Overvie w of pr o gram mes a Refer to the table of co nsumption v alues on pag e 8, and advic e and war nings on page 6.
Programm es °C max.
T ype of laund ry
Additional func tions; Information
Algodón/Algod ão
frío ( cold), 40, 60,
90 °C
7 kg/
4 kg*
har d-wearing fabrics, cotton s or linen that can be
wash ed at 90° C
TurboPerfec t i *, EcoP erfect ć , Fácil S (Reduced Ironin g),
Skin Care (W ater Plus)
+ Prelav.
60 °C
3.5 kg
eas y-care cotton, linen, synth etic or blen ded fabric s
TurboPerfec t i , EcoPer fect ć , Fácil S ( Reduced Iron ing),
Skin Care (W ater Plus)
frío (cold), 40, 60 °C
Mix 30 °C cotto n or synthetic fa bric s
TurboPerfec t i , EcoPer fect ć , Fác il S (Reduced Ir oning),
Skin Care (W ater Plus);
different types of laund ry can be wash ed togethe r
Delicado/S eda
frío ( cold)
2 kg
for delicate fabr ics, e.g., silk, s atin, synthetic fibres or
blen ded fabrics (e.g. c urtains)
TurboPerfec t i , EcoPer fect ć , Fác il S (Reduced Ir oning),
Skin Care (W ater Plus):
no spin between rinse c ycles
ÿ Lan a/Lã (W ool)
frío ( cold),
30 °C
hand/ machine wa shable wo ol
particularly delicate wash progra mme to avoid shrink age o f laun-
longer progr amme breaks (fa brics res t in the detergent solution)
Rápido 15
(Super Qui ck)
30 °C
sy nthetic cotton, linen, synth etic fibres o r blended
fabr ics
short prog ramme of approx . 15 minutes ,
suitable for li ghtly soiled laundry
Additional progra mmes 2 /Centrif. adicional (Rinse/S pin), > (Empty)
* r educed lo ad with ad ditional fun ction T ur boPer fect i.
For progr ammes with out prewash , add deterg ent to compartmen t II . For pr ewash progr ammes, distr ibute the deterg ent between co mpartments I and II .
9202 / 900075 1943
WAQ20 367EE /...
Rober t Bosch Haus geräte Gm bH
Carlä Wery Str. 34
81739 Munich / Germa ny
Sa fety ins tr uc tions
Carefully read the instr uction man ual and the info rmation enclo sed, and act according ly.
Keep the m achine's docu mentation for future refere nce.
Ris k of electric s hock! Never pull the cable t o disconnect the mains plug !
Never in sert/disconn ect the main s plug with damp hands.
Dan ger to life! For worn- out appliances:
Dis connect th e mains plug.
Sever the mai ns cable a nd disc ard along wi th the plug.
Destr oy the lock on the wash ing machine doo r. This will prevent children from
locki ng themselves in and riskin g their liv es.
Dan ger of suffoc ation! Keep pa ckaging, film and pac kaging parts o ut of the reach o f children.
Ris k of poisoning! Keep det ergents and ca re produ cts out of th e reach of chi ldren.
Ris k of explosion ! Items of laundry pretreated with c leaning ag ents containin g solvents, e.g . stain
remover/ cleanin g solvent may lea d to an ex plosion after b eing loaded into the
wash ing machi ne.
Rinse items of lau ndry thoroug hly by han d beforeha nd.
Ris k of injury! The wash ing mach ine door ma y become v ery hot.
Be car eful when dr aining hot deter gent solutio n.
Do not c limb on to the washing machi ne.
Do not l ean on the o pen wash ing machi ne door.
Do not rea ch into the drum if i t is still rota ting.
Be car eful when o pening the dete rgent drawer w hile the mac hine is in operation.
