Safety instructions
– Read the In struction man ual and In stallation instructi ons and all other informati on enclosed wi th the w ashing
machine an d act acco rdingly.
– Retain the documents for subsequen t use.
Ris k of electric s hock – Never pull the cable to disconnect the main s plug!
– Only insert/pull out the mains plug with d ry hands.
Dan ger to life For worn- out appliances:
– Dis connect th e mains plug.
– Sever the ma ins cable and disc ard along w ith the plug.
– Destr oy the lock on the wash ing machine d oor. This will prevent ch ildren from
locki ng themselves in and riskin g their li ves.
Dan ger of suffoc ation – K eep pa ckaging, film and packagi ng parts o ut of the reach o f children.
Ris k of poisonin g – Keep de tergents and ca re produ cts out of th e reach of ch ildren.
Ris k of explosion – Items of laundr y pretreated w ith cleaning ag ents contai ning solven ts, e.g. stain
remover/ cleaning solvent may caus e an explos ion after bei ng loaded into the
wash ing machi ne.
Rinse items of l aundry thoro ughly by hand beforeha nd.
Ris k of injury – The wash ing mach ine do or can become very hot.
– Be car eful when dr aining hot deter gent solutio n.
– Do not c limb on to the washing machi ne.
– Do not l ean on the o pen wash ing machi ne door.
– Do not rea ch into the drum if it is still rota ting.
Consumption values
Programm e
Load W ate r***
Power *** Program
water inlet temperatur e
cold 40 °C 6 0 °C
algod. (Cottons /coloureds) 30 °C** 8 kg 76 l 0.35 kWh 2:20 h
algod. ( Cottons /coloureds) 40 ° C** 8 kg 76 l 0.97 kWh 0.47 kWh 0 .33 kWh 2:30 h
algod. ( Cottons /coloureds) 60 ° C** 8 kg 76 l 1.36 kWh 0.81 kWh 0 .40 kWh 2:40 h
algod. ( Cottons /coloureds) 60 ° C
1 eco*
8 kg 56 l *1.03 kWh 0.89 kWh 0 .67 kWh 3:25 h
algod. ( Cottons /coloureds) 90 °C 8 kg 87 l 2.34 kWh 1.8 4 kWh 1.3 5 kWh 2: 30 h
sintéti cos (Easy- care) 40 °C* * 3.5 kg 55 l 0.55 kWh 0.2 5 kWh 0.1 5 kWh 1: 43 h
ráp ido mix (mixe d fabrics) 40 °C ** 3.5 kg 49 l 0.47 kWh 0.2 1 kWh 0.1 1 kWh 1: 01 h
delicad os (Delicates/ silk) :c (cold) 2 kg 35 l 0.04 k Wh 0:41 h
delicad os (Delicate s/silk) 30 °C 2 kg 35 l 0.14 kWh 0:41 h
ÿlana/lã (Woo l) :c (cold) 2 kg 40 l 0.06 kWh 0:40 h
ÿlana/lã (Woo l) 30 °C 2 kg 40 l 0.16 kWh 0:40 h
* Programme s etting for tes ting and ener gy labelling in accordan ce with EU di rective 92/75/E EC for col d water.
** Programme s etting for tes ting in ac cordance with applicab le stand ard EN60456.
Note on com parative tests: Wh en using th e test prog rammes, w ash the spe cified load u sing the maximum spi n speed.
As a shor t programm e for c oloureds, select the progr amme rápi do mix ( mixed fabri cs) 40 °C and the m aximum spin
*** Th e values deviate from the indicat ed values dep ending on wat er pressure , hardness, an d inlet tem perature, amb ient
temperature, typ e, amount an d soiling of the laun dry, detergent u sed, fluctuati ons in th e power supp ly and selected
additional functi ons.
Important information
B efore wash in g fo r th e first tim e
Do not put any l aundry in th e machi ne. Turn the tap on. Po ur the followi ng into compar tment II:
– approx. 1 litre water
– detergent (dos age accord ing to the manufacturer 's instruction s for ligh t soiling and accordin g to water h ardness)
Turn th e programm e selector to si ntétic os (Easy-c are) 60 °C and pr ess inicio/p ausa +carga ( Sta rt/Pause+Reload).
At th e end of the pr ogramme, tu rn the progr amme select or to stop (Off).
Prote c ting the lau ndr y a nd the ma chine
– When determi ning the dos age of all wa shing powd ers, additiv es and cleanin g agents, yo u mus t follow the
manufact urer's instruct ions.
– Empty po ckets.
– Look out for m etal item s (paperclips , etc.).
– Wash delic ates in a la undry bag (tights, curta ins, underwire d bras).
– Fasten zips, do up an y buttons.
– Brush sand out of po ckets and collars.
– Remove curta in fittings or place in the laundr y bag.
Loa di ng l aun dr y
Load items of laun dry of varying sizes.
Take care not to trap items of lau ndry betw een the was hing machin e door an d the rubber seal.
La undr y wi th varyi ng degr ees of soi ling
Wash new item s of cloth ing separately.
ligh t
Do not p re-wash. If requ ired, select th e addition a 2 rápido function.
Pretreat an y stains as n ecessary.
heav y Do not load as much laun dry. S elect the prog ram with pre-wash .
So aki ng Load lau ndry of the s ame colour.
Pour soaking agen t/detergent into compa rtment II in accordance with the manu facturer's instructio ns. Turn the
progr amme selector to a lgod. ( Cottons/co loureds) 3 0 °C a nd press inicio /pa usa +carga (Start /Pa use+R eload). A fter
app rox. 10 minu tes, press in icio/pausa +car ga (Start/Pa use+Rel oad ) to stop th e programm e. Once th e required
soak ing time ha s elapsed, pr ess inicio /pausa +carga (Start /Paus e+Reloa d) again to continu e the programme, o r
chan ge to a diff erent programme.
Sta rch ing L aundry mu st not be treated with fabric softener
Sta rching is p ossible in all w ash program mes if liquid star ch is u sed. Pour s tarch into the ~ fa bric soften er
compa rtment in a ccordan ce with the m anufacturer 's instructions ( rinse first i f necessary ).
D yeing /ble achi ng
Dy e should only be used in normal ho usehold quantiti es. Salt ma y damage stainless steel. Always follo w the dye
manuf acturer's ins tructions. D o not use t he washing mac hine f or bleaching clothes.
im pe rm. ( Ou tdo or) Laundry mu st not be t reated with fabr ic softener.
Sp ecial detergent suitable for machine washing is a vailable particularly in sports shops. For do sage i nformation, s ee the
manuf acturer 's instructions. S pecial detergent for ou tdoor c loth ing in compartment II. Tu rn the p rogramme selector to
impe rm. (Outdo or) Selec t the temperatu re and in icio/pau sa +carga ( Sta rt/Pause+Reload ).
1 0
Insert for liquid detergent d epending on model
Posi tion the inser t for dispen sing liqui d detergent:
– Remove the detergen t drawer co mpletely
pag e 10.
– Slide the i nsert forwar ds.
Do not use the in sert (slide u pwards):
– for gel deter gents and w ashing pow der,
– for programmes with +prelav . (pre-wa sh) or option pr. d iferida (Finished in).
Mach in e ho using , co nt rol pan el
– Remove d etergent resi due immed iately.
– Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.
– Do not clean with a jet of water.
Cle aning th e de terg ent drawe r . ..
... if it contains dete rgent or fabric softe ner residues.
1. Pu ll out, press ins ert down, remove drawer c ompletely.
2. To remove the inser t: press th e insert up wards from belo w with you r finger.
3. Clean th e detergent di spenser tray and inser t with water an d a brus h and dry it.
4. Fit the insert an d engage (co nnect the cylin der to the g uide pin).
5. Push in the deter gent drawer.
Lea ve the detergent drawer open so that any residual water can evap orate.
Lea ve the washing machin e door open s o that the drum can dry out.
Use chlorine-free cleaning agen t, not s teel wool.
D esca lin g Ensure there is no laund ry in the machine!
This s hould n ot be necess ary if the cor rect detergen t dosage h as been used. If i t is nec essary, how ever, proceed
ac cording to the descaling agent m anufacturer's ins tructions. S uitable desc alers can b e obtained via our website or
from our after- sales service (
page 13).
Information on the display panel d epe nding on mo del
fla shing Close th e washing machine doo r properly; laundry may be caug ht.
§: ³Å, É Open the (cold water) tap c omple tely, supply hose kinked or tra pped ; Clean the fi lter
page 11,
water press ure too low.
§: ³µ – D etergent sol ution pump blocked; Clean the detergen t solution pump
page 11.
– D rainage hos e/waste pi pe blocked; Clean the dra inage hose at the siphon
page 11.
§: ´ W ater in the ba se tub, app liance leakin g. Call the after-sales service.
©: ³¯ – T urn on the (ho t water) tap completel y.
– S upply hose ki nked/trapp ed.
– Water pressure t oo low. Clea n th e filter a page 11 .
# Childpr oof lock ac tivated: to deactiv ate a p age 5.
Other display s Switch off the appliance, w ait for 5 seconds and switch it back on. If the display appears again, call
the after-sales servic e
pag e 13.
– Risk o f electric s hock! Disconne ct the mains plug.
– Ris k of explosion! No solven ts.
1 1
Infor ma tio n a bout b lo ckag es
De terg ent s olut ion pum p
Turn th e programm e selector to stop (Off) a nd dis connect the mains plug.
1. Ope n and remove th e service flap .
2. Take the drainag e hose out o f the retain er.
Remove t he seal ing cap, allow the detergent s olution to flow out.
Pu sh the seali ng cap back o n.
3. Unscr ew the pump cover ca refully (residu al water).
4. Cle an the inte rior, pump c over thread and pump hou sing (the impeller in the detergent
solutio n pump m ust be able to rotate).
5. Rep lace the pump cover and screw it on tig htly. Th e handle points upright. Repla ce the
dra inage hose in the hold er.
6. Refit the service flap and clo se it.
To pr event unus ed detergent f rom flowing s traight into the drain duri ng the next wash:
Po ur 1 litre of water into compar tment II and start program me l (D rain).
Drai nag e h ose at th e s iphon
Turn th e programm e selector to stop (Off) a nd disconn ect the main s plug.
1. Loo sen the hose c lamp, remo ve the drainag e hose ca refully (residu al water).
2. Cle an the drain age hose and s iphon co nnecting pi ece.
3. Rea ttach the dra inage hose and secu re the connec tion with th e hose clamp.
Filter in the w at er supp ly
Risk of ele ctric shock
Do not im merse the Hyd roSafe s afety device in water (it conta ins an elec tric valve) .
Red uce the water pressure in the supp ly hose:
1. Turn o ff the tap.
2. Sele ct any prog ramme (except (S pin)/4 (Empty )).
3. Press inicio/pausa +carga ( Start/Pause+Rel oad). Let the programme run for ap proximately
40 seco nds.
4. Turn th e programm e selector to stop (Off). Disconn ect the mains plug.
Cle an the filter :
5. Dis connect the hose from the tap.
Cle an the filter w ith a smal l brush.
and/ or for Standard an d Aqua-Secure models:
Remove t he hose from the back o f the appli ance,
Remove t he filter using pliers and clean the filter.
6. Con nect the hose and chec k for leaks.
Risk of scalding
– Allow the detergent solution to co ol down.
– Turn off the tap .
1 2
What to do if...
Water is leaking out. – Attach /replace t he draina ge hose cor rectly.
– Tighten th e screw conne ction o f the supply ho se.
No wa ter supply.
Det ergent not di spensed.
– inicio/pa usa +car ga ( St art/ Pause+ Reload) no t pressed?
– Tap not turn ed on?
– Filter blocked? Clea n the filter
page 11.
– Supply hose kinked or tra pped?
Was hing mac hine door can not
be op ened.
– Safety function active. Prog ramme stopped ?
pag e 4.
– (Rin se Hold = no final spin ) selected?
page 3, 4.
– Can be opened by emer gency releas e only?
page 13.
Progra mme does not start. – inicio /pa usa +car ga (St art/ Pause+ Reload) pressed or "Finis hed in" time
– Washing machine doo r closed?
– Childlock active? Deactivate
page 5.
Dete rgent soluti on does no t
dra in.
– (Rin se Hold = no final spin ) selected?
page 3, 4.
– Clean the detergent solution pump
pag e 11.
– Clean the waste pipe an d/or draina ge hose.
Water n ot visible in the drum. – Not a fa ult - water below the visi ble area.
Sp in result not sati sfacto ry.
Laundr y wet/ too damp.
– Not a fault - th e unba lanced-load d etection sys tem interrup ted spinning , uneven
laundry di stribution.
Distribut e large and sma ll items of laundry evenly in the drum.
– 3 m enos (Red uced iron ing) selected ?
page 5.
