Table of Content ......................................................................................................................................................................... I
1. Welcome to GPSNavigator6 .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Introduction to GPSNavigator6 ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
3. Selecting a destination – Go to? ............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Search destination by Address ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Search a destination by POI....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Search POI in City .......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Search POI near Current Position ................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 Search POI by Phone ...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Select a destination in Recent Destinations ............................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Select a point on map as destination .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Search a destination by Coordinates .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.6 Select a destination in Address Book......................................................................................................................... 19
3.7 Go home .................................................................................................................................................................... 20
4. Route Plan ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Add or delete destination(s) ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.2 Change the sequence of destination ................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.3 Display destination on map ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Route Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 Route Plan ................................................................................................................................................................. 28
5.5 Go to .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
6.3 Trace Record .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.4 Address Book Management ....................................................................................................................................... 32
6.5 Day /Night Mode Switch ........................................................................................................................................... 33
6.6 Set Home Address ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
6.7 GPS Status ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
6.9 Measure Unit ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
6.10 About ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2 POI Icons ................................................................................................................................................................... 38
1. Welcome to GPSNavigator6
Thank you for choosing GPSNavigator6 as your global in-car navigator. This manual is a detailed description of the
navigation software. Though you can easily learn to use it and we still recommend you read this manual to understand
screens and operation steps of GPSNavigator6.
1.1 Precautions
For your safety concern, we recommend that you operate GPSNavigator6 before start of journey. Do not operate
GPSNavigator6 while driving as this might lead to collision or damage. Please ask your passenger to operate it if
Local driving regulations and driving conditions have to be observed all the time. They have precedence over the
driving instructions given by GPSNavigator6.
Although all safety considerations have been taken into account while designing the GPSNavigator6, the use of this
software “provided by GPSNavigator6” is not warranted against the accident or the consequences of any.
1.2 Introduction to GPSNavigator6
Quick and Easy to Learn --- you can learn how to operate it easily within 3 minutes.
Intelligent Multi-Map Management --- GPSNavigator6 do not require you change maps when you navigate between
map segments or countries. You could move map screen in any direction and check POI information on map.
Fast Visualized Positioning --- you can very quickly locate the current position and get information about the next
turning point.
Smooth Map Scrolling --- When driving, the map will scroll up and down on the screen in order to help you get an
overview of your location (or position).
Smart Key --- Enable those keys on the keyboard that can lead to a valid entry.
Postcode --- GPSNavigator6 support Postcode and enable user to set a Postcode area as destination.
Zoom In/Out ---The map scale adjusts according to the driving speed. This allows you a proper view of the map.
Day/Night Mode Switch --- the backlight of the map and the color of the indicator of the position fix can be changed
manually. This gives you a better visualization of the map at night.
Two Waypoints --- allow 2 waypoints at most and it guides you to your destination one by one.
22 POI Categories ---GPSNavigator6 allows you to search for restaurants, airports, petrol stations, etc. in a very
convenient and easy way.
Reasonable Route Planning --- it takes all traffic regulations into consideration when planning a route, such as one-way
restriction, turn restriction, and so on; besides that, user could change route options based on the driving preference or
Information about Turning Points --- provided with the detailed information of each turning point of a proposed route,
you can view all turning points along your entire trip.
Schematic Map of Inter-Crossing --- Clear schematic illustration of each inter-crossing guarantees you to view it in
advance and keeps you on the right track to your destination.
Information about GPS Satellites --- You can view the status and number of signals received from GPS satellites.
GPS Track Log --- GPSNavigator6 logs your trip information. This information can be replayed or re-used for future
Multi-POI locations --- Display two or more POIs with the same or close location.
Navigation in Tunnel --- it can calculate vehicle position and update map display though no GPS signal in tunnel.
Motorway Signpost --- displaying distance and travel time from your current position to next exit.
Multi-language Support --- support 12 Voices and languages.
Safety Alert --- System will beep to alarm you when speeding. Besides that, you can set speed tolerance from 0 to 20%
more than legal speed limit.
2. Getting Started
GPSNavigator6 is a good choice for in-car navigation. You can easily use it by tapping the screen or drawing the map with
your fingers.
2.1 Quick Reference
This chapter gives you a brief introduction of how to use GPSNavigator6. Before we explore all the detailed functionalities
provided by this application, please make sure that:
GPSNavigator6 searches for positioning information from at least three satellites and your position is fixed once
the application starts.
