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Version B
User’s Guide ADS-1100W/ADS-1600W
User’s Guides and where to find them?
Visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/
Which manual? What’s in it? Where is it?
Quick Setup Guide Follow the instructions for setting up your machine
and installing the drivers and software for the
operating system and connection type you are using.
This Guide also includes the Safety Instructions
before you set up your machine. Read the Safety
Instructions first.
Printed / In the box
User’s Guide Learn the Scan operations and security features,
learn how to perform routine maintenance, and see
troubleshooting tips.
PDF file / Brother
Solutions Center
Network User’s Guide This Guide provides useful information about
wireless network settings and security settings using
the Brother machine. You can also find supported
protocol information for your machine and detailed
troubleshooting tips.
PDF file / Brother
Solutions Center
Web Connect Guide
(ADS-1600W only)
This Guide provides useful information about
accessing internet services from the Brother
machine, as well as downloading images and
uploading files directly from internet services.
PDF file / Brother
Solutions Center
Mobile Print/Scan Guide for
Brother iPrint&Scan
This Guide provides useful information about
accessing internet services from the Brother
machine, as well as downloading images and
uploading files directly from internet services.
PDF file / Brother
Solutions Center
Brother Image Viewer Guide for
This Guide provides useful information about using
your Android™ mobile device to view and edit
documents that were scanned by a Brother machine.
PDF file / Brother
Solutions Center
Brother ScanViewer Guide for
This Guide provides useful information about using
your iOS device or Macintosh computer to view and
edit documents that were scanned by a Brother
machine and saved to iCloud.
PDF file / Brother
Solutions Center
Getting Started
Features Applications What Can I Do?
Where Should I Go for More
Scan to PC Scan to
Lets you scan your document
directly into a graphics
application for image editing.
For scanning from the Control
Panel of the machine:
Save Scanned Documents on
Your Computer on page 125
For scanning from ControlCenter4
Home Mode: Basic Scan
on page 52
Advanced Mode: Basic Scan
on page 57
For scanning from ControlCenter2
Image (example: Apple Preview)
on page 70
Scan to OCR Lets you scan your document
and convert it to text. This text
can be edited using your
favourite word processing
For scanning from the Control
Panel of the machine:
Save Scanned Documents on
Your Computer on page 125
For scanning from ControlCenter4
Home Mode: Basic Scan
on page 52
Advanced Mode: Basic Scan
on page 57
For scanning from ControlCenter2
OCR (word processing
application) on page 71
Scan to PC
Scan to
Lets you scan your document to
your default E-mail application,
so you can send the scanned
job as an attachment.
For scanning from the Control
Panel of the machine:
Save Scanned Documents on
Your Computer on page 125
For scanning from ControlCenter4
Home Mode: Basic Scan
on page 52
Advanced Mode: Basic Scan
on page 57
For scanning from ControlCenter2
E-mail on page 72
Scan to File Lets you scan your document
and save it to a folder on your
hard disk in one of the file types
shown in the file type list. If you
want to scan your document as
a PDF file, select this method.
For scanning from the Control
Panel of the machine:
Save Scanned Documents on
Your Computer on page 125
For scanning from ControlCenter4
Home Mode: Basic Scan
on page 52
Advanced Mode: Basic Scan
on page 57
For scanning from ControlCenter2
File on page 73
You can use the BR-Receipts
application included in the
Brother MFL-Pro software suite
for scanning receipts.
For scanning from Windows
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts
) on page 89
For scanning from Macintosh:
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts
(Macintosh) on page 101
Features Applications What Can I Do?
Where Should I Go for More
Scan to PC
NewSoft Presto!
BizCard 6
You can use the NewSoft
Presto! BizCard 6 application
included in the Brother MFL-Pro
software suite for scanning
business cards.
For scanning from ControlCenter4
Home Mode: Scan Business
Cards on page 56
Advanced Mode: Scan
Business Cards on page 60
For scanning from ControlCenter2
Scan Business Cards on page 78
Scan Using
driver such as:
and Scan
QuickScan™ Pro
You can use the Nuance™
PaperPort™ 12SE application
included in the Brother MFL-Pro
software suite, or other
applications supporting TWAIN
or WIA specifications, for
You can also use the free trial
version of Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro, or other
applications supporting ISIS
specifications, for scanning.
Before scanning using the
applications, you must
install the ISIS
scanner driver.
For scanning using the
TWAIN/WIA driver:
Scan Using Nuance™
PaperPort™ 12SE or Other
on page 90
For scanning using the ISIS
Scan Using Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro or ISIS
Applications (Windows
on page 112
Scan Using
Driver for
driver such as:
Apple Image
You can use the Presto!
PageManager application
included in the Brother MFL-Pro
software suite, or other
applications supporting TWAIN
specifications, for scanning.
After installing the Brother
MFL-Pro software suite, you
can also use the Apple Image
Capture application for
For scanning using the TWAIN
Scan Using Presto! PageManager
or TWAIN Applications
(Macintosh) on page 102
For scanning using the ICA driver:
Scan Using Apple Image Capture
(ICA Driver) on page 107
Features Applications What Can I Do?
Where Should I Go for More
Scan to PC
WS Scan
users only)
and Scan
Lets you scan your document
by using the Web Services
protocol. The Web Services
protocol enables you to scan
over the network using your
machine and a computer
running Windows Vista
or later), Windows
7 or
For installing drivers:
Installing drivers used for
scanning via Web Services
(Windows Vista
, Windows
and Windows
8) in the Network
User’s Guide
For scanning from the Control
Panel of the machine:
Scan Using Web Services
(Windows Vista
SP2 or Later,
7 and Windows
on page 131
Features Applications What Can I Do?
Where Should I Go for More
Scan from
the Control
Panel of the
Scan to USB Lets you scan your document
and save the scanned image on
a USB flash memory drive. You
can configure the settings on
the control panel of the
Save Scanned Documents on a
USB Flash Memory Drive
on page 134
Scan to FTP Lets you scan your document
directly to an FTP server on
your local network, or on the
Scan Documents Directly to an
FTP Server on page 113
Scan to
users only)
Lets you scan your document
directly to a shared folder on a
CIFS server on your local
network, or on the internet.
Scan Documents Directly to a
CIFS Server (Windows
(ADS-1600W only) on page 121
Scan to
E-mail Server
Lets you scan your document
and send it directly to an E-mail
address from the machine. In
addition, because this feature
can assign an E-mail address to
the machine, you can use the
machine to send documents
over your local network or the
internet to computers or other
Internet Fax machines.
Send Scanned Documents
Directly to an Email Address
(ADS-1600W only) on page 137
Scan to Web
Lets you scan your document
and upload it directly to Web
Services, such as Facebook,
Picasa, Flickr, Google Docs,
Evernote, Dropbox, Box.net
and SkyDrive, without using a
Web Connect Guide
Outline and
Lets you scan your document
that contains specific areas
outlined using a red pen. The
outlined areas can be
processed as images in various
Web Connect Guide
Features Applications What Can I Do?
Where Should I Go for More
Lets you scan your document
directly from your Android™
devices, iOS devices, and
Phone without using
a computer.
You can download and install
Brother iPrint&Scan from the
Google Play, App Store, or
Phone Store.
Mobile Print/Scan Guide for
Brother iPrint&Scan
View or Edit
(iOS/OS X)
Lets you to use your iOS device
or Macintosh computer to view
and edit images and documents
that were scanned by a Brother
machine and saved to iCloud.
You can download and install
Brother ScanViewer from the
App Store.
Brother ScanViewer Guide for
View or Edit
Brother Image
Lets you to use your Android™
mobile device to view and edit
documents that were scanned
by a Brother machine.
You can download and install
Brother Image Viewer from the
Google Play.
Brother Image Viewer Guide for
Scan Plastic Cards Using the Card Slot Lets you scan your plastic cards
using the Card Slot on the back
of the machine. Scan to Image,
Scan to OCR, Scan to E-mail,
Scan to File, Scan to FTP and
Scan from mobile devices using
Brother iPrint&Scan are
available when scanning a
plastic card using the Card Slot.
For scanning from the Control
Panel of the machine:
Scan Plastic Cards on page 139
For scanning from ControlCenter4
Home Mode: Scan Plastic
Cards on page 53
Advanced Mode: Scan Plastic
Cards on page 58
For scanning from ControlCenter2
Scan Plastic Cards on page 75
Features Applications What Can I Do?
Where Should I Go for More
Table of Contents
1 General Information 1
Using the Documentation ..........................................................................................................................1
Symbols and Conventions Used in the Documentation ......................................................................1
About This Machine ...................................................................................................................................2
Control Panel Overview (ADS-1100W)......................................................................................................3
Control Panel Overview (ADS-1600W)......................................................................................................5
Touchscreen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)..........................................................................................6
Basic Operations .................................................................................................................................8
Change the Keyboard Setting .............................................................................................................9
Set the Backlight Brightness................................................................................................................9
Set the Dim Timer for the Backlight.....................................................................................................9
Memory Storage ......................................................................................................................................10
Beep Volume ...........................................................................................................................................10
Select Your Language (if needed) ...........................................................................................................13
Set the Date and Time (ADS-1600W only)..............................................................................................16
Automatic Daylight Saving Time..............................................................................................................16
Set the Time Zone ...................................................................................................................................19
Sleep Mode .............................................................................................................................................22
Auto Power Off ........................................................................................................................................25
Acceptable Document..............................................................................................................................28
Acceptable Document .......................................................................................................................28
Unacceptable Documents .................................................................................................................30
Receipt Carrier Sheet Information .....................................................................................................30
Unacceptable Receipt .......................................................................................................................31
Loading Documents.................................................................................................................................32
Set Up the Machine ...........................................................................................................................32
Loading Standard Size Documents ...................................................................................................33
Loading Business Cards....................................................................................................................35
Loading Documents Longer than A4 Size .........................................................................................36
Loading a Receipt..............................................................................................................................37
Loading a Plastic Card ......................................................................................................................39
2 Before Scanning 40
Before Scanning ......................................................................................................................................40
Before Network Scanning ........................................................................................................................41
Network License (Windows
Configure Network Scanning for Windows
Configure Network Scanning for Macintosh ......................................................................................44
Launch the BRAdmin Utility (Windows
) ..........................................................................................47
3 Scan from Your Computer 48
Change the User Interface of ControlCenter4 (Windows
Scan Using ControlCenter4 in Home Mode (Windows
) ........................................................................52
Basic Scan.........................................................................................................................................52
Scan Plastic Cards ............................................................................................................................53
Scan to an Office File ........................................................................................................................55
Scan Business Cards ........................................................................................................................56
Scan Using ControlCenter4 in Advanced Mode (Windows
Basic Scan.........................................................................................................................................57
Change the Default Settings of Each Button .....................................................................................57
Scan Plastic Cards ............................................................................................................................58
Scan to an Office File ........................................................................................................................59
Scan Business Cards ........................................................................................................................60
Create a Custom Tab (ControlCenter4 Advanced Mode) (Windows
) ...................................................62
Create a Custom Tab ........................................................................................................................62
Create a Custom Button in Custom Tab............................................................................................63
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
Scan Using ControlCenter2 (Macintosh) .................................................................................................69
Image (example: Apple Preview).......................................................................................................70
OCR (word processing application)...................................................................................................71
E-mail ................................................................................................................................................72
Change the Default Settings of a Button ...........................................................................................74
Scan Plastic Cards ............................................................................................................................75
Scan to an Office File ........................................................................................................................76
Scan Business Cards ........................................................................................................................78
Register your Favourite Scan Settings Using ControlCenter2 (CUSTOM SCAN) (Macintosh)...............79
User-defined Button...........................................................................................................................80
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2) (Macintosh) .............................................................................83
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Windows
Installing BR-Receipts .......................................................................................................................89
Scan Using Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE or Other Windows
Applications ..........................................90
Scan Using Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE.........................................................................................90
Scan Using Windows
Photo Gallery or Windows
Fax and Scan..................................................98
Use Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8 (Windows
) (ADS-1600W only).........................................99
Installing Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8 ..............................................................................99
Use NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 (Windows
) ........................................................................................100
Installing NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6...............................................................................................100
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Macintosh) ....................................................................................101
Scan Using Presto! PageManager or TWAIN Applications (Macintosh) ...............................................102
Installing Presto! PageManager ......................................................................................................102
Scan Using Presto! PageManager ..................................................................................................102
TWAIN Driver Settings ....................................................................................................................104
Scan Using Apple Image Capture (ICA Driver) .....................................................................................107
Scan Using Apple Image Capture ...................................................................................................107
ICA Driver Settings ..........................................................................................................................109
Select your machine from Print & Fax or Print & Scan....................................................................110
Use NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 (Macintosh).........................................................................................111
Installing NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6...............................................................................................111
Scan Using Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro or ISIS
Applications (Windows
Installing ISIS
Scanner and Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro ..............................................................112
4 Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine 113
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine .........................................................................................113
Scan Documents Directly to an FTP Server....................................................................................113
Scan Documents Directly to a CIFS Server (Windows
) (ADS-1600W only) .................................121
Save Scanned Documents on Your Computer................................................................................125
Scan Using Web Services (Windows Vista
SP2 or Later, Windows
7 and Windows
8) ..........131
Save Scanned Documents on a USB Flash Memory Drive ............................................................134
Send Scanned Documents Directly to an Email Address (ADS-1600W only).................................137
Scan Plastic Cards ..........................................................................................................................139
Upload Scanned Documents to the Web (ADS-1600W only) .........................................................139
Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
) ............................................................................................140
Change Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) .............................................................................................146
Set Up the Address Book (ADS-1600W only) .......................................................................................152
Register an E-mail Address.............................................................................................................152
Change an Email Address...............................................................................................................152
Delete an Email Address .................................................................................................................153
Set Up a Group................................................................................................................................153
Change a Group .............................................................................................................................154
Delete a Group ................................................................................................................................155
Set Up the Shortcuts (ADS-1600W only)...............................................................................................156
Register a Shortcut..........................................................................................................................156
Rename or Delete a Shortcut ..........................................................................................................158
5 Managing the Machine from Your Computer 159
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer (Windows
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer .................................................................159
Error Notifications ............................................................................................................................160
What are the Status Monitor Indicators? .........................................................................................160
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer (Macintosh)....................................................161
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer .................................................................161
Turn the AutoLoad Feature On/Off (ControlCenter2) ......................................................................163
Set Up the Brother Machine from Your Computer.................................................................................164
6 Routine Maintenance 168
Clean the Outside of the Machine .........................................................................................................168
Clean the Scanner.................................................................................................................................169
Replace Consumables...........................................................................................................................173
Order Consumables ........................................................................................................................173
Check Consumable Replacement Cycle .........................................................................................174
Replace the Separation Pad............................................................................................................175
Replace the Pick-up Roller ..............................................................................................................178
Reset the Usage Counters ..............................................................................................................181
Packing and Shipping the Machine .......................................................................................................184
7 Troubleshooting 186
Identifying Your Problem .......................................................................................................................186
Error and Maintenance Messages.........................................................................................................186
Document Jam ................................................................................................................................190
Long Paper Jam ..............................................................................................................................192
Card Jam .........................................................................................................................................192
Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................................194
If you are having difficulty with your machine ..................................................................................194
Machine Information ..............................................................................................................................202
Check the Serial Number ................................................................................................................202
WLAN Enable/Disable .....................................................................................................................204
Reset Functions...............................................................................................................................205
Reset the Machine...........................................................................................................................205
Scan Priority (ADS-1100W only) .....................................................................................................207
A Specifications 210
Scanner .................................................................................................................................................212
Direct Scan Feature (Scan to USB).......................................................................................................212
Computer Requirements........................................................................................................................214
B Appendix 215
Entering Text (ADS-1600W only) ..........................................................................................................215
Inserting spaces .............................................................................................................................215
Making corrections ..........................................................................................................................215
LED Indications (ADS-1100W only).......................................................................................................216
Service Call Indications ...................................................................................................................223
Brother Numbers ...................................................................................................................................224
Register Your Product .....................................................................................................................224
FAQs (frequently asked questions) .................................................................................................224
For Customer Service......................................................................................................................224
C Index 225
Using the Documentation 1
Thank you for buying a Brother machine! Reading the documentation will help you make the most of your
Symbols and Conventions Used in the Documentation 1
The following symbols and conventions are used throughout the documentation.
Unless otherwise specified, screens and illustrations in this guide show the ADS-1600W.
Unless otherwise specified, the screens in this manual are from Windows
7 and Mac OS X v10.7.x.
Screens on your computer may vary depending on your operating system.
General Information 1
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injuries.
IMPORTANT indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in damage to property or loss of product functionality.
Notes tell you how you should respond to a situation that may arise or give tips about
how the operation works with other features.
Bold Bold typeface identifies keys on the machine control panel or computer screen.
Italics Italicized typeface emphasizes an important point or refers you to a related topic.
Courier New
Text in Courier New font identifies messages on the LCD of the machine.
General Information
About This Machine 1
1 Document Support Arms
2 Top Cover
3 Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
4 Document Guides
5 Front Cover
6 Control Panel
7Power Key
8 Cover Release Lever
9 Card Slot Guide
10 Card Slot
11 USB Direct Interface
12 AOSS/WPS Button (ADS-1100W only)
13 USB Connector
14 AC Adapter Connector
15 Security Slot
General Information
Control Panel Overview (ADS-1100W) 1
When WLAN is enabled, the WiFi light lights up.
2 Error Indicator
The Error Indicator will light up when an error has occured.
3 Stop Button
Press to stop or cancel. The Stop button does not light up when it is unavailable.
4 Start Button
Press to start. You need to select a scan type by pressing one of the Scan buttons before pressing the
Start button. The Start button does not light up when it is unavailable.
If you configure the Scan Priority settings (see Scan Priority (ADS-1100W only) on page 207) and the
Scan buttons are available, they will blink automatically.
5 Scan Buttons
Press to select a scan type. The Scan buttons will light up when they are available.
Press to select the Scan to PC (USB Connect) function.
is only available when the machine was set up using the USB interface method (see the Quick
Setup Guide).
General Information
You can assign the Scan to FTP, Scan to PC (Network Connect) or WS Scan function to the keys. Press
to select your assigned function after configuring the settings.
and are only available when the machine was set up using the wireless network method
with the installation DVD-ROM and a USB cable (see the Quick Setup Guide).
Press to select the Scan to USB function.
General Information
Control Panel Overview (ADS-1600W) 1
1 Touchscreen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
You can access the menus and options by pressing them on the Touchscreen.
2 Back Button
Press to go back to the previous menu level. The Back key does not light up when it is unavailable.
3 Home Button
Lets you return to Ready mode. The Home key does not light up when it is unavailable.
4 Stop Button
Press to stop or cancel. The Stop key does not light up when it is unavailable.
General Information
Touchscreen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 1
Clock Mode (When the Top Cover is closed only) 1
In this mode, you can see the date and time.
The LCD shows the current machine status when the machine is idle.
1 Date and Time
Lets you see the date and time.
When WLAN is enabled, a four level indicator shows the current wireless signal strength.
Lets you access the plastic card scan settings.
The information icon appears on the Touchscreen when there is an error or maintenance message. For
details, see Error and Maintenance Messages on page 186.
Scan Mode (When the Top Cover is open only) 1
In this mode, Scan to FTP, Scan to Network, Scan to PC, Scan to USB, Scan to E-mail Server and Scan to
Web are available.
0 Max
General Information
The LCD shows the current machine status when the machine is idle.
1 to FTP
Lets you access the Scan to FTP function.
2 to Network
Lets you access the Scan to Network function.
3 to PC
Lets you access the Scan to PC function.
4 to USB
Lets you access the Scan to USB function.
5 to E-mail Server
Lets you access the Scan to E-mail Server function.
6 to Web
Lets you access the Scan to Web function.
When WLAN is enabled, a four level indicator shows the current wireless signal strength.
8 Shortcuts
Lets you set up Shortcut menus.
Also you can quickly scan using the options that you have set as shortcuts.
0 Max
General Information
9 (Settings)
Lets you access the main settings.
The information icon appears on the Touchscreen when there is an error or maintenance message. For
details, see Error and Maintenance Messages on page 186.
This product adopts the font of ARPHIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
Basic Operations 1
To operate the screen, use your finger to press the (Settings) or option button directly on the screen.
To display and access all the screen menus or options in a setting, press a or b to scroll through them.
DO NOT press the screen with a sharp object, such as a pen or stylus. It may damage the machine.
The following steps show how to change a setting in the machine. In this example, the Document Size setting
in Scan to PC is changed to Auto.
1 Press d or c to display to PC.
2 Press to PC.
3 Press d or c to display to File.
4 Press to File.
5 Press Options.
6 Press a or b to display Set with Touch Panel.
7 Press Set with Touch Panel.
8 Press On.
9 Press a or b to display Document Size.
0 Press Document Size.
A Press a or b to display Auto.
B Press Auto.
Press to go back to the previous level.
General Information
Change the Keyboard Setting 1
You can choose the type of keyboard for the Touchscreen.
1 Press (Settings), General Setup and then Keyboard Settings.
2 Press QWERTY or ABC.
3 Press .
Set the Backlight Brightness 1
You can adjust the brightness of the LCD backlight. If you are having difficulty reading the LCD, try changing
the brightness setting.
1 Press (Settings), General Setup, LCD Settings and then Backlight.
2 Press Light, Med or Dark.
3 Press .
Set the Dim Timer for the Backlight 1
You can set how long the LCD backlight stays on after the Ready screen is shown.
1 Press (Settings), General Setup, LCD Settings and then Dim Timer.
2 Press Off, 10Secs, 20Secs or 30Secs.
3 Press .
General Information
Memory Storage 1
Your menu settings are stored permanently and, in the event of a power failure, will not be lost, although
temporary settings will be lost.
(ADS-1600W only)
If you have chosen Set New Default for your Scan to USB and Scan to E-mail Server preferred settings,
those settings will not be lost. Also, during a power failure, the machine will retain the date and time for
approximately 24 hours.
Beep Volume 1
When the beep setting is on, the machine will beep when you press a key or make a mistake.
You can choose a range of beep volume levels from Low to High, or choose Off.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
General Information
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select General Setup in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select Low, Med, High or Off from the Beep drop-down list.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
General Information
1 Press (Settings), General Setup and then Beep.
2 Press Low, Med, High or Off.
3 Press .
General Information
Select Your Language (if needed) 1
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
General Information
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select Language in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select your language from the Language on Remote Setup drop-down list.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
General Information
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Initial Setup.
Press Initial Setup.
3 Press Local Language.
4 Press a or b to display your language.
Press your language.
5 Press .
General Information
Set the Date and Time (ADS-1600W only) 1
The machine displays the date and time.
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Initial Setup.
3 Press Initial Setup, Date & Time and then Date.
4 Enter the last two digits of the year on the Touchscreen, and then press OK.
5 Enter the two digits for the month on the Touchscreen, and then press OK.
6 Enter the two digits for the day on the Touchscreen, and then press OK.
7 Press Time.
8 Enter the time on the Touchscreen.
9 Press OK, and then press .
Automatic Daylight Saving Time 1
You can set the machine to change the time automatically for Daylight Saving Time. The Time will be adjusted
forward one hour in the Spring and adjusted backward one hour in the Autumn.
The factory setting is Off, therefore, you will have to change the Automatic Daylight Saving Time setting to
On as follows.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
General Information
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
General Information
3 Select Initial Setup in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select Off (or On) from the Auto Daylight options.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
Make sure you have set the correct date and time in the Date & Time setting.
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Initial Setup.
3 Press Initial Setup, Date & Time and then Auto Daylight.
4 Press Off (or On).
5 Press .
General Information
Set the Time Zone 1
You can set the time zone (not summer time but standard time) on the machine for your location.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
General Information
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select Initial Setup in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select your time zone from the Time Zone options.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
General Information
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Initial Setup.
3 Press Initial Setup, Date & Time and then Time Zone.
4 Enter your time zone.
Press OK.
5 Press .
General Information
Sleep Mode 1
You can enter how long the machine must be idle (the maximum setting is 60 minutes and the default setting
is 10 minutes) before it enters Sleep Mode. The timer will restart if any operation is carried out on the machine.
If a plastic card is inserted into the Card Slot, the machine does not enter Sleep mode.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
General Information
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select General Setup in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select 1 Min, 2 Mins, 3 Mins, 5 Mins, 10 Mins, 30 Mins or 60 Mins from the Sleep Mode drop-down list.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
General Information
1 Press (Settings) and then General Setup.
2 Press a or b to display Sleep Mode.
3 Press Sleep Mode.
4 Press 1Min, 2Mins, 3Mins, 5Mins, 10Mins, 30Mins or 60Mins.
5 Press .
General Information
Auto Power Off 1
You can enter how long the machine is in Sleep mode (the maximum setting is 8 hours and the default setting
is 4 hours) before it turns the power off automatically.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
General Information
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select General Setup in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select 1hour, 2hours, 4hours, 8hours or Off from the Auto Power Off drop-down list.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
General Information
1 Press (Settings) and then General Setup.
2 Press a or b to display Auto Power Off.
3 Press Auto Power Off.
4 Press 1hour, 2hours, 4hours, 8hours or Off.
5 Press .
General Information
Acceptable Document 1
Do not load documents that contain multiple page thicknesses, paper qualities, etc.
Acceptable Document 1
Standard Paper Length 70 mm to 297 mm
Width 51 mm to 215.9 mm
52 g/m2 to 110 g/m
Thickness 0.08 mm to 0.12 mm
Maximum Number of
Total thickness of no more than 2 mm, no more than 20 sheets
Standard Paper Size A4 210 × 297 mm
A5 148 × 210 mm
A6 105 × 148 mm
B5 182 × 257 mm
B6 128 × 182 mm
Letter 215.9 × 279.4 mm
Thick Paper1 Length 70 mm to 147 mm
Width 51 mm to 110 mm
110 g/m
to 200 g/m
Thickness 0.12 mm to 0.2 mm
Maximum Number of
Total thickness of no more than 2 mm and no more than
Thick Paper2 Length 70 mm to 95 mm
Width 51 mm to 55 mm
Material Plastic (PET), Paper
Thickness 0.2 mm to 0.4 mm
Maximum Number of
1 sheet
General Information
To scan a document between 297 mm to 863 mm, select Long Paper as Scan Size or Document Size
in the setting dialog box.
A plastic card can be scanned when saving the scanned image to your computer. Check the
Card Mode check box in the setting dialog box.
A Receipt Carrier Sheet can be used when saving the scanned image to your computer and cannot be
used when scanning to USB flash memory drive.
Long Paper Length 297 mm to 863 mm
Width 51 mm to 215.9 mm
52 g/m
to 110 g/m
Thickness 0.08 mm to 0.12 mm
Maximum Number of
1 sheet
Plastic Card Standard Size (ISO) 85.6 × 54.0 × 0.76 mm
Length 70 mm to 95 mm
Width 51 mm to 55 mm
Material Plastic (PET)
Type Plastic card such as driver’s license or insurance card
Thickness Base: 0.4 mm to 0.76 mm
Embossed: up to 1.4 mm
Maximum Number of
1 sheet
Receipt Carrier
Length Up to 270 mm
Width Up to 110 mm
Up to 110 g/m
Thickness Total thickness of the Receipt Carrier Sheet and receipt of no
more than0.35 mm (excluding overlapping portions of a
Z-shaped receipt)
Maximum Number of
1 sheet
Fold a receipt into a Z-shape if it is longer than the Receipt
Carrier Sheet.
General Information
Unacceptable Documents 1
Documents with a carbon sheet attached on the back
Documents written in pencil
Documents of uneven thickness, such as envelopes
Documents with large wrinkles or curls
Bent or damaged documents
Documents that use tracing paper
Documents that use coated paper
Photographs (photographic paper)
Documents printed on perforated paper
Documents printed on unusually-shaped paper (not square or rectangle)
Documents with photos, notes, or stickers affixed to them
Documents that use carbonless paper
Documents that use loose-leaf paper or any paper with holes in it
Documents with paper clips or staples
Documents with wet ink
Fabrics, metallic sheets, Over Head Projector sheets
Glossy or mirrored media
Documents that exceed recommended media thicknesses
Receipt Carrier Sheet Information 1
Use the Receipt Carrier Sheet for a receipt only.
Use the BR-Receipts application when using the Receipt Carrier Sheet (see Scan Receipts Using
BR-Receipts (Windows
) on page 89 or Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Macintosh) on page 101).
You can fold the receipt into a Z-shape and then insert it into the Receipt Carrier Sheet if the receipt is
longer than the Receipt Carrier Sheet (see
Loading a Receipt on page 37).
To avoid document jams, do not load the Receipt Carrier Sheet upside down. Refer to the instructions
printed on the Receipt Carrier Sheet itself for more information or see
Loading Documents on page 32.
To avoid document jams, do not put several small documents into the Receipt Carrier Sheet at the same
time. Insert only one document into the Receipt Carrier Sheet at a time.
Do not write on the Receipt Carrier Sheet, as the writing may be seen in a scanned receipt. If the Receipt
Carrier Sheet becomes dirty, wipe it with a dry cloth.
Do not leave any receipt in the Receipt Carrier Sheet for extended periods of time, as the printing on the
receipt may bleed-through onto the Receipt Carrier Sheet.
General Information
Unacceptable Receipt 1
Receipts with paper clips or staples
Receipts with wet ink
To avoid cutting yourself, do not slide or scrape your hand or fingers along the edge of the Receipt Carrier
To avoid warping, do not place the Receipt Carrier Sheet in direct sunlight or in an area subject to high
temperatures and high humidity. Do not store the Receipt Carrier Sheet horizontally with a large object
placed on top of it.
To avoid damaging the Receipt Carrier Sheet, do not bend or pull it. If the Receipt Carrier Sheet becomes
damaged, it may not be acceptable for scanning, and should not be used.
General Information
Loading Documents 1
The document feeder can hold up to 20 pages and feeds each sheet individually. Use 20 lb (80 g/m
) paper
and always fan the pages before placing them in the document feeder.
DO NOT pull on the document while it is feeding.
DO NOT use paper that is curled, wrinkled, folded, ripped, stapled, paper clipped, pasted or taped.
DO NOT use cardboard or fabric.
Set Up the Machine 1
1 Open the Top Cover (1) and push the flap of the Top Cover (2) firmly back until it clicks.
2 Lift the Document Support Arms (1).
General Information
Loading Standard Size Documents 1
Make sure documents with ink or correction fluid are completely dry.
1 Set up the machine (see Set Up the Machine on page 32).
2 Adjust the Document Guides (1) to fit the width of your document.
3 Fan the pages several times along both the long edge and the short edge.
4 Align the edges of the pages.
General Information
5 Position the pages so that the leading edges are aligned at a slight angle in the feed direction.
6 Place your document, face down, top edge first in the document feeder between the Guides until you
feel it touch the inside of the machine gently.
7 Make sure that the side edges of the document are parallel to the grooves in the Top Cover, and then
adjust the Guides to fit the width of the document again.
General Information
Loading Business Cards 1
Make sure documents with ink or correction fluid are completely dry.
1 Set up the machine (see Set Up the Machine on page 32).
2 Adjust the Document Guides (1) to fit the width of your document.
3 Place your document, face down and short side first in the document feeder between the Guides until
you feel it touch the inside of the machine.
Do not insert a business card into the Card Slot located at the back of the machine.
General Information
Loading Documents Longer than A4 Size 1
Make sure documents with ink or correction fluid are completely dry.
1 Set up the machine (see Set Up the Machine on page 32).
2 Adjust the Document Guides (1) to fit the width of your document.
3 Place your document, face down, top edge first in the document feeder between the Guides until you
feel it touch the inside of the machine.
Load only one document at a time.
Support the document with your hand if the document is longer than the Top Cover.
General Information
Loading a Receipt 1
Make sure documents with ink or correction fluid are completely dry.
1 Set up the machine (see Set Up the Machine on page 32).
2 Insert the document into the Receipt Carrier Sheet.
Set the document in the center of the Receipt Carrier Sheet and align the top of the document with the top
of the Receipt Carrier Sheet.
3 Adjust the Document Guides (1) to fit the width of the Receipt Carrier Sheet.
General Information
4 Place the Receipt Carrier Sheet in the document feeder between the Guides until you feel it touch the
inside of the machine.
You can fold the receipt into a Z-shape and then insert it into the Receipt Carrier Sheet if the receipt is
longer than the Receipt Carrier Sheet.
When the Receipt Carrier Sheet is scanned, the 30 mm glued portion at the leading edge of the sheet will
be automatically deleted only when using BR-Receipts (see
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts
) on page 89 or Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Macintosh) on page 101).
General Information
Loading a Plastic Card 1
1 Close the Top Cover if it is open.
2 Adjust the Card Slot Guide (1) located at the back of the machine to fit the width of the plastic card.
3 Insert the plastic card into the Card Slot (1). The card will be fed into the machine.
If the plastic card is embossed, insert the plastic card, the embossed side down, into the Card Slot.
If the plastic card is not fed into the machine, pull the plastic card out from the machine and then load it on
the ADF (see
Loading Business Cards on page 35).
Before Scanning 2
Before scanning, confirm the following:
Make sure you have installed the Brother software (MFL-Pro Suite) by following the steps in the Quick
Setup Guide.
Make sure that the interface cable is physically secure.
Before Scanning 2
Before Scanning
Before Network Scanning 2
Network License (Windows
) 2
This product includes a computer license for up to 2 users.
This license supports the installation of the MFL-Pro Suite software including Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE
on up to 2 computers on the network.
If you want to use more than 2 computers with Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE installed, please buy the Brother
NL-5 pack which is a multiple computer license agreement pack for up to 5 additional users. To buy the NL-5
pack, contact your Brother dealer.
Configure Network Scanning for Windows
If you have replaced your machine, and therefore it is different from the one originally registered to your
computer during the installation of MFL-Pro Suite software, follow the steps below.
1 (Windows
Click the Start button, Control Panel, Printers and Other Hardware, then Scanners and Cameras
(or Control
Panel, Scanners and Cameras).
(Windows Vista
Click the button, Control Panel, Hardware and Sound, then Scanners and Cameras.
Click the button, All Programs, Brother, ADS-XXXXX (where XXXXX is your model name),
Scanner Settings, then Scanners and Cameras.
Click (Brother Utilities), and then click the drop-down list and select your model name (if not
already selected). Click SCAN in the left navigation bar, and then click Scanners and Cameras.
2 Do one of the following:
Right-click the Scanner Device icon and choose Properties.
The Network Scanner Properties dialog box appears.
Windows Vista
, Windows
7 and Windows
Click the Properties button.
Before Scanning
(Windows Vista
, Windows
7 and Windows
If the User Account Control screen appears, do the following:
For users who have administrator rights: Click Continue or Yes.
For users who do not have administrator rights: Enter the administrator password and click OK or Yes.
Before Scanning
3 Click the Network Setting tab and choose the appropriate connection method.
Specify your machine by address
Enter the IP address of the machine in IP Address, and then click Apply or OK.
Specify your machine by name 2
1 Enter the machine node name in Node Name, or click Browse and choose the machine you want
to use.
2 Click OK.
Before Scanning
4 Click the Scan To Button tab and enter your computer name in the Display Name field. The
Destination drop-down list in Scan to Network Device from the Scan tab in Web Based Management
(ADS-1100W only) (see
Save Scanned Documents on Your Computer on page 125) or on the LCD of
the machine (ADS-1600W only) displays the name you enter. The default setting is your computer name.
You can enter any name that you like.
5 If you want to avoid receiving unwanted documents, enter a 4-digit PIN number in the Pin number and
Pin number field.
(ADS-1600W only)
To send data to a computer protected by a PIN number, the LCD prompts you to enter the PIN number
before the document can be scanned and sent to the computer.
Configure Network Scanning for Macintosh 2
If you want to scan from the machine on a network, you must choose the networked machine in the
Selector application from the Model drop-down list in the main screen of ControlCenter2. If you have
already installed the MFL-Pro Suite software following the network installation steps in the Quick Setup
Guide, this selection should already be made.
To use the machine as a network scanner, the machine must be configured with a TCP/IP address. You can
set or change the address settings from the Control Panel.
Before Scanning
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Select Other from the Model drop-down list.
The Device Selector window will appear.
3 Click the + button. The setting window will appear.
Before Scanning
4 Select your machine from the list and then click Add.
You can also select your machine by entering the IP address. Click IP and then specify your machine by
IP address. To change the IP address of an existing machine on the network, enter the new IP address.
5 Click Add.
Before Scanning
Click the check box for Scan Key Setting and then configure the following:
For Scan to PC (Network Connect) (ADS-1100W only) or scanning from the Control Panel of the machine
(ADS-1600W only), click the check box for
your computer with the "Scan To" functions at the device. Then enter the name you want
to be displayed in the Destination drop-down list in Scan to Network Device from the Scan tab in Web
Based Management (ADS-1100W only) (see
Save Scanned Documents on Your Computer on page 125)
or on the LCD of the machine (ADS-1600W only). You can use up to 15 characters.
You can avoid receiving unwanted documents by setting a 4-digit PIN number. Enter your PIN code in the
PIN code and Verify field.
(ADS-1600W only)
To send data to a computer protected by a PIN code, the LCD prompts you to enter the PIN code before
the document can be scanned and sent to the machines.
Launch the BRAdmin Utility (Windows
) 2
If you have installed BRAdmin Light or BRAdmin Professional 3, the BRAdmin button lets you open the
BRAdmin Light or BRAdmin Professional 3 utility.
The BRAdmin Light utility is designed for initial setup of the Brother network connected devices. It can also
search for Brother products in a TCP/IP environment, view the status and configure basic network settings,
such as the IP address. For information about installing BRAdmin Light from the supplied DVD-ROM, see the
Network User’s Guide.
If you require more advanced machine management, use the latest version of BRAdmin Professional 3 utility
that is available as a download from
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Select the Device Settings tab.
3 Click BRAdmin. The BRAdmin Light or BRAdmin Professional 3 utility dialog box will appear.
If you have installed both BRAdmin Light and BRAdmin Professional, ControlCenter4 will launch BRAdmin
Professional 3.
Change the User Interface of ControlCenter4 (Windows
) 3
ControlCenter4 is a software utility that lets you quickly and easily access your most often used applications.
Using ControlCenter4 eliminates the need to manually launch specific applications.
ControlCenter4 also controls the settings for , (when used for the Scan to PC function with
network connection only for ADS-1100W), (for ADS-1100W), or to PC button (for ADS-1600W) on
your Brother machine. For information about how to configure the settings for , (when used for
the Scan to PC function with network connection only for ADS-1100W), (for ADS-1100W), or to PC
button (for ADS-1600W) on the machine, see Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
) on page 140.
ControlCenter4 has two operation modes: Home Mode and Advanced Mode. You can change the mode at
any time.
Home Mode
Lets you access your machine’s main functions easily. You can intuitively use the functions without any
1 Document Type
Lets you select a document type.
2 Custom Settings
Lets you configure scan settings.
3Scan Size
Lets you select a scan size.
Scan from Your Computer 3
Scan from Your Computer
Lets you start scanning.
5 Image viewer
Displays a scanned image.
Lets you save a scanned image to a folder on your hard drive in one of the file types shown in the file
type list.
Lets you print the scanned document out using by your printer.
8 Open with an Application
Lets you scan an image directly into your graphics application for image editing.
9Send E-mail
Lets you scan a document to your default E-mail application.
10 OCR
Lets you scan a document and convert it to text.
Advanced Mode
Gives you more control over the details of your machine’s functions. You can also customize one-button
scan actions to meet your scanning needs.
1 Image
Lets you scan a document directly into any graphic viewer/editor application.
Lets you scan a document and convert it to text.
Lets you scan a document to your default E-mail application.
Lets you save a scanned image to a folder on your hard drive in one of the file types shown in the file
type list.
Lets you print the scanned document out using by your printer.
1 2 3 4
Scan from Your Computer
To change the operation mode, perform the following steps.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
If the icon is not displayed in the task tray, do one of the following:
XP, Windows Vista
and Windows
7 users)
Click (Start), All Programs, Brother, ADS-XXXXX (where XXXXX is your model name) and then
8 users)
Click (Brother Utilities), and then click the drop-down list and select your model name (if not
already selected). Click SCAN in the left navigation bar, and then click ControlCenter4.
2 Click Configuration and then select Mode Select.
Scan from Your Computer
3 Select Home Mode or Advanced Mode in the mode dialog box.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using ControlCenter4 in Home Mode (Windows
) 3
There are five scan options: Save, Print, Open with an Application, Send E-mail and OCR.
This section briefly introduces the Scan tab function. For more details of each function, click (Help).
Basic Scan 3
1 Configure the settings in the PC Scan setting area.
2 Click (Scan).
3 Confirm and edit (if necessary) the scanned image in the image viewer.
4 Click (Save), (Print), (Open with an Application), (Send E-mail) or (OCR).
5 Do one of the following:
For (Save)
Select your Destination Folder and other settings. Click OK.
The image will be saved in your chosen folder.
For (Print)
Select your Printer Name and configure the printer settings. Then click OK.
The scanned document will be printed out.
For (Open with an Application)
Select the application from the drop-down list and then click OK.
The image will appear in the application you have chosen.
If you have installed the Evernote application in your computer, you can select Evernote from the
drop-down and then click OK to upload the scanned data to Evernote directly.
For (Send E-mail)
Configure the attached file settings and then click OK.
Your default E-mail application will open and the image will be attached to a new E-mail.
For (OCR)
Configure the OCR settings and then click OK.
The application you have chosen will open with the converted text data.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Plastic Cards 3
1 Load a plastic card (see Loading a Plastic Card on page 39).
Load only one plastic card at a time.
2 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
3 Select the Scan tab.
4 Select Custom in the Document Type option and then click the Custom Settings button.
The Custom Scan Settings dialog box will appear.
Scan from Your Computer
5 Check the Plastic Card Mode check box.
6 Configure other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
on page 64).
7 Click OK.
8 Click the (Scan) button. The machine starts scanning, and then the Scanning Completed dialog
box will appear and display the number of scanned pages. The scanned image appears in the image
If the Scanning Completed dialog box does not appear and you want to display the number of scanned
pages, check the Display
Scanning Results check box.
9 Do one of the following:
Click the (Save) button to save the scanned data. See Basic Scan on page 52.
Click the (Print) button to print the scanned data out. See Basic Scan on page 52.
Click the (Open with an Application) button to open the scanned data in another application.
See Basic Scan on page 52.
Click the (Send E-mail) button to attach the scanned data to an E-mail. See Basic Scan
on page 52.
Click the (OCR) button to scan to an editable text file. See Basic Scan on page 52.
Plastic Card Mode automatically uses these settings:
Resolution: 600 x 600 dpi
Scan Size: 2 in 1 (Auto)
2-sided Scanning: On (Short-edge binding)
Auto Deskew: On
Auto Image Rotation: Off
Original Layout Scan Result
Scan from Your Computer
Scan to an Office File 3
Your machine can convert scanned data to a Microsoft
Word file or a Microsoft
file. In order
to use this feature, your Brother machine must be connected to a network that has access to the Internet
through a wireless connection.