– Speed selected too low?
page 5.
The pr ogramme d uration
chan ges during the washin g
cy cle.
– Not a fa ult - the programme sequen ce is optimised fo r the relevant washin g
process. Th is can cause chang es in the progr amme duratio n in the disp lay panel.
Dru m spins gently several ti mes. – Not a fault - unba lanced-load de tection sys tem is adjustin g the im balance.
Resid ual water in the ~
compa rtment for ca re produc ts.
– Not a fault - th e action o f the care product is not affected.
– Clean the insert if necessary
page 10.
Odours in the washing ma chine. – Run programme algod. (Cottons/c oloureds) 9 0 °C w ithout laundry. Use standard
Sta tus display³þ flash ing.
Dete rgent may escape from the
deterg ent draw er.
– Too much detergent used?
Mix 1 tablesp oon of fa bric soften er with ½ litre o f water and pour into
compartmen t II ( not for outdoor or down fab rics).
– Reduce the detergent do sage for the n ext wash cyc le.
Loud spinnin g, vibrations and
“walki ng” during the spin c ycle.
– Are the applian ce feet fixed?
Secure appli ance feet
Installa tion ins tructions.
– Transportation saf ety device s removed?
Remove transp ortation safety devic es
Installa tion instruction s.
Noises during spinning and
dra ining.
– Clean the detergent solution pump
pag e 11.
Dis play panel/in dicator l amps
do not function during
ope ration.
– Power cut?
– Circuit breake rs trip ped or fuses blown? Reset the circuit breakers or change the
– Energy sa ving mode activ e?
– If the fault o ccurs repeatedly, ca ll the after -sales service.
Progra mme s equence lon ger
than usual.
– Not a fault - unb alanced-l oad detecti on system i s adjusting t he imbalanc e by
repeatedly r edistributing th e laund ry.
– Not a fault - foam detec tion system active - adds an additiona l rinse cycle.
There i s deterge nt residue on
the laun dry.
– Occasion ally, phosp hate-free deterg ents contai n water-inso luble residu es.
– Select 5 (R inse) or brush out the laun dry after washing.
1 3
What to do if...
In reload m ode,
inicio/pausa+ carga ( Star t/
Pause+Reload ) flashes very
quickly and a signal sou nds
– Water level too h igh. Not po ssible to add mo re laundry. Close the w ashing machine
door immedi ately if nec essary.
– To continue the programme, pr ess inicio /p ausa +carga (Sta rt /Pause+Reload).
If you cann ot correct a fa ult your self (switching o n/off) or a r epair is req uired:
– Turn the programme s elector to stop ( Off) a nd remove the mai ns plug from th e socket.
– Turn off the tap and call th e after-sales service a pa ge 13.
Emergency release e.g. in the e vent o f a powe r cu t
The programme continues when the power supply is restored. However, if the laundry has to be removed, the w ashing
machine doo r can be op ened as follow s:
Risk of sca lding!
The detergen t solution and laund ry may be ho t. If possible, l eave to cool down.
Do not re ach into the drum if it is sti ll rotating.
Do not open the washin g machin e door if water can be seen th rough the gla ss.
1. Turn the progr amme selec tor to stop (Off) and disconn ect the mains plug.
2. Drain the d etergent soluti on a page 11.
3. Pull the emerg ency release downwards with a tool an d releas e.
Washing ma chine door c an then be opened.
After-sales service
If you c annot remedy the f ault yourself (What to do if ..., a pag e 12, 1 3) , contact our after -sales s ervice. We w ill a lways
find a suitab le solution to avoid unn ecessary visi ts by repair per sonnel.
The contact de tails of y our neares t after-sales ser vice can b e found here o r in the after -sales service di rectory
(model-depend ent).
Please give the after -sales s ervice the product number ( E no.) and th e productio n (FD) number of the appliance.
Product number Production n umber
This informa tion can be found:
on the ins ide of th e washing ma chine door* /opened servi ce
flap* an d rear of the appliance.
*model- dependent
Trust the manufa cturer's competenc e. Turn to u s.
You will thereb y ensure that the repairs are performed by trained service personnel equipped with original repair parts.
Instruc tion manua l
Wash ing
ma chine
Observe t he safet y instruc tions on pag e 8.
Read these instructions and the s eparate
installation in structio ns before operating
the washi ng machine .