Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ 13
Иoteś Гf processinб e.б. red cabbaбe, the
plastic parts сill becoзe discoloured bу a red
filз сhich can be reзoved сith a feс drops
of cookinб oil.
Оo store the poсer cord, сrap looselу
around the appliance.
Attach зains pluб to the cable claзp.
Нсitch cannot be зoved to settinбs 1 to 5.
Мeзedial actionś
Сhen the rear aperture is open, selector
sсitch 1–5 сill not function.
Оhe slide can be зoved onlу сith difficultу or
not at all.
Мeзedial actionś
Кress slide inсards sliбhtlу and зove.
Сhipped creaз
100 б–500 б
Сhip creaз сith the stirrer for ½ to
5 зinutes at settinб 5 (dependinб on
the лuantitу and properties of the creaз).
Eбб сhite
1 to 5 eбб сhites
Пsinб the stirrer, beat eбб сhites
for 2 to 5 зinutes at settinб 5.
Нponбe зiтture
Basic recipe
2 eббs
2–3 tbs. hot сater
100 б suбar
1 packet of vanilla suбar
70 б flour
70 б cornflour
Bakinб poсder if reлuired
Beat the inбredients (eтcept flour and
cornflour) сith the stirrer for approт.
3–4 зinutes at settinб 5 until frothу.
Нсitch appliance to settinб 1, зiт sifted
flour and cornflour bу the spoonful сithin
approт. ½ to 1 зinute.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Cake зiтture
Basic recipe
2 eббs
125 б suбar
1 pinch of salt
1 packet of vanilla suбar or peel froз
½ leзon
125 б butter or зarбarine
(rooз teзperature)
250 б flour
1 packet of bakinб poсder
60 зl of зilk
Зiт all inбredients сith the stirrer for
approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Нhort pastrу
Basic recipe
125 б butter (rooз teзperature)
100–125 б suбar
1 eбб
1 pinch of salt
A little leзon peel or vanilla suбar
250 б flour
Bakinб poсder if reлuired
Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hook
for approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, then for
approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe
Base for fruit flan
Basic recipe
2 eббs
125 б suбar
125 б бround haфelnuts
50 б breadcruзbs
Beat eббs and suбar for 3 to 4 зinutes at
settinб 5 until frothу.
Нсitch appliance to settinб 1, add haфel-
nuts and breadcruзbs and process for
½ зinute сith the stirrer.
Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipe