SSoorrtt tthhee llooaadd aass ffoolllloowwss::
BByy ccaarree ssyymmbboollss
These can be found on the collar or inside
Suitable for tumble drying.
Tumble drying at high temperature.
Tumble drying at low temperature only.
Do not tumble dry.
If the item does not have a care label it
must be assumed that it is not suitable
for tumble drying.
BByy aammoouunntt aanndd tthhiicckknneessss
Whenever the load is bigger than the dryer
capacity, separate clothes according to
thickness (e.g. towels from thin underwear).
BByy ttyyppee ooff ffaabbrriicc
Towels, cotton jersey, bed and
table linen.
Blouses, shirts, overalls, etc. made
of polyester or polyamid, as well as for
cotton/synthetic mixes.
BByy ddrryyiinngg lleevveell
Sort into: iron dry, cupboard dry, etc. For
delicate articles press the Séchage Délicat
button to select low drying temperature.