch the power cord,
cables, internal gears, or electrical parts.
▪If the machine makes an unusual noise or emits smoke, heat, or an unusual smell, immediately turn off the
power switches of the machine and computer and disconnect the interface cable if it is connected. Then,
unplug the power plug from the AC power outlet and contact your local authorized Canon dealer. Continued
use can result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Do not use fl ammable sprays near the machine. If fl ammable substances come into contact with electrical
parts inside the machine, this may result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Always turn off the power switches of the machine and computer, and then unplug the power plug and
interface cables before moving the machine. Failure to do so can damage the cables or cords, resulting in a
fi re or electrical shock.
▪Confi rm that the power plug or power connector is inserted completely after moving the machine. Failure to
do so can result in an overheating and fi re.
▪Do not drop paper clips, staples, or other metal objects inside the machine. Also, do not spill water, liquids,
or other fl ammable substances (alcohol, benzene, paint thinner, etc.) inside the machine. If these items
come into contact with a high-voltage area inside the machine, this may result in a fi re or electrical shock.
If these items are dropped or spilled inside the machine, immediately turn off the power switches of the
machine and computer and disconnect the interface cable if it is connected. Then, unplug the power plug
from the AC power outlet and contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
▪When plugging or unplugging a USB cable when the power plug is plugged into an AC power outlet, do not
touch the metal part of the connector, as this can result in electrical shock.
▪Do not place heavy objects on the machine. The object or the machine may fall, resulting in personal injury.
▪Turn off the power switch when the machine will not be used for a long period of time, such as overnight.
Turn off the machine and unplug the power plug if the machine will not be used for an extended period of
time, such as for several days.
▪Open or close covers and install or remove drawer gently and carefully. Be careful not to hurt your fi ngers.
▪Keep your hands and clothing away from the roller in the output area. Even if the machine is not printing, the
roller may suddenly rotate and catch your hands or clothing, resulting in personal injury.
▪The output slot is hot during and immediately after printing. Do not touch the area surrounding the output
slot, as this may result in burns.
▪Printed paper may be hot immediately after being output. Be careful when removing the paper and aligning
the removed paper, especially after continuous printing. Failure to do so may result in burns.
▪When performing copy with a thick book placed on the platen glass, do not press the feeder or the platen
glass cover forcefully. This may damage the platen glass and cause personal injury.
▪Be careful not to drop a heavy object, such as a dictionary, on the platen glass. This may damage the platen
glass and cause personal injury.
▪Close the feeder or the platen glass cover gently so as not to catch your hand. This may result in personal
▪The laser beam can be harmful to the human body. The laser beam is confi ned in the laser scanner unit
by a cover, so there is no danger of the laser beam escaping during normal machine operation. Read the
following remarks and instructions for safety.
-Never open covers other than those indicated in this manual.
-Do not remove the caution label attached to the cover of the laser scanner unit.
-If the laser beam should escape and enter your eyes, exposure may cause damage to your eyes.
Maintenance and Inspections
▪When cleaning the machine, turn off the machine and computer, and unplug the interface cables and power
plug. Failure to do so can result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Unplug the power plug from the AC power outlet periodically and clean the area around the base of the
power plug's metal pins and the AC power outlet with a dry cloth to remove all dust and grime. In damp,
dusty, or smoky locations, dust can build up around the power plug and become damp, which can cause a
short circuit, resulting in a fi re.
▪Clean the machine with a well wrung out cloth dampened with water or mild detergent diluted with water. Do
not use alcohol, benzene, paint thinner, or other fl ammable substances. If fl ammable substances come into
contact with electrical parts inside the machine, this may result in a fi re or electrical shock.
▪Some areas inside the machine are subject to high voltage. When removing jammed paper or when
inspecting inside of the machine, be careful not to allow necklaces, bracelets, or other metal objects to touch
the inside of the machine, as this can result in burns or electrical shock.
▪Do not dispose of used toner cartridges in open fl ames. This may cause the toner remaining inside the
cartridges to ignite, resulting in burns or fi re.
▪Confi rm that the power plug or power connector is inserted completely after cleaning the machine. Failure to
do so can result in an overheating and fi re.
▪Check the power cord and plug regularly. The following conditions may result in fi re, so please contact your
local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
-There are burn marks on the power plug.
-The blade on the power plug is deformed or broken.
-The power is turned OFF or ON when bending the power cord.
-The coating of the power cord is damaged, cracked, or dented.
-A part of the power cord becomes hot.
▪Check regularly that the power cord and plug are not handled in the following manner. Failure to do so can
result in a fi re or electrical shock.
-The power connector is loosened.
-Stress is being applied to the power cord by a heavy object or by fi xing it with staples.
-The power plug is loosened.
-The power cord is tied in a bundle.
-A part of the power cord is put in an aisle.
-The power cord is put in front of the heating appliance.
