Overvie w of pro gram mes aRefer to the table of co nsumption v alues on page 8, a nd advice and war nings on page 6.
Programm es °C max.
T yp e of laundr y
Additional funct ions; Information
algod. (Cottons)
: - 90 °C
7 kg/
4 kg*
hard-weari ng fabrics, co t tons or linen that c an be
wash e d at 90 °C
+ ráp ido
2*, + ec o 1, menos w , ex tra
+ prelav . (Prewash)
sintéticos (Ea sy-Care)
: - 60 °C
3.5 k g
easy-car e cotton, linen , synthetic or blended fabrics
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, menos w , extra
+ prelav . (Prewash )
rápido mix (Qui ck Mix) : - 40 °C cotton or s ynthetic fabrics
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, menos w , extra ;
different types of laundr y can be washed togethe r
r . oscura/r . escura
(Dark Laundr y)
: - 40 °C da rk cotto n and dark s y nthe tic fabrics
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, menos w , extra ;
reduced rinse and final spi n cycle
c amisa s (Sh irts/Bu siness )
: - 60 °C
2 kg
non-iron shirts made of c otton, linen, sy nthetic fibres or
blended fa brics
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, menos w , extra ;
menos w : s pin only, ha ng up dripping wet
: - 40 °C
for delica te fabrics, e.g., silk, satin, syntheti c fibres or
blended fa brics (e.g. curtai ns)
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, menos w , extra :
no spin between rinse cycles
ÿ lana/lã (Wool) : - 40 °C hand /machine was hable wool
particul arly delicate wash programme to a void shrinkage of laun dry ;
longer pro gramme breaks (fab rics rest in the detergent soluti on)
sup. rápido 1 5 min
(Super Qui ck )
: - 40 °C
synthetic cotton, linen , syn thetic fibres or blen ded
short prog ramme of appro x. 15 minutes,
suitable for li ghtly soiled laun dry
imperm. (Outdo or) : - 40 °C
all-we a ther, sports and outdoor fabrics including fabrics
with weath erproof memb r ane
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, extra ;
reduced f i na l spin in intervals
lencería/linge rie (Linger y) : - 40 °C 1 kg lingery
+ ráp ido
2, + eco 1, menos w , extra
Additional progra mmes 2ü (Rinse)/c (Spin), 4 ü (Empty), c d elicado (Gentle Spin)
* r educed lo ad with additi onal function + rápi d o
As a s hort progr amme r ápido mix (Quick Mix) 40 °C with a maximu m spin speed, is i d eal.
For programmes without prewash, add deter gent to compa rtment II . For pr ew as h programmes, di stribute the deterg ent between comp artments I and II .
9010 / 900055 4022
3TS74120 A /...
Balay Electrogeräte Gm bH
Carlä Wery Str. 3 4
81739 Munich / German y
Sa fety ins truc tions
– Carefully read the instruction manual and the information enclo sed, and act a ccord ingly.
– Keep the m achine's docu mentation for futu re reference.
Ris k o f electric shock! – Never pull the cable to disc onnect the ma in s plug!
– Never in sert/disconnect the ma ins plug wi th damp hands.
Dan ger to life! For worn- out appliances:
– Dis connect the mains plug.
– Sever the ma ins cable an d discard along with the plug.
– Destr oy the lock on th e washing mach ine door. This will prevent children f ro m
locki ng themselves in an d risking their lives.
Dan ger of suffocation ! – Keep p ackaging, film and packaging pa rts out of the r each o f children.
Ris k o f poisoning! – Keep detergents and ca re products out o f the reach of children.
Ris k o f explosion! – Items of laundry pretrea ted with cleani ng agents containin g solvents, e.g. s tain
remover/ cleaning solven t may lead to an explosion after being loaded into the
wash i ng machine.
Rinse items of laundr y tho roughly by han d beforehand.
Ris k o f injury! – The wash ing machine do or may become very hot.
– Be car eful when drain i ng hot detergent solutio n.
– Do not c limb onto the wa shing machi ne.
– Do not l ean on the open w ashing mach ine door.
– Do not rea ch into the d r u m if it is still rota ting.
