Double-sided Scanning using the DR-5080C scanner: When doing a batch scan of
double-sided pages using the DR-5080C model, you will use WYNN's duplex
capabilities. The 5080C always uses Simplex mode with WYNN, so WYNN must
handle the duplex functionality itself. To do this:
1. Set the Simplex/Duplex button: Set the scanner's Simplex/Duplex button to
Simplex (single-sided).
2. Begin scanning: Place a stack of pages on the scanner and press WYNN's Scan
button (make sure you are using Large Batch scanning mode, per the instructions in
Section B, Steps 4 and 5).
3. To add more pages: When the stack is through, WYNN will present you with a
dialog box asking you if you want to add more pages, turn pages over, process the
pages, etc. If you have more pages to scan, put those pages on the scanner and
then choose "Add more pages."
4. To scan the backs of the pages: When you have scanned the fronts of all the
pages, it's time to turn the pages over and scan the backs. Physically turn the pages
over so that the backside of the last page will get scanned first. Then select "Turn
pages over" from the dialog box. If you have multiple batches, WYNN will prompt
you after each batch that there are more pages to scan. Add those pages and
5. To process the pages: When all the pages are scanned, select "Done scanning"
from the dialog box. WYNN will analyze all the pages and create a WYNN file with
F. Troubleshooting
1. If you are using other scanning programs with the Canon DR-5020 or 5080C
scanner, including Canon's Scanning Utility 5000, you may need to check the
scanning settings before beginning each scanning session. In particular, be sure to
check to see whether Color Scanning is On of Off. This item can be reset in the
Setscan.ini file by other scanning programs.
2. If you are having trouble getting the scanner to work properly, you may want to try
reinstalling the scanning software. Before reinstalling you should first delete
Pixcache.ini and Setscan.ini from the \WINDOWS or \WINNT directory (depending
on your Operating System). Be sure to modify Setscan.ini again, as described
earlier in this document.