Note: This feature is only available if the KP10 is part of a
full Incognito multi-room system with one or two Local Input
Modules (LM10) fitted.
The local source selection mode will need to be activated to
configure the KP10 correctly. This mode is only available
when the Mode Switch is set to “AH10” mode. LM10s can
only be used in this mode. Please refer to your LM10
Installation Guide for more information.
Pressing the Select left or right buttons on the keypad allows
you to rotate through all six sources as default. However, it is
possible to allow the addition of one or two local sources by
accessing Local source selection mode. To enter this mode
press the Volume up button simultaneously with the Power
button for four seconds; the LED display will then scroll
through the sequence shown in the illustration right and
described as follows:
After holding both buttons down for a short period, LED 2
will light indicating that Sources 1–6 (default) are available
for selection.
Continuing to hold both keys down will light LED 3 indicating that Sources 1–6 + Local
source 1 mode is available for selection.
Continuing to hold both buttons will light LED 4 indicating that Sources 1–6 + Local
source 1 + Local source 2 mode is available for selection.
16 Incognito A-BUS keypad
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