– Be car ef u l when opening th e detergent drawer while the machin e is in operation .
Con su mpt ion v alu es de pending on m o del
Programm e
Additiona l
Load Water***
Electricity** *
Water inlet temper ature
cold 40 °C
algod. ( Cottons) :](col d) 7 kg 60 l 0 .24 k Wh 0.24 kWh 145 min
algod. ( Cottons)30 °C** 7 kg 59 l 0 .37 k Wh 0.37 kWh 145 min
algod. ( Cottons)40 °C** 7 kg 59 l 0 .98 kWh 0.6 4 kWh 155 min
algod. ( Cottons)60 °C** 7 kg 59 l 1 .15 kWh 0.8 8 kWh 165 min
algod. ( Cottons)90 °C 7 kg 69 l 2 .10 kWh 1.6 6 kWh 155 min
algod. ( Cottons)60 °C
+ eco 1 *
7 kg 42 l 1 .05 kWh 0.8 5 kWh 180 min
sintéti cos 40 °C* * 3.5 kg 5 3 l 0 .62 kWh 0.43 kWh 87 mi n
ráp i do m i x 40 °C** 3.5 kg 4 7 l 0 .54 kWh 0.41 kWh 60 mi n
delicad os 30 °C 2 kg 34 l 0 .19 k Wh 0.19 kWh 41 min
delicad os :](col d) 2 kg 35 l 0 .05 kWh 0.0 5 kWh 41 min
lana /lã 30 °C 2 kg 39 l 0 .17 kWh 0.1 7 kWh 40 min
lana /lã :](cold) 2 kg 39 l 0 .03 k Wh 0.03 kWh 40 min
* Pro g ramme s etting for tes ting and energy l abelling in accordan ce with EU di rec tive 9 2/75/EEC.
** Programme setting for testing in ac cordance w ith va lid standard EN604 56.
Note on com parative tests: Fo r testing the test pro grammes, wash the specified lo a d u sing the maximum spin speed.
As a short progr amme for coloured s, select the pr ogramme rápido mi x (Quick Mix) 40 °C with the max imum spin
*** Th e values deviate from the ind icated values depending on wat er pressure, hard ness, and inlet tem perature, amb ient tem-
perature, typ e, amount and soili ng of the laun dry, detergent used, f luctu ations in the power supply and selected additi onal
Car e and cle anin g
Befor e th e first wash
Do n ot put l aundry i n the m achine ! Turn o n the ta p . Pu t into co mpartme nt II :
– app rox. 2 li tres of wa ter
– det ergent (mea sure accord ing to t he manu facturer's instru ctions f or lightl y soiled l aundry and wat er hardn ess)
Turn the pr ogramme selector to s intéti cos (Easy -Car e) 60 °C and pr ess (Start/ R eload) . At th e end o f the pr ogramme ,
tur n the pro gramm e select or to o (st op).
Ma chin e hou sing, con trol pan el
– Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.
– Do not use any abrasive cloths, scourers or cl eanin g ag ents (stainless steel cleaners).
– Remove detergent and c leaning agent residue.
– Do not wash the machine with a jet of water!
Clean ing t he dete rgen t d rawe r ...
... if it contains detergent or fabric softene r residues.
1. P ull out, p ress insert down a nd remo ve draw er complet ely.
2. To r emove the insert : press up wards from bel ow wit h your fi nger.
3. For models with ins ert for l iquid det ergent :Slide the i nsert upw ards and remo ve it fr om the b ack.
4. Cle an the d etergent dispen ser tra y and in serts wit h water an d a brus h and dry them.
5. At tach the in sert a nd en gage (con nect the c ylinder to the g uide p in).
6. P ush in the detergen t draw er.
Leave the detergent drawer open so that any residual water can evaporate.
Dru m
Leave the washing machine door open so that the drum can dry out.
F o r r u s t s ta i n s , u s e c h lo r i ne -fr e e c le a n i n g a g e n t , n o t st e el w o ol.
De scal ing Ensure the re is no la undry in the machine!