1 Load your document (see Loading Standard Size Documents on page 33).
2 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
3 Select the Scan tab.
4 Select the document type.
5 Change the size of your document, if needed.
6 Configure other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
on page 64).
7 Click the (Scan) button. The machine starts scanning, and then the Scanning Completed dialog
box will appear and display the number of scanned pages. The scanned image appears in the image
If the Scanning Completed dialog box does not appear and you want to display the number of scanned
pages, check the Display
Scanning Results check box.
8 Click (Save) or (Send E-mail). The setting dialog box will appear.
9 Click the File Type drop-down list, and then select the Microsoft Office Word(*.docx) or Microsoft
Office PowerPoint (*.pptx) option.
0 Click OK. If a message dialog box regarding the Internet connection appears, read the information and
click OK.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Business Cards 3
1 Load your document (see Loading Business Cards on page 35).
2 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
3 Select the Scan tab.
4 Select the document type.
5 Select Business Card from the Scan Size drop-down list.
6 Configure other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
on page 64).
7 Click the (Scan) button. The machine starts scanning, and then the Scanning Completed dialog
box will appear and display the number of scanned pages. The scanned image appears in the image
If the Scanning Completed dialog box does not appear and you want to display the number of scanned
pages, check the Display
Scanning Results check box.
8 Click (Open with an Application). The Open with an Application dialog box will appear.
9 Select BizCard MFC Application from the Target Application drop-down list and then click OK. The
scanned data will be opened in the BizCard 6 application.
0 Edit and save the scanned data using BizCard 6.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using ControlCenter4 in Advanced Mode (Windows
) 3
There are five scan options: Image, OCR, E-mail, File and Print.
This section briefly introduces the Scan tab function. For more details of each function, click (Help).
Basic Scan 3
1 Select the Scan tab.
2 Click (Image), (OCR), (E-mail), (File) or (Print). The Scan Settings dialog box
3 Do one of the following:
For (Image)
Select the application from the drop-down list and click Scan.
The image will appear in the application you have chosen.
If you have installed the Evernote application on your computer, you can select Evernote from the
drop-down and then click OK to upload the scanned data to Evernote directly.
For (OCR)
Configure the OCR settings and click Scan.
The application you have chosen will open with the converted text data.
For (E-mail)
Configure the attached file settings and click Scan.
Your default E-mail application will open and the image will be attached to a new E-mail.
For (File)
Select your Destination Folder and other settings. Click Scan.
The image will be saved in your chosen folder.
For (Print)
Select your Printer Name and configure other settings. Then click Scan.
The scanned document will be printed out.
Change the Default Settings of Each Button 3
You can change the default settings of the (Image), (OCR), (E-mail), (File) and (Print)
1 Right-click the button that you want to configure and click Button settings. The settings dialog box will
Scan from Your Computer
2 Choose the settings for File Type, Resolution, Scan Type, Document Size, Brightness, Contrast,
Scanning and 2-sided Scanning as needed.
3 Click OK. The new settings will be used as the default settings.
Scan Plastic Cards 3
1 Load a plastic card (see Loading a Plastic Card on page 39).
Load only one plastic card at a time.
2 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
3 Select the Scan tab.
4 Click the button you want to use ( (Image), (OCR), (E-mail), (File) or (Print)). The
setting dialog box will appear (the example below uses Image).
Scan from Your Computer
5 Check the Plastic Card Mode check box.
6 Change other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
) on page 64).
7 Click the Scan button.
The machine starts scanning.
Check the Don’t show me again. check box not to show the setting dialog box again.
Plastic Card Mode automatically uses these settings:
Resolution: 600 x 600 dpi
Document Size: 2 in 1 (Auto)
2-sided Scanning: On (Short-edge binding)
Auto Deskew: On
Auto Image Rotation: Off
Scan to an Office File 3
Your machine can convert scanned data to a Microsoft
Word file or a Microsoft
file. In order
to use this feature, your Brother machine must be connected to a network that has access to the Internet
through a wireless connection.
1 Load your document (see Loading Standard Size Documents on page 33).
2 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
Original Layout Scan Result
Scan from Your Computer
3 Select the Scan tab.
4 Click (E-mail) or (File). The setting dialog box will appear (the example below uses E-mail).
5 Click the File Type drop-down list, and then select the Microsoft Office Word(*.docx) or Microsoft
Office PowerPoint (*.pptx) option.
6 Change other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
) on page 64).
7 Click Scan. If a message dialog box regarding the Internet connection appears, read the information and
click OK.
Scan Business Cards 3
1 Load your document (see Loading Business Cards on page 35).
2 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
Scan from Your Computer
3 Select the Scan tab.
4 Click (Image). The setting dialog box will appear.
5 Select BizCard MFC Application from the Target Application drop-down list.
6 Change other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
) on page 64).
7 Click Scan. The scanned data will be opened in the BizCard 6 application.
8 Edit and save the scanned data using BizCard 6.
Scan from Your Computer
Create a Custom Tab (ControlCenter4 Advanced Mode)
) 3
You can create up to three customized tabs that include up to five customized buttons with your preferred
Create a Custom Tab 3
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click Configuration and then select Create custom tab. You can also create a custom tab by
right-clicking the tab area and selecting Create
custom tab. A custom tab will be created.
3 If you want to change the name of the custom tab, right-click the custom tab and select
custom tab.
You can also change the name of a custom tab by clicking Configuration and then Rename custom tab.
Scan from Your Computer
Create a Custom Button in Custom Tab 3
1 Create a Custom tab.
2 Right-click the area inside the tab and select Create custom button. Select a button you want to create
from the menu. The settings dialog box will appear.
You can also copy a custom button by selecting Copy custom button from the right-click context menu.
3 Enter the button name and change the settings if needed. Click the OK button.
(The setting options vary depending on the button you created.)
You can change or remove the tab, button or settings you created. Click Configuration and continue as
Scan from Your Computer
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
) 3
The following settings can be changed.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File Print
File Type Select the file type you want to use for the scanned
To save the document as a password-protected
PDF, select Secure
PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type
drop-down list, click the
(Set PDF Password)
button, and enter the password (Image, E-mail and
File only).
Searchable PDF is a file format that includes the
text data layer over a scanned image. This layer
allows you to search the text on the image data. The
OCR language setting must be set to match the
language you want to make the searchable PDF for.
To save the document as a searchable PDF, select
PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type
drop-down list.
To save the document as a searchable PDF,
Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE must be installed on
your computer.
To save the document as a high compression PDF,
select 300
x 300 dpi from the Resolution
drop-down list, High
Compression PDF (*.pdf)
from the File
Type drop-down list and True Grey or
24bit Colour from the Scan
Type drop-down list.
Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Select the destination application including Nuance™
PaperPort™ 12SE, Presto! BizCard 6, BR-Receipts
and Evernote from the drop-down list.
Yes Yes - - -
Set to match the language of the scanned document’s
- Yes - - -
Select the Printer Name you want to use to print scans. - - - - Yes
File Name Click the Change button for Image, OCR or E-mail.
Enter a prefix for the file name if needed.
Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Click the Print Options button to configure the settings
of the selected printer.
- - - - Yes
Show Save
As Window
If you want to specify the destination of the scanned
image every time you scan, check the
Save As Window check box.
- - - Yes -
Scan from Your Computer
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
File Path
Click the Change button and then the folder icon to
change the folder you would like to save your scanned
document to.
Yes Yes Yes - -
Click the folder icon and browse to the folder you would
like to save your scanned document to. Check
Folder to automatically display the destination
folder after scanning.
- - - Yes -
File size You can adjust the File size by moving the slider to the
right or left.
File size can be adjusted depending on your
selected File
Yes - Yes Yes -
Resolution You can select a scanning resolution from the
Resolution drop-down list. Higher resolutions take
more memory and transfer time, but produce a finer
scanned image.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan Type Lets you select several colour depth options for
scanned images.
Black & White
Use for text or line art images.
Grey (Error Diffusion)
Use for photographic images or graphics. (Error
Diffusion is a method for creating simulated grey
images without using true grey dots. Black dots are
in a specific pattern to give a grey appearance.)
True Grey
Use for photographic images or graphics. This mode is
more exact due to using up to 256 shades of grey.
24bit Colour
Uses up to 16.8 million colours to scan the image.
Although using 24bit Colour creates an image with the
most accurate colour reproduction, it requires the most
memory and has the longest transfer time.
Automatically selects suitable colours for your
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File Print
Scan from Your Computer
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File Print
Document size is set to Auto by default. You can scan
documents of any size without making any adjustments
to Document
For faster scan speeds, you can
select the exact size of your document from the
Size drop-down list.
If you select a 1 to 2 document size, the scanned
image will be divided into two documents that are
half the size of the setting. If you select 1
to 2 (A4),
the scanned image will be divided into two A4
To do 1 to 2 scanning, uncheck the
Image Rotation check box in the
Settings dialog box.
If you select a 2 in 1 document size, two scanned
images will be combined into one document.
You can select Long Paper when you configure the
settings as following:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scanning: Off
Each Long Paper option can scan a large
document up to following:
Long Paper (Normal Width) 215.9 mm (8 1/2 in):
× 863.0 mm
Long Paper (Narrow Width) 107.9 mm (4 1/4 in):
× 863.0 mm
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Brightness Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The
default value of 0 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness
level by dragging the slider to the right or left to lighten
or darken the image. You can also enter a value in the
box to set the level. If the scanned image is too light, set
a lower Brightness level and scan the document again.
If the image is too dark, set a higher Brightness level
and scan the document again.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from Your Computer
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File Print
Contrast Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image.
default value of 0 represents an average and is
usually suitable for most images. You can increase or
decrease the contrast level by moving the slider to the
right or left. An increase emphasizes dark and light
areas of the image, while a decrease reveals more
details in grey areas. You can also enter a value in
box to set the Contrast.
The Contrast setting is only available when setting
Scan Type to Auto, Grey (Error Diffusion), True
Grey or 24bit Colour.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lets you scan multiple pages. After the page is
scanned, you can select to continue scanning or finish.
Using this method, you can scan more pages than the
maximum capacity of the document feeder.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
If you check this box, the machine scans both sides
the document. When using the automatic 2-sided
(duplex) scan feature, you must select
binding or Short-edge binding
depending on the layout of your original to make sure
that the data file created appears correctly in the
scanned document.
The 2-sided (duplex) scanning feature is available
with lengths up to Legal size.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plastic Card
Lets you scan cards, such as driver’s licenses or
insurance cards, using these automatic settings:
Resolution: 600 x 600 dpi
Document Size: 2 in 1 (Auto)
2-sided Scanning: On (Short-edge binding)
Auto Deskew: On
Auto Image Rotation: Off
If you want to scan a plastic card with different
settings, set Plastic
Card Mode to off and
Resolution to 600
Load only one plastic card at a time.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Default Restore all settings to their factory default values. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from Your Computer
You can configure more settings in the Advanced Settings dialog box. Click the Advanced Settings button.
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File Print
Auto Deskew Corrects the skew (within 5 degrees) of the scanned
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto Image
Changes the direction of the document based on the
text orientation.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prevents the Bleed Through phenomenon on a
two-sided document, and also allows you to remove
the base colour of documents such as newspapers to
make the scanned data more recognizable.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skip Blank
Removes blank pages of the document from the
scanning results.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Shows the numbers of total pages saved and blank
pages skipped on your computer screen.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using ControlCenter2 (Macintosh) 3
ControlCenter2 is a software utility that lets you quickly and easily access your often used applications. Using
ControlCenter2 eliminates the need to manually launch specific applications.
There are four scan buttons for the Scan to Image, Scan to OCR, Scan to E-mail and Scan to File
Image (Default: Apple Preview)
Lets you scan a page directly into any graphic viewer/editor application. You can choose the destination
application, such as Adobe
or any kind of image editing application on your computer.
OCR (Default: Apple TextEdit)
Lets you scan a page or document, automatically run the OCR application and put text (not a graphic
image) into a word processing application. You can choose the target word processing application, such
as Microsoft
Word or any word processing application on your computer. You must install Presto!
PageManager on your computer. For installation information see
Scan Using Presto! PageManager or
TWAIN Applications (Macintosh) on page 102.
E-mail (Default: your default E-mail software)
Lets you scan a page or document directly into an E-mail application as a standard attachment. You can
choose the file type and resolution for the attachment.
Lets you scan directly to a file on your hard drive. You can change the file type and destination folder, as
ControlCenter2 gives you the ability to configure the hardware , (when used for the Scan to
PC function with network connection only for ADS-1100W), (for ADS-1100W), or to PC button (for
ADS-1600W) on your machine and the ControlCenter2 software button for each scan feature. To configure
the hardware
, (when used for the Scan to PC function with network connection only for
ADS-1100W), (for ADS-1100W), or to PC button (for ADS-1600W) on your machine choose the
Device Button tab in the configuration menu for each of the SCAN buttons. To configure the software button
in ControlCenter2 choose the Software
Button tab in the configuration menu for each of the SCAN buttons.
To start ControlCenter2, click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
If the (ControlCenter2) icon is not displayed in the Dock, click Go from the Finder menu bar,
Applications, Brother, and then double-click the (ControlCenter2) icon. The (ControlCenter2) icon
will appear in the Dock.
Scan from Your Computer
Image (example: Apple Preview) 3
The Scan to Image feature lets you scan an image directly into your graphics application for image editing.
1 Select the SCAN tab.
2 Click (Image).
The Scan to Image dialog box will appear.
3 You can configure the scan settings.
To scan a 2-sided document, check the 2-sided Scanning check box and choose
binding or Short-edge binding.
To change the application that you want to use, choose the appropriate application from the
Application pop-up menu. You can add an application to the list by clicking Add. If you want
to delete an application, click Delete.
4 Click Start Scanning.
Your default application will start and display the image.
If you choose Secure PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type list, the Set PDF Password dialog box will appear.
Enter your password in the Password and Re-type
Password boxes, and then click OK. You can also
choose Secure
PDF (*.pdf) for Scan to E-mail and Scan to File.
Scan from Your Computer
OCR (word processing application) 3
The Scan to OCR feature lets you convert the graphic page image data into text which can be edited by any
word processing application. You can change the default word processing application.
Presto! PageManager must be installed on your computer.
1 Select the SCAN tab.
2 Click (OCR).
The Scan to OCR dialog box will appear.
3 You can configure the scan settings.
To scan a 2-sided document, check the 2-sided Scanning check box and choose
binding or Short-edge binding.
To change the word processing application that you want to use, choose the appropriate application
from the Target
Application pop-up menu. You can add an application to the list by clicking Add. If
you want to delete an application, click Delete.
4 Click Start Scanning.
Your default word processing application will start and display the converted text data.
Scan from Your Computer
E-mail 3
The Scan to E-mail feature lets you scan a document to your default E-mail application so you can send the
scanned document as an attachment.
1 Select the SCAN tab.
2 Click (E-mail).
The Scan to E-mail dialog box will appear.
3 You can configure the scan settings.
To scan a 2-sided document, check the 2-sided Scanning check box and choose
binding or Short-edge binding.
To change the E-mail application that you want to use, choose the appropriate application from the
Application pop-up menu. You can add an application to the list by clicking Add
. If you want
to delete an application, click Delete.
When you first start ControlCenter2, a default list of compatible E-mail applications will appear in the pop-up menu. If you are having
trouble using a custom application with ControlCenter2, you should choose an application from the list.
4 Click Start Scanning.
Your default E-mail application will start and the image will be attached to a new E-mail.
The Scan to E-mail feature does not support Webmail services. Use the Scan to Image or Scan to File
feature to scan a document or picture, and then attach the file of the scanned data to an E-mail message.
Scan from Your Computer
File 3
The Scan to File button lets you scan an image to a folder on your hard disk in a supported file format.
Therefore, this feature allows you to easily archive your paper documents.
1 Select the SCAN tab.
2 Click (File).
The Scan to File dialog box will appear.
3 You can configure the scan settings.
To scan a 2-sided document, check the 2-sided Scanning check box and choose
binding or Short-edge binding.
To change the file name, enter the file name you want to use for the document (up to 100 characters)
in the File
Name box. The file name will be the file name you entered plus the current date and a
sequential number.
Choose the file type for the saved image from the File Type pop-up menu. You can save the file to
the default folder, or choose your preferred folder by clicking Browse.
To show where the scanned image is saved when scanning is finished, check the Show Folder check
box. If you want to specify the destination of the scanned image every time, check the
Save As window check box.
4 Click Start Scanning.
The image will be saved in the folder you have chosen.
Scan from Your Computer
Change the Default Settings of a Button 3
You can change the default settings of the (Image), (OCR), (E-mail), and
(File) buttons.
1 Click the button while holding down the Control key and choose Software Button. The settings dialog
box will appear.
2 Choose the settings for File Type, Scan Type, Document Size, Brightness, Contrast, and
Scanning as needed.
You can also choose the setting for 2-sided Scanning.
3 Click OK. The new settings will be used as the default settings.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Plastic Cards 3
1 Load a plastic card (see Loading a Plastic Card on page 39).
Load only one plastic card at a time.
2 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
3 Click the button in the SCAN tab for the Scan-to action you want to change (Image, OCR, E-mail, or
File). The settings dialog box will appear (the example below uses Image).
4 Check the Plastic Card Mode check box.
Scan from Your Computer
5 Change other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2) (Macintosh) on page 83).
6 Click Start Scanning.
Your default application will start and display the image.
Check the Don’t show me again. check box not to show the setting dialog box again.
Plastic Card Mode automatically uses these settings:
Resolution: 600 dpi
Document Size: 2 in 1 (Auto)
2-sided Scanning: On (Short-edge binding)
Auto Deskew: On
Auto Image Rotation: Off
Scan to an Office File 3
Your machine can convert scanned data to a Microsoft
Word file or a Microsoft
file. In order
to use this feature, your Brother machine must be connected to a network that has access to the Internet
through a wireless connection.
1 Load your document (see Loading Standard Size Documents on page 33).
Original Layout Scan Result
Scan from Your Computer
2 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
3 Click the SCAN tab.
4 Click the E-mail or File button. The settings dialog box will appear (the example below uses E-mail).
5 Click the File Type pop-up menu, and then select the Microsoft Office Word (*.docx) or Microsoft
Office PowerPoint (*.pptx) option.
6 Change other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2) (Macintosh) on page 83).
7 Click Start Scanning. If a message dialog box regarding the Internet connection appears, read the
information and click OK.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Business Cards 3
1 Load your document (see Loading Business Cards on page 35).
2 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
3 Click the SCAN tab.
4 Click the Image button. The settings dialog box will appear.
5 Select BizCard 6 from the Target Application drop-down list.
6 Change other settings if needed (see Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2) (Macintosh) on page 83).
7 Click Start Scanning. The scanned data will be opened in the BizCard 6 application.
8 Edit and save the scanned data using BizCard 6.
Scan from Your Computer
Register your Favourite Scan Settings Using ControlCenter2
(CUSTOM SCAN) (Macintosh) 3
There are four buttons which you can configure to fit your scanning needs.
To customize a button, click the button while holding down the Control key, and the configuration window
appears. There are four scan functions: Scan
to Image, Scan to OCR, Scan to E-mail and Scan to File.
Scan to Image
Lets you scan a page directly into any image viewer/editor software. You can choose any image editor
application on your computer as a destination.
Scan to OCR
Converts scanned documents into editable text files. You can choose the destination application for the
editable text. You must install Presto! PageManager on your computer. For installation information see
Scan Using Presto! PageManager or TWAIN Applications (Macintosh) on page 102.
Scan to E-mail
Attaches the scanned images to an E-mail message. You can also choose the file attachment type and
create a quick send list of E-mail addresses chosen from your E-mail address book.
Scan to File
Lets you save a scanned image to any folder on a local or network hard disk. You can also choose the file
type to be used.
Scan from Your Computer
User-defined Button 3
To customize a button, click the button while holding down the Control key, and the configuration window
appears. Follow these guidelines for button configuration.
Scan to Image/OCR/E-mail/File 3
General tab
Enter a name in Name for Custom (up to 30 characters) to create the button name.
Choose the type of scan from the Scan Action selections.
Scan from Your Computer
Settings tab (Scan to Image/OCR/ E-mail)
Choose the Target Application, File Type, Resolution, Scan Type, Document Size and 2-sided
Scanning settings.
The Scan to E-mail feature does not support Webmail services. Use the Scan to Image or Scan to File
feature to scan a document or picture, and then attach the file of the scanned data to an E-mail message.
If you choose Secure PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type list, the Set PDF Password dialog box appears.
Enter your password in the Password and Re-type
Password box and then click OK.
Secure PDF (*.pdf) is available for Scan to Image, Scan to E-mail and Scan to File.
Scan from Your Computer
Settings tab (Scan to File)
Choose the file format from the File Type pop-up menu. Save the file to the default folder or choose your
preferred folder by clicking the Browse button.
Choose the Resolution, Scan Type, Document Size and 2-sided Scanning settings.
If you want to specify the destination of the scanned image, check the Show Save As window check box.
Scan from Your Computer
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2) (Macintosh) 3
The following settings can be changed.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
(for Image, OCR
and File) or
(for E-mail)
You can select which application is used to open scanned
data. Only applications installed on your computer
(including Presto! PageManager, Presto! BizCard 6,
BR-Receipts and Evernote) can be selected.
Add button
You can add an application to the drop-down list. Enter
the Application
Name (up to 30 characters) and
select your preferred application by clicking the
Browse button. Also select the File
Type from the
drop-down list.
