Here you can:
Acquire images from connected TWAIN compliant devices such as scanners and some
digital cameras.
Assign names to ima ge fi les as they are acquired (using today's date or a de scriptive
How to acquire images from a TWAIN compliant device:
1. Select a scanner or other TWAIN device from the drop down list.
2. Choose the file format you want to use for the acquired images (JPG, BMP, TIF, PCX,
3. If y ou've select ed JP G as th e fil e format, s elect the image quality fo r the acquired
images (H ighest, H igh, N ormal, Low). The lower th e qual ity selec ted, the h igher t he
level of compression applied.
4. Choose a d estination f older for t he p hotos by cli cking " Browse" (f older i con) and
navigating to the folder.
5. Choose a naming method (today's date or description). Enter a description if applicable.
6. C lick "Acquire".