Co n sump tio n v alu es depe nding on m odel
Programm e Load E lectricity*** Water***
duration* **
Algod ón/Algodão fr ío (co ld) 7 kg 0.27 kWh 66 l 145 min
Algod ón/Algodão 40 °C* 7 kg 1.02 kWh 66 l 155 min
Algod ón/Algodão 60 °C* 7 kg 1.15 kWh 66 l 165 min
Algod ón/Algodão 90 °C 7 kg 2.10 kWh 76 l 155 min
Sintéti cos 40 °C* 3.5 kg 0.64 kWh 55 l 103 min
Mix 30 °C 3.5 kg 0.22 kWh 49 l 60 min
Delic ado/Seda frío (cold) 2 kg 0.05 kWh 35 l 41 min
La na/Lã 30 °C 2 kg 0.17 kWh 39 l 40 min
* Programme setting for testing i n accordance with valid s tandard EN6045 6.
Note on com parative tests: Fo r testing th e test prog rammes, wash the specified lo ad using th e maximum spin speed.
Programm e
Annual en ergy
Annual wate r
Algod ón/Algodão 40/60 °C
EcoPerfe ct ć **
7/3.5 kg 174 kWh 8140 l
** Programme s etting for tes ting and ener gy labelling in a ccordance wi th EU directive 2 010/30/EU with cold w ater (15 ºC).
*** Th e values deviate from the indicat ed values dep ending on water pressure, h ardness, an d inlet tem perature, ambient tem-
perature, typ e, amount an d soiling of the laun dry, detergent used, fl uctuation s in the pow er supply and s elected ad ditional
functions .
Car e an d cle anin g
Befor e th e fi rst wa sh
Do n ot put laun dry i n the m achi ne! Turn on th e ta p. Put into com partme nt II :
a pprox. 2 litre s of wat er
d etergen t (mea sure a cco rding to the manufac turer' s ins tructio ns for lightl y soi led lau ndry and wat er hardn ess)
Turn the programm e selector t o Sint étic os (Ea sy-Ca re) 60 °C an d pres s
inicio (S tart/Reloa d). At th e end of the
prog ramm e, turn the pr ogramm e sel ector to
Ma ch ine h ous ing, con trol pan el
R e move detergent and cleaning agent residue.
W i pe with a soft, damp cloth.
D o not wash the machine with a jet of water!
Clean ing the deter gen t d raw er ...
... if it contains detergent or fabric softener res idues.
1. Pull out, press i nsert down and remove d rawer c omplet ely.
2. To rem ove the i nsert: pre ss up wards from below with your fing er.
3. For model s wi th insert for l iquid detergen t:Sli de the i nsert up wards an d remo ve it fr om the back.
4. Clean th e deterg ent dispen ser tra y an d inser ts wit h water an d a brush and dry them.
5. Attach the ins ert an d en gage ( conne ct the c ylind er to th e guid e pin).
6. Push in the det ergent draw er.
Leave the detergent drawer open so that any residual water can evaporate.
Dru m
Leave the washing machine door open so that the drum can dry out.
F o r r u s t s t a i n s, u s e c h lo r i n e - fr e e c l e a n i n g a g e n t , n o t s te e l w o o l.
De scal ing Ensure there is no laund ry in the machine !
This will not be necessary if the correct dosage of detergent is used. If it is, descale the appliance according to the
manufacturer's instructions. D escaling pr oducts can be a cquired on the we bsite or from custom er services aInstallation
Em erg en cy r elea se (e.g . in the eve nt of a p ower c ut)
The programme continues to run when the power has been restored. However, if the laundry has to be remov ed, the
washing machine door can be opened as follows :
Risk of scalding!
The detergent solution and laundry may be hot. Let it cool.
Do not reach into the drum if it is still rotating.
Do not open the washing machine door if water can be seen through the glass.
Turn th e progr amme select or to Stop and d iscon nec t the ma ins plug.
2. Drain t he dete rgent so luti on apag e 10.
3. Pull the em er gency re lease do wnw ards with a tool a nd rel ease.
Th e wa shing m achi ne doo r ca n then be ope ned.