Delete button
You can delete an application that you have added.
Select the Application
Name and click the Delete
Yes Yes Yes -
Scan from Your Computer
File Type Select the file type you want to use for the scanned data.
To save the document as a password-protected PDF,
select Secure
PDF (*.pdf) for File Type and then
enter the password in the Set
PDF Password dialog
box (Image, E-mail and File only).
Searchable PDF is a file format that includes the text
data layer over a scanned image. This layer allows you
to search the text on the image data. The OCR
language setting must be set to match the language
you want to make the searchable PDF for.
To save the document as a searchable PDF, select
PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type drop-
down list.
To save the document as a searchable PDF, Presto!
PageManager must be installed on your computer
from the supplied DVD-ROM.
To save the document as a high compression PDF,
select 300
x 300 dpi from the Resolution drop-down
list, High
Compression PDF (*.pdf) from the
Type drop-down list and True Gray or
Color from the Scan Type drop-down list.
Several file types such as TIFF, TIFF Multi-Page, PDF,
Secure PDF and JPEG support file size compression.
Select Uncompressed or Compressed to adjust the
file size for TIFF or TIFF Multi-Page. For PDF, Secure
PDF and JPEG, use the slider to adjust the file size
(not available for Scan to OCR).
Yes Yes Yes Yes
File size You can adjust the File size by moving the slider to the
right or left.
File size can be adjusted depending on your selected
Yes - Yes Yes
OCR Software Shows the application that will convert the scanned image
to editable text.
- Yes - -
OCR Language Set to match the language of the scanned document’s
- Yes - -
File Name Enter a prefix for the file name if needed. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Show Save As
If you want to specify the destination of the scanned image
every time you scan, check the Show
Save As window
check box.
- - - Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Scan from Your Computer
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Destination File
Click the Change button and then the Browse button to
change the folder you would like to save your scanned
document to.
Yes Yes Yes -
Click Browse and browse to the folder you would like to
save your scanned document to. Check Show
Folder to
automatically display the destination folder after scanning.
- - - Yes
Resolution You can select a scanning resolution from the Resolution
drop-down list. Higher resolutions take more memory and
transfer time, but produce a finer scanned image.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan Type Lets you select from a range of scan colour depth.
Black & White
Use for text or line art images.
Gray (Error Diffusion)
Use for photographic images or graphics. (Error Diffusion
is a method for creating simulated grey images without
using true grey dots. Black dots are put in a specific
pattern to give a grey appearance.)
True Gray
Use for photographic images or graphics. This mode is
more exact due to using up to 256 shades of grey.
24bit Color
Uses up to 16.8 million colours to scan the image.
Although using 24bit
Color creates an image with the
most accurate colour reproduction, it requires the most
memory and has the longest transfer time.
Uses suitable colours for your document automatically.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Scan from Your Computer
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Document Size Document size is set to Auto by default. You can scan
documents of any size without making any adjustments to
For faster scan speeds, you can select
the exact size of your document from the Document Size
drop-down list.
If you select a 1 to 2 document size, the scanned
image will be divided into two documents that are half
the size of the setting. If you select 1
to 2 (A4), the
scanned image will be divided into two 5.8
× 8.3 in.
To do 1 to 2 scanning or 2 in 1 scanning, uncheck the
Image Rotation check box in the
Settings dialog box.
If you select a 2 in 1 document size, two scanned
images will be combined into one document.
You can select Long Paper when you configure the
settings as following:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scanning: Off
Yes Yes Yes Yes
2-sided Scanning If you check this box, the machine scans both sides of the
document. When using the automatic 2-sided (duplex)
scan feature, you must select Long-edge
binding or
binding, depending on the layout of your
original, to make sure that the data file created appears
correctly in the scanned document.
The 2-sided (duplex) scanning feature is available with
lengths up to Legal size.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Restore Defaults Restore all settings to their factory default values. Yes Yes Yes Yes
You can scan multiple batches of documents and put
them together into one data file. After the first batch of
documents is scanned, click Continue for additional
pages or Finish. This operation enables you to scan more
sheets than the maximum capacity of the document
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from Your Computer
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Plastic Card
Lets you scan cards, such as driver’s licenses or
insurance cards, using these automatic settings:
Resolution: 600 dpi
Document Size: 2 in 1 (Auto)
2-sided Scanning: On (Short-edge binding)
Auto Deskew: On
Auto Image Rotation: Off
If you want to scan a plastic card with different settings,
set Plastic
Card Mode to off and Resolution to
Load only one plastic card at a time.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from Your Computer
You can configure more settings in the Advanced Settings dialog box. Click the Advanced Settings button.
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Brightness Adjust the setting (0 to 100) to get the best image. The
default value of 50 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness
level by dragging the slider to the right or left to lighten or
darken the image. If the scanned image is too light, set a
lower Brightness level and scan the document again. If the
image is too dark, set a higher Brightness level and scan
the document again.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contrast Adjust the setting (0 to 100) to get the best image. The
default value of 50 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can increase or decrease
the contrast level by moving the slider to the right or left.
An increase emphasizes dark and light areas of the
image, while a decrease reveals more details in grey
The Contrast setting is only available when setting
Type to Auto, Gray (Error Diffusion),
Gray or 24bit Color.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto Deskew Corrects the skew (within 5 degrees) of the scanned
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto Image
Changes the direction of the document based on the text
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bleed Through
Prevents the Bleed Through phenomenon on a two-sided
document, and also allows you to remove the base colour
of documents such as newspapers to make the scanned
data more recognizable.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skip Blank Page Removes blank pages of the document from the scanning
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Display Scanning
Shows the numbers of total pages saved and blank pages
skipped on your computer screen.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Windows
) 3
Brother’s BR-Receipts application processes receipts using OCR functionality to take information from your
scanned images and categorizing it. You can generate reports to view and track expenses. (This application
is available depending on your country.)
Installing BR-Receipts 3
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 The DVD-ROM top menu will appear automatically. Select your model name and then the desired
3 Click Additional Applications.
4 Click the BR-Receipts button. Follow the instructions on Brother Online.
For information about how to scan using BR-Receipts, see the BR-Receipts user’s guide by clicking on Help
on the menu bar, then Using Help.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE or Other Windows
Applications 3
Scan Using Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE 3
You can use the Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE application, which is included in the Brother MFL-Pro software
suite, for scanning. The instructions for scanning in these steps are for Nuance™ PaperPort™
12SE. For
other Windows
applications these steps will be similar. Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE supports both TWAIN
and WIA drivers; the TWAIN driver (recommended) is used in the example on this page. For an example
using the WIA driver, see
Scan Using Windows
Photo Gallery or Windows
Fax and Scan on page 98.
Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE supports Windows
XP (SP3 or later), Windows Vista
(SP2 or later),
7 and Windows
The WIA driver with Windows
XP (SP2 or later) does not support 2-sided (duplex) scanning.
For more details about the application refer to the Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE help file. You can access
this from the Nuance™ PaperPort™
12SE Help menu.
1 Load your document.
Scan from Your Computer
2 Start Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE. Do one of the following:
XP, Windows Vista
and Windows
Click (Start), All Programs, Nuance PaperPort12, and then PaperPort.
Click (PaperPort).
The Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE window will appear.
Scan from Your Computer
3 Click Scan Settings from the Desktop tab on the ribbon.
The Scan or Get Photo panel will appear on the left side of the window.
4 Click the Select button.
5 From the Available Scanners list, select TWAIN: TW-Brother ADS-XXXXX or
TW-Brother ADS-XXXXX LAN (where ADS-XXXXX is the model name of your machine). If
you want to use the WIA driver, select the Brother driver that has “WIA” as the prefix.
Click the OK button.
6 Check the Display scanner dialog box check box in the Scan or Get Photo panel.
7 Click the Scan button.
The Scanner Setup dialog box will appear.
Scan from Your Computer
8 Adjust the settings in the Scanner Setup dialog box if needed (Resolution, Scan Type, Brightness,
and Contrast).
TWAIN Driver Settings
WIA Driver Settings
9 From the Document Size drop-down list, select your document size.
After you select a document size, you can adjust the scanning area further by clicking the left mouse button
and dragging it. This is required when cropping an image for scanning.
0 Click the Start button.
The machine starts scanning.
Scan from Your Computer
TWAIN Driver Settings 3
1 Scan (Image Type)
You can select Photo, Web or Text for the type of document you want to scan.
2 Resolution
You can select a scanning resolution from the Resolution drop-down list. Higher resolutions take more
memory and transfer time, but produce a finer scanned image.
Scan (Image Type) Resolution Scan Type
Photo Use for scanning photo images 300 x 300 dpi 24bit Colour
Web Use for attaching the scanned
image to web pages
100 x 100 dpi 24bit Colour
Text Use for scanning text documents 200 x 200 dpi Black & White
Resolution Black & White/Grey (Error
256 Colour True Grey/24bit Colour
100 x 100 dpi Yes Yes Yes
150 x 150 dpi Yes Yes Yes
200 x 200 dpi Yes Yes Yes
300 x 300 dpi Yes Yes Yes
400 x 400 dpi Yes Yes Yes
600 x 600 dpi Yes Yes Yes
1,200 x 1,200 dpi Yes No Yes
Scan from Your Computer
3Scan Type
Select one of the following types:
Black & White
Use for text or line art images.
Grey (Error Diffusion)
Use for photographic images or graphics. (Error Diffusion is a method for creating simulated grey
images without using true grey dots. Black dots are put in a specific pattern to give a grey appearance.)
True Grey
Use for photographic images or graphics. This mode is more exact due to using up to 256 shades of
256 Colour
Use for simple colour illustrations that do not use the full colour spectrum. Uses up to 256 colours to
create images.
24bit Colour
Uses up to 16.8 million colours to scan the image. Although using 24bit Colour creates an image with
the most accurate colour reproduction, it requires the most memory and has the longest transfer time.
4 Reduce Noise
You can improve and enhance the quality of your scanned images with this selection. The Reduce Noise
setting is available when using 24bit Colour and scan resolutions of 300 x 300 dpi, 400 x 400 dpi or 600
x 600 dpi.
5 Brightness
Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The default value of 0 represents an average and is
usually suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness level by dragging the slider to the right or
left to lighten or darken the image. You can also enter a value in the box to set the level. If the scanned
image is too light, set a lower Brightness level and scan the document again. If the image is too dark, set
a higher Brightness level and scan the document again.
The Brightness setting is only available when setting Scan Type to Black & White, Grey (Error
Diffusion), True Grey or 24bit Colour.
Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The default value of 0 represents an average and is
usually suitable for most images. You can increase or decrease the contrast level by moving the slider to
the right or left. An increase emphasizes dark and light areas of the image, while a decrease reveals more
details in grey areas. You can also enter a value in the box to set the Contrast.
The Contrast setting is only available when setting Scan Type to Grey (Error Diffusion), True Grey or
24bit Colour.
7 Document Size
Document size is set to A4 by default. For faster scan speeds, you can select the exact size of your
document from the Document
Size drop-down list. If you select Custom, the Custom Document Size
dialog box appears in which you can specify the document size.
Scan from Your Computer
8 2-sided Scanning
Select Long-edge binding or Short-edge binding depending on the layout of your original to make sure
that the data file created appears correctly in the scanned document.
2-sided Scan Setting Original Layout Scan Result
Long-edge binding
Short-edge binding
Scan from Your Computer
WIA Driver Settings 3
1 Paper source
You can select Document Feeder only.
2 Picture Type (Image Type)
You can select Color picture, Grayscale picture, Black and white picture or text or Custom Settings
for the type of document you want to scan.
If you want to change some advanced settings, click Adjust the quality of the scanned picture.
You can select a scanning resolution from the Resolution text box. Higher resolutions take more memory
and transfer time, but produce a finer scanned image.
Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The default value of 0 represents an average and is
usually suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness level by dragging the slider to the right or
left to lighten or darken the image. You can also enter a value in the box to set the level. If the scanned
image is too light, set a lower Brightness level and scan the document again. If the image is too dark, set
a higher Brightness level and scan the document again.
Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The default value of 0 represents an average and is
usually suitable for most images. You can increase or decrease the contrast level by moving the slider to
the right or left. An increase emphasizes dark and light areas of the image, while a decrease reveals more
details in grey areas. You can also enter a value in the box to set the Contrast.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using Windows
Photo Gallery or Windows
Fax and Scan 3
You can use the Windows
Photo Gallery or Windows
Fax and Scan applications for scanning. These
applications use the WIA scanner driver. The steps below will guide you through the scanning operations.
You may need to download Windows
Photo Gallery or Windows
Fax and Scan.
1 Load your document.
2 Open your software application to scan the document. Do one of the following:
Photo Gallery)
1 Click File, then Import from Camera or Scanner.
2 Select the scanner you want to use.
3 Click the Import button.
The settings dialog box will appear.
Fax and Scan)
Click File, New, then Scan.
The settings dialog box will appear.
3 Adjust the settings in the settings dialog box if needed.
4 Click the Scan button.
The machine starts scanning the document.
Scan from Your Computer
Use Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8 (Windows
(ADS-1600W only) 3
Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8 offers a variety of features for handling PDF files. It can unlock and
open PDF files for viewing, editing, annotation and re-assembly.
Installing Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8 3
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 The DVD-ROM top menu will appear automatically. Select your model name and then the desired
3 Click Additional Applications.
4 Click the Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8 button. Follow the on-screen instructions.
For information about how to scan using Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8, see the Nuance PDF
Converter Professional 8 help by clicking on Help on the menu bar, then Help.
Enter the Nuance serial number that is shown on the sleeve of the MFL-Pro Suite DVD-ROM package
when installing Nuance PDF Converter Professional 8.
Scan from Your Computer
Use NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 (Windows
) 3
Presto! BizCard lets you manage the information from scanned business cards, such as names, companies,
mailing addresses, phone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses, on your computer. Simply scan, or import your
business cards and Presto! BizCard automatically saves the data and image for each card. Different viewing
modes are available for easy searching, editing, creating, and sorting.
Installing NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 3
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 The DVD-ROM top menu will appear automatically. Select your model name and then the desired
3 Click Additional Applications.
4 Click the NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 button. Follow the on-screen instructions.
For information about how to scan using Presto! BizCard 6, see the Presto! BizCard User’s Manual. Do one
of the following:
XP, Windows Vista
and Windows
Click (Start), All Programs, NewSoft, Presto! BizCard 6, and then Presto! BizCard 6.
Click (Presto! BizCard 6).
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Macintosh) 3
Brother’s BR-Receipts application processes receipts by taking information from your scanned images and
categorizing it. You can generate reports to view and track expenses. (This application is available depending
on your country.)
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 Double-click the BROTHER icon on your desktop.
3 Double-click Brother Support.
4 Click the BR-Receipts button. Follow the instructions on Brother Online.
For information about how to scan using BR-Receipts, see the BR-Receipts user’s guide by clicking on Help
on the menu bar, then Using Help.
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using Presto! PageManager or TWAIN Applications
(Macintosh) 3
You can use the Presto! PageManager application for scanning. The instructions for scanning in these steps
are for Presto! PageManager. For other applications which support TWAIN specifications, these steps will be
Installing Presto! PageManager 3
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 Double-click the BROTHER icon on your desktop.
3 Double-click Brother Support.
4 Click Presto! PageManager to download the Presto! PageManager installer.
5 Double-click the installer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Presto! PageManager supports Mac OS X v10.6.8, 10.7.x and 10.8.x.
For more details about the application refer to the Presto! PageManager help file. You can access this from
the Presto! PageManager Help menu.
Scan Using Presto! PageManager 3
1 Start Presto! PageManager by double-clicking the Presto! PageManager icon on your computer screen.
The first time you use the Brother TWAIN driver, you need to set it as the default driver. To set the Brother
TWAIN driver as the default driver, do the following.
1 Select Select Source in the File menu.
2 Select Brother TWAIN, then click Select.
Scan from Your Computer
2 Select Acquire Image Data in the File menu.
The scanner setup dialog box will appear.
3 Adjust the settings in the scanner setup dialog box if needed (Resolution, Scan Type, Adjust Image).
4 From the Document Size drop-down list, select your document size.
After you select a document size, you can adjust the scanning area further by clicking the left mouse button
and dragging it. This is required when cropping an image for scanning.
5 Click the Start button.
The machine starts scanning.
(The Brother TWAIN screen supports languages specified in Presto! PageManager.)
Scan from Your Computer
TWAIN Driver Settings 3
1 Resolution
You can select a scanning resolution from the Resolution drop-down list. Higher resolutions take more
memory and transfer time, but produce a finer scanned image.
2Scan Type
Select one of the following types:
Black & White
Use for text or line art images.
Gray (Error Diffusion)
Use for photographic images or graphics. (Error Diffusion is a method for creating simulated grey
images without using true grey dots. Black dots are put in a specific pattern to give a grey appearance.)
(The Brother TWAIN screen supports languages specified in Presto! PageManager.)
Resolution Black & White/Grey (Error
256 Colour True Grey/24bit Colour
100 x 100 dpi Yes Yes Yes
150 x 150 dpi Yes Yes Yes
200 x 200 dpi Yes Yes Yes
300 x 300 dpi Yes Yes Yes
400 x 400 dpi Yes Yes Yes
600 x 600 dpi Yes Yes Yes
1,200 x 1,200 dpi Yes No Yes
Scan from Your Computer
True Gray
Use for photographic images or graphics. This mode is more exact due to using up to 256 shades of
256 Color
Use for simple colour illustrations that do not use the full colour spectrum. Uses up to 256 colours to
create images.
24bit Color
Uses up to 16.8 million colours to scan the image. Although using 24bit Color creates an image with
the most accurate colour reproduction, it requires the most memory and has the longest transfer time.
256 Color is only available when your scanning application supports this setting. Presto! PageManager
does not support 256
3 Document Size
Document size is set to A4 by default. If you select Custom, you can specify the document size.
4 Adjust Image
Click the Adjust Image button for adjusting the image.
Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The default value of 0 represents an average and
is usually suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness level by dragging the slider to the right
or left to lighten or darken the image. You can also enter a value in the box to set the level. If the
scanned image is too light, set a lower Brightness level and scan the document again. If the image is
too dark, set a higher Brightness level and scan the document again.
The Brightness setting is only available when setting Scan Type to Black & White,
(Error Diffusion), True Gray or 24bit Color.
Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The default value of 0 represents an average and
is usually suitable for most images. You can increase or decrease the contrast level by moving the slider
to the right or left. An increase emphasizes dark and light areas of the image, while a decrease reveals
more details in grey areas. You can also enter a value in the box to set the Contrast.
The Contrast setting is only available when setting Scan Type to Gray (Error Diffusion), True Gray or
Reduce Noise
You can improve and enhance the quality of your scanned images with this selection. The Reduce
Noise setting is available when using 24bit
Color and scan resolutions of 300 × 300 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi
or 600 × 600 dpi.
Scan from Your Computer
5 2-sided Scanning
Select Long-edge binding or Short-edge binding depending on the layout of your original to make sure
that the data file created appears correctly in the scanned document.
2-sided Scan Setting Original Layout Scan Result
Long-edge binding
Short-edge binding
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using Apple Image Capture (ICA Driver) 3
You can scan a document using the ICA driver. If you installed MFL-Pro Suite from the installer DVD-ROM,
the ICA driver has been already installed on your computer. If you don’t see your machine in the Print
& Fax
or Print
& Scan list, you can add your machine by clicking the + button (see Select your machine from Print
& Fax or Print & Scan on page 110). You can also scan directly using the Image Capture application.
Scan Using Apple Image Capture 3
1 Launch the Image Capture application.
Scan from Your Computer
2 Select the machine from the list on the left side of the window.
You will see the machine in the DEVICES area. If connected via wireless LAN, you will see it in the
SHARED area.
3 Load your document.
4 Select a size of your document for Scan Size.
5 Select the destination folder or destination application for Scan To.
6 Click the Scan button.
The machine starts scanning.
Scan from Your Computer
ICA Driver Settings 3
You can adjust the following settings, if needed, in the dialog box accessed by clicking on Show Details. Note
that the item name and assignable value will vary depending on the machine.
Select from Color, Black & White or Text.
2 Resolution
Select the resolution you want to scan your document at.
3Scan Size or Size
Select the paper size of the document.
4 Orientation
Select the orientation of the document.
Check the Duplex check box to do 2-sided (duplex) scanning.
6Scan To
Select the destination folder or destination application.
Enter the prefix text used for the name of the scanned image.
8 Format
Select the file format of the scanned data.
Scan from Your Computer
9Create single document or Combine into single document
Check this box to scan a document as one item and save it as one file when selecting PDF or TIFF for the
file format.
If you cannot select TIFF for the file format, select PDF first and then select TIFF.
10 Image Correction
You can configure settings depending on Kind that you have chosen.
Select your machine from Print & Fax or Print & Scan 3
1 Select System Preferences in the menu bar.
2 Click the Print & Fax icon or the Print & Scan icon.
3 Select the machine from the list on the left side of the screen.
If you do not see the Open Scanner button on the window, remove your machine by clicking the - button
from the Print
& Fax or Print & Scan list and then add your machine by clicking the + button.
Kind Configurable Settings
Color Brightness, Tint, Temperature, Saturation
Black & White Brightness, Contrast (Mac OS X v10.7.x, 10.8.x)
Text Threshold
Scan from Your Computer
Use NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 (Macintosh) 3
Presto! BizCard lets you manage the information from scanned business cards, such as names, companies,
mailing addresses, phone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses, on your computer. Simply scan, or import your
business cards and Presto! BizCard automatically saves the data and image for each card. Different viewing
modes are available for easy searching, editing, creating, and sorting.