This will not be necessary if the correct dosage of detergent is used. If it is, descale the appliance according to the
manufacturer's instructions. D escaling pr oducts can be acquired o n the web site or from customer services aInstallation
Em erge ncy rele ase (e.g. in the event of a power c ut)
The programme continues to run when the power has been restored. However, if the laundry has to be remov ed, the
washing machine door can be opened as follows:
Risk of scalding!
The detergent solution and laundry may be hot. Let it cool.
Do not reach into the drum if it is still rotating.
Do not open the washing machine door if water can be seen through the glass.
1. Turn the p rogram me select or to o (stop) an d disco nnect the main s plug.
2. Dra in the detergen t solution apage 10.
3. P ull the emer gency re lease do wnward s wit h a tool and relea se.
Th e washin g mac hine doo r can th en be ope ned .
Informatio n on the displa y panel depe nding on model
, f lashes
Close the washing machine door properly; laundry may be caught.
§: ³Å,
: É
Turn on the tap fully, supply hose kinked or trapped;
Clean the filter ap age 10, wate r pressure too low.
§: ³µ Detergent solution pump blocked; Clean the detergent solution pump apag e 10.
Drainage hose / waste pipe blocked; Clean the drainage hose at the siphon apag e 10.
§: ´
Water in the base tub, appliance leaking. Call customer ser vices!
©: ³¯
Not a fault. Entry of unused hot water. Check hot water tap.
# Childpr oof lock activated : to dea ctivate a pa ge 5.
– Risk of electr ic shock! Disco nnect the mains plug .
– Risk of explos ion! Do not use solv ents.
1 0
Mai ntena nce
D eterg ent soluti on p ump
Tur n the programm e selector to o (stop) and disconnect
the m ains plug.
1. Usin g a screwdriver or the insert for liqu id detergent
(d e pend ing on model), open and remove the se r vice flap.
2. Remove t he folding gut ter and place a lar ge enough conta iner underneat h.
3. For models with a d rainage hose: Remove the draina ge hose from the retainer and pull i t
from the housing.
Remove th e sealing cap, allow the detergent solution to flow out into the container. Replace
the s ealing cap and pla ce the draina ge hose in the retain er .
3* For models without a drainage hose: Carefully unscrew the pump cover 1 80 ° or until the
deterg ent solution beg ins to flow out on the folding gutter. When the conta iner is full, clos e
the pump cover and empty th e container. Repeat the above step s until all the detergent
solutio n has completely drained out.
4. Caref ully unscrew t he pump cover (ther e may be residu a l water).
5. Cle a n the interior, pump c over thread a nd pump housing (t he impeller in the detergent
solutio n pump must ro tate).
6. Rep la ce the pump cover an d screw it tightly.
7. Retur n the drainag e hose (depending on model) and the folding gutter to their start position.
8. Plac e the service flap back o n and close.
To pr event unused det e rgent from flowing str aight into the drai n during the ne xt wash:
Pour 2 litres of water into compartmen t II and then sta rt the 4
ü(Em pty) programm e.
D rainag e hose at the sipho n
Tur n the programm e selector to o (stop) and disconnect the mains plug.
1. Loo sen the hose c la m p, carefully remove th e drainage hose (r esidual water).
2. Clean th e drainage hose and siphon connecting piece.
3. Rea ttach the drainag e hose and secu re the connec tion with the hose cla mp.
Filte r in the wat er su pp ly
Risk of ele ctric shock!
Do not im merse the Aqua-St op safety device in water (contain s an electric valv e).
Red uce the water pres sure in the supp ly hose:
1. Turn o ff the tap.
2. Select an y programme ( except 2
ü(Rinse)/c (Spin) / / 4(Empty)) .
3. Cho ose (Start/ Reload ). Let the progr amme run for approx imately 40 seco nds.
4. Turn th e programm e selector to o (stop). Disconn ect the mains plug .
Cle a n th e filter:
5. Disconnec t the hose from th e tap.
Cle a n the filter using a sma ll brush.
and/ or for Standar d a nd Aqua-Secur e models:
Remove t he hose on the rear of the ap p lianc e.
Remove t he filter wit h plier s and clean.
6. Con nect the hose an d check for leaks.
– R isk of burning!
Allow th e detergent solutio n to cool.
– T urn off the tap.
1 1
Wh at to do if...
Water is leaking out – Attach/ replace the draina ge hose correc tly.
– Tighten th e screw connection of the supp ly hose.
No wa ter supply.
Det er gen t not dispensed.
– (Start/Reload) not selected?
– Tap not turn ed on?
– Filter blocked ? Clean the filter ap age 1 0.
– Supply hose kinked or trapped ?
The ap pliance door will not
op en.
– Safety fun ction active. Pr og ramme stopped? a page 4.
– (without final s pin) selected? apa ge 3, 4.
– Can be ope ned by emergenc y releas e only? ap age 9.
– Door loc k ed after the wash i ng machine is switc hed off: Switch on t he wash ing
machine an d wait for 5 se conds.
The s elected programme does
not start.
– (Start/Reload) or b (h) (Ready in ) tim e selected?
– Washing machine door clos ed?
– Childpr oof lock active? Deacti vate apage 5.
Detergen t solution i s not
dra i ned .
– (without final s pin) selected? apa ge 3, 4.
– Clean the d eterg ent solution pu mp apage 10.
– Clean the waste pipe and/or dr ainage hose.
No wa ter can be seen in the
– Not a fau lt. Water remains in side below th e visible area.
Sp in result not satisfa ctory.
Laundr y wet/too damp.
– Not a fault. Spin control system has s topped the spin cycle. Uneven distributio n of
Distribut e large and small items of laund r y evenly i n the drum.
– menos S (Reduced Iron ing) selected? a page 5.
– Selected sp eed too low? ap age 5.
Progra mme duration changes
sud d enly d uring operati on.
– Not a fault. Th e pr ogram time c an vary according t o t he distribution of laundry, with
it therefore bei ng possible for th e display panel to show adjustmen ts in the
Sp in cycle performed s everal
times .
– Not a fault. Th e balance con trol system ha s detected an imbalan ce and is
attempting to redress this b y r epea ting the spin.
Resid ual water in th e
compa rtment for care p ro ducts.
– Not a fault : the action of the c are product i s n ot affected.
– Clean the comp artment if neces sary apage 9.
Odour f ormation in the wa shing
mac hine.
– Run pr og ramme algod. (C ottons)90 °C witho ut laundry. Use standard d etergent.
Sta tus display 1 flashing.
Ap pliance has dete cted a
deterg ent overload.
– Too muc h deterg ent used?
If fo am i s escaping from th e deter gent drawer: mix 1 tablespoon of fa bric softener
with ½ lit re of water and pour i nto compa r tment II (not with outdoor or down
– Reduce the detergent dosag e for the next wash cycle.
Inten se noise formation ,
vib r ation s and "wander ing"
duri ng the spin cycle.
– Are the ap pliance feet fixed?
Secure the appliance feet aIn stallation inst ructions .
– Transportati on safety devic es removed?
Remove transp ortation safety devices aInsta llation instruction s .
Dis p lay pa nel/indicator l amps
remai n turned off whi le the
mac hine is worki ng.
– Energy-savi ng mode ap a ge 5.
– Power cut?
– Fuses tri g gere d ? R eset/change th e fuse.
– If the fault o ccurs repeated ly, cal l customer ser v ices .
Progra mme sequence l onger
than usual.
– Not a fa ult. Unbalanced load detection syst em adjusts imbalanc e by repeatedly
distributing th e laundry.
– Not a fa ult: foam detection s ystem active; a d ds an additional rins e cycle.
Det ergent residues o n the
lau ndry.
– Occasion a l ly , phos phate-free deterg ents contain w ater- i nso luble residues.
– Select 2
ü(Rinse)/ c(Spin) or brush out the laundry af t er washing.
If you c annot correc t a fault yourself or if a repair is necess ary:
– Turn the progr amme selector to o (stop) and remove the m a in s plug from the soc ket.
– Turn off the w ater supply and c all customer services aIn stallation instructions.
Instruc tions for use
Wash ing
Mac hine
Observe t he safety ins t ruc t io ns on
page 8!
Read these instructions and the s eparate
installation in structions be fore operating
the washi ng machine.