Inst al lation
Scop e o f delive ry: d ryer, insta llation a nd op e rating instru ctions.
Chec k dry er f or trans por t dam age.
The d ry er is ver y hea vy. Do no t attem pt to lift i t on your own.
Be c are ful to a void s harp edg es.
Do not se t up in a roo m that is su scept ible to frost . Freez ing w ate r may cau se dam a ge.
If in doubt , hav e the a ppli ance con nected by a s pecia list.
Do not lif t the d ryer by prot rud ing par ts ( e.g. the door) - risk o f brea kage .
Setting up the dr yer
The a p plianc e plug mu st alw ays b e ac ces sible.
Ensu re t hat th e app liance is ins talled o n a cl ean, leve l
and firm s urfac e.
Do not o bstruc t th e air i nlet o n the f ront o f the drye r.
Keep the are a aroun d the dry er cle an.
Ma ke the dryer lev el us ing the threa ded feet
and a spi rit le vel.
Do not re mov e the t hread ed f eet u nde r any
circu mstan c es.
Mains conn ection s ee Safety instru ctions a page 13 .
Con nec t t o an AC earthe d socket . If i n doubt have the
soc ket checke d b y a sp eciali st.
The main s volt age an d the vo ltage shown o n the r ating
plat e (a pa ge 1 0 ) mu st be the same .
The conn ected load and neces sary fuse prot ection are
spe cified on t he rat ing p late.
Fro st pr otect io n / T ran s por t
F rost protec tion - prep aration
1. Empt y the cond ensa tion c onta iner a page 4 .
2. Select any progra m me us ing t he p rogra mme s elec tor.
3. Press the St art /S top bu tton a conde nsed wa ter i s pum ped into
the contai ner
4. Wait 5 mi nutes and then empt y the cond ens ation c ontai ner ag ain .
5. Turn the pr ogram me sele ctor to Off .
T ransp ort
Prep are the dryer a see Fros t prot ect ion - p rep arati on.
Tran sport the d rye r in a v erti cal upr ight positi on.
Follow ing trans portat ion, do no t use the d ryer for two h ours.
The d ryer contai ns re sidu al wa ter;
this ca n flow out if the dryer is ti lted.
Sign a l
Swit ching on/of f a n acoust ic sign al a t the en d of the progr amme
Low Heat Ď light on a " a n acou stic s ignal a t the end of th e pr ogram me is swit che d on.
Low Heat Ď light of f a an acou stic signal a t th e en d of the pr ogram me is sw itche d off.
Take all accessory parts out of the
drum. The drum must be empty.
Make sure t hat the air inlet
remains uno bstructe d
Cl ean and level
Do n ot set up the dryer b ehind a do or or sliding door, as t his ma y obstru ct
the dryer door or preve nt it from op ening. This will preve nt a po tentially
fatal dan ger to ch ildren from lock ing the mselves in.
1 x to t he
Press a nd h old Low he at Ďand tu rn 3 x to th e righ t
Pres s Low hea t Ď to
sw itch on /off t he s ignal
Turn t o
Turn to
Do not o perate th e dryer if
there is a da nger of frost.
Car e an d clean in g
H eat excha nger
The d ryer's hea t exchan ger is cleaned autom atically during d rying.
Do no t pull out th e condens ation co ntainer duri ng the clean ing proce ss.
D ryer hous ing , co ntrol pan el, a ir in take
W ipe with a s oft, damp c loth.
Do no t use h arsh cleaning agents or solvents.
Rem ove dete rgent and c leaning agent resid ue immed iately.
Filter in the con dens ation co ntai ner
The fil ter is cle aned auto matically when the c ondensatio n contain er is empt ied.
H owever, the filte r should s till be clean ed regular ly under ru nning water a This pre vents
stu bborn deposits /dirt from bu ilding u p.
1. P ull o ut the conden sation co ntainer.
2. P ull the fil ter out of its snap-in l ock.
3. C lean th e filter u nder runni ng water or in the dis hwasher.
4. R efit th e filter.
5. In sert th e conde nsation c ontainer so th at it lo cks into p lace.
Only op erate the dry er with the filter inserte d.