Installing NewSoft Presto! BizCard 6 3
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 Double-click the BROTHER icon on your desktop.
3 Double-click Brother Support.
4 Click Presto! BizCard to download the Presto! BizCard 6 installer.
5 Double-click the installer, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
For information about how to scan using Presto! BizCard 6, see the Presto! BizCard 6 user’s guide by clicking
on Help on the menu bar, then Using
Scan from Your Computer
Scan Using Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro or ISIS
) 3
You can use the free trial version of Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro or other applications, which support the ISIS
specifications, for scanning. Before scanning using the ISIS
applications, you must install the ISIS
In order to use the ISIS
driver, the Brother scanner driver needs to be installed. If you have not installed
the Brother scanner driver, you must do so before installing the ISIS
Installing ISIS
Scanner and Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro 3
1 Insert the supplied DVD-ROM into your DVD-ROM drive.
2 The DVD-ROM top menu will appear automatically. Select your model name and then the desired
3 Click Custom Installation.
4 Click ISIS Scanner Driver & Application.
5 Click ISIS Scanner Driver. Follow the on-screen instructions.
6 Click Captiva QuickScan Pro Trial. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The web site where you can download the free trial version of Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro is operated by
EMC corporation. If you have any questions about Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro, contact EMC corporation.
For information about how to scan using your ISIS
application, see Captiva
QuickScan™ Pro’s help.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine 4
Scan Documents Directly to an FTP Server 4
When you choose Scan to FTP, you can scan a black and white or colour document directly to an FTP server
on your local network, or on the Internet.
The details required to use Scan to FTP can be entered by using Web Based Management to pre-configure
and store the details in an FTP Profile.
Scan to FTP is available when FTP profiles are configured by using Web Based Management.
We recommend Microsoft
Internet Explorer
8.0/9.0 for Windows
and Safari 5.0 for Macintosh. Please
also make sure that JavaScript and Cookies are always enabled in whichever browser you use. If a
different web browser is used, make sure it is compatible with HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1.
Start Web Based Management 4
If you have set up the machine using the USB interface method, you need to set up the machine using the
wireless network method with the installation DVD-ROM and a USB cable (see the Quick Setup Guide) to
use Web Based Management.
Scan from the Control Panel of the
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Scan to Net Settings button. The Web Based Management window will appear.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Type “http://machine’s IP address/” into your browser’s address bar (where “machine’s IP address” is the IP
address of the machine).
For example:
You can configure or change the settings in Scan to FTP (for ADS-1100W) or Scan to FTP/Network
ADS-1600W) in the Scan tab. You can configure up to five FTP server profiles and choose what profile
numbers (1 to 5) to use for Scan to FTP settings in Scan to FTP Profile (for ADS-1100W) or Scan to
FTP/Network Profile (for ADS-1600W).
In addition to the seven preset file names you can store two user defined file names that can be used for
creating an FTP Server Profile.
Choose Scan to FTP (for ADS-1100W) or Scan to FTP/Network (for ADS-1600W) in Web Based
Management. In Create
a User Defined File Name, enter a file name in one of the two user defined fields
and click Submit. A maximum of 15 characters can be entered in each of the user defined name fields
example below uses ADS-1600W).
Do not use unsuitable characters in the file name (for example ?, /, \, or *). They may cause a sending error
when using Scan to FTP.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Configure the FTP Default Settings 4
You can set Passive Mode to Off or On depending on your FTP server and network firewall configuration.
By default this setting is On. You can also change the port number used to access the FTP server. The default
for this setting is port 21. In most cases these two settings can remain as the default (the example below uses
1 (ADS-1600W only)
Choose FTP in Scan to FTP/Network from the Scan tab. Click Submit.
2 Choose the Profile you want to configure in Scan to FTP Profile (for ADS-1100W) or Scan to
FTP/Network Profile (for ADS-1600W) from the Scan tab.
3 Enter the name that you want to use for the profile of the FTP server. This name will be displayed in
Destination in Scan to Network Device from the Scan tab (ADS-1100W only) or on the LCD of the
machine (ADS-1600W only), and can be up to 15 characters.
4 The Host Address is the domain name of the FTP server. Enter the Host Address (for example
ftp.example.com) (up to 64 characters) or the IP address (for example
5 Enter the Username that has been registered with the FTP server for the machine (up to 32 characters).
6 Enter the Password for access to the FTP server (up to 32 characters).
7 Enter the destination folder where your document will be stored on the FTP server (for example
brother\abc) (up to 60 characters).
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
8 Choose the file name you want to use for the scanned document. You can choose from seven preset
and two user defined file names. The file name that will be used for your document will be the file name
you selected plus the last 6 digits of the scanner counter plus the file extension (for example,
9 Choose the quality, file type, document size and 2-sided Scan you want to use for the scanned data. The
following settings can be changed.
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Setting Options Description
Quality Color 150 dpi
Color 200 dpi
Color 300 dpi
Color 600 dpi
B&W 150 dpi
B&W 200 dpi
B&W 300 dpi
B&W 600 dpi
Auto 150 dpi
Auto 200 dpi
Auto 300 dpi
User Select
(ADS-1600W only)
You can select a scanning quality from the Quality drop-down list.
Higher qualities take more memory and transfer time, but produce a
finer scanned image.
If you select User Select, you must select the setting from the
Control Panel of the machine.
File Type PDF
User Select
(ADS-1600W only)
You can select the file type you want to use for the scanned data.
You can select PDF or JPEG when you select Color in Quality.
You can select PDF or TIFF when you select B&W in Quality.
You can select PDF when you select Auto in Quality.
If you select User Select, you must select the setting from the
Control Panel of the machine.
Document Size Auto
Business Card
Long Paper
User Select
(ADS-1600W only)
If you select Auto, you can scan documents of any size without
making any adjustments to Document
For faster scan
speeds, you can select the exact size of your document from the
Size drop-down list.
If you select 600 dpi for Quality, you cannot select Auto.
You can select A4, Letter, Legal, B5, A5, B6, A6, Business Card or
Paper when Auto Deskew is set to Off.
You can select Long Paper when you configure the settings as
Quality: other than Auto
Auto Deskew: Off
Skip Blank Page: Off
2-sided Scan: Off
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
0 Set Auto Deskew
to On if you want to correct the skew (within 5 degrees) of the scanned data.
A Set Skip Blank Page
to On if you want to remove blank pages of the document from the scanned data.
B Click Submit.
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Scan Using FTP Server Profiles 4
If you have set up the machine using the USB interface method, you need to set up the machine using the
wireless network method with the installation DVD-ROM and a USB cable (see the Quick Setup Guide) to
use the Scan to FTP feature.
Before starting Scan to FTP, you need to configure the Scan to FTP profile (see Configure the FTP Default
Settings on page 116).
Setting Options Description
2-sided Scan
(ADS-1100W only)
Long Edge
Short Edge
To scan both sides of the document, select Long Edge or Short Edge
depending on the layout of your original to make sure that the data file
created appears correctly in the scanned document.
The 2-sided Scan feature is available with lengths up to Legal size.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
2 Click the Scan to Net Settings button. The Web Based Management window will appear.
3 Select Network Device 1 or Network Device 2 which you want to assign the Scan to FTP feature.
The Network Device 1 settings will be applied to on the Control Panel of the machine.
The Network Device 2 settings will be applied to on the Control Panel of the machine.
4 Select Scan to FTP from the Type drop-down list for your selected device in 3.
5 Select a profile name from the Destination drop-down list for your selected device in 3.
6 Click Submit.
7 Load your document.
8 Press or which you have assigned the Scan to FTP feature.
9 Press . The machine starts scanning.
1 Load your document.
2 Press d or c to display to FTP.
3 Press to FTP.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
4 Press a or b to choose one of the FTP server profiles listed.
Do one of the following:
If the Scan to FTP profile is complete, go to 7.
If the Scan to FTP profile is not complete, go to 5.
5 Press Options.
6 Choose the settings for 2-sided Scan, Scan Type, Resolution, File Type, Document Size,
Deskew, Skip Blank Page and User Name as needed. Press OK.
If you want to save the profile as a shortcut, press Save as Shortcut.
7 Press Start.
The LCD shows Connecting. When the connection to the FTP server is successful the machine starts
the scanning process.
Scan Documents Directly to a CIFS Server (Windows
) (ADS-1600W only) 4
When you choose Scan to Network, you can scan documents directly to a shared folder on a CIFS server
located on your local network or the Internet.
The details required to use Scan to Network can be entered by using Web Based Management to
preconfigure and store the details in a Scan to Network profile. The Scan to Network profile stores user
information and configuration settings for use on a network, or the Internet.
Scan to Network is available when Scan to Network profiles are configured by using Web Based
You must configure the SNTP protocol (network time server), or you must set the date, time and time zone
correctly for Authentication. For more information, see the Network User’s Guide.
We recommend Microsoft
Internet Explorer
8.0/9.0. Please also make sure that JavaScript and
Cookies are always enabled in whichever browser you use. If a different web browser is used, make sure
it is compatible with HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1.
Type “http://machine’s IP address/” into your browser’s address bar (where “machine’s IP address” is the IP
address of the machine) (For example: You can configure or change the settings in
to FTP/Network in the Scan tab. You can configure up to five Scan to Network profiles and choose
what profile numbers (1 to 5) to use for Scan to Network settings in Scan
to FTP/Network Profile.
In addition to the seven preset file names you can store two user defined file names that can be used for
creating a Scan to Network profile.
Choose Scan to FTP/Network in Web Based Management. In Create a User Defined File Name, enter a
file name in one of the two user defined fields and click Submit. A maximum of 15 characters can be entered
in each of the user defined name fields.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Do not use unsuitable characters in the file name (for example ?, /, \, or *). They may cause a sending error
when using Scan to Network.
Configure the Scan to Network Default Settings 4
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Choose Network in Scan to FTP/Network from the Scan tab. Click Submit.
2 Choose the Profile you want to configure in Scan to FTP/Network Profile.
3 Enter the name that you want to use for the Scan to Network profile. This name will be displayed on the
LCD of the machine and can be up to 15 characters.
4 The Host Address is the domain name of the CIFS server. Enter the Host Address (for example
mypc.example.com) (up to 64 characters) or the IP address (for example
5 Enter the destination folder where your document will be stored on the CIFS server (for example
brother\abc) (up to 60 characters).
6 Choose the file name you want to use for the scanned document. You can choose from seven preset
and two user defined file names. The file name that will be used for your document will be the file name
you selected plus the last 6 digits of the scanner counter plus the file extension (for example,
7 Choose the quality, file type and document size you want to use for the scanned data. The following
settings can be changed.
Setting Options Description
Quality Color 150 dpi
Color 200 dpi
Color 300 dpi
Color 600 dpi
B&W 150 dpi
B&W 200 dpi
B&W 300 dpi
B&W 600 dpi
Auto 150 dpi
Auto 200 dpi
Auto 300 dpi
User Select
(ADS-1600W only)
You can select a scanning quality from the Quality drop-down list.
Higher qualities take more memory and transfer time, but produce a
finer scanned image.
If you select User Select, you must select the setting from the
Control Panel of the machine.
File Type PDF
User Select
(ADS-1600W only)
You can select the file type you want to use for the scanned data.
You can select PDF or JPEG when you select Color in Quality.
You can select PDF or TIFF when you select B&W in Quality.
You can select PDF when you select Auto in Quality.
If you select User Select, you must select the setting from the
Control Panel of the machine.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
8 Set Auto Deskew
to On if you want to correct the skew (within 5 degrees) of the scanned data.
9 Set Skip Blank Page
to On if you want to remove blank pages of the document from the scanned data.
0 If you want to protect the profile, choose On from Use PIN for Authentication and enter a 4-digit PIN
number in PIN
A Enter the Username that has been registered with the CIFS server for the machine (up to 96 characters).
B Enter the Password for access to the CIFS server (up to 32 characters).
C Click Submit.
D Choose Date&Time from the General tab.
E Enter the date and time used on the CIFS server.
F Choose the time zone from the pull-down list.
G Click Submit.
Document Size Auto
Business Card
Long Paper
User Select
(ADS-1600W only)
If you select Auto, you can scan documents of any size without
making any adjustments to Document
For faster scan
speeds, you can select the exact size of your document from the
Size drop-down list.
If you select 600 dpi for Quality, you cannot select Auto.
You can select A4, Letter, Legal, B5, A5, B6, A6, Business Card or
Paper when Auto Deskew is set to Off.
You can select Long Paper when you configure the settings as
Quality: other than Auto
Auto Deskew: Off
Skip Blank Page: Off
Setting Options Description
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Scan Using Scan to Network Profiles 4
1 Load your document.
2 Press d or c to display to Network.
3 Press to Network.
4 Press a or b to choose one of Network server profiles listed.
If the LCD prompts you to enter a PIN number, enter the 4-digit PIN number for the profile on the LCD.
Press OK.
Do one of the following:
If the Scan to Network profile is complete, go to 7.
If the Scan to Network profile is not complete, go to 5.
5 Press Options.
6 Choose the settings for 2-sided Scan, Scan Type, Resolution, File Type, Document Size,
Deskew, Skip Blank Page and User Name as needed. Press OK.
If you want to save the settings as a shortcut, press Save as Shortcut.
7 Press Start.
The LCD shows Connecting. When the connection to the Network is successful the machine starts the
scanning process.
Save Scanned Documents on Your Computer 4
Scan to PC (USB Connect) 4
If you have set up the machine using the wireless network method with the installation DVD-ROM and a
USB cable, you need to set up the machine using the USB interface method (see the Quick Setup Guide)
to display the Scan to PC Settings button in the ControlCenter application and to use the Scan to PC
(USB Connect) feature.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click Scan to PC Settings. The Remote Setup window will appear.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
3 Select Scan to PC in the folder tree (the example below uses Windows
4 Select a Scan-to action you want to use (Image, OCR, E-mail, or File) from the drop-down list.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
6 Configure the settings if needed (see Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
) on page 140 or Change
Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) on page 146).
7 Load your document.
8 Press and then . The machine starts scanning.
1 Load your document.
2 Press d or c to display to PC.
3 Press to PC.
4 Press d or c to display the Scan-to action you want to do (to OCR, to File, to Image or
5 Press the Scan-to action you want to do.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
6 Press Start.
The machine starts the scanning process.
You can configure the Scan-to settings from your computer. See Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
on page 140 or Change Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) on page 146.
If you want to save the settings as a shortcut, press Save as Shortcut. For more information, see Set
Up the Shortcuts (ADS-1600W only) on page 156.
Scan to PC (Network Connect) 4
If you have set up the machine using the USB interface method, you need to set up the machine using the
wireless network method with the installation DVD-ROM and a USB cable (see the Quick Setup Guide) to
display the Scan to Net Settings button in the ControlCenter application and to use the Scan to PC
(Network Connect) feature.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Scan to Net Settings button. The Web Based Management window will appear.
3 Select the device (Network Device 1 or Network Device 2) to which you want to assign the Scan to PC
The Network Device 1 settings will be applied to on the Control Panel of the machine.
The Network Device 2 settings will be applied to on the Control Panel of the machine.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
4 Select Scan to PC(Net Connect-XXXXXX) (XXXXXX is a scan type) from the Type drop-down list for
the selected device in
5 Select the destination computer from the Destination drop-down list for the selected device in 3.
6 Click Submit.
7 Configure the settings if needed (see Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
) on page 140 or Change
Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) on page 146).
8 Load your document.
9 Press your configured key and then . The machine starts scanning.
1 Load your document.
2 Press d or c to display to PC.
3 Press to PC.
4 Press d or c to display the Scan-to action you want to do (to OCR, to File, to Image or
5 Press the Scan-to action you want to do.
6 Press a or b to display the destination computer you want to save on.
Press the destination computer.
7 If the PIN entry screen is displayed, enter the four-digit PIN and press OK.
8 Press Start.
The machine starts the scanning process.
You can configure the Scan-to settings from your computer. See Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
on page 140 or Change Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) on page 146.
If you want to save the settings as a shortcut, press Save as Shortcut. For more information, see Set
Up the Shortcuts (ADS-1600W only) on page 156.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Scan Using Web Services (Windows Vista
SP2 or Later, Windows
7 and
8) 4
The menu that allows you to use Web Services for scanning is displayed in Destination in Scan to Network
Device from the Scan tab in Web Based Management (ADS-1100W only) or on the LCD of the machine
(ADS-1600W), if you have installed the driver for scanning via Web Services. For information about installing
Web Services, see Installing drivers used for scanning via Web Services (Windows Vista
, Windows
7 and
8) in the Network User’s Guide.
If the LCD or LED indications show Out of Memory, decrease the Paper size setting or the Resolution
setting. For details, see
Configuring Settings for Scanning on page 133.
If you have set up the machine using the USB interface method, you need to set up the machine using the
wireless network method with the installation DVD-ROM and a USB cable (see the Quick Setup Guide) to
display the Scan to Net Settings button in the ControlCenter application and to use the WS Scan feature.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
3 Click the Scan to Net Settings button. The Web Based Management window will appear.
4 Select the device (Network Device1 or Network Device2) to which you want to assign the Scan to PC
The Network Device1 settings will be applied to on the Control Panel of the machine.
The Network Device2 settings will be applied to on the Control Panel of the machine.
5 Select WS Scan from the Type drop-down list for the selected device in 4.
6 Select the destination computer from the Destination drop-down list for the selected device in 4.
7 Click Submit.
8 Load your document.
9 Press or for the device to which you assigned the WS Scan feature.
0 Press . The machine starts scanning.
Certain characters in the messages displayed on the LCD may be replaced with spaces when the
language settings of your OS and your Brother machine are different.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Load your document.
2 Press d or c to display to PC.
3 Press to PC.
4 Press d or c to display WS Scan.
5 Press WS Scan.
6 Press the type of scan you want to do.
7 Press a or b to display the destination computer you want to send to.
Press the destination computer.
8 Press Start.
The machine starts scanning process.
Configuring Settings for Scanning 4
If the LCD or LED indications show Out of Memory, decrease the Paper size setting or the Resolution
1 (Windows Vista
Click the button, Control Panel, Hardware and Sound, then Scanners and Cameras.
Click the button, Control Panel, Hardware and Sound, then Devices and Printers.
Move your mouse to the lower right corner of your desktop. When the menu bar appears, click Settings,
and then click Control Panel. In the Hardware and Sound group, click View devices and printers.
2 Click your machine, and then click the Scan Profiles button.
The Scan Profiles dialog box will appear.
3 Choose the scan profile you want to use. Make sure the scanner selected in Scanner is a Brother
machine that supports Web Services for scanning.
Click Set as Default.
4 Click Edit. The Edit Default Profile dialog box will appear.
5 Choose the Source, Paper size, Color format, File type, Resolution, Brightness and Contrast
6 Click Save Profile. The settings will be applied when scanning using the Web Services protocol.
If you are requested to choose a software application to scan, choose Windows
Fax and Scan or
Photo Gallery from the list.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Save Scanned Documents on a USB Flash Memory Drive 4
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select Scan to USB in the folder tree and then configure scan settings as needed (the example below
uses Windows
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
4 Click Apply and then OK.
5 Insert a USB flash memory drive into the machine.
6 Load your document.
7 Press and then . The machine starts scanning.
The file name will be the current date plus a two-digit sequential number.
1 Insert a USB flash memory drive into your machine.
2 Load your document.
3 Press d or c to display to USB.
4 Press to USB.
5 Press Options.
6 Configure the settings for 2-sided Scan, Scan Type, Resolution, File Type, Document Size,
Name, Auto Deskew and Skip Blank Page as needed. Press OK.
To select Long Paper (up to 863mm) for Document Size, use these settings:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scan: Off
If you want to save the settings as a new default, press Set New Default.
If you want to restore all settings to the factory settings, press Factory Reset.
7 Press Start.
The machine starts scanning, and then the scanned data is saved on the USB flash memory drive.
If you want to save the settings as a shortcut, press Save as Shortcut. For more information, see Set
Up the Shortcuts (ADS-1600W only) on page 156.
DO NOT remove the USB flash memory drive while the machine is scanning to the USB flash memory
drive to avoid damaging the drive or the data stored on it.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Send Scanned Documents Directly to an Email Address (ADS-1600W only) 4
1 Load your document.
2 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
3 Press to E-mail Server.
4 Select the E-mail address you want to send to by doing one of the following:
If you want to select an email address from the Address Book, see Select an Email Address from the
Address Book on page 137.
If you want to enter an email address manually, see Enter an Email Address Manually on page 138.
You can select up to 100 E-mail addresses from the Address Book and enter up to 50 E-mail addresses
manually. The scanned data will be sent to all of the addresses at the same time.
5 Press OK and then do one of the following:
If you want to use the default settings, go to 8.
If you want to change the default settings, go to 6.
6 Press Options.
7 Select the settings for 2-sided Scan, Scan Type, Resolution, File Type, Document Size,
Deskew and Skip Blank Page as needed. Press OK.
If you want to save the settings as a new default, press Set New Default.
If you want to restore all settings to the factory settings, press Factory Reset.
8 Press Start.
The machine starts scanning and then sends the scanned document to the E-mail address directly.
If you want to save the settings as a shortcut, press Save as Shortcut. For more information, see Set
Up the Shortcuts (ADS-1600W only) on page 156.
Select an Email Address from the Address Book 4
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server.
3 Press Address Book.
4 Press . The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
5 Enter the initial characters for your search and then press OK. The machine starts searching the Address
Book, and then the search result will be shown.
6 Press a or b until you find the name you are looking for.
7 Press the name from the result.
8 Press Apply.
If you want to register an E-mail address in the Address Book, see Set Up the Address Book (ADS-1600W
only) on page 152.