Informatio n on the dis play pa nel depe nding on mo del
§: ³± Close th e washing machine doo r properly; l aundry may be caugh t.
§: ³Å,
: É
Turn on th e (cold water ) tap fully, s upply hose ki nked or trapp ed;
Clean the filter apag e 10 , water p ressure too lo w.
§: ³µ D etergen t solution pump blocked; Clean the detergent soluti on pump apage 10.
D rainag e hose / was te pipe blo cked; Clean the d rainage hos e at the sipho n apage 10.
H eavy fo am build-up apage 11 , status indi cator
lav ar (wa sh) flashes.
§: ´ Water in the base tub, appliance leaking. Cal l customer services!
©: ³¯ Op en the (ho t water) tap f ully.
I nlet hose kinked/trapped.
W ater pressure too low . Clean the filter apage 10 .
H ot water hose not connected; appliance will operate using cold water only. Ignore informati on, only for first
wash cycle.
ª¥ C hildproof lock act ivated: to dea ctivate a p age 5 .
R isk of electr ic shock! Disconnect the mai ns plug .
R isk of exp losion! Do not us e solvents.
1 0
Main ten an ce
D eterg e nt s oluti on pump
Tur n the progr amme selector to S top and di sconnect
the m ains plug.
1. Using a screwd river or the ins ert for liqu id detergent
(d epending on mo del), open and remove the s ervice flap.
2. Remove the foldin g gutter a nd place a larg e enough conta iner undern eath.
3. For m odels with a dra inage hose: Remove the draina ge hose from th e retainer and pull it
from the housing.
Remove th e sealin g cap, allow the detergent solution to flow out into the contain er. Replace
the s ealing cap and place t he drainage ho se in the retain er .
3* F or models without a dr ainage hose: Carefully unscrew t he pump cover 180° or until the
deterg ent solut ion begins to flow out on the folding gutter. Wh en the con tainer is full, clos e
the pump cover and empty the cont ainer. Repeat the above steps u ntil all the detergent
solutio n has c ompletely drain ed out.
4. Carefully unsc rew the pump c over (there may be residu al water).
5. Clean the int erior, pump c over thread a nd pump hou sing (the impeller i n the deterge nt
solutio n pump m ust rotate).
6. Replace the pump cover and screw it tightly.
7. Return the dra inage hose (depending on model) and the folding gutter to their start position.
8. Place the serv ice flap back on and close.
To pr event unused detergent from flowi ng str aight into the drain during th e next was h:
Pour 2 litres of water into co mpartment II and then sta rt the > (Em pty) programm e.
D raina ge hos e at the sipho n
Tur n the progr amme selector to S top and di sconnect the mains plug .
1. Loosen the ho se clamp, carefully remove th e drainage hose (residual w ater).
2. Clean the drain age hose and s iphon co nnecting pi ece.
3. Reattach the drainage h ose and secu re the connec tion with the hose c lamp.
Filte r in the water su pp ly
Risk of ele ctric shock !
Do not i mmerse the Aqu a-Stop safety device in water (contains an electric va lve).
Red uce the water pressure in the supply ho se:
1. Turn off the tap.
2. Select any prog ramme (except 2/C entrif. adicional (Rinse/Spin) // > (Empty) ).
3. Choose inicio (Sta rt/Reload ). Let the progra mme run for ap proxima tely 40 second s.
4. Turn the programm e selector to S top. Disco nnect the mai ns plug.
Cle an the filter :
5. Disconn ect the hose fro m the tap.
Cle an the filter usin g a small br ush.
and/ or for Stan dard and A qua-Secure models:
Remove t he hose on th e rear of th e applianc e.
Remove t he filter wi th pliers an d clean.
6. Connect the hose and chec k for leaks.
Risk of burning!
Allow th e detergent s olution to cool.
Turn of f the tap.
1 1
Wh at to d o if...
Water is leaking out Attach/replace t he drainage hose correctl y.