Mo istu re senso r
The d ryer is e quipp ed wi th stainl ess steel mo isture sen sor s. Mois tur e se nsors meas ure how
dam p t he laund ry is. A th in layer of lime scale may bu ild up on the mo isture senso rs afte r
pro longe d use.
1. O pen the door.
2. C lean th e moistur e sensors using a dam p sponge with a rou gh surface.
Do no t use st eel wool or a brasive ma terials.
Applian ce must be sw itched off.
1 0
Tec hnic al da ta
ʠDimensions (DxWxH) 60 x 60 x 85 cm (heigh t adjusta ble)
Weig ht approxim ately 51 kg
Max. capaci ty 7 kg
Condensatio n contain er 4.0 l
Connection voltage 220-240 V
Connected lo ad max. 1000 W
Fuse protect ion 10 A
Ambient tem perature 5 - 35°C
Product n umber
Production n umber und er the door
The ra ting plate ca n be found on the back of t he dryer.
ʠDrum int erior ligh t (dependin g on mod el) (bu lb E1 4, 25 W )
The d rum lights up a fter the door is opened o r closed, an d after the p rogram me starts,
and swi tches off au tomatic ally. Cha nging the b ulb a page 12 .
Con sum p tion r ates
Fabric s/programme s Residual moi sture in the fa brics
after spi nning D rying ti me** Energy
consumptio n**
L Cottons 7 kg
Cupb oard Dry* 1400 rpm ( 50%) 13 4 m in 1.7 5 k Wh
1000 rpm ( 60%) 15 5 m in 2.0 3 k Wh
800 rpm ( 70%) 17 5 m in 2.3 2 k Wh
Iron D ry* 1400 rpm ( 50%) 98 mi n 1.2 4 k Wh
1000 rpm ( 60%) 11 9 m in 1.5 2 k Wh
800 rpm ( 70%) 13 9 m in 1.8 1 k Wh
#÷Easy-Care 3.5 kg
Cupb oard Dry* 800 rpm ( 40%) 54 mi n 0.5 7 k Wh
600 rpm ( 50%) 68 mi n 0.7 2 k Wh
* Programm e setting fo r testing in accordan ce with applicable s tandard EN61121.
** The values m ay differ from those spec ified, de pending on the type o f fabric, comp osition of
laundry to b e dried, res idual mo isture in the fab ric and the amo unt of laundry being load ed.
Fabric s/programme s Drying time Annua l energy c onsumption
L Cottons 7 kg / 3 .5 kg*
Cupb oard D ry*** 124 min / pe r cycle 258 kW h / pe r year
*** P rog ramme s etting for testin g and en ergy labellin g in acc ordance with Direc tive 2010/30/EU .
Opt ion al acc ess ori es ( from a fter-sales s ervice usin g order num ber)
Washer-dr yer stack con nec tio n set
The dry er can be pla ced o n top of a suita ble washin g m achine with the same wid th a nd depth
to save spac e. The dr yer mu st b e fastened to the w ashing ma chine usin g this con nection set.
WTZ 11300 : with pull-ou t worktop .
Insta llati on u nd erneath the work top
Instead of the ap pliance cove ring plat e, you m ust have a m etal cover fitted by a sp ecialis t.
Pla tform
For easier loading an d unload ing. The bas ket contai ned in the drawer c an be use d
to car ry the laund ry.
1 1
Nor mal no ises
Duri ng drying, the compre ssor and th e pump g enerate som e noise wh ich is ent irely normal.
The com pressor in t he dryer may
occasionally g enerate a humming no ise.
The volume and pitch of th is may var y
depending on the selec ted
programmes and the pr ogress of the
The compresso r in the dr yer is ventilated
from time to time, which creat es a whirring
soun d.
The auto matic clean ing process causes
a clicking n oise.
The process of pumping th e condensat ion
into the con densation co ntainer gen erates
pumpi ng noises.
1 2
Wh at to d o if...
If you canno t rec tify a fa ult yours elf (e. g. switching off/on) , plea se co ntact our a fter-sa les
se rvice. We will alwa ys find an ap propr iate s olution and will avoid u nnece ssary visits b y
eng ine ers. Trust the expe rtise of the manuf acture r an d rest assure d that the repa ir w ill be
c arried o ut by t raine d s ervice t echnicia ns using o rigin al spare parts. The conta ct det ails of your
loc al afte r-sale s s ervice c an be f ound i n the e nclosed a fte r-sales servi ce dire ctory, or by call ing
one of the se n umbe rs:
GB 084 4 892 8979 ( Calls from a BT l andlin e wil l be cha rged at up to 3 pen ce pe r mi nute.
A call set -up fee of u p to 6 pe nce may a pply.)
IE 01450 2655
W hen cont actin g the after-sa les service, p lease quote the appl iance 's product number (E no.)
and produc tion num ber (FD ) (see unde r the lo ading door).
Turn the prog ramme select or to Off and unplu g the m ains plug from the socket.
ʠThe Start/Stop indicato r lam p
d oes not l ight up .
Mains plug plugge d in?
Pro gramme select ed?
Chec k th e soc ket fu se.
ʠThe d isplay pa nel light and
indic ator light s (dependin g on
mod el) go out an d the
Start/Stop in dicator li ght
flas hes.
Energ y-saving mode i s activated
see the sep arate
Energ y-saving mode in structions.
ʠThe Container indica tor lam p
and the Start /Stop butt on are
flash ing.
Emp ty the con densat ion cont ainer a pag e 4 .
Clea n th e conden sa tion co ntain er filter if nece ssary
apage 9.
Drye r tra nsporte d? a Wait 2 ho urs an d sta rt again.
ʠThe Clean indic ator lam p a nd
Start/St op button are flashing .
Rins e the fluff filt er un der ru nning water a page 4 .
ʠDrye r doe s no t start. Start /St op button se lected ? D oor closed ?
Pro gramme set? Amb ient te mpera ture greater than 5 °C?
ʠW ater is le aking out. Ma ke sure th e dryer is level.
ʠThe door opens by itse lf. Pu sh th e door clo sed u ntil y ou hea r it clic k into place .
ʠCrea sing . Lau ndry lo ad e xceeded?
Rem ove articles of cl othing immediately after the end of t he
p rogramme , ha ng up and pul l into shape.
Un suitable progra mme selecte d a page 7.
ʠDrying res ult is no t satisf acto ry
(la undry feels too damp).
W arm laun dr y feels da mpe r than it actually is.
The sele cted program me do es no t suit t he load.
Use anoth er dryin g progra mm e or, in addi tion, sele ct t he
time pro gramme a p age 7.
Use fine adjustm ent f or the drying re sult
apage 1/2 and 6.
Fin e lay er of limesc al e on the humid ity se nsors
a Cle an the hum idity s ensors apa ge 9.
Pro gramme term ina tion, e.g. ta nk full, mai ns powe r supp ly
failu re, do or ope n o r maximu m dry ing time reach ed.
ʠDryi ng tim e too long. Rin se th e fluff filt ers u nder runnin g water a pa ge 4.
Insuf ficien t supply of ai r a ensure tha t air ca n cir culate .
Air in let p ossibly blo cked a Clear inle t a pa ge 8.
Ambie nt tempera ture higher than 35 °C a venti late the
room .
ʠThe hum idity in the room
inc rease s signif icantly.
Mak e sure the ro om is su fficie ntly ve ntilated.
ʠPo wer fail ure. Rem ove la undry f rom the d rye r immedia tely a nd sp rea d out.
This allow s the heat to dissipa te.
ʠOthe r inte rmitten t nois es and
vibra tion s.
Not an erro r.
Norm al n oises a pa ge 11 .
ʠLou d hum min g noise f or sev eral
se conds.
Ha s the condens ation con tainer be en p roperly inserted ?
a Pus h the conde nsatio n conta iner all the way in.
Not an erro r. Nor mal no ises a p age 11 .
1 3
Safet y inst ru ctio ns
Em erg en c y
Pul l the app liance plu g out o f the socke t immed iately or disc onnect the fuse .
ON LY us e the
dr y er. ..
in r ooms in side th e hou se.
to dry fa brics.