▪The fi xing unit and its surroundings inside the machine become hot during use. When removing jammed
paper or when inspecting the inside of the machine, do not touch the fi xing unit and its surroundings, as this
may result in burns.
▪When removing jammed paper or when inspecting the inside of the machine, do not expose yourself to the
heat emitted from the fi xing unit and its surroundings for a prolonged period of time. Doing so may result in
low temperature burns, even though you did not touch the fi xing unit and its surroundings directly, as this
may result in burns.
▪If paper is jammed, remove the jammed paper so that any pieces of paper do not remain inside the machine
according to the displayed message. Also, do not put your hand in an area other than indicated areas, as
this may result in personal injuries or burns.
▪When removing jammed paper or replacing a toner cartridge, be careful not to get any toner on your hands
or clothing, as this will dirty your hands or clothing. If toner gets on your hands or clothing, wash them
immediately with cold water. Washing with warm water sets the toner, making it impossible to remove the
toner stains.
▪When removing jammed paper, be careful not to allow the toner on the paper to scatter. The toner may get
into your eyes or mouth. If toner gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them immediately with cold water and
consult a physician.
▪When loading paper or removing jammed documents or paper, be careful not to cut your hands with the
edges of the paper.
▪When removing a toner cartridge, remove the toner cartridge carefully so as to prevent the toner from
scattering and getting into your eyes or mouth. If toner gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them immediately
with cold water and consult a physician.
▪Do not attempt to disassemble the toner cartridge. The toner may scatter and get into your eyes or mouth. If
toner gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them immediately with cold water and consult a physician.
▪If toner leaks from the toner cartridge, be careful not to inhale the toner or allow it to come into direct contact
with your skin. If the toner comes into contact with your skin, wash with soap. If the skin becomes irritated or
you inhale the toner, consult a physician immediately.
▪Do not dispose of used toner cartridges in open fl ames. This may cause the toner to ignite, resulting in burns
or fi re.
▪Do not store toner cartridges or paper in a location exposed to open fl ames. This may cause the toner or
paper to ignite, resulting in burns or fi re.
▪When disposing of a toner cartridge, place the toner cartridge into a bag to prevent the toner from scattering,
and then dispose of the toner cartridge according to local regulations.
▪Keep the toner cartridges and other consumables out of the reach of small children. If the toner or other
parts are ingested, consult a physician immediately.
▪Do not attempt to disassemble the toner cartridge. The toner may scatter and get into your eyes or mouth. If
toner gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them immediately with cold water and consult a physician.
▪If toner leaks from the toner cartridge, be careful not to inhale the toner or allow it to come into direct contact
with your skin. If the toner comes into contact with your skin, wash with soap. If the skin becomes irritated or
you inhale the toner, consult a physician immediately.
▪Do not pull out the sealing tape forcefully or stop at midpoint, as this may cause toner to spill out. If toner
gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them immediately with cold water and consult a physician.
▪If you are using a cardiac pacemaker
This machine generates a low level magnetic fi eld. If you use a cardiac pacemaker and feel abnormalities,
please move away from this machine and consult your physician immediately.
Installation Requirements and Handling
In order to use this machine in a safe and trouble-free manner, install the machine in a place that fulfi lls the
following conditions. Also, read the remarks carefully.
Temperature and Humidity Conditions
▪Temperature range: 10 to 30°C
▪Humidity range: 20 to 80 % RH (no condensation)
Protecting the machine from condensation
▪To prevent condensation from forming inside the machine in the following cases, let the machine adjust to
the ambient temperature and humidity for at least two hours before use.
-When the room where the machine is installed is heated rapidly
-When the machine is moved from a cool or dry location to a hot or humid location
▪If water droplets (condensation) form inside the machine, this can result in paper jams or poor print quality.
When using an ultrasonic humidifi er
When you are using an ultrasonic humidifi er, it is therefore recommended that you use purifi ed water or other
water that is free of impurities.
If you use tap water or well water, impurities in the water will be dispersed through the air. This can be trapped
inside the machine, causing degradation in print quality.
Power Supply Requirements
220 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Precautions when connecting the power cord
▪Do not connect this machine to an uninterruptible power source.
▪Use an AC power outlet exclusively for the machine. Do not use the other sockets of the AC power outlet.
▪Do not plug the power plug into the auxiliary outlet on a computer.
Do not use the same AC power outlet for both the machine and any of the following equipment.
-Copy machine
-Air conditioner
-Equipment that consumes a large amount of electricity
-Equipment that generates electrical noise
▪When unplugging the power cord, keep interval of 5 seconds or more before plugging it again.
Miscellaneous precautions
▪The maximum power consumption of the machine is 1,200 W or less.
▪Electrical noise or a dramatic drop in supplied voltage may cause the machine or computer to operate
incorrectly or lose data.
Installation Requirements
▪A location with suffi cient space
▪A location with good ventilation
▪A location with a fl at, even surface
▪A location able to fully support the weight of the machine
Do not install the machine in the following locations, as this may result in damage to the machine.