When you use the GPS receiver for the first time, it may take 2-3minutes to secure satellite information and orientate
accurate position (Cold start). Your position fix is stored in the memory. For subsequent use of the GPS receiver, it will
only take 1-3 minutes to locate your position (Warm start). Once your position is fixed by the GPS receiver, the system
starts navigation immediately without any extra operation when you start the application.
2.2 Getting Started
◎ When start GPSNavigator6 for the first time, system
enter “System Attention” screen.
◎It takes about 15s to automatically switch “System
Attention” screen to “Welcome” Screen and then enter “Free
Navi Map"(Picture 2.3).
Picture 2.1 System Attention Screen
Picture 2.2 Welcome Screen
Picture 2.4 Free Navigation Menu
◎ For Free Navi Map icons and details, please refer to
Chapter 2.3.
In Free Navi Map, you could let system go without any
operation and it tracks your driving route.
◎ If you want to access more functions, please touch Main
Menu on Free Navi Map; System then enter Free Navi Menu
: touch and back to Free Navi Map.
: touch and exit navigation.
: touch and back to Free/Route Navi Map.
In Free Navi Menu, you can access key functions of GPSNavigator6 as below:
touch “ Go to” to set destination(S). (Please refer to Chap. 3 for details).
touch “Map Options" to change map parameters. (Please refer to Chap. 5.1 for details).
touch “Settings" to change all settings parameters. (Please refer to Chap. 6 for details).
◎ When you use GPSNavigator6 for the first time, you may want to change the language of the system. Please refer to
Chapter 6.1. for details.
Picture 2.3 Free Navi Map
2.3 Route& Free Navigation Maps
Route/Free navigation map screen is the most frequently used screen of GPSNavigator6. Free navigation map screen
displays when you cold start GPSNavigator6, while Route Navigation Map displays when you continue last navigation
when you restart the system. As to difference between Route Navigation and Free Navigation, please refer to Chapter 4.3.
1. Car Icon --- indicates the current position and driving direction.
2. Turning sign --- The sliver arrow shows you which road you should take at the approaching turning point.
3. Current road --- the field is empty if the road is unnamed.
4. Next road --- the name of the next approaching road.
5. Turning schema--- show the road structure at next turning.
6. Current Speed --- show current driving speed.
7. Distance-to-go --- Remaining distance between start and destination or next waypoint.
8. Arrival --- Estimate time to arrive the destination.
9. Speed Alert --- show you speed camera ahead and its speed limit
10. GPS Status --- touch to view GPS Status.
11. Volume --- touch to adjust the volume for voice guidance.
12. Compass --- indicates the North of the map.
13. Scale Bar --- indicate scale of map.
Picture 2.5 Route Navigation Map
Picture 2.6 Free Navi Map
14. Zoom in button --- touch to zoom in the map.
15. Zoom out button --- touch to zoom out the map.
16. Main Menu--- touch to enter Route Navi Menu (please refer to Chap. 5 for details).
17. Longitude /Latitude --- show the longitude and Latitude of current map center.
18. Current Time
Picture 2.9 Numeric-type Keyboard
Picture 2.7 ABC-type Keyboard
Picture 2.8 Smart Keystroke
2.4 Keyboards
GPSNavigator6 keyboard has smart keystroke function and enables only those keys on the keyboard that can lead to a valid
entry. It greatly improves the search efficiency and user experience.
You could input letters, numeric and punctuations. You can switch keyboard by touching or.
: touch and switch to numeric and punctuation keyboard.
: Space key.
: touch and delete last letter you entered.
: touch and return button to high-level screen.
: Confirm keyboard entry and selected record.
3. Selecting a destination – Go to?
In order to navigate with GPSNavigator6 or to plan a route, you first of all have to enter a destination and then calculate a
In “Free Navi Map” (Picture 3.1) touch “Main Menu” to enter “Free Navi Menu” (Picture 3.2), and then touch “Go to” to
enter the “Search Menu” (Picture 3.3).
In Search Menu, GPSNavigator6 provides you six different ways of specifying an address, city, POI (Point of Interest) and
other locations which you can select as start or destination. This chapter will detail the operation steps one by one.