Th e d rye r m us t
N EV ER .. .
be use d for pur pose s other than th ose d escri bed a bove.
be modif ied in term s of its te chnol ogy or proper ties.
H aza rds
The d rye r mu st not b e us ed by c hildren or persons who have not be en
instruc ted in it s use.
Do not leave chi ldre n un superv ised ne ar t he dr yer.
Kee p p ets aw ay from the dryer.
R emove all ob jects from p ocket s, an d light ers in par ticu lar a Ris k of
exp losion .
Do not lea n o r sit on t he door a Ri sk of t ipping.
In s tal l ati o n
Secu re loose ca bles a Risk of trip ping.
Do not op erate a dry er if t here i s a risk of fro st.
M ain s
co nn ec tion
Con nect the dr yer to an AC e arth ed so cket accord ing to spec ifications ,
othe rwise it cann ot be guar anteed tha t the ap plian ce is c omplet ely sa fe.
The c abl e cros s-sec tion mus t be suffi cient.
On ly use ear th-leak age circuit breaker s wit h the fol lowing symbol :
The a ppl iance plug a nd soc ke t must be com pat ible.
Do not u se mul tiple pl ugs/c onnec tors a nd/or ex tensi on c ables .
Do not to uch or hold t he ap plian ce p lug wi th wet h ands
a Ris k of el ectric s hoc k.
Ne ver pu ll the ap plianc e pl ug out of the sock et by i ts cab le.
Do not d ama ge the m ain s lead a Ris k of electric shock .
Op era tio n
On ly loa d the d rum w ith l aundry.
Ch eck the co ntents b efore yo u switch the dry er on.
Do not use t he dryer if the laund ry h as be en in c ontact w ith solvent s, oi l, wax,
gre ase or p aint (e.g. hair styl ing p roduct s, nail v arn ish remov er, st ain
rem over, c leaning solven t, etc.) a Ri sk of f ire/ex plosion .
Du st (e. g. coal d ust , flour) p oses a dan ger: Do not use the dryer
aR isk of explo sion
Do not p ut laundr y c onta ining foame d m ateri al/rub ber in th e dr yer a elasti c
ma teria l may b e destro yed and th e dryer be d amag ed due to p ossibl e
de format ion of th e foam ed mate rial.
Wh en c leaning the fluff filter , make sur e tha t no fore ign mate rial (down or
filli ng mate rial) gets in to the ai r du ct open ing. If neces sary , clea n the drum
befor ehand with a vac uum cleane r. If f ore ign ma terial shou ld still ge t into the
air duct a c all the a fter- sales se rvice a R isk of fire/e xplosi on.
Swi tch o ff the dryer on ce the pro gramme has ende d.
The wa ter fr om co nden sation i s not drinki ng wa ter a nd m ay b e con tam inate d
with fluff.
D efe ct
Do not u se the d rye r if it is defecti ve or if y ou sus pect tha t it is.
Re pairs must on ly be c arrie d out b y the after -sale s service .
Do not u se the d rye r if the mains c able is d efectiv e. To av oid dan ger , only
ha ve the d efect ive mai ns cable re plac ed by the af ter-sal es serv ice.
Alwa ys pul l th e ma ins plug out of the soc ke t before cha nging the bu lb for
the i nteri or light a Risk of ele ctric sh ock.
Sp a re pa rts
Onl y use ge nuine spare par ts and acces sor ies for safety re as ons.
D is p os a l
Pul l out the appl iance plug, then cut off th e mains cable from the appli ance.
Disp ose of at a mun icipal wa ste d ispo sal fac ility.
Heat exc hang ers cont ain a fluorinat ed greenh ou se gas c overed by the
Kyot o prot ocol ( R134a) a dispos e of in a proper manne r.
Cap acity: 0.22 kg .
Pa ckaging : Ke ep a ll pack aging out of reach of babi es a nd chi ldren
a Ris k of suf focati on.
All material s a re envi ronment ally s ound and can b e reus ed.
Disp ose of in a n env ironme ntally-res ponsi ble m anne r.
Drye r
en Instru ct ion ma nual