Tighten th e screw conne ction o f the supply hose.
No wa ter supply.
Dete rgent not disp ensed.
inicio (Start/ Reload) no t selected?
Tap not turn ed on?
Filter blocked ? Clean the filter apage 1 0.
Supply hose kinked or tra pped?
The ap pliance do or will not
op en.
Safety fun ction activ e. Programme stopped? a pag e 4.
(without fi nal spin) selected? ap age 3, 4.
Can be ope ned by emerge ncy releas e only? apag e 9.
Door loc ked after the w ashing ma chine is sw itched off: Switch o n the washi ng
machine an d wait for 5 s econds.
The s elected prog ramme does
not start.
inicio (Start/ Reload) or (Ready in) time selec ted?
Washing machine doo r closed?
Childpr oof lock active? Deactiva te apage 5.
Detergen t solution is not
dra ined.
(without fi nal spin) selected? ap age 3, 4.
Clean the detergent solu tion pump a page 10.
Clean the waste pipe an d/or draina ge hose.
No wa ter can b e seen in the
Not a fau lt. Water rema ins inside below the vis ible area.
Sp in result not sati sfacto ry.
La undry wet/ too damp.
Not a fault. Spin control system has stopped the spin cycle. Uneven distributio n of
Distribut e large and sma ll items of laundry evenly i n the drum.
Fácil S (Reduced I roning) selected ? ap age 5.
Selected sp eed too low? apage 5.
Progr amme dura tion chang es
sud denly during o peration.
Not a f ault. The p rogram ti me can v ary accordin g to t he distribution of laundry, with
it therefore bei ng possib le for the disp lay panel to show adjustmen ts in the
Sp in cycle performed several
times .
Not a fault. Th e bala nce control s ystem has detected an imbalan ce and is
attempting to redress this by repeati ng the spin.
Resid ual wate r in the
compa rtment for ca re produc ts.
Not a fau lt: the action of the care prod uct is n ot affected.
Clean the c ompartment if necessary apage 9.
Odour f ormation in the washing
mac hine.
Run progr amme Algodón/ Algodão (Cottons) 90 °C without laun dry. Use
standard detergent.
Sta tus display lavar (wa sh)
flashi ng.
Ap pliance has detected a
deterg ent overloa d.
Too muc h detergent used ?
If fo am i s esc api ng from the deterge nt drawer: mix 1 ta blespo on of fa bric softener
with ½ lit re of water and pour into c ompartment II ( not with outdoor or down
Reduce the detergent dosa ge for the n ext wash cyc le.
Inten se noise fo rmation,
vib rations and "wandering "
duri ng the spin cycle.
Are the ap pliance feet fi xed?
Secure the appliance feet aInstallati on inst ructions .
Transportati on safety de vices removed?
Remove transp ortation safety devic es aInstalla tion instruction s .
Dis play panel/in dicator l amps
remai n turned off wh ile the
mac hine is work ing.
Energy-savi ng mode apage 5.
Power cut?
Fuses tri ggered? Reset/ch ange th e fuse.
If the fault o ccurs repeate dly, call c ustomer ser vices.
Progra mme sequen ce longer
than usual.
Not a fa ult. Unbalanc ed load detecti on system a djusts imbalanc e by repeatedly
distributing th e laund ry.
Not a fa ult: foam detection system acti ve; adds an additional ri nse cycle.
Det ergent residu es on the
lau ndry.
Occasion ally, phosp hate-free deterge nts contai n water-insol uble residue s.
Select 2/Centrif. adicional (Rinse/Spi n) or brush ou t the laun dry after
washin g.
If you c annot c orrect a fault you rself or if a repair is necess ary:
Turn the progr amme se lector to Stop an d remove th e mains plu g from the so cket.
Turn off the w ater supp ly and call customer servi ces aIn stallati on instru ctions.
Wa shi ng m ach ine
en I nstr uc tion m anua l