▪A location subject to dramatic changes in temperature or humidity
▪A location subject to condensation
▪A poorly ventilated location
(If you use the machine for a long time or to perform a large amount of printing in a poorly ventilated room,
the ozone or other odors generated by the machine may create an uncomfortable working environment.
In addition, chemical particles are dispersed during printing; therefore, it is important to provide adequate
▪A location near equipment that generates magnetic or electromagnetic waves
▪A laboratory or location where chemical reactions occur
▪A location exposed to salt air, corrosive gases, or toxic gases
▪A location, such as on a carpet or mat, that may warp from the weight of the machine or where the machine
is liable to sink.
Notes on wireless LAN
▪This product is designed for indoor use 50 m (may vary on the communication speed or environmental
condition) or less away from an access point. Keep it at an appropriately close distance.
▪Check if masking is found or not. Communications across walls or between fl oors are generally deteriorated.
Arrange appropriate installment.
▪Radio wave interference may occur if any radiowave emitting equipment (i.e. microwave) is found near the
product and its radiowave is in the same frequency band as the radiowave used by a wireless LAN. Keep
the product away from those radio wave interference sources as much as possible.
Maintenance and Inspections
▪Follow the instructions in the caution label attached to this machine.
▪Avoid shaking or applying a shock to this machine.
▪To prevent a paper jam, do not turn the power ON/OFF, open/close the operation panel or rear cover, and
load/unload paper in the middle of printing operation.
▪Be sure to remove the toner cartridge from the machine when transporting the machine to a distance.
▪To avoid exposing the toner cartridge to light, place it in the protective bag included with this machine or
wrap it in a thick cloth.
▪Clean this machine regularly. If this machine becomes dusty, it may operate improperly.
▪Use a modular cable of 3 m or shorter in length.
▪Depending on your locale or your telephone connection, you may be unable to perform data communication.
In this case, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line.
▪The repairing parts and toner cartridges for the machine will be available for at least seven (7) years after
production of this machine model has been discontinued.
Legal Notices
Model Names
imageRUNNER 1133iF (F161602)
imageRUNNER 1133A/imageRUNNER 1133 (F161600)
WEEE Directive
European Union (and EEA) only.
These symbols indicate that this product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, according to the
WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC), the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC) and/or your national laws implementing those
If a chemical symbol is printed beneath the symbol shown above, in accordance with the Battery Directive, this
indicates that a heavy metal (Hg = Mercury, Cd = Cadmium, Pb = Lead) is present in this battery or accumulator
at a concentration above an applicable threshold specifi ed in the Battery Directive.
This product should be handed over to a designated collection point, e. g., on an authorized one-for-one
basis when you buy a new similar product or to an authorized collection site for recycling waste electrical and
electronic equipment (EEE) and batteries and accumulators.
Improper handling of this type of waste could have a possible impact on the environment and human health due
to potentially hazardous substances that are generally associated with EEE.
Your cooperation in the correct disposal of this product will contribute to the effective usage of natural resources.
For more information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local city offi ce, waste authority,
approved scheme or your household waste disposal service or visit
(EEA: Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)
R & TTE Direcive
This equipment (F161302) conforms with the essential requirements of EC Directive
1999/5/EC and is usable in EU. (Only for models with facsimile functionality.)
(For Europe only)
Canon Inc. / Canon Europa N.V.
EMC requirements of EC Directive
This equipment conforms with the essential EMC requirements of EC Directive. We declare that this product
conforms with the EMC requirements of EC Directive at nominal mains input 230 V, 50 Hz although the rated
input of the product is 220 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz. Use of shielded cable is necessary to comply with the technical
EMC requirements of EC Directive.
International ENERGY STAR Program
Partner, Canon Inc. has determined that this product meets the
ENERGY STAR Program for energy effi ciency.
The International ENERGY STAR Offi ce Equipment Program is an international
program that promotes energy saving through the use of computers and other offi ce
The program backs the development and dissemination of products with functions
that effectively reduce energy consumption. It is an open system in which business
proprietors can participate voluntarily.
The targeted products are offi ce equipment, such as computers, displays, printers,
facsimiles, and copiers. The standards and logos are uniform among participating
IPv6 Ready Logo
The protocol stack included in this machine has obtained the IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-1
established by the IPv6 Forum.
Laser Safety Information
Laser radiation could be hazardous to the human body. For this reason, laser radiation emitted inside this
equipment is hermetically sealed within the protective housing and external cover. No radiation can leak from the
machine in the normal operation of the product by the user.
This machine is classifi ed as a Class 1 Laser Product under IEC 60825-1: 2007, EN60825-1: 2007.
220 to 240 V Model
The label shown below is attached to the laser scan unit on the machine.
This machine has been classifi ed under IEC 60825-1: 2007, EN60825-1: 2007 and conforms to the following
Use of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those specifi ed in the manuals for the
machine may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Canon and the Canon logo are trademarks of Canon Inc.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
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