Picture 3.1 Free Navi Map
Picture 3.3 Search Menu
Picture 3.2 Free Navi Menu
Picture 3.7 City List
3.1 Search destination by Address
For example: No.60, Cleveland Street, London, United Kingdom
1.Touch “Address Search” on “Search Menu” screen ;
◎ System will enter the “City& Country” screen (Picture 3.5).
2.Change country;
◎In “City& Country”Screen, the default city is the city
“London”you search last time. Here you could
touchto change city or touch
to change country and enter “Country List”
3.Select one among European countries;
◎ In “Country List” Screen, the default country is the recently
searching country “United Kingdom”. You could touch or
to browse country list and select one among European
4.In order to specify the destination, firstly enter city name or
Postcode, and select the desired city;
◎ You could enter the name of the city, or the prefix, and the
system will automatically list all cities matching the input letters.
◎ Touch the desired city and touch “OK” to confirm the city
selection. The system returns to the “Address Search” screen
(Picture 3.8)
Picture 3.5 City &Country
Picture 3.4 Search Menu
Picture 3.6 Country List
Picture 3.11 Address Search
5.Now enter the road name, and select the desired road;
◎ In “Address Search”screen, touch the Road input field and
enter “Road Search” screen.
◎Road Search support smart key and you can enter part of city
name, system will automatically list all matched results.
◎Once road is selected, touch “OK”, then return to the “Address
Search” screen (Picture 3.11).
6.Enter the house number;
◎ After specifying the road, touch the field of “click here and
search house number” to enter House No screen.
Picture 3.8 Address Search
Picture 3.9 Road Search
Picture 3.10 Road List
Picture 3.14 Route Plan
◎ Enter house number on keyboard and touch “OK” to return
Address Search” screen.
If the house number you entered does not exist, system will regard
the first result as default position.
7.Tap “On map" to check the location of input address or
directly tap “OK” and go to “Route Plan".
◎ Now you can touch “On Map”to check the location of the
specified stress on map.
◎ Then touch “OK", the system will enter “Route Plan” screen to
start navigating.
◎ In Route Plan screen, you can touch ”Go" to start navigating, or
start simulating navigation by touching “Simulate".
For more operation details for “Route Plan”, please refer to chapter
In some cases, you may need to specify the crossroad of the location. Need to mention that crossroad search disable house
number search, vice versa.
Options: after specify the road, then directly select the crossroad.
◎In “Address Search” screen, touch the Crossroad input field
and enter “Crossroad” screen. It displays a list of available
crossroads along the “Cleveland Street”. Then select the desired
crossroad and touch “On Map” to view the virtual road location.
Picture 3.13 Address Search
Picture 3.15 Crossroad Search
Picture 3.12 Enter House No.
◎ you also could search the crossroad by entering the name or
the prefix, and the system will automatically list all roads
matching the searching criteria. Highlight the name of the desired
road and touch “OK”to return to the “Address Search” screen
(Picture 3.16).
Picture 3.16Address Search
3.2 Search a destination by POI
A point of interest (POI) is a location that user may find useful and interesting. POI locations are marked on map with
special icons.
GPSNavigator6 provides 22 categories of POIs, such as accommodation, petrol station, restaurants, sights, etc(Refers to
Chapter 7.2). POI of same category shares the same icon. If you save your own POI or favorite or address, you can select an
icon for your own.
GPSNavigator6 provides three ways to search POI: search POI near current position, search POI in city and search POI by
telephone number.
3.2.1 Search POI in City
For example: BigBen Winsminster, London
1.Touch “POI in City” in “POI Menu” screen;
◎ System will enter “Country Search” screen(Picture 3.20);
◎ In “Country Search” Screen, the default country is the recently
searching country “United Kingdom”. You could touch or
to browse country list and select one among 45 European
2.Then enter city and select one city among results;
◎ City Search support smart key and you can enter part of city
name, system will automatically list all matched results.
◎ Touch “OK” and enter “POI Category Selection” screen.
If you want to change city, touch to return “City
Search” screen.
Picture 3.18 Search Menu
Picture 3.19 POI Menu
Picture 3.20 Specify the country
Picture 3.21 Specify the city
3.Now select the POI category;
◎ Once you confirm POI category, then touch “Next” and enter
“POI Search” screen.
4.Select a POI among results or enter the name of desired POI;
◎ In the “POI Search” screen, the system will automatically list
POIs around the city default position. You could select the desired
one or enter the name on keyboard.
◎ when the POI is specified, you could touch “On Map” to check
the POI location.
5.Check the location of the POI;
◎ touch to return “Address Search” screen.
6.Touch “OK” confirm the POI selection and enter “Route Plan"
◎ Once you have finished the POI search, touch “OK” and the
system will automatically enter “Route Plan” screen (Picture 3.25)
and the POI will be displayed in the destination list.
Picture 3.22 Select POI Category
Picture 3.23 Search POI in City
Picture 3.24 City POI on Map
Picture 3.25 Route Plan Screen
3.2.2 Search POI near Current Position
“POI near Current Position” displays 300 POIs at most around your current position from near to far.
Please notice that:
When GPS fixed, “current position” is the place where your vehicle locates.
When GPS does not fix, “current position” is the latest GPS-fixed place.
1.Select POI near current position;
◎Select “POI near Current Position” in POI Menu and enter “POI
Category Selection” screen.
2.Select one POI category;
◎ You could touch or to view more categories. When
you confirm the selection, touch “Next” and system enter “Nearest
POI list”. If you are not sure of the category, you can select “All
POI", then system will displays POIs of all categories near current
3. Select a POI among results and touch “OK" to enter “Route Plan
In “Nearest POI List” screen, you could:
a. select one POI (see P3-28);
b. touch keyboard to enter POI name or the prefix(see P3-29).
c. check POI location on map (see P3-30);
Picture 3.27 POI Category Selection
Picture 3.28 Nearest POI List
Picture 3.26 POI Menu Screen
3.2.3 Search POI by Phone
1.Touch “POI Search by Phone” on “POI Menu” screen;
◎System will enter “Country Selection” screen(Picture P 3.32).
2.Select one country;
◎ In “Country Search” Screen, the default country is the recently
searching country “Italy”. You could touch or to
browse country list and select one among 40 European countries.
3.Enter the city name and choose the desired city;
◎You can enter the city name or the prefix, and the system will
automatically display all the matching results.
◎Select the desired city and touch “OK” to enter “Phone No
Search” screen.
Picture 3.29 Enter POI Name
Picture 3.30 Nearest POI on Map
Picture 3.33 City Search Screen
Picture 3.31 POI Menu Screen
Picture 3.32 POI Menu Screen
4.Enter Telephone number and select one POI in results.
◎System automatically displays City Code and POIs near the
default city center.
◎Enter telephone on keyboard and touch “OK” to enter “Route
Plan ”screen.
Picture 3.34 Enter POI Phone No.
3.3 Select a destination in Recent Destinations
GPSNavigator6 saves 50 recent destinations at most so that you can access them quickly next time.
1. Touch “Recent Destination” on “Search Menu” screen;
◎In the “Search Menu” screen (Picture 3.35), touch “Recent
Destinations” to enter the “Recent Destination” screen (Picture
2. Select one destination you desire;
◎ Select the recent destination you want to set as destination and
touch “OK”.
Options: Touch “On Map" to check the location of destination
3. Touch “OK" and enter “Route Plan” screen.
When successfully operated, the system will automatically return
to the “Route Plan”screen and display the selected one in the
destination list.
: Return to last screen.
: Delete one destination.
: touch and display chosen destination on map.
: Confirm the selected destination.
: touch and back to Free/Route Navi Map.
: touch and enter last screen. Gray button means this function disabled.
: touch and enter next screen.
Picture 3.36 Recent Destination List
Picture 3.35 Search Menu Screen
3.4 Select a point on map as destination
GPSNavigator6 supports setting a destination by scrolling the map to the desired location.
1.Touch “Map" on “Search Menu screen”;
◎ The system enter the “Map Search” screen (Picture 3.37).
2.Scroll the map and tap on one point on map;
◎ On the “Map Search” screen (Picture 3.38), you can find
places that you are interested in by zooming in/out or moving the
◎ Meanwhile, you can touch on the POI or road to view its
information (Picture 3.39).
You could touch to check the other POI
information when more than one POI are located at one point.
3.Touch “OK" and enter “Route Plan" screen.
◎ After you find your destination, touch “OK”to add it as a
Picture 3.37 Search Menu Screen
Picture 3.39 Check POI info on Map
Picture 3.38Search destination on Map
3.5 Search a destination by Coordinates
If you know the geographic coordinates of your destination, you can navigation to the desired location by entering
1.Touch “Coordinates" on “Search Menu screen;
◎In the “Search Menu”screen (Picture 3.40), select
“Coordinates”to enter the “Coordinates Input”screen (Picture
2.Touch “Format” to change the type of coordinates;
GPSNavigator6 supports two kinds of coordinate format inputs: Degree Format (Picture 3.41 and Digital Format (Picture
3.42). You can touch the “Format” button to switch between these two formats.
3.Enter the coordinates and touch “OK".
In the Degree format, touch the “Lon” (Longitude) input area (Picture 3.41You should input “E” (East Longitude) or “W”
(West Longitude) before you input the degree number of the longitude. Before inputting the degree number of the latitude,
you should input “N”(North Latitude) or “S” (South Latitude).
In the Digital format, you should input “-”(West Longitude/South Latitude) before you input the digital number of the
longitude or the latitude.
Picture 3.40 Search Menu Screen
Picture 3.42 Digital Format
Picture 3.41Degree Format
3.6 Select a destination in Address Book
You can save your home address and other favorite places in Address Book (Please refer to Chapter 6.4).
1.Touch “Address Book" on “Search Menu” screen;
◎ In the “Search Menu” screen (Picture 3.43), select “Address
Book” to enter the “Address Book” screen (Picture 3.44).
2.Select one Address or POI and touch “OK".
◎ Select one address you want to set as destination and touch
When successfully operated, the system will automatically return
to the “Route Plan”screen and display the selected one in the
destination list.
Picture 3.44Address Book Screen
Picture 3.43Search Menu Screen
3.7 Go home
A-Navi System enables you to navigate directly to a specified home address in an easy and efficient way. In the “Main
Menu”(Picture 4.2), select “Go Home” and the system will automatically start navigating to the position of My Home.
◎If the place of My Home has not been specified, when you touch
“Go Home”, the system will prompt as Picture 3. 46.
◎Touch “Yes”, the system enters “Search Menu” screen to set up
home address.
◎For operation details, please refer to chapter 3.1.
◎After specifying home address, system enter “Route Plan”
Please refer to chapter 4 for “Route Plan” operation details.
Picture 3.45 Search Menu Screen
Picture 3.46 System Prompt
Picture 3.47 Set up home address
Picture 3.48 Route Plan Screen
4. Route Plan
With GPSNavigator6 you can enter the desired destination (as described in Chapter 3) and also specify how the route to be
GPSNavigator6 enables to three waypoints during navigation. The system calculates a proposed route according to the
sequence of the waypoints you specified, and guides you to the final destination.
After you enter waypoints/destination, the system enter “Route Plan" screen. This chapter will describe all the functions of
this screen.
4.1 Destination Management
4.1.1 Add or delete destination(s)
GPSNavigator6 allows you to add up to three waypoint and destinations. Usually the start point is the GPS-fixed current
: touch it and enter “Search Menu” to search waypoint/destination(refers to Chapter 3).
: touch it and the highlight waypoint/destination in yellow is deleted.
4.1.2 Change the sequence of destination
: touch it to move up the highlight waypoint/destination.
: touch it to move down the highlight waypoint/destination.
Gray key means the function is disabled.
Picture 4.1 Route Plan
4.1.3 Display destination on map
◎In “Route Plan” screen, touch and enter the map
location of the highlight waypoint/destination. Here allow you:
a.Topin on map and check information of the
b.To zoom out/in;
c.To draw map in all directions
4.2 Route Options
GPSNavigator6 offers you optimization settings of navigation. These settings are the basis parameters for calculating the
◎Touch on “Route Plan” screen and enter “Route
Options” screen(Picture 4.3).
GPSNavigator6 enable user to select road type and routing style according to different navigation situations.
The default setting is Fast car mode, Quickest Route and Prefer Motorway, Ferries and Toll. You may touch each parameter
to change the mode or style.
(1) Road type:
: Use of Motorway: most use of Motorway Use of Motorway: least use of Motorway
: Use of Ferries: most use of Ferries Use of Ferries: least use of Ferries neemt misbruik van zijn services uitermate serieus. U kunt hieronder aangeven waarom deze vraag ongepast is. Wij controleren de vraag en zonodig wordt deze verwijderd.
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