1.3.2 Photo BJ cartridge (BC-62e Photo)
The BJ head for the BC-62e Photo has been modified to considerably improve the ink
jet emission precision.
The BC-62e Photo BJ cartridge is used for photo-realism (super photo mode) (when
printing photographs with substantial numbers of half-tones and light colors). The
cartridge consists of a main unit that separates the BJ heads, and disposable ink
tanks (BCI-62 photo).
There are two parallel BJ heads, each with 240 nozzles. One head supplies color inks
while the other supplies photo inks. Both BJ heads have three vertical rows of 80
nozzles each for yellow, magenta, and cyan.
The total 6 ink tanks for color and photo inks are integrated.
The BC-62e Photo BJ cartridge works by layering the photo inks, which are about
1/3rd the density of the color inks, thereby enabling pale colors and halftones to be
printed. The color inks are used to print denser colors and fill larger areas with one
Replace the ink tanks if any of the 6 inks runs out, or if satisfactory printing cannot
be achieved even after the stipulated cleaning operations have been performed. If you
still cannot obtain satisfactory print quality, replace the BJ cartridge. Also replace the
cartridge if more than 12 months has elapsed after the seal is broken. (Replace the
ink tank 6 months after the seal is broken.)
The BC-62e Photo BJ cartridge will print approximately 90 pages per tank of a
standard photo print pattern (Reference data).
Part 2: Product Specifications