You can select up to 100 E-mail addresses from the Address Book and enter up to 50 E-mail addresses
manually. The scanned data will be sent to all of the addresses at the same time.
Enter an Email Address Manually 4
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server.
3 Press Manual. The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
4 Enter an email address and then press OK.
5 Press OK.
You can enter up to 50 email addresses manually. The scanned data will be sent to all of the addresses
at the same time.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Scan Plastic Cards 4
1 Close the Top Cover if it is open.
2 Load a plastic card (see Loading a Plastic Card on page 39).
3 Do one of the following:
Press for Scan to PC (USB Connect).
Press or for Scan to PC (Network Connect) or Scan to FTP.
You need to assign the Scan to PC (Network Connect) feature to or before starting Scan
to PC (Network Connect). See Scan to PC (Network Connect) on page 128.
You need to assign the Scan to FTP feature to or before starting Scan to FTP. See Scan
Documents Directly to an FTP Server on page 113.
4 Press . The machine starts scanning.
1 Register a shortcut (see Card Scan on page 157).
2 Close the Top Cover if it is open.
3 Load a plastic card (see Loading a Plastic Card on page 39).
4 Press your configured shortcut.
5 Press Start. The machine starts scanning.
To configure the settings in detail, see Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
) on page 140 or Change
Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) on page 146 for Scan to PC, or Scan Documents Directly to an FTP
Server on page 113 for Scan to FTP.
Upload Scanned Documents to the Web (ADS-1600W only) 4
Scan to Web lets you scan a document and upload it directly to Web Services. See the Web Connect Guide.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
) 4
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
3 Click the Device Scan Settings button. The Device Scan Settings dialog box will appear.
4 Select the tab for the Scan-to action you want to change (Image, OCR, E-mail, or File).
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
5 Change the settings.
The following settings can be changed.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
File Type Select the file type you want to use for the scanned data.
To save the document as a password-protected PDF,
select Secure
PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type drop-
down list, click the
(Set PDF Password) button,
and enter the password (Image, E-mail and File only).
Searchable PDF is a file format that includes the text
data layer over a scanned image. This layer allows you
to search the text on the image data. The OCR
language setting must be set to match the language
you want to make the searchable PDF for.
To save the document as a searchable PDF, select
PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type drop-
down list.
To save the document as a searchable PDF,
Nuance™ PaperPort™
12SE must be installed on
your computer.
Several file types such as TIFF, TIFF Multi-Page, PDF,
Secure PDF and JPEG support file size compression.
Select Uncompressed or Compressed to adjust the
file size for TIFF or TIFF Multi-Page. For PDF, Secure
PDF and JPEG, use the slider to adjust the file size
(not available for Scan to OCR).
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Select the destination application from the drop-down list. Yes Yes - -
OCR Language Set to match the language of the scanned document’s
- Yes - -
File Name Click the Change button for Image, OCR or E-mail. Enter
a prefix for the file name if needed.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Destination File
Click the Change button and then the folder icon to
change the folder you would like to save your scanned
document to.
Yes Yes Yes -
Click the folder icon and browse to the folder you would
like to save your scanned document to. Check
Folder to automatically display the destination
folder after scanning.
- - - Yes
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
File size You can adjust the File size by moving the slider to the
right or left.
File size can be adjusted depending on your selected
Yes - Yes Yes
Resolution You can select a scanning resolution from the Resolution
drop-down list. Higher resolutions take more memory and
transfer time, but produce a finer scanned image.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan Type Lets you select from a range of scan colour depth.
Black & White
Use for text or line art images.
Grey (Error Diffusion)
Use for photographic images or graphics. (Error Diffusion
is a method for creating simulated grey images without
using true grey dots. Black dots are put in a specific
pattern to give a grey appearance.)
True Grey
Use for photographic images or graphics. This mode is
more exact due to using up to 256 shades of grey.
24bit Colour
Uses up to 16.8 million colours to scan the image.
Although using 24bit Colour creates an image with the
most accurate colour reproduction, it requires the most
memory and has the longest transfer time.
Uses suitable colours for your document automatically.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Document Size Document size is set to Auto by default. You can scan
documents of any size without making any adjustments to
Size. For faster scan speeds, you can select
the exact size of your document from the Document
drop-down list.
If you select a 2 in 1 document size, two scanned
images will be combined into one document.
You can select Long Paper when you configure the
settings as following:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scanning: Off
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Brightness Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The
default value of 0 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness
level by dragging the slider to the right or left to lighten or
darken the image. You can also enter a value in the box to
set the level. If the scanned image is too light, set a lower
Brightness level and scan the document again. If the
image is too dark, set a higher Brightness level and scan
the document again.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contrast Adjust the setting (-50 to 50) to get the best image. The
default value of 0 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can increase or decrease
the contrast level by moving the slider to the right or left.
An increase emphasizes dark and light areas of the
image, while a decrease reveals more details in grey
areas. You can also enter a value in the box to set the
The Contrast setting is only available when setting
Type to Auto, Grey (Error Diffusion), True
Grey or 24bit Colour.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
2-sided Scanning If you check this box, the machine scans both sides of the
document. When using the automatic 2-sided (duplex)
scan feature, you must select Long-edge
binding or
binding depending on the layout of your
original to make sure that the data file created appears
correctly in the scanned document.
The 2-sided (duplex) scanning feature is available with
lengths up to Legal size.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
6 Click the Advanced Settings button. The Advanced Settings dialog box will appear.
Plastic Card
Lets you scan cards, such as driver’s licenses or
insurance cards, using these automatic settings:
Resolution: 600 x 600 dpi
Document Size: 2 in 1 (Auto)
2-sided Scanning: On (Short-edge binding)
Auto Deskew: On
Auto Image Rotation: Off
If you want to scan a plastic card with different settings,
set Plastic
Card Mode to off and Resolution to
Load only one plastic card at a time.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Default Restore all settings to their factory default values. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
7 Change the settings.
The following settings can be changed.
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
8 Click the OK button to close the Advanced Settings dialog box.
9 Click the OK button to close the Device Scan Settings dialog box.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Auto Deskew Corrects the skew (within 5 degrees) of the scanned
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto Image
Changes the direction of the document based on the text
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bleed Through
Prevents the Bleed Through phenomenon on a two-sided
document, and also allows you to remove the base colour
of documents such as newspapers to make the scanned
data more recognizable.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skip Blank Page Removes blank pages of the document from the scanning
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Display Scanning
Shows the numbers of total pages saved and blank pages
skipped on your computer screen.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Change Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh) 4
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 While holding down the Control key click a button for the Scan-to action you want to change (Image,
OCR, E-mail, or File). The Scan-to action setting dialog box will appear (the example below uses
3 Click the Device Button tab.
4 Change the settings.
The following settings can be changed.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
(for Image, OCR
and File) or
(for E-mail)
You can select which application is used to open scanned
data. Only applications installed on your computer can be
Add button
You can add an application to the drop-down list. Enter
the Application
Name (up to 30 characters) and
select your preferred application by clicking the
Browse button. Also select the File
Type from the
drop-down list.
Delete button
You can delete an application that you have added.
Select the Application
Name and click the Delete
Yes Yes Yes -
File Type Select the file type you want to use for the scanned data.
To save the document as a password-protected PDF,
select Secure
PDF (*.pdf) for File Type and then
enter the password in the Set
PDF Password dialog
box (Image, E-mail and File only).
Searchable PDF is a file format that includes the text
data layer over a scanned image. This layer allows you
to search the text on the image data. The OCR
language setting must be set to match the language
you want to make the searchable PDF for.
To save the document as a searchable PDF, select
PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type drop-
down list.
To save the document as a searchable PDF, Presto!
PageManager must be installed on your computer
from the supplied DVD-ROM.
Several file types such as TIFF, TIFF Multi-Page, PDF,
Secure PDF and JPEG support file size compression.
Select Uncompressed or Compressed to adjust the
file size for TIFF or TIFF Multi-Page. For PDF, Secure
PDF and JPEG, use the slider to adjust the file size
(not available for Scan to OCR).
Yes Yes Yes Yes
File size You can adjust the File size by moving the slider to the
right or left.
File size can be adjusted depending on your selected
Yes - Yes Yes
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
OCR Software Shows the application to extract the editable text data
from the document.
- Yes - -
OCR Language Set to match the language of the scanned document’s
- Yes - -
File Name Click the Change button for Image, OCR or E-mail. Enter
a prefix for the file name if needed.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Destination File
Click the Change button and then the Browse button to
change the folder you would like to save your scanned
document to.
Yes Yes Yes -
Click Browse and browse to the folder you would like to
save your scanned document to. Check Show
Folder to
automatically display the destination folder after scanning.
- - - Yes
Resolution You can select a scanning resolution from the Resolution
drop-down list. Higher resolutions take more memory and
transfer time, but produce a finer scanned image.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan Type Lets you select from a range of scan colour depth.
Black & White
Use for text or line art images.
Gray (Error Diffusion)
Use for photographic images or graphics. (Error Diffusion
is a method for creating simulated grey images without
using true grey dots. Black dots are put in a specific
pattern to give a grey appearance.)
True Gray
Use for photographic images or graphics. This mode is
more exact due to using up to 256 shades of grey.
24bit Color
Uses up to 16.8 million colours to scan the image.
Although using 24bit
Color creates an image with the
most accurate colour reproduction, it requires the most
memory and has the longest transfer time.
Uses suitable colours for your document automatically.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Document Size Document size is set to Auto by default. You can scan
documents of any size without making any adjustments to
Size. For faster scan speeds, you can select
the exact size of your document from the Document
drop-down list.
If you select a 1 to 2 document size, the scanned
image will be divided into two documents that are half
the size of the setting. If you select 1
to 2 (A4), the
scanned image will be divided into two 5.8
× 8.3 in.
To do 1 to 2 scanning or 2 in 1 scanning, uncheck the
Image Rotation check box in the
Settings dialog box.
If you select a 2 in 1 document size, two scanned
images will be combined into one document.
You can select Long Paper when you configure the
settings as following:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scanning: Off
Yes Yes Yes Yes
2-sided Scanning If you check this box, the machine scans both sides of the
document. When using the automatic 2-sided (duplex)
scan feature, you must select Long-edge
binding or
binding, depending on the layout of your
original, to make sure that the data file created appears
correctly in the scanned document.
The 2-sided (duplex) scanning feature is available with
lengths up to Legal size.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Restore Defaults Restore all settings to their factory default values. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
5 Click the Advanced Settings button. The Advanced Settings dialog box will appear.
6 Change the settings.
The following settings can be changed.
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Brightness Adjust the setting (0 to 100) to get the best image. The
default value of 50 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can set the Brightness
level by dragging the slider to the right or left to lighten or
darken the image. If the scanned image is too light, set a
lower Brightness level and scan the document again. If the
image is too dark, set a higher Brightness level and scan
the document again.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contrast Adjust the setting (0 to 100) to get the best image. The
default value of 50 represents an average and is usually
suitable for most images. You can increase or decrease
the contrast level by moving the slider to the right or left.
An increase emphasizes dark and light areas of the
image, while a decrease reveals more details in grey
The Contrast setting is only available when setting
Type to Auto, Gray (Error Diffusion),
Gray or 24bit Color.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Depending upon the condition of the original document, this function may not work properly.
7 Click the OK button to close the Advanced Settings dialog box.
8 Click the OK button to close the setting dialog box.
Auto Deskew Corrects the skew (within 5 degrees) of the scanned
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Auto Image
Changes the direction of the document based on the text
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bleed Through
Prevents the Bleed Through phenomenon on a two-sided
document, and also allows you to remove the base colour
of documents such as newspapers to make the scanned
data more recognizable.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Skip Blank Page Removes blank pages of the document from the scanning
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Display Scanning
Shows the numbers of total pages saved and blank pages
skipped on your computer screen.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Setting Description Applicable Feature
Image OCR E-mail File
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Set Up the Address Book (ADS-1600W only) 4
The Address Book feature lets you select an email address to send the scanned data directly. You can
configure the Address Book from the Control Panel of the machine.
You can also configure the Address Book with Remote Setup.
Register an E-mail Address 4
You can register up to 100 email addresses and enter a name for each address.
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server, Address Book and then Edit.
3 Press a or b to display Add New Address.
4 Press Add New Address and then Name.
5 Enter a name and then press OK.
6 Press Address.
7 Enter an email address and then press OK.
8 Press OK.
Change an Email Address 4
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server, Address Book and then Edit.
3 Press a or b to display Change.
4 Press Change.
5 Press a or b until you find the email address you want to change.
6 Press the email Address. If the email address is used in one or more shortcuts, the LCD shows you that
the address in the shortcut(s) will also change. Press OK.
7 Do one of the following:
If you want to change the name, go to step 8.
If you want to change the E-mail address, go to step 0.
8 Press Name. The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
9 Enter a new name and then press OK. Go to step B.
0 Press Address. The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
A Enter a new email address and then press OK.
B Press OK.
The LCD shows you a list of shortcuts using the email address you changed. The shortcut settings will
automatically change.
Delete an Email Address 4
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server, Address Book and then Edit.
3 Press a or b to display Delete.
4 Press Delete.
5 Press a or b until you find the email address you want to delete.
6 Press the E-mail address and then OK.
7 Press Yes.
You cannot delete an E-mail address used in a shortcut. Delete the shortcut first (see Rename or Delete
a Shortcut on page 158).
Set Up a Group 4
You can register up to 6 groups.
Before setting up a group, you need to register more than one email address.
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server, Address Book and then Edit.
3 Press a or b to display Setup Groups.
4 Press Setup Groups and then Name.
5 Enter a group name and then press OK.
6 Press Add/Delete.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
7 Press a or b until you find the E-mail address you want to add to the group.
8 Press the E-mail address and then OK.
9 Press OK.
Change a Group 4
You can rename a group, add an E-mail address to a group or delete an E-mail address from a group.
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server, Address Book and then Edit.
3 Press a or b to display Change.
4 Press Change.
5 Press a or b until you find the group you want to change.
6 Press the group name.
7 Do one of the following:
If you want to rename the group, go to step 8.
If you want to add an E-mail address to the group, go to step 0.
If you want to delete an E-mail address from the group, go to step 0.
8 Press Name. The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
9 Enter a new group name. Go to step D.
0 Press a or b to display Add/Delete.
A Press Add/Delete.
B Press a or b until you find the E-mail address you want to add or delete.
C Press the E-mail address.
D Press OK.
E Press OK.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Delete a Group 4
1 Press d or c to display to E-mail Server.
2 Press to E-mail Server, Address Book and then Edit.
3 Press a or b to display Delete.
4 Press Delete.
5 Press a or b until you find the group name you want to delete.
6 Press the group name, and then OK.
7 Press Yes.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Set Up the Shortcuts (ADS-1600W only) 4
Register a Shortcut 4
Basic Scan 4
You can set up 12 shortcut menus.
1 Press Shortcuts.
2 Press .
3 Press a or b until you find the shortcut type you want to create.
4 Press the shortcut type and then OK.
5 Do one of the following:
to USB
Configure settings for 2-sided Scan, Scan Type, Resolution, File Type, Document Size,
Name, Auto Deskew and Skip Blank Page as needed.
Press OK and then Save as Shortcut.
To select Long Paper (up to 863mm) for Document Size, use these settings:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scan: Off
to File, to OCR, to Image and to E-mail
Select the type of scan and destination computer and then go to 6.
to E-mail Server
Configure settings for E-mail address(es), 2-sided Scan, Scan Type, Resolution, File Type,
Size, Auto Deskew and Skip Blank Page as needed.
Press OK and then Save as Shortcut.
To select Long Paper (up to 863mm) for Document Size, use these settings:
Auto Deskew: Off
2-sided Scan: Off
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
to Network and to FTP
Select a profile name and then go to 6.
to Web
Occasionally, updates or announcements about your machine’s feature will be displayed on the LCD.
Read the information, and then press OK.
1 Press a or b to display the available services, and then press the desired service.
2 Press a or b to display your account name, and press it.
3 If the PIN entry screen is displayed, enter the four-digit PIN and press OK.
4 Select the function you want.
The functions that can be set vary depending on the chosen service.
6 Confirm your settings and then press OK. The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
7 Enter a shortcut name and then press OK.
8 Press OK.
Card Scan 4
You can set up 4 shortcut menus
1 Close the Top Cover if it is open.
2 Press .
3 Open the Top Cover.
4 Press .
5 Press a or b until you find the shortcut type you want to create.
6 Press the shortcut type and then OK.
If the machine is connected to multiple computers, select the destination computer from the PC Name list.
7 Press Save. The software keyboard will appear on the LCD.
8 Enter a shortcut name and then press OK.
9 Press OK.
Scan from the Control Panel of the Machine
Rename or Delete a Shortcut 4
Basic Scan 4
1 Press Shortcuts.
2 Press Edit/Delete.
3 Press the shortcut you want to rename or delete.
4 Press Edit Shortcut Name or Delete.
5 Do one of the following:
Edit Shortcut Name
The software keyboard will appear on the LCD. Enter a new shortcut name and then press OK.
The LCD shows you the shortcut name you are deleting. Press Yes.
Card Scan 4
1 Close the Top Cover if it is open.
2 Press .
3 Open the Top Cover.
4 Press a shortcut you want to rename or delete.
5 Press Edit Card Scan Shortcut Name or Delete.
6 Do one of the following:
Edit Card Scan Shortcut Name
The software keyboard will appear on the LCD. Enter a new shortcut name and then press OK.
Press Yes.
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer
) 5
The Status Monitor utility is a configurable software tool for monitoring the status of one or more devices,
allowing you to get immediate notification of error messages such as document jam.
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer 5
Do one of the following:
Double-click the icon in the task tray.
XP, Windows Vista
and Windows
Click (Start) > All Programs > Brother > ADS-XXXXX > Status Monitor.
Click (Brother Utilities), and then click the drop-down list and select your model name (if not already
selected). Click Tools in the left navigation bar, and then click Status Monitor.
Lets you access the troubleshooting web site by clicking the Troubleshooting button.
Looking for replacement supplies?
Lets you access the Brother genuine supplies web site by clicking the Looking for replacement
supplies? button.
Managing the Machine from Your
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
Pick-up Roller Count
Displays the Pick-up Roller replacement cycle.
Separation Pad Count
Displays the Separation Pad replacement cycle.
For more information about using the Status Monitor software, right-click the Brother Status Monitor icon
and select Help.
Error Notifications 5
Right-click the Brother Status Monitor icon and then click Enable error notifications. to clear the check
What are the Status Monitor Indicators? 5
Once you start up your computer, the Brother Status Monitor icon appears on the tasktray.
A green icon indicates the normal stand-by condition.
A yellow icon indicates a warning.
A red icon indicates an error has occurred.
A grey icon indicates the offline condition.
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer
(Macintosh) 5
The Status Monitor utility is a configurable software tool for monitoring the status of a device, allowing you to
get immediate notifications of error messages such as document jams. The Status Monitor starts from the
Monitor the Status of the Machine from Your Computer 5
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Select the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
3 Click the Status Monitor button.
The Status Monitor window will appear and display the status of devices.
Lets you access the troubleshooting web site by clicking the Troubleshooting button.
Visit the Genuine Supplies website
Lets you access the Brother genuine supplies web site by clicking the
the Genuine Supplies website button.
Pick-up Roller Count
Displays the Pick-up Roller replacement cycle.
Separation Pad Count
Displays the Separation Pad replacement cycle.
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
Turn the AutoLoad Feature On/Off (ControlCenter2) 5
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click Configuration and then select Preferences.
The ControlCenter2 Preferences window will appear.
3 Check (or uncheck) Start ControlCenter on computer startup.
4 Click the OK button.
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
Set Up the Brother Machine from Your Computer 5
The Remote Setup application lets you configure many machine settings from your computer. When you start
the Remote Setup application, the settings on your Brother machine will be downloaded automatically to your
computer and displayed on the screen. If you change the settings, you can upload them directly to the
If an error occurs, Remote Setup will not start. Correct the error and then try to start Remote Setup again.
If your computer is protected by a firewall, and is unable to use Remote Setup, you may need to
configure the firewall settings to allow communication through port number 137 and 161.
If you are using Windows
Firewall and you installed MFL-Pro Suite from the DVD-ROM, the necessary
Firewall settings have already been made.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
You can also start Remote Setup by following the instructions below:
XP, Windows Vista
and Windows
Click (Start) > All Programs > Brother > ADS-XXXXX > Remote Setup.
Click (Brother Utilities), and then click the drop-down list and select your model name (if not
already selected). Click Tools in the left navigation bar, and then click Remote Setup.
Click Go from the Finder bar, Applications, Brother, and then double-click the RemoteSetup icon.
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
3 Select a menu in the folder tree and then configure the settings as needed (the example below uses
Managing the Machine from Your Computer
Lets you start uploading data to the machine and exit the Remote Setup application. If an error
message is displayed, enter the correct data again and then click OK.
Lets you exit the Remote Setup application without uploading data to the machine.
Lets you upload data to the machine without exiting the Remote Setup application.
Remote Setup synchronizes the date and time of the machine with the connected computer during
You can use the Export button to save all your settings for your machine.
If your computer is protected by a firewall, and is unable to use Remote Setup, you may need to configure
the firewall settings to allow communication through port number 137.
If you are using Windows
Firewall and you installed MFL-Pro Suite from the DVD-ROM, the necessary
Firewall settings have already been made.
If you need to change the machine that was registered to your computer during the installation of MFL-Pro
Suite (see the Quick Setup Guide), or if the network environment was changed, you need to specify the
new machine. Open the Device
Selector and choose the new machine. (For network users only)
Clean the Outside of the Machine 6
Wipe the outside of the machine with a dry, soft, and lint-free cloth to remove dust.
Routine Maintenance 6
Routine Maintenance
Clean the Scanner 6
A spot of dirt or correction fluid on the glass strip may cause poor quality scans. Clean the inside of the
scanner if a vertical line appears in the scanned data or if areas are missing in the scanned data.
1 Unplug the machine from the electrical socket.
2 Open the Top Cover (1) and the Front Cover (2).
3 In the document feeder unit, clean the glass strips (1) (2) with a soft lint-free cloth moistened with water.
Routine Maintenance
Be careful when touching the Separation Pad and its surrounding area in the machine. Otherwise, you
could cause serious damage to the machine.
4 Pinch the Pick-up Roller Cover (1) and then pull the cover up.
5 Slide the Pick-up Roller (1) to the right edge.
Routine Maintenance
6 The holder of the Pick-up Roller has a narrow opening that is designed to avoid dropping the roller, and
the shape of the shaft of the Pick-up Roller matches the opening. Turn the Pick-up Roller around until
the shape of the shaft matches the opening of the holder.
7 Pinch and pull the Pick-up Roller out of the machine.
8 Clean the Pick-up Roller with a soft lint-free cloth moistened with water.
9 Place the Pick-up Roller into the machine.
Confirm the left and right sides of the Pick-up Roller before attaching it.
Routine Maintenance
0 Slide the Pick-up Roller (1) to the left edge while turning the Pick-up Roller.
A Close the Pick-up Roller Cover.
B Close the Front Cover and the Top Cover.
In addition to cleaning the glass strips with a soft lint-free cloth moistened with water, run your fingertip
over the glass to see if you can feel anything on it. If you feel dirt or debris, clean the glass again
concentrating on that area. You may need to repeat the cleaning process three or four times. To test, scan
a document after each cleaning attempt.
When there is a spot of dirt or
correction fluid on the glass
strip the scanned sample
shows a vertical line.
After the glass strip is cleaned
the vertical line is gone.
Routine Maintenance
Replace Consumables 6
The Status Monitor will tell you when the machine detects that consumables are near the end of their life.
Order Consumables 6
The following table lists the part numbers of consumables and rough guidelines for replacing these parts.
The life may vary depending on the usage environment, type of documents, how often documents are
scanned, etc.
These parts are available at most Brother retailers. Call your Brother dealer.
No. Part Name Part No. Standard Replacement Cycle
1 Separation Pad
SP-C0001 10,000 sheets (A4 or Letter) or 1 year
2 Pick-up Roller
PUR-C0001 50,000 sheets (A4 or Letter) or 1 year
3 Receipt Carrier Sheet
CS-RE001 500 times
Routine Maintenance
Check Consumable Replacement Cycle 6
Start the Status Monitor application.
Double-click the icon in the task tray.
The Status Monitor window will appear.
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Select the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
Routine Maintenance
3 Click the Status Monitor button.
The Status Monitor window will appear.
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Machine Info.
3 Press Machine Info.
4 Press Usage Counters. The LCD will show Separation Pad Count and
Roller Count.
If the LCD or LED indications warn you to replace the Separation Pad and/or the Pick-up Roller, order the
necessary parts and then replace the used parts with new ones.
Replace the Separation Pad 6
Your machine is equipped with a scan counter. The counter automatically counts how many times the
machine has scanned. When the machine scans 10,000 times, the machine will display a message on the
Status Monitor to remind you to replace the Separation Pad.
Routine Maintenance
1 Open the Top Cover (1) and the Front Cover (2).
2 Slide the Separation Pad Holder up.
Routine Maintenance
Be careful when touching the Separation Pad and its surrounding area in the machine. Otherwise, you
could cause serious damage to the machine.
3 Pinch and pull the Separation Pad upward.
Routine Maintenance
4 Attach a new Separation Pad.
5 Securely slide the Separation Pad Holder down.
6 Close the Front Cover and the Top Cover.
7 Reset the counter (see Reset the Usage Counters on page 181).
Confirm the following items:
The value of Separation Pad Count is 0 (see Check Consumable Replacement Cycle on page 174).
The error message on the Status Monitor has been cleared.
The LCD or LED indications do not show Replace Pad and Replace Parts.
Replace the Pick-up Roller 6
Your machine is equipped with a scan counter. The counter automatically counts how many times the
machine has scanned. When the machine scans 50,000 times, the machine will display a message on the
Status Monitor to remind you to replace the Pick-up Roller.
1 Open the Top Cover (1) and the Front Cover (2).
Routine Maintenance
2 Pinch the Pick-up Roller Cover (1) and then pull the cover up.
3 Slide the Pick-up Roller (1) all the way to the right.
4 The holder of the Pick-up Roller has a narrow opening, and the shape of the shaft of the Pick-up Roller
matches this opening. Rotate the Pick-up Roller until you can fit the shaft into the opening of the holder.
5 Pinch and pull the Pick-up Roller out of the machine.
Routine Maintenance
6 Place a new Pick-up Roller into the machine.
Identify the left and right sides of the Pick-up Roller before attaching it.
7 Slide the Pick-up Roller (1) to the left edge while turning the Pick-up Roller.
8 Close the Pick-up Roller Cover firmly.
9 Close the Front Cover and the Top Cover.
0 Reset the counter (see Reset the Usage Counters on page 181).
Confirm the following items:
The value of Pick-up Roller Count is 0 (see Check Consumable Replacement Cycle on page 174).
The error message on the Status Monitor has been cleared.
The LCD or LED indications do not show Replace Roller and Replace Pad.
Routine Maintenance
Reset the Usage Counters 6
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
Routine Maintenance
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear.
3 Select Machine Info. in the folder tree and then configure scan settings as needed (the example below
uses Windows
Routine Maintenance
4 Do one of the following:
To reset the counter for the Separation Pad, check the Separation Pad check box for Reset Counter
for Consumables.
To reset the counter for the Pick-up Roller, check the Pick-up Roller check box for Reset Counter
for Consumables.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Machine Info.
3 Press Machine Info.
4 Press Usage Counters.
5 Do one of the following:
To reset the counter for the Separation Pad, press Separation Pad Count.
To reset the counter for the Pick-up Roller, press Pick-up Roller Count.
6 The LCD shows the confirmation message. Press Yes.
7 Press .
Routine Maintenance
Packing and Shipping the Machine 6
When you transport the machine, use the packing materials that came with your machine. If you do not pack
the machine correctly, any damage that may occur in transit may not be covered by your warranty. The
machine should be adequately insured with the carrier.
1 Fold the Document Support Arms (1) and then close the Top Cover (2) gently.
2 Wrap the machine in the bag it originally came in.
Routine Maintenance
3 Pack the machine and the printed materials in the original carton with the original packing material as
shown below.
If you are returning your machine to Brother as part of the Exchange Service, pack only the machine. Keep
all separate parts (power cord, AC adapter and USB cable) and printed materials to use with your
“Exchange” machine.
4 Close the carton and tape it shut.
Identifying Your Problem 7
First, check the following: 7
The AC adapter is connected correctly and the machine is turned on.
All of the protective parts have been removed.
The Front Cover, Separation Pad Cover and Pick-up Roller Cover are completely closed.
The interface cable is securely connected to the machine and the computer.
The correct driver for the machine has been installed.
The computer is connected to the correct port on the machine.
Error and Maintenance Messages 7
As with any sophisticated office product, errors may occur and consumable items may need to be replaced.
If this happens, your machine identifies the problem and shows an error message. The most common error
and maintenance messages are shown below (the messages will be displayed on Status Monitor or the LCD
of the machine (ADS-1600W only)).
You can correct most errors and clear routine maintenance messages by yourself. If you need more help, the
Brother Solutions Center offers the latest FAQs and troubleshooting tips.
Visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/
(For ADS-1100W users only)
See LED Indications (ADS-1100W only) on page 216.
Troubleshooting 7
Error Cause Action
Replace Pad The Separation Pad has been used over
10,000 times.
Replace the Separation Pad with a new one.
Scanning errors may occur if you do not replace
the part. See
Replace the Separation Pad
on page 175.
Replace Roller The Pick-up Roller has been used over
50,000 times.
Replace the Pick-up Roller with a new one.
Scanning errors may occur if you do not replace
the part. See
Replace the Pick-up Roller
on page 178.
Replace Parts The Separation Pad has been used over
10,000 times and the Pick-up Roller has
been used over 50,000 times.
Replace the Separation Pad and the Pick-up
Roller with new ones. Scanning errors may occur
if you do not replace the parts. See
Replace the
Separation Pad on page 175 and Replace the
Pick-up Roller on page 178.
Out of Memory The machine’s memory is full and the
machine cannot scan the entire
Press and do one of the following:
Decrease the scanner resolution.
Reduce the number of the documents.
Unable to Scan XX
(XX is an error code.)
A machine error is occurring. Turn the machine off and then on, and then try to
scan again. If the error is not cleared after turning
the machine off and then on, make a note of the
error message and report it to your dealer or to
Brother Customer Service.
Document Jam The Document Guides are not set to
the correct document size.
The settings are not suitable for your
Paper dust has accumulated on the
surface of the Pick-up Roller or
Separation Pad.
The document is unacceptable for the
The document is not loaded properly.
Clear the document jam (see Document Jam
on page 190) and then do the following:
Adjust the Document Guides to fit the width of
the document. When Scan Size is set to Auto
and you are scanning a document that
contains multiple page sizes, insert narrow
pages straight and as close to the centre of the
machine as possible. If the document will not
be fed straight, use Continuous Scanning.
Confirm the settings. See Important in
Document Jam on page 190.
Clean the Pick-up Roller and Separation Pad.
Clean the Scanner on page 169.
Load the acceptable document for the
machine. See
Acceptable Document
on page 28.
Load your document properly (see Loading
Standard Size Documents on page 33), and
then try again.
Error Cause Action
Card Jam The machine was turned on while a
plastic card was inserted into the
The Card Slot Guide is not adjusted to
fit the width of the plastic card.
Plastic Card Mode was not set.
The card is unacceptable for the
Clear the card jam (see Card Jam on page 192)
and then do the following:
Make sure that any plastic card is not left in the
Card Slot.
Adjust the Card Slot Guide to fit the width of the
plastic card before inserting the card into the
Set Plastic Card Mode. See one of the
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4)
) on page 64
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2)
(Macintosh) on page 83
Change Scan to PC Settings (Windows
on page 140
Change Scan to PC Settings (Macintosh)
on page 146
Load the acceptable card for the machine. See
Acceptable Document on page 28.
There is a card in the
card slot.
The Top Cover was opened while a
plastic card was inserted into the
Close the Top Cover. Do not open the Top Cover
while a plastic card is inserted into the Card Slot.
Do not insert card A plastic card was inserted while the Top
Cover was open.
Clear the card jam (see Card Jam on page 192).
Do not insert a plastic card into the Card Slot while
the Top Cover is open.
Unusable Device An unusable device is inserted in the
USB port.
Disconnect the device. Turn the machine off and
then on.
Hub is Unusable A hub or USB flash memory drive with a
hub is inserted in the USB direct
Remove the unsupported device, such as a USB
hub or USB flash memory drive with a hub, from
the USB direct interface.
USB Flash Drive
Your machine cannot save to a USB
flash memory drive if it contains too many
Remove the USB flash memory drive, press
. Delete unused files or folders from the
Brother folder of the USB flash memory drive and
then try again.
Rename the File The maximum sequential number for the
file name has been reached.
Press and then do one of the following:
Delete unused files from the USB flash
memory drive and then try again.
Change the file name. See Save Scanned
Documents on a USB Flash Memory Drive
on page 134.
Error Cause Action
Authenticate Err The FTP user name and password you
entered are incorrect or not configured
Confirm that the user name and password are
configured or entered correctly and then try again.
Server Time out Check the following and then try again.
The network settings are correct.
Your wireless access point/router is turned on.
The remote FTP server is turned on.
The name (or IP address) of the FTP remote
server is correct.
Sending Error
(Scan to FTP)
Check the following and then try again.
You have writing permission for the destination
The hard disk containing the destination folder
is not full.
(For example, if the hard disk is full, free some
disk space and then try again.)
Address Book Full
(ADS-1600W only)
The Address Book is full. Delete unnecessary E-mail addresses and then
try again.
Shortcuts Full
(ADS-1600W only)
The maximum number of shortcuts has
been reached.
Delete unnecessary shortcuts and then try again.
Registration Failed
(ADS-1600W only)
The maximum number of E-mail
addresses in a shortcut has been
Delete unnecessary E-mail addresses and then
try again.
Cannot Delete
(ADS-1600W only)
The E-mail address is registered in a
You cannot delete an E-mail address used in a
shortcut. Delete the shortcut first, and then try
No Profile set
(ADS-1600W only)
No Scan to FTP profile or Scan to
Network profile is registered.
Configure the Scan to FTP profile or the Scan to
Network profile before using Scan to FTP or Scan
to Network. See
Scan Documents Directly to an
FTP Server on page 113 or Scan Documents
Directly to a CIFS Server (Windows
(ADS-1600W only) on page 121.
Error Cause Action
Document Jam 7
Documents can jam in the document feeder unit if they are not inserted or fed correctly, or if they are too long.
Follow the steps below to clear a document jam.
1 Take out any paper from the ADF that is not jammed.
2 Open the Front Cover by pulling the Cover Release Lever toward you (1).
3 Pull the jammed document out of the machine.
Check for ripped paper inside the machine. Remove any ripped paper you find inside the machine.
4 Close the Front Cover.
5 Press .
Be careful when touching the Separation Pad and its surrounding area in the machine. Otherwise the
quality of your documents may be reduced.
To avoid damage to the jammed document, DO NOT pull the document out before opening the Front
Take out any paper from the ADF before closing the Front Cover.
To avoid future document jams, do the following:
Close the Front Cover correctly by pushing it gently in the middle.
Configure the settings for your document correctly.
Clean the Separation Pad and Pick-up Roller. To clean the Separation pad, see Replace the Separation
Pad on page 175 to refer how to pull the Separation Pad out from the machine, clean the rubber side
of the Separation Pad with a soft lint-free cloth moistened with water, and then attach the Separation
Pad in the machine. To clean the Pick-up Roller, see
Clean the Scanner on page 169.
Stagger the pages and then load your document. See Loading Documents on page 32.
Make sure your document is acceptable for the machine. See Acceptable Document on page 28.
Load your document correctly. See Loading Documents on page 32.
Load no more than 20 pages at a time.
Load the card vertically when scanning cards.
Long Paper Jam 7
In order to avoid the long paper jam, select Long Paper for Scan Size or Document Size.
See one of the following:
When you scan from your PC
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter4) (Windows
) on page 64
Change Scan Settings (ControlCenter2) (Macintosh) on page 83
When you scan from the machine (ADS-1600W only)
In order to select Long Paper (up to 863 mm) for Document Size on the Control Panel, confirm
the following settings:
(Scan to USB/FTP/Network/E-mail Server)
2-sided Scan: Off
Scan Type: Color or Black and White
Auto Deskew: Off
Skip Blank Page: Off
(Scan to PC)
2-sided Scan: Off
Auto Deskew: Off
Card Jam 7
1 Open the Top Cover (1) and the Front Cover (2).
2 Remove the jammed card.
3 Close the Front Cover and the Top Cover.
4 Press (for ADS-1100W) or (for ADS-1600W).
To avoid future card jams, see Card Jam on page 188.
Troubleshooting 7
For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from
within that country.
If you think there is a problem with your machine, check the chart below and follow the troubleshooting tips.
Most problems can be easily resolved by yourself. If you need additional help, the Brother Solutions Center
offers the latest FAQs and troubleshooting tips.
Visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/
Using non-Brother supplies may affect the scan quality, hardware performance, and machine reliability.
If you are having difficulty with your machine 7
Scanning Difficulties 7
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
TWAIN or WIA errors
appear when starting
to scan. (Windows
TWAIN or WIA driver has not been
chosen as the primary source in your
scanning application.
Make sure the Brother TWAIN or WIA driver is
chosen as the primary source in your scanning
application. For example, in Nuance™
12SE, click Scan Settings and then
Select to select the Brother TWAIN/WIA driver.
TWAIN errors appear
when starting to scan.
TWAIN driver has not been chosen as
the primary source in your scanning
Make sure the Brother TWAIN driver is chosen as
the primary source.
In Presto! PageManager, click File, Select Source
and select the Brother TWAIN driver.
Mac OS X v10.6.8, 10.7.x and 10.8.x users can also
scan documents using the ICA Scanner Driver.
OCR does not work. The scanner resolution is too low.
(Macintosh users)
Presto! PageManager has not been
installed on your computer.
Increase the scanner resolution.
(Macintosh users)
Make sure you have installed Presto!
PageManager from the supplied DVD-ROM on
your computer.
Vertical lines are seen
in the scanned image.
Paper dust has accumulated on the
surface of the glass strips.
Clean the glass strips inside the machine. See
Clean the Scanner on page 169.
The scanned image is
The Document Guides are not
adjusted to fit the width of the
The Auto Deskew feature was set to
On when the document was
The settings are not suitable for your
document. For example, a A4-size
document was fed when A5 was
selected as document size.
The card was loaded horizontally.
Adjust the Document Guides to fit the width of
the document. When Scan Size is set to Auto
and you are scanning a document that contains
multiple page sizes, insert narrow pages straight
and as close to the centre of the machine as
possible. If the document does not stay straight
while feeding, use Continuous Scanning.
Set Auto Deskew to Off.
Make sure the document size settings are
suitable for your document.
Load the card vertically.
The scanned image is
The Document Guides are not
adjusted to fit the width of the
The Auto Deskew feature was set to
Off when the document was
Adjust the Document Guides to fit the width of
the document. When Scan Size is set to Auto
and you are scanning a document that contains
multiple page sizes, insert narrow pages straight
and as close to the centre of the machine as
possible. If the document does not stay straight
while feeding, use Continuous Scanning.
Set Auto Deskew to On.
The scan speed is too
The resolution is not suitable for your
Decrease the scanner resolution.
The document was not
Paper dust has accumulated on the
surface of the Pick-up Roller or
Separation Pad.
Too many documents are loaded in
the document feeder at a time.
There are foreign objects in the
document feeder.
Your document is too thin or too
Remote Setup is in process.
Paper ejection has paused.
The Separation Pad Cover is not
properly closed.
Clean the Separation Pad and Pick-up Roller.
To clean the Separation pad, see
Replace the
Separation Pad on page 175 to refer how to pull
the Separation Pad out from the machine, clean
the rubber side of the Separation Pad with a soft
lint-free cloth moistened with water, and then
attach the Separation Pad in the machine. To
clean the Pick-up Roller, see
Clean the Scanner
on page 169.
Make sure your document is acceptable for the
machine. See
Acceptable Document
on page 28.
Remove any foreign objects or ripped paper
from the document feeder.
Cancel Remote Setup.
Finish ejecting the paper.
Securely close the Separation Pad Cover until
the hooks fit into the Front Cover.
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
The document is
Paper dust has accumulated on the
surface of the Pick-up Roller or
Separation Pad.
There are foreign objects in the
document feeder.
Your document is not acceptable for
the machine.
A receipt is scanned without using
the Receipt Carrier Sheet.
Clean the Separation Pad and Pick-up Roller.
To clean the Separation pad, see
Replace the
Separation Pad on page 175 to refer how to pull
the Separation Pad out from the machine, clean
the rubber side of the Separation Pad with a soft
lint-free cloth moistened with water, and then
attach the Separation Pad in the machine. To
clean the Pick-up Roller, see
Clean the Scanner
on page 169.
Remove any foreign objects or ripped paper
from the document feeder.
Make sure your document is acceptable for the
machine. See
Acceptable Document
on page 28.
Scan the receipt using the Receipt Carrier
Sheet. See
Loading a Receipt on page 37, and
Scan Receipts Using BR-Receipts (Windows
on page 89 or Scan Receipts Using BR-
Receipts (Macintosh) on page 101.
The scan quality is
Paper dust has accumulated on the
surface of the Pick-up Roller or
Separation Pad.
Paper dust has accumulated on the
surface of the glass strips inside the
The resolution is too low.
Clean the Separation Pad and Pick-up Roller.
To clean the Separation pad, see
Replace the
Separation Pad on page 175 to refer how to pull
the Separation Pad out from the machine, clean
the rubber side of the Separation Pad with a soft
lint-free cloth moistened with water, and then
attach the Separation Pad in the machine. To
clean the Pick-up Roller, see
Clean the Scanner
on page 169.
Clean the glass strips inside the machine. See
Clean the Scanner on page 169.
Increase the scanner resolution.
The machine pauses
for about 3 seconds
between each page
when scanning.
The machine has entered motor save
mode. If you scan continuously, the
internal temperature of the machine
may increase, causing the machine to
enter motor save mode.
The length of the pause may vary
depending on the scanning
This is normal and you may continue to scan. If you
scan continuously, the internal temperature of the
machine may increase, causing the machine to
enter motor save mode.
Bleed through is seen
in the scan data.
The settings are not appropriate for the
type of document being scanned.
Check the Bleed Through Prevention/Remove
Background Colour check box.
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
Plastic Card Difficulties 7
Colours in the
scanned data are
The settings are not appropriate for the
type of document being scanned.
Do one of the following:
Check the Bleed Through Prevention/Remove
Background Colour check box and then scan
from your computer.
Change Brightness higher and then scan from
your computer.
Change Contrast higher and then scan from
your computer.
Change Scan Type to Grey or Colour and then
scan from your computer.
A page that is not a
blank page is skipped.
The document is too light.
Skip Blank Page is set to On.
Set Skip Blank Page to Off.
Cannot scan a long
Long Paper is not selected for the
document size.
Select Long Paper for the document size. If you
cannot select Long Paper, set both Auto Deskew
and 2-sided Scanning to off. In addition, when
scanning from the machine’s Control Panel, set
Skip Blank Page to off and set Scan Type to an
option other than Auto. Then, you can select Long
Paper for the document size.
Long Paper Jam on page 192
Cannot set Auto
Deskew to On when
trying to scan using
Scan to USB.
The document size is set to an option
other than Auto.
Set the document size to Auto.
A multifeed occurs. The document is not loaded properly. Load your document properly (see Loading
Standard Size Documents on page 33), and then
try again.
(ADS-1100W only)
does not work.
No Scan-to key is selected.
Press a lighting Scan-to key and then .
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
The plastic card is
The machine was turned on while a
plastic card was inserted into the
Clear the card jam (see Card Jam on page 192).
To avoid future jams, do not leave a plastic card in
the machine.
The scanned image is
The Card Slot Guide is not adjusted to
fit the width of the plastic card.
Adjust the Card Slot Guide to fit the width of the
plastic card before inserting the card into the
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
Software Difficulties 7
A plastic card error
occurs while a plastic
card is inserted into
the machine.
The Top Cover was opened while a
plastic card was inserted into the
Close the Top Cover, and then press .
Close the Top Cover, and then press Eject card.
To avoid future errors, do one of the following:
Do not open the Top Cover while a plastic card
is inserted into the machine.
Close the Top Cover before inserting a plastic
card into the machine.
A plastic card error
occurs while the Top
Cover is open.
A plastic card was inserted while the
Top Cover was open.
Remove the jammed card from the machine. To
avoid future error, do not insert a plastic card into
the machine while the Top Cover is open.
A plastic card error
occurs while the
machine is scanning
using the ADF.
A plastic card was inserted while the
machine was scanning using the ADF.
Eject the card, and then clear the card jam. (see
Card Jam on page 192).
To avoid future error, do not insert a plastic card
into the machine while the machine is scanning
using the ADF.
A plastic card is not
inserted into the
When scanning the card using the
ADS: The card is too thick.
When scanning the card using the
Card Slot: The card is too thin.
Scan the card using the Card Slot.
Scan the card using the ADF.
(ADS-1600W only)
Cannot delete a Card
Scan shortcut.
To enable card scan, you must leave at
least one Card Scan shortcut.
Add a new shortcut before deleting the shortcut you
want to.
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
Cannot install
users only)
Run the Repair MFL-Pro Suite program on the
DVD-ROM. This program will repair and reinstall
the software.
Cannot find the
Nuance serial number
to install Nuance PDF
Professional 8.
Enter the Nuance serial number that is shown on
the “sleeve” of the MFL-Pro Suite DVD-ROM
package when installing Nuance PDF Converter
Professional 8.
Cannot start
You have not logged in the computer as
the administrator.
Restart the computer and log in as the
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
Cannot find how to
start ControlCenter4
If the icon is not displayed in the task tray, do
one of the following:
XP, Windows Vista
7 users)
Click (Start), All Programs, Brother,
ADS-XXXXX (where XXXXX is your model
name) and then ControlCenter4.
8 users)
Click (Brother Utilities), and then click
the drop-down list and select your model name
(if not already selected). Click SCAN in the left
navigation bar, and then click ControlCenter4.
Cannot find
button in
Download the latest driver from the
Solutions Center at
Cannot start
You have not logged in the computer as
the administrator.
Restart the computer and log in as the
Cannot find how to
start ControlCenter2
To start ControlCenter2, click the
(ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock. If the
(ControlCenter2) icon is not displayed in the
Dock, click Go from the Finder menu bar,
Applications, Brother, and then double-click the
(ControlCenter2) icon. The
(ControlCenter2) icon will appear in the Dock.
(ADS-1100W only)
Cannot find how to
configure the settings
to scan from the
Control Panel of the
Use Remote Setup or Web Based Management.
Set Up the Brother Machine from Your
Computer on page 164 or Start Web Based
Management on page 113.
(ADS-1100W only)
Cannot find IP address
of the machine.
Start Remote Setup and then select Network in the
folder tree. See
Set Up the Brother Machine from
Your Computer on page 164.
Cannot save the
settings in Remote
Setup or Web Based
The machine is processing.
The machine is being configured
from the machine’s Control Panel.
Wait until the machine finishes processing and
then try again.
Stop configuring the machine from the Control
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
Network Difficulties 7
Cannot start Remote
The machine is turned off.
The machine is not connected to
your computer.
The machine is in Sleep Mode.
An error is occurring.
The machine is scanning.
The machine is being configured
from the machine’s Control Panel.
Turn on the machine and then try again.
Connect the machine to your computer and then
try again.
Press or open the Top Cover, and then
try again.
Clear all errors and then try again.
Wait until scanning has finished and try again.
Stop configuring the machine from the Control
Difficulty Suggestions
Cannot scan over the network. Make sure that your machine is powered on and is online and in Ready mode.
Check the current network settings.
See Troubleshooting in the Network User’s Guide.
The network scanning feature does
not work.
It is necessary to configure the third-party Security/Firewall Software to allow
Network scanning. To add port 54925 for Network scanning, enter the
information below:
In Name: Enter any description, for example Brother NetScan.
In Port number: Enter 54925.
In Protocol: UDP is selected.
Please refer to the instruction manual that came with your third-party
Security/Firewall Software or contact the software manufacturer.
(Macintosh users)
Re-select your machine in the Device Selector application from the model list
in ControlCenter2.
The Brother software cannot be
If the Security Software warning appears on the computer screen during the
installation, change the Security Software settings to permit the Brother
product setup program or other program to run.
(Macintosh users)
If you are using a firewall function of anti-spyware or antivirus security software,
temporarily disable it and then install the Brother software.
Cannot connect to wireless network. Check the wireless network settings.
Reset the network settings. See Reset the Machine on page 205.
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
Other Difficulties 7
Difficulty Cause Suggestions
The machine is in
Sleep Mode (power
save mode).
The machine is idle and the amount of
time specified by the Sleep Time setting
has elapsed.
Do one of the following:
Press .
Open the Top Cover.
Load your document.
Insert a plastic card into the Card Slot.
The machine cannot
be in Sleep Mode
(power save mode).
The plastic card is in the Card Slot. Remove the plastic card from the Card Slot.
Close the Top Cover, and then press .
Close the Top Cover, and then press Eject card.
The machine is in
Offline Mode.
The machine is not connected to the
Connect the machine to the computer and turn on
the machine.
Machine Information 7
Check the Serial Number 7
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Scan to Net Settings button. The Web Based Management window will appear.
3 Select Maintenance Information in the General tab. The window shows you the machine’s serial
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Machine Info.
3 Press Machine Info.
4 Press Serial No. The LCD will show you the machine’s serial number.
WLAN Enable/Disable 7
1 Open the Top Cover (1) and the Front Cover (2).
2 Press for about five seconds until the machine beeps.
3 Close the Front Cover. When WLAN is enabled, the WiFi light is on. When WLAN is disabled, the WiFi
light is off.
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press Network.
3 Press a or b to display WLAN Enable.
4 Press WLAN Enable.
5 Press On (or Off).
Reset Functions 7
The following reset functions are available:
You can restore the network settings, such as the password and IP address information, to the factory
Address Book (ADS-1600W only)
You can reset the Address Book setting.
All Settings
You can restore all settings to the factory settings.
Brother strongly recommends performing this procedure before transferring or disposing of the machine.
Unplug the interface cable before you choose Network or All Settings.
Reset the Machine 7
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Scan to Net Settings button. The Web Based Management window will appear.
3 Select Reset Menu in the Administrator tab.
4 Click Reset for Network or All Settings.
5 Click Yes to restart the machine.
You can also reset the Network settings by doing the following.
1 Open the Top Cover (1) and the Front Cover (2).
2Press for about five seconds until the machine beeps.
1 Press (Settings).
2 Press a or b to display Initial Setup.
3 Press Initial Setup and then Reset.
4 Press the type of reset you want to use.
5 Press Yes to confirm.
6 Press Yes for 2 seconds to restart the machine.
Scan Priority (ADS-1100W only) 7
You can configure the default Scan-to key on the Control Panel of the machine. When scanning is finished,
the key will blink if it is available.
1 Start the ControlCenter application.
1 Click the (ControlCenter4) icon in the task tray and then select Open from the menu.
The ControlCenter4 window will appear.
2 Click the Device Settings tab (the example below uses Home Mode).
1 Click the (ControlCenter2) icon in the Dock.
The ControlCenter2 window will appear.
2 Click the DEVICE SETTINGS tab.
2 Click the Remote Setup button. The Remote Setup window will appear (the example below uses
3 Select Scan in the folder tree.
4 Select a Scan-to key you want to use as the default from the Scan Priority drop-down list.
5 Click Apply and then OK.
General A
This chapter provides a summary of the machine’s specifications. For additional specifications, visit
http://www.brother.com/ for details.
Specifications A
Memory Capacity Standard (ADS-1100W)
128 MB
256 MB
Power Source AC: 220 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) (ADS-1600W only) Touchscreen 2.7 in. (67.5 mm) TFT Colour LCD
Power Consumption
Approx. 14 W
Ready Approx. 4.0 W
Sleep Approx. 1.5 W
Power Off Approx. 0.25 W
Weights (ADS-1100W)
Approx. 1.5 kg
Approx. 1.6 kg
Temperature Operating 41 to 95 °F (5 to 35 °C)
Humidity Operating 20 to 80%
ADF (automatic document feeder) Up to 20 pages (Paper: 80 g/m
A4 size, or less than
2 mm)
285 mm
285 mm
84 mm
103 mm
255 mm
231 mm
Measured diagonally.
Measured when the machine is connected to your computer.
When 2-sided (duplex) scanning.
Scanner A
XP in this User’s Guide includes Windows
XP Home Edition and Windows
XP Professional.
For the latest driver updates for the Mac OS X you are using, visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/
Direct Scan Feature (Scan to USB) A
USB Mass Storage standard up to 64 GB
Support format: FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/exFAT
Document Size Multiple Paper Width 51 mm to 215.9 mm
Length 70 mm to 297 mm
Single Paper Width 51 mm to 215.9 mm
Length 297 mm to 863 mm
Colour/Black Yes/Yes
TWAIN Compliant Windows
/Windows Vista
Macintosh Mac OS X v10.6.8, 10.7.x, 10.8.x
WIA Compliant Windows
/Windows Vista
ICA Compliant Macintosh Mac OS X v10.6.8, 10.7.x, 10.8.x
Compliant Windows
/Windows Vista
Colour Depth Input 30 bit colour Processing
Output 24 bit colour Processing
Resolution Interpolated Up to 1,200 × 1,200 dpi
Optical Up to 600 × 600 dpi
Scanning Width 212 mm
Grey Scale 256 levels
Max. Speed For detailed specifications, visit http://www.brother.com/
Compatible Media USB flash memory drive
Interface USB 1.1 Full Speed
Interfaces A
Your machine has a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 interface. The machine can also be connected to a computer that has a USB 1.1 interface.
Third party USB ports are not supported.
Network A
For more information about the Network specifications, see the Network User’s Guide.
If you require more advanced scanner management, use the latest Brother BRAdmin Professional utility version that is available as a download
USB Hi-Speed USB 2.0
1, 2
Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n (Infrastructure/Ad-hoc Mode)
WLAN You can connect your machine to a network for Network Scanning and Remote Setup.
Also included is Brother BRAdmin Light
Network Management software.
Wireless Network
SSID (32 characters), WEP 64/128 bit, WPA-PSK (TKIP/AES), WPA2-PSK (AES)
Setup Support Utility AOSS™ Yes
Computer Requirements A
Computer Platform &
Operating System Version
Minimum Speed
Hard Disk Space
to install
Home (SP2 or
(SP2 or later)
Scanning USB
II or
128 MB 256 MB 150 MB 1.0 GB
® 2
4 or
equivalent 64-bit
64 or
supported CPU
512 MB 1 GB 500 MB
1 GB
2 GB
1 GB
2 GB
650 MB
Mac OS X
Processor 1 GB 2 GB 80 MB
Mac OS X
Mac OS X
2 GB
Third party USB ports are not supported.
Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE supports Windows
XP Home
(SP3 or later), XP Professional (SP3 or later), Windows Vista
(SP2 or later), Windows
7 and Windows
For the latest driver updates, visit us at
All trademarks, brand and product names are the property of
their respective companies.
Entering Text (ADS-1600W only) B
When you need to enter text into the machine the keyboard will appear on the Touchscreen. Press
to cycle between letters, numbers and special characters.
To change between lowercase or uppercase, press .
You can change the keyboard setting on the Touchscreen.
(For more information, see Change the Keyboard Setting on page 9.)
Inserting spaces B
To enter a space, press Space. Or, you can press c to move the cursor.
The characters that are available may differ depending on your country.
Making corrections B
If you entered an incorrect character and want to change it, press d to move the cursor to highlight the
incorrect character. Press
and enter the correct character. You can also use the cursor to go back and
insert letters.
Press for each character you want to erase, or press and hold to erase all the characters.
Appendix B
LED Indications (ADS-1100W only) B
The LED indications shown in the table below are used in the illustrations in this chapter
The LED is on.
The LED is blinking quickly.
The LED is blinking slowly.
The LED is off.
Status Descriptions
Ready /
The machine is ready to scan.
Sleep Mode
The machine is in Sleep mode
(Power Save mode). The
machine acts as though it is
turned off. Do one of the
following to wake up the
Press .
Open the Top Cover.
Load your document.
The machine will enter Ready
Selecting Scan
to PC
Scan to PC is selected. To
start scanning, press
Selecting Scan
to USB
Scan to USB is selected. To
start scanning, press
Selecting Scan
to Net Device 1
Scan to Net Device 1 is
selected. To start scanning,
Selecting Scan
to Net Device 2
Scan to Net Device 2 is
selected. To start scanning,
(Scan to PC)
Connection between the
machine and your device is in
(Scan to Net
Device 1)
(Scan to Net
Device 2)
Connection between the
machine and your device is in
(Scan from PC)
WLAN Setup)
One-push WLAN setup is in
Scanning (Scan
to PC)
Scanning is in progress.
Scanning (Scan
to USB)
Scanning (Scan
to Net Device 1)
Scanning (Scan
to Net Device 2)
Scanning (Scan
from PC)
Sending (Scan
to Net Device 1)
The machine is sending the
scanned data to the network
Sending (Scan
to Net Device 2)
Ejecting Paper
The machine is ejecting the
document or the Plastic Card.
Ejecting Plastic
The machine is ejecting the
plastic card.
The machine has stopped
ejecting the document or the
Plastic Card. To continue
ejecting, press
Remote Setup
Remote Setup is in progress.
To cancel Remote Setup, click
the Cancel button in the
Remote Setup window on your
Status Descriptions
All Blank Page
All scanned pages were
skipped as blank pages. Press
and then do one of the
Place your document, face
down, top edge first in the
document feeder.
Set Blank Page Skip. See
one of the following:
Change Scan Settings
on page 64
Change Scan Settings
(Macintosh) on page 83
Change Scan to PC
Settings (Windows
on page 140
Change Scan to PC
Settings (Macintosh)
on page 146
Replace Pad
Replace the Separation Pad
with a new one. See
the Separation Pad
on page 175.
Replace Roller
Replace the Pick-up Roller
with a new one. See
the Pick-up Roller
on page 178.
Replace Parts
Replace the Separation Pad
and the Pick-up Roller with
new ones. See
Replace the
Separation Pad on page 175
and Replace the Pick-up
Roller on page 178.
Status Descriptions
USB cable is
not connected
(Scan to PC)
(Scan to Net
Device 1/Net
Device 2)
Press and then do
one of the following:
Scan to PC
Connect the machine and
your computer with a USB
Scan to Net Device 1/Net
Device 2
Check the following and
then try again.
The WLAN is enabled.
The network settings
are correct.
Your wireless access
point/router is turned on.
Front Cover is
Close the Front Cover of the
Document Jam
Clear the document jam. See
Document Jam on page 190.
Plastic Card
Pull the plastic card out from
the machine.
Top Cover is
Close the Top Cover. Do not
open the Top Cover while a
plastic card is inserted into the
Card Slot.
Plastic Card
Pull the plastic card out from
the machine. Do not insert a
plastic card into the Card Slot
while the Top Cover is open.
Too Many Files
on USB (Scan
to USB)
Your machine cannot save to
a USB flash memory drive if it
contains too many files.
Disconnect the USB flash
memory drive, press
delete unused files or folders
from the root folder of the USB
flash memory drive and then
try again.
Status Descriptions
File Name
Cannot Be
Used (Scan to
The maximum sequential
number for the file name has
been reached. Press
delete unused files from the
USB flash memory drive and
then try again.
Device (Scan to
An unsupported USB device is
inserted in the USB Direct
Interface. Remove the
unsupported USB device,
such as a mouse, from the
USB Direct Interface.
Unusable USB
Device (Scan to
An unusable device is inserted
in the USB port. Disconnect
the device, turn the machine
off and then on.
USB Hub Not
(Scan to USB)
A hub or USB flash memory
drive with a hub is inserted in
the USB Direct Interface.
Remove the unsupported
device, such as a USB hub or
USB flash memory drive with a
hub, from the USB Direct
Error (Scan to
A server authentication error
occurred because the FTP
user name and password you
entered are incorrect or not
configured correctly. Confirm
that the user name and
password are configured or
entered correctly and then try
Server Time
Out (Scan to
Check the following and then
try again.
The network settings are
Your wireless access
point/router is turned on.
The remote FTP server is
turned on.
The name (or IP address)
of the FTP remote server is
Status Descriptions
Sending Error
(Scan to FTP)
Check the following and then
try again.
You have writing
permission for the
destination folder.
The hard drive containing the
destination folder is not full.
(For example, if the hard
disk is full, free some disk
space and then try again.)
Out of Memory
(Scan to USB)
The machine’s memory is full
and the machine cannot scan
the entire document. Press
and do one of the
Decrease the scanner
Reduce the number of the
Out of Memory
(Scan to FTP)
Out of Memory
(Scan to PC)
Out of Memory
(WS Scan)
Status Descriptions
When the LED is available:
When a plastic card is inserted into the machine:
When all LEDs except the WiFi light are off:
WLAN Setup
The machine cannot detect a
wireless access point/router
that has WPS or AOSS™
enabled. To configure your
wireless settings using WPS
or AOSS™, you must operate
both your machine and the
wireless access point/router.
Confirm your wireless access
point/router supports WPS or
AOSS™, and try setup again.
If you do not know how to
operate your wireless access
point/router using WPS or
AOSS™, see the
documentation provided with
your wireless access
point/router, ask the
manufacturer of your wireless
access point/router, or ask
your network administrator.
One-push WLAN setup failed.
Turn the machine off and on,
and then try setup again.
Two or more wireless access
points that have WPS or
AOSS™, enabled are
detected. Do one of the
Confirm that only one
wireless access
point/router within range
has the WPS or AOSS™
method active and try
setup again.
Try setup again after a few
minutes in order to avoid
interference from other
access points.
Status Descriptions
Service Call Indications B
If there is an error that cannot be cleared by the user, the machine will indicate that a service call is needed
by lighting up all the LEDs as shown below.
If you see the service call indication shown above, turn the machine off and then on, and then try to scan
If the error is not cleared after turning the machine off and then on, press . The LEDs will light up as
shown in the table below to identify the error.
Make a note of the LED indication and then report the indication to your dealer or to Brother Customer
Brother Numbers B
For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from
within that country.
Register Your Product
FAQs (frequently asked questions)
For Customer Service
Register Your Product B
Please complete the Brother Warranty Registration or, for your convenience and most efficient way to register
your new product, register on-line at
FAQs (frequently asked questions) B
The Brother Solutions Center is our one-stop resource for all your Brother machine needs. You can download
the latest software documents and utilities, read FAQs and troubleshooting tips, and learn how to get the most
from your Brother product.
You can check here for Brother driver updates.
To keep your machine performance up to date, check here for the latest firmware upgrade.
For Customer Service B
Visit http://www.brother.com/ for contact information for your local Brother office.
Brother Numbers
................................................. 224
Customer Service
................................................ 224
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
................... 224
Product Support
................................................... 224
Solutions Center
.................................................. 224
....................................................146, 161
......................................................48, 140
Device Selector .................................................45, 167
.................................................................... 107
.............................................................. 102
TWAIN ................................................................ 90
..................................................................... 90
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
................................................................ 9
Dim Timer
................................................................ 9
Memory Storage ....................................................... 10
Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE (Windows
) ............... 90
Power Failure ............................................................ 10
Presto! PageManager (Macintosh)
......................... 102
Remote Setup ......................................................... 164
ICA Compliant
................................................... 107
Presto! PageManager
....................................... 102
TWAIN Compliant
............................................. 102
Nuance™ PaperPort™ 12SE ............................. 90
TWAIN Compliant
............................................... 90
WIA Compliant
.................................................... 90
Sleep Mode
............................................................... 22
Status Monitor
............................................................. 161
............................................................ 159
Text, entering .......................................................... 215
...................................................... 194
Volume, Setting
................................................................... 10
Web Connect ............................................................... i
Visit us on the World Wide Web
These machines are approved for use in the country of purchase only. Local Brother companies or their dealers will only support
machines purchased in their own countries.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Brother ADS-1600W

Brother ADS-1600W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 236 pagina's

Brother ADS-1600W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 239 pagina's

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